Of course the GOP doesn't want to fix the broken immigration system. The fear of "others" is too valuable of a campaign issue for them. They need it to drive their voters to the polls.

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You took the words out of my mouth, so to speak. About the only thing I could agree with GWB on was immigration reform that he tried to advance, but was shot down by his own party. There is no will to truly resolve this issue that keeps the GOP base rabidly motivated.

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During Obama’s administration there was a bipartisan immigration bill Boehner refused to bring to the floor.

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Jan 3, 2023
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Well he certainly makes every effort to publicize the buses of immigrants he send to sactuary cities. But just to be sure he would win reelection he encouraged the passage of such measures as removing drop boxes. All of Harris County where Houston is had just one ballot drop box.

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Even though their financial supporters need the workers. I believe that is biting off your nose to spite your face?

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Especially in the Florida orange groves!

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And the SoCal-SW AZ Winter Salad Bowl and citrus groves, Greg Abbott's TX citrus groves, and dairies, now. Then, in a few weeks all over the rest of CA, AZ, and NM. A few weeks later more will be required in rural areas over the entire Country.

Do we even need to mention restaurants, h/motels, and factories?

The shortage is immense and wide-spread.

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Yes indeed, and don’t forget construction trades.

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Construction trades! Indeed, new sub divisions in the Raleigh NC area would NOT have been built without immigrant labor!

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The recovery from the hurricanes in Florida could proceed so much faster with more workers.

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Shortage creates higher prices to the public so that growers don't lose any money....and maybe make more!

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Totally agree!!

I was making a direct link between trafficking asylum-seekers for political points (DeSantis, Abbott) and extreme labor needs. TX and FL are absolutely in that mix. Have other similarly situated governors done the same thing?

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There are actually hispanic bankers, lawyers and even Congressmen! Right now, in the 20th century?

The nerve of them dropping their mops and brooms for the root of all evil!

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Gee? Labor shortage in US? Wonder why? Perhaps 45’s assault on immigrants helped!

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Along with his refusal to take SARS-CoV-2 seriously. He kept thinking flu not being Smart enough to realize H1N1 was the cause of the 1918 Pandemic.

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His grandfather died within 24 hours of coming down with the "Spanish flu."

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You've read.... the Drumpf grandfather, a NYC barber who subsequently started opening bordellos in the Greater NW. He sold out his holdings in the last one in the Klondike 3 weeks before the strike ran out, and returned to his hometown Kallstadt (less than 20 miles as the raven flies from Castle Frankenstein. [you can't make this stuff up]) from where he had fled in 1885 to dodge the draft instituted for the newly unified Germany by Kaiser Bill of Prussia and Bismark.

A few years later, when about to marry Elisabeth Christ, announcements were published and some government official with a memory realized a draft dodger was about. Frederick was stripped of his German citizenship, so he and Elisabeth fled to New York City to avoid arrest - for the 2nd time... It happened, again.

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Such a distinguished family tree. ;)

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The Alternate Reality of Donald J tRUmp...

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Just as the GOP is in denial about global warming, the Dems are in denial about immigration. I say that has a lifelong Democrat who voted enthusiastically for Biden.

In 1980, meat packers were mostly Black workers, who were making good middle class wages. Immigration surged during that decade (and has been surging ever since). By the decade's end, meat packers were primarily immigrant workers, making barely above minimum wage under atrocious conditions (amputations were common).

The same thing had been happening since the first half of the 1800s, and is still happening, as reported in Back of the Hiring Line: A 200-Year History of Immigration Surges, Employer Bias, and Depression of Black Wealth, by Roy Beck ($13 on Amazon). The book is solid, covering the academic economic history, statements by Black leaders, beginning with Frederick Douglass, Black periodicals, and gov't commissions on immigration reform (296 footnotes). Only most recently, as per the book, white workers and long-term immigrant workers are also being displaced by the more easily exploitable new immigrants. Immigration is big biz' way of keeping wages down, or even depressing them. This is why the Koch org, and Z'berg, and big biz GOPers generally have been in favor of mass immigration.

From 1990-2020, the US grew by 83 million--equivalent to four NY States. Half of that was due to immigration. Going forward, the Census Bureau projects one NY State equivalent per decade over the next four--90% of that from immigration.

The other problem with mass immigration is that the US is environmentally unsustainable, and global warming is greatly worsening that situation. In the next 2-3 decades, millions of Americans will become climate refugees, according to an article by ProPublica in the NYT Mag. At this point, any further population growth is crazy.


Incidentally, what's broken about immigration is that it's out of control, and none of the "comprehensive immigration reform" bills ever included a national, mandatory E-Verify to prevent hiring of those here illegally. The Dems don't want that because they hope eventual citizenship will provide more Dem voters; GOPers do'nt want that because they like the cheap labor.

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I think you are right inasmuch as the immigration causes are deeper than merely seeking US refuge and employment. As is true in the Global South world wide, climate and crime refugees are moving north out of desperation. I wish so much that we (the US) might join a coalition of nations for a mutual solution. I think UN refugee programs should be consulted and included. This is a WORLD WIDE PHENOMENON and it needs and deserves global input, and global solutions. At the very least let there be refugee camps and decent shelter, food distribution and medical care. Perhaps our Republican friends would finally allow a congressional contribution under the defense-of-our-nation rubric.

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I've had the same thoughts. I think it would need to be done in conjunction with family planning for refugees, and for countries that are still growing. Africa, now nearly 1.5 billion, is projected to grow to 3 billion in a generation. If/when that happens, the megafauna will be virtually extinct, and ecosystem services on that continent will be decimated.


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Agree with many of your points. Years ago, Mike Myers’s character ‘Julia Richmond’ on Saturday Night live had a favorite line ‘I’ll give you a topic, talk amongst yourself!’ Channeling Julia ‘The avaricious greed of rogue capitalists’ is a root cause of the world wide immigration tragedy!…talk amongst yourself!

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Both sides are to blame for not solving the immigration crisis. I agree with that100%.

I honestly don't think Dems support immigration because we see immigrants as new voters. In FY 2021 the median years spent as a lawful permanent resident for all citizens naturalized was 7.3 years. I wish could find a figure on what % never applies for citizenship. https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship-resource-center/naturalization-statistics

I think we're just more aware of the conditions they are escaping and admit we'd also flee if we were in their shoes.

IMHO we need to make penalties much stronger on the companies that hire immigrants without papers. As far as I can tell the big poultry cases from a few years ago only indicted four people from management. https://www.al.com/news/2020/11/mississippi-chicken-processing-plants-to-pay-back-wages-after-immigration-raids.html

Also, immigrants aren't necessarily a drag on society. I remember early in his administration Trump ordered Department of Health and Human Services to get him a report to show how much immigration was hurting us financially. Well, they came back with a report saying "that refugees brought in $63 billion more in government revenues over the past decade than they cost." Of course Trump promptly buried the report. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/18/us/politics/refugees-revenue-cost-report-trump.html

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Half of the population growth from 1990-2020--40 million and change--was due to immigration. The housing crisis has gotten worse Traffic has gotten a lot worse since 1990 in my experience, both in Boston and DC, and in the highways that run between the two cities. Substantial virgin land and agricultural land has been lost to sprawl. Emergency rooms are a lot more crowded, and it takes a lot longer to be seen. And half a billion dollars annually that used to go to workers now goes to business owners. These are all costs to all of us that dwarf that $63 billion in allegedly lost gov't revenues. Which I doubt, because immigrants use more gov't help programs than Americans do.

