Outraged. To my core. I think next cycle, I’ll fly to Atlanta and hand out water, order pizzas, whatever is needed for people waiting in a ballot line. Now, I’m looking for “good trouble”.
Giving may be proscribed, but selling might be OK. I'll sell you a bottle of water for a nickel and a slice of pizza for a dime. My food truck is parked right over there if you want more.
Technicalities. I’ll leave that to my lawyer. I can’t say I’m going to be upset with a criminal record saying “sold or gave food and water to voters.“ Never had a criminal record, but this is one I would accept.
Same for me, Roland. I am 75. Except for one speeding ticket no other criminal record. Going to jail for a good cause sounds like a worthy contribution.
We'd need to be sure natl media is there to show live video of we silver-hairs being cuffed for providing water in 90 heat. THAT's where the power is. Also, find out how much bail will cost and have that cash in your pocket.
Does getting thrown in jail at the age of 3 for wandering away from home, scream/crying for my mommy when the "authorities" picked me up off the street count? Otherwise, I'm in!
If you're a 3rd party they can bust you. If, however, you fly to Atlanta and provide that material support away from the polling place I don't think they can touch you. I'm not an attorney, though...
I'll give you my phone number if you decide to visit. You can walk to my polling place from our house, so you can "stage" your pizza stand here. I can contribute to your bail fund, too.
Appeals were readied long ago, and immediately filed today. It should take a while for the GA and other suppression bills to become enforceable law. Still, there is no time to waste.
Lovers of democracy can commit mass civil disobedience by providing "illegal" humanitarian aid in Georgia. If the police use fire hoses and dogs again, it'll look just as bad as it did in the 1960s.
Nancy and Ted, you may see me there. Save me a seat.
First protest 1961, at age 6, with Albert Bigelow, John Lewis's Freedom Rider partner. Bert and Sylvia helped found the Quaker meeting that raised me. It's time to stand on the shoulders of these giants.
Already vaccinated, and we'll add birthday cake to the menu! My nextdoor neighbors are Dems, so some of you could probably park in their driveway once ours is full. . . .
There will be several polling places to attend. Cannot think of a better way to spend pent up travel drive from this at home year. Voters will need help finding hidden drop boxes too. And so much more.
What if we just go in and have them arrest 1,000's of us for being good human beings? You cannot/should not legislate our votes, water, food.
Is this not the party of bathtub sized government and they are legislating food and water? Stop this nonsense.
All this experimental humans need to be kicked out of our government and shipped to Moscow. So much for my trying to find the best qualities in one another and amplifying it.
What % of Atlanta cops are African American? I think it unenforceable. Ur gonna see protests prior, by the police themselves and/or mass resignations. Every institution of govt and most private enterprises are diverse. GA legislature can try to dream that magically away, but it is concrete and real. Their resolve will wither as this firestorm grows and grows. Hopefully the courts strike it down. If not, we are all coming to Georgia, “all of us this time.”
I wish you were right, I truly do. I think the courts may strike down parts of this law, but otherwise this scenario is highly unlikely. Boycotts might actually work, though. But the idea that there will be a mass uprising is not supported by history. We have tolerated and rationalized away much worse outrages than this.
Which history, and when? And what counts as an uprising? Not solely violent rebellion, that's for sure. There are many examples all through history.
On April 20, 1861 (we'll observe it next month), 250,000 Unionists rallied in NYC's Union Sq for democracy and freedom. During the Civil War 500,000 enslaved people liberated themselves by escaping to Union lines, many serving in the military. A leading scholar, Steven Hahn, has a chapter titled "Did we Miss the Greatest Slave Rebellion in Modern History?" Preserving democracy today looks to be as important as expanding human liberty then.
More recently, the violent white backlash against civil rights provoked a nationwide wave of revulsion leading directly to the Civil and Voting Rights Acts in 1964-5. The Georgia GQP is setting up a very similar scenario. Also, the Nuclear Freeze movement significantly impacted the arms race. I know; I was at the great 1982 rally in Central Park with 800,000 of my closest friends.
P Ackerman, A Force More Powerful: A Century of Nonviolent Conflict
What is the loophole in our Constitution that allow states take away our rights to vote? Or to provide water. WTF? Why is a gun more important than a vote to a republican? Are we back in the insane asylum so quickly? I just woke up and am mad as hell.
I thought we were going to have a period of calm but no. The liars and thieves are at it in full strength trying to take away the shreds of democracy that we have managed to salvage in the past four years years
It will be very interesting to read the actual wording of the bill and see what the loopholes are. I have no doubt there will be many people looking for them and exploiting them.
In 1840, American humorist Seba Smith first indicated as much in her short story “The Money Diggers” when she wrote: “As it is said, 'There are more ways than one to skin a cat,' so are there more ways than one of digging for money.” Courtesy of Google.
Aren't you glad you moved! AR15s on all of the campaign signs. Of course, they're cashing their relief checks. Now that's a group that would benefit from reeducation.
Looks like a really good use of my time as well. I’ve been getting a lot of questions about retiring. When I do, if this shit is still going down, it’ll be time for me to travel to the South. I am getting really pissed off.
HAHA, but don't laugh, if they explicitly said "water" and somebody offers Gatorade, they can't be arrested because they didn't offer water. Killers have gotten off on technicalities like this!
I just saw this politician from Georgia defending his parties changing the rules and not being able to get food and water to people standing in the line. It is a chance for people to “campaign “and they don’t want people doing that to people in the line they say. 😡
Yeah, did they ask said politician why the lines on one side of town are so long and the wait horrendous? As a white man, I’ve never had to wait more than a few minutes at most. In fact I think less than a minute in my whole life, mostly walk up and vote. I think I only have had to wait while they check my ID. I’m 49 and have never missed voting in a major election. What’s happening in Georgia is appalling.
So the obvious solution is to open up more voting sites, extend the hours of early voting, reinstate voting on Sunday. I do not buy his despicable response.
This once feisty sometime activist—now using a wheelchair— is coming with you. I haven't had such a glorious prospect since singing folk songs along with Joan Baez. Imagine those uptight people trying to jail an immobile old woman handing out water.
Georgia shoved this law through with zero debate and with every intention of choking the life out of the non white vote in Georgia. Kemp is a disgrace for signing. Every Georgia voter who has the wherewithal must to go to the polls with a cooler/knapsack full of bottled water and sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly, and share as needed. Voters are not a 3rd party, they can't be busted for providing food and water. Voters helping other voters will make sure no one leaves the line and loses their ability to vote because their belly was empty.
I'm here in Georgia, John Lewis was my wonderful Congressman, and I can only imagine how devastated he would be with Kemp and his horrors. But it makes me think back to when GA was going to go along with, one of the southern states, can't remember at the moment, to try and ban abortions. They were trying hard to push it though until some of the big corporations, Coca Cola, Home Depot, UPS all put pressure and they backed down. There was another one .. sorry I'm really tired, where it was the Delta Flight attendents got their union to back them and refused to fly(safety concern) and again Kemp back down. GA politicians are so bought and paid for and in debt to these corporations, that is where his vunerability is. Atlanta is very proud of their big corporations and their reputation and those corporations know the power of the people. I think that is the way to go. It hurts their business and their worldwide reputation to be seen supporting such anti-democratic decisions and such blatent racism. As for the water for those in line- makes me think they took the idea when ICE would arrest people for giving water to dehydrated weak refugees- they are going with that look. That will not fly with corporations either.
Corporations definitely have a role to play in preserving democracy. Some short-sighted CEOs will hop aboard the GQP autocracy train. Yet I believe that many will see, or can be made to see, that only a free society can be a consumer society where businesses have enough customers. But they have to be constantly pressured. Remember after Jan 6 when many corps backed off from funding GQP candidates? (More $$$ goes to PACs anyway.) Well, anyone know right now if they've stood strong since then?
These are dangerous days. Still, an aroused populace, a Democratic majority and a critical mass of corporate clout looks pretty potent as a bulwark of democracy. We shall see.
As a 40 year former Republican I say good riddance, they have become worse than useless. I watched our president’s press conference yesterday and I’m convinced that he’s a good one!
The comparison speeches of Biden and T***P on Brian Williams looked more like a SNL skit. What a mockery the reps have tried to make of our democracy and the country. What the hell is driving them to be such blatant anti-American fools? Tar pits, I say.
Good points for a tired gal. Georgians have to fight like hell. Loud voices in front of corporate offices and calls to the companies. John Lewis is our light through this long, continuous battle.
Bingo. Imagine ten million people calling and threaten to boycott those GA based brands u mention. Those republicans will wither under corporate pressure
"The staff at Randstad USA...is 54.1% female and 39.0% ethnic minorities...It has an unusually high proportion of employees who are members of the Democratic Party, at 77.0%."
"The company is 23.6% female and 41.1% ethnic minorities...with 54.0% of employees identifying as members of the Democratic Party."
Contact: ?
Cox Media Group
55,000 employees
"The company is 48.6% female and 41.3% ethnic minorities...It has an unusually high proportion of employees who are members of the Democratic Party, at 70.0%."
Contact: ?
Cox Enterprises
55,000 employees
"The company is 40.4% female and 41.2% ethnic minorities...with 54.0% of employees identifying as members of the Democratic Party."
"The company is 30.4% female and 39.3% ethnic minorities...It has an unusually high proportion of employees who are members of the Republican Party, at 77.0%."
I just called the corporate office of Randstad in GA and spoke with a nice woman who didn’t know about this law. She asked where I got my information and I mentioned HCR’s Facebook page which she said she would check out. She said she would pass on my concern and request to the administrative office. She was alarmed that this law was passed without any information about it.. I.e., she had t heard anything about it. It felt really encouraging to speak with her, as she was interested and wanted to know more. So call, call, call! And mention HCR’s Facebook or subscription site and wake folks up.
I called Home Depot. The number on the website is not as good as the following one: 1-800-466-3337, option 7, then option 5. I then reached a customer service representative who took my message - taking the trouble to ask questions and understand it - and passed it along. If anyone can figure out how to contact the brass directly, that would be a good idea as well.
Thank you Heather, and thank you Ellie, Georgia SHAME should be a wake up call to filibuster reform before we all find we are locked out of our precious democracy process.
I hope you don't mind, but I copied and pasted this to my FB page to reach more people. I did remove any info that would tie it back to you. Thanks for the info
When you call, write, etc. complain about the bill/law, be very specific about the section you're against. If you read the bill, you may be surprised at what's in it that isn't blanket voter suppression, but clarity on election operations.
For example, the bill removes the Secretary of State as the Chair of the States Election Board which is established before each election. The Secretary of State is an ex officio member, but non voting. The chair must be nonpartisan and there's criteria for that position. Why this is important, it is this Board that determines if an elections supervisor is to be removed.
Interestingly, Georgia's 6th District Legislator, Rep. Lucy McBath (D) has introduced into the US House HR 1274 - Election Official Integrity Act which prohibits an elected Senior Elections Officer, i.e. Secretary of State, can interfere with the results and outcomes of a Federal Election.
Also, the Bill requires the Attorney General to establish a hotline to report voter fraud during election season.
It addresses people standing in line for hours and requirements to rectify that.
And Section 33 focuses on the water and food spin thrown around.
In short, help the corporations focus on an issue and not the whole bill. It's a lot easier to correct that way.
This is from a FB post, but may find this helpful on some of the worst parts of the bill; SEB can challenge any votes they don't like - such as small Democratic Black communities, No weekend voting for Run offs.
This photo will be their legacy- 7 white males, in front of a portrait of a plantation in South Georgia, taking us back to Jim Crow South politics, behind closed doors, shortly after the bill passed both chambers, breaking with convention of having their legal team review the bill before signing, and with having a public signing of the bill.
This is not hyperbole! This is real. They just signed a 95 page bill that lets them take over the State Election Board and let’s the SEB take over county election boards they don’t like; limits absentee voting and drop boxes; allows any voter to challenge the registration or ballot of an unlimited amount of voters during an election; criminalizes being a good neighbor and giving someone a snack in a long line; creates legal hurdles for nonprofits to register and engage eligible voters; essentially eliminates the ability for most people to vote in runoffs (no weekend voting) and much more. This bill will cost counties and cities untold amounts of money to implement, and has set many counties up for failure with unrealistic timelines and requirements (see above about being able to takeover counties they don’t like).
What’s next- we sue for things that are unconstitutional and we mobilize for the next election! See, what they fail to realize is they have only shown people just how powerful their vote is. In 2020 people showed up and did not leave, and we will do that again. They have exposed their intentions, showed their hand, and now we will resiliently, strategically, and courageously put it all on the table to show them they did NOT WIN!!
Let this moment and this image be your fuel. Let’s practice during municipal elections of 2021, so we can work out the kinks and figure out what we need to do. Let’s overwhelm them in the 2022 primaries, pushing the system to the brink, so we know what the system can and cannot handle. And in the 2022 General Election, let’s elect a NEW Governor, flip state chambers, and keep Raphael Warnock in place to fight for us in Washington!
