Please tell me again how this man is in Cognitive decline? Bravo Biden.

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I agree!!! I heard him the other day, and I said what are people talking about! We MUST counter this narrative! And re: his speech on democracy and the MAGA's.... he's spot on! WHY do these MAGA's not get it??? Ugh! We need more and more of his words to overload the MAGA's in the crazy Faux news ecosystem that we all exist under. NPR even makes me crazy now cuz they keep going over Biden and his age. It's so interesting... no other group can we chastise and make fun of..... except folks that are getting old. It's ageism people and it's wrong. Just wrong.

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Remember the mantra for Biden: savvy, seasoned, and sane!

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And kind

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And the irony is everyone will age. While not everyone will one day be black, or female, or disabled or any other ‘protected’ category, one day EVERYONE will be old. You’re right—it’s ageism.

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I am going to start flaunting my age to let people know how good being in your 80s can look! & how competent I am. Defy stereotypes!

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When i hear the rant about Biden being too old i just remind folks Mick Jagger is 80 too.

Really all the rolling stones are about that age . It makes people stop and think

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Good reply!

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Trump is old too but he is showing it.

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Trump is mostly too crazy!!!

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I saw a picture of him that must have slipped by the censures. Looking older-lot older. Maybe he didn't have his make up on.

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His diet is a killer.

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Yes, Yes, Yes, I'm a few years older than Biden, so know he's up to the job.

Our biggest mistake would be to not keep him our President after all he and his administration have given those of us that know what the hell is going on!

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You go girl!

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I’m with you!!

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I do that. I let people know I’m 73 and still going strong.

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Give me a month to catch up. I was 68 participating in my first door to door campaigning. Never paid any attention to politics before then. Actually I slept better before that, but lack of sleep will not keep me away

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I'm constantly telling people my age: 84 (in October, I always skip ahead)...I think, I shouldn't do that; people may think less of an old person.

But, actually, I think it's a gas! Imagine that: 84!!!

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I"m right behind you at 78!!! What a great idea! Thanks, Carole!

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Death and taxes eh?

While Trump has to die like us all, he's done a very good job, up to now, in avoiding paying his fair share of taxes.

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There is nothing on record about President Biden’s having failed to pay his taxes. There is not even a suggestion that he has failed to pay his taxes.

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He even showed his income taxes in a timely manner. Hopefully the draft and tax dodger will not slip out of his New York verdict

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It's the only flaw they can find for him to be president. And, yes, it's discrimination.

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NPR is guilty of repeated age discrimination against Biden. Over and over I hear its stories about his age that make it seem as if he stumbles and falls regularly. It's grotesque coverage and beneath any quality news organization.

Who in the hell doesn't occasionally trip on stairs, no matter their age? And does NPR ever comment on Trump's obesity and fast-road-to-death unhealthy diet? Or ill health effects of his non-stop rage?

Maybe NPR is angling for a pass when Trump, if elected, starts his dictatorial rule by shutting down news organizations.

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Shoot, I’m 55 and sitting here in a cast because I failed to notice a pothole as big as the Grand Canyon, tripped and broke my wrist. If stumbling, tripping or falling is a symptom of old age, I’m in big trouble, lol!

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Yikes! I broke my wrist back when I was 57 and it hurt like mad! I’m so sorry for the pain you are going through. Heal quickly and no, you are not old, you are younger than my daughter.

Be proud of your successes and continue fighting for democracy.

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We all age differently. While some octogenarians are infirm, others are vigorous well into their nineties.

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On the other hand, Biden seems to make up for this in assigning a lot of women and blacks, Hispanics, even LBGT people (Pete) in his cabinet. Trump had Ben Carson. Jerome Adams was Surgeon General starting in July of 2020. His challenges were that he had to work in a somewhat racist atmosphere as well as one where science was downplayed. He had to deal with a president who refused to wear a mask during the pandemic. I don't know if the Surgeon General is appointed or not.

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[ It can hurt like hell when you've written about age, you've lived it, you're living it here and now, you want to share the experience for the best reason possible -- because you have just witnessed a masterful display of the wealth that age and experience can bring -- and the program deletes your thoughts...]

More writing on water...?

Let's go, anyway! I'll post and edit as I go along...


[There, the invisible censor has struck again. I must post what I draft more frequently...

Not to worry.

If, next week, I find myself still alive as I set out on my 85th year, I'll write this celebration of age and dedicate it to the man who inspired it today, President Joe Biden.

Meanwhile, back to MLMinET.]

Yes, we all age, but some who live the fullest, most meaningful lives, don't live long. So its falls to older, maybe lesser men and women to continue

the work they began.