And we need to have penalties, period, for companies that hire illegal immigrants. Their CEOs should go to jail. That would put a stop to the problem.

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This is when I like to throw in a list of companies started by immigrants. https://stacker.com/business-economy/successful-us-companies-started-immigrants I also like to mention that the children of immigrants (the first generation born here) are more successful than native-born Americans. There are lots of studies on this. They are nearly twice as likely to become rich as the children of people born in the United States. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/07/11/opinion/immigrants-success-america.html

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The Cato Institute says "immigrants consume 28 percent less welfare and entitlement benefits than native‐​born Americans on a per capita basis." https://www.cato.org/briefing-paper/immigrant-native-consumption-means-tested-welfare-entitlement-benefits-2019

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Cato institute “ Promoting an American public policy based on individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peaceful international relations.”

Not an unbiased source! Libertarian propaganda machine! What are entitlement benefits? Another label by the capitalist class to demean the safety net developed to keep Americans who contributed to programs like social security!

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After reading more of the Cato produced report, I stand by my previous description of their organization!

Buzz words coined by alleged conservative groups…welfare…entitlements!

The tax policies of Reagan and trump were welfare to millionaires and billionaires! No one uses that term in regard to that group of benefactors.

Entitlements?? Really whose more entitled than the heirs of the robber barons, the offspring of the hedge fund community or private equity greed creatures? An offspring of an Ivy League grad gets a’legacy’ acceptance to the parents alma mater….note the term legacy which is another way of saying an entitlement!!

Words have consequences and those who will do anything to preserve raw, avaricious capitalism will also back people who organized the coup against our democracy!

Immigration ‘problem’ is a brush fire set and perpetuated so that the insidious undermining of our democracy by the Libertarian cabal goes unnoticed!

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Exactly why I quoted Cato here. Maybe I should have added an "even" as in "even Cato Institute says...." It's strong because it's a statement against interest. Like Mitch McConnell calling Jan. 6: "a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next. " That's more powerful than Nancy Pelosi saying the very same thing.

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Can you share the citations to studies that say all these things are immigrants' fault?

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A lot of this stuff is common sense. Immigration is responsible for half the population growth from 1990-2020, I hear about the housing crisis repeatedly on NPR, I experience all the traffic I'm writing about, there were a lot of articles in the NYT on immigration and the ER crisis in the 1990s, but after that, they avoided coverage of anything that put immigration in a negative light. (I emailed five different ombuds in the '10s, two of whom eventually responded, both saying that they were interested in covering my criticisms, only for me to find out from each within about six weeks of receiving notifiction of that interest that they were no longer ombuds at the NYT).

There were frequent articles in the NYt in the '90s on the plight of ERs due to immigration. Some time around 2010, I also had a long discussion with an ER doc from LA about how bad it was there.

But here are some useful citations:




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"The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is an anti-immigration think tank and a SPLC designated hate group. It favors far lower immigration numbers, and produces analyses to further those views....Reports published by CIS have been disputed by scholars on immigration, fact-checkers and news outlets, and immigration-research organizations....The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) published reports in 2002[44] and 2009[45] on John Tanton, who founded CIS. Tanton is a retired Michigan ophthalmologist who opposed immigration on racial grounds, desired a white ethnic majority in the United States and advocated for eugenics.[46][12][47] The SPLC's 2009 report charged that "FAIR, CIS and NumbersUSA are all part of a network of restrictionist organizations conceived and created by John Tanton" who they said had "deeply racist" views, and said that the group had "frequently manipulated data" in order to promote anti-immigration goals.[45] " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Immigration_Studies

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As the offspring of "hard working German" and "Irish monkeys" immigrants, I recognize much of your historical perspective.

What else happened in the 1980s? St Ronny Raygun and his Union busting and his Tax Reform Act of 1986 and another in 1987. Over the next 10-15 years, the effect of those "Reforms" killed the MC and created another generation of American Artistocracy.

When the GOP stole the 2000 Election, W went with Mitch Daniels' plan in "Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003". The only Citizens who enjoyed "Relief", again were the Upper 0.3%.

When Coroporate C-levels are incentivized to dramatically reduce Costs, Workers, Qualtiy, and the Country lose.

Now, of course, we have had heaped upon us, the Ryan-McConnell-tRUmp Tax Rape of 2017.

I disagree with "the US is environmentally unsustainable". But, we have to mend our Ways very quickly. I see in those at our Border with the US of Mexico, the post-Pandemic/QuadDemic solution to our Help Wanted problem in Ag, Service and Industry. But, centalized distribution of those immigrants would be necessary. The vast majority of them appear to be from beyond Mexico - and with some the Americas.

SCOTUS has once again (as in 2000) stuck its nose in were it does not belong.

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I remember all those political disasters you recount and I agree completely about them.

But I stand by the fact that the US is unsustainable. I took environmental classes from John Holdren in 1975 (he later became Pres O's Science Advisor. I've written a lot about the environment since, that gives me perspective--concepts such as ecosystem services and carbon debt.

But even without all that, and the sheer explosion in our numbers, this one article in the NYT mag shoiiuld give you pause. Global warming is reducing Earth's and America's carrying capacity, and the latter is going to make millions of us climate refugees in the next 2-3 decades.


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That's funny because most immigrants are Christians and escaping the horror of socialism. Most will register as republicans. Why else would Martha's Vineyard reject them? They are being stacked in Red states because they will turn a bue state purple.

Blue states are by far the more racist.

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Exactly right.

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I sincerely hope there is a special level in hell reserved for those behind this heartless act! I understand, really, that border states feel overwhelmed. I understand that immigration process is in bad shape and needs to be fixed. BUT how incredibly heartless---and during Christmas!

The hypocrisy of "Christians" is absolutely mind blowing.

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Where are the adults in the room dreaming up stunts to make their point? Are there no regulations or restrictions that control these out of control “lawmakers” who transport people who don’t even have warm clothing, no jackets in the coldest storm of the year. Some in shorts. In my first post I wrote about a repub who lied. Now I’m writing about cruelty. No ethics. No empathy. No compassion. No heart. No sense. That’s the repub party.

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Let’s underfund essential things in Texas then use that “slush” fund to torture immigrants! I’m so over it! The republicans and christian nationalists acting like their stunts are justified and the right way. No matter the cruelty they inflict. They’re wrong and evil. But still it couldn’t get over nine million registered Texas voters to the polls. Infuriating!

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A purple hue is emerging, not fast enough. Sorry Beto. Hate still rules the fools

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Voter suppression

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Ppl actually have died from this latest sub-zero Arctic storm and they were likely in winter clothes. I live in Miami Beach and haven't worn long pants in years. On Dec. 24 & 25 I did not leave my apartment where I was bundled in layered clothes due to cloudy, rainy, weather that dipped into the 40s at nite and no higher than 50 during the day. (the coldest Xmas day temp recorded here). It is cruelty and disregard for humanity that only Nazi's or Repugnant politicians could consider doing to ppl from tropical climates dressed inadequately for such bitter, deadly cold.

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Dec 28, 2022
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I completely agree with your sentiment.

Although, I also agree that we need to come to grips with a world where roughly 70% of the human population (5.46 BILLION people) live is such poverty that leaving where they are and moving here looks like a good idea.

We do need to design an immigration policy that both protects border cities and existing US citizens from that crush of humanity, properly processes those we do decide to admit into the country and upon processing, does not turn them out into the street without resources, housing, language support, and education for their kids.

