Billionaire Elon Musk’s team yesterday took control of the Treasury’s payment system, thus essentially gaining access to the checkbook with which the United States handles about $6 trillion annually and to all the financial information of Americans and American businesses with it.
But who has the power and might to do so? The apple is now rotten to the core. I sure hope something's brewing underground to stop these criminals, because right now lawsuits and impeachment hearings feel as effective as 'pissing in the wind'.
It seems like the protection of Trump and Musk is a system of criminal lawyers. We need the Bar Association to disbar them. That is true of judges too. Once we clean up our legal system we can go after the criminals.
Musk taking over the Treasury's payment system and gaining access to people's personal data is an absolute breach of the Privacy Act of 1974. US citizens must give written consent to the sharing of their private and sensitive information with third parties. I feel a class action coming on - Musk vs the people of America.
I fear that by the time a class action lawsuit is filed and actioned, the unlawful breaches of privacy and possibly hacking of millions of Americans' accounts will be in full swing.
Ok, I'm panicking right now! I only have Social Security and small savings to live on after my husband died! Do I take out my money we saved? Coping with the grief of losing my husband and now this!!! This is just bringing me to tears......
I do too, but I am all in for this, but who will lead the charge? I imagine many government employees are gathering this week to discuss plans and options. I am with them in solidarity.
Now is a time for sabotage, subterfuge and shredding.
We also should be asking the lawyers to be filing for disbarment of the criminal amongst them.
She URGES us to tell everybody what has happened, because Fox won't tell them. If you haven't got half an hour, cut in half way through, after she's finished making it clear that under the Constitution, America is governed by THE PEOPLE. Then she gets very anxious to make us all grasp the enormity of what has just been done. This is a coup. She implores us to take action, and makes several practical suggestions.
Yes! Musk is acting without impunity of any sort. The R Senate and Congressmen seem as if they've been castrated by Trump and then forced to eat their own sack and bawls just to prove their complete and total impotence!. Putin, Musk, Orban ,Flynn, the list of soon to be new owners of America have risen to the task, while our failed leadership digs their own shallow graves, as well as ours. Well, I guess now the MAGATS still own us, so there's that. But hey, we've still got that Supper Bowl coming up where they can all eat sheet and die.
I have a singular claim as well as class actions that can be taken up by the right lawyers. We threw off a despotic sovereign once for among other things, taxation without representation. *Several states, Ohio for one example, has little to no representation in opposition.
I think that one thing we should demand of members of the bar association is that they start disbarring all of these criminals that Trump and his cronies are using. And yes, we need a class action against the Treasury department and so many other injustices.
One thing we can all do, no matter the party of your congressional delegation, is to call each of them and report your outrage. If they are Dems, tell them to NOT cooperate with the majority party -- no more confirmations, votes to keep the government open, or anything else. They must oppose, not try to play nice.
Indivisble talks about Dems in Congress slowing down the processes until things change: not agreeing to unanimous consent or even helping to make sure there is a quorum for Senate business (51 senators are needed on the floor.)
Remember that old Lyric, 'Bring, Lawyers, Guns, and Money.... The Shit has hit the Fan'?... Do I feel, a Go-Fund-Me is coming for a Class-Action-Lawsuit?... Lawyers... :-( Regardless, DO NOT BUY A TESLA... Kazz, how is the Summer Shaping Up Down-Under?
A friend shared. "Just found this Russian proverb, unfortunately so à propos (sigh): Когда деньги говорят, правда молчит. Lit. ‘When money speaks, the truth is silent’ "
Hey Apache, it’s unseasonably hot hot hot down here which is lovely but a tinderbox - we’ve lost touch with the indigenous ways of burning off, so we’re all holding our breath til Autumn.
Where the hell are the protesters?? Look at how South Koreans took to the streets resulting in their idiotic president being toppled! trump wants to do away with the FDIC and no one's talking about it? Why aren't the college students up in arms as their future is being destroyed! My husband and I are ready to shutter up the house and take an extended vacation in Greece....
Yes. That is the country whose actions we should be following. We do not want to wait until things get intrenched and these treasonists get too comfortable, or have had time to take over anything else. People should be marching and signs should all Say "Impeach and Imprison Trump and Deport Musk!" You should also say that to everyone you know. Don't argue just tell them. It is the only logical response.
Once personal information is in Musk’s hands, he can cover up
All payments made to him and his tech Buddies and their companies and use everyone else’s information to target, harass, and destroy individuals., which he will feed to Trump to create new scapegoats daily.
All of this trodding on the legal fences and destroying the institutions seems like Jurassic Park redux: the bribe-taking programmer (think the MAGA senators and representatives) sets the park security system to shut down, allowing the dinosaurs to escape their enclosures and spread destruction.
I am particularly reminded of the scene where Ray Arnold (played by Samuel Jackson) tries to reboot the security systems back on: “Hold on to your butts.”
So far there is no Ray Arnold in a position to reboot our legal guardrails … but I look forward to hearing someone say, “hold on to your butts, Americans. The system is going up and the T-Rex and Velociraptors will be contained.
People should be taking to the streets and demanding the Trump be impeached and imprisoned and Musk be deported. Speak truth to power. Tell this to everyone you know. Put the idea into their heads that this is the only acceptable solution now.
Sure and by the time that gets going, he will have taken over the entire country and all its assets. We don't have time for the courts. Take to the streets today.
People should be marching and signs should all Say "Impeach and Imprison Trump and Deport Musk!" You should also say that to everyone you know. Don't argue just tell them. It is the only logical response. Do not give him time to get too comfortable with what they are doing. Scare the rest of them. Every single person who voted for Kamala should be out there. Try to get 72 mil to be 100 mil. Out on the streets, even one million would be scary and outnumber the militia members that Trump has as his brown shirts.
This is the angle I was thinking might be the best recourse abd was pondering this morning how a stooge like me, with limited resources, can retain counsel. I'm also wondering if there's room for the ACLU here, as this is an affront to our civil liberties.
People should be marching and signs should all Say "Impeach and Imprison Trump and Deport Musk!" You should also say that to everyone you know. Don't argue just tell them. It is the only logical response.
Trump and Musk are not lawyers. They can’t be disbarred. Their lawyers can be disbarred! I do want to know what the state attorney general (s) are able to do.
Remember, Vicki, what the Colorado state attorney general did.
That person invoked the U.S. Constitution's Article 14, Section Three and indicted the lead insurrectionist of the Jan. 6, 2021, terrorist and thug mob assault on our U.S. Congress. Held a trial -- with witnesses and determined that lead insurrectionist could not have his name on the Colorado ballot.
But, too, we have a corrupt Clarence court, which rushed in saying no, no, we don't heed the Constitution. We only defer to criminality.
And so the criminal Clarence court has announced to all state attorneys general that the Constitution is dead and criminality now with impunity rules the land.
Usually the Supreme Courts of a state or the bar associations of a state with a unified bar, like Michigan and California, would have to investigate first.
Exactly my thoughts. It is one way to get the traitors out of government, and that includes the Supreme Court. If action isn't taken now, then it will be too late.
my is soon, if not now, too late for all of that :( it is ONLY the American People who band together who can get their country BACK...all reasonable options are gone or will be gone tomorrow :( :( you do outnumber them 1,000,000 to 1 ..... and they stole your Country... you did not ask for or want this fight..... but never the less unfortunately, we well know, bad things can happen to good people :(
We are fast losing the ability to clean up our legal system if we had it. The law works so slowly as these guys move fast. Let's see what the Bar Association can do and what that means. We cannot rely on such thin sticks to uphold what is crumbling before our eyes in fearfulness. People already are getting so scared that they just want to save their own lives... to run, hide. This is so disappointing. SO very.
Trump is not interested in governing for the people. Nor is Musk. But they still demagogue that. there are folks who believe it. Hopefully they are dwindling and do not have to save face by admitting they were wrong...
The GOP in congress is pathetic beyond the word. The R's can't get their opposition together to form another party (which is needed) and the Democrats are??? formulating......
USAID shutdown will be a favor to Russia and China.
This is the "obeying thing". Like the bishop said at the inauguration people are scared. How do you grow spine when people are scared. This too is the job of the resistance... giving people hope when they are in despair and hopeless. This is a rolling ball that gathers either way: them or us. So a strong core of resistance is needed for people to grab onto. This is happening. it should be loud and stretch. I hope we are not too sectioned off from the masses, too channeled, too siloed into "us and them". We have to be ready to expand. Those we do not completely agree with have to be embraced for THE essential here.. So disabuse folks of their selfish needs and broaden the picture. It's not about eggs and gas and immigrants. People have been conned, have had the wool pulled over their eyes, have been too busy depending on a stability which is faltering.
In the old days, I remember, we had cults. And we had to de-program these people. This is much more massive. We need the media.
Schumer is beginning to get on my nerves by the way....not strong enough.
Heather Cox Richardson addressed the giveaway of our federal payment system in yesterdays chat. Here is the link. We ALL need to be aware of what’s happening and call our Senators. By “ALL” means red as well as blue. It’s time for unity in this fight.
We should not be following the laws if we need to get things done. Just avoid getting caught. Do you think the White Roses followed the law as they secretly flierer against Hitler. Sabotage, subterfuge, shredding belongs to resistance. I am also recommending demonstrating.
I have been pondering your post all day. Die Weisse Rose members were executed. I am 83 and gay, but I continue to resist as best I can; not so much for me, but for those to come, and so many of them are sitting on their asses protecting their "mental health". Would I really be ready to die for that? IDK
Yes they were. If they had resisted in the beginning that might not have happened. Things were fairly entrenched in Germany by the time that a lot of the more mainstream resistance happened. The longer you allow an illiberal/fascist government to take hold the harsher things get and the harder it is to get rid of them. South Korea did the right thing.
People should be taking to the streets and demanding that Trump be impeached and imprisoned. How about Gitmo? Musk should be deported.
Enough chatter. We need advise on how to rouse our populous from its complacency and leadership in how We the People can effect the end of this presidential coup.
PS: Let’s start by encouraging EVERYONE to $upport Democrats running to fill vacancies in the House and Senate. At Least that would put a finger in the dam of the 2025 coup.
Look at how Arlie Russell Hockschild did it in "Stolen Pride." Or George Packer in "The Unwinding."
Too many just take it for granted that our schools correctly dehumanized, kicked out all the novels, memoirs, histories, biographies, and other arts that can see the human.
Unless you've read Diane Ravitch's "The Language Police," in which case you'll know how certain cretin elites have debased the language.
All standardized testing and all package corporate textbooks have deliberately neutered language now, deliberately to dehumanize all. It was a very expensive project, but the Heritage Foundation, the Hoover Institution, and ALEC all gathered far-right billions of dollars following the Powell memo of 1971 to do it.
Why didn’t Biden use the obscene powers granted to him by the Supreme Court when he had the chance? I mean: DUH. Because of “politeness”? Not wanting to “look bad” or “be like them”? This is WAR. In war, you do what’s necessary. To win. To fight off PSYCHOPATHIC FASCISTS. Again: to WIN.
Musk should’ve been arrested for treason for conspiring with Putin, deported back to South Africa, and his assets seized. Trump should’ve been arrested ON January 6th and tried for TREASON as well. He should be sitting in a jail cell to this day.
The Democrats were, and are, feckless and weak. They FAILED us all. They could have stopped this but they rolled over and took it. Idiots.
I’m so infuriated. And now I am terrified, too. Musk is, literally, INSANE. He’s not a sane man. He’s a power monger NUTCASE who belongs in a loony bin.
I'd think all the really good people who know what they're doing and got fired for it should assist with the takeback. And every officer in the military who truly believes in their oath to the Constitution.
What DEMs are doing to save the country? I keep getting requests for money but am waiting till they announce some concrete plan. They should not become a sunshine party.
"Calls are what all the congresspeople pay attention to. Every single day, the Senior Staff and the Senator get a report of the 3 most-called-about topics for
that day at each of their offices (in DC and local offices), and exactly how many people said what about each of those topics. They're also sorted by zip code and area code. She said that Republican callers generally outnumber Democrat callers 4-1, and when it's a particular issue that single-issue-voters pay attention to (like gun control, or planned parenthood funding, etc...), it's often closer to 11-1, and that's recently pushed Republican congressmen on the fence to vote with the Republicans. In the last 8 years, Republicans have called, and Democrats haven't. ""
Capitol Switchboard
A U.S. Capitol Switchboard operator can connect you directly with the Senate or House office. (202) 224-3121
Dems are as good at raising money -- pestering people all the time -- as they are at ignoring all the novels, films, songs, memoirs, and other arts that convey the massive hurt, betrayal, and anger abroad the land, Hiro, at all the dehumanized elites.