The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights has been clear about the confusion liable to happen as a result of this bill, thus making it easy for the board to dismiss local election officials providing opportunities to tamper with election results. A link to The Lawyers' Committee is below for a clearer understanding of the crucial 'small print' within Georgia's voting bill.
Larry, Would it be possible for you to elucidate this aspect of the bill? The link is below.
There appears to be doubt that voters' lines will actually be addressed. More to the point, portions of this bill seem aimed at making it more difficult for support groups to help get voters to the polls, comfort them on the lines, etc., with the aim to disrupt volunteer organizations enabling older people, workers and minorities get to the polls.
So the devil is down in Georgia, for sure, but he's hanging out with the fiddle player. Johnny. So what are we to do? Delta Airlines is providing a huge vaccination site for free:
Did Delta advocate for the Governor of Georgia's latest voter suppression law? do we "cancel" Delta because its corporate affiliation is with a party we do not like? I am asking because I really don't know.
Same thing with UPS. While I habitually use "Save the USPS" for sending my packages, I love UPS because, unlike their competitor, they leave my packages on my covered porch:
The answer is not to boycott these companies, but to lobby them. Ask THEM to put pressure on the Georgia legislature and Governor. Ask them to stand with their customers and enjoy loyalty and superb press nationally as a result.
For some companies a strong lobbying movement will work. For other companies, i.e. Nestlé, even though they are not on this list only boycotting made them change their ways. It is indeed a hard choice.
Thank you Ellie. If the law has already been passed, can pressure on these companies make a difference at this point? I am more than happy to call and write them and any where else that will make a difference. I’m just wondering what can be done after this despicable law has been passed.
The law can be repealed. That is what happened when North Carolina passed one of those stupid bathroom bills. Businesses including sports franchises threatened to leave. The bill was repealed.
Yes, to make your voice heard about how bad the voting bill just passed and enacted by the governor - disappointed in state reps not supporting the people of Georgia just their own personal power and to spread the word for support of FOR THE PEOPLE ACT 2021
Add in social media campaigns. As I recall youth when learning that some of their clothes were being made by women in Bangladesh under horrible conditions, they stopped buying the product. The company changed.
We hand out cokes and Dasani water or Pepsi and their water brand? Hmmmm? What’s it gonna be? U know what, we get coke to donate Dasani water bottles. They pay for it.
You hit them in their $$ bottom line. Boycott them, boycott the state. Let them know. Write letters, make phone calls. Here are the 10 Georgia-based companies with the largest employees, followed by a link to the 100 top Georgian companies.
I will let our local Home Depot and UPS know that I am not going to buy from them until this illegal, racist, voter rights and voter warfare across our country are halted immediately. We have this power, use it.
You bring us hope, Margaret. I would add that I think John Lewis would not be deterred by this not-so-new effort to depress the vote; that Stacey Abrams is "on it." I have faith that the voters in Georgia will find a way. I myself will shine a light where I can!
No, I did not mean to imply that. I think he would feel betrayed and hurt by seeing his progress being wiped out by white men behind closed doors. Of course, he would always be up for a fight for what is right! Always!
"GA politicians are so bought and paid for and in debt to these corporations..." If you think that only the Republicans are indebted to corporations, I can assure you that buying political outcomes is a non-partisan practice across both parties at the national, state, and local levels. I'm not suggesting that we not lobby them hard in GA, but let's not let the Dems off the hook. They too rely on huge corporate funding. It's one reason HR1/SB1 is an important start to cleaning up our democracy.
I have secured the email address of the 6th District AME Church in Atlanta, Georgia. It is run by Bishop Reginald Jackson. If you are willing, leave me a reply off this post just stating your name and state. I will forward on to the Bishop as a petition in support of the church who is opposing the S202 Bill.
MaryPat, Has a NATIONAL BOYOTT been called? Which is the umbrella organization that called. Asking because I need to back up who has called it and contact info. Thanks.
Georgia Chamber of Commerce weighs in in support of Activists. Several businesses are referred to in this WaPo article as being in alignment with Chamber of Commerce:
Thanks, MaryPat for replying. I don't use Facebook, so will not pursue this link. If anyone has more info on a BOYCOTT, please comment and post me. Thank you.
Also the Film Industry carries a great deal of weight here, the money they bring to the city is tremendous, not to mention the bragging rights, of Hollywood South.
However the Republican legislators can throw out the vote and make their own decision. Voters can vote but no guarantees their votes will count. Disgraceful and very unsettling
Do The People of America have rights to vote that cannot be taken away? I am so fricking confused by our country all the time. Thank you repubs for showing us how your evility finds every loophole possible to destroy us. Who needs enemies?
Yeah.... I can smell Kemp’s stinch from ten states away. Wat a skunk! I imagine the optics: SNL skit police arresting Adam Sandler as the waterboy, go ahead and try to enforce...the pushback is going to be something to behold.
I'm already imagining all the creative ways Dems will find workarounds for some of the more ridiculous parts of this law, like being prohibited from giving food and water to people waiting in line to vote. Busloads of us from other states showing up to stand alongside the line and invite voters to take one giant step out of line to receive a sandwich or bottle of water. In what jails would they put all of us? The photo ops that will shoot across the globe, making Georgia gop look every bit as small-minded and racist as they are in their little tiny hearts. I can't stay up to watch but I bet late night is having a blast with this.
This element is spin to incite people. Read the bill, Section 33. The provision of food and water is part of the section about solicitation of votes while in line at a polling place. Water is to be provided at an unattended table. May not like it, but its part of keeping the appearance of non interference with a person's voting. Also, it is very specific as to where one can not provide such items.
Also, the bill addresses the long lines which doesn't get reported. Local election officials are required to provide enough voting equipment at a precinct to ensure no voter stands in line more than an hour. If they can't do that, they're to create a new precinct.
As a final comment, there are some serious issues in the bill regarding absentee voting. That's the real argument, not the provision of water.
With less absentee and early voting, more time will be spent in voting lines. That's why the bans on water and food matter. The strategy is to torture prospective voters until they abandon the effort. No picking and choosing which provisions are benign or unimportant. It's all of a piece.
I wish legislation was that simple. My experience in doing it suggests otherwise. There is the philosophy/practicability of severability. Besides if that was the case, the Affordable Care Act would have been ruled unconstitutional/invalid when selected portions were brought before the courts. As I recall, this was one of the issues facing the Supreme Court when Barrett was being confirmed.
Section 33 deals with campaigning at polling stations. It prohibits solicitation of votes, payment of monies to people standing in line to vote, etc. The legislature added to that element of not approaching people standing line to vote and giving them water and food. This is about a perception that people approached voters in line, offered them water and food in exchange for their vote. If it happened doesn't matter because there's the perception of giving something for a vote. The language regarding where this cannot occur is defined by three elements:
- within 150 feet of the building where voting occurs
- to a voter standing in line waiting to vote (I'll come back to this)
- inside the voting place.
Makes sense in that I doubt Massachusetts allows campaigning within a distance of the a voting location. It's supposed to be a neutral zone.
What's problematic is the definition of where the voting line starts. This language is part of the original law. I could be standing in line to enter the voting line. And the legislation defines to some degree where someone could try to influence a voter that is out of sight of the voting location, out of hearing distance of the voting location, etc. Given the bad publicity Georgia got in the last election about the long lines, the bill provides for election officials to provide an unattended table with water that a voter can pick up while they wait in line. So seeking clarification would help in this matter.
If you're a poll worker and you see someone passing out water and food or whatever where the law stated earlier that no one could campaign, how do you know the person, who is not an election official, is not influencing the vote, intimidating the voter, etc. Thus the language of the bill.
"how do you know the person, who is not an election official, is not influencing the vote, intimidating the voter, etc."
Yes, MA has similar laws, but also citizens, officials, and police who know how to act on Election Day, so they're rarely enforced. Not so in GA.
Of course the bill isn't simple; it is abstract. Some progressive MIGHT try to influence voters in line, though we know it's mostly Repugs who mess with in-person voting. But its intent and, even more, its effect is clear: to do exactly what it claims to prevent, intimidate and influence.
If replying, please skip the mini-treatise and show that you care if Georgia's votes are cast and counted.
You make a good point. The lines stretched miles- so they will have enough tables and water that is actually accessible? or is it actually "an unaccompanied table"
If the lines get too long, they will create a new precinct? If this is needed in early voting I can see that being possible but it will take at least a day to set up the new precinct. I can't recall any time they were able to do quickly do this. If it happens ON voting day.... They would have to get more machines, which then have to be tested as so far they Never test ahead of time. They are counting on those long lines being in certain districts and they just won't be able to set it up in time....that is crazy!
It is more disturbing now than I have ever known or felt in my lifetime. Like many, I have donated, spoke up, made calls, wrote letters, challenged family and friends with discussions about the fragility of our democracy, and more. The strategic plan to save our country has to go full force, with the same urgency and ‘take no prisoners’ mindset that has propelled the Republicans. Why be here if it isn’t a democracy anymore? I am so deeply saddened we are at this point.
Leah, I think the Democrats in Congress are very reluctant to fight fire with fire, maybe because they don't want to become what their adversaries are when they "take no prisoners." Still, it is so frustrating.
This is as ominous as this newsletter has ever been. I fear Democrats just don't have the votes to reform the filibuster. NH Senators also appear reluctant. Too many conservatives in this country and Republicans played the long game very well.
I'd like to see a return to needing to talk to filibuster. The more people talk to block good legislation, the more they will be judged for their views espoused.
Talking filibuster is necessary but not sufficient. Imagine congenital blowhards like Cruz or Paul getting to blather as long as they like. There must be something Manchin wants that will yield his vote. Sinema too.
It has also to allow the elected government to govern and set debate time limits as in any other parliamentary system in the world. You don't get filibusters in non-democratic parliamentary systems like in China or Russia.
Initially we will probably, in my opinion, end up with a relatively minimalist approach that will make the filibuster effectiveness necessitate constant presence and speech by the opposers of a motion with the constant threat of a vote to stop the debate if the numbers support it. Secondly, I think that we will see Bills concerning and supporting "rights" guarrenteed by the constitution protected from the Filibuster defence like the Judgeships and other nominations. Thirdly I think we'll see the Voting rights act split into several parts and reworded to comply with the change in the filibuster rules so that the key elements of the bill can slide in "backwards". Fourthly i think we'll see a heavy investment program in West Virginia and Arizona and a slower progression towards the $15/hr minimum and federal help to small business to help with cost increase wage to settle the deal.
Then when the Dems win the 2022 election decisively despite Republican shenaningans you get rid of the filibuster entirely, sack if then necessary Manchin/Sinema and pass all the remaining items of the Voting Rights Act and more......and get on with the implementation of Biden's program. At that point you will get into an internecine war for power in the Democratic Party between Biden and the Progressives which will change the party system as much as the decline and split of the GOP. As always......be careful what you ask for and be very sure that you understand the consequences of your decisions and actions.
Except this is not how the scenario is going to actually play out. I think we may get some wiggle room on the filibuster, but not its complete elimination, and reviving the talking filibuster is no solution because McConnell is prepared for this gambit. Best case is that voting rights bills are exempted from the filibuster, but I think that's unlikely. If Manchin goes, we undoubtedly get a conservative Republican in his place (which is probably going to happen in any case).
Have you seen the Marvel movies? Dr. Strange is able to see all of the hundreds of thousands of scenarios of how things are going to play out and in only one do our heroes prevail. I think that's an accurate picture. In nearly every scenario I can imagine, the Rs take the House and Senate in 2022 and the White House in 2024. I believe that Heather is precisely correct when she says the only thing that matters at this point is HR 1. We could still lose, but at least we could say that it was in a system that was not rigged. I think our chance of passing HR 1 through the Senate are less than 20% though. Sorry to be the pessimist, but I just don't think you have painted a picture of reality. We need to be prepared for the battles ahead with realistic ideas of what is likely. This is THE existential fight for our democracy, full stop.
I'm getting too old for this shit. Where are the young warriors?
Oh, they're on Miami Beach dancing on Ocean Drive without wearing masks in a viral pandemic, shooting, raping and killing, forcing a shutdown of the city. Pessimistic? It's just a dreadful reality at this point.
This is an unfair characterization of young people. They have been the most active demographic in the country over the past year and may save us yet. The Miami Beach idiots are a very, very small slice.
Let's not judge the Youngers by the worst excesses of Spring Break. Due to the pandemic, many older LFAA readers may not have been there, but last summer millions of aware, informed Youngers definitely took it to the streets. Summer is becoming America's national protest season. It never gets old, just more exhilarating!
Each to their own, Reid. I'm just sure that neither the Dems nor GOP have really "seen" the future that will be created regardeless in the next few years..voting rights act or not.
Stuart, you are spot on as usual. They have not seen the future nor do they care. They are standing on the street looking down at the sidewalk in front of their feet, not towards the next intersection down. This goes for both sides. It's about "me" and now.
Heather is correct in calling this (S1) a very big deal. We'll see the pattern emerging within a few months. I am not at all optimistic.
I suggest everyone having a Plan B as to how you will prepare to live and conduct your affairs in an oligarchy. Sorry to be a Donnie Downer here.