In short, we all have to stop playing politics and start dealing with this massive reckoning of population movement.....that will get worse as our earth warms.

A good book to prepare ourselves for this reckoning is "Collapse" by Jared Diamond.

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As long as cruelty is the point, your obviously needed recommendations will never come to pass.

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"""Collapse" by Jared Diamond" ✅ That reminds me that I need to pull it off my shelf and read it again.

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Thanks, Mike. Well said. We need such a policy, one that protects border cities besides having sensible rules for entrance into othe country! I don't blame the border cities and towns for protesting the vast influx of migrants but humans need to be treated humanely, not dropped off in freezing weather. What are other developed countries doing about this problem? How many immigrants from the south can the U.S. integrate? I must do a little reading!

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Are there some quotas for state (other than boarder states) to voluntarily take on migrants through their social service systems? Or, is the current policy keep them as close as possible to point of entry? Seems like the less cruel thing would be to relocate those awaiting asylum hearings outside Texas or AZ, etc. This is a national problem with all(?) Federal resource at points of entry. Curious.

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The current policy is no policy.

The flood of migrants are homeless in El Paso.

Unless Texas busses them out of state.

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Good question, Fred.

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I can't tell exactly what you are advocating in terms of immigration to the US.

The US is the major industrialized nation with the greatest per capita resource use and greenhouse emissions--the worst place on the planet to put more people outside of a few small outlier countries like Belgium, the UAE, and several others that are relatively insignificant in size.

And as I said in my first (quite long) comment on this article, Americans are going to be climate refugees within the next 2-3 decades. If you want to really scare yourself with what's going to be happening around the time my brother's boy-girl twin grandchildren arrive solidly into their adulthood, read this article:


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Cruelty is indeed the point, where have we seen that before…

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Not just the point, but the intent.

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No Question

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My most detailed understanding of hell comes from Milton's Paradise Lost, and it says nothing about there being different levels for different devils. I've not read any Jerry Falwell or Kenneth Copeland (or whoever), so I may be missing some critical insight there.

I will say this, however...assuming that there is such a thing as a Satan, he (she?) most certainly created all religions. This is not to say there is no divine presence in the cosmos, only that we cannot possibly clothe it in our language and our doctrines such that we know when we're right and everyone else is wrong.

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The compartmentalized hell thing comes, I believe, from Dante's Inferno. It's very detailed. Hell really is just a separation from the God of your understanding. That is the source of almost all the pain there is in the world. We try to fill that void with stuff (greed and addiction), and try to control others to feel secure (power, cruelty, lust, etc.). The seven deadly sins pretty much cover it.

All religions are spirituality expressed through politics. Religions can lose their way just like people do. All science is really curiosity expressed through politics. Science can be sublime and unbelievably callous. Politics is what happens when there is more than one person in a room at the same time. It is the center of any cooperative action, be it destructive, generative, or simply bureaucratic. Our founders separated church and state because they saw the abuses that happened under state religions in Europe (and in North America as well). It was a wise move that allowed the spiritual, material, intellectual, and political realms of human endeavor to flourish more fully than almost at point or place in human history - imperfectly, yes, but flourish is the best word for it.

Many of our Republican brothers and sisters have lost their way. The destruction of their party will be the result. They will have to pick up the pieces of their broken dreams and make new ones. It is up to us to help them find a way to do this that includes all of us, this time.

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Thanks, Steve, thoughtful comment. I might add that without some system of beliefs that seems to explain our existence and our meaning, we are left contemplating life without .... us. What will become of our practically limitless capacity to imagine things when our clock runs out? Where will my thoughts end up?

So religious belief can provide comfort, but it really explains nothing. Science can actually make our lives better if we use it well, but not even that can resolve our fear of not existing.

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I have long wondered why folks don’t have angst about not “being here” before they existed….maybe we just return to the “something/nothing” we were before (recycled mater) we came to be. Dunno…..

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We return to stardust, which is where we began.

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Barbara, that is an interesting thought. I figure what is done is done, and if the done things don't satisfy us, we can try to rectify them, but that can only happen in a future which begins in the ever-fleeting now. I rationalize most of the dumb-ass things I have said and done -- and their consequences -- with "the best lessons are learned the hard way", probably more profound than "it is what it is", but not by much. Debilitating angst only comes to me when people I love seem to be on their last legs and time accelerates, but I'm working on it.

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Shame on me, but I've not yet read Dante's Inferno. Perhaps I should make time for it while I'm still above room temperature.

I'm still trying to figure out the spirituality thing, and the result of all my searching and questioning and pondering is that I have become much less reductionist and much more open to the possibility that no human being is equipped to truly grasp the infinite, the transcendent (divine). In fact, when one claims to understand the divine, it is certainly not the divine that person has understood. Whatever "truth" there is to be found is found in the act of seeking itself, not in the presumption of knowing.

I read "Tao: The Watercourse Way," by Alan Watts last spring and found it wonderfully illuminating in ways I had not previously considered. I love when that happens.

I am also intrigued by the writings of Simone Weil:

“There is a reality outside the world, outside space and time, outside man’s mental universe. Corresponding to this reality, at the center of the human heart, is the longing for an absolute good, a longing which is always there, and is never appeased by any object in this world. This reality is the sole source of all beauty, all truth, all justice, all legitimacy, and all order. It is beyond the reach of any human faculty, but we have the power to turn our love and our attention towards it. It is through minds so turned that good comes into the world. “

—Simone Weil

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In Hindi, there is the phrase "neti neti", which means "not this, not that". It is used to describe the nature of Brahman, or reality, or God, or the ineffable. It seems to be used kind of like a verbal shrug. As for me, the universe makes no sense without love.

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I have concluded hell is an invention of the early religions so that the designers of said religions could scare people with some kind of eternal punishment if the people in those religions did not follow whatever edicts the men in those religions laid out.

Hell was just a fake to control people.

I have seen it used in EXACTLY that way in my old stomping grounds of East Texas back in the day.

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Hellfire & Brimstone can be traced back to Greek Mythology, where they lived with such volcanic activity. Hades contrasted with the Sky Wizard Zeus who meddled in the affairs of mortals. That was plagiarized by Christian Mythology to control their flock with terror & reward.

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A well known author Elizabeth Kubler Ross describes hell in the following. Taking Hitler as an example. He will be placed in the presents of God/Higher Power. In the presents of the God he will understand what God knows, all love and all knowledge. With that knowledge he will then have to witness, feel and understand the impact of his cruelty and perversion to every single person on earth. And the hate, the fear and the pain experienced by all people affected by his actions throughout earthy time. I think Hitler is still experiencing the evil spread he spread on the universe.

A Jewish friend said that Hell is existing with out God. For an ever lasting time.

I am not much of a writer.

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Who says, Bonnie?

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You might enjoy watching the Twilight Zone episode: "Judgement Night." I'm sure you can find it somewhere online.

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I know that cruelty is evil. And I know who uses cruelty for their “wins.”

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Satan is Lucifer. In the premortal world, our Heavenly Father created a plan for all of His children to come to earth, gain a physical body and be tested to see if we would be faithful and desire to return to Him after our death. His plan was for us to have agency, be able to decide for ourselves how we would live.

He knew not everyone would make the right choices, but that was there choice, and so provided a Savior for us who would take upon Himself all of our sin, grief, sorrow, pain, suffering, everything if we would repent and follow Him and His teachings. If they didn't, they suffered the consequences of not returning to the Celestial Kingdom, where God dwells, but, depending on the life we live, a different place in heaven.

