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I am a huge fan of President Biden. He was the right man at the right time for America from my perspective.

However, he is 80 years old at this time. This is a fact we all should really think about. I have met some "sharp" 80 year old's yes. But, every single one of them would tell you that they were a fraction of what they once were. Sometimes this is balanced by the experience they have gained, no doubt.

But ALL of them would say their energy was WAY down from their earlier days. Sure, when they were awake their faculties were still OK. But, their energy and their passion (mental) was way down compared to age, say 40.

Biden, I think, HAS made a great mistake in not developing and showcasing Kamala Harris who is well spoken, sharp as a tack, passionate and very much with it both in sharpness and energy.

Had he developed her properly, showcased her, stepped up to the job of development of a successor, she would now be running for President. Sure, she is a darker skinned woman in America. So what? LOTS of people in America identify with that.

Biden made a judgement error, perhaps out of a still too well developed ego, by NOT stepping aside to push forth a developed challenger who was younger.

Biden is 80 years old. That, ladies and gentlemen, is just too old to be President. In my opinion. Will Biden be better than Trump or Hitler or Stalin? Sure, but, will he be the best we could have had?

You decide.

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Keep in mind there are smart clear thinkers in their 90’s as well as dementia showing up at 60. A wise man, vastly experienced as Biden is, surrounds himself with smart competent people and doesn’t bluster as “the Emperor With No Clothes” as tfg did. Biden has been extraordinary in his role as president given the messes he had to clean up. That he’s attacked by press each time his stutter appears or takes a misstep fails to fully embrace the larger reality of this president’s record. Democracy is based on a village of wise minds not a single authority. Make note of this.

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Biden made a great point when he pointed out that a President should represent all Americans. Like Benjamin Harrison Trump only represented himself and by extension his uber rich friends and the corporotocracy.

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And soon he will lose the $250M which is actually all he’s worth.

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And Leonard Leo will find a few rich donors to give him a few hundred million for his campaign and legal fund. Drain the swamp indeed.

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➡️➡️ "...surrounds himself with smart competent people..." ⬅️⬅️

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Sorry, but Biden is at the top of his game! I am past 80. Look around I bet there are lots of 80+ people on the ski slopes, hiking, riding horses & in pursuits that need the balance perspective that age brings. He has kept himself in great shape both physically& mentally. He has surrounded himself not with parrots but with competent people with an array of perspectives. He is a finely honed politician & if you can keep such a positive, forward thinking perspective after a lifetime in politics, then he can lead the Nation!

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➡️ "He has surrounded himself not with parrots but with competent people with an array of perspectives." ⬅️

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Nice! Keep it up. btw, most humans, at any time in their life, believe they are at the top of their game. I am no exception. I rock! Every day.

That is also Biden's perception of himself, no doubt. Human.

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Mike S your opinion is riddled with unsubstantiated claims. Biden has a well developed plan, works with competent leaders to deliver and the nation has reaped the benefits of his administration in just a few years. You on the other hand come to the table with a preconceived notion that age is a key factor - lest you be reminded, take a look and listen to the audacious platforms of the "younger" candidate hopefuls who do not deliver, demonstrate obstruction in a most dangerous level and have their eyes on power and retriution. Think deeper Mike, listen carefully to the hate, anger and fear from opponents and question, what is there plan for sustainable change. Biden is building infrastructure and concensus despite the GOP opposition and the Democrat leadership is behind the Biden Administration. Attention to detail is needed.

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Like I said, I am a huge fan of Biden. However, I do honestly think he made a mistake by not developing a younger successor and stepping aside. I don't really see how that is an unsubstantiated claim. More like just my opinion.

I felt the same way about Ginsberg. Her judgement was flawed in the end about her endurance. Very costly mistake.

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Mike, it’s an unsubstantiated claim because it belies the truth of Biden’s development of Harris. The White House in fact is using her well, is providing her with the experience necessary to be president, and is touting her accomplishments. Just note: most White House press releases say “the Biden Harris administration”. Subtle, but there. If the media doesn’t follow through, that is not the fault of the administration. We all know we have a media problem, drama equals clickbait while quiet competence goes unnoticed.