Lives truncated.

Here, it's nothing but words... Normally, you should have had a complete item hours ago... Yet circumstances force me to leave you now.

I shall return.

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With age can come wisdom, which is more than beauty, a fast tongue, knowledge, or experience. It is something more than such pieces or their sum. Who has not realized that they will never be the smartest or best looking among their peers, but would gladly settle for being the more thoughtful and wisely comported? When I hear Mr Biden speak, fumble with some words, and speak off-handed, I hear the traces of his lifetime of experiences and mistakes addressed and learned from; considered thoughts absent smoothness of the naively certain.

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Thank you, Fred, for saying all these things, which I wanted to. But Biden inspired me to want to write a panegyric not only for him but to sing the virtues and advantages of age and experience -- all experience, errors, even disgrace, can become compost for fruitful growth.

And once again to plug my strong feeling that there's a crying need for alliances between young and old.

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Do write on, Peter. Last paragraph might be your beginning.

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You better, Peter. You are one of the people that keeps me coming here!

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Thank you, Annie.

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That is if we're lucky. We will age. The other irony is that Biden and tfg are in the same generation. While Biden is in peak health, tfg isn't and yet he isn't criticized for being too old.

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Yeah, like what happened to the notion of the old wise sage?

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Then do 60% of democrats want BIDEN not to run again?

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Some cultures idolize the elderly for their wisdom. The USA as a young nation we have had a tendency to idolize youth and in doing so we have had a bias against getting older. We have a vast industry devoted to making people who are aging to look younger than their years, not to mention the burgeoning longevity field.

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We have a very unfortunate tendency to idolize the very rich and famous, no matter what they did to become rich or famous.

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Yes, Not Old. Tfg should be famous for having THREE government shutdowns in his administration. Why do we conveniently forget or minimize all those important facts. Tfg loves chaos. He is the darling of the media and I will never understand why. He’s not news. He is incompetent, corrupt and dishonest. Lock him up already because he will never even come close to normalcy. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/09/26/when-was-the-last-government-shutdown/70969554007/

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EIGHT (8) government shutdowns under Reagan!! The "god" of the R Party (before tfg). How about that? The most ever...

Thanks, Gigi for that link.

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I can remember what it did to the National parks. Trash everywhere and very unsafe.

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I have never admired the rich and famous.

I do admire the ones that were famous, like Robert Redford, Meg Ryan who have used their wealth and fame to help those in need. I know there are many others.

It’s the greedy rich that I abhor.

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Why do the MAGA's not get it?? It may have something to do with their cognitive decline.

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Anyone can have cognitive issues early on.. Trump certainly has. One can be quite coherent and wise later in life too. People age differently, but values experience and education matter a lot.

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I agree. Trump has no values, principles or ethics. He is deeply experienced in the art of the con, and his education is "iffy' at best. He is a nut job.

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". . . you can’t love your country only when you win.” Thanks yet again to HCR for giving us most of Biden's speech rather than sound bites. The FG and his beasts are ready to "burn it all down." No shame, only idiocy that helps no one. Work now, for the night is coming. VOTE.

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I believe he is mentally dysfunctional but so normal-like at times that people can get on his wave length and get conned and "charmed" by his charisma.I believe he is amoral, without morals...maybe immoral (evilly disposed?)They then adopt his hate and vindictiveness, his views, the nicknames and slogans he uses and this becomes a cult. He is very very dangerous.

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“ but so normal at times”?? I’m sorry but, I must have missed those “times”.

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Charisma?? Trump has no charisma..

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Sometimes I wonder if repeated bouts of Covid have contributed to their collective mental decline.

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It's repeated bouts of LIES, CONSPIRACY, and PROPOGANDA from Trump, FOX, and the rest of his despicable supporters that has caused the collective mental decline. This is so sad.

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It is a long history of all the things that death star represents and the fear that being white, male, and heterosexual is somehow losing the power to lord it over all of us. I am not excluding female aiders and abetters here either.

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Wow! Michele, I hadn’t thought of that, but it says a lot.

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Decline, or maybe they just flat-lined a long, long time ago Debbie.

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I figure it’s lack of education and/or they have an agenda. It’s amazing how the poorest vote against their own interests.

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Yes. That's why Trump likes the uneducated. They're easily swayed.

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Or cognitive impairment!

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Agreed! Trump is almost as old as Biden but there is never a comparison on age. Biden is sane and mentally sharp, Trump is a psychopath and mentally ill. Biden is trim, fit and exercises daily, Trump is obese and drives around in his golf cart. There’s no comparison as to who is healthier mentally and physically.