Lucifer's plan was to force us all to live a perfect life so we would all return to heaven. But he was to receive all the glory. The Father rejected this plan and there was a war in heaven, which Lucifer (Satan) lost and he and one third of the hosts of heaven were expelled from the premortal world, sent to live in Satan's realm. (Think of the number of people who have lived, are living and will continue to live on the earth, then consider the number "one third: of all of that number. That number of people have been tempting people since the beginning of the earth. They have at least 7,000 years of experience.) They have been tempting all humans beginning with Adam and Eve to keep us from being true to our covenants to return to our Heavenly Father and Christ. The Church of Jesus Christ knows this doctrine to be true. Jesus Christ, Himself, taught it...given to living prophets.

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For god's sake get religion of any and all kinds out of the business of politics. Religion, no matter which 'holy' leader one wants to believe, has its place and its purpose, however anything based on faith and empty of anything else is useless when it comes to real life and living. Politics, on the other hand, is the practice of following the societial/cultural leadership in the advance of benefiting all of the constituency. Religion and politics do not meld and must be completely seperated from rational thinking.

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“Religion” might be useful in helping form one’s character. One’s character should include charity towards others and a humane way of being in the world.

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I grew up an Episcopalian, and lost my faith at about the age of eight or nine, when I realized the beneficent ‘Almighty’ would not save the starving children in Nigeria (Biafra.) I continued to read the Bible, not as a source of Divine inspiration, but as a collection of stories, some brutal and some enlightening, about the human condition. Although now a devout atheist, I still try to follow the teachings of Christ concerning how we should treat each other and our planet.

That so many, if not all, Republicans (citizens and politicians alike,) belie their Christian credentials with their actions make it had to see some better way for this country. That SCOTUS conservatives are wholly-owned by Roman Catholic doctrine (and Opus Dei extremism) only reinforces this view.

Lastly, I find the term ‘illegals’ as derogatory and hateful as the ‘N’ word, and every time I see or hear an anti-immigration Republican use that word, it is clearly enunciated to be derogatory and hateful.

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Derek, I agree with everything you say, but Biafra was a breakaway state in southeast Nigeria and existed for 3 years (1967-70) of bloodshed and horror before being reabsorbed into Nigeria.

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Which the R's have pretty much abandoned with glee and rejoice in doing so..

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Lordy, no wonder we should keep religion out of politics, and, thank god, my life

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I am attempting to decipher from this superstitious story just enough to determine if you think we should treat all humans with kindness and respect. Please, enough with the fabricated fables of a few monks in towers who wanted to control the unruly rabble of their time.

Do you believe that a human being should be classified as an "illegal" and therefore be treated as a subhuman? Do you think we have the right to be cruel to others? This is the subject of the letter today.

I would fight to the death for your right to hold the "religious" views expressed here. But you must realize that it all sounds as reasonable to many people as the conspiracies of QANON or the worship of trees. (I do really like and hug the occasional tree)

Personally, I prefer the Flying Spaghetti Monster idea. He boiled for our sins! First, nobody has ever died in his name. Second, the food and booze are great. And third, Pastafarian "Hell" just means you will drink flat beer for eternity. Not great but no fires and torture.

Pastafarians have only one dogma: NO DOGMA ALLOWED. And while we can mock other faiths for their foolish and funny beliefs, it is required that we be NICE to everyone. What's not to like? Try us out. We have a 30 day warranty. If it doesn't work for you, we are sure your old time religion will welcome you back.


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Bill Alstrom "Personally, I prefer the Flying Spaghetti Monster idea. He boiled for our sins!"

<semi-off topic> Many have died for our sins:


For the lies that were spoken

For the blood we have spilled

For the treaties that we broken

For the leaders you have stilled

Custer died for your sin

Custer died for your sin

Now a new day must begin

Custer died for your sin

For the tribes you terminated

For the myth you keep alive

For the land you confiscated

For our freedom you deprived

Custer died for your sin

Custer died for your sin

Now a new day must begin

Custer died for your sin

For the truth that you pollute

For the life that you have cost

For the good you prostitute

And for all that we have lost

Custer died for your sin

Custer died for your sin

Now a new day must begin

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I have a CD with Floyd Red Crow Westerman singing this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY_a-HjdiOE

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Ya gotta love the Spaghetti Monster!

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May The Force be with you!

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Carbo Diem and RAmen :)

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Fair enough. After all, one immortality project is as good as the next.

But say...where can a fella get some really good Mexican food around here?

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E. Dransfield, are you sure?

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Excellent conclusion. The "levels of hell" concept is a reference to Dante.

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At least we know how Abbott would’ve treated Joseph and Mary.

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Don't the transport companies bear some ethical or legal responsibility for dumping people into the elements? I'd wager the bus driver knows where they are going before he or she departs. Is it possible the bus companies could just say no to such madness? Isn't it a crime to leave an animal unprotected in these temperatures? What if we all said no to this cruelty and disrespect of our fellow humans?

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Notice the statement that shelters in DC were ready for these refugees, and then had to scramble to find these people quickly after Abbott’s stunt.

The cruelty is the point.

In my state of Tennessee, there are asylum seekers, here in the US legally, coming in, with local services all ready for them. Our governor, Bill Lee, gets on Fox News and announces that the federal government “.....is irresponsible and [the single adult detainees] a threat to the safety of Tennesseans.” Marsha Blackburn suggested the federal government was “trafficking illegal migrants into our state.” The attorney general of Tennessee is trying to stop asylum seekers coming in.

These asylum seekers have been vetted by ICE, and there is a long tradition,because of the number of churches in Tennessee, of helping immigrants and refugees.

No more are these “good Christian” politicians interested in behaving in a Christ-like manner.

The cruelty is the point.

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I am so sick of politicians using the word "illegals" to other-ize people who are trying to escape oppression, violence, and poverty in their home countries! They are us. We are them. With the exception of slaves brought here against their will and native Americans, we are all descendants of people who wanted to come to the U.S. for many of the same reasons.

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Yes! "illegals" coupled with "aliens"

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Take a look at Robert Hubbell's take on SCOTUS shadow docket decision on Title 42 and this Faithful America organization:


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Hello, Ellie. Just got finished reading his post and was going to suggest same about checking out Faithful America. First I had heard of this organization. Carefully getting up to speed on it.

Cheers to We the People.



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Nothing “Christian” at all

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I completely agree with your sentiment.

Although, I also agree that we need to come to grips with a world where roughly 70% of the human population (5.46 BILLION people) live is such poverty that leaving where they are and moving here looks like a good idea.

We do need to design an immigration policy that both protects border cities and existing US citizens from that crush of humanity, properly processes those we do decide to admit into the country and upon processing, does not turn them out into the street without resources, housing, language support, and education for their kids.

In short, we all have to stop playing politics and start dealing with this massive reckoning of population movement.....that will get worse as our earth warms.

A good book to prepare ourselves for this reckoning is "Collapse" by Jared Diamond.

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Thank you, Mike. I will add that to my list to read. Wishing you health and happiness in 2023.

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It looks to me like most of what we "know" about immigration is myth.

Every US immigration law ever passed is based on claims that some race or another is threatening European Americans. "Yellow Peril" in the 1870s to today's "caravans of illegals" get lots of attention in the news media, but very little actual research. We have been told that all the rest of the world envies our wonderful success and is desperate to come to here to live. Oddly we seldom hear about the numbers of US citizens who have moved to other countries to live...including Mexico!