Marli, we need to find someone with "standing" in a court of law. It seems to me that what Trump and Musk are doing is illegal and does not meet the qualification of "official acts". There is nothing in the Constitution of in Federal law, as far as I know, that allows the president to turn over access to the Treasury to an unelected, un-vetted, unconfirmed Individual. In fact, I would call it insane. 'Nough said!
It should be the federal judiciary tapping on the brakes, but they have clearly been taken over by the dark side. That is especially true of the Republican six on the Supreme Court. They handed Trump the keys to unfettered power with their creation out of whole cloth the sweeping notion, breadth and depth of presidential (read executive branch) immunity, which they knew President Biden was too decent to use for nefarious ends, in stark contrast to the Orange Peril.
But are those “invasions” of government institutions illegal? I’m sure Trump is prepared to say he bestowed the appropriate security clearances on Musk and his techies. And Musk can say he was just following Trump’s orders.
It appears that Mexico is partially capitulating to Trump, which is way too bad. We need widespread, intense, and sustained objection to rain on Trump's tyranny parade.
"I know the spirit is there. Ever since Mr. Trump’s attacks, every political party is speaking out in favour of Canada. In fact, it is to my great satisfaction that even the Bloc Québécois is defending Canada.
But you don’t win a hockey game by only playing defence. We all know that even when we satisfy one demand, Mr. Trump will come back with another, bigger demand. That’s not diplomacy; it’s blackmail.
We need another approach — one that will break this cycle." -- Former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien
This is most definitely a bloodless coup d'etat by an entity who has no authority to do these things. The words "unelected" keep ringing in my ears as that was the right's big complaint about judicial decisions that didn't go their way.
Without wanting to appear like a drama queen, I'd say...bloodless so far. Between the armed, pardoned insurrectionists, and the actual potential weaponization of military to quash citizen protests, I personally feel it is too early to tell...
Here’s one question: is all this frantic holding back of funds really a play to allow for the losses in tax income when Trump’s promised tax cuts for the wealthy/ corporations are made law?
Trumps golden tax cuts already pumping the deficit. Check the pre-Trump GAO. Trump openly offered favors for large sums of money before the election. The press and $COTUS yawned.
Yup, Jill, we need to continually be asking questions and re-educating ourselves! What’s REALLY going on with these tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and China? It might seem strange, but this is what Big Oil wants and WHY they contributed to Trump’s campaign.
How do these tariffs help the Exxon Mobils of the world? They will increase the price of Crude Oil - you know the stuff Exxon is pumping out of the ground. And, of course, Exxon WILL HAVE TO increase the prices at their gas pumps.
Plus, we need to ask what is meant by Energy Independence. Yes, we IMPORT crude oil, BUT we EXPORT more crude than we import.
Whoa! Wait a minute! WHY are we IMPORTING when we have a bunch of crude that we EXPORT??? Why can’t we use the crude we are exporting in our own refineries??? Guess what?? The US has more oil reserves than any other country on the planet, but it’s primarily “sweet” crude and or refineries are designed and built to refine “sour” (thicker) crude. Well, can’t Exxon (et al) just redesign and update their refineries? Sure they can, but, uhhhh, that costs money. (It has been decades since the US oil companies have updated their systems.)
And, there are other reasons that importing from other countries is preferred. Not only is it the “right type,” but it’s easier to pull the ship from Saudi Arabia up to a refinery on the Texas coast than it is to transport the crude from the Texas oil fields - which isn’t the “right kind” of crude.
Enough!!! Gotta stay informed, right? Ask questions and DEMAND answers!!
Impeachment at least records and bears witness to high crimes and misdemeanors, even if the "sheriff" is a shill. Lawsuits can slow things down or even stop abuses. Sugaring the gasoline of enemy tanks.
I'm a dual citizen, living in Canada. The exhaustion that ensues when he does the whole cary bluster routine, which cannot be ignored, only to flipflop to a one-month "pause" is, I believe, intentional. All weekend, many of us slept poorly, stressed, agonizing about how we'll change some basic, daily habits in response to Trump's tariffs.
And that is just the tariffs. For the hundreds of USAID projects around the world, lives are on the line. Lives will be lost or harmed. How could it be otherwise if the USAID project helps supply clean drinking water and other basic human needs. This is utter cruelty to people who are already among the most vulnerable. And why? Through some twisted logic, it distracts from the situation in South Africa, of great importance to Peter Thiel and his acolytes, Musk, Vance and others? 90% of farmland there is still owned by whites, with blacks owning about 4%. By trying to redress this inequity, Musk and Trump have spoke either vaguely of how "they're treating people poorly" there or by talking of ethnic cleansing. The problem is, it is not ethnic cleaning, but the knee jerk reaction gets the wanted attention. With Trump and Musk, it is about appearances and distraction while ensuring the greatest wealth for the overprivileged few, in the US and elsewhere. (Sorry for the long comment!)
I just wonder what's going to happen when unpresident Musk start invading the armed forces of this country offices and computer systems as well as the intelligence systems. My guess it they will leave that for last and would work their way in through people already into those organizations, like Troya's horses.
Folks, it's been only two weeks since January 20th.
Hmmmmm, Who has the POWER? We, the People have the power. I love Canada’s response!!! It’s a Hit ‘Em Where It Hurts Agenda! Stop the sale of booze that comes from Republican states, etc. Yes, that will impact ALL Americans, but will drive the “numbers” down.
Liberals can do the same things. We support local businesses rather than Bezos businesses. If I had a Tesla, it would be at a used car dealership. I left Zuck years ago. Hit ‘em where it hurts.
Yes, we are in a Civil War. We should respond with a Civilized War!
Sounds good in theory, truly, but the point is what kind of response to give when someone (Trump, Musk, their enablers) flagrantly disregard "We, the People," The Constitution, rule of law, etc.?
Actually, Jill, no response (to Trump, Musk, etc.) is necessary. My wife and I do not vacation in “Red” areas. (Not gonna spend my money in Florida, again! For example.) We don’t have to ask - or even inform - Bezos that we ain’t doing Amazon anymore. We, the People can “boycott” anybody we want to without contacting them (of course). The point is - Hit ‘em where it hurts!
I'd like to think that this country was constructed with 3 co-equal branches of government. It's well past the time when the Senate could and should be asserting its perogatives. Right now they look like puppies in a puppy farm - all squiming around but with nothing that they can do.
I’m not an American, my sister is an American citizen of 30 years, now widowed and living on a pension and life-saving healthcare. I’m donating on her behalf but otherwise my hands are tied.
We all need to dig in right now. Hopefully people in Heather's position with the media attention they get can guide us in how to move forward rather than just focusing on the insanity that continues to exist without check!
That is their plan ..... overwhelm the courts while they TAKE CONTROL TO KEEP CONTROL....but always remember, you outnumber them 1,000,000 to one :) That is their weakness and EVERY Autocrat's weakness :)
The law is getting more powerless by the day. AND it takes too long as this coup continues. We have the makings of instability, to put it mildly. Something is going to happen as the pressure builds.
What is SO astonishing to me is how many are caving in. SO disappointing. SO very.
Elected officials will not do much as they are afraid of investigation of their own weak points by now Trump fed. We need civic organizations to organize legal fights.
That said, Kimberley, what agency would you find that is still empowered to do that? Are they in some kind of vacuum, and unaware that the President will not allow that? It would seem this is where we sit.
He wants to have all three branches of government under his control, never mind the separation of powers built into the Constitution. This is part of the unitary executive theory proposed by the Federalist Society, and the unitary executive concept is unconstitutional as a violation of the separation of powers and as the President was and is subject to the law.
Hope? I’ve given up on hope a long time ago. No one is stopping this unprecedented and unconstitutional take over of the US checkbook. Why? Where are our Democratic reps? The convicted felon and his insane sidekick has to be stopped. Now. We are running out of recourse.
The secret police could be running themselves and ignore Kash Patel. I would prefer that. Sabotage, subterfuge and shredding are the tools of bureaucratic resistance.
Even though Musk is born in South Africa, he is the defacto president, because Trump does not want to be bothered. He probably plans to do a lot in the beginning and then let Musk run things while he is on the golf course. We need to file a class action lawsuit that Musk is running the country not Trump even though he was unelected. I am sure there are a lot of lawsuits that can count. I would like to know what kind of military action it would take to have Musk thrown out of the US.
Marc Elias & his staff of lawyers at the Democracy Docket are undoubtedly already working on federal lawsuits on the Musk Treasury takeover. They were the lawyers who were successful in the 2020 election at winning 60 court battles against Trump's false claims of winning the election.
And impeach 47 while they're at it. All I hear is that this takeover by the South African is hostile, unlawful, and unconstitional. And that 47's actions are at least also that. I checked Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Bluesky, see what she had to say. And that was very sobering:
'Yes. While there are absolutely things Democrats can and must do to slow, obstruct, etc, GOP hold both the House and Senate majorities, severely limiting our options.
Johnson and Thune are handing over the own keys and relinquishing their own power. Even for the cynics this should be a shock"
So there you go. Apparantly the US Governement is a lame duck and has been taken over by an immigrant and twentysomethings.
"the fact these people “are not really public officials” makes it hard for Congress to intervene."
When I read that, I saw red. HOW CAN IT BE POSSIBLE??? Watching this coup unfold over the weekend, I kept asking myself, 'Who has the authority to stop this?" Apparently, nobody. How is that possible????
Yes. The statement by public policy expert Dan Moynihan that "the fact these people 'are not really public officials' makes it hard for Congress to intervene" is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. That's like a bank saying the bank robbers aren't employees so they don't have any authority over them and it makes it hard to intervene. What makes it hard to intervene is no one will just call the Capitol police or whoever (security?) and haul them out of the building.
Came here to type those words. If all of these actions are illegal, why isn't enforcement of laws being enacted? How is it possible that teenagers & young 20 somethings with NO official capacity or experience are inside the Treasury Dept computers etc.????? How? and WHY are they not being arrested?
Yes he can but we need to stop him first. Deport Musk, Impeach Trump and every American should be taking to the streets saying this each and every day. Lose your job you can straighten out later. Lose everything else and it might be too late.
This is THE GREATEST CON EVER: 47 screws with tariffs (The distraction) while compatriot Musk takes control of Americans' personal data and America's cash accounts (THE GREATEST CON).
All the while we wring our hands, ask why Democrats don't do something, Fox et al talks incessantly about the unjust behaviors of Canada and Mexico and China and all the immigrants bringing dope and crime into our country. Ironic, the immigrant who paid $290 billion for access now gets to take his share of the booty and enough info on EVERY AMERICAN to barter with every dictatorship and enemy of our way of life. And, all endorsed by the quiet people who voted 47 in who now will agree to accepting some pain while America gets ripped of its way of life, security, and resources. F***ing amazing. I feel like I'm bent over like I was for my medical exam when my number came up in the draft during the Viet Nam War. Neither pleasant nor honoring. Bet a preemptive pardon is already negotiated between Trump and Musk and the appointees involved in opening the gates and coffers to, I can't believe it, a self-proclaimed opponent to our democratic way of life and the safeguards built into and on the principles and rules of law contained in our constitution and 249 years of legal precedents. Brilliant! I am crying inside as I write this.
It gets worse: via Katie Phang from Forbes: “Now, as fears emerge Trump’s administration is ‘dangerously’ undermining the U.S. dollar, Musk has confirmed he wants to put the U.S. Treasury on a blockchain, the technology that underpins bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies—including Musk’s pet project dogecoin.”
So is he presently buying HIS cryptocurrency with OUR money and then stealing it? this is what it seems. Now in a way, its all just numbers. We all know that there is no actual value in these numbers being moved around. Right? This man is mad. As in crazy as fuck. It does seem like this is unstoppable, that it will cause lawlessness as people are scared and instantly impoverished and then martial law. Someone please explain how this is NOT what is happening.
We can’t explain this away. Trump 2.0 turned into Coup 2.0 and tomorrow it’s crypto coup 2.0. He’s putting pressure on Thune and Noem to fall in line? This is the worst news I’ve ever read in my life.
And it will get worse. Somehow. Whether he starts shooting citizens if they try to gather, starts dropping bombs on someone, anyone, just to distract from a massive theft of tax money, or some other atrocity, it's coming. Too bad the police can't just arrest some foreigner that comes in and takes over a government computer.