The problem is is that less informed/online democratic voters are not pessimistic enough. Once we backslide into republican hell there will only be no relief in sight. Good reference to Dr. Strange in "infinity war". Except the way things are going, only a modified Thanos snap that works on bad faith Republicans may be our only hope.
What makes you think we will backslide anywhere. This is just a moment, and an eyeblink in time. When our eyes are opened we will see the light of day and it will be a struggle to regain any losses, but we will regain them. Be strong, be the person we need you to be right now.
My wife came back from having her hair "done" in th 6th Arrondissement (Bon Marché, St Germain etc) stating categorically that Paris is nolonger her town...and she is Parisenne for ever...en passant par NYC...and we will undoubtedly settle just in the village in the South shortly. All big cities are becoming "unlivable" .
So, what is it that makes the two party system necessary. Our first President advised against it. Why not take a chance on good leaders and honest voters? It seems the thing to do and now could be the time to do it.
You might be right— my underside that the two party system is essentially an old tradition but each party has metamorphosed in terms of followers and identities— I became an independent when Trump won and it hasn’t affected me because I never had a deep party allegiance. I always voted for the person I perceived as best able to serve.
I agree although I would give anything to see Cruz or Paul fall over from exhaustion or just falling over would be alright. I do like you description of them being “congenital blowhards”. You are much kinder than I am.
While having little effect in Texas, it might have some effect nationally. There *has* to be few lifelong Republicans who will wake up to the crazy talk and vicious actions in their party.
Yep, and one of them is my Senator. No one here in AZ can figure out where she is coming from, nor what advantage her position provides her. If anyone out there has a cogent explanation, I'd love to hear it.
Yes...but if you want something to happen to achieve your objectives, you get rid of the obstacles in the best way you can.......and then get on with it.
There won’t be Democratic elected officials if nothing is done. Or any of the many bills waiting to go to the Senate. Sinema and Manchin and Hassan all know this - it’s just horse trading.
Being voted out of office puts them in a worse position. Not that I support their unprincipled positions. But realistically, they would almost certainly be replaced with Republicans.
You are kidding, of course. No one outside of the Washington beltway cares about something called a filliwhat? It does what? For whom? The filibuster has one purpose and that is to stop legislators from legislating anything that will support the removal of slavery, discrimination and justice.
Not kidding at all. Believe me, while most people don't understand the intricacies of it, they know what they've been told: if you get rid of the filibuster, the bad guys will pass laws you won't like. That's all they know and all they need to know.
It is ominous but as you suggest, let's make a deal with Manchin and Sinema. It worked with Manchin for the American Rescue Package. Shower attention on them, flatter them, say you get that they want what's best for their constituents. Give them money for WV and AZ
I do not feel at all bad about showering West Virginia with much needed assistance. Manchin knows how to play this game superbly well. But what's with Arizona?
Evening, all!! I have secured the email address of the 6th District AME Church in Atlanta, Georgia. It is run by Bishop Reginald Jackson. If you are willing, leave me a reply off this post just stating your name and state. I will forward on to the Bishop as a petition in support of the church who is opposing the S202 Bill. Thanks in advance.
nauseating that they are so concerned about holding on to their 'power' that they can't do the right actions. Absence of courage., integrity, blah, blah, blah
With talking filibuster, they can recite the phone book if they want. There is no rule to say they have to talk about the issue they are filibustering about.
The filibuster is merely a rule established by a simple majority of Senators. It is not in the Constitution. It is not a law, nor does it have the force of law. It has a long history, has been changed several times in the past when it suited the Senate majority-of-the-moment to do so, and can be changed or eliminated by this Senate at any time if 51 Senators decide to.
Clearly, under present circumstances, the only likely scenario of this sort will require all 50 Democratic Senators plus the VP to vote against the filibuster, as it is exceedingly unlikely any Republicans would join them. However, back in the early '60s when LBJ was trying to pass major civil rights legislation, the Senators employing the filibuster were a mix of southern Democrats (Dixiecrats) and conservative Republicans, while those who eventually managed to vote "cloture", defeat the filibuster and pass the legislation were a mix of northern Democrats and less-conservative - even liberal - Republicans who still remembered they were in the party of Lincoln.
Since then, common ground in the Senate and in the country generally has pretty much disappeared, and nearly all seriously contested votes are strictly party line. Following a change in the rule a number of years (decades?) ago, the filibuster has become the norm, only we don't so much notice it anymore because any Senator can merely threaten to filibuster and require a 60-40 majority to pass all but spending bills (as a practical matter), so no endless debate or phone-book reading is necessary. This means that the Senate majority leader can simply decide not to bring up for a vote or even debate most legislation that is not guaranteed at least 60 votes. In situations in which it appeared a few Republicans might vote with the Democrats, at least enough to give them a simple majority, use of the filibuster was threatened and the proposed legislation (often already passed by the House) died on Mitch McConnell's desk.
So the filibuster, in addition to it's inglorious past as a tool to block civil rights legislation, is an essential tool in the GOP's ongoing and thus far successful attempt to drown the US government and the Democratic party in a bathtub by preventing passage of any new laws that might make life better for most Americans and, perhaps, convince them to vote for Democrats.
This issue is now very partisan because the GOP knows that the end of the filibuster could mean the end of GOP minority rule. This is much, much bigger than Senators wasting time and reading aloud from phone books.
As HCR has indicated today, this is a very, very big deal.
That may be what it takes! But take heart. Journalists will be recording it, experiencing the pain themselves, and only regurgitating the highlights (lowlights?).
Here's an offer: let Senator Manchin know that if he refuses to vote in favor of reforming (or eliminating) the filibuster, the Democratic Party will use every legal means at its disposal to make him wish he had never entered politics or even been born. I mean, the guy will need funding to get re-elected, right? He must have some interest in what his place in history will be. He must have at least a few skeletons in his closet that he would prefer to keep there. Like most people, he probably dislikes public embarrassment. There may be certain arguments/positions he does not want to have to defend publicly. He needs to be called out as a DINO, as Jim Crow nostalgic, as a neo-Dixiecrat, as a stick in the mud, as a shameless grandstander, as an egotistical coglione. Perhaps the now popular Joe Biden is the one to make the offer Joe Manchin can't refuse. Ditto for Krysten Sinema and Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen and any other waffling "moderate" DEMs.
And what is "moderate" in letting the GOP destroy our democracy, pray tell?
Meaning what, that he switches parties? If the HR1/S1 cannot pass the Senate, we are all toast. You, me, HCR, Joe Manchin, even stupid Ted Cruz. I'm not sure there would be any room to just muddle through. Our choice would be between submissive acceptance of a GOP dictatorship or years of violent civil disorder and misery on a gargantuan scale. We could even take the world down with us. And there are lots of loose nukes out there. I hope my words are sufficiently alarming.
Manchin is unlikely to flip to the GQP. Changing parties is a major step for major political figures, requiring far more than simply switching registration. It would not help him win reelection in WV, since its GQP will prefer one of their own. That's what happened to Arlen Spector in PA a few years ago.
Not unless you can whisper, "We guarantee you will be re-elected in your extremely conservative state." That's the only thing that is likely to sway him. But guaranteed job training and placement for coal workers being made redundant might help.
Especially if preceded by a major show of how conservative he is. Manchin has already co-sponsored - I think with Steve Daines (R-Montana) - a bill to require some of the new federally sponsored green energy aka infrastructure factories to be in former coal areas.
I wonder though - if they eliminate it now, why can’t they bring it back by simple majority if they feel they need it later? The Senate makes new rules all the time.
NH Senator Hassan answered my email with this response. She didn't address the filibuster question specifically but she does say she will do everything in her power....
Thank you for contacting me regarding S. 1, the For the People Act of 2021. I value your opinion and appreciate you taking the time to write to me.
We must defend and strengthen our democratic institutions, and stand up for the democratic principles and values that define our nation. That is why I joined my colleagues in introducing the For the People Act of 2021, which includes fundamental reforms that will restore public trust in our democracy, protect our institutions, and ensure that our government works for and represents all people.
These reforms would help protect the right to vote, promote and protect mail and absentee voting, fix our broken campaign finance system, root out dark money in the political system, combat foreign interference in our elections, and take on corruption in politics. New Hampshire has a strong record of administering fair and free elections, which this law would not change. Rather, the For the People Act would help ensure that all Americans have the same opportunities to participate in our democracy. This is a large bill with a number of significant provisions, and I am open to feedback and continued work to ensure that this bill works for New Hampshire.
Please rest assured that I will do everything in my power to ensure the integrity of our democracy and our democratic institutions, and that I will encourage my colleagues in the Senate, on both sides of the aisle, to do the same.
Indeed, where are they? Conservatives seek to save what is valuable. The founder of Britain's modern Conservative Party, Sir Robert Peel, saw no contradiction in calling himself a liberal conservative. Today the GQP plan is to destroy what is permanently valuable -- American democracy.
I live in Georgia and I am planning on taking water 💦 to the polls, I will fill the trunk of my car with it. We can break this law, as though it was a dead branch to be tossed into a fire 🔥, and have it thrown out if enough of us do the same. It’s time to throw the lot of them out, every single one of them that voted for this abomination. I know that I won’t be alone
I'm thinking the same thing. I also think that the lawsuits being filed will overturn these "laws." You will not be alone, Dick. We Georgians can make Shotgun's schemes a train wreck.
Was listening to Lawrence O’Donnell’s show tonight where he had Nikema Williams, Congresswoman from GA and Abrams’ sidekick and Lauren Groh-Wargo, CEO of FairFight. They both said lawsuits are already being filed. They indicated that voters should inundate their representatives with phone calls, emails, and to go on Twitter to call these seditionists out! I, for one, nicely troll Kevin McCarthy and Ted Cancun Cruz on Twitter. Also, if you have not read the guide by Indivisible on how to protest, you should. It has great information.
I listened to Lawrence O'Donnell, too. Nikema Williams and Lauren Groh-Wargo are always so impressive. I'll be on the phone for the foreseeable future. Hope I'm not too optimistic, but I think this is all headed for the garbage heap - no compost. Wonderful that you troll the trolls. I'd have trouble doing it "nicely."
Another powerful--and deeply troubling--commentary on the events of the day and what they portend for the future. The Republicans are clearly bent on destroying the essential elements of our democratic government. As someone else has commented, they have played the long game well (and Democrats did not pay careful attention). (Glad to see that Sen. Warnock is speaking out in the senate) We are coming to a crisis point, and we can also await HCR's comments on the Supreme Court decisions coming up. Organizing at the grassroots level can effect some change and heaven knows the Democrats need to put up a candidate for EVERY local/county/state elected office---a horrible failure in the past, and part of what got us here. It really is up to the Democrats in Congress and the President and Vice-President to figure out at strategy that will save both Democracy and the Democratic Party. Lots of stormy weather coming...... Peace and Courage to all. This is an amazing community gathered around HCR......
To me, the best moment of President Biden's press conference today was when they asked him if he was going to run for a second term, then was asked if it would be against 45, to which he replied he didn't know, in fact he said we didn't know if there even would be a Republican Party! Great answer!
Today, the media let us down in their questions to Biden. HCR pointed some of that out. I was glad that there were those reporters who asked about immigration and the unaccompanied children. Most of those kids are boys who are of the ages 16-17. They are being treated humanely and mostly all come with papers or tattoos that bear a phone number of someone in the States. Border Patrol is to move these kids into a facility for no more than 72 hours but in the meantime they call the number the boy gives to them to verify if that person is a relative. They do not want to release them to drug or human traffickers. I felt good after that explanation although there still is a ton of work to accomplish. So, then the media asked Biden if he was going to be running for re-election and it wasn’t just one reporter who asked that. I was appalled and angry that supposedly competent news people were asking that question! Honestly, what they should’ve asked was “What kind of a shithole country are we that we have not allowed the Voting Rights Act to be approved and that we haven’t passed any tough gun control laws?”
The press certainly showed the years of Failed 45 made them lazy with show off questions trying to skewer Biden. And the follow up headlines were that he plans to run again! They were mostly pathetic and Biden handled it very well. Come on! Get serious!
Marlene— you nailed that question. What kind of a shithole country? The worst kind and why —because we had so many other directions we could have taken.
I was appalled as well at the questions of whether he was going to run again in four years. My God, he's only been president two months! How did they think he would answer that? If he had said, "No," he would be considered a lame duck or one-term president and never get anything done.
Looks like the little square mustache above the upper lip is going to be very popular for Republicans. The For the People Act must pass. This is the defining moment for democracy in America and in the world.
"The law also makes it a crime to give water or food to people waiting in line to vote." On what Constitutional statute does the act of giving away water and food become a crime? Can things get any crazier?
At first the road to unfreedom is a slow, bumpy, and windy. As more people obey in advance the pace quickens and then just takes off, and democracy is gone.
It will only be sad if we don’t fight back, I too am a patriot and fully intend to resist this. I’ll do it not for myself but for my grandchildren and their grandchildren. Someday they will write about this time like they write about the time of Lincoln. I have stepped up and raised my hand and swore an oath to the constitution in the past, that oath animates my life to this day and it took place over 50 years ago. You may be 89 David but I’ll bet you still have a patriot’s steel in your backbone. Rest well, we are all going to need strength for this fight, but win it we must and win it we will.
