Heather, thank you for such a concise summary of the Trump threads. I’m looking forward to hearing more about his properties, savings, and investments next week as Judge Engoran and DA Leticia James decide which to liquidate to pay the judgement. It’s beginning to look like 45 and Melania may soon be doing their own grocery shopping (no driver’s license required unless they pay by check LOL ). It will be interesting to see if 45’s diehard supporters will still love him when he’s no longer seen as a billionaire.
Except, he hasn’t been a billionaire for quite some time. He’s a six-time bankrupt, who seemingly can’t get out of his own way when it comes to all matters financial.
Remember the orange chimp saying under oath in a deposition that his brand was his most valuable possession? I think it's his only possession. He doesn't own the plane, Mar a Lardo is mortgaged well over its value and he owes their membership money back to all his members, every property has been borrowed against to the hilt.
And when this months legal bills are presented, he'll have bankrupted the RNC. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of folks.
And bonus, he won't have to pay Manafort this time either, Vlads got this.
"Chimps" are much more intelligent than tfg and much more appealing in every way. What a creep this person is. I am waiting for the release of Jeffrey Epstein docs in July where that name might show it's ugly head.
I think he does own a plane trump Force One (wanna be) and is in the progress of selling a smaller jet. It could be it is his company which owns them and not him.
Oh, that is fantastic. I love word play & that's about as playful it can get during these ominous times! Thanks for starting my day off with a smile! ☺️
Up until #45 got elected, he was just tabloid crap with a TV show. As long as the lawyers got fed, bankruptcies were just a problem for the ones who got stiffed. He looked good standing along side women with big boobs. Shallow as they come.
I'm not sure what the requirement is to make the Forbes 400, but he did make it for 25 years until he didn't. He fell from grace 2 out 3 years recently. His automatic response was: I am going to sue you,
I'm looking forward to it too, but since tffg's supporters think of him as some God-annointed prophet, I can't see anything rational changing their minds.
It seems to me that as tfg weakens financially, his current problems with speaking coherently to his worshipers will
become way more pronounced. There will probably be at least some % of his base that will respond to these very visible trends by pulling away. His crowds are much smaller as time goes by already. It will be interesting to see what happens.
The 50% of Republicans who are keeping Trump around because they are greedy and intimidated, but not crazy, must be getting worried. They probably don’t care about democracy as much as they do about money, but Trump is desperate and deteriorating cognitively. Having a cornered paranoid narcissist as president would be dangerous to everyone. Also, where is the DOJ? He is certainly a security risk. He has probably already pawned many of the documents that he kept. I’m sure Judge Cannon realizes this.
I really think she has no idea of how dangerous TFG is. All she seems to know is that she owes her lifetime appointment to him and all she needs to do is string out the delays until after the election. She doesn't have a clue.
She probably has a clue and that is why she is doing what she is doing what she is doing. Here's that Mafia image. I'm sure the members knew what was going on, but look what will happen if you don't play along.
And now trump is allowed to attend briefings because he is the official presidential candidate? The quandary is that if he is not invited, he will complain discrimination because he is not allowed to do what presidential candidates traditionally have done in the past. If briefings are doctored, the intelligence agencies won't have his trust if he is elected president. We all know how that will go. A bloodbath in the CIA, FBI, and any other intel service. And if (when) he loses, imagine the temper tantrum. This one has lasted almost 4 years.
The intelligence agencies haven't had tffg's trust since early in his term as president because they kept telling him factual things that he didn't agree with.
Didn't trump fire his head of FBI ? I know he was messing around with one of the departments. I wouldn't be surprised if the Secret Service had been bought lock stock, and barrel. The erased tapes for instanced. The stereo type SS man seems to be very rigid in their thinking. It's almost like they are programed. It may not be so, but it seems that way.
Mary Ann, actually I just reposted a very concerning report by Robert P. Jones, who writes about evangelicalism and white supremacy, detailing a speech by ttfg to white evangelical broadcasters that shows how completely he's playing to them, and how completely they're buying it. https://substack.com/profile/10639253-alexandra-sokoloff/note/c-51966846
Thank you for that link. I tried but I simply could not watch trump's con job BS to the NRB, that purports to be his "vision" of a white kkkristian nationalist country. It made me nauseated. The article, I did manage to read and it is terrifying. We cannot let these creatures win.
TL, it's unbearable. My reaction is utter revulsion. Which reminds me of psychiatrist M. Scott Peck's observation (in THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED and PEOPLE OF THE LIE) = that our instinctive human reaction to evil IS revulsion.
I loved People of the Lie -- helped me understand the role of lying to oneself and others in creating real evil in the world. Thanks for mentioning it.
Makes me sick to my stomach. I wish I could reach more of those misguided fools. "Each one will claim that he is a prophet; but I am the last of the Prophets (Seal of the Prophets), and there will be no Prophet after me."
Bruce, me too. I actually think in this case the misguided fools started calling him a prophet first, and he had just enough evil cunning to think, "I can work with THAT..."
In the snippets of that rally over the weekend that I saw did you happen to see the young man about 2-3 rows up & to trump's right, break into a huge yawn? It was right around his bloodbath statement if I'm remembering correctly. Hey, maybe these people are paid to sit there, you know, like "extras" in a movie, in this case a really bad movie, really bad!
There is a litany of news reports going back the past year plus on the subject of dwindling crowds... They are maybe getting down to Bruce Willis "die hards"... (no offence to Bruce Willis!)
And how many in those crowds are the groupies who apparently follow him from rally to rally for his entertainment value? Lately, however, they’ve appeared pretty uninvolved, as if they’re not really paying attention. They’ve heard it all before, as ugly as it is.
I talked to one guy (I was campaigning for Pete when the trumpers stampeded the city), and he was talking about the next rally he was going to. Some have gone to as many as 28!!!! Must be nice to not have to work.
I’ve been fascinated watching the crowd sitting behind him at these recent rallies. It’s looking more and more like they aren’t really listening. They aren’t rabidly responding; in fact, they look bored. Who knows why they were selected to be in those seats. The funniest was the one they showed with college age fans, supposedly to show he attracts the youth. I don’t think ant of them were interested in his ramblings, or even listening.
Good observation. I suspect that the people who surround him, whom he relies upon to feed him 'lines (he mucks up)' are diminishing in numbers, if not in substance(BS) they can dream up for him. Hahaa..,and, those "rallys" cost money, which is becoming harder to come by. We're seeing supporter burnout. And, seeing staff burnout too, because they may not be getting paid. Poor little Alina Habeena, she looks so cute standing beside him.., he likes her.., but she probably hasn't been paid either. Maybe been given a place to sleep in Mara-"Lardo" hohoho. Gag me!
I agree with "supporter burnout". And those rallies DO cost a lot of money and effort of the staff. (and fuel for his B757.) I'm betting Alina Habeena is getting paid -- that $50M of campaign money spent on lawyers has to go somewhere. And now he just sued CNN's Don Lemon -- new lawyers have to get some cash up front or they won't even start on the case.
The more money he has to spend, the more messy he's going to become.
If it gets to the point where NY Attorney General Letitia James actually seizes some of Trump's high-profile property in New York, Trump will claim loudly and often - assuming he can remember what he's talking about - that the government stole his properties, and that he's been victimized hugely once more. We can expect that Trump will use it to put out a fundraising appeal to his crazy, ignorant supporters who believe he's been anointed by God.
Oh, "rational" left the building years ago. What's needed is an even better conspiracy about him that they'll suck up, digest & then decide he's not their "hero". And, no, I have no idea what kind of conspiracy could do that but it would have to be a doozy!
Alexandra, someone posted on FB the image TFG posted on his social media page of him praying, bathed in a light from seemingly nowhere, in a church. Apparently he is very proud of this pic because it has shown up on a lot of different pages. But there are, shall we say, problems with the picture? Firstly, he was raised a Presbyterian and he is praying in a Catholic church. Second (it gets better and better), he is praying backwards in the pew, whose kneelers face a different direction and the backs of the pews are going the wrong way. Third (this is the best yet): he has 6 fingers on each hand. According to most Christofascist pundits over the ages, extra fingers is a sign of Satan--vestigial fingers in the 17th century got you burned as a "witch" if you happened to be female. https://petapixel.com/2024/01/24/trump-shares-ai-image-of-himself-praying-with-six-fingers/
Alexandra, it's one thing to say he's being persecuted and the charges are all made up. It's quite another to watch his properties get liquidated! What conspiracy theory can explain that?
I am hoping that they snag Mar-a-lago as their collateral, since that probably lessens the amount of devious planning Trump could engage in, because he would be thrown off kilter if he had to vacate the premises. It would also perhaps give the FBI another chance to go in there and look for hidden documents.
Apparently, the bond companies don't like real estate as collateral.
In 2023, Jeff Bezos bought a new yacht for $500 million and Nancy Walton paid $300 million for hers. And which of the 200,000 members of the 1% doesn't own a yacht they could hock for some cash or maybe sell some of their stock for cash to help out their good buddy Donnie?
Trump isn't even trying to raise the money. And after he saved them and their companies billions in Federal income taxes. What an ungrateful lot.
To quote some sage person, You knew I was snake when you picked me up.
I was incredulous when I heard him tell that story. Why would he be telling a story about himself, a treacherous, deceiving person? He's actually telling everyone that he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. The punch line is that he was talking about democrats..Speaking of projection.
It also takes away an escape route--I had a friend speculate that a Russian sub would pull up off the coast and he'd get picked up and ferried to Russia.
Actually, i should have picked a higher number. Movies were still a dime in the 50s too, well, heading upward as i recall . And I see Trump wants to tariff "Chinese" cars made in Mexico 100%. Japanese / South Koreans have had plants in US for some time. On that topic, https://www.trade.gov/country-commercial-guides/mexico-automotive-industry Trump is crazy, no surprise
The thing is: there are now enough true billionaires out there that one or another can front the $500mio and then own Trump lock stock and barrel. I just hope they don't have a return address in Russia.
There's also the fact that Trump has a spotty record of re-paying his creditors. If you don't have collateral, you'd better have character. Both appear in short supply.
I imagine one thing that focuses the thinking of every billionaire would be the prospect of losing half-a-billion dollars on a bad risk. Clear thinking would show DT is not likely to return to the White House, and even if he does, there is no guarantee he wouldn't simply erase the debt via executive fiat. He's done this on a smaller scale with numerous contractors, why not an oligarch, once he has all political power? DT, after all, stands for DicTator.
My instinct is to think that drump doesn't have many "friends"; he just isn't trustworthy--his word means absolutely nothing. He's just too crass and defiantly unpolished for the old money folks (although that is exactly why his uneducated cultists love him) and the new money folks are just as friendless and self absorbed as is drump. Drump's classless bragging and flamboyant ostentation gives the ultra wealthy the shudders.
I think a lot of his insecurity comes from his rejection by the old money folks in NY. He and his children will never be part of their society, no matter how much money he has. All of the old money people I’ve ever known have been very discreet, which is not a word anyone has ever associated with TFG. He’s way too ostentatious, tacky, greedy, immoral, and dishonorable.
Unless you’re an Oligarch. Then it might be like betting your horse to win at Aquaduct. If you lose, you lose. But if you win, your wildest dreams can be fulfilled.
It is a real dilemma for Trump since his base beleives he is enormously rich. So was he lying under oath about how rich he is or is he broke? His money was from the television program and I have to assume his golf courses are not making money. And Mary, if Melania is smart, she should cash out on that prenup before it disappears.
If you're wondering her age, she's 53, born April 26, 1970. The silent woman is taking care of herself and her kid, hoping to get out of the mess she helped create with some of the money.
John There should be a Trump Monopoly game in which the ‘winner’ has the largest number of bankruptcies. To be fair, Trump can’t count his past six bankruptcies, only the bankruptcies triggered by his lack of cash for bonding.
His base may believe he is rich, but that doesn't seem to stop them from donating money to him for his campaign, legal expenses, and whatever other BS he requests their hard-earned dollars for...
It truly is nuts how these people send him money. I have two older sisters living next door, both in their 80s, living on SS, and they send him money every month after they get their checks.
They are both christians, and believe what their minister tells them about trump being sent by God. It's a crazy world right now for sure.
Mary - your heart is in the right place. But hear me when I say that, if past trends are any reliable indicator, he will wiggle his way out of this predicament and manage to delay justice once again. I have very little faith in the predictions of his coming financial demise. After all, his much maligned legal team has been working miracles for him so far. Thy are pitching a shut-out. It is time we gave that team the recognition it deserves. I was as hopeful as any of us weeks ago, on all fronts except Mar-a-Lago. Now, I have lost hope for every case against him. All have been successfully turned into tar babies. Sorry to rain on the parade, but I see the handwriting on the wall.
Jay, my optimistic coffee is kicking in again. JMO...
My understanding is that Trump is highly leveraged. And his source of income has been more of the royalty sort. In other words, he may not have that much collateral after all. I think his financial "empire" is built on bullshit and reputational monetization. As James and the judge start looking deeper for the funds, a lot of truth will be revealed. Perhaps the "emperor has no clothes". This will be entertaining.
The delayed trials (so frustrating!) won't have an impact on the election one way or the other. Besides, Trump was right. He could randomly shoot someone and his "base" would still love him. But there will be trials. And even if he skates on some charges, ultimately he will be convicted and shamed.
But his base is not growing. And some Republicans and Independents are shifting away from the Orange Menace. Now we have a candidate who can't put together an understandable speech - just a word salad. Not a Caesar Salad. Watch for more "blood bath" speeches because he can't put together a meaningful or intelligent string of words. I foresee a complete breakdown at a rally in the next few months. Especially as his crowds continue to dwindle - his most sensitive subject. Trump is the most insecure and fragile politician on the scene today. He's a great actor. But the chokes in his performances will only worsen as he becomes more frightened.
Trump's greatest political mistake was nominating justices that would blow away Roe vs Wade. The Dobbs decision was so horrible, that it is THE motivating factor for millions and millions of women and men who believe (were raised with idea!) that reproductive freedom of choice is more than normal - it is a basic right. That was a bridge too far.
I smell blood in the water. The sharks are coming for this bucket of chum.
I could not agree with you more! Thank you for your positive take on this most horrible situation. If we succumb to despair and lose hope, it helps no one.
I wouldn't go that far, but i get your point. My bet is that Trump loses 2024, and the trials and their contortions simply proceed apace... with more and more legal fees, is his team working "pro bono" yet?
I agree Frank. However I believe the polling that a pre-election conviction takes away from his vote count. I do not want this to be close. I want a blow-out. I want the world to see that this movement was an aberration. And importantly, I want both arms of Congress. Look at what our loss of the House has done.... the country is politically dead in the water. We cannot have that.
He's gonna lose, but things are about to be OBE. She Gin Bling is going to blockade the S.China Sea.., annex Taiwan thereby creating election-distraction of immense proportion, but not quite a war. But like wars do, China's people will suddenly all go back to work in the 'defense industrial capacity' supplying Putin who will deploy some local nuke/like weapons to show who's boss. Our forces are busy airlifting supplies and aid.., and building a seaport for Gaza. Not to mention sailing an aircraft carrie around with about 5000 soles on-board dodging missiles being actively targeted and/or shot at by Houthi's pissed at our suport of Jewish religion gone amuck. #45 will become irrelevant. But, the "bloodbath" will be in Europe. The S.China sea not so much.
I am holding back on believing he will begin to have assets seized just because he always gets a break, often at the last minute. Until the first seizure happens, I’m skeptical.
As Ted Lasso said: "Believe!". I could be wrong. It happens all the time. But this judge and prosecutor don't mess around.
I believe that as James digs into the "books" she may find out that the "most successful real estate developer in NYC" is a fake. A phony.
The profits in such bonds are easy money. If he couldn't get a single firm to provide one, I think we may find that there is nothing really there. Nothing that would back the bond. I think the Orange Menace is about to be embarrassed big time.
It has been my position, ever since he refused to release his tax returns, that his "empire" was a house of cards built on bullshit, and that, in reality, he is flat-assed broke
Yup. Why else would he make a fool of himself by selling playing cards or golden sneakers? In a time not too long ago, his fraudulent use of Trump University would have ended ANYONE's career. Instead the Kool Aid drinkers keep sending him money. One con after another.