Just look back to last week’s Harris tour of college campuses. It was wildly successful and well reported. But perhaps you didn’t notice?

In re stepping aside, I think what you suggest would be insane. Giving up the advantages of incumbency in this most important election would be foolish in the extreme. And Biden is not a fool. Furthermore, why would the most successful president of my lifetime step aside? I want another Biden term, because I like how he governs. I am not worried if he should become unable to complete his term, because Harris has in fact been prepared to assume the role, because Biden has indeed prepared his (potential) younger successor. Your repeated calls for him to step aside hurt the democratic cause.

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Good points all. Biden is a great President as I noted and I agree with you. Biden is not a fool (except, perhaps where his son is concerned).

Also, I really do think Harris could take on Trump and win. Perhaps big.

I really do hope I am not hurting Democracy by just suggesting that Biden might have stepped aside and let Harris have a go at Trump.

I think she would run circles around Trump. I think she would win.

Why does everyone think that Harris has been prepared but cannot win?

That is just beyond my understanding.

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Because we live in a racist, misogynistic society. You don’t care, and I don’t care (and in fact, perceive Harris’ race and gender as pluses), but sadly lots of people do. Exhibit A: Hilary Clinton. Please don’t respond as I imagine you would like to, by talking about Bill and Michigan haha. It’s late, and I’m too tired for that. :)

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Passionately stated. But can anyone other than Biden beat Trump? Harris is amazing but she’ll never beat Trump. It’s too great a risk. A Trump presidency would be the end of our Nation as a democracy. Even if Biden declines in his second term, he will gather around him amazing people to lead as he has done already. This is far preferable to the end of democracy under treasonous traitor dictator Trump!

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And, remember FDR who was so ill yet his opus continued to lead us out of Depression and War.

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"Harris is amazing but she’ll never beat Trump. "

We will obviously never know the answer, but, I think Harris could have beat Trump about the head like Mohammed Ali whipped George Frazier.

She was a prosecutor for goodness sake. Prosecuting Trump while running for President would have been cake for her.

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I remind myself that two of Harris's attributes which enhanced Biden's candidacy—being Black and a woman—would not serve her well in this climate in a general election.

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I am not so sure. We all are extrapolating Hillary Clinton's loss too much.

Hillary was a special case. Harris does not have the Bill Clinton albatross around her neck. Not even close.

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What if the widely held hypothesis that Harris cannot win is false? What if she can?

I think she could for sure. I would love to see rip Trump apart in a debate.

What if our hypothesis that BIDEN can win is false?

I mean, we really don't know. We are just using our imagination to tell us what our biases want us to hear.

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So the Trump Inc. civil case will wipe out Trump's cash reserve and may result in any loans he has being called.

But, what happens when Trump is found guilty in any of his 91 indicted crimes? So he is sentenced to even 1 year in prison. That will likely bring him past the 2024 election and the inauguration in 2025. Other than the die hard MAGAts who would vote for him?

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The president doesn’t do the job alone. He has his very capable and put forward plenty well Harris, whom the media ignores so apparently you believe he hasn’t put forth. He has very competent staff, advisors, heads of agency.

Biden is not too old to do this job extremely well.

And what is your alternative, since you think as younger than Biden you should be listened to?

The ageism and ignorance is annoying me this morning.

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Me too. I feel like the ageism thing is grasping at straws - kinda like the time Obama wore a tan color suit.

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➡️ "He has very competent staff, advisors, heads of agency." ⬅️

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Don't get annoyed by an opinion that is different. That's what Trump's folks do.

Me? I was just sharing my own personal opinion which, of course, maybe not sit well with the old folks reading HCR.


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Most of us old folks can tolerate both sides of an issue/argument. Look at Biden, for heaven's sake.

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If it comes down to a choice between Biden and any Republican, Biden should be supported. I didn't vote for him in the primary. But Joe Biden has wildly exceeded my expectations. And reading that speech brought a chill to my spine and a tear to my eye. It is a piece of art. It is an example of superior leadership and courage. And it was spot on accurate.

But as one who is approaching Biden's age and consider myself in very good health, I think he should step away and let someone from the next generation run for president. 80 is not the new 60. It's not even the new 70. Anyone who claims otherwise is in a fantasy world.

