I will never forget four years ago today - January 6, 2021 (it's the 6th already where I live). That this creature has been rewarded for his malice and treachery by the electorate with the highest office and the nuclear codes is spectacularly grotesque.

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And let me add that that a monster like Musk has such unfettered power sans regulation and sans limits on income is equally horrific. That money can be dumped ad nauseum into campaigns by vested interests even to the extent that it compromises national security means that the Roberts' court is going to stand before the harshest tribunals of history. Meaningless to him, I know, and to the corrupted court at large which is historically tone deaf, but given we've had so much stripped away of our democracy I will take it.

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Some people in EU are estimating that interference by Muskrat could increase the AfD numbers to 30% in the upcoming election in Germany. That would be tragic.

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Peter Baker id correct in his description of what president Biden is leaving the coming president in terms of economic growth but apparently it was not enough to prevent a corrupt felon to have access to almost unlimited power to destroy everything that was accomplished.

Unfortunately we didn't have a young Biden for for more years to finish reversing what Reagan created and the subsequent two democratic administration weren't able or willing to reverse. But mostly I blame the lack of messaging, the high ground taken, the appeasement and the poor communication skills demonstrated in reference to the working class. Sad.

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A jerk with too much money has an international megaphone and people listen to him. That is a great reason to institute a large enough tax that could mute such a loudmouth.

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Your comment correctly reflects our current state of affairs, wherein wealth inequality is the worst it has been in over one hundred years. Plutocracy - - - rule by the wealthy - - - inevitably follows wealth inequality and that is what we now have. And that inequality powers your "megaphone". This is our new "Gilded Age" - - - the last one did not end well for the wealthy, or for the rest of us, either.

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So true. Very hard to accept or digest, when you were brought up on the Golden Rule, earning a living according to the (metaphorical) sweat of your brow, and "manners makyth man".

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Harvey Kravetz,

Agreed! "A jerk" who puts SELF GAIN as well as ENEMIES OF DEMOCRACY above the United States of America and its citizenry!!!! Just check out the world leaders he admires!!! He has hidden nothing!!!

Harvey....Trump wants to increase taxes, but not for the wealthy but to add additional burdens to the average citizens who are trying to keep their "noises above water" even now!!!

You know his tax breaks are only for the wealthy. He made this clear before he was voted into this presidency.....and YET....look at those who voted for him?????

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e-musk thinks he is a nation unto himself.

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One of the reasons that many people don't think Biden has done a great job is that they think his administration has lied. That those great numbers about inflation, investment, jobs, etc. are made up. We are in a very odd place, where no amount of great communication or messaging will have any impact on millions of Americans because they assume the Democrats are lying. And this is not just the "working class", which may not be a monolithic group. Trump won tons of college educated white voters.

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We need to do a better job of messaging, not throw up our hands.

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Jon, it is not the messaging. It is the fundamental belief that their "news sources" that are lying to them, feeding them the lines that the oligarchs want them to hear is the truth. It falls back on the old negotiator's line "you cannot reason with unreasonable people". When they are informed with reams/volumes of documentation that what they are being told is flat out wrong, or worse, a lie, and their replay is "yeah, well it could be true" there is nothing that can be done.

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I have come to believe it is not some savior’s job to “get the messaging right”. We have a big responsibility in this situation. Think about how many times you have talked with men in your life about misogyny and it’s grip on the -what can only be called- fragile male psyche. Men can be duped each and every time by framing their inadequacy and inabilities as caused by women being elevated to equal human beings. When was the last time men spoke to their bros about “why haven’t we grabbed the opportunities to make our life better that were being grabbed by women?” Those things were not withheld from men. Education, jobs for less pay, jobs in industries not-traditional to the partriarchial culture, time caring for the home and family, time supporting the community through clubs and organizations, time emotionally supporting friends, kids, spouse, parents, co-workers, controlling their money and investments with responsibly and less risky behavior. All this was and is available to men. And it’s available to men without laws prohibiting them from participating. There are no laws controlling men’s bodies. There are no laws prohibiting males from education, finance, property ownership, voting. Women suffered under punishing patriarchal rules for millenia. But once they had the some Rights won, they took advantage of the opportunities. Along. Side. Men. Women did not take anything away. So the critical message that all of Americans needs to talk about in our everyday conversations with everyone we have five minutes with is: Why do we cling to patriarchy when it is NOT serving us? Does your belief in your entitled privilege trump the Greater Good? Why is that so important to hold on to when it’s the Death of Democracy?