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Disappointing to hear NPR getting pushed over by propaganda.

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What in the name of [insert name of deity here] are you talking about? Do you even know?

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Hey fresh mouth smarty pants- I am talking about NPR being reported here as talking about Biden's age as well. They could be talking about the age and mental capacity of others.

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You make a good point that media are responding to the situation by using the MAGA framing of the situation, when they should be celebrating the achievements and continued competence of a seasoned politician and a decent human. However, NPR is not the only one doing it. It is a general shortcut taken by all media, and we must find a way to reframe the debate.

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Gee, I missed that. Somehow I thought that today's letter was devoted to Biden's extraordinary speech yesterday. Well, maybe I'm getting old.

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Getting old? You are using that as an excuse and smarty pants sarcasm again for being plain rude including when it is not necessary. Some are hopeless because they do not hear themselves and don't understand the reaction they get- Not to mention that SOME don't know how to have a conversation or what is actually related to it. Yeah you missed a lot.

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My God Harrison Ford is old, Clint Eastwood is old.... But no one cares.

And guess what tRump is old too. And a horrible human being on top.

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I used to go to the library to read “Vital Speeches”.

Are you that old?

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Yes, ageism is wrong. Learned about the wisdom of the aged as a child and am still surprised (and infuriated) to experience it in America. But many Americans “die” at 60 from poor diet and insufficient exercise and medical care. Body and brain are one--something we don’t take into account.

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And also name one single speech that Trump delivered that was as well written and delivered as Biden's speech yesterday.

Thank you Heather for recounting so many of the highlights.

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Reading about Biden’s speech yesterday makes me so Proud that is is our President.

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Me too. That speech could almost make him make me forgive him for Clarence Thomas’s hearing.

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When has Trump ever made a speech that wasn’t dark and dystopian? Biden’s speech made me proud to be an American! We need a lot more of that! How about soundbites of his speech in an ad and run it on Fox News during prime time?

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Great idea! They are using what DeSantis said at the debate about Trump running up the deficit for a Biden for president ad. not on Fox News that I know of, however

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yes, who are the speechwriters? It was spot on. Even my republican partner commented that it was a good speech. He was impressed.

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Very powerful words and eloquently noted by President Biden. I “carry” a list of his accomplishments with me and I will add this Letter. His record is impressive on so many levels.

I don’t interact with many MAGA types but I do hear some people say they are not going to vote at all because “Biden is too old” and the republicans are nuts. Not voting for Biden is the kiss of death for this country and I can’t get my head around people thinking not voting is an option. If the MAGA’s occupy the WH again, we really are doomed and it will be a whole different ballgame to regain the county’s collective sanity - if that would even be possible. I really don’t want to live my last decade+ under a violent totalitarian regime nor have my kids move to Switzerland (although that is s nice place to visit!)

Yes, Biden is old but hands down is the only choice in 2024 for the positive reasons of leadership and accomplishments. We are so fortunate that he ran, won and put together an administration where the caliper of people is 2nd to none and gives us hope! The democrats fully understand our form of government was designed to function by the people, for the people. If that basic ideal is lost, obviously democracy fails.

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And you might remind them that Biden has surrounded himself with competent people. Secretary of State Blinken puts everyone in the T administration to shame, for example. Mark Milley, as head of the Joint Chiefs, stood between us and chaos. Linda Thomas-Greenfield has served us nobly at the United Nations, fighting hunger around the world and skillfully skirting the Russians when she can. Deb Haaland has demonstrated at the Interior Department that our public lands are for everyone. A competent leader surrounds themselves with competent people, not sycophants, and Biden has chosen many.

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Agree and I do say that constantly. The caliper of the people in Biden's administration is second to none and is exactly what we should all be looking for from a president (but it is rare)! A lesser known public example is Ambassador (China) Nick Burns (his brother was in my high school class) who I heard and was able to speak with few years ago at a presentation in Boston-at the time he was one of Biden's campaign advisors on foreign affairs. He is a brilliant, life long diplomat, also teaches/taught at Harvard-we won't hold that against him :) - and has been my "go to" on international policy for many years.

The bottom line is trump's occupation of the WH was a total shit show and a so-called administration filled with the most incompetent, nasty people. Those with some functioning brain cells (albeit not without ideas of self enrichment) who thought they might be able to keep a lid on things (and I get that), quickly left. The lessons from the rise of Hitler tell us how that type of strategy works out!

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If anyone knows how to find or have shown the piece of newsreel showing a mass of German soldiers pledging their loyalty to Hitler, please make it known to a journalist. I saw it years ago and it would make a powerful statement to MAGAs.