We should continue to be appalled at what he gets away with. Because I BELIEVE that we will return to a sense of legal and moral standards re: public figures once we wake up from this nightmare.
I remember articles about the rising star of New York real estate...But the day he signed up to be on "reality tv" everyone who was paying attention, knew what New York had known for years: trump is a loser. It's Karma that a New York Court is bringing him down in a very public way.
I agree, except for the nice cash injections he got from foreign governments, income from his DC hotel, lodging billed to secret service. Not sure if he ever pulled off deals renting out his golf properties for government events... Clearly, being re-elected is his best/only shot at making money and staying out of prison.
"The Biden administration continues to make the case that a democratic government can work for ordinary Americans while Trump and his supporters insist that a country run by such an administration is an apocalyptic nightmare."
Of course, over in the House Trump's Speaker Mike Johnson continues to say that -what reality based people call his MAGA pig mess- is a shining example of how democracy works. On second thought, maybe he's saying 'see this is how democracy works, wouldn't you rather have something like in Hungary and Russia where 'the trains run on time.'
"Supporters"..? They could care less about his $$. They just want him in office so they can pursue "whatever the heck they want".., because as long as they're on his 'good' list it shouldn't be a problem.
Michele, awhile back there was a video of a guy giving reasons that he’d never vote for 45. They included the suicide of a friend because the friend had been stiffed for work he’d work done for 45. Look at his offer in the case (16 cents on the dollar; $100 million instead of $600 million). That’s what a contractor gets in Trump world, if he gets anything at all.
Informative; always. Interesting; less so. I’m so looking forward to the day when there will be no mention of tRump. None at all. And talented writers can enlighten us about subjects that actually matter.
Hell, some ass will write an opera about Trump and it will be played at the Met and broadcast on cable and in theaters. Add all the documentaries, mini-series, and movies that will be produced, not to mention the histories that will litter our book stores. We'll never be rid of the Orange Plague or his legions of criminal thugs who will threaten our security long after The Don finally bites the dust.
I actually doubt it. The thing about tfg is he - unlike Nixon - is not actually an interesting character. He is so cartoonishly irredeemable, and his particular brand of chaotic cruelty so eventually predictable, that there really aren't many shades or angles for a writer to exploit. There isn't a sympathetic or complex backstory to emphasize, no real rise-and-fall because he never built anything himself, and his need to gobble attention means that the side characters couldn't be developed deeply enough (or stick around long enough). Plus the people most likely to want to buy a ticket would be the least likely to buy a ticket to anything not hagiography, which is the least likely treatment the type of daring artist most likely to tackle the subject would create.
What would be “interesting” in an opera (or some like artistic venue) isn’t about him as a main character, but the people who follow him. I still can’t figure this part out. Who ARE these people and why do they not abandon such a flawed and uninteresting person?
Agreed; it would be hard to make anything other than an antiphonal, non-rhythmic, atonal, and discordant mash of unconnected rubbish. Scat has a beat, hip-hop has a beat, rap has a beat and all of them are wonderfully real.
unloved, narcissistic, bombast, has managed to get 40% of the American electorate.... what's that tell you? "not this round"... so far not according to the polls. Months til Nov though.
Will Trump is a natural character in a Greek tragedy. Whether an Oedipus role with his mother, or having poison poured into his ear, Trump is a natural Greek tragic figure.
Also, perhaps Shakespeare? In Richard III I can imagine him shouting “My kingdom for a whore.”
Will, I hope you're right, but I think you underestimate the venality and pathetic standards of our writers, commentators, composers, and television producers. Even if a Trump opera is never written, they will still cast other operas with Trumpian characters just because they can. Trump may be bankrupt, but his sick mind and rotting body are gold mines.
The opera would be for President Nixon as he had a number of tragic flaws. Trump is a tragic flaw. True-dat about Trump having to bite the dust before the cult is broken. But it will be nice to see him eat the dust for a while.
“Nixon in China” is already an opera in three acts by John Adams, with libretto by Alice Goodman. About Nixon’s 1972 visit , It premiered in Houston in 1987 and broke ground for its portrayal of contemporary subject matter.
As a quick clarification: I referred to President Nixon because he fit the profile more of a tragic hero, often featured in classic tragedies put to libretto. As a bona fide Nixon-hater -- when I was a teen and to my spiritual shame -- I can say safely that Trump makes President Nixon almost seem okay. Perhaps a soap opera would better suit Trump. Back to back: 'Keeping up with the Kardashians' followed by 'Going down with the Trumps'. 😉😃😵💫
Your last sentence, i.e., "legions of criminal thugs".., yeah, it'll take a while. Hopefully, we'll continue to find when they clearly break the law and get them off the street.
We've already been to that 'opera'.., there's nothing to it.. totally banal bs. I'd rather watch re-runs of the Three Stooges...Larry, Moe, and..?? ..? I forget. A documentary on Menendez and his big-titted other... that'd be golden.., maybe.
Jeri Chilcutt -- On the other hand, my thinking is that it is the Media that has hijacked our brains because they've been hanging on, and reporting on, Trumps Every Word for almost 9 years! Nine Years!! We can't turn on the television without him being reported on editorialized about, etcetera.
Don't let him hijack YOUR brain. I do what I can for our Democracy and then I let it go. I immerse myself in the arts, philosophy . . . Another reading and meditation upon the Bhagavad Gita, the Chandogya and Brihadaranyaka Upanishads today . . . All is one . . . OM!
I have kept control of my brain so far. My UU community is a blessing. tai Chi, helps mind and body. I found a “holistic health” group in Houston in 1975. They disbanded, but I never did lose the vibe.
Jeri Chilcutt: Houston! You live in a wonderful, cultural city, with the very best medical care in the United States -- my well-loved wife, Nancy, goes annually to MD Anderson; and Houston is home to Rice University and the Mark Rothko Chapel! My goodness, I LOVE Houston. I love your spirit!
Moved to Ft. Worth several years ago, but I loved Houston. Wish we had not left. Best place in Texas, except maybe Austin. They are not fond of chump, and Abbott tries to punish them any way he can. In fact, when I came to Texas, I loved the whole state, until 1994 when Rove foisted W on Texas and the country.
That will only happen if one of two events occur: either he's sitting incommunicado in some prison cell to serve out a lengthy term, or he's dead and buried, surrounded by thick concrete to prevent grave-robbing grifters. I'd accept either, although the thought of both in sequential order is comforting to me.
A tomb? Only if his estate can afford it. I wonder who his "personal representative" is. Chances are they will be too greedy to authorize such an expenditure.
After the election, Trump will try to rally his troops to take over the government again. So he'll be in the news every day until the 2025 inauguration at least. And then his remaining trials will take place. That should take up most of 2025.
I feel the same David, but unless he's horizontal, he's going to be in the news everyday. What publication or network can afford NOT to report on his daily antics?
Personally, I find the early paragraphs of today's letter more interesting. They're less *overtly compelling* perhaps, because there is no element of fear/disgust/base emotion involved. Yet I still find them more interesting, because I find slow, positive change more interesting than maniacs being maniacal. I am so done with fear and disgust being a primary motivator. I think we have become very good at spotting and mitigating threats to our country and our sanity. Please, in this most important of years for talking to our fellow citizens, do we not forget to prioritize what *should* be our main motivator: what do we, the democracy defenders, WANT TO DO? Why do we care about preserving democracy, the rule of law, our institutions, etc.? At least outside of the abstract, preservation for preservation's sake? What do we want life in America to look like that is different than it is now, that feels better than it does now, that can happen (and *only* happen) through participation in democratic governance? And what has been done the last few years to prove that such change is possible?
For me, WHAT I WANT and WHAT WE NEED is a country where working people and families have an easier time affording the basics so they have space in their lives to truly pursue happiness. We need to lower costs for housing, education, child care, elder care, medications, energy costs, and more. I WANT AND WE NEED workers to be allowed dignity and to organize, to be guaranteed higher wages and paid leave. I WANT AND WE NEED to have the rich cheats start to pony up so we can do these things while lowering our debts. I WANT AND WE NEED a present and future free of pollution, warming, and extreme weather. I WANT AND WE NEED to be free of the scourge of violence brought on by too many guns. I WANT AND WE NEED to have our freedoms guaranteed: the freedom to choose who to love, if and when to have a family, how to dress, how to speak, where to go, what to learn, to vote without impediment.
We know that we can do these things with the right people in office, because even with no room to maneuver President Biden and company HAVE ALREADY brought a pandemic to an end, brought inflation down, added millions of new jobs and small businesses, raised wages, started rebuilding our infrastructure, bringing manufacturing back home, tackling the climate crisis, and brought our allies together. Bit by bit by dogged bit.
Let us stay focused on the wonderful things we want to accomplish and the wonderful things we already have, not strictly the terrifying possibilities we wish to avoid. Staving off apocalypse is a prerequisite to the better world we desire, but is not our goal in and of itself. Loud and proud!
Uh Peter - why am I reminded of Michelle Obama's famous words during the 2016 HRC campaign - "when they go low, we go high"? However, if as 2024 continues to unfold, good economic news continues to roll in, and Democrats do not suffer any self-inflicted wounds, that can only improve our odds. While I continue to be horrified at the strength of the MAGA movement in America (what, about 35% or so?), I believe that it is not more than that. Nothing will move them. Were it to be a legal requirement to vote (as it is in Australia BTW), MAGA would be swamped. But that is not how it is. Convincing the 40 some-odd percent of people who don't show up to show up ought to be the key. It is the DNC's and Biden campaign's jobs to make that happen. As well as folks like us spreading the word as much as possible.
I agree that we need to continue to spread the truth loudly and boldly, but we cannot allow them to change us, to drag us into the dirt of their depravity. Going high means speaking truth, and continuing to speak truth despite their pathetic attempts to drown us out. Michelle Obama’s words matter because they encourage us to continue to follow in the footsteps of the Founding Fathers and Mothers who were working to establish better for all. While the messaging of Dems has often been too weak and timid, we can share the facts of the successes without betraying our integrity as they so often do with their lies.
Mine wasn't quite in the same spirit as Michelle Obama's well-chosen phrase. I'm trying to express an attitude completely independent of whatever “they” may get up to.
When troops do battle against an enemy, they are—or should be—fighting FOR something.
As for hate, if I hate individuals or groups whose actions are hateful, I’m letting myself be infected by their poison. This is obviously difficult to keep up—sometimes well-nigh impossible—but if when fighting enemies, we hate, not them but what they think, say and do, this attitude enables us to act coolly and responsibly and do whatever is needed to defeat them while minimizing the damage to ourselves that war necessarily incurs.
Note that I am speaking here, not of defense against some normal political rival or opponent, but of the fight we must wage against enemies who would destroy all that we stand for. It is they who have chosen to turn political action into war carried out by other means. Not so “other”, for that matter, when it comes to a small group of Representatives taking Congress hostage as commanded by a usurper who is an ordinary citizen like you and me. Urgent action to dislodge and neutralize the handful of Trump’s operatives in the House is therefore of the essence. These people act in the belief that the country belongs to them, not they to their country.
Failure to take the appropriate action to counter a threat can easily make us into the unwilling tools of an enemy, the means of carrying out that enemy’s strategy. Thus, Al Qaida’s long-term aims were secured by the Administration of President George W. Bush, through a totally gratuitous war against Iraq which has led to chaos throughout the Middle East and the strengthening of rival regional power Iran, as well as the absurd and counterproductive occupation of Afghanistan.
Currently, the Prime Minister of Israel and his coalition of extremists have rushed headlong into the inescapable trap set for them and are doing what Israel’s most determined enemies expected and intended of them. This man despised and underestimated the enemy, the ruthless enemy understood him and his allies of convenience all too well. The war aims of Hamas and other proxies of the Iranian regime look far ahead, Westerners—especially too many Western politicians—are short-sighted and focus on “business as usual”, so that they completely fail to see the purpose behind extreme provocations, in part because of a total inability to conceive of the self-sacrifice and sacrifice of their own people involved. Netanyahu, sidekicks and far-right extremists throughout Israel and the occupied territories are killing this generation of Hamas while recruiting those far more hardened and numerous fighters who will take their place.
In the United States, the task is to trace the interactions between external enemies and the enemy within the gates, especially who is paying for what, how, and to precisely what end, and to act decisively against both. So far, all such action has been sluggish, to put it mildly. We count too much on the gross errors of our adversaries and seem largely unaware of our own habit-bound tribal automatisms, our blindness, deafness and inability to think things out for ourselves.
Time to wake up. The Beast at bay may expose us all to unprecedented dangers.
Thank you, Peter Burnett. As always, you see and eloquently articulate the larger vision. I agree with everything you write.
How I wish our imperfect “leaders”—not to mention our imperfect electorate —could share your informed, enlightened perspective and, most importantly, figure out to act upon it.
At the very moment when you wrote, I too was wanting to express my appreciation for what you’d written, having noticed how you dare think for yourself—cogently—and your heart is in the right place. Fortunately, you are not the only person in this community to show these qualities, yet I do feel that your recent plain speaking stands out.
As for giving me a larger platform, this rickety soapbox is already proving too much for me—yet all I do is try to express my thoughts and feelings; the latter sparingly, although they often overcome me. What’s more I have often been holding back, not wanting to add uselessly to the world's miseries. Fearing, too, that since my views are often so much out of keeping with the very cushioned and all too often standardized and sanitized ones I read elsewhere, what I write may not be understood. Or only after the event, when it is too late.
The worst thing that can befall anyone trying to present an idea is when everyone applauds and agrees… yet they’ve not really grasped what they’re applauding…
What has often cheered me in this forum is knowing that, even when I and another contributor agree tacitly to disagree, there has been a meeting of minds.
I have from time to time felt that HCR’s pieces read too much like press releases for the White House; and I have worried that, despite her quite remarkable work of swift analysis of events, this daily commentary—for all the depth of historical precedents cited—is simply bound to contain standard elements, political Lego. There simply isn’t time to think it all through, yet her actual performance often comes across as well-nigh superhuman.
Well, instead of complaining about the remarkable service HCR is offering us, is it not up to us to try to take the work further? Even when our contributions may seem too much like the work of dogs burying bones where no other mutt will ever find them…
Thank you Will. Biden has been a very good president. The best in my long life. He is a builder.
Your comments about working people, families and their struggles are spot on.
We have made significant progress but it's time for a financial revolution. There is more than enough money in this nation to provide anyone who works a job housing, healthcare and a good education. I should include drinking water free of PFAs and a food supply free of microplastics. But then I would be an "extremist", I guess.
That's not so extreme! Makes sense to me. Now if we can just convince people who are inclined to sit out this election that progress can be made only if Biden is re-elected.
Maybe since all the good stuff that has happened is falling on some deaf ears, we need to scare them. And there is so much to be afraid of. It is still stunning to me that 70% of the nation isn't enraged at the MAGA agenda.
How to convince conservative voters that democracy is at stake. These are not MAGA people, simply conservatives who gag at the thought of voting for Biden or any Democrat.
Great post thanks Will from CA. Fear creeps in and it's up to each of us to see how it distracts us from positivity that moves energetically in the world because of our buoyancy. Trump is a distraction from the anti-democracy forces that build and infiltrate systems and mindsets each day. Isn't it up to each of us to be continually responsive to it all by anticipating and articulating what we hope to nurture at the 'edges of the otherwise'? Speaking truth to "WHAT I WANT" is a bold way to live. Speaking to "WHAT WE NEED" is more difficult for me because I offer thoughts that seem off-the-wall like, WE NEED to realize that we're all in a composting process, fortunate to have our turns in the light breathing air. Hospicing is also a good metaphor -- how do we administer comfort care as we adapt to this entangled world? I love the book Hospicing Modernity: Facing Humanity's Wrongs and the Implications for Social Activism.