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Christian Nationalism is a cult that has gotten out of hand.

They have no concept of the teachings of Jesus.

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We need to do a better job of WHERE and HOW we message. If the target audience never sees the message, it’s not the content of the message that matters.

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The messaging was clear - the problem was that you all did not want to hear it from a woman, much less a woman of color. Well, I am sure that the next time, if there is one, it will be from a human version of yacht music. Maybe the messaging will be "clearer".

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As Joe Hill is supposed to have said. "Don't mourn, organize."

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I think the problem is once trust is lost it is very difficult to get it back.

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The mindless commitment of the NYT, WaPo, LATimes, and cable new networks (with the exception of Fox News which is a propaganda platform) to "both-sidesism" muddied the public's understanding of factual information. Alt-reaity became respected and normalized.

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A columnist, whose name I forgot, ended his column with an unforgettable phrase. Do it for America: Make Stupidity Embarrassing Again.

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How to deal with FOX?

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Biden and his team did a poor job of advertising their achievements. A lot of progressive podcasts did talk about them, but MSM knowingly ignored them. And when you occasionally check out Fox News they make it seem like the Biden economy was a disaster. Fox is the most watched "news" on TV. I know a lot of people don't get their news on TV, but a lot still do.

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You are delusional. They LIED ABOUT BIDEN's mental health.

They lied about inflation calling it non-existent, then transitory, then telling Americans to stop complaining about it.

THEY LIED about the border saying was secure. They lied about the efficacy of the COVID vaccine. They lied about Afghanistan. They lied about Russia invading Ukraine.

Shuld I go on.

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James, my husband and I have gotten thr Covid vaccine and boosters since thr vaccine became available, as have other family members. We have found it to br effective.

Russia DID invade Ukraine.

Is our border as secure as it might be? I would say no. I will wait to see if Trump is actually serious about immigration reform. Given his efforts before the 2024 election to scuttle such reform, I doubt that he is.

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If you are not a troll....you need to seek cognitive mental health.

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And you fell for every one of the lies Republicans fed you. Will you call for all Democrats to be slaughtered and blow yourself up because Tucker Carlson told you you’re losing your masculinity? Do you even understand what masculinity is?

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I'm not going to challenge your beliefs and opinions; I've heard them all before. But how did "they" lie about Russia invading Ukraine?

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What the democrats have not done is to call the enemy by name - Republican leadership.

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NO competition for the NEW internet Botts out of Russia...mascarading as News Networks.....with a delude of daily mis information being force fed to Americans to confuse and disarm...continually ...... for Trumps benefit ... the US has be duped and that is SAD - and scary

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Ricardo Grinbank,

I am so thankful for all the good Joe Biden and his team have accomplished. How long will this good endure? We will soon be made aware of the will of the incoming President and his minions. Will Musk continue to wield power as an unelected person?

Will we as Americans, hold onto our Democracy or will we allow it to slide away? Have we as a people become so unaware....so uncaring of what it means to be a Democracy, of the People....by the People and for the People....that we have become numb as well as blind to the destruction that is happening before us?

Has money and power blinded us to who we are supposed to represent to the world...."The land of the Free and the Home of the Brave"?

We are refusing to see reality before us. "A blind eye" has continued to be given to Trump and to the many criminals who receive no to little punishment for their criminality....criminals within our government!!!!

Where are the boundaries of decency?

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Add to cupidity, stupidity, as we no longer teach American history and Civics in our schools, nor do we have adequate teacher training and compensation.

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"Has money and power blinded us to who we are supposed to represent to the world...."The land of the Free and the Home of the Brave"?"