We're snowbirds; we spend 6 months of every year living about 25 miles from the border with Mexico. The border is a major money maker for the cities and states that share it. Hundreds of refrigerated trucks drive by us every day taking fresh fruits and vegetables to markets as far north as Alaska. Full busses and private cars drive north to Tucson and even Phoenix to shop in retail businesses. Thousands of people are employed by US Customs and Border Protection.

Most of what we hear about the border is myth...at best. Most of what we hear about the border is lies and damn lies.

The first thing we need, if there's ever going to be real immigration regulation is to learn the truth about the border. How that is going to happen, when so many people are making money off the lies, I don't know.

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As I read your comments, I was taken back to the Trump administration, when under the instructions from Stephen Miller, children were taken from their parents and put in cages. In some instances, children were relocated with "new" parents, negating the child's own parents. We get "all anxious" about Russia repatriating Ukraine children to Russia, yet we are not much better in that respect. Miller saw (and likely still sees) immigrants and their children as vermin. Given that Miller is a Jew, I wonder what his take is on the ovens.

I admit to understanding very, very little about the entire immigration game. The fact that a classless act by Greg Abbott sending immigrants into cold, frigid weather without the necessary clothing and attire speaks volumes about how the Ugly American is right here at our doorsteps. My concern over this entire debacle is how communities can and will absorb these migrants. Language barriers must be given full consideration, along with proper housing, employment, health issues and education. It IS a huge undertaking. The conflicting reports do not inform me or put my mind at ease.

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A huge block of refugees from Cambodia, the Hmong, were settled in Merced, CA under Pol Pot. They, and the town, have thrived. It takes the desire of the city/town to make it work

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There is an assumption here that all immigrants coming across the southern border are poor farm laborers who speak no English. This assumption allows us to see them as a burden rather than an enrichment. How is this not racism?

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I do not make such assumptions. Prejudice and bias abound, but not solely in the U.S. I believe, or at least WANT to believe, that the majority of us strive to be fair and balanced.

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All too True. At one time there were efforts to keep Germans out, then they were literally recruited by Dream Salesmen dispatched to Europe by OH, IN, KY, IL, & ? sell the particular State's Dream. Then, came the Irish 'Monkeys'. Each wave has had its rock throwers, as those who were here 12,000 years earlier, dispossessed of their lands, sat shaking their heads at the crazy, LYING, White eyes.

I am a 'guest teacher' some months in our Public MSs & HSs in a Middle American city. I rarely experience any trouble or unwillingness to do their work from the Latino or African or SE Asian kids.

I spent 30 years in a heavy Ag area on the other side of the Colorado. Some of my friends and acquaintances who would be considered "illegal aliens" are part of families who have been in the same area that was Mexico, now US, for well over 300 years! How many of the rock and bomb throwers can say the same??

Maybe Farm Bureau in select States might pitch in for an ad campaign? Farmers, Ranchers, Dairymen, Growers, and Processors have a lot to gain.

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Mary, thank you for that great comment.

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The fact is, those border states -- namely Florida and Texas -- are ruled by draconian ego maniacs (DeSatanist and Abbott the Horrible). I surmise we should be grateful the Native Americans did not have border patrols when we invaded THEIR country.

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There is nothing christians about all those conservative Christians.

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California is not complaining. State officials know Ag & businesses all over the State need Workers. (I think that those in other states (Rs) know as well, but are willing to act like iDJioTs for the Cause of Power.)

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Yes, Christian Joe Biden has gotten away with lying on his resume for 50 years. Therefore all Christians are liars and hypocrites.

Therefore Atheists must be God's true people.

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Please identify the specific lies on Joseph Biden's resume for me. The man was elected to a federal government office in a time when a comma out of place on a resume would keep him out of office.

If one believes the Judeo-Christian sacred text, the God of Abraham made Man (human beings) in His image, so all human beings must be God's true people, whether they worship Him or not.

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Biden has a lot more than a comma out of place. It's been revealed that our own intellugence agencies conspired to disinform the people it serves by limiting what media may or may not publish. Is it just a coincidence that the things being witheld would likely have ended Biden's campaign, while proven disinformation about his opponent was propogated widely?

We have an agency with 70 years of experience in manipulating foreign elections. It now does the same thing to it's own client, American Citizens.

The Supreme Courr will now have to do the task it failed to do. It will have to hear the evidence and make a decision to overturn the rigged election.

Assuming the Judicial branch nullifies the 2020 election, Harris would also be out. Congress will then have to either appoint an interim President, or call a new election. The 2020 election would a nullity under the law.

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"We have an agency with 70 years of experience...."

And Biden has run for, or been elected to, various political offices since 1970, when he ran for and won a seat on the Newcastle County Council. Always check my math, but that's 52 years out of 70.

You assert, without citing any sources, Biden's been lying about himself for 52 years and that no government agency--foreign or domestic--or credible news source (Reuters, AP News, the Economist, the BBC, Foreign Policy) has revealed Biden's lies.

Do you realize how "tinfoil hat" that sounds? Now far beyond me to try to pierce your foil with facts or rational argument.

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Biden claimed to have graduated in the top of his class when the opposite is true.

I could go on if you like.

I agree, we are all God's creatures.

We may disagree what it means to be "made in God's image". Isn't a bird also made in his image?

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Now, that's a normal politician lie. Upper 1/4 or 1/3 is "top of the class" on a bell curve. And something very easily fact-checked. Ryan and Romney both claimed that.

Yes, do go on about all of Biden's lies. You haven't yet said what the "truth" is about the accident that killed his wife and child, since the 30+ year story is a lie that nobody/no news source has revealed for over 30 years.

Biden entered politics when candidates were intensively scrutinized, dropped out of his 2nd Presidential campaign when it was discovered he had plagiarized a speech (that's is a lie, but he acted honorably when it was revealed)--2nd Presidential campaign out of 3--then ran for VP on the ticket with who might be the first Black President and BOTH were intensively scrutinized by left and right journalists/media. Everything either had ever claimed to have done, everything reported by anybody/any publication, was fact checked by AP News, Snopes, other fact checkers, and everyone else.

So, unless you take conspiracy theories as fact--like birtherism--I await your detailed list of Biden's lies. Sources of those facts would also be welcomed.

If you believe that what's written in the Judeo-Christian sacred text was "divinely inspired" and the various authors wrote what God put into their heads & hands, there is nothing in either the Old or New Testament saying God made the other creatures of the Earth in His image. There have been numerous references to that made by Christian Apostles and priests/holy men that all of God's creatures are in His image--St. Francis of Assisi comes to mind and Julian of Norwich come to mind--but there is nothing in either the Old or New Testament that makes such a statement.

Several pagan and Earth religions hold that belief --animals are physical representives of the One or God/gods, such as the faith tradition of Native Americans. Some of the older--pre-Spanish--South/Central American faith traditions believed some animals were incarnations of gods, as did all 3 of the Egyptian kingdoms.

Do I believe a bird is in the image of God? (any God)? I find it easier to believe that a hummingbird or sparrow is more in any god's image than Man. Man slaughters not for survival but for sport and organized religions; Man destroys what God created on this Earth; Man does not act as though it believes/reveres that ALL human beings and animals/birds/fishes in the seas were created by God and worthy of reverence, love, and respect. "As you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40-45.