Despite headlines, there is a lot going on that is positive in America. The news is and can be very distorting, since it follows crises, and often sensationalism. (Just finished watching Nightcrawlers.... what a forbidding movie, the character being based on a real-life publicity photographer who hunted down sensational stories in NY etc "back when")
When taking an accurate inventory of a business, a life, or a nation, both assets and deficits must be taken into account. A business, person, or nation that focuses only on deficits or only on assets will not be a going concern for long. DT and his ilk only focus on the negative, this is one major reason why they are failing. Biden and the Democrats in Congress are focusing on both, and so, against all odds, have been the most productive administration since the New Deal. To move forward, we ABSOLUTELY need to focus on our need for a better future. We also need to deal with threats to that future happening here and now.
Will, I heartily endorse your ideas and observations and join you in wishing for the opportunity to revel in them, however, three unfolding crises will cntinue unabated unless we do some dramatic things soon, NOW, to alter their direction: 1) the war in Ukraine is proceeding in an increasingly grim direction; 2) the chaos in Gaza, the West Bank and "Palestine" is inexorably proceeding with no winnners or solutions in sight; and finally global climate change has continued to worsen without adequate international attention to even slow it down! ...and it will eventually affect us ALL whether it already has or not!
You are perfectly correct, Will. Trump motivates his cultists and adherents with fear and hate; i.e. feelings. Dems need to motivate with feelings as well--GOOD feelings backed up with facts and accomplishments. But feelings will motivate better than facts (I wish we were a more sensible people, who would be motivated by facts...but here we are.).
I was going to say, loud and clear, even without the CAPS. Then Peter answered... lol ... not a complaint mind you. (I'm not a cap person, much as possible)
Well said, Will. There is more adrenaline in anger than there is in hope, and for many, anger is the easiest of the emotions to express, with fear a close second. I know that there is a *** going on here, and that to achieve what we want, we must take that less amygdala driven path and utilize the more positive path via the frontal cortex to get the outcome that is best for all of us.
NOTE: *** stands in for a word that symbolizes an either/or state. In my inadequately caffeinated state this morning, the only words I could come up with ranged from "battle" to "tug-o-war" and I do NOT want this to be that kind of word to use in the description of the conflict between that driven by fear/anger and that driven by hope.
Many thanks for this message and all its replies. I am looking forward to read "The Amen Effect: Ancient Wisdom to Mend our Broken Hearts and Minds" by Rabbi Sharon Brous (PUB. Jan 2024). FYI, Ms. Brous is the founding and senior rabbi of IKAR, a trail-blazing Jewish community based in Los Angeles. A leading voice at the intersection of faith and justice in America, she has been named #1 Most Influential Rabbi in the U.S. by Newsweek/The Daily Beast. She blessed both President Obama and President Biden at their National Inaugural Prayer Services, and her TED Talk “Reclaiming Religion” has been viewed 1.5 million times. Just a suggestion.
Thank you so much @HeatherCoxRichardson. This passage is vital and I hope more highly-visible "political opposites" who fundamentally think democracy and justice are vital lowest common denominator agreements between liberals, moderates, and conservatives in the U.S.
"On this day four years ago, I recorded that “more than 80 national security professionals broke with their tradition of non-partisanship to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden for president, saying that while they were from all parties and disagreed with each other about pretty much everything else, they had come together to stand against Trump.”"
I wrote about this yesterday (and mentioned your book along with Timothy Snyder's, Ruth Ben-Ghiat and Madeline Albright.
Thank you for your writing.. It is comforting to know that all those national security professionals came together 4 years ago to stand against Trump. It is happening now among former Trump cabinet members and other members of his administration. Also prominent Republicans from other eras. Dick Cheney is in a video warning the American people that Trump is a very real threat to the survival of our democracy. Never thought I’d say this, but I am grateful to Dick Cheney for speaking out.
Thank you Mary Ann -"thank you Dick Cheney" are words I thought I'd never say either. I become optimistic when total opposites unite over a common purpose. People suffering through tragedies, neighbors and communities helping people after the consequences of catastrophic weather events -without regard to who has a red hat or a blue hat. That is the thread of hope I have in trying to inform and educate -knowing that not everyone can be reached. If people around the world could heed Carl Sagan's words -that we are moving through space on a tiny blue life raft together -how that might change perspectives and inspire a more collaborative and peaceful world.
If a planet killing meteor were on its way -all nations would work together to try to stop it and defend earth. Who knew that the planet killing meteor would be a small group of corrupt, narcissistic men like Trump, Putin, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, and fundamentalist extremists like Hamas.
He sure did. He wrote in support of of the Iran-Contra affair and thought that at times a President must operate outside the law (Chump thought that meant -all of the time).
Someone said ..’seems like maybe they know something we don’t’…it boggles my mind this ‘justice’ thing thrown out the windows within semantical debate . Where does principle belong , along side semantics? More than 3/4 of the WORLD has watched this circus witnessing disgust, violence, division, eyes rolling, vocally critical waving their warning flags with the notable exceptions of Putin, Orban, and a murky band of billionaires..has the slow stacking the (deck?) plan succeeded close enough to pull off the Fall of America .
My hope remains still in the numbers of Dems winning race after race as if this ‘woke’ crowd is gaining numbers, is really waking up !
Is this the justice , or principle, I expected ? No, not people continue to get prominently placed/supporting the lies, supported by the liars . Those following those dictators -the world’s worst con men, will they ever be held accountable ? Will a blue wave accomplish what’s needed…it’ll take long term consistent focus folks , that’s guaranteed.
Fully agree Patricia -in fact, the DOJ should actively be indicting the complicit, a real Congress would be expelling them, and a clear Congressional majority should be expanding SCOTUS and expelling 'Justices' who are too busy accepting fabulous gifts and prizes.
Jeri -do not challenge the former GOP to a limbo competition. Every time I think "they can't possibly go lower" they manage to surprise. With criminal Trump on top, fringe extremist Mike Johnson with the House gavel and people like Comer Pyle, effectively inviting testimony from foreign agents, I really don't know how anyone could vote for any of them.
George A. Polisner -- Particularly your last paragraph struck me!!
"If a planet killing meteor were on its way -all nations would work together to try to stop it and defend earth. Who knew that the planet killing meteor would be a small group of corrupt, narcissistic men like Trump, Putin, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, and fundamentalist extremists like Hamas."
Dick Cheney's warnings will not move the needle at all. Neither will Liz. They were written off long ago by the faithful. Now all the generals and admirals of the armed forces - now that might help. Only thing is, I think that as right wing as the military is, for every top ranking general who warns against Trump, there is one who will endorse him. Could be a minefield.
Military and minefield. I see what you did there Jay, well-played.
I do think it helps to persuade, again not those lost in MAGA/Putin/Trump/Orban-world, however the moderates/independents and lean left/lean right.
When I was Chair of a county Democratic party -one of the fastest growing segments of voter registration were voters who were "unaffiliated". They did not want to be part of the toxic arguments between the parties -they knew voting was important, and would decide on the basis of each race. I ran the county party differently -instead of the typical "rah rah -we're democrats" I brought speakers in to talk about key societal issues. It expanded the array of people who were interested in issues as opposed to just business as usual party politics. State and National dem organizations should consider an educational approach instead of "Mitch McConnell just sneezed!!! Sign my petition, send me money, and tell Mitch no more sneezing!"
I fully embrace the dem party platform -it's just the organization that seems to just cater to party leadership ego instead of what really needs to be done at the national, state, regional, and local level (in my less than humble opinion). I've talked ad-nauseum to state and national leadership, however they really seem to have a "not invented here, or by me -so it can't be of value". Even George Lakoff's work -which was tremendous in understanding political communications and framing -went unheeded (and likely lost John Kerry the Presidency as a result).
I read that George. Well done! I believe however that we are all preaching to the choir. We are doing nothing more than honing our message, but not spreading it to much extent. The percentage of likely voters who will read HCR's words of wisdom, or yours, and will switch allegiances, hovers around zero % IMHO. There needs to be another way to break through. The best idea I have seen lately is for all the generals in the armed forces to put together a message to the American people. Something that cannot be misconstrued as RHINO's and never-Trumpers endlessly complaining. I can assure all of us, Pence's announcement that he is not endorsing Trump will move the needle not one iota, for example. I am at a loss for other ideas, and only hope the DNC can work some magic. In the mean time, the pressure is on the Biden administration to continue to perform well, commit no self-inflicted wounds, and hope fate does not deal us an unfortunate blow beyond his control that Republicans can blame on him none the less.
Thank you Jay -I do agree with much of what you say. I do think there's important value in, at a minimum, supporting each other through these challenging times -so the choir doesn't have to sing solo (except for when in the shower).
I find that other social platforms constrain content distribution -unless it's paid for, and even then, I am not optimistic. Zuckerberg and Musk want tension and conflict through propaganda and disinformation -that gets them ad revenue, and likely more data for Steve Bannon and Emerdata (the former Cambridge Analytica). I've been working with a small team of volunteers on a civic social network (https://civ.works) and there's an important new release coming soon.
I do agree, respected authority figures can help move the needle. For the most part I've written MAGA off as a cult -you don't bring a gallows, zip ties, and assorted weapons the nations capitol, and then kill and injure law enforcement if you have any respect for law and order. Interestingly perhaps -I also write off the deep left who, after the appointments of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney-Barrett think Jill Stein will be the best President ever.
As I see it the battle is for the middle, as well as the pragmatic left and the lean conservative (but fundamentally believe in democracy and justice).
Jay, it really takes a gentle approach and a lot of time and patience to bring someone around on some recognition that their "sincerely held beliefs" are detrimental to society and culture. It took my nephew (in his estimation) 12 years of gentle conversation with his Dad to bring him around to the realities of economic struggle that Millennials were confronted with, and how different that was from what my former brother-in-law had grown up with.
It's going to be up to the voters. Organizing always helps if you have a message worth selling. I'm sure all this matters in stimulating Dems organizing efforts. Money is looking good so far ...
A question and a suggestion: Question: Why doesn't s-i-l Jared Kushner come up with the money? Or is all of the $2 billion that he got from his Saudi friends unavailable?
Suggestion: Can NYC seize one of Trump's properties to alleviate its housing problems?
I doubt Jared would wanna cough up that dough even if he could, because that would mean he likes his father-in-law enough to actually save him like a typical human would have the impulse to do for beloved family. Which, uh... seems like a bit of a stretch. I get the feeling none of these people would care if any of the rest of them fell face-first into lava as long as the correct papers had been signed first.
Those two billion green-backs are to be invested. Kushner can probably pull down between $20 and $100 million per year in management fees depending upon his performance. As Trump's bloated bool-sheet bursts, ready yourself for the biggest whoopie cushion in history.
Nobody wants to hold a second note. Sounds like his properties are already leveraged (mortgaged) to the hilt. Remember when Trump wanted to host the G7 at Doral in Miami, and it was revealed how indebted and run down the place was?
But Gary, isn't that the whole issue in question and being litigated here? If tRump "really has real estate holdings of several billion"? ...given his chronic penchant for overstating everything about himself?
'How Biden's rhetoric on the Israel-Gaza war has shifted' (WAPO)
'After initially unequivocally backing Israel, President Biden has increasingly highlighted the humanitarian crisis in Gaza in recent months.'
'Israeli pressure on Palestinian economy pushes West Bank to the brink'
'Biden and Netanyahu hold first call in more than a month as divide grows over war, food crisis in Gaza' (PBS)
After all of Biden's words in the last few weeks and the headlines screaming 'imminent famine' who did not expect this?
'Food Experts Predict ‘Imminent’ Famine in Northern Gaza '(NYTimes)
'The warning came amid an Israeli raid on Al-Shifa Hospital. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also agreed to send military and humanitarian officials to Washington to hear the Biden administration’s concerns.'
'The acute food shortage in the war-ravaged Gaza Strip has become so severe that' “famine is imminent” 'and the enclave is on the verge of a “major acceleration of deaths and malnutrition,” a report from a global authority on food security and nutrition said on Monday.'
'The group, the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification global initiative, which was set up in 2004 by U.N. agencies and international relief groups, has sounded the alarm about famine only twice before: in Somalia in 2011 and in South Sudan in 2017.'
'The warning came as Israeli forces again raided Al-Shifa Hospital in the northern part of the enclave on Monday, in an operation that they said had been aimed at senior Hamas officials who had regrouped on the premises, setting off an hours long battle that both sides said had resulted in casualties.'
'The raid at Al-Shifa, in Gaza City, raised questions about the level of control that Israeli forces have over northern Gaza. In December, the Israeli military said it was nearing' “full operational control” 'there.'
'Taken together, the fighting and the severe food shortage underlined the chaos and desperation in Gaza after 23 weeks of war. The United Nations’ secretary general, António Guterres, renewed his call on Monday for' “an immediate humanitarian cease-fire” 'and said that the report on imminent famine was' “an appalling indictment of conditions on the ground for civilians.” (NYTimes) See link below, which, unfortunately, could not be gifted.
'Israel’s war on Hamas brings famine to Gaza' (WAPO)
Analysis by Ishaan Tharoor
'The warnings were being sounded for weeks. The United Nations, international relief organizations and some foreign governments voiced their fears over the ongoing humanitarian calamity in the Gaza Strip, where more than 2 million Palestinians are caught in the crosshairs of Israel’s punishing campaign against militant group Hamas. Food and other critical supplies remain scarce, while aid deliveries have been stymied by Israeli authorities that encircle Gaza’s borders.'
'Those warnings reached a crescendo Monday with the release of new report by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), a global multi-stakeholder initiative working on food security and nutrition analysis. It found that 1.1 million people in Gaza — roughly half the beleaguered territory’s population — are expected to face catastrophic levels of hunger and starvation between now and July. Many of those at immediate risk live in Gaza’s devastated northern regions, which are cut off from the south by Israeli forces and receive only a paltry trickle of the already-meagre aid that’s entering Gaza.'
'The fact of a “famine” is tied up in a complicated set of bureaucratic criteria, as my colleague Andrew Jeong outlined. It is usually declared by governments, though some U.N. officials have done so in contexts where no prevailing governing entity was capable of formally assessing the situation. The IPC uses a five-tiered classification system where “famine” is the fifth tier and “emergency” the fourth.'
“Compared to the IPC’s previous analysis in December 2023, acute food insecurity in the Gaza Strip has deepened and widened, with nearly double the number of people projected to experience those conditions by July,” 'my colleagues reported.' “In the IPC’s five-tier classification of food crises, Gaza now has the largest percentage of a population to receive its most severe rating since the body began reporting in 2004, Beth Bechdol, deputy director general at the Food and Agriculture Organization, told The Washington Post.”
'What makes this calamity all the more stunning is that it’s entirely the product of human decisions: Gaza’s civilian population is starving because of an Israeli siege, not an earthquake, extended drought or other natural disasters that have blighted parts of the world subject to famine. That reality is agonizing for U.N. officials.'
“We haven’t seen that rate of death among children in almost any other conflict in the world,” 'Catherine Russell, head of the U.N.'s children agency, told CBS News’ “Face the Nation” 'program Sunday.' “I’ve been in wards of children who are suffering from severe anemia malnutrition, the whole ward is absolutely quiet. Because the children, the babies … don’t even have the energy to cry.”
“This is the highest number of people facing catastrophic hunger ever recorded by the Integrated Food Security Classification system — anywhere, anytime,” 'U.N. Secretary General António Guterres said in a news briefing Monday.' “This is an entirely man-made disaster — and the report makes clear that it can be halted.”
'Martin Griffiths, the U.N.'s top humanitarian official, said more than 1 million people are at risk because they have been cut off from aid, markets have been collapsed and fields destroyed. “The international community should hang its head in shame for failing to stop this.”
'Israeli officials, chiefly Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, appear unmoved by the state of affairs. They blame Hamas for bringing about this crisis and reject growing calls for a cease-fire, which now include prominent Democratic lawmakers in Washington.' “In the international community, there are those who are trying to stop the war now, before all of its goals have been achieved,” 'Netanyahu said in an interview on CNN over the weekend.' “If we stop the war now, before all of its goals are achieved, this means that Israel will have lost the war, and this we will not allow.”
'On Monday, international humanitarian organization Oxfam released a report outlining how Israel has stymied or constrained the delivery of aid, including attacks on humanitarian convoys,' “unjustifiably inefficient” 'processes of inspection of the relief supplies, and denial of access to humanitarian officials and aid groups.'