Yes, it is all about the money and greed and maybe it always has been.

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I wonder how things might be different had Biden been elected in 2008 or 2016?

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Those wqho voted for Trump are more concerned about a transgender woman playing on a girls' volleyball team than they are with the great economy Biden shaped. Then, Biden and his team did a very poor job of advertising their accomplishments. Rest assured that Trump will take credit for it all and will talk about it ad nauseum.

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I'd guess that some historians will argue that a highly relevant misstep was in 2020, when the Ds decided to 'step back' in leadership rather than step forward with youth when the populist candidate was most vulnerable. I do not argue that Biden's first term was not pretty darn good in terms of accomplishment, but he was unable to establish himself as a virile and visionary leader for a wide swath of the population in the face of the propaganda campaign unleashed against him. It was effective, IMO, because the main thing that dragged him down -- his age, I would argue -- was so evident as a shortcoming to anyone who was watching. Months of denial that it was an issue in the face of what people were seeing (and NOT seeing) from their president further undermined the D cause. Despite some very good and well prepared SoTHs, JRB did not have the excellent off-the-cuff leadership skills required to build and hold enthusiasm in a largely un/misinformed electorate.

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And, in the UK, Muskrat's interference is already underway.

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He wants to rule the world and he would lead the charge to put all Muslims in gas chambers just like Hitler did with the Jews.

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And the list the German fascists used.

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Is there no antidote to unlimited money? Dan Rather saw this coming back in August - "Who's minding Elon Musk"? https://steady.substack.com/p/whos-minding-musk

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Someone posted brilliantly earlier...Millionaires should be CAPPED at ??? and then the rest of the excess $$ is donated to the lower half of Society for the betterment of ALL (in their Name of course ! ) ....and a dog park is named after them as well !

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It's something to dream about when you can't sleep. How brilliant!

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Maybe this is a serious lack of imagination, and a detrimental myth that we hold on to: “That there is no antidote to unlimited money”. It creates hardship and difficulties for sure. But really, “No Antidote”? I suffer under this myth myself, but reading it in your comment right now finally has me pushing back and questioning my perception of unlimited money’s omnipotence. As a parent I had “total authority” over my kids……..in theory. In practice?…..I was brought to my knees emotionally, spiritually, financially, and physically many times. Thwarting my best efforts was resistance by a child, I could swear was schooled by the most crafty psy-ops operatives. I am not a unique human being or parent. The antidote to unlimited money may well still need to be “Re-Cognized” by us. So let’s throw all the spaghetti-of-ideas against the wall. Something’s gotta stick. And that’s what we begin with.

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Trump is minding Elon Mu$k very closely as well as the AfD in Germany .

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Putin/Musk have Trump under their thumbs. Trump does not even cut being first lady anymore.......

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WJB, first ladies don't wear long red ties to being with . You guys are very confused 😉

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Possible Bruce, the same increase in numbers trump had from Russia interference in the US elections.

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Truly horrifying. The Germans I've corresponded with say we are too afraid of the AfD, and they are not so bad. Really?

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Sounds ominously familiar.

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Trump is not so bad... really...? Why is this a Global situation all of a sudden....hmmmmmm- someone is pulling the strings and feeding the lies and all roads seem to lead to Russia. Awareness is first before solutions

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Not only Russia. I have not forgotten the hostages ...human beings...who have not been returned....dead or alive....to their families.

How convenient for Netanyahu to have a "humanitarian concern"???He has been able to receive the huge and powerful military support of the USA to bomb and destroy Gaza and now to use us to bomb those countries and persons he wants to destroy for his gain.

The engagement of infighting between countries and causes has increased dramatically!!!!

We cannot just point our fingers at other leaders. It is us...."bloodthirsty" Americans who have chosen destruction over negotiation....because there are leaders in the USA who do not want negotiation. There are leaders who want power and control over and above negotiation . Negotiation could bring some peace for regular human beings and for their families.