Why lies are so hateful to me. Not because it's Biden or any Democrat. It's a shonda against humanity.

I simply couldn't believe "Christians" voted for Trump. Lying is the antithesis of how the Torah/Gospels/all sacred texts tells human beings to treat one another. In fact, all organized religions around the world have a version of: treat others as you would like to be treated.

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I'm not a golden retriever. I provided one of many lies and you provided a weak denial. You would deny anything else I would fetch for you. You can treat him like a hero saint if you like. Not my circus or my monkey. If you really cared to know you could find them yourself, but you won't.

You're interpretation of "created in his image" differs from mine. You think humans are something special. I think we are simply one of the most advanced of the other animals on Earth. One planet in a solar system among millions in a galaxy among millions of other galaxies in an infinite universe. There are likely an unlimited number of planets with life that we will never know.

Even on earth itself, there are intelligent animals who understand us, yet we cannot understand a single thing they say.

We cannot be certain that ours is the most advanced intellect in Earth, much less the universe. But we tend to believe that we are special and chosen by God. That is our ego talking.

Eibstein, and many of our most thoughtful minds like Thoreau, Whitman professed what has come to be named Pantheism. Basically this Theos treats Nature itself as God, they are one and the same. Everything we see, and many things we don't see, such as emotion, love, elecromagnetic radiation, etc, are God himself. "Himself" is actually a misnomer, because God is not a person at all. He is more than flesh and blood. 99% of the universe is non living, inert matter, but still all part of God.

If the mind of God is the universe, and we are part of the universe, then we, and everything else, are "in his image". You could also say "within his image", but again you are using a gender word, "his" for something which is not gendered, not human, not animal at all. Much greater than any living thing.


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In response to your first paragraph: You provided one lie. You haven't provided any more than that. The one Biden is on record, per your source, said "at least twice" between 1972 and 2009.

Interesting reading your thoughts on God's image and how humans see themselves. I shared mine; all creatures on "God's (if once believes in A God) Green Earth are in His/Her/??? image (+ Darwin, of course.) I used the gender "His" since am on a Conservative website and your previous comments. If there is "A God," gender would be irrelevant to it since all are Its creation (most human recognized faith traditions have an origin story.)

I didn't say human beings were the most intelligent species on this planet; I don't think that and agree thinking so is ego. Too often, we represent fairly low intelligence vis a vis other living creatures we share this planet with. I definitely do not believe we are alone in the universe, although we may be unique (all may be unique). If I were among the rest, I might decide it's wise to keep away from such a violent and rapacious--in so many ways--species.

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Dec 28, 2022Edited
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She could be on to something. I mean, who knows? Right? Perhaps hell is nothing more than a metaphor, run amok, for the unmediated brutality of nature.

You've seen the bumper sticker: "When I die I'm going to heaven. I've spent my time in hell: Black Friday at Walmart."

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The snows of Nevarsin! I hit on the idea of hell as a cold place decades ago while living in a D.C. apartment whose kitchen was neither insulated nor heated. I had fantasies of locking the landlord up in it.

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George Santos is a con artist and it’s remarkable but not surprising that the GOP is silent. How low will they go and who are they working for? Follow the money…

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Cathy, I agree. Here's an interesting thread about Santos' funds coming from some Russian oligarchs--with connections to Oleg Deripaska.


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Whoa! Thank you for the link!

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In that thread is this article that ties up more of the Russian connection. All so interesting. Did you all see the interview with Santos where he says, unsolicited, that he is not affiliated with Russians? https://www.thedailybeast.com/republican-george-devolder-santos-got-cash-from-andrew-intrater-cousin-of-russian-oligarch-viktor-vekselberg

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Dec 28, 2022
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There's a certain irony from my location here - Bedminster is the name our local council gave to the organic waste processing plant in Cairns. It stinks, as does the GOP.

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Ah: from Bed to worse?

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Yup, and if its his Russian friends they will push him out of a window and say it was suicide.

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Cathy, In my view, the silence not only is about “follow[ing] the money” but also about following Santos’s commitment to support McCarthy for Speaker. Having spent considerable calories following the concessions the various House factions have extracted from McCarthy, whose bid for Speaker supersedes all other matters, I can state unequivocally that the GOP’s silence related to Santos’s fabrications pales in comparison.

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I have a pretty good idea where his "$700,000" came from. Dr. Heather always follow the money, I'm sure it's dark money from some source.

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Yes, most likely his criminal activity in Brazil. That’s my first guess.

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Can Santos be recalled by his constituents?

He didn't "embellish" his resume, he LIED. There's a big difference!

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I read this column every night and this is the second time I’ve commented in three years.

I can only ask: what do we do? How do we defeat a party that protects liars, charlatans, grifters? George Santos is, in every way, our democracy undone. How do we, average people whose daily thoughts center mostly on our family, or community or jobs, how do we defeat this tsunami of broken politics, lies and miseducation? I read, I listen … I vote. But I and others feel powerless to defeat such brazen hypocrisy. Where do we even begin?

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Since most newspapers have become shadows of their former selves, perhaps we need to begin investigating all our local pols who somehow manage to get enough money to become national pols. Like everyone else, I’m pissed that this is just another rethuglican piece of crap that got erroneously elected because no one bothered to vet the creep!

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His opponent did use Santos’s lies against him in the campaign. Apparently, it came across as: 1) the Democrat is lying, and 2) who cares?

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Did not know that, thank you

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I knew that, recently, but couldn’t remember where I read it! I need to keep better track .....

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Thanks for the response and the link. I read the article but I have to wonder how many of Santos’ constituents had the availability of that article? It was in Vanity Fair for heaven’s sake! Why wasn’t it above the fold news in The NY Times? With Santos running for a national office, that VF article or one quite similar, should have been in wider circulation. Too bad it wasn’t. Now there’s a mess to clean up if House republicans have the stomach for it, that is.

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Sharon, you have provided the crux of our American problem. Thank You. Every reader here needs to take the next step, or A next step. I worked on a campaign against our seditionist oil-owned U. S. Representative. We lost, but discovered that many of our Republican neighbors were ready to hear our message. We have hope that in the next election, they are ready to vote for democracy.

My recommendation for you is to send your excellent comment above, to your local newspaper, and share on facebook or other social media. You will discover, like I did, kindred souls with not only passion but ideas for clear actions to defeat the brazen hypocrisy. Then you meet at a brewery, brainstorm ideas, come up with a little plan, share it with local Democratic Party folks, who then run with it. Every little bit helps. We can do this. As my Heather's Herd mug, sitting next to me here, says, "We The People, All of us This Time."

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Thank you, Heather. Now go rest, please.

The platform of Rethuglicans is to be as cruel and inhumane as they possibly can. Why so many keep getting re-elected is beyond my comprehension, because it's painful to think that there are so many willfully ignorant and/or simply evil people out there in MAGAt Land. Many are probably snickering that such a monumental liar as Santos got elected.

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Yes, they are. Rupert’s “go to” is always stick it to the Dems

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Santos should be charged with Fraud Against the United States. He and TFG could share a cell. Seriously, imagine if you or I applied for a job and it was found out we lied even to a lesser extent. Instant termination. He says he’ll get things done. And we’re to believe him?

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He calls it “enhancing his resume.” I call it criminal fraud. Republicans don’t seem to make a distinction. We certainly should.