'Israel has been using' “starvation as a weapon of war,” 'for more than five months, Sally Abi Khalil, Oxfam’s Middle East and North Africa regional director, said in a statement. She said that the humanitarian situation in Gaza has' “actually worsened” 'since the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to enable more aid into the enclave.' “Israel’s deliberate manufacturing of suffering is systemic and of such scale and intensity that it creates a real risk of a genocide in Gaza,” 'she said.'
'That’s rhetoric that mainstream politicians are also echoing'. “In Gaza we are no longer on the brink of famine; we are in a state of famine, affecting thousands of people,” 'Josep Borrell, the European Union’s top diplomat, said Monday at the start of a conference on humanitarian aid for Gaza in Brussels.' “This is unacceptable. Starvation is used as a weapon of war.”
'But respite is not in sight, with Israel and Hamas still at loggerheads over the possibility of a cease-fire brokered through U.S. and Arab mediators.[
“For nearly a month, the news coverage has been about efforts being made toward a truce,” 'Atef Abu Saif, a Gaza-born novelist and the Palestinian Authority’s minister of culture, wrote in an op-ed for The Washington Post that detailed his mother’s death in a tent in Gaza.' “Just a temporary truce! After so many weeks of such modest hopes,' ‘truce’ has become everyone’s favorite word: a cherished, idealistic, holy concept. It’s such a meager thing to hope for — a few days without killing. But even this feels out of reach.” (WAPO) Article was copied in full.
I read this. I read the comments here. What strikes me most is that Israel is doing to Palestine what was done to the Jews in Nazi Germany, albeit via a different method, but with very, very similar results. To my poorly informed mind (I am by no means a scholar or hold a vast knowledge base of what has led to this horrific scenario) these two horrors are far, far more similar than they are different.
Ally, your thoughts and mine match. I feel very close in spirit to the past and present now. Memories of siting with my dear grandfather in Shul, listening to the cantor's voice...a complete sense of love, security, majesty, mystery to Gaza; they are on the same channel.
They Israeli PR strategy seems to be to deny what is obvious to the rest of the world. Listening to Israeli spokespeople interviewed on the BBC they continue to say adequate relief supplies are being delivered and they are making efforts to protect civilians, but evidence says differently.
Chris Hedges reports that Biden's marine pier to receive aid shipments in Gaza is a ruse; the real reason is to deport refugees. The US is building it, but Israel will be in charge of it and it was their idea, not Biden's. They have been blocking most aid into Gaza at the border; no reason to expect any difference here.
Thank you dear Professor. Pulling all this together is quite a task in itself. You have managed to keep us abreast for quite a while now and I, as well as many others are very appreciative.
Your letter of last night is a keeper also. I have forwarded it to many who will do likewise.
Recalling HCR's account of how her professor inspired her to become a real scholar, I feel so grateful for her meticulous documentation of the facts. The one strand I found missing here is that Putin won what he calls an election for another "term" and, like our former guy is ruthless and more disciplined.
"he tried to spark attacks on President Joe Biden by asking on social media if people feel better off now than they were four years ago."
From a standpoint of economics, security, and optimism, do you feel better off than 40+ years ago, BEFORE the "Reagan "Revolution"? Still waiting for tax cuts (primarily for the rich) to "pay for themselves" and for boundless prosperity for ALL?
Actually, pretty much every Republican reading that would come to the instant conclusion that they absolutely were better off 4 years ago. Why? A Republican was in charge, and that is all that is necessary for them to feel better about everything. In my experience, liberals constantly wish that conservatives would stop *being* stupid, while conservatives view liberals as *inherently always* stupid.Any idea coming from a Democrat is guaranteed to be bad (because Dems = 100% stoopid, unchangingly) so a Dem in charge means guaranteed disaster. They will incorporate every bit of info available into this schema, reject the info that does not, and in the absence of objective evidence settle for fiction. A liberal will evaluate the success of a Democratic administration by whether it delivered needed change to the country, and usually find it lacking, while a conservative will evaluate the success of a Republican administration by whether it merely existed, and find it superlative.
Meanwhile, Independents think everyone is stupid for not getting along and just cutting the baby in half already. They don't get that babies don't work that way because they haven't paid attention to anything since the last election for midwife.
The desire for a hierarchical caste system. It's soul crushing, but offers an illusion of certainty in a changing and uncertain world. It's the urge to impose ones sense of personal order on the Universe, rather than to attempt to dance with it in give and take. Resilience seems to me like sailing with the wind, and even against it. Reality can crush us like bugs, but most of the time, fortune favors the prepared mind.
I think all of us have a degree of vulnerability to circular cult thinking, but for some for some it becomes a delusional trap that manipulators cultivate, the notion that only one's cult upholds the "truth" and all else is lies or treachery. Once in the vicious cycle, the way out is typically enforced by implicit or explicit psychological and/or physical violence. They "love" Big Brother'.
It's always a mix, and there never was a "golden age". That said, while many things have improved since Reagan was king, a number of hard won elements of economic opportunity have backslid, including the portion of the population in the middle class. Many jobs are less secure, and wages have not kept up with productivity. Upper management pay and wealth has skyrocketed however. Yesterday Heather mentioned that "In the U.S. that ideology has since 1981 moved as much as $50 trillion from the bottom 90% to the top 1%.", and that impacts our whole society. Why do so many who suffer economically support those who support that direction of transfer?
Good guaranteed benefit pensions like my dad got, have become a rarity. Inexpensive state colleges? Not cheap any more. There is a current Guardian piece on John Oliver's take on student debt. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2024/mar/18/john-oliver-student-debt My daughter and her husband (who is a agrologist) are deeply worried about climate abuse, and know more about it than most. The de facto aristocracy of billionaires in large part gave us Trump, who is threatening the continued existence of the republic. And I could go on.
Some of these problems could lead us into uncharted territory. I'm cautiously optimistic, but expect a rough ride for the future, and some real risks. And I think that many of our greatest, current problems can reasonably be connected, at least made significantly worse, by "Reaganomics". Finally, we are seeing some substantive resistance to that momentum, but it still has a lot of supporters, and it's long past the time to ask who has it helped and who has it hurt. Have we as a society made progress because of or in spite of plutocratic turns of law?
I heard some of Jill Biden's inspiring speech. I'm glad that Biden put in significant funding for women's healthcare instead of just talk. Hopefully all women are paying attention.
I did hear Trump refer to the Auto Industry when talking about a blood bath. But with his record - his dog whistles have a history of being deadly !
Bloodbath & Beyond... The MAGANAZI horde are violence personified. Violence is their superpower. They sense that Donnie Bloodbath is as crazy as they are. The milquetoast Left has no answer to this frontal assault. Hope and the rule of law are worthless in the face of this monster. There is no doubt that Trump has hitched his fate to the potential violence seething within the MAGANAZI horde. He has already used his Christian soldiers once, on January 6, and he found that day to be exhilarating. January 6 was, indeed, "Training Day."
Thank you once again for today's letter. While I feel that it is about time that this orange slug be brought down (remember, after all the crimes committed by or with Al Capone he went to prison for tax evasion and not murders). I would be very happy to see his "orangeness" convicted and/or broke. But, unfortunately, there are others just waiting in the wings to take his place. I think the "Christian" Nationalists see tffg as a useful tool that can be used and then replaced. It is frightening. Some of these are smaller players now or hiding in the grass like the snakes they are. I hope the cases lead by Leticia James, Fani Willis, and Jack Smith come together in a crescendo that rocks all of their worlds.
Bury this madness at the polls under so much electoral weight no question remains.
Unfortunately his madness is shared by immensely wealthy financial backers who, thanks to a politically charged Supreme Court, will remain anonymous while continuing to erode both freedom and equality
On this day 4 years ago, my job was on the line and both company and employees feared we’d go out of business. Well, my company weathered the pandemic by furloughing most employees, probably got government help, and raised all prices sharply (and never stopped).
They made a killing, because almost a year later, they brought back furloughed people, hired many new people, bought commercial properties, bought back stocks, gave their executives huge bonuses, and tossed their essential workers $100 apiece.
A year afterward, we’re told my company has been put up for sale and they must get rid of all the things draining profits to make the company more profitable to potential buyers. Did they unload the properties? No. Stop expensive nonsense for executives like huge bonuses? No. They quietly shut down offices all over the country, laid off more than 30% of us “things” in the remaining offices, and made my union office a “support center” while they farm out our work to a South American company until they can get rid of the rest of us “things” when they’re ready.
In this way, I’m not better off as an over 55 y/o woman needing to figure out how to find another job after nearly 30 years of working for this company. However, I am at least not walking into the type of job market we had during the pandemic, thanks to President Biden.
'Trump says Jews who support Democrats' ‘hate Israel’ and ‘their religion.’ (NYTimes)
'Former President Donald J. Trump accused Jews who vote for Democrats of hating their religion and Israel, reviving and escalating a claim he made as president that Jewish Democrats were disloyal.'
'A few hours later, facing mounting criticism from Jewish groups, Mr. Trump’s campaign repeated his incendiary charge, declaring that' “Trump is right,” and that the Democratic Party “has turned into a full-blown anti-Israel, antisemitic, pro-terrorist cabal.”
'Mr. Trump made his remarks in an interview published online on Monday with Sebastian Gorka, a former White House aide for Mr. Trump who now hosts a conservative talk radio program. Mr. Gorka asked Mr. Trump about criticism that prominent Democrats — including President Biden and Senator Chuck Schumer, the majority leader — had levied against Benjamin Netanyahu, the right-wing prime minister of Israel.'
“I actually think they hate Israel,” 'Mr. Trump replied. Mr. Gorka agreed.'
“Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion,” 'Mr. Trump added later.' “They hate everything about Israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves because Israel will be destroyed.”
'Democratic officials' “hate Israel,” 'he said, because they want votes from people who are sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza, where more than 30,000 people have been killed in the war there.'
“Don’t forget, when you see those Palestinian marches — even I am amazed at how many people are in those marches,” 'Mr. Trump said.' “And guys like Schumer see that, and to him it’s votes. I think it’s votes more than anything else, because he was always pro-Israel. He’s very anti-Israel now.”
'A White House spokesman described Mr. Trump’s comments as' “vile and unhinged antisemitic rhetoric.”
“There is no justification for spreading toxic, false stereotypes that threaten fellow citizens,” 'said Andrew Bates, a deputy press secretary for Mr. Biden, adding that the Biden administration' “will never give hate any safe harbor, including today.”
'Jonathan Greenblatt, the chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League — a Jewish advocacy group — said that' “accusing Jews of hating their religion because they might vote for a particular party is defamatory and patently false.” (NYTimes)
Yes, very intense here in NYC. It's our home, our shelter from the storms; the death, the camps, the pogroms; it was our much better ghetto, and now we are divided by Netanyahu and his government.
Heather, thank you for such a concise summary of the Trump threads. I’m looking forward to hearing more about his properties, savings, and investments next week as Judge Engoran and DA Leticia James decide which to liquidate to pay the judgement. It’s beginning to look like 45 and Melania may soon be doing their own grocery shopping (no driver’s license required unless they pay by check LOL ). It will be interesting to see if 45’s diehard supporters will still love him when he’s no longer seen as a billionaire.
Except, he hasn’t been a billionaire for quite some time. He’s a six-time bankrupt, who seemingly can’t get out of his own way when it comes to all matters financial.
My name is Bond.
Cantafforda Bond.
Too funny.
Remember the orange chimp saying under oath in a deposition that his brand was his most valuable possession? I think it's his only possession. He doesn't own the plane, Mar a Lardo is mortgaged well over its value and he owes their membership money back to all his members, every property has been borrowed against to the hilt.
And when this months legal bills are presented, he'll have bankrupted the RNC. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of folks.
And bonus, he won't have to pay Manafort this time either, Vlads got this.
"Chimps" are much more intelligent than tfg and much more appealing in every way. What a creep this person is. I am waiting for the release of Jeffrey Epstein docs in July where that name might show it's ugly head.
An October surprise four months early, perhaps. Yes!
Jen, Manafort offered to work for free the first time; perhaps Vlad had it back then as well.
Rachel Maddow did a whole thing on her show about this yesterday -
Becky Estill, True, that’s what brought it back to mind. Thank you for sharing the link.
I think he does own a plane trump Force One (wanna be) and is in the progress of selling a smaller jet. It could be it is his company which owns them and not him.
The judgements were meant to be large enough to send a message. Boo hoo, they are being bad to me is not the proper response.
Marla, this is brilliant!
As Gall Collins noted a few years ago, he is at least a thousandaire.
I’m really laughing out loud! Marla, that is tooooooo perfect! Thank you!!
Oh, that is fantastic. I love word play & that's about as playful it can get during these ominous times! Thanks for starting my day off with a smile! ☺️
Up until #45 got elected, he was just tabloid crap with a TV show. As long as the lawyers got fed, bankruptcies were just a problem for the ones who got stiffed. He looked good standing along side women with big boobs. Shallow as they come.
Brilliant ‘wordsmiting’!
My question is, was her EVER really a billionaire?
I'm not sure what the requirement is to make the Forbes 400, but he did make it for 25 years until he didn't. He fell from grace 2 out 3 years recently. His automatic response was: I am going to sue you,
I shouldn't be laughing....really I shouldn't!!
That is RICH!
Marla, very true, except in the minds of those who have combined his persona on The Apprentice with the actual man.
I'm looking forward to it too, but since tffg's supporters think of him as some God-annointed prophet, I can't see anything rational changing their minds.
It seems to me that as tfg weakens financially, his current problems with speaking coherently to his worshipers will
become way more pronounced. There will probably be at least some % of his base that will respond to these very visible trends by pulling away. His crowds are much smaller as time goes by already. It will be interesting to see what happens.
The 50% of Republicans who are keeping Trump around because they are greedy and intimidated, but not crazy, must be getting worried. They probably don’t care about democracy as much as they do about money, but Trump is desperate and deteriorating cognitively. Having a cornered paranoid narcissist as president would be dangerous to everyone. Also, where is the DOJ? He is certainly a security risk. He has probably already pawned many of the documents that he kept. I’m sure Judge Cannon realizes this.
Agree with every word (except your cheeky handle!) but this is pricelessly concise: "a cornered paranoid narcissist."
Oaitw, I do not think "Judge" Cannon can even comprehend this danger, much less realize and then act on it.
I know she clerked for Thomas, but I wonder if she graduated from law school and passed the bar.
I really think she has no idea of how dangerous TFG is. All she seems to know is that she owes her lifetime appointment to him and all she needs to do is string out the delays until after the election. She doesn't have a clue.
She probably has a clue and that is why she is doing what she is doing what she is doing. Here's that Mafia image. I'm sure the members knew what was going on, but look what will happen if you don't play along.
And now trump is allowed to attend briefings because he is the official presidential candidate? The quandary is that if he is not invited, he will complain discrimination because he is not allowed to do what presidential candidates traditionally have done in the past. If briefings are doctored, the intelligence agencies won't have his trust if he is elected president. We all know how that will go. A bloodbath in the CIA, FBI, and any other intel service. And if (when) he loses, imagine the temper tantrum. This one has lasted almost 4 years.
The intelligence agencies haven't had tffg's trust since early in his term as president because they kept telling him factual things that he didn't agree with.
Didn't trump fire his head of FBI ? I know he was messing around with one of the departments. I wouldn't be surprised if the Secret Service had been bought lock stock, and barrel. The erased tapes for instanced. The stereo type SS man seems to be very rigid in their thinking. It's almost like they are programed. It may not be so, but it seems that way.
Mary Ann, actually I just reposted a very concerning report by Robert P. Jones, who writes about evangelicalism and white supremacy, detailing a speech by ttfg to white evangelical broadcasters that shows how completely he's playing to them, and how completely they're buying it. https://substack.com/profile/10639253-alexandra-sokoloff/note/c-51966846
"Make America Christian Again" so spoke The Devil. This is terrifying, along with Michael Flynn's "Army of God."
There is a stark distinction between Christ’s message and the message of the white nationalists who are ‘Kristians’ followers of the Klan!
Thank you for that link. I tried but I simply could not watch trump's con job BS to the NRB, that purports to be his "vision" of a white kkkristian nationalist country. It made me nauseated. The article, I did manage to read and it is terrifying. We cannot let these creatures win.