How interesting that totalitarianism’s success begins in GA, the heart of the former confederacy. It is going to be interesting to see the lawsuits that I am sure are already filed. But I also suspect that this is just the beginning of the wave of autocracy that is about to try to swamp all of us.
"Try" is the operative word. There are lawsuits already being filed, FairFight in going to FIGHT, and I have a gut feeling that all of the measures that Kemp has signed off on will so enrage the voters, who saw in the presidential election and Senate runoff, that if you refuse to be intimidated or convinced that you're destined to lose, you will prevail. I think that Shotgun, Raffensperger, and the Rethuglican legislature here have made a mistake by poking at this hornets' nest. Remember, Kemp is in office because he refused to recuse himself from the Secretary of State position, and purged and otherwise oppressed Black and POC voters, and beat Stacey Abrams. This one is personal for her. Texas and the many other states who are employing these draconian attempts at voter suppression just might surprise their Rethug overseers by following Georgia's lead.
Yes, I agree. I also think we can take a lesson from the North Carolina bathroom bill and strongly encourage boycotts of businesses based in Georgia. Unfortunately, with Covid there are very few big conventions to be canceled in protest, but other pressure can be brought to bear. Buying no Coke products and boycotting Home Depot would be a good start. Once movie production ramps back up, we should strongly encourage a boycott; Georgia depends heavily on that industry.
All of these businesses have been contacted, and there has been blowback, resulting in the original bills being abandoned or tweaked. Stacey Abrams is miles ahead of all of us.
But those lawsuits will be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court where they will be defeated... And they will probably be still wending their way at the time of the 2022 elections.
I'm not so sure. I know some of the conservative Justices will be unsympathetic, but these actions are so deplorable and utterly recognizable as suppression, even some conservatives on the Court are unlikely to support them, especially since the populace is so vocally against this sort of thing - across party lines. What SCOTUS doesn't want is for the Democrats to pack the court or insist on term limits.
Today, asked about the relationship between the U.S. and China, President Biden gave a breathtaking reply that flew right by most journalists in the room. His words, in effect, clarified the true conflict: It is not about individual countries, but about competing ideologies around the world. It is democracy versus authoritarianism. Consider that Russia no longer discusses “communism” because that is dead in most of the world and dying elsewhere. In Russia, China, North Korea, Africa, South America and Asia outside of China, there is no push for communism, the main drivers are authoritarians versus democracy.
The Republican moves against voting rights here in the U.S. play directly into the hands of our “competitor” countries and tarnish our “shining beacon” status in the world.
The kind of country will we become from this moment forward is the legacy we will leave. If we fail to write our own history now, it will be written for us in the future by those we have forsaken. It is up to us. Now. Today.
It’s not lost on me that there is still blood drying on the ground from a few days ago in Georgia and no proposals restricting guns or any resolution standing against hate from the GA Gov. But in record time, without debate,behind locked doors, he signs a 97 page voter suppression bill to law. Cowardly. Immoral. Racist. Forever a stain on the Republican Party. Forever in history Kemp, ur a boot licking fascist. Ur political career is over.
Outraged. To my core. I think next cycle, I’ll fly to Atlanta and hand out water, order pizzas, whatever is needed for people waiting in a ballot line. Now, I’m looking for “good trouble”.
Giving may be proscribed, but selling might be OK. I'll sell you a bottle of water for a nickel and a slice of pizza for a dime. My food truck is parked right over there if you want more.
Technicalities. I’ll leave that to my lawyer. I can’t say I’m going to be upset with a criminal record saying “sold or gave food and water to voters.“ Never had a criminal record, but this is one I would accept.
Same for me, Roland. I am 75. Except for one speeding ticket no other criminal record. Going to jail for a good cause sounds like a worthy contribution.
Boomer power!
We'd need to be sure natl media is there to show live video of we silver-hairs being cuffed for providing water in 90 heat. THAT's where the power is. Also, find out how much bail will cost and have that cash in your pocket.
Let's do it!
Does getting thrown in jail at the age of 3 for wandering away from home, scream/crying for my mommy when the "authorities" picked me up off the street count? Otherwise, I'm in!
You're cool, Lynell. The statute of limitations on toddler terrorism has expired.
Funny...now. Maybe not so much then.
What a great way to sully our reputations.
If you're a 3rd party they can bust you. If, however, you fly to Atlanta and provide that material support away from the polling place I don't think they can touch you. I'm not an attorney, though...
My birthdays in early Nov. it will be my 50th. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate.
I'll give you my phone number if you decide to visit. You can walk to my polling place from our house, so you can "stage" your pizza stand here. I can contribute to your bail fund, too.
Appeals were readied long ago, and immediately filed today. It should take a while for the GA and other suppression bills to become enforceable law. Still, there is no time to waste.
Lovers of democracy can commit mass civil disobedience by providing "illegal" humanitarian aid in Georgia. If the police use fire hoses and dogs again, it'll look just as bad as it did in the 1960s.
Nancy and Ted, you may see me there. Save me a seat.
Much was accomplished in 1960s. I was there.
First protest 1961, at age 6, with Albert Bigelow, John Lewis's Freedom Rider partner. Bert and Sylvia helped found the Quaker meeting that raised me. It's time to stand on the shoulders of these giants.
First protest in 1965 against Vietnam War while a grad student at Berkeley.
Yes, we were not caught unawares. Now the many challenges will come. I'm really looking forward to our reunion. Everyone's welcome.
Shoulder 2 shoulder ( just please wear a mask!)
Me too— the Gunga din delegation from MA—my birthday is also in early November.
Already vaccinated, and we'll add birthday cake to the menu! My nextdoor neighbors are Dems, so some of you could probably park in their driveway once ours is full. . . .
Can Vermonter delegates join the Gunga din in MA?
My son turns 21 in Nov. Great way to celebrate him and help preserve a future that’s brighter.
Can you explain the GD reference, please? I know the film and poem, but not in this context.
There will be several polling places to attend. Cannot think of a better way to spend pent up travel drive from this at home year. Voters will need help finding hidden drop boxes too. And so much more.
Just make certain you’re vaccinated. It’s adding to those statistics that’s troubling.
Nancy you are a rock star!
I see a for democracy “fieldtrip” forming!
Mitzi A Plus
I'm sure there's a loophole or two. What exactly is the definition of "give?"
What if a person sells water for 10 cents a bottle? What if another person, independent of the first, hands out dimes?
10 bottles for 1 cent
Get ur ice cold ballot water here! I got ice cold democracy water here( like at a baseball game)
Nobody said you couldn’t SELL water!
What if we just go in and have them arrest 1,000's of us for being good human beings? You cannot/should not legislate our votes, water, food.
Is this not the party of bathtub sized government and they are legislating food and water? Stop this nonsense.
All this experimental humans need to be kicked out of our government and shipped to Moscow. So much for my trying to find the best qualities in one another and amplifying it.
"Experimental human beings" "shipped to Moscow" Now that's an idea!
Yeah, or a penny! Stop us and ur em peddling my business! That’d be awesome
Might need a license, as soon as they catch on
The rights of the corporate voter...Perfect, Ted!
Yep, you are a winner! On the team!
Good old American ingenuity at work
You'd probably need a Vendor Permit from the city and they would probably deny it or some rule about "fair value prices" or other b/s
Good trouble....
No mention of dimes in the bill, so should be fine.
What % of Atlanta cops are African American? I think it unenforceable. Ur gonna see protests prior, by the police themselves and/or mass resignations. Every institution of govt and most private enterprises are diverse. GA legislature can try to dream that magically away, but it is concrete and real. Their resolve will wither as this firestorm grows and grows. Hopefully the courts strike it down. If not, we are all coming to Georgia, “all of us this time.”
It is a turning point in any revolution when the police side with the people and turn against the government.
Never happen.
I wish you were right, I truly do. I think the courts may strike down parts of this law, but otherwise this scenario is highly unlikely. Boycotts might actually work, though. But the idea that there will be a mass uprising is not supported by history. We have tolerated and rationalized away much worse outrages than this.
Which history, and when? And what counts as an uprising? Not solely violent rebellion, that's for sure. There are many examples all through history.
On April 20, 1861 (we'll observe it next month), 250,000 Unionists rallied in NYC's Union Sq for democracy and freedom. During the Civil War 500,000 enslaved people liberated themselves by escaping to Union lines, many serving in the military. A leading scholar, Steven Hahn, has a chapter titled "Did we Miss the Greatest Slave Rebellion in Modern History?" Preserving democracy today looks to be as important as expanding human liberty then.
More recently, the violent white backlash against civil rights provoked a nationwide wave of revulsion leading directly to the Civil and Voting Rights Acts in 1964-5. The Georgia GQP is setting up a very similar scenario. Also, the Nuclear Freeze movement significantly impacted the arms race. I know; I was at the great 1982 rally in Central Park with 800,000 of my closest friends.
P Ackerman, A Force More Powerful: A Century of Nonviolent Conflict
S Hahn, A Nation Under our Feet
____, The Political Worlds of Slavery and Freedom
I’m definitely envisioning this road trip
What is the loophole in our Constitution that allow states take away our rights to vote? Or to provide water. WTF? Why is a gun more important than a vote to a republican? Are we back in the insane asylum so quickly? I just woke up and am mad as hell.
Because it just is.
Guns can be used to stop POC and Dems from voting.
Oh, silly me. That makes supremely white sense.
I thought we were going to have a period of calm but no. The liars and thieves are at it in full strength trying to take away the shreds of democracy that we have managed to salvage in the past four years years
"Officer, I didn't 'give' it to them; I made it available and they helped themselves."
What's their definition of 3rd party?
Anyone who's not a voter or a fascist?
You can probably still pull into GA, buy yourself an AR15, and patrol the voting lines though. You know, to protect voters from food and water.
Anyone who is not white, male, straight, and Republican
It will be very interesting to read the actual wording of the bill and see what the loopholes are. I have no doubt there will be many people looking for them and exploiting them.
Georgia Senate Bill 202 - link to a pdf of full text
95 pages of corrupt legislation
Syd, You're funny. That last line was very Clintonesque.
There's always more than one way to skin the proverbial cat. (with apologies, I have no idea where that saying comes from)
In 1840, American humorist Seba Smith first indicated as much in her short story “The Money Diggers” when she wrote: “As it is said, 'There are more ways than one to skin a cat,' so are there more ways than one of digging for money.” Courtesy of Google.
Nor do I, but I remember my father using it frequently.
Just don’t ask the cat 🙀
Amazon could launch an "Operation Water Drop" with a fleet of their drones. Would a drone qualify as a "third party" and a "drop" qualify as "give"?
As long as the bottles are Coca Cola Branded "dasani". We dont want Bezos getting any ideas about controlling our water supply.
For sure Ted let’s keep Bezos out of our mission
Ahhh, that was my first laugh reading all this. Thank you.
Give yourself (and GA) a present of democracy, Ted.
GA is the boiling pot of democracy and no matter how many disgusting laws they pass I think GA will be fine.
As a young man I lived outside Atlanta, working and training one winter. Love Atlanta! Can’t wait
Newly married and from IN, I lived in what is now Greene’s district! I loved GA.
Aren't you glad you moved! AR15s on all of the campaign signs. Of course, they're cashing their relief checks. Now that's a group that would benefit from reeducation.
As a transplant, I love it too. It's changing, as are many places in this country.
See you there
I would gladly go to jail for giving away food and water.
Looks like a really good use of my time as well. I’ve been getting a lot of questions about retiring. When I do, if this shit is still going down, it’ll be time for me to travel to the South. I am getting really pissed off.
Me too. Just saying, if we're in jail we can't help.
That might not be true, if there are enough of us.
In your case (Morning, Daria!!) you'd be headed north-ish?
Yes. (Morning, Lynell!)
Me too good trouble
Does anyone know if "water" was explicitly stated in the bill? If so, and nothing was said about Gatorade, etc., this could be an exposed loophole.
Lynell the Gatorade loophole— that solves the problem.
HAHA, but don't laugh, if they explicitly said "water" and somebody offers Gatorade, they can't be arrested because they didn't offer water. Killers have gotten off on technicalities like this!
Lynell I’m not sure I’d feel much safer with all the guns.
Civil disobedience....
I just saw this politician from Georgia defending his parties changing the rules and not being able to get food and water to people standing in the line. It is a chance for people to “campaign “and they don’t want people doing that to people in the line they say. 😡
Yeah, did they ask said politician why the lines on one side of town are so long and the wait horrendous? As a white man, I’ve never had to wait more than a few minutes at most. In fact I think less than a minute in my whole life, mostly walk up and vote. I think I only have had to wait while they check my ID. I’m 49 and have never missed voting in a major election. What’s happening in Georgia is appalling.
So the obvious solution is to open up more voting sites, extend the hours of early voting, reinstate voting on Sunday. I do not buy his despicable response.
“These forces of evil are well financed and determined”- Sen Raphael Warnock
Good morning, Ted. Waiting for HCRs Letter, no doubt, as am I.