IMO, Joe Biden has some flaws. He has a stutter and produces "gaffes". He has German Shepherds that bite people. He has a son who has messed up. He made a couple of regrettable political mistakes decades ago. But he has a myriad of positive features. In summary, he is right on almost every subject I can think of. He leads the nation as a uniting force. And his international posture and performance is second to none. If he is the nominee, I will scream my support for him.

But Joe has one more flaw. It takes an enormous ego to enter politics. It takes an even bigger one to think you should be the president. And it takes a super huge ego to think that you are the only one who can lead this nation away from disaster during a second term.

There are dozens of extremely talented younger politicians in the Democratic Party who could run for president and win. And be excellent presidents in the mold of Joe Biden. People who are or have been Governors, Senators, House members, mayors, and cabinet members. (No "business men"...please!)

And yet, we fail to consider the process of choice - of democracy. You can still say that Joe Biden is one of the finest presidents in our history - and consider someone else for the job. Why are we so afraid of the process? Are we afraid that we will look like a divided Democratic Party if we participate in the democratic process of choosing a leader? That's not a weakness. Having a competitive primary should be standard procedure and should be viewed as a strength and a commitment to our ideals.

And here is THE biggest reason an alternative to Joe Biden should be considered. The success of November 5, 2024 hangs on the degree to which Gen Y and Gen Z show up to vote. Yes, many will vote for Biden. But if you think they are excited about Biden, you are smoking something fun and have left for la la land.

And if they "Chill and Netflix" rather than voting for an old guy, the whole ticket from federal offices, to state races and even your local town officials could be lost.

If Joe is the nominee, I will walk across hot coals to vote for him. But we should face facts. America IS a culture that worships youth over sagacity. And it's totally their planet real soon. Let them take the baton before it's too late and our generation is blamed for hanging on too long.

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"He has German Shepherds that bite people" and has "a son who has messed up" are Biden's flaws?! Come on.

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I hope you understand the spirit with which I mentioned those items. I meant it as sarcasm. I speak as one whose dogs killed a neighbor's chickens and who understands that nobody can create and control the perfect kids. Basically, if those were his greatest flaws, he borders on being super human.

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OK. I guess I didn't recognize the sarcasm!

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Funny, my wife often says the same thing. I have work on it.

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No worries Bill. I would never, ever vote for a Republican.

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Bill Alstrom:

1st: President Biden's German Shepherd is a Police Dog, a GUARD dog! -- trained to protect. I'm wondering if the dog looks upon the Secret Service as being aggressive toward him (Commander) because they're also trained to protect the President. Worth thinking about.

2nd: The President's "flaws"?? Stutters and gaffes?? Good grief, man! He learned how to control/manage his stutter as a young child! And his gaffes have been gaffing for YEARS, and accepted. "That's just Joe." Perfection (even physical perfection, whatever that is) is not a requirement for the job. Is Tammy Duckworth's condition as a paraplegic a "flaw" because she can't stand up behind a podium?

3rd: "Enormous Ego" ?? Yes, he entered the race for the presidency, but it was Representative Clyburn's support for his nomination that put him over the top -- not VP Biden's ego. In my opinion, his humility is actually what stands out. He never promotes himself, nor regrettably until very recently his accomplishments. Nor has the Press, wanting him to just go quietly away. Fortunately, he is now putting VP Harris, and *their* accomplishments, into the light, as is FINALLY the Press. She will make a __great__ president when her time comes.

4th: Please name at least three (more if you wish) younger Democrat politicos whom you would encourage to run for President now. I'm interested to learn who your favorites are. I have one or two faves, but not for now. (I can think of a few whom I would NOT recommend but who obviously want the job.)

(Thanks for this opportunity to vent my own opinions!)

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I meant "flaws" as a sarcasm. Because if that's as bad as it gets, aren't we lucky?

I am a dog person. I love them all. Mostly. Commander and Major just have been doing their jobs as they view it. And when Joe goofs up some words, I remind myself that he is still doing better than most and certainly expresses himself with humility and a graceful passion.

There was only one really salient point in my post. And that is my worry that young people may not show up to vote.