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Unfortunately, the most violent of MAGA’s would think that is a call to arms - they really are of that evil mindset!

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So it’s a true Fascist cult. I knew our failure to teach history was/is serious, but this is a jolt. Thank you for reminding me how far we’ve fallen. Having lived through the whole political scene since Eisenhower (my first vote, last Republican) and having voted, marched and rallied faithfully for Dems and democratic principles ever since, watching my fellow Americans getting fatter and glued to boring TV sitcoms while I was doing music, I now see that it’s worse than I could have believed. (First clue: at 89 I MUST be diabetic. Not yet. Maybe never.)

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Spot on.

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Terri, rather than being in cognitive decline (example: TFG insisting that he’s running against Obama or that President Biden is going to get us into WWII), I believe that President Biden is more astute than ever before. It’s similar to wines—an exceptional wine will improve as it ages, while an inferior wine will just turn into a vinegary mess.

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I am a huge fan of President Biden. He was the right man at the right time for America from my perspective.

However, he is 80 years old at this time. This is a fact we all should really think about. I have met some "sharp" 80 year old's yes. But, every single one of them would tell you that they were a fraction of what they once were. Sometimes this is balanced by the experience they have gained, no doubt.

But ALL of them would say their energy was WAY down from their earlier days. Sure, when they were awake their faculties were still OK. But, their energy and their passion (mental) was way down compared to age, say 40.

Biden, I think, HAS made a great mistake in not developing and showcasing Kamala Harris who is well spoken, sharp as a tack, passionate and very much with it both in sharpness and energy.

Had he developed her properly, showcased her, stepped up to the job of development of a successor, she would now be running for President. Sure, she is a darker skinned woman in America. So what? LOTS of people in America identify with that.

Biden made a judgement error, perhaps out of a still too well developed ego, by NOT stepping aside to push forth a developed challenger who was younger.

Biden is 80 years old. That, ladies and gentlemen, is just too old to be President. In my opinion. Will Biden be better than Trump or Hitler or Stalin? Sure, but, will he be the best we could have had?

You decide.

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Keep in mind there are smart clear thinkers in their 90’s as well as dementia showing up at 60. A wise man, vastly experienced as Biden is, surrounds himself with smart competent people and doesn’t bluster as “the Emperor With No Clothes” as tfg did. Biden has been extraordinary in his role as president given the messes he had to clean up. That he’s attacked by press each time his stutter appears or takes a misstep fails to fully embrace the larger reality of this president’s record. Democracy is based on a village of wise minds not a single authority. Make note of this.

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Biden made a great point when he pointed out that a President should represent all Americans. Like Benjamin Harrison Trump only represented himself and by extension his uber rich friends and the corporotocracy.

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And soon he will lose the $250M which is actually all he’s worth.

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And Leonard Leo will find a few rich donors to give him a few hundred million for his campaign and legal fund. Drain the swamp indeed.

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➡️➡️ "...surrounds himself with smart competent people..." ⬅️⬅️

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Sorry, but Biden is at the top of his game! I am past 80. Look around I bet there are lots of 80+ people on the ski slopes, hiking, riding horses & in pursuits that need the balance perspective that age brings. He has kept himself in great shape both physically& mentally. He has surrounded himself not with parrots but with competent people with an array of perspectives. He is a finely honed politician & if you can keep such a positive, forward thinking perspective after a lifetime in politics, then he can lead the Nation!

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➡️ "He has surrounded himself not with parrots but with competent people with an array of perspectives." ⬅️

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Nice! Keep it up. btw, most humans, at any time in their life, believe they are at the top of their game. I am no exception. I rock! Every day.

That is also Biden's perception of himself, no doubt. Human.

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Mike S your opinion is riddled with unsubstantiated claims. Biden has a well developed plan, works with competent leaders to deliver and the nation has reaped the benefits of his administration in just a few years. You on the other hand come to the table with a preconceived notion that age is a key factor - lest you be reminded, take a look and listen to the audacious platforms of the "younger" candidate hopefuls who do not deliver, demonstrate obstruction in a most dangerous level and have their eyes on power and retriution. Think deeper Mike, listen carefully to the hate, anger and fear from opponents and question, what is there plan for sustainable change. Biden is building infrastructure and concensus despite the GOP opposition and the Democrat leadership is behind the Biden Administration. Attention to detail is needed.

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Like I said, I am a huge fan of Biden. However, I do honestly think he made a mistake by not developing a younger successor and stepping aside. I don't really see how that is an unsubstantiated claim. More like just my opinion.

I felt the same way about Ginsberg. Her judgement was flawed in the end about her endurance. Very costly mistake.

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