TL, it's unbearable. My reaction is utter revulsion. Which reminds me of psychiatrist M. Scott Peck's observation (in THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED and PEOPLE OF THE LIE) = that our instinctive human reaction to evil IS revulsion.
I loved People of the Lie -- helped me understand the role of lying to oneself and others in creating real evil in the world. Thanks for mentioning it.
I like the additional k’s! I will use it!
Makes me sick to my stomach. I wish I could reach more of those misguided fools. "Each one will claim that he is a prophet; but I am the last of the Prophets (Seal of the Prophets), and there will be no Prophet after me."
Bruce, me too. I actually think in this case the misguided fools started calling him a prophet first, and he had just enough evil cunning to think, "I can work with THAT..."
Sorry Bruce, that quote is not receptive through the cult’s ears! Not in their Byble!
That claim has gone down a multitude of times, literally. (besides Mohammed that is! )
Terrifying agenda. Thanks for posting this.
Alexandra, Thank you for this link. Trump's rhetoric is truly frightening. Why do we not read/hear about this on MMM? It should be front page news.
April Fools.
They absolutely are.
Not April yet.
Just sickening.
That article documenting tfg’s speech to the Evangelicals is a series of horrific lies. Feeding them what they want to hear. It’s disgusting.
In the snippets of that rally over the weekend that I saw did you happen to see the young man about 2-3 rows up & to trump's right, break into a huge yawn? It was right around his bloodbath statement if I'm remembering correctly. Hey, maybe these people are paid to sit there, you know, like "extras" in a movie, in this case a really bad movie, really bad!
There is a litany of news reports going back the past year plus on the subject of dwindling crowds... They are maybe getting down to Bruce Willis "die hards"... (no offence to Bruce Willis!)
And how many in those crowds are the groupies who apparently follow him from rally to rally for his entertainment value? Lately, however, they’ve appeared pretty uninvolved, as if they’re not really paying attention. They’ve heard it all before, as ugly as it is.
I talked to one guy (I was campaigning for Pete when the trumpers stampeded the city), and he was talking about the next rally he was going to. Some have gone to as many as 28!!!! Must be nice to not have to work.
Yes, I guess when Trump becomes a dictator he’ll take care of them, although his history doesn’t show him to be an exemplary “daddy”.
I’ve been fascinated watching the crowd sitting behind him at these recent rallies. It’s looking more and more like they aren’t really listening. They aren’t rabidly responding; in fact, they look bored. Who knows why they were selected to be in those seats. The funniest was the one they showed with college age fans, supposedly to show he attracts the youth. I don’t think ant of them were interested in his ramblings, or even listening.
Good observation. I suspect that the people who surround him, whom he relies upon to feed him 'lines (he mucks up)' are diminishing in numbers, if not in substance(BS) they can dream up for him. Hahaa..,and, those "rallys" cost money, which is becoming harder to come by. We're seeing supporter burnout. And, seeing staff burnout too, because they may not be getting paid. Poor little Alina Habeena, she looks so cute standing beside him.., he likes her.., but she probably hasn't been paid either. Maybe been given a place to sleep in Mara-"Lardo" hohoho. Gag me!
I agree with "supporter burnout". And those rallies DO cost a lot of money and effort of the staff. (and fuel for his B757.) I'm betting Alina Habeena is getting paid -- that $50M of campaign money spent on lawyers has to go somewhere. And now he just sued CNN's Don Lemon -- new lawyers have to get some cash up front or they won't even start on the case.
The more money he has to spend, the more messy he's going to become.
I understand some of his rallies still owe money to the towns.
Watch their faces in the crowd. They don’t know what to do.
Prosperity Gospel...no longer in favor with his god?
I don't believe for one second he acknowledges any god except himself.
Nailed it!!!
Thus the lower case god...money, power, self above all others and all else.
Alexandra, for hitting that nail squarely on the head, 🏆👍🏻.
If it gets to the point where NY Attorney General Letitia James actually seizes some of Trump's high-profile property in New York, Trump will claim loudly and often - assuming he can remember what he's talking about - that the government stole his properties, and that he's been victimized hugely once more. We can expect that Trump will use it to put out a fundraising appeal to his crazy, ignorant supporters who believe he's been anointed by God.
What is he going to hawk next? his used golf balls (which never have seen a rough, sand trap, or water hazard, lol)
Oh, "rational" left the building years ago. What's needed is an even better conspiracy about him that they'll suck up, digest & then decide he's not their "hero". And, no, I have no idea what kind of conspiracy could do that but it would have to be a doozy!
Looks like he'll have to go extraterrestrial on this one....
Yeah, but you're really on to something: we need an alt-conspiracy theory!
Alexandra, someone posted on FB the image TFG posted on his social media page of him praying, bathed in a light from seemingly nowhere, in a church. Apparently he is very proud of this pic because it has shown up on a lot of different pages. But there are, shall we say, problems with the picture? Firstly, he was raised a Presbyterian and he is praying in a Catholic church. Second (it gets better and better), he is praying backwards in the pew, whose kneelers face a different direction and the backs of the pews are going the wrong way. Third (this is the best yet): he has 6 fingers on each hand. According to most Christofascist pundits over the ages, extra fingers is a sign of Satan--vestigial fingers in the 17th century got you burned as a "witch" if you happened to be female. https://petapixel.com/2024/01/24/trump-shares-ai-image-of-himself-praying-with-six-fingers/
Linda The imagery is of Trump as the antiChrist. You know what the 6th finger was for.
Maybe the computer has never gone to church either.
Don't confuse them with facts. Their minds are made up.
Alexandra, it's one thing to say he's being persecuted and the charges are all made up. It's quite another to watch his properties get liquidated! What conspiracy theory can explain that?
I am hoping that they snag Mar-a-lago as their collateral, since that probably lessens the amount of devious planning Trump could engage in, because he would be thrown off kilter if he had to vacate the premises. It would also perhaps give the FBI another chance to go in there and look for hidden documents.
Apparently, the bond companies don't like real estate as collateral.
In 2023, Jeff Bezos bought a new yacht for $500 million and Nancy Walton paid $300 million for hers. And which of the 200,000 members of the 1% doesn't own a yacht they could hock for some cash or maybe sell some of their stock for cash to help out their good buddy Donnie?
Trump isn't even trying to raise the money. And after he saved them and their companies billions in Federal income taxes. What an ungrateful lot.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bravo, Gary. That’s priceless. What an ungrateful lot, indeed!
Expensive pleasure yachts have a long status symbol history, show up in James Bond movies to boot.
To quote some sage person, You knew I was snake when you picked me up.
I was incredulous when I heard him tell that story. Why would he be telling a story about himself, a treacherous, deceiving person? He's actually telling everyone that he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. The punch line is that he was talking about democrats..Speaking of projection.
What a happy thought, Linda!!! Thanks for the lift!
It also takes away an escape route--I had a friend speculate that a Russian sub would pull up off the coast and he'd get picked up and ferried to Russia.
Like he could fit through the hatch of a submarine.
One can only imagine what the assigned secret service for him have to put up with ...
Do they volunteer for such duty? What happens if he goes to jail?
Can google 'Secret Service
for Donald Trump CBCnews...
I think the documents are in NJ where they haven’t looked yet.
Good point Linda.
Please add to this playlist:
Nobody loves you when you're down and out
Nobody knows you when you're down and out
Brother, can you spare a dime?
Vlad, let's make a deal.
Betsy A favorite during the Great Depression. Now Trump causes me great depression.
As Joe Hill is reputed to have said, "Don't mourn. Organize"
Betsy I often play Paul Robeson singing JOE HILL. I find it very comforting.
It's good that you find Paul Robeson's gorgeous voice comforting. It would be better if you also found it energizing...
Betsy Both and, especially, his song about what it means to be an American.
that'd be a buck these times! I remember that from the 50s
I disagree: thanks to Donnies tariffs, the dollar stores went to $1.25
Actually, i should have picked a higher number. Movies were still a dime in the 50s too, well, heading upward as i recall . And I see Trump wants to tariff "Chinese" cars made in Mexico 100%. Japanese / South Koreans have had plants in US for some time. On that topic, https://www.trade.gov/country-commercial-guides/mexico-automotive-industry Trump is crazy, no surprise
You spelled 'ruble' incorrectly.
The thing is: there are now enough true billionaires out there that one or another can front the $500mio and then own Trump lock stock and barrel. I just hope they don't have a return address in Russia.
Taylor Swift is probably looking for a good investment for her new found billion.
And Warren Buffett has bailed out the Williams Pipeline Co. and BofA while earning about 10% interest.
Either Trump isn't really trying or even the uber wealthy hate him too.
There's also the fact that Trump has a spotty record of re-paying his creditors. If you don't have collateral, you'd better have character. Both appear in short supply.
You pinned that one down!
Nailed it!
I imagine one thing that focuses the thinking of every billionaire would be the prospect of losing half-a-billion dollars on a bad risk. Clear thinking would show DT is not likely to return to the White House, and even if he does, there is no guarantee he wouldn't simply erase the debt via executive fiat. He's done this on a smaller scale with numerous contractors, why not an oligarch, once he has all political power? DT, after all, stands for DicTator.
My instinct is to think that drump doesn't have many "friends"; he just isn't trustworthy--his word means absolutely nothing. He's just too crass and defiantly unpolished for the old money folks (although that is exactly why his uneducated cultists love him) and the new money folks are just as friendless and self absorbed as is drump. Drump's classless bragging and flamboyant ostentation gives the ultra wealthy the shudders.
I think a lot of his insecurity comes from his rejection by the old money folks in NY. He and his children will never be part of their society, no matter how much money he has. All of the old money people I’ve ever known have been very discreet, which is not a word anyone has ever associated with TFG. He’s way too ostentatious, tacky, greedy, immoral, and dishonorable.
And a Nazi sympathizer! 🤨
Looks like Musk already spent $42 billion on supporting the right wing. Should have saved it for a loan to tfg.
Musk is a very good example. He's got the money and the morals to support Trump.
The Trump brand has been devalued since 2016. No one attaches themselves to a loser. Especially the extremely wealthy, lest they be perceived as such.
Unless you’re an Oligarch. Then it might be like betting your horse to win at Aquaduct. If you lose, you lose. But if you win, your wildest dreams can be fulfilled.
Swbv - like how they bought Brett Cavanaugh and Clarence Thomas.
It is a real dilemma for Trump since his base beleives he is enormously rich. So was he lying under oath about how rich he is or is he broke? His money was from the television program and I have to assume his golf courses are not making money. And Mary, if Melania is smart, she should cash out on that prenup before it disappears.
Gotta wonder what "the silent woman" is about these days... she's sure not up on the hustlings these past couple years. 58 or so now?
If you're wondering her age, she's 53, born April 26, 1970. The silent woman is taking care of herself and her kid, hoping to get out of the mess she helped create with some of the money.
I think I saw her on "Adult Friend Finder" ...?.. or was it Match? Had a distinctive tattoo: I Don't care - Just Do Me. Probably just some AI work.
John There should be a Trump Monopoly game in which the ‘winner’ has the largest number of bankruptcies. To be fair, Trump can’t count his past six bankruptcies, only the bankruptcies triggered by his lack of cash for bonding.
His base may believe he is rich, but that doesn't seem to stop them from donating money to him for his campaign, legal expenses, and whatever other BS he requests their hard-earned dollars for...
It truly is nuts how these people send him money. I have two older sisters living next door, both in their 80s, living on SS, and they send him money every month after they get their checks.
They are both christians, and believe what their minister tells them about trump being sent by God. It's a crazy world right now for sure.
Wonder WHAT KIND OF minister would describe trump as god-sent. Boggles the mind...
I would hazard a guess that it's one of those prosperity gospel preachers. The church they go to is always begging for more money.......
Mary - your heart is in the right place. But hear me when I say that, if past trends are any reliable indicator, he will wiggle his way out of this predicament and manage to delay justice once again. I have very little faith in the predictions of his coming financial demise. After all, his much maligned legal team has been working miracles for him so far. Thy are pitching a shut-out. It is time we gave that team the recognition it deserves. I was as hopeful as any of us weeks ago, on all fronts except Mar-a-Lago. Now, I have lost hope for every case against him. All have been successfully turned into tar babies. Sorry to rain on the parade, but I see the handwriting on the wall.
Jay, my optimistic coffee is kicking in again. JMO...
My understanding is that Trump is highly leveraged. And his source of income has been more of the royalty sort. In other words, he may not have that much collateral after all. I think his financial "empire" is built on bullshit and reputational monetization. As James and the judge start looking deeper for the funds, a lot of truth will be revealed. Perhaps the "emperor has no clothes". This will be entertaining.
The delayed trials (so frustrating!) won't have an impact on the election one way or the other. Besides, Trump was right. He could randomly shoot someone and his "base" would still love him. But there will be trials. And even if he skates on some charges, ultimately he will be convicted and shamed.
But his base is not growing. And some Republicans and Independents are shifting away from the Orange Menace. Now we have a candidate who can't put together an understandable speech - just a word salad. Not a Caesar Salad. Watch for more "blood bath" speeches because he can't put together a meaningful or intelligent string of words. I foresee a complete breakdown at a rally in the next few months. Especially as his crowds continue to dwindle - his most sensitive subject. Trump is the most insecure and fragile politician on the scene today. He's a great actor. But the chokes in his performances will only worsen as he becomes more frightened.
Trump's greatest political mistake was nominating justices that would blow away Roe vs Wade. The Dobbs decision was so horrible, that it is THE motivating factor for millions and millions of women and men who believe (were raised with idea!) that reproductive freedom of choice is more than normal - it is a basic right. That was a bridge too far.
I smell blood in the water. The sharks are coming for this bucket of chum.
I could not agree with you more! Thank you for your positive take on this most horrible situation. If we succumb to despair and lose hope, it helps no one.
Bill, I like your assessment. Sadly, it seems as though my former work cohort loves him all the more.
Please spare us trump with no clothes!
I wouldn't go that far, but i get your point. My bet is that Trump loses 2024, and the trials and their contortions simply proceed apace... with more and more legal fees, is his team working "pro bono" yet?
I agree Frank. However I believe the polling that a pre-election conviction takes away from his vote count. I do not want this to be close. I want a blow-out. I want the world to see that this movement was an aberration. And importantly, I want both arms of Congress. Look at what our loss of the House has done.... the country is politically dead in the water. We cannot have that.
He's gonna lose, but things are about to be OBE. She Gin Bling is going to blockade the S.China Sea.., annex Taiwan thereby creating election-distraction of immense proportion, but not quite a war. But like wars do, China's people will suddenly all go back to work in the 'defense industrial capacity' supplying Putin who will deploy some local nuke/like weapons to show who's boss. Our forces are busy airlifting supplies and aid.., and building a seaport for Gaza. Not to mention sailing an aircraft carrie around with about 5000 soles on-board dodging missiles being actively targeted and/or shot at by Houthi's pissed at our suport of Jewish religion gone amuck. #45 will become irrelevant. But, the "bloodbath" will be in Europe. The S.China sea not so much.
Maybe if you hold a mirror up to what you see on the wall it will reflect a more accurate truth!
What do you mean Gayle? Do you mean look myself in the mirror?
I am holding back on believing he will begin to have assets seized just because he always gets a break, often at the last minute. Until the first seizure happens, I’m skeptical.
As Ted Lasso said: "Believe!". I could be wrong. It happens all the time. But this judge and prosecutor don't mess around.
I believe that as James digs into the "books" she may find out that the "most successful real estate developer in NYC" is a fake. A phony.
The profits in such bonds are easy money. If he couldn't get a single firm to provide one, I think we may find that there is nothing really there. Nothing that would back the bond. I think the Orange Menace is about to be embarrassed big time.
It has been my position, ever since he refused to release his tax returns, that his "empire" was a house of cards built on bullshit, and that, in reality, he is flat-assed broke
Yup. Why else would he make a fool of himself by selling playing cards or golden sneakers? In a time not too long ago, his fraudulent use of Trump University would have ended ANYONE's career. Instead the Kool Aid drinkers keep sending him money. One con after another.
We should continue to be appalled at what he gets away with. Because I BELIEVE that we will return to a sense of legal and moral standards re: public figures once we wake up from this nightmare.