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Ah...the world of euphemisms, convoluted logic and psychotic behaviors all intersect with the Republican Party. “Guess what pal, really good news! You won’t have to ever spend another dime for cat food because I just ran Mr Jingles over out there on my driveway!”

We keep saying all these actions are breaking laws. Unless we start charging those responsible with actual crimes for breaking actual laws, brought before an actual court of law, convicted and punished, this will continue ad nauseam, ad infinitum.

So far only the court of public opinion has weighed in. It says 70% of Americans approve of the dreamer position. 70% is a lot of people and they aren’t all liberals.

Oligarchy is the rule of law here. It is, has been and will continue to be as long as liars, traitors, criminals and toadys sit on the bench and rule in favor of hate and scorn the masses. It belongs to the rich and powerful. Until they cannibalize their own completely, we will continue in this cycle as we’ve been doing for 247 years.

To be considered a 2nd class citizen after all the hard won and deserved rights all women in this country have worked, lived and died for, we cannot, by law determine our futures. The 5 men and 1 woman who sit on the bench of what is now an extension of the Republican Party are never going rule in favor of Americans. 70 freaking percent! Can’t get a fair shake. Write about it all we want. They don’t care and won’t until something, someone strips their ill begotten power. I don’t see it ever changing, but I’ll never accept this as a vision of democracy. I will support those willing to fight this and probably die someday still hoping better leadership is possible... someday in very distant future.

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Get ‘things’ done? Like what?

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You know...that "thing" that everyone has been clamoring about. Read the manuals.

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Excellent question. He only promises “things”.

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I could not agree more. It (whatever "it" is) is completely yours. One-hundred percent, my friend.

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In all fairness my friend, it think this was a n unintended consequence of me not paying attention to my phone.🤫

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IF Santos is terminated, will his seat go to another republican, if so, what is that process. Who decides who that replacement will be?

I still say some of the staff dems use for their fund raising could be used to vet candidates, I’m still ticked we let this get by us. I mean Santos showed us again how unaware and unprepared we are. We’ve got to get smarter

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Likely there would be a special election, where Dems would have a very good chance to take back the seat.

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That was what I was hoping for. Hopefully it will come to fruition and be a belated Christmas present for all of us!

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I would hope that the Democratic governor would appoint someone to finish his term but a special election is more likely.

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This ‘elected official’, George Santos, from the great state of New York should NOT be sworn in. If I had the duty to swear in these newly ejected congressmen and congresswomen, I would flat refuse to swear him in. He’s not fit to hold office, and the state of New York needs to speak up and recall him, or something to prevent him from further embarrassing himself, the state, his Republican Party, and this country.

It amazes me how simple minded these Republicans are. How idiotic can one get.

If I’m not mistaken, we do have extradition agreements with Brazil. It sounds as if they have the evidence to take this character to trial. Santos needs to be arrested, extradited to Brazil, where he can answer for his alleged crimes.

Now, let’s discuss the idiot Governor of Texas. He’s a fool. Plain and simple. It seems to me that he, and DeSantis, are cut from the same paper. ‘Onion skin’! He, like DeSantis, pulled this purely as a political stunt. Well, guess what Governor Abbott. It backfired. As DeSantis has done, you, sir, have made a complete fool of yourself. But, you are Republican, so you should be getting used to that by now.

Just exactly what was your thinking about sending those 3 buses, and putting those people out in the cold, like that right down the road from the Vice President’s home? Other than showing the entire country how heartless you are, not to mention stupid. You should be charged criminally for every person on those buses.

Checking the Supreme Court’s ruling. It should have been expected. It’s Trumps court. Until it’s fixed, we have no Supreme Court. Not one that upholds the law as written anyway.

I have no idea how we can fix this Court. If these judges can be removed, or what, but something needs to be done, and real quick. That branch of our government is totally broken, and completely disconnected from reality.

Heather, I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to rant. Once again you opened my ‘can of worms’! Excellent article and breakdown of the days important news!!!

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Perhaps one or more of Santos's constituents should be encouraged to file an emergency lawsuit for a stay of his swearing in (and his receiving congressional pay and perks) pending clarity as to his citizenship status and legal issues in Brazil.

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Works for me. He can await all the answers in jail, which is where he needs to be to begin with.

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A lawsuit is a civil filing, not criminal, so the move I suggest wouldn't itself result in jail time - but it could lay evidentiary groundwork for a criminal filing as well.

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True, BUT, if Brazil wants him in their criminal charges, he can sit in jail awaiting extradition to Brazil.

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The easiest way to “fix” the Supreme Court is to increase the number of appellate and district courts—which is actually needed as the current ones all have enormous caseloads. SCOTUS seats increase in number accordingly. But the rant is appreciated.

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And that us what Biden has been doing since Day 1, planting many appellate and federal judges who will far exceed the GOP’s judges.

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And that’s to the good. But the number of Appellate and District Courts needs to be increased to gain SCOTUS seats. If done now, Biden can seat Democrats in the new courts and the 1-2 new SCOTUS seats

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It's less than clear that the number of US court DISTRICTS should have a bearing on the number of SCOTUS justices: each state plus the District of Columbia has at least one US court district, and the more populous states enjoy two or more (California had three, last I checked), so that would be a sudden jump for SCOTUS from nine to 94. But pegging the number of SCOTUS justices to the number of US appellate court CIRCUITS might serve: there are twelve (thirteen, counting the District of Columbia circuit), each of which busily feeds cases to SCOTUS, so a case can be made that adding four more bodies to SCOTUS would help with the huge SCOTUS workload and reduce the number of occasions on which the justices must resort to the shadow docket.

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More than District Courts, I believe that the Circuit Court(s) of Appeals (there are currently 11) should match the number of SCOTUS justices, so that each CCA has its own single Justice as their "gatekeeper". Based on the number of US District Courts, and the concept of a reasonable caseload, it is entirely possible that number should increase.

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I was unclear. I meant federal courts, sometimes called circuits, of which there are 8 at present.

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Exactly, Ally.

Citizen60, the lowest level in the federal court system is the District Court level. A federal charge is tried originally in whichever District Court has jurisdiction: if the perpetrator in the beating of Paul Pelosi faces federal charges, he'll face them in the US District Court, Northern District of California, which includes San Francisco. A conviction would be appealed in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which covers California's four districts, Washington state's two, and the single districts of Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Nevada. (Crikey: I'd forgotten the Ninth was that darned big in terms of geography AND population AND number of districts.) There's a good discussion of the federal system with a helpful map at https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_federal_judicial_districts

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I was referring to the courts directly below SCOTUS, which are known as the Circuit Court of Appeals (13 courts covering 12 districts).

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I thought it was the circuit courts that “dictated” the number of seats on the SCOTUS bench also. But the current 9 is from the 8 regions/circuits, plus Chief Justice because of the even number.

I’ll take 12–3 more seats on the SCOTUS—with a very well-reasoned argument for the expansion.

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I’d like to see a rotating Chief Justice as well. But that’s just me.

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One method of 'correcting' the Supreme Court is for Biden to add three new members. It has been tried before:

1802: Supreme Court increased to 6 justices

1807: Increased to 7 justices

1837: increased to 8 justices

1855: increased to 9 justices

1863: increased to 10 justices

In 1937 FDR attempted to increase the court to 15 but lost out. Tthere’s nothing unconstitutional about court-packing, but the experts conclude adding members now would be desastrous later.

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Bill, he should have started that initiative on Day 1 of his term. It would have been a preemptive strike against this bullshit they are pulling now.