We are creating people within and without who see these problems, feel that they are alone....no one seeing them....no one serious about finding solutions to the obvious problems in the world.

Deportation is not going to solve the problems but only create more!

Violence is often used when persons feel helpless and see no solutions being carried out for the peace and care of humanity. People turn to violence when they have lost spouses, their children, their parents, their home, even their country.

Because of turning away from the interpersonal ie HUMANITARIAN ISSUES, we will pay a price. We will begin to see more violence within our own country. Who can we blame then??? We will not be able to turn our eyes away.

What is to become of the future of our children, our families....the hope of our nation? We are making these choices at this very moment!!!!

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you are talking to the wrong people, Patricia.

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No one can argue with "True Believers." I recommend reading "The True Believer" by Eric Hoffer. It's a short, sobering look at humans and belief. It's available online at used book stores and ebooks.

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Unless there are big unforeseen changes, we'll be plunged back into the late 1920s. Robber barons will rule and they will suck the wealth out of the world economy to the point where they collapse it into Great Depression II. This is deliberate, as it will allow them to buy up everything for pennies. They'll be fighting among themselves the whole time. Eventually...well we all know what happened after that.

As the African proverb says, "When elephants fight, the grass gets trampled.

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I regard him as 'Muskolini' - and simply wish he'd go back to where he came from. Oh, and take is mommy with him!

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This is all tragic and should have been avoided. Had the NYT and other papers put Biden’s policies successes on the front page in clear English, rather than on the back, maybe more folks would have seen them. And that’s not malarkey. Musk disgusts me mightily. How do we fight this? I’m so taking a four week Zoom class focused on Gandhi’s methods of resistance. Anybody interested can find more info at PaceBene.com.

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What business does that idiot have meddling in German politics? What an ego!!!

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I should think the other parties would target Musk and get a lot of votes that way.

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It's like a bad movie, isn't it.

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Will admit to feeling a bit depressed these days. The election was fair. Trump is totally corrupt, but he's as popular as ever. Our economy is fine, but our politics have become a moral question. A US Senator with an Ivy-league education that poses for a Christmas card with his wife and children all brandishing fire arms is just too tough to explain. We're heading into darkness and whether morality and sanity will reassert themselves in time is anybody's guess.

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I vehemently disagree that the election was fair. In his first administration, the census was mishandled, jurisdictions were changed, mail in voting stopped, polling places closed, dishonest postmaster general put in place, three liars added to the Supreme Court…etc. This time, dozens of polling places closed with bomb threats that came from Russia, and the election was called long before votes were all counted. Colorado and other states tried to keep him off the ballot. He’s a liar and a cheat and that will never change. Otherwise John, I agree with you.

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In a government that followed the rule of law a treason isn’t traitor would not have been in the ballot. Garland and Biden failed us.

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And how would that have worked? I continue to be fascinated by the magical thinking that would have speedily moved the legal process along and had Trump under the jail in record time. Just a reminder, the speedy trial right is for the defendant, not the people. If some moneyed ass wants to drag things out, he can. Just want a step by step analysis of how this could have been handled.

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Gigi, the election was fair. It is painful to state it over and over but the fact is 7 million people who supported Biden walked out on Harris. That is the tragedy. Biden did amazing things but didn't use the most important part of the Presidency, the so- called "bully pulpit" to scream his achievements to the roof. He let his ratings sag because he (and Garland) didn't want to believe that Trump could return.

Yet there he was. They could have put him in jail a year before he could have run for office again but they just wanted him to go away.

And tragically he didn't go away.

Don't blame the election loss on nonsense. We lost the election because of mistakes and missteps. Trying to pretend that it was stolen is the same thing that Trump did in 2020. It is demeaning to all of us to not accept the truth.

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Voter suppression by way of removing people from the rolls likely had an effect, tooo.

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Me too, equally vehemently.

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Trump is as popular as ever, but no more popular than ever. He increased the number of votes he got but not the proportion of the electorate that voted for him. Harris lost because she did not get the turnout that Biden got. I suspect a lot of this was because of voters who could not get themselves to vote for a Black woman. I also suspect that most of those voters cannot admit to themselves that this is the reason. And once again the mainstream media coverage helped get Trump elected. How much of this is that they can't help themselves and how much that they are "in the tank" for Trump?

