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Yes, Christian Joe Biden has gotten away with lying on his resume for 50 years. Therefore all Christians are liars and hypocrites.

Therefore Atheists must be God's true people.

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Please identify the specific lies on Joseph Biden's resume for me. The man was elected to a federal government office in a time when a comma out of place on a resume would keep him out of office.

If one believes the Judeo-Christian sacred text, the God of Abraham made Man (human beings) in His image, so all human beings must be God's true people, whether they worship Him or not.

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Biden has a lot more than a comma out of place. It's been revealed that our own intellugence agencies conspired to disinform the people it serves by limiting what media may or may not publish. Is it just a coincidence that the things being witheld would likely have ended Biden's campaign, while proven disinformation about his opponent was propogated widely?

We have an agency with 70 years of experience in manipulating foreign elections. It now does the same thing to it's own client, American Citizens.

The Supreme Courr will now have to do the task it failed to do. It will have to hear the evidence and make a decision to overturn the rigged election.

Assuming the Judicial branch nullifies the 2020 election, Harris would also be out. Congress will then have to either appoint an interim President, or call a new election. The 2020 election would a nullity under the law.

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"We have an agency with 70 years of experience...."

And Biden has run for, or been elected to, various political offices since 1970, when he ran for and won a seat on the Newcastle County Council. Always check my math, but that's 52 years out of 70.

You assert, without citing any sources, Biden's been lying about himself for 52 years and that no government agency--foreign or domestic--or credible news source (Reuters, AP News, the Economist, the BBC, Foreign Policy) has revealed Biden's lies.

Do you realize how "tinfoil hat" that sounds? Now far beyond me to try to pierce your foil with facts or rational argument.

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Biden claimed to have graduated in the top of his class when the opposite is true.

I could go on if you like.

I agree, we are all God's creatures.

We may disagree what it means to be "made in God's image". Isn't a bird also made in his image?

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Now, that's a normal politician lie. Upper 1/4 or 1/3 is "top of the class" on a bell curve. And something very easily fact-checked. Ryan and Romney both claimed that.

Yes, do go on about all of Biden's lies. You haven't yet said what the "truth" is about the accident that killed his wife and child, since the 30+ year story is a lie that nobody/no news source has revealed for over 30 years.

Biden entered politics when candidates were intensively scrutinized, dropped out of his 2nd Presidential campaign when it was discovered he had plagiarized a speech (that's is a lie, but he acted honorably when it was revealed)--2nd Presidential campaign out of 3--then ran for VP on the ticket with who might be the first Black President and BOTH were intensively scrutinized by left and right journalists/media. Everything either had ever claimed to have done, everything reported by anybody/any publication, was fact checked by AP News, Snopes, other fact checkers, and everyone else.

So, unless you take conspiracy theories as fact--like birtherism--I await your detailed list of Biden's lies. Sources of those facts would also be welcomed.

If you believe that what's written in the Judeo-Christian sacred text was "divinely inspired" and the various authors wrote what God put into their heads & hands, there is nothing in either the Old or New Testament saying God made the other creatures of the Earth in His image. There have been numerous references to that made by Christian Apostles and priests/holy men that all of God's creatures are in His image--St. Francis of Assisi comes to mind and Julian of Norwich come to mind--but there is nothing in either the Old or New Testament that makes such a statement.

Several pagan and Earth religions hold that belief --animals are physical representives of the One or God/gods, such as the faith tradition of Native Americans. Some of the older--pre-Spanish--South/Central American faith traditions believed some animals were incarnations of gods, as did all 3 of the Egyptian kingdoms.

Do I believe a bird is in the image of God? (any God)? I find it easier to believe that a hummingbird or sparrow is more in any god's image than Man. Man slaughters not for survival but for sport and organized religions; Man destroys what God created on this Earth; Man does not act as though it believes/reveres that ALL human beings and animals/birds/fishes in the seas were created by God and worthy of reverence, love, and respect. "As you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40-45.

Why lies are so hateful to me. Not because it's Biden or any Democrat. It's a shonda against humanity.

I simply couldn't believe "Christians" voted for Trump. Lying is the antithesis of how the Torah/Gospels/all sacred texts tells human beings to treat one another. In fact, all organized religions around the world have a version of: treat others as you would like to be treated.

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I'm not a golden retriever. I provided one of many lies and you provided a weak denial. You would deny anything else I would fetch for you. You can treat him like a hero saint if you like. Not my circus or my monkey. If you really cared to know you could find them yourself, but you won't.

You're interpretation of "created in his image" differs from mine. You think humans are something special. I think we are simply one of the most advanced of the other animals on Earth. One planet in a solar system among millions in a galaxy among millions of other galaxies in an infinite universe. There are likely an unlimited number of planets with life that we will never know.

Even on earth itself, there are intelligent animals who understand us, yet we cannot understand a single thing they say.

We cannot be certain that ours is the most advanced intellect in Earth, much less the universe. But we tend to believe that we are special and chosen by God. That is our ego talking.

Eibstein, and many of our most thoughtful minds like Thoreau, Whitman professed what has come to be named Pantheism. Basically this Theos treats Nature itself as God, they are one and the same. Everything we see, and many things we don't see, such as emotion, love, elecromagnetic radiation, etc, are God himself. "Himself" is actually a misnomer, because God is not a person at all. He is more than flesh and blood. 99% of the universe is non living, inert matter, but still all part of God.

If the mind of God is the universe, and we are part of the universe, then we, and everything else, are "in his image". You could also say "within his image", but again you are using a gender word, "his" for something which is not gendered, not human, not animal at all. Much greater than any living thing.


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In response to your first paragraph: You provided one lie. You haven't provided any more than that. The one Biden is on record, per your source, said "at least twice" between 1972 and 2009.

Interesting reading your thoughts on God's image and how humans see themselves. I shared mine; all creatures on "God's (if once believes in A God) Green Earth are in His/Her/??? image (+ Darwin, of course.) I used the gender "His" since am on a Conservative website and your previous comments. If there is "A God," gender would be irrelevant to it since all are Its creation (most human recognized faith traditions have an origin story.)

I didn't say human beings were the most intelligent species on this planet; I don't think that and agree thinking so is ego. Too often, we represent fairly low intelligence vis a vis other living creatures we share this planet with. I definitely do not believe we are alone in the universe, although we may be unique (all may be unique). If I were among the rest, I might decide it's wise to keep away from such a violent and rapacious--in so many ways--species.

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I guess If I had to disagree with anything it's the idea are more prone to violence than other animals. Any animal will become violent when cornered (excepting the fainting goats), but being that humans are highly intelligent, our forms of violence are probably more sophisticated. Most wild creatures are not capable of mass murder or enslavement as we are.

It would be pretty rough being ripped apart by a raptor or shark though.

So again, we agree in principle.

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As I stated, given your response to the lie I provided, It is clear that any I provide will be treated with the same casual acceptance of lies as "normal" political lies. Why would I argue when I agree that the whole lot are paid to lie.

When your opponent agrees, stop arguing.

The same applies to our religious discussion it seems.

Thanks for sharing your well considered and written opinion!

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