A well known author Elizabeth Kubler Ross describes hell in the following. Taking Hitler as an example. He will be placed in the presents of God/Higher Power. In the presents of the God he will understand what God knows, all love and all knowledge. With that knowledge he will then have to witness, feel and understand the impact of his cr…
A well known author Elizabeth Kubler Ross describes hell in the following. Taking Hitler as an example. He will be placed in the presents of God/Higher Power. In the presents of the God he will understand what God knows, all love and all knowledge. With that knowledge he will then have to witness, feel and understand the impact of his cruelty and perversion to every single person on earth. And the hate, the fear and the pain experienced by all people affected by his actions throughout earthy time. I think Hitler is still experiencing the evil spread he spread on the universe.
A Jewish friend said that Hell is existing with out God. For an ever lasting time.
A well known author Elizabeth Kubler Ross describes hell in the following. Taking Hitler as an example. He will be placed in the presents of God/Higher Power. In the presents of the God he will understand what God knows, all love and all knowledge. With that knowledge he will then have to witness, feel and understand the impact of his cruelty and perversion to every single person on earth. And the hate, the fear and the pain experienced by all people affected by his actions throughout earthy time. I think Hitler is still experiencing the evil spread he spread on the universe.
A Jewish friend said that Hell is existing with out God. For an ever lasting time.
I am not much of a writer.
Who says, Bonnie?
You might enjoy watching the Twilight Zone episode: "Judgement Night." I'm sure you can find it somewhere online.