I remember articles about the rising star of New York real estate...But the day he signed up to be on "reality tv" everyone who was paying attention, knew what New York had known for years: trump is a loser. It's Karma that a New York Court is bringing him down in a very public way.
If only they could tax the bullshit, he'd likely be the biggest taxpayer in the country.
I agree, except for the nice cash injections he got from foreign governments, income from his DC hotel, lodging billed to secret service. Not sure if he ever pulled off deals renting out his golf properties for government events... Clearly, being re-elected is his best/only shot at making money and staying out of prison.
Excellent points! "I am really rich, but (ahem) nobody will lend me a dime." Will that bring anybody to their senses?
"The Biden administration continues to make the case that a democratic government can work for ordinary Americans while Trump and his supporters insist that a country run by such an administration is an apocalyptic nightmare."
Of course, over in the House Trump's Speaker Mike Johnson continues to say that -what reality based people call his MAGA pig mess- is a shining example of how democracy works. On second thought, maybe he's saying 'see this is how democracy works, wouldn't you rather have something like in Hungary and Russia where 'the trains run on time.'
"Supporters"..? They could care less about his $$. They just want him in office so they can pursue "whatever the heck they want".., because as long as they're on his 'good' list it shouldn't be a problem.
Mary, would you accept a check as payment from death star. It would be made of rubber.
Michele, awhile back there was a video of a guy giving reasons that he’d never vote for 45. They included the suicide of a friend because the friend had been stiffed for work he’d work done for 45. Look at his offer in the case (16 cents on the dollar; $100 million instead of $600 million). That’s what a contractor gets in Trump world, if he gets anything at all.
This is disgusting.
Informative; always. Interesting; less so. I’m so looking forward to the day when there will be no mention of tRump. None at all. And talented writers can enlighten us about subjects that actually matter.
Hell, some ass will write an opera about Trump and it will be played at the Met and broadcast on cable and in theaters. Add all the documentaries, mini-series, and movies that will be produced, not to mention the histories that will litter our book stores. We'll never be rid of the Orange Plague or his legions of criminal thugs who will threaten our security long after The Don finally bites the dust.
I actually doubt it. The thing about tfg is he - unlike Nixon - is not actually an interesting character. He is so cartoonishly irredeemable, and his particular brand of chaotic cruelty so eventually predictable, that there really aren't many shades or angles for a writer to exploit. There isn't a sympathetic or complex backstory to emphasize, no real rise-and-fall because he never built anything himself, and his need to gobble attention means that the side characters couldn't be developed deeply enough (or stick around long enough). Plus the people most likely to want to buy a ticket would be the least likely to buy a ticket to anything not hagiography, which is the least likely treatment the type of daring artist most likely to tackle the subject would create.
Agreed. Maybe he might get a bit part in a DC Comic as a washed-up villain. He certainly is not interesting enough to be a Marvel villain :)
How can he play any part when he’ll be in PRISON???
What would be “interesting” in an opera (or some like artistic venue) isn’t about him as a main character, but the people who follow him. I still can’t figure this part out. Who ARE these people and why do they not abandon such a flawed and uninteresting person?
They’re either angry from their own shortcomings or greedy cheaters like their creepy leader!
Will, in essence, no “Hamilton” on the horizon?
Not with fpotus as a lead.
Perhaps “Alred” (E Newman) with Eric “Fredo”Trump playing the lead as a Crime Boss progeny
Agreed; it would be hard to make anything other than an antiphonal, non-rhythmic, atonal, and discordant mash of unconnected rubbish. Scat has a beat, hip-hop has a beat, rap has a beat and all of them are wonderfully real.
unloved, narcissistic, bombast, has managed to get 40% of the American electorate.... what's that tell you? "not this round"... so far not according to the polls. Months til Nov though.
Will Trump is a natural character in a Greek tragedy. Whether an Oedipus role with his mother, or having poison poured into his ear, Trump is a natural Greek tragic figure.
Also, perhaps Shakespeare? In Richard III I can imagine him shouting “My kingdom for a whore.”
I'm thinking "Springtime for Hitler and Germany", a good farce. More on a Mel Brooks/Monty Python treatment.
Am with you. Best outcome is he gets consigned to some "you-name-it" spot of invisibility. Then we can move on.
A story of his lifelong search for acceptance by the New York elite would be the closest an author could get to drama.
Will, I hope you're right, but I think you underestimate the venality and pathetic standards of our writers, commentators, composers, and television producers. Even if a Trump opera is never written, they will still cast other operas with Trumpian characters just because they can. Trump may be bankrupt, but his sick mind and rotting body are gold mines.
The opera would be for President Nixon as he had a number of tragic flaws. Trump is a tragic flaw. True-dat about Trump having to bite the dust before the cult is broken. But it will be nice to see him eat the dust for a while.
“Nixon in China” is already an opera in three acts by John Adams, with libretto by Alice Goodman. About Nixon’s 1972 visit , It premiered in Houston in 1987 and broke ground for its portrayal of contemporary subject matter.
Already happened: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Nixon-in-China
As a quick clarification: I referred to President Nixon because he fit the profile more of a tragic hero, often featured in classic tragedies put to libretto. As a bona fide Nixon-hater -- when I was a teen and to my spiritual shame -- I can say safely that Trump makes President Nixon almost seem okay. Perhaps a soap opera would better suit Trump. Back to back: 'Keeping up with the Kardashians' followed by 'Going down with the Trumps'. 😉😃😵💫
Has anybody heard Trump sing?
And lived?
Its his constant humming in MSM that is driving me crazy. The worst earwig, ever.
James Burnham: "Jerry Springer, The Opera" was premiered by the London Opera in April 2003.
This will be "The Opera, Part II."
The White-Supremacist troglodytes will remain. They make up about one-quarter of our country.
Your last sentence, i.e., "legions of criminal thugs".., yeah, it'll take a while. Hopefully, we'll continue to find when they clearly break the law and get them off the street.
We've already been to that 'opera'.., there's nothing to it.. totally banal bs. I'd rather watch re-runs of the Three Stooges...Larry, Moe, and..?? ..? I forget. A documentary on Menendez and his big-titted other... that'd be golden.., maybe.
Would I live so long. He has hijacked our brains, sort of like the zombie apocalypse
Jeri Chilcutt -- On the other hand, my thinking is that it is the Media that has hijacked our brains because they've been hanging on, and reporting on, Trumps Every Word for almost 9 years! Nine Years!! We can't turn on the television without him being reported on editorialized about, etcetera.
The time when I realized that Rupert, not Walter, had taken over as the model for our MSM was likely the most depressed I have been in those 9 years.
Jeri Chilcutt: EXACTLY.
Don't let him hijack YOUR brain. I do what I can for our Democracy and then I let it go. I immerse myself in the arts, philosophy . . . Another reading and meditation upon the Bhagavad Gita, the Chandogya and Brihadaranyaka Upanishads today . . . All is one . . . OM!
I go with long tones and melody lines from various songs when my technique/repertoire practice is done.
I have kept control of my brain so far. My UU community is a blessing. tai Chi, helps mind and body. I found a “holistic health” group in Houston in 1975. They disbanded, but I never did lose the vibe.
Jeri Chilcutt: Houston! You live in a wonderful, cultural city, with the very best medical care in the United States -- my well-loved wife, Nancy, goes annually to MD Anderson; and Houston is home to Rice University and the Mark Rothko Chapel! My goodness, I LOVE Houston. I love your spirit!
Moved to Ft. Worth several years ago, but I loved Houston. Wish we had not left. Best place in Texas, except maybe Austin. They are not fond of chump, and Abbott tries to punish them any way he can. In fact, when I came to Texas, I loved the whole state, until 1994 when Rove foisted W on Texas and the country.
He's certainly hijacked a bunch, that's for sure. Could this turn into a quasi Jonesville? Just on the ballot count that is?
Not just on the ballot count. Families split and the division widespread. Deprogramming desperately needed.
Understood, i wouldn't hold your breath.
Like you, a Jonestown-type fiasco wouldn't surprise me.
That will only happen if one of two events occur: either he's sitting incommunicado in some prison cell to serve out a lengthy term, or he's dead and buried, surrounded by thick concrete to prevent grave-robbing grifters. I'd accept either, although the thought of both in sequential order is comforting to me.
He remains a threat otherwise.
I can see him in a Lenin-like tomb at Mar-a-Lago
A tomb? Only if his estate can afford it. I wonder who his "personal representative" is. Chances are they will be too greedy to authorize such an expenditure.
Mar-A-Lago? The new owners will say no thanks.
I expect his followers will eat cat food for a year in order to finance his tomb.
After the election, Trump will try to rally his troops to take over the government again. So he'll be in the news every day until the 2025 inauguration at least. And then his remaining trials will take place. That should take up most of 2025.
I feel the same David, but unless he's horizontal, he's going to be in the news everyday. What publication or network can afford NOT to report on his daily antics?
Personally, I find the early paragraphs of today's letter more interesting. They're less *overtly compelling* perhaps, because there is no element of fear/disgust/base emotion involved. Yet I still find them more interesting, because I find slow, positive change more interesting than maniacs being maniacal. I am so done with fear and disgust being a primary motivator. I think we have become very good at spotting and mitigating threats to our country and our sanity. Please, in this most important of years for talking to our fellow citizens, do we not forget to prioritize what *should* be our main motivator: what do we, the democracy defenders, WANT TO DO? Why do we care about preserving democracy, the rule of law, our institutions, etc.? At least outside of the abstract, preservation for preservation's sake? What do we want life in America to look like that is different than it is now, that feels better than it does now, that can happen (and *only* happen) through participation in democratic governance? And what has been done the last few years to prove that such change is possible?
For me, WHAT I WANT and WHAT WE NEED is a country where working people and families have an easier time affording the basics so they have space in their lives to truly pursue happiness. We need to lower costs for housing, education, child care, elder care, medications, energy costs, and more. I WANT AND WE NEED workers to be allowed dignity and to organize, to be guaranteed higher wages and paid leave. I WANT AND WE NEED to have the rich cheats start to pony up so we can do these things while lowering our debts. I WANT AND WE NEED a present and future free of pollution, warming, and extreme weather. I WANT AND WE NEED to be free of the scourge of violence brought on by too many guns. I WANT AND WE NEED to have our freedoms guaranteed: the freedom to choose who to love, if and when to have a family, how to dress, how to speak, where to go, what to learn, to vote without impediment.
We know that we can do these things with the right people in office, because even with no room to maneuver President Biden and company HAVE ALREADY brought a pandemic to an end, brought inflation down, added millions of new jobs and small businesses, raised wages, started rebuilding our infrastructure, bringing manufacturing back home, tackling the climate crisis, and brought our allies together. Bit by bit by dogged bit.
Let us stay focused on the wonderful things we want to accomplish and the wonderful things we already have, not strictly the terrifying possibilities we wish to avoid. Staving off apocalypse is a prerequisite to the better world we desire, but is not our goal in and of itself. Loud and proud!
Uh Peter - why am I reminded of Michelle Obama's famous words during the 2016 HRC campaign - "when they go low, we go high"? However, if as 2024 continues to unfold, good economic news continues to roll in, and Democrats do not suffer any self-inflicted wounds, that can only improve our odds. While I continue to be horrified at the strength of the MAGA movement in America (what, about 35% or so?), I believe that it is not more than that. Nothing will move them. Were it to be a legal requirement to vote (as it is in Australia BTW), MAGA would be swamped. But that is not how it is. Convincing the 40 some-odd percent of people who don't show up to show up ought to be the key. It is the DNC's and Biden campaign's jobs to make that happen. As well as folks like us spreading the word as much as possible.
I agree that we need to continue to spread the truth loudly and boldly, but we cannot allow them to change us, to drag us into the dirt of their depravity. Going high means speaking truth, and continuing to speak truth despite their pathetic attempts to drown us out. Michelle Obama’s words matter because they encourage us to continue to follow in the footsteps of the Founding Fathers and Mothers who were working to establish better for all. While the messaging of Dems has often been too weak and timid, we can share the facts of the successes without betraying our integrity as they so often do with their lies.
Thanks, James.
Mine wasn't quite in the same spirit as Michelle Obama's well-chosen phrase. I'm trying to express an attitude completely independent of whatever “they” may get up to.
When troops do battle against an enemy, they are—or should be—fighting FOR something.
As for hate, if I hate individuals or groups whose actions are hateful, I’m letting myself be infected by their poison. This is obviously difficult to keep up—sometimes well-nigh impossible—but if when fighting enemies, we hate, not them but what they think, say and do, this attitude enables us to act coolly and responsibly and do whatever is needed to defeat them while minimizing the damage to ourselves that war necessarily incurs.
Note that I am speaking here, not of defense against some normal political rival or opponent, but of the fight we must wage against enemies who would destroy all that we stand for. It is they who have chosen to turn political action into war carried out by other means. Not so “other”, for that matter, when it comes to a small group of Representatives taking Congress hostage as commanded by a usurper who is an ordinary citizen like you and me. Urgent action to dislodge and neutralize the handful of Trump’s operatives in the House is therefore of the essence. These people act in the belief that the country belongs to them, not they to their country.
Failure to take the appropriate action to counter a threat can easily make us into the unwilling tools of an enemy, the means of carrying out that enemy’s strategy. Thus, Al Qaida’s long-term aims were secured by the Administration of President George W. Bush, through a totally gratuitous war against Iraq which has led to chaos throughout the Middle East and the strengthening of rival regional power Iran, as well as the absurd and counterproductive occupation of Afghanistan.
Currently, the Prime Minister of Israel and his coalition of extremists have rushed headlong into the inescapable trap set for them and are doing what Israel’s most determined enemies expected and intended of them. This man despised and underestimated the enemy, the ruthless enemy understood him and his allies of convenience all too well. The war aims of Hamas and other proxies of the Iranian regime look far ahead, Westerners—especially too many Western politicians—are short-sighted and focus on “business as usual”, so that they completely fail to see the purpose behind extreme provocations, in part because of a total inability to conceive of the self-sacrifice and sacrifice of their own people involved. Netanyahu, sidekicks and far-right extremists throughout Israel and the occupied territories are killing this generation of Hamas while recruiting those far more hardened and numerous fighters who will take their place.
In the United States, the task is to trace the interactions between external enemies and the enemy within the gates, especially who is paying for what, how, and to precisely what end, and to act decisively against both. So far, all such action has been sluggish, to put it mildly. We count too much on the gross errors of our adversaries and seem largely unaware of our own habit-bound tribal automatisms, our blindness, deafness and inability to think things out for ourselves.
Time to wake up. The Beast at bay may expose us all to unprecedented dangers.
Thank you, Peter Burnett. As always, you see and eloquently articulate the larger vision. I agree with everything you write.
How I wish our imperfect “leaders”—not to mention our imperfect electorate —could share your informed, enlightened perspective and, most importantly, figure out to act upon it.
You should have a larger platform.
Thank you, Marcia.
At the very moment when you wrote, I too was wanting to express my appreciation for what you’d written, having noticed how you dare think for yourself—cogently—and your heart is in the right place. Fortunately, you are not the only person in this community to show these qualities, yet I do feel that your recent plain speaking stands out.
As for giving me a larger platform, this rickety soapbox is already proving too much for me—yet all I do is try to express my thoughts and feelings; the latter sparingly, although they often overcome me. What’s more I have often been holding back, not wanting to add uselessly to the world's miseries. Fearing, too, that since my views are often so much out of keeping with the very cushioned and all too often standardized and sanitized ones I read elsewhere, what I write may not be understood. Or only after the event, when it is too late.
The worst thing that can befall anyone trying to present an idea is when everyone applauds and agrees… yet they’ve not really grasped what they’re applauding…
What has often cheered me in this forum is knowing that, even when I and another contributor agree tacitly to disagree, there has been a meeting of minds.
I have from time to time felt that HCR’s pieces read too much like press releases for the White House; and I have worried that, despite her quite remarkable work of swift analysis of events, this daily commentary—for all the depth of historical precedents cited—is simply bound to contain standard elements, political Lego. There simply isn’t time to think it all through, yet her actual performance often comes across as well-nigh superhuman.
