In response to your first paragraph: You provided one lie. You haven't provided any more than that. The one Biden is on record, per your source, said "at least twice" between 1972 and 2009.
Interesting reading your thoughts on God's image and how humans see themselves. I shared mine; all creatures on "God's (if once believes in A God) …
In response to your first paragraph: You provided one lie. You haven't provided any more than that. The one Biden is on record, per your source, said "at least twice" between 1972 and 2009.
Interesting reading your thoughts on God's image and how humans see themselves. I shared mine; all creatures on "God's (if once believes in A God) Green Earth are in His/Her/??? image (+ Darwin, of course.) I used the gender "His" since am on a Conservative website and your previous comments. If there is "A God," gender would be irrelevant to it since all are Its creation (most human recognized faith traditions have an origin story.)
I didn't say human beings were the most intelligent species on this planet; I don't think that and agree thinking so is ego. Too often, we represent fairly low intelligence vis a vis other living creatures we share this planet with. I definitely do not believe we are alone in the universe, although we may be unique (all may be unique). If I were among the rest, I might decide it's wise to keep away from such a violent and rapacious--in so many ways--species.
I guess If I had to disagree with anything it's the idea are more prone to violence than other animals. Any animal will become violent when cornered (excepting the fainting goats), but being that humans are highly intelligent, our forms of violence are probably more sophisticated. Most wild creatures are not capable of mass murder or enslavement as we are.
It would be pretty rough being ripped apart by a raptor or shark though.
As I stated, given your response to the lie I provided, It is clear that any I provide will be treated with the same casual acceptance of lies as "normal" political lies. Why would I argue when I agree that the whole lot are paid to lie.
When your opponent agrees, stop arguing.
The same applies to our religious discussion it seems.
Thanks for sharing your well considered and written opinion!
In response to your first paragraph: You provided one lie. You haven't provided any more than that. The one Biden is on record, per your source, said "at least twice" between 1972 and 2009.
Interesting reading your thoughts on God's image and how humans see themselves. I shared mine; all creatures on "God's (if once believes in A God) Green Earth are in His/Her/??? image (+ Darwin, of course.) I used the gender "His" since am on a Conservative website and your previous comments. If there is "A God," gender would be irrelevant to it since all are Its creation (most human recognized faith traditions have an origin story.)
I didn't say human beings were the most intelligent species on this planet; I don't think that and agree thinking so is ego. Too often, we represent fairly low intelligence vis a vis other living creatures we share this planet with. I definitely do not believe we are alone in the universe, although we may be unique (all may be unique). If I were among the rest, I might decide it's wise to keep away from such a violent and rapacious--in so many ways--species.
I guess If I had to disagree with anything it's the idea are more prone to violence than other animals. Any animal will become violent when cornered (excepting the fainting goats), but being that humans are highly intelligent, our forms of violence are probably more sophisticated. Most wild creatures are not capable of mass murder or enslavement as we are.
It would be pretty rough being ripped apart by a raptor or shark though.
So again, we agree in principle.
As I stated, given your response to the lie I provided, It is clear that any I provide will be treated with the same casual acceptance of lies as "normal" political lies. Why would I argue when I agree that the whole lot are paid to lie.
When your opponent agrees, stop arguing.
The same applies to our religious discussion it seems.
Thanks for sharing your well considered and written opinion!