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An elected Republican telling a lie. How shocking !!!!!!!

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I can't believe it!

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I’m shocked, shocked that there’s lying going on.

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Santos didn't just embellish his resume. He lied so widely and deeply about it that voters should be able to sue him for fraud. Their standing? They gave him something of value--their vote, with which he got a six-figure job--based on assertions he knew were lies. Let the lawsuits begin.

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We hire these clowns. The "campaign" is properly a job interview for a critically important position. We pay their salary, and offer other perqs, and they agree to honor and responsibly serve the gravity of their duties, and the burden of our trust.

Fraud would get you fired, and often prosecuted in a lot of less critical roles.

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Treating a campaign as a job interview, what a concept. Instead it gets treated as a sporting event.

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Exactly. Politics has always contained an element of theater, especially in despotic regimes, although I think a certain amount of stagecraft is part of responsible statecraft, but I thnk electronic media, while a powerful tool, has changed our relationship to democracy, reinforcing a more passive roll. Not that nothing of depth is revealed in "broadcast" political discussions; I think the Jan 6th hearings and this blog are among the more meaningful uses of it; but modern TV debates remind me more of a game show than the type of long-chain thinking evident in the Lincoln-Douglas debates; and don't we need that more than ever considering how complicated our circumstances have become?

I have noticed that some people's sense of identification with a professional sports team becomes oddly personal. Some who are normally socially appropriate may even become verbally, sometimes even physically abusive in defense of "their" team, with which their connection is totally vicarious. I think that same dynamic appears active in some of the passions evident in politics, identity conflated with "the team" and /or "hero", irrespective of their actions. In extreme, it seems a kind of madness.

The thing about self-government is that the responsibility for outcomes necessarily lands in our lap. That what happens when you take the wheel. Of necessity we hire political professionals, but we need to work on providing them with informed and considered marching orders, and keeping them on task. From medicine to home repair, we hire professionals, but we set their agenda and set of permissions.

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Thank you, Heather. We all hope that you are on the mend and will be back to normal soon.

“Alternative facts” continue to be accepted by one party that has decided that any path to power is legitimate. Decidedly unChristlike (John 3:17) and unAmerican (bring me your poor…yearning to breathe free…) actions by leaders are endorsed, and even celebrated, by those whose ancestors faced no quotas and virtually no requirements to request citizenship.

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Holy smokes! Can’t wait to see how the Santos saga plays out.

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Where is the U.S. Attorney for Eastern District New York? Helllloooo read the newspapers! Some of the forms Santos had to file to run for office and his campaign are under oath and false. Indict the guy and end this political turmoil.

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YES! It's obvious taking an oath means nothing to republicans, chiefly the x-chief, but To even consider allowing Santos to come to DC and take another oath is INSANITY and an insult to our sacred Constitution. Where are the conservatives who believe in strict interpretation of what our sacred founders said? 🤡 👀🤑🤡🤥🙄🤐🥱

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Such conservatives are long gone, if they ever existed

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I was actually thinking of the conservatives on the sacred Supreme Court but you are certainly right that the repubs of watergate times and even further back, mensches like Lincoln, are long gone. Best wishes for a great New Year Jeri. I always enjoy reading your comments.

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Senators sign an oath to be impartial jurors in an impeachment trial. Can anyone think of a bigger joke?

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He’ll get a new gig: introducing Trump at every rally

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What amazes me is that this man claims that we all exaggerate a bit on our resumes, so what's the big deal. He is liar and a con, period. And I know many people who do not lie on their resumes or about their background. No, we all don't do it.

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To lie on a job application for the county I worked for is an automatic “no hire” or termination if it comes to light after the hire process. In my former profession, if you were found to be “untruthful” in any area, you cannot testify in court because your oath means nothing.

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I hadn't thought about that part of it, but yes, once a liar, always a liar. There is also the question of whether or not he is actually a citizen.

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Thank you, people who do, get fired or not hired. No reward, arsehole

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Dec 28, 2022Edited
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NYT is reporting that Santos ran afoul of the law in Brazil. Accused of ripping off an elderly man whom his mother was caring for.


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Thank you Michael, Jewish Insider, Matthew Kassel, investigated "Brazillian records from a National civil identification database" & report Santos' maternal Grandmother, Rosalina Caruso Horta Devolder (1927) & mother, Alzira Saint Anna Caruso, were born in Brazil. George Anthony Devolder Santos' story continues to unravel quickly. No evidence the House Rep Elect was born in Ukraine or came from Belgium. Follow the 700K.

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More damning info. I'm guessing Santos is one of those people who began lying incessantly as a child. I knew two such people growing up. They lied even when there was no apparent reason to do so, and the lies were often too outlandish to be believed. It was if they innately lied to build and maintain a false reality in which they were alway accomplishing something grand. Sounds like a former president.

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I have a JD not an MD, but those multiple false realities appear to be quite elaborate. When those false realities are used for on-line fundraising, my tentative diagnosis is wire fraud.

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Sadly, Santos could have instead become a John Steinbeck or George Lucas. We call it "story telling" in my family, exclaim at the child's creativity, and then give them real life opportunities to succeed.

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Seems he fits right in with the other repugnants

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I think I saw Santos on Saturday Night Live some time ago.


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OMG that is so funny. I forgot about the bit! Thanks for the laugh.

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Dec 28, 2022
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😹 😹

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Who certainly will not hold him accountable

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Are we back to alternative facts??? Sheesh...

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I looked at these stories and what popped into my mind is that “You really can buy anything, these days.” Unqualified elected officials, Supreme Court Justices who will do what you want, Politicians who will deliver the divisive results that let you keep funneling more money into your pockets -- all of these can be yours for a price. Overturn Citizens United.

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Not for nothing the Bible claimed the "love of money" to be "the root of all evil", and if "love" in this case really means what you care about more than anything else, I get it. I'll go on to say that money, like political influence and violence, are all manifestations of power, and as such are to some degree interchangeable, especially in a corrupt society.

Unregulated, autocratic uses of money to overcome democratic outcomes in the One Ring to Rule Them All, and many of our most imminent and distressing problems (even climate chaos) are unlikely to be solved unless we capture and dismantle or quarantine that "One Ring"; the fanatical lust for domineering power.

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Sounds like Desantos will fit right in with the radical fringe of the GOP. His integrity will match Hawley’s courage. I heard Boebert’s second amendment bar failed, and has been replaced by a Mexican restaurant. Superb poetic justice!

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Dec 28, 2022
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Bravo for the building owner!

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Unfortunately the Congress will be so paralyzed that nothing will be done with this. The GOP has no incentive to work on any legislation that would make this country great. MAGA means Make America Grotesque Again (and again)

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Term limits; 20 years and done. Wipes a chunk of the current court immediately.

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If GOP leaders don’t take action against Santos, they will regret it. No one other than cynical power brokers thinks he’s worthy of office. Santos lies as brazenly as Trump. You can bet more dirt will emerge, and criminal charges could well follow.

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He is loved because of, not in spite of

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He is just what repubs ordered, hadn’t that become painfully obvious. Even W has no discouraging words, previously the worst Repub in my memory who was still revered by the party. The rot goes to the core…

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Santos, AKA, MR. Lier Sociopath: So here's an idea, how about we all play the Maga-pulican game and just spread more lies and post on all media that Santos' plan is to switch to Democrat as soon as he's sworn in. The Republicans will get rid of him then.

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Dec 28, 2022Edited
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Absolutely believable. 🤣

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