Well, instead of complaining about the remarkable service HCR is offering us, is it not up to us to try to take the work further? Even when our contributions may seem too much like the work of dogs burying bones where no other mutt will ever find them…
“When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.” ― Maya Angelou
Thank you Will. Biden has been a very good president. The best in my long life. He is a builder.
Your comments about working people, families and their struggles are spot on.
We have made significant progress but it's time for a financial revolution. There is more than enough money in this nation to provide anyone who works a job housing, healthcare and a good education. I should include drinking water free of PFAs and a food supply free of microplastics. But then I would be an "extremist", I guess.
That's not so extreme! Makes sense to me. Now if we can just convince people who are inclined to sit out this election that progress can be made only if Biden is re-elected.
I should have added /s
Maybe since all the good stuff that has happened is falling on some deaf ears, we need to scare them. And there is so much to be afraid of. It is still stunning to me that 70% of the nation isn't enraged at the MAGA agenda.
Or the Project 2025 agenda! If they even know what Project 2025 is.
How to convince conservative voters that democracy is at stake. These are not MAGA people, simply conservatives who gag at the thought of voting for Biden or any Democrat.
Great post thanks Will from CA. Fear creeps in and it's up to each of us to see how it distracts us from positivity that moves energetically in the world because of our buoyancy. Trump is a distraction from the anti-democracy forces that build and infiltrate systems and mindsets each day. Isn't it up to each of us to be continually responsive to it all by anticipating and articulating what we hope to nurture at the 'edges of the otherwise'? Speaking truth to "WHAT I WANT" is a bold way to live. Speaking to "WHAT WE NEED" is more difficult for me because I offer thoughts that seem off-the-wall like, WE NEED to realize that we're all in a composting process, fortunate to have our turns in the light breathing air. Hospicing is also a good metaphor -- how do we administer comfort care as we adapt to this entangled world? I love the book Hospicing Modernity: Facing Humanity's Wrongs and the Implications for Social Activism.
Despite headlines, there is a lot going on that is positive in America. The news is and can be very distorting, since it follows crises, and often sensationalism. (Just finished watching Nightcrawlers.... what a forbidding movie, the character being based on a real-life publicity photographer who hunted down sensational stories in NY etc "back when")
When taking an accurate inventory of a business, a life, or a nation, both assets and deficits must be taken into account. A business, person, or nation that focuses only on deficits or only on assets will not be a going concern for long. DT and his ilk only focus on the negative, this is one major reason why they are failing. Biden and the Democrats in Congress are focusing on both, and so, against all odds, have been the most productive administration since the New Deal. To move forward, we ABSOLUTELY need to focus on our need for a better future. We also need to deal with threats to that future happening here and now.
Thanks for clearly stating this perspective, Will. I want to believe a majority of Americans feel this way. We need to vote this way!
Will, I heartily endorse your ideas and observations and join you in wishing for the opportunity to revel in them, however, three unfolding crises will cntinue unabated unless we do some dramatic things soon, NOW, to alter their direction: 1) the war in Ukraine is proceeding in an increasingly grim direction; 2) the chaos in Gaza, the West Bank and "Palestine" is inexorably proceeding with no winnners or solutions in sight; and finally global climate change has continued to worsen without adequate international attention to even slow it down! ...and it will eventually affect us ALL whether it already has or not!
You are perfectly correct, Will. Trump motivates his cultists and adherents with fear and hate; i.e. feelings. Dems need to motivate with feelings as well--GOOD feelings backed up with facts and accomplishments. But feelings will motivate better than facts (I wish we were a more sensible people, who would be motivated by facts...but here we are.).
I was going to say, loud and clear, even without the CAPS. Then Peter answered... lol ... not a complaint mind you. (I'm not a cap person, much as possible)
Agree. Staving off apocalypse cannot be the goal in and of itself, as it still leaves a vacuum for who will step up to lead forward progress.
Thanks so much Will! IMHO I feel that your message is Biden’s message. It is a guiding light to move us forward.
Well said, Will. There is more adrenaline in anger than there is in hope, and for many, anger is the easiest of the emotions to express, with fear a close second. I know that there is a *** going on here, and that to achieve what we want, we must take that less amygdala driven path and utilize the more positive path via the frontal cortex to get the outcome that is best for all of us.
NOTE: *** stands in for a word that symbolizes an either/or state. In my inadequately caffeinated state this morning, the only words I could come up with ranged from "battle" to "tug-o-war" and I do NOT want this to be that kind of word to use in the description of the conflict between that driven by fear/anger and that driven by hope.
Will, I’m cheering you from Florida! 👏
Many thanks for this message and all its replies. I am looking forward to read "The Amen Effect: Ancient Wisdom to Mend our Broken Hearts and Minds" by Rabbi Sharon Brous (PUB. Jan 2024). FYI, Ms. Brous is the founding and senior rabbi of IKAR, a trail-blazing Jewish community based in Los Angeles. A leading voice at the intersection of faith and justice in America, she has been named #1 Most Influential Rabbi in the U.S. by Newsweek/The Daily Beast. She blessed both President Obama and President Biden at their National Inaugural Prayer Services, and her TED Talk “Reclaiming Religion” has been viewed 1.5 million times. Just a suggestion.
You are so clear Will. Thank you!
Thank you
Thank you so much @HeatherCoxRichardson. This passage is vital and I hope more highly-visible "political opposites" who fundamentally think democracy and justice are vital lowest common denominator agreements between liberals, moderates, and conservatives in the U.S.
"On this day four years ago, I recorded that “more than 80 national security professionals broke with their tradition of non-partisanship to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden for president, saying that while they were from all parties and disagreed with each other about pretty much everything else, they had come together to stand against Trump.”"
I wrote about this yesterday (and mentioned your book along with Timothy Snyder's, Ruth Ben-Ghiat and Madeline Albright.
Thank you for your writing.. It is comforting to know that all those national security professionals came together 4 years ago to stand against Trump. It is happening now among former Trump cabinet members and other members of his administration. Also prominent Republicans from other eras. Dick Cheney is in a video warning the American people that Trump is a very real threat to the survival of our democracy. Never thought I’d say this, but I am grateful to Dick Cheney for speaking out.
Thank you Mary Ann -"thank you Dick Cheney" are words I thought I'd never say either. I become optimistic when total opposites unite over a common purpose. People suffering through tragedies, neighbors and communities helping people after the consequences of catastrophic weather events -without regard to who has a red hat or a blue hat. That is the thread of hope I have in trying to inform and educate -knowing that not everyone can be reached. If people around the world could heed Carl Sagan's words -that we are moving through space on a tiny blue life raft together -how that might change perspectives and inspire a more collaborative and peaceful world.
If a planet killing meteor were on its way -all nations would work together to try to stop it and defend earth. Who knew that the planet killing meteor would be a small group of corrupt, narcissistic men like Trump, Putin, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, and fundamentalist extremists like Hamas.
Dickie helped pave the way for chump, would be nice to hear an apology.. won’t hold my breath
He sure did. He wrote in support of of the Iran-Contra affair and thought that at times a President must operate outside the law (Chump thought that meant -all of the time).
Someone said ..’seems like maybe they know something we don’t’…it boggles my mind this ‘justice’ thing thrown out the windows within semantical debate . Where does principle belong , along side semantics? More than 3/4 of the WORLD has watched this circus witnessing disgust, violence, division, eyes rolling, vocally critical waving their warning flags with the notable exceptions of Putin, Orban, and a murky band of billionaires..has the slow stacking the (deck?) plan succeeded close enough to pull off the Fall of America .
My hope remains still in the numbers of Dems winning race after race as if this ‘woke’ crowd is gaining numbers, is really waking up !
Is this the justice , or principle, I expected ? No, not people continue to get prominently placed/supporting the lies, supported by the liars . Those following those dictators -the world’s worst con men, will they ever be held accountable ? Will a blue wave accomplish what’s needed…it’ll take long term consistent focus folks , that’s guaranteed.
Fully agree Patricia -in fact, the DOJ should actively be indicting the complicit, a real Congress would be expelling them, and a clear Congressional majority should be expanding SCOTUS and expelling 'Justices' who are too busy accepting fabulous gifts and prizes.
I agree with you George!!Very very true!!
He was at the top of my “traitor” list for so long. How could the GOP go lower??? Well, there is no longer a GOP. Gone, gone, gone
Jeri -do not challenge the former GOP to a limbo competition. Every time I think "they can't possibly go lower" they manage to surprise. With criminal Trump on top, fringe extremist Mike Johnson with the House gavel and people like Comer Pyle, effectively inviting testimony from foreign agents, I really don't know how anyone could vote for any of them.
George A. Polisner -- Particularly your last paragraph struck me!!
"If a planet killing meteor were on its way -all nations would work together to try to stop it and defend earth. Who knew that the planet killing meteor would be a small group of corrupt, narcissistic men like Trump, Putin, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, and fundamentalist extremists like Hamas."
Whether collaborative science can save us, And/or Taylor Swift. (Happy she's on our side!) :)
Me too! Taylor Swift has a lot of influence!
Far more than me. I’d be happy to ghostwrite some political posts for her!
Always thought we would unite if aliens attacked us. Not so sure though. Putin would try to make a deal with them…
Dick Cheney's warnings will not move the needle at all. Neither will Liz. They were written off long ago by the faithful. Now all the generals and admirals of the armed forces - now that might help. Only thing is, I think that as right wing as the military is, for every top ranking general who warns against Trump, there is one who will endorse him. Could be a minefield.
Military and minefield. I see what you did there Jay, well-played.
I do think it helps to persuade, again not those lost in MAGA/Putin/Trump/Orban-world, however the moderates/independents and lean left/lean right.
When I was Chair of a county Democratic party -one of the fastest growing segments of voter registration were voters who were "unaffiliated". They did not want to be part of the toxic arguments between the parties -they knew voting was important, and would decide on the basis of each race. I ran the county party differently -instead of the typical "rah rah -we're democrats" I brought speakers in to talk about key societal issues. It expanded the array of people who were interested in issues as opposed to just business as usual party politics. State and National dem organizations should consider an educational approach instead of "Mitch McConnell just sneezed!!! Sign my petition, send me money, and tell Mitch no more sneezing!"
I fully embrace the dem party platform -it's just the organization that seems to just cater to party leadership ego instead of what really needs to be done at the national, state, regional, and local level (in my less than humble opinion). I've talked ad-nauseum to state and national leadership, however they really seem to have a "not invented here, or by me -so it can't be of value". Even George Lakoff's work -which was tremendous in understanding political communications and framing -went unheeded (and likely lost John Kerry the Presidency as a result).
It'd be very interesting to be in on what lurks within the military, voting wise is there a track record? Here's some from four years ago. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2019/07/10/trump-draws-stronger-support-from-veterans-than-from-the-public-on-leadership-of-u-s-military/
I read that George. Well done! I believe however that we are all preaching to the choir. We are doing nothing more than honing our message, but not spreading it to much extent. The percentage of likely voters who will read HCR's words of wisdom, or yours, and will switch allegiances, hovers around zero % IMHO. There needs to be another way to break through. The best idea I have seen lately is for all the generals in the armed forces to put together a message to the American people. Something that cannot be misconstrued as RHINO's and never-Trumpers endlessly complaining. I can assure all of us, Pence's announcement that he is not endorsing Trump will move the needle not one iota, for example. I am at a loss for other ideas, and only hope the DNC can work some magic. In the mean time, the pressure is on the Biden administration to continue to perform well, commit no self-inflicted wounds, and hope fate does not deal us an unfortunate blow beyond his control that Republicans can blame on him none the less.
Thank you Jay -I do agree with much of what you say. I do think there's important value in, at a minimum, supporting each other through these challenging times -so the choir doesn't have to sing solo (except for when in the shower).
I find that other social platforms constrain content distribution -unless it's paid for, and even then, I am not optimistic. Zuckerberg and Musk want tension and conflict through propaganda and disinformation -that gets them ad revenue, and likely more data for Steve Bannon and Emerdata (the former Cambridge Analytica). I've been working with a small team of volunteers on a civic social network (https://civ.works) and there's an important new release coming soon.
I do agree, respected authority figures can help move the needle. For the most part I've written MAGA off as a cult -you don't bring a gallows, zip ties, and assorted weapons the nations capitol, and then kill and injure law enforcement if you have any respect for law and order. Interestingly perhaps -I also write off the deep left who, after the appointments of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney-Barrett think Jill Stein will be the best President ever.
As I see it the battle is for the middle, as well as the pragmatic left and the lean conservative (but fundamentally believe in democracy and justice).
Jay, it really takes a gentle approach and a lot of time and patience to bring someone around on some recognition that their "sincerely held beliefs" are detrimental to society and culture. It took my nephew (in his estimation) 12 years of gentle conversation with his Dad to bring him around to the realities of economic struggle that Millennials were confronted with, and how different that was from what my former brother-in-law had grown up with.
It's going to be up to the voters. Organizing always helps if you have a message worth selling. I'm sure all this matters in stimulating Dems organizing efforts. Money is looking good so far ...
A question and a suggestion: Question: Why doesn't s-i-l Jared Kushner come up with the money? Or is all of the $2 billion that he got from his Saudi friends unavailable?
Suggestion: Can NYC seize one of Trump's properties to alleviate its housing problems?
Betsey, wouldn't it be a hoot if one of his properties was seized and used to house migrants bused North by Abbott?
This. This would be amazing.
I doubt Jared would wanna cough up that dough even if he could, because that would mean he likes his father-in-law enough to actually save him like a typical human would have the impulse to do for beloved family. Which, uh... seems like a bit of a stretch. I get the feeling none of these people would care if any of the rest of them fell face-first into lava as long as the correct papers had been signed first.
Those two billion green-backs are to be invested. Kushner can probably pull down between $20 and $100 million per year in management fees depending upon his performance. As Trump's bloated bool-sheet bursts, ready yourself for the biggest whoopie cushion in history.
Oooh-wouldn’t that be perfect? Turn Trump Tower into a shelter? lol
I'm guessing the investment of those funds are regulated by the SEC. But, a bond for half a billion should return at least 10% one would think.
If Trump really does have real estate holdings of several billion, you'd think someone would be interested in making a huge haul.
Nobody wants to hold a second note. Sounds like his properties are already leveraged (mortgaged) to the hilt. Remember when Trump wanted to host the G7 at Doral in Miami, and it was revealed how indebted and run down the place was?
Yes, just another embarrassing day for TFFG.
It's hard to believe the puppet master Leonard Leo can't arrange something for him.
But Gary, isn't that the whole issue in question and being litigated here? If tRump "really has real estate holdings of several billion"? ...given his chronic penchant for overstating everything about himself?
'How Biden's rhetoric on the Israel-Gaza war has shifted' (WAPO)
'After initially unequivocally backing Israel, President Biden has increasingly highlighted the humanitarian crisis in Gaza in recent months.'
'Israeli pressure on Palestinian economy pushes West Bank to the brink'
'Biden and Netanyahu hold first call in more than a month as divide grows over war, food crisis in Gaza' (PBS)
After all of Biden's words in the last few weeks and the headlines screaming 'imminent famine' who did not expect this?
'Food Experts Predict ‘Imminent’ Famine in Northern Gaza '(NYTimes)
'The warning came amid an Israeli raid on Al-Shifa Hospital. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also agreed to send military and humanitarian officials to Washington to hear the Biden administration’s concerns.'
'The acute food shortage in the war-ravaged Gaza Strip has become so severe that' “famine is imminent” 'and the enclave is on the verge of a “major acceleration of deaths and malnutrition,” a report from a global authority on food security and nutrition said on Monday.'
'The group, the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification global initiative, which was set up in 2004 by U.N. agencies and international relief groups, has sounded the alarm about famine only twice before: in Somalia in 2011 and in South Sudan in 2017.'
'The warning came as Israeli forces again raided Al-Shifa Hospital in the northern part of the enclave on Monday, in an operation that they said had been aimed at senior Hamas officials who had regrouped on the premises, setting off an hours long battle that both sides said had resulted in casualties.'
'The raid at Al-Shifa, in Gaza City, raised questions about the level of control that Israeli forces have over northern Gaza. In December, the Israeli military said it was nearing' “full operational control” 'there.'