Wednesday at noon is the first national call for protests: 50501 — Fifty protests in fifty state capitols on one day. It’ll be interesting to see the reaction. This is all grassroots so slightly disorganized, but just show up with a sign denouncing the coup, etc. For those not near a state Capitol, stand in front of your own town or city hall or state rep’s office.
Let's see if Thune learns that all the nursing homes in his state have stopped receiving Medicaid payments because Mike Mike Flynn thinks Lutheran Social Services is a money laundering business .
A lesson to all senators and congressman. Then Trump and Musk will go after the blue state governors ( Putin did it this way too). How to weaken blue state governors? Controlling the purse strings & media, let me count the ways.
If the people protest, send in the proud keepers militia.
And Ted.., Noem is so "in line". Perhaps just as stomach-wrenching to watch. Being a horsey-girl, I'd bet she just couldn't wait to saddle up to "ride into town" with her fellow horseMEN at her command..., to round up some immigrants and chain-em-up! Women and children, you ask? Them too. She's another sick puppy, but there's always hope. I mean she cleans up for the cameras. Huh?
I just heard Kristi Noem lying on NPR that Venezuala emptied their prisons and mental institutions and sent the inmates to America, a plagiarized echo of Trumps lies about Mexico in 2015-2016. We have a government of nothing but liar leaders ruling by their mendacities.
Certainly we could lose the US dollar as an international currency standard permanently. Just for Trumps/Musk's folly. Checks and balances??? This is why were supposed to have them.
Only for the very wealthy. Those of us with nothing will still have nothing. There is no shortage of food or raw materials to make what we need. But the system of armchair capitalism will fail. The man who owns the 100 apt complex i live in has all his needs met. He doesnt really need the profit he makes from the too high rent. So when the $ disappears he will lose potential for gross profit, but the apartments themselves remain viable shelter
I am at a loss for words of anger, sadness, astonishment, fear. My local news channel is, as I write, showing a pro-Trump ad promising peace and prosperity....and more greatness!! I hope they are holding their noses as this flagrant and shameful propaganda is unleashed. And I live in a BLUE region!!
Stephanie...I don't have the tv on during the day, but my parents do. While visiting them my Mom and I watched what appeared to be a pro trump advertisement about his making America great again. We looked at each other and said well that was weird. It's clearly part of their strategy. More brainwashing. I'm fortunate to have parents who did not fall for the con.
Bitcoin is the perfect untraceable vehicle for money laundering. Its value changes so much and so drastically that it's worse than putting money on the tables of a casino. If he succeeds, the entire world economy will collapse at the first major Bitcoin loss. If not before. Then the world will go nuts.
Actually law enforcement agencies have made huge gains on tracing Bitcoin used for illegal activities in recent years. Since transactions in Bitcoin are logged and validated publicly, it's just a matter of finding out who the transactions are between. There have been cases of ransoms paid in Bitcoin that have been recovered. Not sure if other cryptocurrencies are harder to trace, they might be.
Tina, I fear we are not going to regret having hung onto the right to bear arms once "a little pain" from this pot that has boiled over, scalds each of us sufficiently. I'm sort of surprised that the migrants have reacted quite peaceably. But, then most of them were peaceful people, working, paying taxes, and even paying into SS that they wouldn't be able to collect. When the Tahoe's of TSA, under the leadership of the ICE-Pick on a horse (Noem) arrive at your house because you have been identified as a "dissident" (for your views posted here), you may entertain distant thoughts of self-defense. Once the migrants are carted off, we're the ones who will be persona-non-grata. No? Better think again. A nicely dis-armed population is certainly easier to deal with. It's how China, Russia, and Hungary work. Lock up those dissidents! Their neighbors will get the picture and choose not to spend their free(?) time inside some fence. People in those countries are conditioned to it. Plus they are fed BS from the same trove. I don't think it's "stoppable". I think we're going to have to 'wear-it-out'. i just hope we don't have to hunt and forage for food. Maybe raise chickens though.., for eggs!
Gregg, i think what needs to happen is that people need to make money valueless. As in it doesnt exist. There is no shortage of food. So, we should share it. Rent needs to be abolished. Mortgages waived for people who have only one house. The money system is abstract and it can and seems to be disappearing. But we need to find other avenues of exchanged, probably more fair to people doing real work, like planting and harvesting food, than people playing the stock market or making money off very old in vestments which really are just exploiting the worker doing the labor.
My spouse and I did our taxes over the weekend through Turbotax, and for the first time on a hunch, I recommended we purchase the extra fraud protection. I opened my account on IDnotify, and was horrified to find that my SS# was compromised about a dozen times in 2024, starting in August (including a person other than me with my SS#), and the last breach happening mid-November after the election involving my retirement fund. I was planning to do something about it tomorrow, and now I definitely am. All day today I had an inkling something really rotten was going on in the financial sphere via bad actors, and here we are.
I worked for Intuit on their tax products nearly 30 years ago. We have always used their program on our machine, not the full online method. I watched them pay millions to fight against free online filing and a flat tax. I’ve had friends admit their full online filing program was not secure. I’ve purchased the fraud protection when my returns have been complicated. Especially when I wasn’t sure they were leading me down the right path.
Excellent point, and I hope others see it. Ours are already frozen, but I'm planning to check them anyway. God only knows how far his hackers have extended their criminal reach.
Edit: I published my own post about this around 2:45 a.m., giving more specifics on how to do it.
All I can say is that it's better than not doing it. Theoretically, it will prevent someone from opening an account in your name, but who knows just how far this will go?
Not only do they not listen, they are eating up the actions being taken. Absolute **insert favorite profanity** **insert favorite insult suggesting stupidity, ignorance, uneducated, idiotic**. Mine, for this Letter, is "fornicating distal end of the alimentary canal (plural). Other fora it is
My husband and I did this several years ago after our first breach of records at our local hospital. Please folks, it’s worth the 15 minutes of your time to do so.
There are three major entities that keep track of how well we pay our bills and how much debt we are carrying at any one time. Merchants that want to know if you're a reliable risk check this when you open a new credit card or make a major purchase, often one that involves payments over time, like a car or house. The total of all of your financial transactions becomes your credit record.
Companies called Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion do this, and you can go to and take a look at your information there and make sure no one else has had their hands on your credit, like opening a credit card in your name without your knowledge. I wrote a post about it in the wee hours this morning that gives a little more information.
Illegal has no meaning anymore. Mitch McConnell and the Republicans cemented this by torpedoing the First Impeachment. This is supposed to be the ultimate check on corruption and treason. But the doors were latched open in plain sight. Both times. So, who makes the arrest?
I'm really wondering who is controlling whom at this point. Trump imagines himself to be at the Pinnacle of power, but it seems like Musk, and less directly Putin and the leader of China, may view him as their puppet. I mean, some of the orders and firings of government workers supposedly took the White House by surprise.
Trump is a criminal, a convicted felon. Along with being a rapist and life-long fraud.
I'm grateful to Heather for so conscientiously yet working, every day (every night her time). But let's get this in perspective. He is going to increase his criminality. He is increasing his criminality. Musk has no elected position. And at cabinet level, no nominated and Senate-confirmed position.
Good for Heather to keep going, recording detail by detail the insane turn of the U.S. to its criminal-in-chief's massively ratchetted-up insanity, criminality.
On a Facebook post this evening Heather said we should call all of our representatives at every level, state and federal. The courts will be involved but they are slow. I plan to spend tomorrow on the phone.
I’m calling as many politicians I can think of! Township, county, state, federal. And tomorrow and Tuesday and Wednesday… starting with my state, PA. I haven’t heard anything from Gov. Josh Shapiro in a while. Then with a map as a dart board, I’m calling whichever state my dart lands on next, everyday. I donate to many other states Democratic parties, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, to name a few. Start tomorrow and don’t stop.
Absolutely, contact your Representatives and Senators and ask them what plans are in place to counter this "coup" by Musk. I find it alarming and sickening that the Speaker of the House Johnson has no qualms about eliminating the powers of the legislature and handing them over to Trump and Musk. When I read about Musk's takeover of the Treasury, I became physically ill at the thought. As things are going it won't be long before Trump stands before the House and demands his version of Hitler's enabling act.
Indivisible has an excellent doc outlining what to do about this urgent security breach. Jessica Craven’s IG post this evening has more details and suggested actions.
Phil, it's not that matters but trump is complicit in all this scheme, a talking head pulling slogans out of his head, blaming others, signing decrees he doesn't understand, redacted by the Proyect 2025 authors in front of cameras ,but the real one pulling the strings that control our institutions is Musk and his organization. Trump is all you say, but is also an idiot being manipulated at the price of getting richer. That's all that matters to him.
I'd just add something else the orange felon cares about -- and that's always being center of attention -- for sensationalized lies about immigrants, to he-man calls for stochastic violence, to "dancing" (wobbling) while jerking off two guys at once (as Bill Maher always observes), to his bing-bing-boing-bong vaudeville, and then back to his calls for hatred and violence.
Phil, he is going to start getting second thoughts about being the center of attraction, when the policies being implemented start backfiring on people even on his supporters .
Just wait for protests to start and he is going either to hide or deflect responsibility and blame others. Nice guy.
Since it is the DOJ who would be responsible for investigating these security breaches by Musk and his merry band of misfits it is safe to assume that nothing and no one is going to stop this. Court filings and orders do no good if there is no one to enforce them.
I honestly hope that somewhere in a back office or in someone’s garage are Generals of the US armed forces talking secretly about a military coup that takes over the government, arrests all the traitors (POTUS, VPOTUS, Supreme Court Justices, Senators, Congressmen & women, DOJ officials and anyone else who has aided and abetted this coup. Let’s export all of them to Guantanamo.
"I honestly hope that somewhere in a back office or in someone’s garage are Generals of the US armed forces talking secretly about a military coup ..."
He would be one of the first to go. And I don't mean to Disney World. A military coup to overthrow a government doesn't have to go through SECDEF. Look at South American coups.
Indeed, the U.S. has sunk to the banana republic status we used to ridicule in other parts of the world.
Ann, my thoughts are adjacent to yours, but involve actions that are a little more efficient and permanent. At this point in U.S. history, the only things that will stop this coup are the things that U.S. ammosexuals love most. When operating in a lawless, dangerous environment such as this, the U.S. military enjoys exemption from certain laws, especially when defending the nation. National defense is now at stake. I am a pacifist, but think current extreme circumstances call for an extreme solution.
There's a very disturbing report in the Guardian today about Trump cutting funds to South Africa because of what he calls 'land confiscations'. He claimed that the South African government was “treating certain classes of people very badly” i.e. white people and that “leadership is doing some terrible things, horrible things”. The paper reports that Elon Musk has long championed the rights of white landowners in South Africa. He, of course, is part of the so-called 'Paypal Mafia' with Peter Thiel and David Sacks (who is now Trump's cryptocurrency czar) who were all born and raised in apartheid South Africa. Thiel has also been accused of supporting apartheid, an allegation he has denied. Musk's support for the neo-nazi AfD in Germany is troubling in this context.
He must be referring to the land redistribution process that was begun some forty years ago after the end of Apartheid and resettlement of peoples who had previously been confined to "homelands" while white farmers had large holdings. Whether farmers who gave up land were given fair compensation may an issue of historical interest but it is a pretty old grievance for the President to be acting upon to take punitive action against South Africa. In any case it is a moot point since today Trump shut down the US Agency for International Development having already frozen all foreign assistance payments. Now doesn't little Marco Rubio look like quite the statesman, telling the President of Panama to cut all ties with China, or else ? And stop participation in Belt and Road ?
And to think I was fool enough to say it would take Donnie Dumbfuck 4-6 months to get to Complete FUBAR. He and Muck and Corporal Couchfuck need to be taken off the streets.
It has taken him ("DD") 2 weeks and it's probably getting worse, overwhelming the normal citizens with one 'shock' after another. I do wonder when those trump voters wake up and also feel the devastating effects of these crazy men's actions.
He has “common sense” don”T you know. They will support until he bites them. They will put off taking social security til the last since that is what will bring out the pitchforks
TC, I, too, thought that everything would be in ashes within about 6months, so I, too, misread the speed with which the fascists were going to get their agenda accomplished. I would also point out that the Felon in Chief is not at the wheel. He is on the golf course almost continuously, throwing out sound bites in between shots and sending out bizarre messages in the middle of the night. A situation that is not being reported anywhere except in certain alternative media outlets.