Busted! GOod morning back at ya
Nobody said you can’t SELL food or water - maybe a penny apiece?
Love you ted
🙏 luv u 2 Roland
With you every step.
This once feisty sometime activist—now using a wheelchair— is coming with you. I haven't had such a glorious prospect since singing folk songs along with Joan Baez. Imagine those uptight people trying to jail an immobile old woman handing out water.
Sounds like we need a HCR Brigade in Georgia!
My plan is to offer to hold their place in line while they go get food & drink off site(& really close by).
I'll be there with you.
Just was thinking the same thing.
I’m with you!!!
Yes! If ever we need civil disobedience, it is now, against these democracy-fearing laws.
Georgia shoved this law through with zero debate and with every intention of choking the life out of the non white vote in Georgia. Kemp is a disgrace for signing. Every Georgia voter who has the wherewithal must to go to the polls with a cooler/knapsack full of bottled water and sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly, and share as needed. Voters are not a 3rd party, they can't be busted for providing food and water. Voters helping other voters will make sure no one leaves the line and loses their ability to vote because their belly was empty.
I'm here in Georgia, John Lewis was my wonderful Congressman, and I can only imagine how devastated he would be with Kemp and his horrors. But it makes me think back to when GA was going to go along with, one of the southern states, can't remember at the moment, to try and ban abortions. They were trying hard to push it though until some of the big corporations, Coca Cola, Home Depot, UPS all put pressure and they backed down. There was another one .. sorry I'm really tired, where it was the Delta Flight attendents got their union to back them and refused to fly(safety concern) and again Kemp back down. GA politicians are so bought and paid for and in debt to these corporations, that is where his vunerability is. Atlanta is very proud of their big corporations and their reputation and those corporations know the power of the people. I think that is the way to go. It hurts their business and their worldwide reputation to be seen supporting such anti-democratic decisions and such blatent racism. As for the water for those in line- makes me think they took the idea when ICE would arrest people for giving water to dehydrated weak refugees- they are going with that look. That will not fly with corporations either.
Corporations definitely have a role to play in preserving democracy. Some short-sighted CEOs will hop aboard the GQP autocracy train. Yet I believe that many will see, or can be made to see, that only a free society can be a consumer society where businesses have enough customers. But they have to be constantly pressured. Remember after Jan 6 when many corps backed off from funding GQP candidates? (More $$$ goes to PACs anyway.) Well, anyone know right now if they've stood strong since then?
These are dangerous days. Still, an aroused populace, a Democratic majority and a critical mass of corporate clout looks pretty potent as a bulwark of democracy. We shall see.
No assumptions. Be a VOICE be a PEST and rally your friends to FOR THE PEOPLE ACT..
Judd Legum has good threads on corporate backers of these voter suppression bills by supporting the sponsors:
Stopping donations to republicans after the Jan 6 insurrection was a temporary thing. Most of them are back.
Corporate donors to sponsors of voting restrictions:
Morning, Ellie!! Scrolling down to your other post, I see how to find where companies are donating. Thanks!
Predictable but sad
They wouldn’t be doing all of this if they weren’t panicked about their own demise as a party.
As a 40 year former Republican I say good riddance, they have become worse than useless. I watched our president’s press conference yesterday and I’m convinced that he’s a good one!
The comparison speeches of Biden and T***P on Brian Williams looked more like a SNL skit. What a mockery the reps have tried to make of our democracy and the country. What the hell is driving them to be such blatant anti-American fools? Tar pits, I say.
No tar pits. RIP Sabre tooth tigers and woolly mammoths!
I have a feeling the Republican party is in early stages of its death throes. Probably going to be quite a ride.
I can envision a rally where the former guy screams Only I Can Vote! And Giv Kemp applauds
If so, they're hoping it's a murder/suicide.
No, it was short lived.
Good points for a tired gal. Georgians have to fight like hell. Loud voices in front of corporate offices and calls to the companies. John Lewis is our light through this long, continuous battle.
Bingo. Imagine ten million people calling and threaten to boycott those GA based brands u mention. Those republicans will wither under corporate pressure
So how do we effectively lobby corporations?
telephone calls, letters, sit-ins directed to top executives and press department as well as the local press
Fire up your devices, warm up your typing fingers...
Top 10 largest companies in Georgia:
The Home Depot
400,000 employees
"The company is 38.5% female and 41.0% ethnic minorities...with 52.2% Democrats and 47.2% Republicans."
United Parcel Service
335,520 employees
"The company is 27.0% female and 37.5% ethnic minorities...with 52.0% of employees identifying as members of the Republican Party."
Randstad USA
125,000 employees
"The staff at Randstad USA...is 54.1% female and 39.0% ethnic minorities...It has an unusually high proportion of employees who are members of the Democratic Party, at 77.0%."
Delta Air Lines
86,564 employees
"The company is 45.3% female and 41.0% ethnic minorities...with 52.0% of employees identifying as members of the Republican Party."
74,000 employees
"The company is 57.1% female and 32.2% ethnic minorities...with 56.0% of employees identifying as members of the Democratic Party."
The Coca-Cola Company
62,600 employees
"The company is 23.6% female and 41.1% ethnic minorities...with 54.0% of employees identifying as members of the Democratic Party."
Hansen Beverage
"The company is 23.6% female and 41.1% ethnic minorities...with 54.0% of employees identifying as members of the Democratic Party."
Contact: ?
Cox Media Group
55,000 employees
"The company is 48.6% female and 41.3% ethnic minorities...It has an unusually high proportion of employees who are members of the Democratic Party, at 70.0%."
Contact: ?
Cox Enterprises
55,000 employees
"The company is 40.4% female and 41.2% ethnic minorities...with 54.0% of employees identifying as members of the Democratic Party."
Genuine Parts Company
48,001 employees
"The company is 30.4% female and 39.3% ethnic minorities...It has an unusually high proportion of employees who are members of the Republican Party, at 77.0%."
I just called the corporate office of Randstad in GA and spoke with a nice woman who didn’t know about this law. She asked where I got my information and I mentioned HCR’s Facebook page which she said she would check out. She said she would pass on my concern and request to the administrative office. She was alarmed that this law was passed without any information about it.. I.e., she had t heard anything about it. It felt really encouraging to speak with her, as she was interested and wanted to know more. So call, call, call! And mention HCR’s Facebook or subscription site and wake folks up.
HCR with 1.4 million followers!
By now it's all over the national news. Mention media they've heard of.
I called Home Depot. The number on the website is not as good as the following one: 1-800-466-3337, option 7, then option 5. I then reached a customer service representative who took my message - taking the trouble to ask questions and understand it - and passed it along. If anyone can figure out how to contact the brass directly, that would be a good idea as well.
Four ceo email addresses:
ctome@ups.com (Carol Tome)
jquincey@coca-cola.com (James Quncey)
Done. Thanks Joan and Pamsy!
Thank you! Am calling them right now!
Thank you Heather, and thank you Ellie, Georgia SHAME should be a wake up call to filibuster reform before we all find we are locked out of our precious democracy process.
Here’s what I found for Home Depot. I’ll look up others in this list and post as I find them.
The Home Depot, Inc. Headquarters Contacts.
Corporate office address, contact information and phone numbers for the The Home Depot, Inc. Headquarters.
Write a review or read complaints from other customers.
The Home Depot, Inc. Headquarters Phone Number and Contacts.
Company Website
Home Depot
Corporate Address
2455 Paces Ferry Rd. Nw
Atlanta, GA
Company Contact
Craig Menear
Chairman and CEO
Phone Number
(770) 433-8211
Fax Number
(770) 384-2356
Employee Count
Twitter IDs
Home Depot Email Info – Hoem Depot CEO Email address.
Mr Craig Menear CEO
Home Depot Ceo Email Address Craig_Menear@homedepot.com
Home Depot Corporate Office Phone Number 770-433-8211
Personal Twitter twitter.com/HomeDepot
What is Home Depot’s Corporate Office Phone Number?
Home Depot’s Headquarters phone number is: 1-770-433-8211.
I hope you don't mind, but I copied and pasted this to my FB page to reach more people. I did remove any info that would tie it back to you. Thanks for the info
When you call, write, etc. complain about the bill/law, be very specific about the section you're against. If you read the bill, you may be surprised at what's in it that isn't blanket voter suppression, but clarity on election operations.
For example, the bill removes the Secretary of State as the Chair of the States Election Board which is established before each election. The Secretary of State is an ex officio member, but non voting. The chair must be nonpartisan and there's criteria for that position. Why this is important, it is this Board that determines if an elections supervisor is to be removed.
Interestingly, Georgia's 6th District Legislator, Rep. Lucy McBath (D) has introduced into the US House HR 1274 - Election Official Integrity Act which prohibits an elected Senior Elections Officer, i.e. Secretary of State, can interfere with the results and outcomes of a Federal Election.
Also, the Bill requires the Attorney General to establish a hotline to report voter fraud during election season.
It addresses people standing in line for hours and requirements to rectify that.
And Section 33 focuses on the water and food spin thrown around.
In short, help the corporations focus on an issue and not the whole bill. It's a lot easier to correct that way.
This is from a FB post, but may find this helpful on some of the worst parts of the bill; SEB can challenge any votes they don't like - such as small Democratic Black communities, No weekend voting for Run offs.
This photo will be their legacy- 7 white males, in front of a portrait of a plantation in South Georgia, taking us back to Jim Crow South politics, behind closed doors, shortly after the bill passed both chambers, breaking with convention of having their legal team review the bill before signing, and with having a public signing of the bill.
This is not hyperbole! This is real. They just signed a 95 page bill that lets them take over the State Election Board and let’s the SEB take over county election boards they don’t like; limits absentee voting and drop boxes; allows any voter to challenge the registration or ballot of an unlimited amount of voters during an election; criminalizes being a good neighbor and giving someone a snack in a long line; creates legal hurdles for nonprofits to register and engage eligible voters; essentially eliminates the ability for most people to vote in runoffs (no weekend voting) and much more. This bill will cost counties and cities untold amounts of money to implement, and has set many counties up for failure with unrealistic timelines and requirements (see above about being able to takeover counties they don’t like).
What’s next- we sue for things that are unconstitutional and we mobilize for the next election! See, what they fail to realize is they have only shown people just how powerful their vote is. In 2020 people showed up and did not leave, and we will do that again. They have exposed their intentions, showed their hand, and now we will resiliently, strategically, and courageously put it all on the table to show them they did NOT WIN!!
Let this moment and this image be your fuel. Let’s practice during municipal elections of 2021, so we can work out the kinks and figure out what we need to do. Let’s overwhelm them in the 2022 primaries, pushing the system to the brink, so we know what the system can and cannot handle. And in the 2022 General Election, let’s elect a NEW Governor, flip state chambers, and keep Raphael Warnock in place to fight for us in Washington!
The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights has been clear about the confusion liable to happen as a result of this bill, thus making it easy for the board to dismiss local election officials providing opportunities to tamper with election results. A link to The Lawyers' Committee is below for a clearer understanding of the crucial 'small print' within Georgia's voting bill.
Larry, Would it be possible for you to elucidate this aspect of the bill? The link is below.
There appears to be doubt that voters' lines will actually be addressed. More to the point, portions of this bill seem aimed at making it more difficult for support groups to help get voters to the polls, comfort them on the lines, etc., with the aim to disrupt volunteer organizations enabling older people, workers and minorities get to the polls.
Thumbs up for your organization, Ellie! Thanks.
Thank you for this info!
Thank you for this information. I also shared it on my FB page. My activist friends and I will make good use of it!
So the devil is down in Georgia, for sure, but he's hanging out with the fiddle player. Johnny. So what are we to do? Delta Airlines is providing a huge vaccination site for free:
And way back in December, Delta also used their passenger jets to get vaccines across the country: https://www.newstribune.com/news/business/story/2020/dec/06/delta-prepares-for-covid-19-vaccine-shipments/851603/
Did Delta advocate for the Governor of Georgia's latest voter suppression law? do we "cancel" Delta because its corporate affiliation is with a party we do not like? I am asking because I really don't know.
Same thing with UPS. While I habitually use "Save the USPS" for sending my packages, I love UPS because, unlike their competitor, they leave my packages on my covered porch:
Delivery of vaccines in December 2020: https://www.npr.org/2020/12/13/946101104/ups-executive-vaccine-shipments-will-reach-distribution-centers-monday-morning
Home Depot and Habitat for Humanity:
Can you see my dilemma?
The answer is not to boycott these companies, but to lobby them. Ask THEM to put pressure on the Georgia legislature and Governor. Ask them to stand with their customers and enjoy loyalty and superb press nationally as a result.
For some companies a strong lobbying movement will work. For other companies, i.e. Nestlé, even though they are not on this list only boycotting made them change their ways. It is indeed a hard choice.
Here's proof, however, that all hell's broke loose down in Georgia and the devil found a soul to steal:
Thanks for pointing this out. Everything is a two-edged sword isn’t it.
Thank you Ellie. If the law has already been passed, can pressure on these companies make a difference at this point? I am more than happy to call and write them and any where else that will make a difference. I’m just wondering what can be done after this despicable law has been passed.