'Taken together, the fighting and the severe food shortage underlined the chaos and desperation in Gaza after 23 weeks of war. The United Nations’ secretary general, António Guterres, renewed his call on Monday for' “an immediate humanitarian cease-fire” 'and said that the report on imminent famine was' “an appalling indictment of conditions on the ground for civilians.” (NYTimes) See link below, which, unfortunately, could not be gifted.
'Israel’s war on Hamas brings famine to Gaza' (WAPO)
Analysis by Ishaan Tharoor
'The warnings were being sounded for weeks. The United Nations, international relief organizations and some foreign governments voiced their fears over the ongoing humanitarian calamity in the Gaza Strip, where more than 2 million Palestinians are caught in the crosshairs of Israel’s punishing campaign against militant group Hamas. Food and other critical supplies remain scarce, while aid deliveries have been stymied by Israeli authorities that encircle Gaza’s borders.'
'Those warnings reached a crescendo Monday with the release of new report by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), a global multi-stakeholder initiative working on food security and nutrition analysis. It found that 1.1 million people in Gaza — roughly half the beleaguered territory’s population — are expected to face catastrophic levels of hunger and starvation between now and July. Many of those at immediate risk live in Gaza’s devastated northern regions, which are cut off from the south by Israeli forces and receive only a paltry trickle of the already-meagre aid that’s entering Gaza.'
'The fact of a “famine” is tied up in a complicated set of bureaucratic criteria, as my colleague Andrew Jeong outlined. It is usually declared by governments, though some U.N. officials have done so in contexts where no prevailing governing entity was capable of formally assessing the situation. The IPC uses a five-tiered classification system where “famine” is the fifth tier and “emergency” the fourth.'
“Compared to the IPC’s previous analysis in December 2023, acute food insecurity in the Gaza Strip has deepened and widened, with nearly double the number of people projected to experience those conditions by July,” 'my colleagues reported.' “In the IPC’s five-tier classification of food crises, Gaza now has the largest percentage of a population to receive its most severe rating since the body began reporting in 2004, Beth Bechdol, deputy director general at the Food and Agriculture Organization, told The Washington Post.”
'What makes this calamity all the more stunning is that it’s entirely the product of human decisions: Gaza’s civilian population is starving because of an Israeli siege, not an earthquake, extended drought or other natural disasters that have blighted parts of the world subject to famine. That reality is agonizing for U.N. officials.'
“We haven’t seen that rate of death among children in almost any other conflict in the world,” 'Catherine Russell, head of the U.N.'s children agency, told CBS News’ “Face the Nation” 'program Sunday.' “I’ve been in wards of children who are suffering from severe anemia malnutrition, the whole ward is absolutely quiet. Because the children, the babies … don’t even have the energy to cry.”
“This is the highest number of people facing catastrophic hunger ever recorded by the Integrated Food Security Classification system — anywhere, anytime,” 'U.N. Secretary General António Guterres said in a news briefing Monday.' “This is an entirely man-made disaster — and the report makes clear that it can be halted.”
'Martin Griffiths, the U.N.'s top humanitarian official, said more than 1 million people are at risk because they have been cut off from aid, markets have been collapsed and fields destroyed. “The international community should hang its head in shame for failing to stop this.”
'Israeli officials, chiefly Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, appear unmoved by the state of affairs. They blame Hamas for bringing about this crisis and reject growing calls for a cease-fire, which now include prominent Democratic lawmakers in Washington.' “In the international community, there are those who are trying to stop the war now, before all of its goals have been achieved,” 'Netanyahu said in an interview on CNN over the weekend.' “If we stop the war now, before all of its goals are achieved, this means that Israel will have lost the war, and this we will not allow.”
'On Monday, international humanitarian organization Oxfam released a report outlining how Israel has stymied or constrained the delivery of aid, including attacks on humanitarian convoys,' “unjustifiably inefficient” 'processes of inspection of the relief supplies, and denial of access to humanitarian officials and aid groups.'
'Israel has been using' “starvation as a weapon of war,” 'for more than five months, Sally Abi Khalil, Oxfam’s Middle East and North Africa regional director, said in a statement. She said that the humanitarian situation in Gaza has' “actually worsened” 'since the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to enable more aid into the enclave.' “Israel’s deliberate manufacturing of suffering is systemic and of such scale and intensity that it creates a real risk of a genocide in Gaza,” 'she said.'
'That’s rhetoric that mainstream politicians are also echoing'. “In Gaza we are no longer on the brink of famine; we are in a state of famine, affecting thousands of people,” 'Josep Borrell, the European Union’s top diplomat, said Monday at the start of a conference on humanitarian aid for Gaza in Brussels.' “This is unacceptable. Starvation is used as a weapon of war.”
'But respite is not in sight, with Israel and Hamas still at loggerheads over the possibility of a cease-fire brokered through U.S. and Arab mediators.[
“For nearly a month, the news coverage has been about efforts being made toward a truce,” 'Atef Abu Saif, a Gaza-born novelist and the Palestinian Authority’s minister of culture, wrote in an op-ed for The Washington Post that detailed his mother’s death in a tent in Gaza.' “Just a temporary truce! After so many weeks of such modest hopes,' ‘truce’ has become everyone’s favorite word: a cherished, idealistic, holy concept. It’s such a meager thing to hope for — a few days without killing. But even this feels out of reach.” (WAPO) Article was copied in full.
Netanyahu must be replaced, and aid to the Palestinians facilitated.
I hope we don't have to wait for Netanyau's replacement to feed the Palestinians. Let's hope Western nations can find a work around more immediately.
Thank you, Fern. Read in full.
Thank you, Anne-Louise Luccarini, for always calling our attention to what matters.
"This is unacceptable. Starvation is used as a weapon of war.”
...and raping women and girls, sexually assaulting boys and stealing the children...
bombing hospitals and schools...
yes, MaryPat.
I read this. I read the comments here. What strikes me most is that Israel is doing to Palestine what was done to the Jews in Nazi Germany, albeit via a different method, but with very, very similar results. To my poorly informed mind (I am by no means a scholar or hold a vast knowledge base of what has led to this horrific scenario) these two horrors are far, far more similar than they are different.
Ally, your thoughts and mine match. I feel very close in spirit to the past and present now. Memories of siting with my dear grandfather in Shul, listening to the cantor's voice...a complete sense of love, security, majesty, mystery to Gaza; they are on the same channel.
They Israeli PR strategy seems to be to deny what is obvious to the rest of the world. Listening to Israeli spokespeople interviewed on the BBC they continue to say adequate relief supplies are being delivered and they are making efforts to protect civilians, but evidence says differently.
A continuous newsreel of the dead, the maimed, the starving children, women and men in
the rubble and devastation with the Israeli officials' sing-along.
Thank you, once again, Fern .
Thank you so much Fern. I am writing my senators and representive.
Thank you, Heather. After reading the Letter and subscribers' comments, you are taking
the next steps as an engaged American citizen. We support one another and democracy as
we move forward together. Salud!
But too much! Less would be easier to read and consider.
Chris Hedges reports that Biden's marine pier to receive aid shipments in Gaza is a ruse; the real reason is to deport refugees. The US is building it, but Israel will be in charge of it and it was their idea, not Biden's. They have been blocking most aid into Gaza at the border; no reason to expect any difference here.
Thank you dear Professor. Pulling all this together is quite a task in itself. You have managed to keep us abreast for quite a while now and I, as well as many others are very appreciative.
Your letter of last night is a keeper also. I have forwarded it to many who will do likewise.
Recalling HCR's account of how her professor inspired her to become a real scholar, I feel so grateful for her meticulous documentation of the facts. The one strand I found missing here is that Putin won what he calls an election for another "term" and, like our former guy is ruthless and more disciplined.
"he tried to spark attacks on President Joe Biden by asking on social media if people feel better off now than they were four years ago."
From a standpoint of economics, security, and optimism, do you feel better off than 40+ years ago, BEFORE the "Reagan "Revolution"? Still waiting for tax cuts (primarily for the rich) to "pay for themselves" and for boundless prosperity for ALL?
Actually, pretty much every Republican reading that would come to the instant conclusion that they absolutely were better off 4 years ago. Why? A Republican was in charge, and that is all that is necessary for them to feel better about everything. In my experience, liberals constantly wish that conservatives would stop *being* stupid, while conservatives view liberals as *inherently always* stupid.Any idea coming from a Democrat is guaranteed to be bad (because Dems = 100% stoopid, unchangingly) so a Dem in charge means guaranteed disaster. They will incorporate every bit of info available into this schema, reject the info that does not, and in the absence of objective evidence settle for fiction. A liberal will evaluate the success of a Democratic administration by whether it delivered needed change to the country, and usually find it lacking, while a conservative will evaluate the success of a Republican administration by whether it merely existed, and find it superlative.
Meanwhile, Independents think everyone is stupid for not getting along and just cutting the baby in half already. They don't get that babies don't work that way because they haven't paid attention to anything since the last election for midwife.
Yep. The “term limits, balanced budget” crowd.
The desire for a hierarchical caste system. It's soul crushing, but offers an illusion of certainty in a changing and uncertain world. It's the urge to impose ones sense of personal order on the Universe, rather than to attempt to dance with it in give and take. Resilience seems to me like sailing with the wind, and even against it. Reality can crush us like bugs, but most of the time, fortune favors the prepared mind.
I think all of us have a degree of vulnerability to circular cult thinking, but for some for some it becomes a delusional trap that manipulators cultivate, the notion that only one's cult upholds the "truth" and all else is lies or treachery. Once in the vicious cycle, the way out is typically enforced by implicit or explicit psychological and/or physical violence. They "love" Big Brother'.
People always think they were better off "before".
People have short and nostalgic memories and big problems "now".
It's always a mix, and there never was a "golden age". That said, while many things have improved since Reagan was king, a number of hard won elements of economic opportunity have backslid, including the portion of the population in the middle class. Many jobs are less secure, and wages have not kept up with productivity. Upper management pay and wealth has skyrocketed however. Yesterday Heather mentioned that "In the U.S. that ideology has since 1981 moved as much as $50 trillion from the bottom 90% to the top 1%.", and that impacts our whole society. Why do so many who suffer economically support those who support that direction of transfer?
Good guaranteed benefit pensions like my dad got, have become a rarity. Inexpensive state colleges? Not cheap any more. There is a current Guardian piece on John Oliver's take on student debt. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2024/mar/18/john-oliver-student-debt My daughter and her husband (who is a agrologist) are deeply worried about climate abuse, and know more about it than most. The de facto aristocracy of billionaires in large part gave us Trump, who is threatening the continued existence of the republic. And I could go on.
Some of these problems could lead us into uncharted territory. I'm cautiously optimistic, but expect a rough ride for the future, and some real risks. And I think that many of our greatest, current problems can reasonably be connected, at least made significantly worse, by "Reaganomics". Finally, we are seeing some substantive resistance to that momentum, but it still has a lot of supporters, and it's long past the time to ask who has it helped and who has it hurt. Have we as a society made progress because of or in spite of plutocratic turns of law?
I hear you.
Bad news for El Moron Del Mar A Lardo = Good News for America
I heard some of Jill Biden's inspiring speech. I'm glad that Biden put in significant funding for women's healthcare instead of just talk. Hopefully all women are paying attention.
I did hear Trump refer to the Auto Industry when talking about a blood bath. But with his record - his dog whistles have a history of being deadly !
Deliberately deadly
Bloodbath & Beyond... The MAGANAZI horde are violence personified. Violence is their superpower. They sense that Donnie Bloodbath is as crazy as they are. The milquetoast Left has no answer to this frontal assault. Hope and the rule of law are worthless in the face of this monster. There is no doubt that Trump has hitched his fate to the potential violence seething within the MAGANAZI horde. He has already used his Christian soldiers once, on January 6, and he found that day to be exhilarating. January 6 was, indeed, "Training Day."
Thank you once again for today's letter. While I feel that it is about time that this orange slug be brought down (remember, after all the crimes committed by or with Al Capone he went to prison for tax evasion and not murders). I would be very happy to see his "orangeness" convicted and/or broke. But, unfortunately, there are others just waiting in the wings to take his place. I think the "Christian" Nationalists see tffg as a useful tool that can be used and then replaced. It is frightening. Some of these are smaller players now or hiding in the grass like the snakes they are. I hope the cases lead by Leticia James, Fani Willis, and Jack Smith come together in a crescendo that rocks all of their worlds.
Follow the money (or lack thereof)…
I was wondering whether Trump was being a blow-hard.
Bury this madness at the polls under so much electoral weight no question remains.
Unfortunately his madness is shared by immensely wealthy financial backers who, thanks to a politically charged Supreme Court, will remain anonymous while continuing to erode both freedom and equality
“Bury this madness at the polls under so much electoral weight no question remains.”
Well said IF, well said!
On this day 4 years ago, my job was on the line and both company and employees feared we’d go out of business. Well, my company weathered the pandemic by furloughing most employees, probably got government help, and raised all prices sharply (and never stopped).
They made a killing, because almost a year later, they brought back furloughed people, hired many new people, bought commercial properties, bought back stocks, gave their executives huge bonuses, and tossed their essential workers $100 apiece.
A year afterward, we’re told my company has been put up for sale and they must get rid of all the things draining profits to make the company more profitable to potential buyers. Did they unload the properties? No. Stop expensive nonsense for executives like huge bonuses? No. They quietly shut down offices all over the country, laid off more than 30% of us “things” in the remaining offices, and made my union office a “support center” while they farm out our work to a South American company until they can get rid of the rest of us “things” when they’re ready.
In this way, I’m not better off as an over 55 y/o woman needing to figure out how to find another job after nearly 30 years of working for this company. However, I am at least not walking into the type of job market we had during the pandemic, thanks to President Biden.
The kleptocracy is the real problem.
I cannot "like" this comment. Disgusting.
Check this infographic on ten bloodbaths
... and how tyrants dehumanize people before killings in bloodbaths.
'Trump says Jews who support Democrats' ‘hate Israel’ and ‘their religion.’ (NYTimes)
'Former President Donald J. Trump accused Jews who vote for Democrats of hating their religion and Israel, reviving and escalating a claim he made as president that Jewish Democrats were disloyal.'
'A few hours later, facing mounting criticism from Jewish groups, Mr. Trump’s campaign repeated his incendiary charge, declaring that' “Trump is right,” and that the Democratic Party “has turned into a full-blown anti-Israel, antisemitic, pro-terrorist cabal.”
'Mr. Trump made his remarks in an interview published online on Monday with Sebastian Gorka, a former White House aide for Mr. Trump who now hosts a conservative talk radio program. Mr. Gorka asked Mr. Trump about criticism that prominent Democrats — including President Biden and Senator Chuck Schumer, the majority leader — had levied against Benjamin Netanyahu, the right-wing prime minister of Israel.'
“I actually think they hate Israel,” 'Mr. Trump replied. Mr. Gorka agreed.'
“Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion,” 'Mr. Trump added later.' “They hate everything about Israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves because Israel will be destroyed.”
'Democratic officials' “hate Israel,” 'he said, because they want votes from people who are sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza, where more than 30,000 people have been killed in the war there.'
“Don’t forget, when you see those Palestinian marches — even I am amazed at how many people are in those marches,” 'Mr. Trump said.' “And guys like Schumer see that, and to him it’s votes. I think it’s votes more than anything else, because he was always pro-Israel. He’s very anti-Israel now.”
'A White House spokesman described Mr. Trump’s comments as' “vile and unhinged antisemitic rhetoric.”
“There is no justification for spreading toxic, false stereotypes that threaten fellow citizens,” 'said Andrew Bates, a deputy press secretary for Mr. Biden, adding that the Biden administration' “will never give hate any safe harbor, including today.”
'Jonathan Greenblatt, the chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League — a Jewish advocacy group — said that' “accusing Jews of hating their religion because they might vote for a particular party is defamatory and patently false.” (NYTimes)
Thank you for sharing this. Here in New York City, it's a palpable issue.
Yes, very intense here in NYC. It's our home, our shelter from the storms; the death, the camps, the pogroms; it was our much better ghetto, and now we are divided by Netanyahu and his government.