My prediction was 3 months, but boy are they proving me wrong. By the end of this week, if no kinetic action is taken, the “free world” will be nostalgic history. At most, 2 more weeks.
Well, I am unsure of the mechanism, but these actors need to be so tied up with injunctions and legal actions that they can't breathe. Like I said, I don't know the avenues, but those of us that are horrified at the current coup underway need to act. State Attorneys General? up to and including beginning impeachment proceedings against the myopic orange messiah.
For starts, call all members of the Senate Finance Committee. The link will take you to each member's website with contact info. Just click to call. If their DC mailboxes are full then you can call their state offices. You don't have to give your info. I just did this and it took around 1.5 hours. But I could've left shorter messages.
There are $COTUS fingerprints all over the crime scene. If those people have any hope to preserve even the barest appearance of propriety they have to start acknowledging the law.
As a Lutheran involved with social services at several levels, I'm amazed at how little consideration was given. He knows nothing about the vast network of congregations that support the network, It's true, it is assistance for those among us who are generally the poorest, least cared for, or the immigrant. Those that Musk cares nothing about and is incapable of having empathy for.
Your lament “ As a Lutheran involved with social services at several levels, I'm amazed at how little consideration was given.” overlooks the fact that it is far easier and quicker to destroy than build.
Elon cares less about religions, Sharon. He is an insane narcissist whose only goal is to rule a country like a king and make everyone else his subservient.
This is all to get Thune and Noem in line to first have Thine let Trumo do as he likes, probably get rid of filibuster and Noem to allow access to Musk Allie’s (our enemies) to all of homeland security.
Let’s not forget the little boys in charge of nor leaking every single person in Americas vital information to hackers worldwide. Thank you non voters and MAGA - tremendous critical thinking, no worries thoug, you literally will never have to vote again because you won’t be able to. Maybe Musk, the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers will inspect your food, water, and your business from Russian thugs who will take it over.
And Trump, there’s only two versions of what you are
Either a drooling demented fool who is a wimp OR
A traitor and the enemy to the UsS.
Special shout out to Mitch Mcconeel up for the award I. profiles in cowardice….you said the courts would stop this. Were you not at the meetings where they were staging a coup? Did Moscow stop returning your calls because they found a more useful idiot. YOU had the power to impeach him but you’re just as big a pu@@# as the Bros you allowed to ransack our country. Stay off TV. - you look like an idiot who just had some twit steal their life savings while promising to invest it for you.
Some legal arm must put a stop to Musk. And dare I say, if Musk threatened to primary a GoP that isn’t completely nuts, democrats should promise to vote for them. That would certainly be more of a fight than democrats have been waging for 10 years.
This is clearly the time for every American to get into survival mode. The punishment for Trump's actions will hit us brutally in areas of the cost of food/housing, healthcare, credit, debt, taxes, and many others.
As a survivor of prior [unique] crises, I urge readers to prioritize access to cash as a backup, stocking up on supplies using discount wholesalers like Costco and slashing the costs of living down to the bare minimum. Assume nothing is safe because gouging will happen, the job market will react badly, greed will multiply exponentially, and it will become an "every person for themselves" contest. So very sad. I wish my experiences told me otherwise, but they don't.
It is good advice and, ever since that horrible election on November 5th, we should have contingency plans of all sorts. Hopefully it won't come to that but it already doesn't look good. If the internet gets throttled down or websites like substack get shutdown or martial law or whatever nightmare scenario, we won't be able to communicate this way. So I'm grateful to be able to comment like this with everyone while we still have free speech and this republic, if we can keep it.
As a Gulf War era Navy veteran and I will always support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
As a civilian, honorably retired law enforcement officer, my oaths to both the US and State of Oregon Constitutions do not expire until 12/31/2099. I will stand with you, horhai. So far, "signal" seems to be the best comms platform.
Thank you Ally. Without law enforcement and the rule of law there is anarchy and tyranny.
Elon should be arrested or deported immediately for this brazen treacherous lawlessness.
The Constitution is what says in writing that we’re all supposed to be equal before law, that we have freedoms and rights as American citizens and no one’s going to take them away from us if we take our oath’s seriously.
I agree, and sincerely hope our better selves prevail! I’m not a fan of either party in Washington anymore… because of my utter disappointment and frustration with the lack of courage and integrity the people we’ve elected have - in many cases, NOT ALL(!) - demonstrated. Thank you for your comment.
"not a fan of either" is fair enough, but only one of them is destroying all the institutions that have made American great, or standing idly by while people elected in its name destroy them. The Democrats have been in power lately, and they did NOT do this.
It’s unlikely a survival mode would carry most of us more than a month or so. Think no electricity, no bank account, no water out of the tap. Yes, be prepared, but expect it to be a short term solution.
Only a few can stock enough water, fuel, food and tradeable assets to last more than 3 months. And having too much would make you a target in most places.
Agreed. Over the weekend I sent an email to my (blue) state AG, who is a proven champion of the people. I encouraged him to reach out to all the AG’s across the country on behalf of the US citizens.
We each must write and call our elected Senators and Representatives tomorrow. I am also contacting the Attorney General of North Carolina to ask what action can be taken on the state level. I am personalizing the letters and calls as to how this access by Musk affects me. I am a citizen who expects my classified and confidential information to remain classified and confidential. No private citizen has is supposed to have access to my private government data. I am on social security and Medicare. The president and through his administration has broken the law.
Chuck Schumer? Useless. Hakeem Jeffries? He asked us to put our faith in God, which really rankles this devout atheist, and is NOT a prudent course of action.
Anybody else feel like the volcano is about to blow? I get that this is so “off the charts” it’s hard to know how to proceed, but have a feeling that folks “in the know” are strategizing actions to take…hopefully soon. This coup needs to be smacked down. 🗽🇺🇸
I am certainly praying that’s the case, Barbara. I do not want to imagine that people are sitting and pondering what to do. Seems to me, we should perhaps have our own coup to take back what is ours. And those children Elon and Peter gathered up, my my…how their parents must be so proud!!
I think they may still be around but silently working the backrooms. At least that is what I am hoping they’re doing. You know, we haven’t heard from Kamala but we have heard from Tim Walz. Again, maybe I am just spitballing here, but here’s what I’d like to think what’s happening: Milley, and his cohorts are planning a strategic takeover of the military and the WH which could also involve the Capitol police. Musk and his baby hackers could be seized going through these computer systems. Sounds so damn diabolical that I can’t believe I am even thinking this way!
Marlene, that is a nice fantasy but I fear that it is a fantasy. And here is why: rich people are different from the rest of us, especially the rich and potentially powerful. No matter the platitudes they spout when it is convenient for them to do so (usually on their deathbeds, like JP Morgan, Henry Clay Frick, and Andrew Carnegie), if their vast wealth is placed at risk they protect themselves and the devil take the hindmost. I have no faith in any political leader who is supposedly on "our" side because they are trying to figure out, first and foremost, how to cover their own asses before addressing everything and everyone else. The silence is deafening. They have many avenues of communication, many of which I access--email newsletters, social media, etc. Crickets.
Hope you're right! They all seem to evaporate. Why isn't anyone maximizing the millions Harris voters and their campaign organization into a resistance?
I’ve been wondering all weekend why we aren’t hearing Biden, Harris, Walz, Obama, and the Clintons shouting from the rooftops. Bush too. Where are they? Why the weak silence from all of them?
As Obama famously said, "Elections have consequences". You lost and we won. I had to live through Obama, Clinton and Biden(Puppet Masters) and was not happy. Your bench is slim and your agenda is weak. You had to be kidding with Kamala and Waltz.
Before Obama ran, the Dems governed from the left, but ran for election from the middle, always lying. When Obama won, the Dems were embolden and showed their true selves and pushed CRT, DEI and Woke without realizing these could not be popular. Running against Republican--"Common Sense" will be an uphill battle. You can not use the Courts to win anything in the future.
Arrest Musk and seize his assets.
But who has the power and might to do so? The apple is now rotten to the core. I sure hope something's brewing underground to stop these criminals, because right now lawsuits and impeachment hearings feel as effective as 'pissing in the wind'.
My thought/question too: who can do something NOW against musk and his illegal invasions of government institutions.
It seems like the protection of Trump and Musk is a system of criminal lawyers. We need the Bar Association to disbar them. That is true of judges too. Once we clean up our legal system we can go after the criminals.
Musk taking over the Treasury's payment system and gaining access to people's personal data is an absolute breach of the Privacy Act of 1974. US citizens must give written consent to the sharing of their private and sensitive information with third parties. I feel a class action coming on - Musk vs the people of America.
I fear that by the time a class action lawsuit is filed and actioned, the unlawful breaches of privacy and possibly hacking of millions of Americans' accounts will be in full swing.
Ok, I'm panicking right now! I only have Social Security and small savings to live on after my husband died! Do I take out my money we saved? Coping with the grief of losing my husband and now this!!! This is just bringing me to tears......
I do too, but I am all in for this, but who will lead the charge? I imagine many government employees are gathering this week to discuss plans and options. I am with them in solidarity.
Now is a time for sabotage, subterfuge and shredding.
We also should be asking the lawyers to be filing for disbarment of the criminal amongst them.
Have you watched Heather's 2 Feb politics chat?
She URGES us to tell everybody what has happened, because Fox won't tell them. If you haven't got half an hour, cut in half way through, after she's finished making it clear that under the Constitution, America is governed by THE PEOPLE. Then she gets very anxious to make us all grasp the enormity of what has just been done. This is a coup. She implores us to take action, and makes several practical suggestions.
Yes! Musk is acting without impunity of any sort. The R Senate and Congressmen seem as if they've been castrated by Trump and then forced to eat their own sack and bawls just to prove their complete and total impotence!. Putin, Musk, Orban ,Flynn, the list of soon to be new owners of America have risen to the task, while our failed leadership digs their own shallow graves, as well as ours. Well, I guess now the MAGATS still own us, so there's that. But hey, we've still got that Supper Bowl coming up where they can all eat sheet and die.
Unfortunately, they already are.
As we learned (or should have) legal redress moves like molasses. Muskrat is counting on a speedy coup.
We should still try to use the legal system wherever we can. Slow is better than not at all.
No he's a thief. Arrest him and the engineers immediately
I have a singular claim as well as class actions that can be taken up by the right lawyers. We threw off a despotic sovereign once for among other things, taxation without representation. *Several states, Ohio for one example, has little to no representation in opposition.
Military did not have the tech they did today, and the spying tools. Here from Spy Talk today.
I think that one thing we should demand of members of the bar association is that they start disbarring all of these criminals that Trump and his cronies are using. And yes, we need a class action against the Treasury department and so many other injustices.
One thing we can all do, no matter the party of your congressional delegation, is to call each of them and report your outrage. If they are Dems, tell them to NOT cooperate with the majority party -- no more confirmations, votes to keep the government open, or anything else. They must oppose, not try to play nice.
Indivisble talks about Dems in Congress slowing down the processes until things change: not agreeing to unanimous consent or even helping to make sure there is a quorum for Senate business (51 senators are needed on the floor.)
Remember that old Lyric, 'Bring, Lawyers, Guns, and Money.... The Shit has hit the Fan'?... Do I feel, a Go-Fund-Me is coming for a Class-Action-Lawsuit?... Lawyers... :-( Regardless, DO NOT BUY A TESLA... Kazz, how is the Summer Shaping Up Down-Under?
A friend shared. "Just found this Russian proverb, unfortunately so à propos (sigh): Когда деньги говорят, правда молчит. Lit. ‘When money speaks, the truth is silent’ "
I need that on a t-shirt in English and German.
Hey Apache, it’s unseasonably hot hot hot down here which is lovely but a tinderbox - we’ve lost touch with the indigenous ways of burning off, so we’re all holding our breath til Autumn.
Americans should also be taking to the streets and demanding that Trump be impeached and imprisoned, and Musk be deported!
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
Where the hell are the protesters?? Look at how South Koreans took to the streets resulting in their idiotic president being toppled! trump wants to do away with the FDIC and no one's talking about it? Why aren't the college students up in arms as their future is being destroyed! My husband and I are ready to shutter up the house and take an extended vacation in Greece....