The law can be repealed. That is what happened when North Carolina passed one of those stupid bathroom bills. Businesses including sports franchises threatened to leave. The bill was repealed.
Yes, to make your voice heard about how bad the voting bill just passed and enacted by the governor - disappointed in state reps not supporting the people of Georgia just their own personal power and to spread the word for support of FOR THE PEOPLE ACT 2021
Thank you for this info Ellie. It’s going to be a busy day online.
Wow! Thanks! I'll be busy today. Many, many thanks for this.
Oops...just saw this post of yours, Ellie. Will follow suit!!
Add in social media campaigns. As I recall youth when learning that some of their clothes were being made by women in Bangladesh under horrible conditions, they stopped buying the product. The company changed.
Who are the CEO s and board members of coke Home Depot and?
I going to sleep, ted. Look it up. That's what I'm going to do. Also get list of big bus in Georgia.
Do you mean bus companies so folks can travel there?
ctome@ups.com (Carol Tome)
jquincey@coca-cola.com (James Quncey)
Correction: ed.bastian@delta.com
let's collude with Michael Moore
Hit 'em in the profit margin, it's the only place they feel anything!
We hand out cokes and Dasani water or Pepsi and their water brand? Hmmmm? What’s it gonna be? U know what, we get coke to donate Dasani water bottles. They pay for it.
Good morning! Excellent idea, Ted!
You hit them in their $$ bottom line. Boycott them, boycott the state. Let them know. Write letters, make phone calls. Here are the 10 Georgia-based companies with the largest employees, followed by a link to the 100 top Georgian companies.
I will let our local Home Depot and UPS know that I am not going to buy from them until this illegal, racist, voter rights and voter warfare across our country are halted immediately. We have this power, use it.
The Home Depot
United Parcel Service
Randstad USA
Delta Air Lines
The Coca-Cola Company
Hansen Beverage
Cox Media Group
Cox Enterprises
Genuine Parts Company
Whoops --- https://www.zippia.com/advice/largest-companies-in-georgia/
Perfect, Penelope. This is very helpful.
Here's 4 email addresses for you, Ruth. Four ceo email addresses:
ctome@ups.com (Carol Tome)
jquincey@coca-cola.com (James Quncey)
Facebook works both ways.
You bring us hope, Margaret. I would add that I think John Lewis would not be deterred by this not-so-new effort to depress the vote; that Stacey Abrams is "on it." I have faith that the voters in Georgia will find a way. I myself will shine a light where I can!
No, I did not mean to imply that. I think he would feel betrayed and hurt by seeing his progress being wiped out by white men behind closed doors. Of course, he would always be up for a fight for what is right! Always!
Maggie, I was more intending to remind myself outloud about Lewis and Abrams!
"GA politicians are so bought and paid for and in debt to these corporations..." If you think that only the Republicans are indebted to corporations, I can assure you that buying political outcomes is a non-partisan practice across both parties at the national, state, and local levels. I'm not suggesting that we not lobby them hard in GA, but let's not let the Dems off the hook. They too rely on huge corporate funding. It's one reason HR1/SB1 is an important start to cleaning up our democracy.
NATIONAL BOYCOTT OF COCA COLA and HOME DEPOT?! Be sure and tell them why.
Just throwing this in here, MaryPat. Marc Ellis on Twitter: https://twitter.com/marceelias/status/1375287710257008642?s=20
It sounds like he's saying he's in court about this?
Great work. Lynell. He is the best. I couldn't tell if he's heading for court, but that is possible.
I have secured the email address of the 6th District AME Church in Atlanta, Georgia. It is run by Bishop Reginald Jackson. If you are willing, leave me a reply off this post just stating your name and state. I will forward on to the Bishop as a petition in support of the church who is opposing the S202 Bill.
Penelope Simpson Adams, Vermont
MaryPat Randall, Michigan.
Thanks, Penelope, MaryPat, and Kim. We did not receive enough names to file a petition, so we won't be sending one. Just wanted to let you know!
Kim C. Danner, Washington State
MaryPat, Has a NATIONAL BOYOTT been called? Which is the umbrella organization that called. Asking because I need to back up who has called it and contact info. Thanks.
Here's news re cocoa cola:
Georgia Chamber of Commerce weighs in in support of Activists. Several businesses are referred to in this WaPo article as being in alignment with Chamber of Commerce:
Thanks Linell! Gives great hope!!
This is only boycott news I saw:
Appreciate Lynell's sources.
Thanks, MaryPat for replying. I don't use Facebook, so will not pursue this link. If anyone has more info on a BOYCOTT, please comment and post me. Thank you.
Here you go, Fern. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/georgia-activists-call-for-coca-cola-boycott-over-deafening-silence-on-voting-rights/ar-BB1eXGo6?ocid=uxbndlbing
Sorry Fern, I meant to post this one: https://www.savannahtribune.com/articles/local-leaders-stand-with-ccdc-in-protest-of-georgia-hb531-and-sb241/
Did you see this? Rep. Cannon arrested for knocking on Kemp's door while he was signing the voting bill:
Yes, Kimberley. It was very upsetting to see her surrounded by about 6 or 7 members of law enforcement
Good ol' bully boys
Thank you for the link. Who believes a bill is honorable and good for the people if it must be signed under guard in secret?
Well said.
Also the Film Industry carries a great deal of weight here, the money they bring to the city is tremendous, not to mention the bragging rights, of Hollywood South.
First person who comes to mind is Tyler Perry. I can't imagine he is too happy about all this.
This is the best approach. pressure on the Corps.
Good points’
However the Republican legislators can throw out the vote and make their own decision. Voters can vote but no guarantees their votes will count. Disgraceful and very unsettling
This is the really evil part of the bill! That is out right taking away a person's legal vote!
I agree! The water is gratuitous cruelty, but it’s the lines requiring the water that are the problem.
You're right. Though every common sense thing that can be done should be done. Where the hell are we headed?
This must not stand.
Do The People of America have rights to vote that cannot be taken away? I am so fricking confused by our country all the time. Thank you repubs for showing us how your evility finds every loophole possible to destroy us. Who needs enemies?
They’re doing the same thing in Arizona.
and 43 (!) other states
Can SCOTUS overturn the Georgia Voter Suppression Act (let's call it what it is).
They could but do not count on it. The current SCOTUS has been restricting voting rights - and that was before Barrett joined.
Oh yes. Don’t count on this court.
Erghhh. Spot on Shellee
And stay on the voter rolls. Pretty sure Georgia republican leadership is already beginning the purge. Sad, mad, bad day.
Absolutely! And encourage and help non driving adults apply for and get valid state IDs
Totally. GQP likes purges even more than Stalin did.
The only place that they should be allowed to purge is within their own house.
Oooh. Cancel culture.
Yeah.... I can smell Kemp’s stinch from ten states away. Wat a skunk! I imagine the optics: SNL skit police arresting Adam Sandler as the waterboy, go ahead and try to enforce...the pushback is going to be something to behold.
How do you think it smells here? I live about 7 miles from the govenor’s mansion
We need to bring YOU water, Dick
I'm already imagining all the creative ways Dems will find workarounds for some of the more ridiculous parts of this law, like being prohibited from giving food and water to people waiting in line to vote. Busloads of us from other states showing up to stand alongside the line and invite voters to take one giant step out of line to receive a sandwich or bottle of water. In what jails would they put all of us? The photo ops that will shoot across the globe, making Georgia gop look every bit as small-minded and racist as they are in their little tiny hearts. I can't stay up to watch but I bet late night is having a blast with this.
At the very least, it's a violation of their civil rights, eg: no food or water. But that's exactly the point of course.
This element is spin to incite people. Read the bill, Section 33. The provision of food and water is part of the section about solicitation of votes while in line at a polling place. Water is to be provided at an unattended table. May not like it, but its part of keeping the appearance of non interference with a person's voting. Also, it is very specific as to where one can not provide such items.
Also, the bill addresses the long lines which doesn't get reported. Local election officials are required to provide enough voting equipment at a precinct to ensure no voter stands in line more than an hour. If they can't do that, they're to create a new precinct.
As a final comment, there are some serious issues in the bill regarding absentee voting. That's the real argument, not the provision of water.
With less absentee and early voting, more time will be spent in voting lines. That's why the bans on water and food matter. The strategy is to torture prospective voters until they abandon the effort. No picking and choosing which provisions are benign or unimportant. It's all of a piece.
I wish legislation was that simple. My experience in doing it suggests otherwise. There is the philosophy/practicability of severability. Besides if that was the case, the Affordable Care Act would have been ruled unconstitutional/invalid when selected portions were brought before the courts. As I recall, this was one of the issues facing the Supreme Court when Barrett was being confirmed.
Section 33 deals with campaigning at polling stations. It prohibits solicitation of votes, payment of monies to people standing in line to vote, etc. The legislature added to that element of not approaching people standing line to vote and giving them water and food. This is about a perception that people approached voters in line, offered them water and food in exchange for their vote. If it happened doesn't matter because there's the perception of giving something for a vote. The language regarding where this cannot occur is defined by three elements:
- within 150 feet of the building where voting occurs
- to a voter standing in line waiting to vote (I'll come back to this)
- inside the voting place.
Makes sense in that I doubt Massachusetts allows campaigning within a distance of the a voting location. It's supposed to be a neutral zone.
What's problematic is the definition of where the voting line starts. This language is part of the original law. I could be standing in line to enter the voting line. And the legislation defines to some degree where someone could try to influence a voter that is out of sight of the voting location, out of hearing distance of the voting location, etc. Given the bad publicity Georgia got in the last election about the long lines, the bill provides for election officials to provide an unattended table with water that a voter can pick up while they wait in line. So seeking clarification would help in this matter.
If you're a poll worker and you see someone passing out water and food or whatever where the law stated earlier that no one could campaign, how do you know the person, who is not an election official, is not influencing the vote, intimidating the voter, etc. Thus the language of the bill.
"how do you know the person, who is not an election official, is not influencing the vote, intimidating the voter, etc."
Yes, MA has similar laws, but also citizens, officials, and police who know how to act on Election Day, so they're rarely enforced. Not so in GA.
Of course the bill isn't simple; it is abstract. Some progressive MIGHT try to influence voters in line, though we know it's mostly Repugs who mess with in-person voting. But its intent and, even more, its effect is clear: to do exactly what it claims to prevent, intimidate and influence.
If replying, please skip the mini-treatise and show that you care if Georgia's votes are cast and counted.
You make a good point. The lines stretched miles- so they will have enough tables and water that is actually accessible? or is it actually "an unaccompanied table"
If the lines get too long, they will create a new precinct? If this is needed in early voting I can see that being possible but it will take at least a day to set up the new precinct. I can't recall any time they were able to do quickly do this. If it happens ON voting day.... They would have to get more machines, which then have to be tested as so far they Never test ahead of time. They are counting on those long lines being in certain districts and they just won't be able to set it up in time....that is crazy!
Hi Daria, Did you see this? Rep. Cannon arrested for knocking on Kemp's door while he was signing the voting bill:
If Rep. Cannon had not knocked on the door and been arrested, this story may not have been as big and as widely spread. She is a Hero!
I’d like to see someone busted for sharing water!! That’ll look good on the news! What if the person diabetic?
ICE has not problem arresting people for humanitarian help for refugees.... GOP do not believe in humanitarian efforts, only greed and power.
had a*
Is now against the law. These people are such an incredible liars in Georgia. Unbelievable
https://www.vox.com/22352112/georgia-voting-sb-202-explained I am confused once again as I read about this bill being voted on on Monday, and yet Kemp already signed it. What am I missing?
It has been enacted. The bill is now law. Please post a link to support the boycott under the churches' umbrella. You've done crucial work. Thank you.
It is more disturbing now than I have ever known or felt in my lifetime. Like many, I have donated, spoke up, made calls, wrote letters, challenged family and friends with discussions about the fragility of our democracy, and more. The strategic plan to save our country has to go full force, with the same urgency and ‘take no prisoners’ mindset that has propelled the Republicans. Why be here if it isn’t a democracy anymore? I am so deeply saddened we are at this point.
Your thoughts echo mine. Thank you for writing them so honestly and succinctly.
The Dems in Congress must not worry about “how will it look in another election “ . They must protect democracy now. Full stop.
Leah, I think the Democrats in Congress are very reluctant to fight fire with fire, maybe because they don't want to become what their adversaries are when they "take no prisoners." Still, it is so frustrating.
I agree, well said.
This is as ominous as this newsletter has ever been. I fear Democrats just don't have the votes to reform the filibuster. NH Senators also appear reluctant. Too many conservatives in this country and Republicans played the long game very well.
I'd like to see a return to needing to talk to filibuster. The more people talk to block good legislation, the more they will be judged for their views espoused.
Talking filibuster is necessary but not sufficient. Imagine congenital blowhards like Cruz or Paul getting to blather as long as they like. There must be something Manchin wants that will yield his vote. Sinema too.
It has also to allow the elected government to govern and set debate time limits as in any other parliamentary system in the world. You don't get filibusters in non-democratic parliamentary systems like in China or Russia.