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Based on the two elections that tcf/tot has won, I think you are 100% spot on. That people who ran with the experience in public life that Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris had (senator, sec state, VP) could not beat the con man says far, far too much about the gender bias in this country that far, far, too many people refuse to acknowledge.

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Another big story this last week was the link between alcohol and breast cancer. No big surprise that in the Reagan-era, mythological world of white men who believe government regulation is the enemy and one-worldism the path to communism, the breast cancer/alcohol story has been suppressed since at least 1988. In that year the World Health Organization drew attention to the link with alcohol and industry successfully kept it off the Congressionally approved alcohol warning label.

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Ally, I've heard it said that nothing prepares for the presidency, that it's on the job training.

I did not care for Hilary's personality, but consider her resume, both political and personal. On her own, a lawyer, senator and Secretary of State, and worked extensively for a comprehensive health care plan. She also was the spouse of a governor and a president.

Over many years, she saw government close up. She would have come into the office of POTUS as arguably the best prepared candidate EVER.

My own sister (83 y/o) told me this past election that she thought "women can't do the job of presidency".

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And deny til hell freezes over, all the while acting as if females are “lessers”

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Ally, amen.

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Michael Biales -- IMO, fundamentally VP Harris lost because President Biden didn't step back at the Democratic Convention where proper nominations could be put forward and vetted, and she would have been put in the spotlight. (I'll leave it at that.)

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She lost because the "election" was fixed.

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John, I am terribly depressed at the coming administration.

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An understatement.

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I am terrified for my grandchildren.

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And a good deal of those elected officials posing their kids with guns are CINOS, as are their loyal supporters.

I thought we were supposed to pounds our swords into plowshares.

My bad.

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John, the Senator and any other pol or judge will be fine with guns until they and their family are targeted or caught in crossfire. Then they will demand more security at taxpayer expense. When I hear about security, I always think about the Praetorian Guard or the Sikhs who assassinated Indira Gandhi. Personally, I also think that they love the idea of the proletariat being well armed and doing their dirty work.

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Values, morality, ethics are the missing solution ! We feel it when we see it ....but it is internal and has to come naturally from the People

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Oh, so much worse! At least you know a movie will end, and is *not* likely to have a negative effect on the entire country - and even the world. 🤬

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Or a good science fiction movie—Mad Max meets Idiocracy. I hope the event begins with a prayer for those who died and those who were hurt and those who still can’t believe this unrepentant criminal has been legally elected less than 4 years after attacking his own government, killing hundreds of thousands with his mismanagement of Covid and lying every time he opens his wicked mouth. 💔💩🎃🤡💔🤮

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Mad Max meets Idiocracy is spot on

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And the bizarre thing is:his supporters see this as his achievements.

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In Idiocracy, the only part of the government that worked efficiently was the police state. Donnie has already promised to go after his “enemies” .

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They are being told that. They believe anything that makes them feel comfortable and relieves them of responsibility.

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Add 10 - 12 inches a of snow coming down now at DC's Reagan Washington National Airport. The Airport is closed. There's a metaphor in there somewhere.

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I wondered when that snow I kept reading about was going to hit. Are we missing all the MOC to certify the election?

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A dystopian horror movie.

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Can't think of one bad enough. Oh, Horrors !

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Rod Serling of The Twilight Zone and WWII vet, came close.


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Waiting for the 20 Mule Team advertisement for Boraxo with Ronny Raygun to begin.

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One you're forced to sit and watch.

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get up and scream!

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A very bad one. Let’s see if we can rewrite the ending.

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I think that is what Poland thought

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? Hmmm. "Julia". ? "The Triumph of the Will" ? Was "It Can't Happen Here" made in to a movie ?

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Roberts' whiny year end complaint is a perfect example of how stupid and tone deaf they are,

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His whining was weak cover for complicity.

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