Yes. That is the country whose actions we should be following. We do not want to wait until things get intrenched and these treasonists get too comfortable, or have had time to take over anything else. People should be marching and signs should all Say "Impeach and Imprison Trump and Deport Musk!" You should also say that to everyone you know. Don't argue just tell them. It is the only logical response.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
Hey Sophie.... I'm all in to ride along in a trunk... Just sayin'. (-;
Once personal information is in Musk’s hands, he can cover up
All payments made to him and his tech Buddies and their companies and use everyone else’s information to target, harass, and destroy individuals., which he will feed to Trump to create new scapegoats daily.
All of this trodding on the legal fences and destroying the institutions seems like Jurassic Park redux: the bribe-taking programmer (think the MAGA senators and representatives) sets the park security system to shut down, allowing the dinosaurs to escape their enclosures and spread destruction.
I am particularly reminded of the scene where Ray Arnold (played by Samuel Jackson) tries to reboot the security systems back on: “Hold on to your butts.”
So far there is no Ray Arnold in a position to reboot our legal guardrails … but I look forward to hearing someone say, “hold on to your butts, Americans. The system is going up and the T-Rex and Velociraptors will be contained.
Musk should be deported and Trump should be impeached and imprisoned. You should be saying that to everyone you know. Put the idea in everyone's head.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
I hope something is being done behind the scenes. Trump is bats—t crazy! Musk has to be stopped. Somehow! I contacted my senator last night for help.
People should be taking to the streets and demanding the Trump be impeached and imprisoned and Musk be deported. Speak truth to power. Tell this to everyone you know. Put the idea into their heads that this is the only acceptable solution now.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
Sure and by the time that gets going, he will have taken over the entire country and all its assets. We don't have time for the courts. Take to the streets today.
People should be marching and signs should all Say "Impeach and Imprison Trump and Deport Musk!" You should also say that to everyone you know. Don't argue just tell them. It is the only logical response. Do not give him time to get too comfortable with what they are doing. Scare the rest of them. Every single person who voted for Kamala should be out there. Try to get 72 mil to be 100 mil. Out on the streets, even one million would be scary and outnumber the militia members that Trump has as his brown shirts.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
This is the angle I was thinking might be the best recourse abd was pondering this morning how a stooge like me, with limited resources, can retain counsel. I'm also wondering if there's room for the ACLU here, as this is an affront to our civil liberties.
Many of the lawyers at DOJ and FBI are unionized. Supervisers are not. I recommend CREW.
You have to understand that many of the people affected are some of the best and most knowledgible lawyers in the country.
At the FAA, the IFTPE represents air traffic controllers and other technicians.
BTW I fired the ACLU after Skokie.
Unions should be helping to organize the General Strike.
People should be marching and signs should all Say "Impeach and Imprison Trump and Deport Musk!" You should also say that to everyone you know. Don't argue just tell them. It is the only logical response.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
You are so right, Kazz. This incursion may have bothered me most of all.
I think law and order is dead now. Lawsuits will do nothing. They wanted to destroy the country and they’re moving at lightning speed.
Trump and Musk are not lawyers. They can’t be disbarred. Their lawyers can be disbarred! I do want to know what the state attorney general (s) are able to do.
Remember, Vicki, what the Colorado state attorney general did.
That person invoked the U.S. Constitution's Article 14, Section Three and indicted the lead insurrectionist of the Jan. 6, 2021, terrorist and thug mob assault on our U.S. Congress. Held a trial -- with witnesses and determined that lead insurrectionist could not have his name on the Colorado ballot.
But, too, we have a corrupt Clarence court, which rushed in saying no, no, we don't heed the Constitution. We only defer to criminality.
And so the criminal Clarence court has announced to all state attorneys general that the Constitution is dead and criminality now with impunity rules the land.
Usually the Supreme Courts of a state or the bar associations of a state with a unified bar, like Michigan and California, would have to investigate first.
Exactly my thoughts. It is one way to get the traitors out of government, and that includes the Supreme Court. If action isn't taken now, then it will be too late.
my is soon, if not now, too late for all of that :( it is ONLY the American People who band together who can get their country BACK...all reasonable options are gone or will be gone tomorrow :( :( you do outnumber them 1,000,000 to 1 ..... and they stole your Country... you did not ask for or want this fight..... but never the less unfortunately, we well know, bad things can happen to good people :(
Follow the money.
We've been advising that forever have we not ? Bravo JL !
People are fighting back.
And in LA there was a demonstration.
I support demonstrating.
We are fast losing the ability to clean up our legal system if we had it. The law works so slowly as these guys move fast. Let's see what the Bar Association can do and what that means. We cannot rely on such thin sticks to uphold what is crumbling before our eyes in fearfulness. People already are getting so scared that they just want to save their own lives... to run, hide. This is so disappointing. SO very.
Musk is evil and is trying to take over the world. We should make sure not to play by the rules they give us. Figure out our own.
Musk cannot take over the world. He can try, but it's absurd. It's amazing how much he is tolerated though. He's giddy, so sure. He's become essential to Trump and in so doing he has diminished us, the country, by adding to the disaster. we face. It was said that Trump will not tolerate Musk. I think he will. Watch what happens with Bannon.
Trump is not interested in governing for the people. Nor is Musk. But they still demagogue that. there are folks who believe it. Hopefully they are dwindling and do not have to save face by admitting they were wrong...
The GOP in congress is pathetic beyond the word. The R's can't get their opposition together to form another party (which is needed) and the Democrats are??? formulating......
USAID shutdown will be a favor to Russia and China.
This is the "obeying thing". Like the bishop said at the inauguration people are scared. How do you grow spine when people are scared. This too is the job of the resistance... giving people hope when they are in despair and hopeless. This is a rolling ball that gathers either way: them or us. So a strong core of resistance is needed for people to grab onto. This is happening. it should be loud and stretch. I hope we are not too sectioned off from the masses, too channeled, too siloed into "us and them". We have to be ready to expand. Those we do not completely agree with have to be embraced for THE essential here.. So disabuse folks of their selfish needs and broaden the picture. It's not about eggs and gas and immigrants. People have been conned, have had the wool pulled over their eyes, have been too busy depending on a stability which is faltering.
In the old days, I remember, we had cults. And we had to de-program these people. This is much more massive. We need the media.
Schumer is beginning to get on my nerves by the way....not strong enough.
Linda, disbarment takes months or longer-- look at Giuliani, etc.
This will take forever. Do we have that long?
I am hoping for massive outrage, as we are seeing from abroad. It our ox getting gored as well.
Heather Cox Richardson addressed the giveaway of our federal payment system in yesterdays chat. Here is the link. We ALL need to be aware of what’s happening and call our Senators. By “ALL” means red as well as blue. It’s time for unity in this fight.
We should not be following the laws if we need to get things done. Just avoid getting caught. Do you think the White Roses followed the law as they secretly flierer against Hitler. Sabotage, subterfuge, shredding belongs to resistance. I am also recommending demonstrating.
I have heard there was a demonstration in LA.
And here we have government employees blocking the door and the people illegally mining our data with Musk had to leave.
I know there are lots of examples, and gathering them would be good. Solidarity.
I have been pondering your post all day. Die Weisse Rose members were executed. I am 83 and gay, but I continue to resist as best I can; not so much for me, but for those to come, and so many of them are sitting on their asses protecting their "mental health". Would I really be ready to die for that? IDK
Yes they were. If they had resisted in the beginning that might not have happened. Things were fairly entrenched in Germany by the time that a lot of the more mainstream resistance happened. The longer you allow an illiberal/fascist government to take hold the harsher things get and the harder it is to get rid of them. South Korea did the right thing.
People should be taking to the streets and demanding that Trump be impeached and imprisoned. How about Gitmo? Musk should be deported.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
Enough chatter. We need advise on how to rouse our populous from its complacency and leadership in how We the People can effect the end of this presidential coup.
PS: Let’s start by encouraging EVERYONE to $upport Democrats running to fill vacancies in the House and Senate. At Least that would put a finger in the dam of the 2025 coup.
It's too late!! The chances any election is going to be fair and legal is zero. This is a total disaster.
I don't think we can count on any of the MAGAts. We have to rouse the 38% that couldn't be bothered to vote.
We could reach the MAGA tens of millions, Ally.
Look at how Arlie Russell Hockschild did it in "Stolen Pride." Or George Packer in "The Unwinding."
Too many just take it for granted that our schools correctly dehumanized, kicked out all the novels, memoirs, histories, biographies, and other arts that can see the human.
Please don't call it "chatter," Joni.
Unless you've read Diane Ravitch's "The Language Police," in which case you'll know how certain cretin elites have debased the language.
All standardized testing and all package corporate textbooks have deliberately neutered language now, deliberately to dehumanize all. It was a very expensive project, but the Heritage Foundation, the Hoover Institution, and ALEC all gathered far-right billions of dollars following the Powell memo of 1971 to do it.
Why didn’t Biden use the obscene powers granted to him by the Supreme Court when he had the chance? I mean: DUH. Because of “politeness”? Not wanting to “look bad” or “be like them”? This is WAR. In war, you do what’s necessary. To win. To fight off PSYCHOPATHIC FASCISTS. Again: to WIN.
Musk should’ve been arrested for treason for conspiring with Putin, deported back to South Africa, and his assets seized. Trump should’ve been arrested ON January 6th and tried for TREASON as well. He should be sitting in a jail cell to this day.
The Democrats were, and are, feckless and weak. They FAILED us all. They could have stopped this but they rolled over and took it. Idiots.
I’m so infuriated. And now I am terrified, too. Musk is, literally, INSANE. He’s not a sane man. He’s a power monger NUTCASE who belongs in a loony bin.
I can’t believe this is happening. My god.
We, the people.
I'd think all the really good people who know what they're doing and got fired for it should assist with the takeback. And every officer in the military who truly believes in their oath to the Constitution.
What DEMs are doing to save the country? I keep getting requests for money but am waiting till they announce some concrete plan. They should not become a sunshine party.
From a current congressional staffer:
"Calls are what all the congresspeople pay attention to. Every single day, the Senior Staff and the Senator get a report of the 3 most-called-about topics for
that day at each of their offices (in DC and local offices), and exactly how many people said what about each of those topics. They're also sorted by zip code and area code. She said that Republican callers generally outnumber Democrat callers 4-1, and when it's a particular issue that single-issue-voters pay attention to (like gun control, or planned parenthood funding, etc...), it's often closer to 11-1, and that's recently pushed Republican congressmen on the fence to vote with the Republicans. In the last 8 years, Republicans have called, and Democrats haven't. ""
Capitol Switchboard
A U.S. Capitol Switchboard operator can connect you directly with the Senate or House office. (202) 224-3121
Thank you lin*.
Dems are as good at raising money -- pestering people all the time -- as they are at ignoring all the novels, films, songs, memoirs, and other arts that convey the massive hurt, betrayal, and anger abroad the land, Hiro, at all the dehumanized elites.
Didn’t you hear about the election and inauguration?
R U saying that the people elected Elon Musk? To what office, exactly?
Well, yeah. He rules as long as chump lets him. And anybody who voted for chump, voted for his fixer.
At this point there is one person who could rein in the Muskateers but he won't because he doesn't care.
He is playing in the sand box with muskrat. Revenge and power are heady games
Marli, we need to find someone with "standing" in a court of law. It seems to me that what Trump and Musk are doing is illegal and does not meet the qualification of "official acts". There is nothing in the Constitution of in Federal law, as far as I know, that allows the president to turn over access to the Treasury to an unelected, un-vetted, unconfirmed Individual. In fact, I would call it insane. 'Nough said!
"The King can do no wrong"
It should be the federal judiciary tapping on the brakes, but they have clearly been taken over by the dark side. That is especially true of the Republican six on the Supreme Court. They handed Trump the keys to unfettered power with their creation out of whole cloth the sweeping notion, breadth and depth of presidential (read executive branch) immunity, which they knew President Biden was too decent to use for nefarious ends, in stark contrast to the Orange Peril.
But are those “invasions” of government institutions illegal? I’m sure Trump is prepared to say he bestowed the appropriate security clearances on Musk and his techies. And Musk can say he was just following Trump’s orders.
Follow Ukrainian people’s example.
“Practice corporeal politics”
Sit ins to cause shutdowns. Gee, where did they learn that? Hmmmm
Next stop: the United States of X.
Why stop with Musk? His boss(?) is directing crimes every day!
It appears that Mexico is partially capitulating to Trump, which is way too bad. We need widespread, intense, and sustained objection to rain on Trump's tyranny parade.
"I know the spirit is there. Ever since Mr. Trump’s attacks, every political party is speaking out in favour of Canada. In fact, it is to my great satisfaction that even the Bloc Québécois is defending Canada.