Initially we will probably, in my opinion, end up with a relatively minimalist approach that will make the filibuster effectiveness necessitate constant presence and speech by the opposers of a motion with the constant threat of a vote to stop the debate if the numbers support it. Secondly, I think that we will see Bills concerning and supporting "rights" guarrenteed by the constitution protected from the Filibuster defence like the Judgeships and other nominations. Thirdly I think we'll see the Voting rights act split into several parts and reworded to comply with the change in the filibuster rules so that the key elements of the bill can slide in "backwards". Fourthly i think we'll see a heavy investment program in West Virginia and Arizona and a slower progression towards the $15/hr minimum and federal help to small business to help with cost increase wage to settle the deal.
Then when the Dems win the 2022 election decisively despite Republican shenaningans you get rid of the filibuster entirely, sack if then necessary Manchin/Sinema and pass all the remaining items of the Voting Rights Act and more......and get on with the implementation of Biden's program. At that point you will get into an internecine war for power in the Democratic Party between Biden and the Progressives which will change the party system as much as the decline and split of the GOP. As always......be careful what you ask for and be very sure that you understand the consequences of your decisions and actions.
Except this is not how the scenario is going to actually play out. I think we may get some wiggle room on the filibuster, but not its complete elimination, and reviving the talking filibuster is no solution because McConnell is prepared for this gambit. Best case is that voting rights bills are exempted from the filibuster, but I think that's unlikely. If Manchin goes, we undoubtedly get a conservative Republican in his place (which is probably going to happen in any case).
Have you seen the Marvel movies? Dr. Strange is able to see all of the hundreds of thousands of scenarios of how things are going to play out and in only one do our heroes prevail. I think that's an accurate picture. In nearly every scenario I can imagine, the Rs take the House and Senate in 2022 and the White House in 2024. I believe that Heather is precisely correct when she says the only thing that matters at this point is HR 1. We could still lose, but at least we could say that it was in a system that was not rigged. I think our chance of passing HR 1 through the Senate are less than 20% though. Sorry to be the pessimist, but I just don't think you have painted a picture of reality. We need to be prepared for the battles ahead with realistic ideas of what is likely. This is THE existential fight for our democracy, full stop.
Gotta try though. Pick your line and bring the fight. This is the big one for democracy.
You are as correct as you will ever be.
I'm getting too old for this shit. Where are the young warriors?
Oh, they're on Miami Beach dancing on Ocean Drive without wearing masks in a viral pandemic, shooting, raping and killing, forcing a shutdown of the city. Pessimistic? It's just a dreadful reality at this point.
This is an unfair characterization of young people. They have been the most active demographic in the country over the past year and may save us yet. The Miami Beach idiots are a very, very small slice.
Start with lobbying top 10 corporations in Georgia. See Daria’s post.
In Europe they are timidly starting to get involved again and to vote. The climate issue is driving them.
Let's not judge the Youngers by the worst excesses of Spring Break. Due to the pandemic, many older LFAA readers may not have been there, but last summer millions of aware, informed Youngers definitely took it to the streets. Summer is becoming America's national protest season. It never gets old, just more exhilarating!
Sometimes it is harder to think it through and then to vote and support the right to vote. Our grand experiment is working. It needs your support.
Each to their own, Reid. I'm just sure that neither the Dems nor GOP have really "seen" the future that will be created regardeless in the next few years..voting rights act or not.
Stuart, you are spot on as usual. They have not seen the future nor do they care. They are standing on the street looking down at the sidewalk in front of their feet, not towards the next intersection down. This goes for both sides. It's about "me" and now.
Heather is correct in calling this (S1) a very big deal. We'll see the pattern emerging within a few months. I am not at all optimistic.
I suggest everyone having a Plan B as to how you will prepare to live and conduct your affairs in an oligarchy. Sorry to be a Donnie Downer here.
The problem is is that less informed/online democratic voters are not pessimistic enough. Once we backslide into republican hell there will only be no relief in sight. Good reference to Dr. Strange in "infinity war". Except the way things are going, only a modified Thanos snap that works on bad faith Republicans may be our only hope.
We’re definitely in a treacherous time for our democracy.
What makes you think we will backslide anywhere. This is just a moment, and an eyeblink in time. When our eyes are opened we will see the light of day and it will be a struggle to regain any losses, but we will regain them. Be strong, be the person we need you to be right now.
There's a thought! You have any spare infinity gems hanging around?
Reid I agree.
"A Republic, if you can keep it." - B. Franklin Seems like these days we're doing a pretty good job of pissing it away!
It always is better for men to do it downwind for obvious reasons. The key is to create and dominate the irresistable flow of air.
Stuart, are you suggesting women do it upwind? The important thing is to be out in nature.
Not so, it is not gone. Why give up now????/
Stuart, I endorse your analysis, that is of course, if my vote has not already been suppressed.
Not in Virginia i think..but even so they can't now legally murder you for trying
Thank you for your thoughts Stuart!
It will be very interesting to see which way things fall out
Stuart I love how calmly you approach these events. Paris doesn’t seem to be the easiest place to be these days
True. Governments that are trying to avoid facing the consequences of their inaction over decades.
My wife came back from having her hair "done" in th 6th Arrondissement (Bon Marché, St Germain etc) stating categorically that Paris is nolonger her town...and she is Parisenne for ever...en passant par NYC...and we will undoubtedly settle just in the village in the South shortly. All big cities are becoming "unlivable" .
Smart wife.
my goal would be Sancerre
So, what is it that makes the two party system necessary. Our first President advised against it. Why not take a chance on good leaders and honest voters? It seems the thing to do and now could be the time to do it.
You might be right— my underside that the two party system is essentially an old tradition but each party has metamorphosed in terms of followers and identities— I became an independent when Trump won and it hasn’t affected me because I never had a deep party allegiance. I always voted for the person I perceived as best able to serve.
I agree although I would give anything to see Cruz or Paul fall over from exhaustion or just falling over would be alright. I do like you description of them being “congenital blowhards”. You are much kinder than I am.
No doubt. I was hoping making people like Cruz sound like complete idiots in their own words would be helpful in ending the filibuster.
Thanks Matt; if only. Sounding like an idiot never deters Fled Cruz.
While having little effect in Texas, it might have some effect nationally. There *has* to be few lifelong Republicans who will wake up to the crazy talk and vicious actions in their party.
There are people very awake. I don’t think “awakening” is the issue. I think “growing some“ is the issue.
No it doesn’t. Irony is not his strong suit.
Crazy. How can now be a time for transactional politics? ( I’m just frustrated with these two!)
I guess politics always comes down to one transaction after another
Yep, and one of them is my Senator. No one here in AZ can figure out where she is coming from, nor what advantage her position provides her. If anyone out there has a cogent explanation, I'd love to hear it.
They’re all the same - once they’re in they tailor what they do to getting enough votes to get back in
Yes...but if you want something to happen to achieve your objectives, you get rid of the obstacles in the best way you can.......and then get on with it.
There won’t be Democratic elected officials if nothing is done. Or any of the many bills waiting to go to the Senate. Sinema and Manchin and Hassan all know this - it’s just horse trading.
So what's new?
Because they will never be re-elected if they vote to eliminate the filibuster.
But they’ll forever be in the minority if they don’t.
Being voted out of office puts them in a worse position. Not that I support their unprincipled positions. But realistically, they would almost certainly be replaced with Republicans.
You are kidding, of course. No one outside of the Washington beltway cares about something called a filliwhat? It does what? For whom? The filibuster has one purpose and that is to stop legislators from legislating anything that will support the removal of slavery, discrimination and justice.
Not kidding at all. Believe me, while most people don't understand the intricacies of it, they know what they've been told: if you get rid of the filibuster, the bad guys will pass laws you won't like. That's all they know and all they need to know.
Time for the evildoers to be silenced.
It is ominous but as you suggest, let's make a deal with Manchin and Sinema. It worked with Manchin for the American Rescue Package. Shower attention on them, flatter them, say you get that they want what's best for their constituents. Give them money for WV and AZ
I do not feel at all bad about showering West Virginia with much needed assistance. Manchin knows how to play this game superbly well. But what's with Arizona?
Lynell(VA by way of DC)5 min ago
Evening, all!! I have secured the email address of the 6th District AME Church in Atlanta, Georgia. It is run by Bishop Reginald Jackson. If you are willing, leave me a reply off this post just stating your name and state. I will forward on to the Bishop as a petition in support of the church who is opposing the S202 Bill. Thanks in advance.
Exactly— an offer they can’t refuse
Hopefully an offer that doesn’t include a horse 🐎 s head.
Just recently viewed The Godfather trilogy— that scene with the horse’s head is brilliant.
The horse disagrees.
nauseating that they are so concerned about holding on to their 'power' that they can't do the right actions. Absence of courage., integrity, blah, blah, blah
With talking filibuster, they can recite the phone book if they want. There is no rule to say they have to talk about the issue they are filibustering about.
The filibuster is merely a rule established by a simple majority of Senators. It is not in the Constitution. It is not a law, nor does it have the force of law. It has a long history, has been changed several times in the past when it suited the Senate majority-of-the-moment to do so, and can be changed or eliminated by this Senate at any time if 51 Senators decide to.
Clearly, under present circumstances, the only likely scenario of this sort will require all 50 Democratic Senators plus the VP to vote against the filibuster, as it is exceedingly unlikely any Republicans would join them. However, back in the early '60s when LBJ was trying to pass major civil rights legislation, the Senators employing the filibuster were a mix of southern Democrats (Dixiecrats) and conservative Republicans, while those who eventually managed to vote "cloture", defeat the filibuster and pass the legislation were a mix of northern Democrats and less-conservative - even liberal - Republicans who still remembered they were in the party of Lincoln.
Since then, common ground in the Senate and in the country generally has pretty much disappeared, and nearly all seriously contested votes are strictly party line. Following a change in the rule a number of years (decades?) ago, the filibuster has become the norm, only we don't so much notice it anymore because any Senator can merely threaten to filibuster and require a 60-40 majority to pass all but spending bills (as a practical matter), so no endless debate or phone-book reading is necessary. This means that the Senate majority leader can simply decide not to bring up for a vote or even debate most legislation that is not guaranteed at least 60 votes. In situations in which it appeared a few Republicans might vote with the Democrats, at least enough to give them a simple majority, use of the filibuster was threatened and the proposed legislation (often already passed by the House) died on Mitch McConnell's desk.
So the filibuster, in addition to it's inglorious past as a tool to block civil rights legislation, is an essential tool in the GOP's ongoing and thus far successful attempt to drown the US government and the Democratic party in a bathtub by preventing passage of any new laws that might make life better for most Americans and, perhaps, convince them to vote for Democrats.
This issue is now very partisan because the GOP knows that the end of the filibuster could mean the end of GOP minority rule. This is much, much bigger than Senators wasting time and reading aloud from phone books.
As HCR has indicated today, this is a very, very big deal.
The phone book would be of greater interest than their thoughts.
Cruz is fond of reading Green eggs and Ham to prevent Americans from the evils of health care.
Sad, sad, sad........
That’s absurd! When I hear things like this I wonder if rules are being created in such a way that they can laugh at us.
I can live without having to listen to GOP blowhards (thanks TPJ) at 3 in the morning, but if that's what it takes....
That may be what it takes! But take heart. Journalists will be recording it, experiencing the pain themselves, and only regurgitating the highlights (lowlights?).
Did you say low lifes Matt?
Imagine having to go through all the CSPAN footage.
More potent than a bottle of sleeping pills.
The irony, and tragedy, is that the Sedition Caucus sees themselves as the new Mr Smith gone to Washington. Bah.
You're welcome. There is a full quiver of insults to shoot at the GQP. Always nonviolently.
I think u mean “paid the long game”
Or were paid to play the long game. Just mincing words to while away the time while my system slows down.
They've been pouring poisen into the system, drip-by-drip for 50 years never stopping.
What you write is accurate. The two Democratic senators are adamant they don’t want to vote to change the filibuster.
That's what party leadership is for. They need to be given deals which would be unwise to refuse.
Make them an offer they can't refuse. Mumble like Don Corleone if necessary.
All nonviolent, of course.
Edgar Hoover would have had a "file" on the 2 recalcitrants which would have settled the question.
Said in jest, I assure you.
Ah, the good old days...
Here's an offer: let Senator Manchin know that if he refuses to vote in favor of reforming (or eliminating) the filibuster, the Democratic Party will use every legal means at its disposal to make him wish he had never entered politics or even been born. I mean, the guy will need funding to get re-elected, right? He must have some interest in what his place in history will be. He must have at least a few skeletons in his closet that he would prefer to keep there. Like most people, he probably dislikes public embarrassment. There may be certain arguments/positions he does not want to have to defend publicly. He needs to be called out as a DINO, as Jim Crow nostalgic, as a neo-Dixiecrat, as a stick in the mud, as a shameless grandstander, as an egotistical coglione. Perhaps the now popular Joe Biden is the one to make the offer Joe Manchin can't refuse. Ditto for Krysten Sinema and Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen and any other waffling "moderate" DEMs.
