McConnell’s hypocrisy and ability to lie while acting outraged never ceases to astound, but even more disturbing is the inability of any media entity to hold him accountable

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Can the we please find a dozen Dems to start challenging ‘republican’ voter registrations, especially in purple states like Georgia? The good guys need to play the same game. It may swing some elections. Fight fire...

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McConnell so proudly and publicly obstructed President Obama, but now refuses to own the chaos and extremist mess he has made of SCOTUS??? Oh, no, Mr McConnell. Truth will out.

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Oh btw, f*** mitch mcconnell. what a scumbag.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023


'The latest numbers on consumer prices arrived on Wednesday, and they were better than even optimists had expected. Even media reports, as far I can tell, generally omitted the “but concerns remain” qualifiers that have seemed mandatory when covering good news about the Biden economy.'

'Which is not to say that everyone was happy. Republicans are more or less in denial, no doubt worried that they may be losing pretty much their only substantive campaign issue — leaving them with nothing to run on besides wokeness and Hunter Biden. And there have been some fairly peevish reactions from economists who had committed themselves to the grim view that we would face a nasty “sacrifice ratio” — that controlling inflation would require years of high unemployment.'

'For this report was anything but grim. It strongly suggested that we may be heading for a soft landing — a return to acceptable inflation without a large rise in unemployment. We’re not there yet, and I’ll talk shortly about what may still go wrong. But a happy outcome that not long ago seemed like wishful thinking now looks more likely than not.' (Paul Krugman, NYTimes) See gifted link below for more of Krugman's Opinion.


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Heather, thank you for pulling this information together. I applaud Ray Epps for seeing how Fox News, along with some of the House Republicans, have no problem with attacking members of their own party with scurrilous stories. It doesn’t matter if you’re a lifelong Republican and voted for Trump twice; if they need to defame you to promote their conspiracy theory, you’re toast. Rick Wilson’s book title (Everything Trump Touches Dies) is so true; he acts like a mob boss recruiting lieutenants and unwitting foot soldier who sacrifice their honor for a Pat on the head. Rupert Murdock appears not to have learned his lesson; perhaps Smartmatic will teach his opinion hosts that spouting “alternative facts” can be prohibitively expensive.

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I think President Biden may well reconsider his view regarding expansion of SCOTUS as a "political" move that will make such moves common. The SCOTUS is already corrupt and unbalanced via such corruption. Time to add 4 seats and "rebalance". Now would not be a good time. After the election, assuming both chambers of Congress are (D) and Biden is in his second term, it would be time to burn the filibuster and fix SCOTUS. Also, Sen. Whitehouse (D-RI) has some excellent thoughts on SCOTUS reform. See: https://youtu.be/RBpuW35aZHQ

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Heather, another masterpiece in reporting the important issues facing us! I had heard and read about a number of the issues you talk about: NY State getting a properly drawn voter map; China alleged spy Gal Luft’s attempt to smear Biden and now on the run; the lawsuit against Fox by Trump supporter Epps, McConnell’s minimizing of the right wing SCOTUS he helped usher in. All too much to absorb at once, but the forces for good seem to be on the move. Keep us informed, and we will all roll up our sleeves to get voters to register and vote in the coming year. Thank you, Heather.

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The current court dominated by self-serving kangaroos is the vindictive creation of Mitch McConnell. History will rightfully record McConnell as the father.

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Earlier today when I saw the Pro Publica report on the Georgia voter registration challenges I wondered if HCR would pick up on it. And she did! I found it both interesting and infuriating. However, I would urge folks to read it (HCR has the link in her footnotes) to see how it is being dealt with. Democratic activists, even from Stacy Abrams' Fair Fight initiative, are taking this very seriously and are taking measures to see that this is dealt with. Even Sec'y of State Raffensperger's office is taking it on as well -- it appears that Raffensperger's office took Pro Publica's report VERY seriously. They mainly want to ensure that Georgia is in compliance with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) with regard to how such challenges are initiated and handled and that there is uniform policy in all 159 of Georgia's counties. (They did may a big boo-boo, because at one point they refer to Gwinnett county as the state's "most populous county" and then a few paragraphs later, they called it the state's "second most populous county" . . . oops!) Anyway, I like to think shining a light on this pretty outrageous occurrence from the '22 election is going to ensure that this will not be the case in the run-up to'24. Georgia is going to be under a magnifying glass as one of the key swing states, so there is a lot at stake and I think Raffensperger is going to want to see to it that things run smoothly. Also, with the looming indictment of the Big Orange Menace, and possible trial, we will be getting increased scrutiny because of that too.

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If FOX billed itself as "FOX Propaganda Corporation" it wouldn't be so bad & let's face it their viewers wouldn't even question it. The viewers don't know & don't care that they are being lied to because it fills their empty lives with the notion that their grievances are just & they can wallow in self-pity about how they are being persecuted. Hadn't we been told that republicans believe in pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, & taking personal responsibility. Where did all that bravado go? They are now presented with a president that is doing his best to improve the lives of everyone & they are flipping him off & ignoring the fact that if his policies were encouraged & new laws were passed they might just get those good paying jobs they weep & wail over losing. There is/will be numerous good paying jobs that will not require a college degree & can't be outsourced because the recharging stations & wind mills & solar panels are HERE in the US & no matter how hard they try companies are not going to be able to uproot that infrastructure & send it overseas. But like I said, well like I implied, they are just down right ignorant. When I see these conspiracy theories being spouted by the so-called representatives in Congress I just want to grab them by their collars & say, "Are you listening to yourselves? If you really believe all the hogwash that you are spouting you really need to go back to school & learn how to think critically. Do you really believe the bu**sh*t that trumps is feeding you? Can you really look at the things that he says & believe it?" I guess they can, at this point it's must plain embarrassing to admit that they have been conned. There is one thing that trump is good at & that's conning people & like he said, "I love the undereducated!" Well, of course, he does undereductated people don't question, they believe what's put in front of them & the fancier the 'barker' the more they love him/her & believe them.

Woe is the US to have these idiots voting in the next election.

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I refuse to get cable or satellite TV because I will not give even a small amount of money to support FOX TV. The best way to get rid of FOX TV is to boycott them.

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We think of the rule of law in the context of criminal cases. But civil lawsuits are helping to save democracy and punish those profiting from extraordinarily destructive propaganda. Make that lies.

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Thanks for your well informed news roundup tonight. An early night for you and me here in Oregon. We are seeing our first summer fires and fire activity growing with the high temperatures. I am wondering about flooding in Vermont and elsewhere in NE we only get snippets of it out here. A good reminder that change like weather is about what is happening locally.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023

It’s all about power and votes….Dems and reps fighting it out with ‘redistricting’ and innumerable other machinations to get ‘their way’ in whatever election comes next …and THEIR WAY can clearly be identified in ‘party control’…..

The 2022 election was by all reports the cleanest one we have ever had….Covid and the ‘mail in’ vote really kept it clean.

In Oregon the mail in vote is the only way to vote…everyone uses it and there’s been no fraud…..

Couldn’t we learn from this past election and the Oregon experience and simply authorize the ‘mail in’ vote in an easy fashion, for everyone as an option…..in CA it now represents 87% of the vote and I’d guess that would be increasingly true elsewhere as well, if it’s promoted and made simple to execute.

My guess it would be super popular and most important…just.

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There has been quite a change in the "dialogue" recently, with a number of comments becoming nasty diatribes. I believe they may be written by chatbots using AI, or else by people whose only contribution to life is to heap insults on others to obscure their own derangements. Has anyone else noticed that?

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