But you don’t win a hockey game by only playing defence. We all know that even when we satisfy one demand, Mr. Trump will come back with another, bigger demand. That’s not diplomacy; it’s blackmail.
We need another approach — one that will break this cycle." -- Former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien
"That’s not diplomacy; it’s blackmail."
Exactly, so we must ask other questions and get outside the box now because this is a coup and the usual rules/protocols don’t apply.
This is most definitely a bloodless coup d'etat by an entity who has no authority to do these things. The words "unelected" keep ringing in my ears as that was the right's big complaint about judicial decisions that didn't go their way.
Without wanting to appear like a drama queen, I'd say...bloodless so far. Between the armed, pardoned insurrectionists, and the actual potential weaponization of military to quash citizen protests, I personally feel it is too early to tell...
Here’s one question: is all this frantic holding back of funds really a play to allow for the losses in tax income when Trump’s promised tax cuts for the wealthy/ corporations are made law?
Trumps golden tax cuts already pumping the deficit. Check the pre-Trump GAO. Trump openly offered favors for large sums of money before the election. The press and $COTUS yawned.
Yup, Jill, we need to continually be asking questions and re-educating ourselves! What’s REALLY going on with these tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and China? It might seem strange, but this is what Big Oil wants and WHY they contributed to Trump’s campaign.
How do these tariffs help the Exxon Mobils of the world? They will increase the price of Crude Oil - you know the stuff Exxon is pumping out of the ground. And, of course, Exxon WILL HAVE TO increase the prices at their gas pumps.
Plus, we need to ask what is meant by Energy Independence. Yes, we IMPORT crude oil, BUT we EXPORT more crude than we import.
Whoa! Wait a minute! WHY are we IMPORTING when we have a bunch of crude that we EXPORT??? Why can’t we use the crude we are exporting in our own refineries??? Guess what?? The US has more oil reserves than any other country on the planet, but it’s primarily “sweet” crude and or refineries are designed and built to refine “sour” (thicker) crude. Well, can’t Exxon (et al) just redesign and update their refineries? Sure they can, but, uhhhh, that costs money. (It has been decades since the US oil companies have updated their systems.)
And, there are other reasons that importing from other countries is preferred. Not only is it the “right type,” but it’s easier to pull the ship from Saudi Arabia up to a refinery on the Texas coast than it is to transport the crude from the Texas oil fields - which isn’t the “right kind” of crude.
Enough!!! Gotta stay informed, right? Ask questions and DEMAND answers!!
Impeachment at least records and bears witness to high crimes and misdemeanors, even if the "sheriff" is a shill. Lawsuits can slow things down or even stop abuses. Sugaring the gasoline of enemy tanks.
Bananas in the mufflers - a bow to Eddie Murphy.
Hopefully it's all in train and they're coming at them from all sides.
Lawsuits take too damn long apparently. Clearly, we are no longer a nation of laws.
Somebody outside America? He seems to have invaded quite a few governments who now see what's happening.
I'm a dual citizen, living in Canada. The exhaustion that ensues when he does the whole cary bluster routine, which cannot be ignored, only to flipflop to a one-month "pause" is, I believe, intentional. All weekend, many of us slept poorly, stressed, agonizing about how we'll change some basic, daily habits in response to Trump's tariffs.
And that is just the tariffs. For the hundreds of USAID projects around the world, lives are on the line. Lives will be lost or harmed. How could it be otherwise if the USAID project helps supply clean drinking water and other basic human needs. This is utter cruelty to people who are already among the most vulnerable. And why? Through some twisted logic, it distracts from the situation in South Africa, of great importance to Peter Thiel and his acolytes, Musk, Vance and others? 90% of farmland there is still owned by whites, with blacks owning about 4%. By trying to redress this inequity, Musk and Trump have spoke either vaguely of how "they're treating people poorly" there or by talking of ethnic cleansing. The problem is, it is not ethnic cleaning, but the knee jerk reaction gets the wanted attention. With Trump and Musk, it is about appearances and distraction while ensuring the greatest wealth for the overprivileged few, in the US and elsewhere. (Sorry for the long comment!)
THANKS for the long comment.
I just wonder what's going to happen when unpresident Musk start invading the armed forces of this country offices and computer systems as well as the intelligence systems. My guess it they will leave that for last and would work their way in through people already into those organizations, like Troya's horses.
Folks, it's been only two weeks since January 20th.
Hmmmmm, Who has the POWER? We, the People have the power. I love Canada’s response!!! It’s a Hit ‘Em Where It Hurts Agenda! Stop the sale of booze that comes from Republican states, etc. Yes, that will impact ALL Americans, but will drive the “numbers” down.
Liberals can do the same things. We support local businesses rather than Bezos businesses. If I had a Tesla, it would be at a used car dealership. I left Zuck years ago. Hit ‘em where it hurts.
Yes, we are in a Civil War. We should respond with a Civilized War!
Sounds good in theory, truly, but the point is what kind of response to give when someone (Trump, Musk, their enablers) flagrantly disregard "We, the People," The Constitution, rule of law, etc.?
Actually, Jill, no response (to Trump, Musk, etc.) is necessary. My wife and I do not vacation in “Red” areas. (Not gonna spend my money in Florida, again! For example.) We don’t have to ask - or even inform - Bezos that we ain’t doing Amazon anymore. We, the People can “boycott” anybody we want to without contacting them (of course). The point is - Hit ‘em where it hurts!
We, the people.
I'd like to think that this country was constructed with 3 co-equal branches of government. It's well past the time when the Senate could and should be asserting its perogatives. Right now they look like puppies in a puppy farm - all squiming around but with nothing that they can do.
The power is in the Congress and SCOTUS. Governors of the States surrounding DC. Judges of DC.
WHO? You and me. Stop looking for someone else to be an American.
I’m not an American, my sister is an American citizen of 30 years, now widowed and living on a pension and life-saving healthcare. I’m donating on her behalf but otherwise my hands are tied.
We all need to dig in right now. Hopefully people in Heather's position with the media attention they get can guide us in how to move forward rather than just focusing on the insanity that continues to exist without check!
Anyone with a badge and enough back up. It’s come to that. Just simply arrest in the most basic terms.
That is their plan ..... overwhelm the courts while they TAKE CONTROL TO KEEP CONTROL....but always remember, you outnumber them 1,000,000 to one :) That is their weakness and EVERY Autocrat's weakness :)
The law is getting more powerless by the day. AND it takes too long as this coup continues. We have the makings of instability, to put it mildly. Something is going to happen as the pressure builds.
What is SO astonishing to me is how many are caving in. SO disappointing. SO very.
Elected officials will not do much as they are afraid of investigation of their own weak points by now Trump fed. We need civic organizations to organize legal fights.
I am all for this, but who is left that is able to do this? Here's hoping that the FBI push back will be successful.
FBI headquarters located in New York are pushing back. I imagine, or hope other FBI offices around the country are doing the same.
I hope so. Everyone has to dig in. Those at Treasury should have had Musk and crew arrested on the spot.
Arrest Musk!
That said, Kimberley, what agency would you find that is still empowered to do that? Are they in some kind of vacuum, and unaware that the President will not allow that? It would seem this is where we sit.
Don’t know.
Trump has dumped on the FBI for years. Hard to believe they are masochists.
He wants to have all three branches of government under his control, never mind the separation of powers built into the Constitution. This is part of the unitary executive theory proposed by the Federalist Society, and the unitary executive concept is unconstitutional as a violation of the separation of powers and as the President was and is subject to the law.
All of them anyway.
Hope? I’ve given up on hope a long time ago. No one is stopping this unprecedented and unconstitutional take over of the US checkbook. Why? Where are our Democratic reps? The convicted felon and his insane sidekick has to be stopped. Now. We are running out of recourse.
Put pressure on the Tesla and SpaceX boards
Watch Tesla stock today.
Musk should be deported. Trump should be impeached and imprisoned. We should demand it.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
re "Arrest Musk and seize his assets":
With secret police run by Kash Patel and his ilk, the orange fascist strongman won't let it happen.
The secret police could be running themselves and ignore Kash Patel. I would prefer that. Sabotage, subterfuge and shredding are the tools of bureaucratic resistance.
Yes, the underground resistance movement.
The strong man is Musk not the orange one.
Trump is giving power to Musk. Trump is a traitor… right out of the gate. He must be impeached.
Even though Musk is born in South Africa, he is the defacto president, because Trump does not want to be bothered. He probably plans to do a lot in the beginning and then let Musk run things while he is on the golf course. We need to file a class action lawsuit that Musk is running the country not Trump even though he was unelected. I am sure there are a lot of lawsuits that can count. I would like to know what kind of military action it would take to have Musk thrown out of the US.
Marc Elias & his staff of lawyers at the Democracy Docket are undoubtedly already working on federal lawsuits on the Musk Treasury takeover. They were the lawyers who were successful in the 2020 election at winning 60 court battles against Trump's false claims of winning the election.
The Democracy Docket is well worth supporting.
We should also all be taking to the streets and demanding that Trump be impeached and imprisoned and Musk be deported.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
An injuction gets a hearing in front of a judge faster than a class than a class action.,410%20US%20113%20(1973)%20.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
Imprisoned here.
And impeach 47 while they're at it. All I hear is that this takeover by the South African is hostile, unlawful, and unconstitional. And that 47's actions are at least also that. I checked Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Bluesky, see what she had to say. And that was very sobering:
'Yes. While there are absolutely things Democrats can and must do to slow, obstruct, etc, GOP hold both the House and Senate majorities, severely limiting our options.
Johnson and Thune are handing over the own keys and relinquishing their own power. Even for the cynics this should be a shock"
So there you go. Apparantly the US Governement is a lame duck and has been taken over by an immigrant and twentysomethings.
Yes impeach! Take to the streets and demand impeachment of Trump and Deportation of Musk.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
"the fact these people “are not really public officials” makes it hard for Congress to intervene."
When I read that, I saw red. HOW CAN IT BE POSSIBLE??? Watching this coup unfold over the weekend, I kept asking myself, 'Who has the authority to stop this?" Apparently, nobody. How is that possible????
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
Yes. The statement by public policy expert Dan Moynihan that "the fact these people 'are not really public officials' makes it hard for Congress to intervene" is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. That's like a bank saying the bank robbers aren't employees so they don't have any authority over them and it makes it hard to intervene. What makes it hard to intervene is no one will just call the Capitol police or whoever (security?) and haul them out of the building.
Came here to type those words. If all of these actions are illegal, why isn't enforcement of laws being enacted? How is it possible that teenagers & young 20 somethings with NO official capacity or experience are inside the Treasury Dept computers etc.????? How? and WHY are they not being arrested?
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
Exactly, "congress has no power" i guess our poor excuse of a dept of justice has even less these days.
Trump coulda shoulda woulda been tried, sentenced and jailed himself, years ago.
Exactly. Trump should be impeached and imprisoned and Musk should be deported.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
Make America Hated Again
The Canadians booed the American National Anthem yesterday.
They also pulled out of Starlink. I have a feeling the EU much, much smaller version is going to get more clients and get bigger now.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
I prefer Make America Healthy America.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
Didn’t he come to the US illegally? Can we deport him?!
Yes he can but we need to stop him first. Deport Musk, Impeach Trump and every American should be taking to the streets saying this each and every day. Lose your job you can straighten out later. Lose everything else and it might be too late.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
Do you still think that there is someone with the authority to do that…
Yes. We the people must demand being heard! Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
This is THE GREATEST CON EVER: 47 screws with tariffs (The distraction) while compatriot Musk takes control of Americans' personal data and America's cash accounts (THE GREATEST CON).
All the while we wring our hands, ask why Democrats don't do something, Fox et al talks incessantly about the unjust behaviors of Canada and Mexico and China and all the immigrants bringing dope and crime into our country. Ironic, the immigrant who paid $290 billion for access now gets to take his share of the booty and enough info on EVERY AMERICAN to barter with every dictatorship and enemy of our way of life. And, all endorsed by the quiet people who voted 47 in who now will agree to accepting some pain while America gets ripped of its way of life, security, and resources. F***ing amazing. I feel like I'm bent over like I was for my medical exam when my number came up in the draft during the Viet Nam War. Neither pleasant nor honoring. Bet a preemptive pardon is already negotiated between Trump and Musk and the appointees involved in opening the gates and coffers to, I can't believe it, a self-proclaimed opponent to our democratic way of life and the safeguards built into and on the principles and rules of law contained in our constitution and 249 years of legal precedents. Brilliant! I am crying inside as I write this.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
It seems the coup is now in full swing and there couldn’t be a better reason to impeach the orange clown and haul him to gitmo for being a traitor.
Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this.
He is a private citizen. This is illegal.
It gets worse: via Katie Phang from Forbes: “Now, as fears emerge Trump’s administration is ‘dangerously’ undermining the U.S. dollar, Musk has confirmed he wants to put the U.S. Treasury on a blockchain, the technology that underpins bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies—including Musk’s pet project dogecoin.”
So is he presently buying HIS cryptocurrency with OUR money and then stealing it? this is what it seems. Now in a way, its all just numbers. We all know that there is no actual value in these numbers being moved around. Right? This man is mad. As in crazy as fuck. It does seem like this is unstoppable, that it will cause lawlessness as people are scared and instantly impoverished and then martial law. Someone please explain how this is NOT what is happening.
We can’t explain this away. Trump 2.0 turned into Coup 2.0 and tomorrow it’s crypto coup 2.0. He’s putting pressure on Thune and Noem to fall in line? This is the worst news I’ve ever read in my life.
And it will get worse. Somehow. Whether he starts shooting citizens if they try to gather, starts dropping bombs on someone, anyone, just to distract from a massive theft of tax money, or some other atrocity, it's coming. Too bad the police can't just arrest some foreigner that comes in and takes over a government computer.
Wednesday at noon is the first national call for protests: 50501 — Fifty protests in fifty state capitols on one day. It’ll be interesting to see the reaction. This is all grassroots so slightly disorganized, but just show up with a sign denouncing the coup, etc. For those not near a state Capitol, stand in front of your own town or city hall or state rep’s office.
Let's see if Thune learns that all the nursing homes in his state have stopped receiving Medicaid payments because Mike Mike Flynn thinks Lutheran Social Services is a money laundering business .
A lesson to all senators and congressman. Then Trump and Musk will go after the blue state governors ( Putin did it this way too). How to weaken blue state governors? Controlling the purse strings & media, let me count the ways.
If the people protest, send in the proud keepers militia.
And Ted.., Noem is so "in line". Perhaps just as stomach-wrenching to watch. Being a horsey-girl, I'd bet she just couldn't wait to saddle up to "ride into town" with her fellow horseMEN at her command..., to round up some immigrants and chain-em-up! Women and children, you ask? Them too. She's another sick puppy, but there's always hope. I mean she cleans up for the cameras. Huh?
I just heard Kristi Noem lying on NPR that Venezuala emptied their prisons and mental institutions and sent the inmates to America, a plagiarized echo of Trumps lies about Mexico in 2015-2016. We have a government of nothing but liar leaders ruling by their mendacities.
Right, Kristy doesn’t care either way. She’s got a cabinet position with plenty to grift off of.
When is Thune up for reelection? If Muskrump can disrupt South Dakota’s economy, people suffering, Thune gets primary-ed?
Certainly we could lose the US dollar as an international currency standard permanently. Just for Trumps/Musk's folly. Checks and balances??? This is why were supposed to have them.
Unregulated cryptocurrency will bring on Great Depression 2.0.
Only for the very wealthy. Those of us with nothing will still have nothing. There is no shortage of food or raw materials to make what we need. But the system of armchair capitalism will fail. The man who owns the 100 apt complex i live in has all his needs met. He doesnt really need the profit he makes from the too high rent. So when the $ disappears he will lose potential for gross profit, but the apartments themselves remain viable shelter
I am at a loss for words of anger, sadness, astonishment, fear. My local news channel is, as I write, showing a pro-Trump ad promising peace and prosperity....and more greatness!! I hope they are holding their noses as this flagrant and shameful propaganda is unleashed. And I live in a BLUE region!!
Stephanie...I don't have the tv on during the day, but my parents do. While visiting them my Mom and I watched what appeared to be a pro trump advertisement about his making America great again. We looked at each other and said well that was weird. It's clearly part of their strategy. More brainwashing. I'm fortunate to have parents who did not fall for the con.
It is
Bitcoin is the perfect untraceable vehicle for money laundering. Its value changes so much and so drastically that it's worse than putting money on the tables of a casino. If he succeeds, the entire world economy will collapse at the first major Bitcoin loss. If not before. Then the world will go nuts.
Actually law enforcement agencies have made huge gains on tracing Bitcoin used for illegal activities in recent years. Since transactions in Bitcoin are logged and validated publicly, it's just a matter of finding out who the transactions are between. There have been cases of ransoms paid in Bitcoin that have been recovered. Not sure if other cryptocurrencies are harder to trace, they might be.
Tina, I fear we are not going to regret having hung onto the right to bear arms once "a little pain" from this pot that has boiled over, scalds each of us sufficiently. I'm sort of surprised that the migrants have reacted quite peaceably. But, then most of them were peaceful people, working, paying taxes, and even paying into SS that they wouldn't be able to collect. When the Tahoe's of TSA, under the leadership of the ICE-Pick on a horse (Noem) arrive at your house because you have been identified as a "dissident" (for your views posted here), you may entertain distant thoughts of self-defense. Once the migrants are carted off, we're the ones who will be persona-non-grata. No? Better think again. A nicely dis-armed population is certainly easier to deal with. It's how China, Russia, and Hungary work. Lock up those dissidents! Their neighbors will get the picture and choose not to spend their free(?) time inside some fence. People in those countries are conditioned to it. Plus they are fed BS from the same trove. I don't think it's "stoppable". I think we're going to have to 'wear-it-out'. i just hope we don't have to hunt and forage for food. Maybe raise chickens though.., for eggs!
Tina thank you for your clarification and sanity
Gregg, i think what needs to happen is that people need to make money valueless. As in it doesnt exist. There is no shortage of food. So, we should share it. Rent needs to be abolished. Mortgages waived for people who have only one house. The money system is abstract and it can and seems to be disappearing. But we need to find other avenues of exchanged, probably more fair to people doing real work, like planting and harvesting food, than people playing the stock market or making money off very old in vestments which really are just exploiting the worker doing the labor.
Hi Heather…
It’s probably a really good idea for everyone to freeze their credit bureau accounts to prevent fraud.
This is so surreal. My mind is blown.
Thanks for the chat tonight. Erin
My spouse and I did our taxes over the weekend through Turbotax, and for the first time on a hunch, I recommended we purchase the extra fraud protection. I opened my account on IDnotify, and was horrified to find that my SS# was compromised about a dozen times in 2024, starting in August (including a person other than me with my SS#), and the last breach happening mid-November after the election involving my retirement fund. I was planning to do something about it tomorrow, and now I definitely am. All day today I had an inkling something really rotten was going on in the financial sphere via bad actors, and here we are.
I have to wonder whether even the fraud protection agencies have measures to combat such a massive takeover of government computer systems.
Did you file using the entire online system? My ex had his identity stolen that way.
To clarify, we pay to use Turbotax.
Yes, even when we get our copy for $10 from an employee we pay to file. This was the first year we had to buy it from Costco in a long time.
My spouse has filed using the same program for years and it has worked great.
I worked for Intuit on their tax products nearly 30 years ago. We have always used their program on our machine, not the full online method. I watched them pay millions to fight against free online filing and a flat tax. I’ve had friends admit their full online filing program was not secure. I’ve purchased the fraud protection when my returns have been complicated. Especially when I wasn’t sure they were leading me down the right path.
Excellent point, and I hope others see it. Ours are already frozen, but I'm planning to check them anyway. God only knows how far his hackers have extended their criminal reach.
Edit: I published my own post about this around 2:45 a.m., giving more specifics on how to do it.
I need to do this in the morning
Can this actually help when they have access to all the information to breach a freeze -- SS numbers, birth dates, names, addresses?
All I can say is that it's better than not doing it. Theoretically, it will prevent someone from opening an account in your name, but who knows just how far this will go?
It's going to go all the way Harris, all the way to total control, all the way to tyrant and even war.
I am a peaceful person but I have urge to just shove Trump voters in my sphere. I tried to tell them but they wouldn’t listen.
Not only do they not listen, they are eating up the actions being taken. Absolute **insert favorite profanity** **insert favorite insult suggesting stupidity, ignorance, uneducated, idiotic**. Mine, for this Letter, is "fornicating distal end of the alimentary canal (plural). Other fora it is
Thank you!
My husband and I did this several years ago after our first breach of records at our local hospital. Please folks, it’s worth the 15 minutes of your time to do so.
What do you mean by putting a freeze on all credit bureau accounts?
There are three major entities that keep track of how well we pay our bills and how much debt we are carrying at any one time. Merchants that want to know if you're a reliable risk check this when you open a new credit card or make a major purchase, often one that involves payments over time, like a car or house. The total of all of your financial transactions becomes your credit record.
Companies called Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion do this, and you can go to and take a look at your information there and make sure no one else has had their hands on your credit, like opening a credit card in your name without your knowledge. I wrote a post about it in the wee hours this morning that gives a little more information.
Puzzle me this: clearly this is a coup perpetrated by our own president.
1. who is going to stop Musk?
2. Who is going to arrest / stop Trump.
We the people? Somehow? I hope. We can't just let it keep happening.
Illegal has no meaning anymore. Mitch McConnell and the Republicans cemented this by torpedoing the First Impeachment. This is supposed to be the ultimate check on corruption and treason. But the doors were latched open in plain sight. Both times. So, who makes the arrest?
Ain’t nobody. We gave him the keys
I'm really wondering who is controlling whom at this point. Trump imagines himself to be at the Pinnacle of power, but it seems like Musk, and less directly Putin and the leader of China, may view him as their puppet. I mean, some of the orders and firings of government workers supposedly took the White House by surprise.
Trump is a criminal, a convicted felon. Along with being a rapist and life-long fraud.
I'm grateful to Heather for so conscientiously yet working, every day (every night her time). But let's get this in perspective. He is going to increase his criminality. He is increasing his criminality. Musk has no elected position. And at cabinet level, no nominated and Senate-confirmed position.
Good for Heather to keep going, recording detail by detail the insane turn of the U.S. to its criminal-in-chief's massively ratchetted-up insanity, criminality.
But what can we do NOW as very concerned citizens? We all need to think activism! Not sit on our fannie’s but ride up and do.. what exactly?
On a Facebook post this evening Heather said we should call all of our representatives at every level, state and federal. The courts will be involved but they are slow. I plan to spend tomorrow on the phone.
I’m calling as many politicians I can think of! Township, county, state, federal. And tomorrow and Tuesday and Wednesday… starting with my state, PA. I haven’t heard anything from Gov. Josh Shapiro in a while. Then with a map as a dart board, I’m calling whichever state my dart lands on next, everyday. I donate to many other states Democratic parties, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, to name a few. Start tomorrow and don’t stop.
Absolutely, contact your Representatives and Senators and ask them what plans are in place to counter this "coup" by Musk. I find it alarming and sickening that the Speaker of the House Johnson has no qualms about eliminating the powers of the legislature and handing them over to Trump and Musk. When I read about Musk's takeover of the Treasury, I became physically ill at the thought. As things are going it won't be long before Trump stands before the House and demands his version of Hitler's enabling act.
Indivisible has an excellent doc outlining what to do about this urgent security breach. Jessica Craven’s IG post this evening has more details and suggested actions.
Thank you for the good Q, Lorna.
I think you'll find several, various choices for practical action, here, above and below your comment & good Q.
Phil, it's not that matters but trump is complicit in all this scheme, a talking head pulling slogans out of his head, blaming others, signing decrees he doesn't understand, redacted by the Proyect 2025 authors in front of cameras ,but the real one pulling the strings that control our institutions is Musk and his organization. Trump is all you say, but is also an idiot being manipulated at the price of getting richer. That's all that matters to him.
Yes, agree with all you say Ricardo.
I'd just add something else the orange felon cares about -- and that's always being center of attention -- for sensationalized lies about immigrants, to he-man calls for stochastic violence, to "dancing" (wobbling) while jerking off two guys at once (as Bill Maher always observes), to his bing-bing-boing-bong vaudeville, and then back to his calls for hatred and violence.
Phil, he is going to start getting second thoughts about being the center of attraction, when the policies being implemented start backfiring on people even on his supporters .
Just wait for protests to start and he is going either to hide or deflect responsibility and blame others. Nice guy.
Since it is the DOJ who would be responsible for investigating these security breaches by Musk and his merry band of misfits it is safe to assume that nothing and no one is going to stop this. Court filings and orders do no good if there is no one to enforce them.