And what is "moderate" in letting the GOP destroy our democracy, pray tell?
And if he flips?
Meaning what, that he switches parties? If the HR1/S1 cannot pass the Senate, we are all toast. You, me, HCR, Joe Manchin, even stupid Ted Cruz. I'm not sure there would be any room to just muddle through. Our choice would be between submissive acceptance of a GOP dictatorship or years of violent civil disorder and misery on a gargantuan scale. We could even take the world down with us. And there are lots of loose nukes out there. I hope my words are sufficiently alarming.
Manchin is unlikely to flip to the GQP. Changing parties is a major step for major political figures, requiring far more than simply switching registration. It would not help him win reelection in WV, since its GQP will prefer one of their own. That's what happened to Arlen Spector in PA a few years ago.
Right —I’m thinking there must be something someone can whisper to Manchin etc
Not unless you can whisper, "We guarantee you will be re-elected in your extremely conservative state." That's the only thing that is likely to sway him. But guaranteed job training and placement for coal workers being made redundant might help.
Especially if preceded by a major show of how conservative he is. Manchin has already co-sponsored - I think with Steve Daines (R-Montana) - a bill to require some of the new federally sponsored green energy aka infrastructure factories to be in former coal areas.
Guaranteed reelection is the major motivation of most of these senators.
Oh, like “ we’re going to start investigating your Big Pharma daughter?”
I’m not up on that but it might be a start. He appears to me to be an extremely stubborn man who is enjoying every bit of the attention.
But of course...
I wonder though - if they eliminate it now, why can’t they bring it back by simple majority if they feel they need it later? The Senate makes new rules all the time.
They could.
Like stand up or get out
Whatever is the matter with those two? Why did they run as Democrats? The filibuster must go!
They're an endangered species, in very conservative states and trying to survive.
They don't want to abolish the filibuster. On some days, both of them are open to changing it.
Conservatives bought and sold by corporations and the 1%. Like Cindy Lauper said, “money changes everything”.
NH Senator Hassan answered my email with this response. She didn't address the filibuster question specifically but she does say she will do everything in her power....
Thank you for contacting me regarding S. 1, the For the People Act of 2021. I value your opinion and appreciate you taking the time to write to me.
We must defend and strengthen our democratic institutions, and stand up for the democratic principles and values that define our nation. That is why I joined my colleagues in introducing the For the People Act of 2021, which includes fundamental reforms that will restore public trust in our democracy, protect our institutions, and ensure that our government works for and represents all people.
These reforms would help protect the right to vote, promote and protect mail and absentee voting, fix our broken campaign finance system, root out dark money in the political system, combat foreign interference in our elections, and take on corruption in politics. New Hampshire has a strong record of administering fair and free elections, which this law would not change. Rather, the For the People Act would help ensure that all Americans have the same opportunities to participate in our democracy. This is a large bill with a number of significant provisions, and I am open to feedback and continued work to ensure that this bill works for New Hampshire.
Please rest assured that I will do everything in my power to ensure the integrity of our democracy and our democratic institutions, and that I will encourage my colleagues in the Senate, on both sides of the aisle, to do the same.
The conservatives are long gone and have been replaced by modern day nazis. It is time to outlaw them.
Indeed, where are they? Conservatives seek to save what is valuable. The founder of Britain's modern Conservative Party, Sir Robert Peel, saw no contradiction in calling himself a liberal conservative. Today the GQP plan is to destroy what is permanently valuable -- American democracy.
N Gash, Peel (2 vols)
D Hurd, Robert Peel
I live in Georgia and I am planning on taking water 💦 to the polls, I will fill the trunk of my car with it. We can break this law, as though it was a dead branch to be tossed into a fire 🔥, and have it thrown out if enough of us do the same. It’s time to throw the lot of them out, every single one of them that voted for this abomination. I know that I won’t be alone
I'm thinking the same thing. I also think that the lawsuits being filed will overturn these "laws." You will not be alone, Dick. We Georgians can make Shotgun's schemes a train wreck.
Was listening to Lawrence O’Donnell’s show tonight where he had Nikema Williams, Congresswoman from GA and Abrams’ sidekick and Lauren Groh-Wargo, CEO of FairFight. They both said lawsuits are already being filed. They indicated that voters should inundate their representatives with phone calls, emails, and to go on Twitter to call these seditionists out! I, for one, nicely troll Kevin McCarthy and Ted Cancun Cruz on Twitter. Also, if you have not read the guide by Indivisible on how to protest, you should. It has great information.
I listened to Lawrence O'Donnell, too. Nikema Williams and Lauren Groh-Wargo are always so impressive. I'll be on the phone for the foreseeable future. Hope I'm not too optimistic, but I think this is all headed for the garbage heap - no compost. Wonderful that you troll the trolls. I'd have trouble doing it "nicely."
"I, for one, nicely troll Kevin McCarthy and Ted Cancun Cruz on Twitter."
I'm not on Twitter. Give McCorporate and Cancun Charlie my regards. You know what I mean.
I shall!
Bravo, Dick! That's the spirit.
For reference. This is what happened today when Delegate Park Cannon attempted to attend the Governor's signing of the Voter Suppression Act. Be prepared. https://mobile.twitter.com/AriBerman/status/1375221522307104773
Another powerful--and deeply troubling--commentary on the events of the day and what they portend for the future. The Republicans are clearly bent on destroying the essential elements of our democratic government. As someone else has commented, they have played the long game well (and Democrats did not pay careful attention). (Glad to see that Sen. Warnock is speaking out in the senate) We are coming to a crisis point, and we can also await HCR's comments on the Supreme Court decisions coming up. Organizing at the grassroots level can effect some change and heaven knows the Democrats need to put up a candidate for EVERY local/county/state elected office---a horrible failure in the past, and part of what got us here. It really is up to the Democrats in Congress and the President and Vice-President to figure out at strategy that will save both Democracy and the Democratic Party. Lots of stormy weather coming...... Peace and Courage to all. This is an amazing community gathered around HCR......
The Republican Party is the greatest threat to the Republic.
Thank You 🙏
To me, the best moment of President Biden's press conference today was when they asked him if he was going to run for a second term, then was asked if it would be against 45, to which he replied he didn't know, in fact he said we didn't know if there even would be a Republican Party! Great answer!
It was great to hear Biden in the press conference. So many good thoughts.
Wasn’t it? And he had the receipt s!
Yeah, thanks Cathy, here it is again:
"...I want to change the paradigm; reward work, not just wealth."
Thank you.
Today, the media let us down in their questions to Biden. HCR pointed some of that out. I was glad that there were those reporters who asked about immigration and the unaccompanied children. Most of those kids are boys who are of the ages 16-17. They are being treated humanely and mostly all come with papers or tattoos that bear a phone number of someone in the States. Border Patrol is to move these kids into a facility for no more than 72 hours but in the meantime they call the number the boy gives to them to verify if that person is a relative. They do not want to release them to drug or human traffickers. I felt good after that explanation although there still is a ton of work to accomplish. So, then the media asked Biden if he was going to be running for re-election and it wasn’t just one reporter who asked that. I was appalled and angry that supposedly competent news people were asking that question! Honestly, what they should’ve asked was “What kind of a shithole country are we that we have not allowed the Voting Rights Act to be approved and that we haven’t passed any tough gun control laws?”
The press certainly showed the years of Failed 45 made them lazy with show off questions trying to skewer Biden. And the follow up headlines were that he plans to run again! They were mostly pathetic and Biden handled it very well. Come on! Get serious!
Part of them were serious but I also rolled my eyes at the (second!) re-election question.
Marlene— you nailed that question. What kind of a shithole country? The worst kind and why —because we had so many other directions we could have taken.
Finally an appropriate use of Trump's infamous scatologism.
From a schist-whole president.
Well, we know he’s not gneiss. Sorry.
Love the capital punishment!
I was appalled as well at the questions of whether he was going to run again in four years. My God, he's only been president two months! How did they think he would answer that? If he had said, "No," he would be considered a lame duck or one-term president and never get anything done.
Looks like the little square mustache above the upper lip is going to be very popular for Republicans. The For the People Act must pass. This is the defining moment for democracy in America and in the world.
"The law also makes it a crime to give water or food to people waiting in line to vote." On what Constitutional statute does the act of giving away water and food become a crime? Can things get any crazier?
Not simply a crime, but a felony.
Crimes against humanity
We know who the criminals are, don't we?
At first the road to unfreedom is a slow, bumpy, and windy. As more people obey in advance the pace quickens and then just takes off, and democracy is gone.
Someone will challenge this. And be the guinea pig who will be penalized for it. Hopefully through such action the law will be struck down.
95 pages, and no doubt over half violate the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
TPJ, Good point.
Former President Jimmy Cartervwill be weighing in then. After he left office he often observed elections in other countries.
I am an eighty nine year old former patriot. I don’t even like this country anymore—sad.
With respect, Mr Perlmutter, I believe you are not a former, but a current patriot.
Second the motion
(Don't let it out, please.)
Too late. We see you!
That's the spirit, David!!
It will only be sad if we don’t fight back, I too am a patriot and fully intend to resist this. I’ll do it not for myself but for my grandchildren and their grandchildren. Someday they will write about this time like they write about the time of Lincoln. I have stepped up and raised my hand and swore an oath to the constitution in the past, that oath animates my life to this day and it took place over 50 years ago. You may be 89 David but I’ll bet you still have a patriot’s steel in your backbone. Rest well, we are all going to need strength for this fight, but win it we must and win it we will.
Mr Montagne 100%
Good luck Dick Montagne. If there were more like you, democracy would have a chance, but I don't share your optimism. Again, good luck to you.
How interesting that totalitarianism’s success begins in GA, the heart of the former confederacy. It is going to be interesting to see the lawsuits that I am sure are already filed. But I also suspect that this is just the beginning of the wave of autocracy that is about to try to swamp all of us.
"Try" is the operative word. There are lawsuits already being filed, FairFight in going to FIGHT, and I have a gut feeling that all of the measures that Kemp has signed off on will so enrage the voters, who saw in the presidential election and Senate runoff, that if you refuse to be intimidated or convinced that you're destined to lose, you will prevail. I think that Shotgun, Raffensperger, and the Rethuglican legislature here have made a mistake by poking at this hornets' nest. Remember, Kemp is in office because he refused to recuse himself from the Secretary of State position, and purged and otherwise oppressed Black and POC voters, and beat Stacey Abrams. This one is personal for her. Texas and the many other states who are employing these draconian attempts at voter suppression just might surprise their Rethug overseers by following Georgia's lead.
Thanks for the reminder of how he beat Stacey Abrams. That guy's lower than dirt.
Abrams wins hands down in 2018 in a fair fight.
Thus, her FairFight organization. I believe Stacey's philosophy is "don't get mad, get even."
And that’s the point of all their efforts. No more fair fights.
Yes, I agree. I also think we can take a lesson from the North Carolina bathroom bill and strongly encourage boycotts of businesses based in Georgia. Unfortunately, with Covid there are very few big conventions to be canceled in protest, but other pressure can be brought to bear. Buying no Coke products and boycotting Home Depot would be a good start. Once movie production ramps back up, we should strongly encourage a boycott; Georgia depends heavily on that industry.
All of these businesses have been contacted, and there has been blowback, resulting in the original bills being abandoned or tweaked. Stacey Abrams is miles ahead of all of us.
But those lawsuits will be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court where they will be defeated... And they will probably be still wending their way at the time of the 2022 elections.
I'm not so sure. I know some of the conservative Justices will be unsympathetic, but these actions are so deplorable and utterly recognizable as suppression, even some conservatives on the Court are unlikely to support them, especially since the populace is so vocally against this sort of thing - across party lines. What SCOTUS doesn't want is for the Democrats to pack the court or insist on term limits.
Term limits for congress and judges? Who would think of such a thing?
Uh me. You, too?
I fear you are correct.
Are they baiting? tears
Today, asked about the relationship between the U.S. and China, President Biden gave a breathtaking reply that flew right by most journalists in the room. His words, in effect, clarified the true conflict: It is not about individual countries, but about competing ideologies around the world. It is democracy versus authoritarianism. Consider that Russia no longer discusses “communism” because that is dead in most of the world and dying elsewhere. In Russia, China, North Korea, Africa, South America and Asia outside of China, there is no push for communism, the main drivers are authoritarians versus democracy.
The Republican moves against voting rights here in the U.S. play directly into the hands of our “competitor” countries and tarnish our “shining beacon” status in the world.
The kind of country will we become from this moment forward is the legacy we will leave. If we fail to write our own history now, it will be written for us in the future by those we have forsaken. It is up to us. Now. Today.
It’s not lost on me that there is still blood drying on the ground from a few days ago in Georgia and no proposals restricting guns or any resolution standing against hate from the GA Gov. But in record time, without debate,behind locked doors, he signs a 97 page voter suppression bill to law. Cowardly. Immoral. Racist. Forever a stain on the Republican Party. Forever in history Kemp, ur a boot licking fascist. Ur political career is over.
Cowardly. Immoral. Racist. The Republican Party will never recover from the stains of 2021. These creeps are writing their own death warrant.