Almost any Democratic governor

And personally I would sleep really well if Harris was president :)

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Hakeem Jeffries would be Awesome as POTUS!

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Bill, thanks for your clarification. Your "sarcasm" absolutely did NOT come through. At all. You wrote, "IMO, Joe Biden has some flaws." I thought IMO means "In My Opinion"? Yeh, you've gotta work on that.

I would support a few of your choices listed. (Can't vouch for "almost any Democratic governor", as I need names.) My favorite is Pete Buttigieg, hands down! Has been since he was Mayor Pete. But I think it's still too early for him. 2028.

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Pete's the smartest of the bunch

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Bill, you know what I hear from younger people? They are with us. For them it is not so much an agism thing as it is a matter of young and old working together. Why in the world are people here talking so much about how old Biden is, or debating whether that is a good thing or a handicap? We ARE training up a whole bunch of young people who are busy working and learning. They will be ready when we need them. Right now the best are at the local level and starting to emerge at state level.

We here get too hung up on what is happening in Washington to see what is going on at other levels. That distorts our view of history in the making. I am just as unnerved by what is happening right now as any body else. But everytime I look around, I see young people, young adults, middleaged people, older folks all doing what they can, our little bits adding up. It will bear fruit. But everytime somebody decides that they want to sound like a pundit and denigrate something that is infused with hope, they demean all those people doing their bit. Yes, America is just emerging from an era in which "youthfulness" or the appearance thereof was sold to us. That's changing. Please take a look around and see it, We are not substituting for them: we are simply leading the way out of the morass that was created while we were coming of age. We are all working together on this.

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I hope with all my heart that your observations reflect a trend. I love the optimism and spirit in your comment. I'd vote for YOU.

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Well, thank you, Bill. I appreciate that fine complement. I've always preferred working behind the scenes to elective office, though I've on occasion been on the team. Somehow I just became chair of our local town Dem committee, which is mostly administrative stuff. But this is the first time in years that we've actually had an active committee. I have decades of experience working with and guiding groups, both as a citizen volunteer and a professional, and have made delegate to two state conventions, but I'm nervous about this one. Got a great group of people, and I hope I can help them really go.

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I can only hope there are many who did not vote for him last time who, like you, have changed their opinions, and will vote for him next time. I do not think he thinks he is the only person...I think he believes he is the best person to beat Donald Trump this go round.

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Kinda late to be complaining, Mike? Your vote is going where?

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I will vote for Biden of course. However, I would have preferred to vote for Harris.

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Mike S, your vote for Biden IS a vote for Harris!

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Has anyone heard rumbles that Gavin Newson might be thinking of putting his foot in the race?

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I have heard rumbles that he definitely has no interest in it.

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Mike, if you vote for Biden, you will be voting for Harris. That's how our system works.

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I have decided. He, Joe Biden is the Best person for the job of President. Age is only a number! He is doing the job and his abilities for the job are not always about energy. He has the heart and souls of the nation foremost in his agenda and has not wavered. He is very methodical.

Slowing down is ok.

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You neglect what he has done against great odds. You ignore the increasing elevation of Harris despite the MAGA negative talking points that too many repeat. You focus numeric age exclusively but neglect acknowledging the numerous people in their 80s who continue accomplishing much with experience and wisdom. You neglect his similarly experienced administration who actually work. You neglect the fitness if President Biden and his energetic wife and dear companion, Jill Biden. You forget that President Carter only now in his late 90s is dying.

Yes, we decide and were the circumstances different “it might be better” on ann age concern but look at all that has been accomplished and the vision that we now have. My goodness.

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OR... he can win, retire, and boom! She's president!

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Ha!!! Those MAGA's would hate that! 😂

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Can that work?

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Kathy, why wouldn't that work?

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Here is where we are today. You are looking in a rear view mirror - your KH comments.

Biden is old. tfg is evil. Work with it. Help us elect Biden please.

In the ensuing years find a younger candidate you think will serve us better.

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Hi, Mike. I am 80 years old. You have no idea what you are talking about.

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Like everyone else, you have your opinion, as well was your a$$hole. Thanks for sharing, but, no thanks!

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