I honestly hope that somewhere in a back office or in someone’s garage are Generals of the US armed forces talking secretly about a military coup that takes over the government, arrests all the traitors (POTUS, VPOTUS, Supreme Court Justices, Senators, Congressmen & women, DOJ officials and anyone else who has aided and abetted this coup. Let’s export all of them to Guantanamo.
"I honestly hope that somewhere in a back office or in someone’s garage are Generals of the US armed forces talking secretly about a military coup ..."
Why would anyone hope for a military coup?
Under Pete Hegseth?
Lin: He doesn't know any garage owners yet.
But he knows a lot of bars with private rooms in the back.
He would be one of the first to go. And I don't mean to Disney World. A military coup to overthrow a government doesn't have to go through SECDEF. Look at South American coups.
You have far too much faith in the power that be that this would somehow restore democracy in the US.
Our rulers (ones with power) are the Trojan Horses that “won” the election
Indeed, the U.S. has sunk to the banana republic status we used to ridicule in other parts of the world.
Ann, my thoughts are adjacent to yours, but involve actions that are a little more efficient and permanent. At this point in U.S. history, the only things that will stop this coup are the things that U.S. ammosexuals love most. When operating in a lawless, dangerous environment such as this, the U.S. military enjoys exemption from certain laws, especially when defending the nation. National defense is now at stake. I am a pacifist, but think current extreme circumstances call for an extreme solution.
Qui tam --;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1738652564/RO=10/
While I understand the thought, I sure don't see this happening.
There's a very disturbing report in the Guardian today about Trump cutting funds to South Africa because of what he calls 'land confiscations'. He claimed that the South African government was “treating certain classes of people very badly” i.e. white people and that “leadership is doing some terrible things, horrible things”. The paper reports that Elon Musk has long championed the rights of white landowners in South Africa. He, of course, is part of the so-called 'Paypal Mafia' with Peter Thiel and David Sacks (who is now Trump's cryptocurrency czar) who were all born and raised in apartheid South Africa. Thiel has also been accused of supporting apartheid, an allegation he has denied. Musk's support for the neo-nazi AfD in Germany is troubling in this context.
He must be referring to the land redistribution process that was begun some forty years ago after the end of Apartheid and resettlement of peoples who had previously been confined to "homelands" while white farmers had large holdings. Whether farmers who gave up land were given fair compensation may an issue of historical interest but it is a pretty old grievance for the President to be acting upon to take punitive action against South Africa. In any case it is a moot point since today Trump shut down the US Agency for International Development having already frozen all foreign assistance payments. Now doesn't little Marco Rubio look like quite the statesman, telling the President of Panama to cut all ties with China, or else ? And stop participation in Belt and Road ?
...Hey, Marco...Yanqui.....go home.
I'm waiting for Musk to shut down the US Department of State and turf Rubio out of a job.
But of course.
And to think I was fool enough to say it would take Donnie Dumbfuck 4-6 months to get to Complete FUBAR. He and Muck and Corporal Couchfuck need to be taken off the streets.
It has taken him ("DD") 2 weeks and it's probably getting worse, overwhelming the normal citizens with one 'shock' after another. I do wonder when those trump voters wake up and also feel the devastating effects of these crazy men's actions.
He has “common sense” don”T you know. They will support until he bites them. They will put off taking social security til the last since that is what will bring out the pitchforks
Just a reminder that there are far more firearms in this country than people. Many seniors on SS are NRA members, too.
Are we ready for guns instead of pitchforks. Project 2025 said they would move fast. They didn’t lie about that.
TC, I, too, thought that everything would be in ashes within about 6months, so I, too, misread the speed with which the fascists were going to get their agenda accomplished. I would also point out that the Felon in Chief is not at the wheel. He is on the golf course almost continuously, throwing out sound bites in between shots and sending out bizarre messages in the middle of the night. A situation that is not being reported anywhere except in certain alternative media outlets.
My prediction was 3 months, but boy are they proving me wrong. By the end of this week, if no kinetic action is taken, the “free world” will be nostalgic history. At most, 2 more weeks.
Boy, do I understand, TC.
Well, I am unsure of the mechanism, but these actors need to be so tied up with injunctions and legal actions that they can't breathe. Like I said, I don't know the avenues, but those of us that are horrified at the current coup underway need to act. State Attorneys General? up to and including beginning impeachment proceedings against the myopic orange messiah.
For starts, call all members of the Senate Finance Committee. The link will take you to each member's website with contact info. Just click to call. If their DC mailboxes are full then you can call their state offices. You don't have to give your info. I just did this and it took around 1.5 hours. But I could've left shorter messages.
Done. Everyone call your Senator and every Senator in the $ committee
Oh my! This is a crazy list of senators! I wrote tonight to Senator Tillis from NC. 🙄👀
Thank you!
Site is down. Suhrprahz, suhrprahz, suhrprahz
I'm hopeful that, come Monday, something will happen in the courts. Of course, they did this on the weekend.
There are $COTUS fingerprints all over the crime scene. If those people have any hope to preserve even the barest appearance of propriety they have to start acknowledging the law.
As a Lutheran involved with social services at several levels, I'm amazed at how little consideration was given. He knows nothing about the vast network of congregations that support the network, It's true, it is assistance for those among us who are generally the poorest, least cared for, or the immigrant. Those that Musk cares nothing about and is incapable of having empathy for.
Lutheran Social Services does a great job, one of the best in the country.
Your lament “ As a Lutheran involved with social services at several levels, I'm amazed at how little consideration was given.” overlooks the fact that it is far easier and quicker to destroy than build.
It is easier to hate than to love. It is easier to frown than to smile.
Elon cares less about religions, Sharon. He is an insane narcissist whose only goal is to rule a country like a king and make everyone else his subservient.
Like a 'mad king'.
Lutherans and social welfare are not on the oligarchy's agenda.
Lutheran Social Services does great work.
This is all to get Thune and Noem in line to first have Thine let Trumo do as he likes, probably get rid of filibuster and Noem to allow access to Musk Allie’s (our enemies) to all of homeland security.
Let’s not forget the little boys in charge of nor leaking every single person in Americas vital information to hackers worldwide. Thank you non voters and MAGA - tremendous critical thinking, no worries thoug, you literally will never have to vote again because you won’t be able to. Maybe Musk, the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers will inspect your food, water, and your business from Russian thugs who will take it over.
And Trump, there’s only two versions of what you are
Either a drooling demented fool who is a wimp OR
A traitor and the enemy to the UsS.
Special shout out to Mitch Mcconeel up for the award I. profiles in cowardice….you said the courts would stop this. Were you not at the meetings where they were staging a coup? Did Moscow stop returning your calls because they found a more useful idiot. YOU had the power to impeach him but you’re just as big a pu@@# as the Bros you allowed to ransack our country. Stay off TV. - you look like an idiot who just had some twit steal their life savings while promising to invest it for you.
Some legal arm must put a stop to Musk. And dare I say, if Musk threatened to primary a GoP that isn’t completely nuts, democrats should promise to vote for them. That would certainly be more of a fight than democrats have been waging for 10 years.
This is true about everything they’re destroying. All of these agencies and organizations and businesses.
In real time, America's government – *our* government – is being hijacked by monsters and thugs.
This is clearly the time for every American to get into survival mode. The punishment for Trump's actions will hit us brutally in areas of the cost of food/housing, healthcare, credit, debt, taxes, and many others.
As a survivor of prior [unique] crises, I urge readers to prioritize access to cash as a backup, stocking up on supplies using discount wholesalers like Costco and slashing the costs of living down to the bare minimum. Assume nothing is safe because gouging will happen, the job market will react badly, greed will multiply exponentially, and it will become an "every person for themselves" contest. So very sad. I wish my experiences told me otherwise, but they don't.
It is good advice and, ever since that horrible election on November 5th, we should have contingency plans of all sorts. Hopefully it won't come to that but it already doesn't look good. If the internet gets throttled down or websites like substack get shutdown or martial law or whatever nightmare scenario, we won't be able to communicate this way. So I'm grateful to be able to comment like this with everyone while we still have free speech and this republic, if we can keep it.
As a Gulf War era Navy veteran and I will always support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
As a civilian, honorably retired law enforcement officer, my oaths to both the US and State of Oregon Constitutions do not expire until 12/31/2099. I will stand with you, horhai. So far, "signal" seems to be the best comms platform.
Thank you Ally. Without law enforcement and the rule of law there is anarchy and tyranny.
Elon should be arrested or deported immediately for this brazen treacherous lawlessness.
The Constitution is what says in writing that we’re all supposed to be equal before law, that we have freedoms and rights as American citizens and no one’s going to take them away from us if we take our oath’s seriously.
This better NOT become “every person for them selves contest”
I think and hope we are better than that scenario.
Good practical advice, however. Like getting into an air raid shelter.
We need solidarity, not individualism.
I agree, and sincerely hope our better selves prevail! I’m not a fan of either party in Washington anymore… because of my utter disappointment and frustration with the lack of courage and integrity the people we’ve elected have - in many cases, NOT ALL(!) - demonstrated. Thank you for your comment.
"not a fan of either" is fair enough, but only one of them is destroying all the institutions that have made American great, or standing idly by while people elected in its name destroy them. The Democrats have been in power lately, and they did NOT do this.
It’s unlikely a survival mode would carry most of us more than a month or so. Think no electricity, no bank account, no water out of the tap. Yes, be prepared, but expect it to be a short term solution.
Only a few can stock enough water, fuel, food and tradeable assets to last more than 3 months. And having too much would make you a target in most places.
Will cash still be useful? 🤔
Why aren’t all the country’s AGs arresting Musk? If he were any ordinary citizen without a security clearance he would be in jail.
So would the tangerine turd.
Agreed. Over the weekend I sent an email to my (blue) state AG, who is a proven champion of the people. I encouraged him to reach out to all the AG’s across the country on behalf of the US citizens.
We each must write and call our elected Senators and Representatives tomorrow. I am also contacting the Attorney General of North Carolina to ask what action can be taken on the state level. I am personalizing the letters and calls as to how this access by Musk affects me. I am a citizen who expects my classified and confidential information to remain classified and confidential. No private citizen has is supposed to have access to my private government data. I am on social security and Medicare. The president and through his administration has broken the law.
Chuck Schumer? Useless. Hakeem Jeffries? He asked us to put our faith in God, which really rankles this devout atheist, and is NOT a prudent course of action.
I saw a brilliant sign a protester was holding outside of Schumer’s building (I’ll abbreviate so as not to be too vulgar in the morning): WTF Chuck
I completely agree. Whining about pizza prices via pre-scheduled tweets because you went home for the weekend is both tone deaf and useless.
More like an abdication of your responsibilities, upChuck.
The name Chuck makes this an easy game
Not his god, that's for sure. I'm with you in belief, Derek. Might as well go to an astrologer.
Absolutely!!! Scott Bessent also broke the law by giving access to the Treasury’s payment computer system to civilians.
Absolutely, Vicki. Pull all stops out.
Anybody else feel like the volcano is about to blow? I get that this is so “off the charts” it’s hard to know how to proceed, but have a feeling that folks “in the know” are strategizing actions to take…hopefully soon. This coup needs to be smacked down. 🗽🇺🇸
I am certainly praying that’s the case, Barbara. I do not want to imagine that people are sitting and pondering what to do. Seems to me, we should perhaps have our own coup to take back what is ours. And those children Elon and Peter gathered up, my my…how their parents must be so proud!!
Marlene Lerner-Bigley--good question. Where are our Dem billionaires??Here are some who backed Harris. Did they just pack up their toys and go home when she lost?
I think they may still be around but silently working the backrooms. At least that is what I am hoping they’re doing. You know, we haven’t heard from Kamala but we have heard from Tim Walz. Again, maybe I am just spitballing here, but here’s what I’d like to think what’s happening: Milley, and his cohorts are planning a strategic takeover of the military and the WH which could also involve the Capitol police. Musk and his baby hackers could be seized going through these computer systems. Sounds so damn diabolical that I can’t believe I am even thinking this way!
Marlene, that is a nice fantasy but I fear that it is a fantasy. And here is why: rich people are different from the rest of us, especially the rich and potentially powerful. No matter the platitudes they spout when it is convenient for them to do so (usually on their deathbeds, like JP Morgan, Henry Clay Frick, and Andrew Carnegie), if their vast wealth is placed at risk they protect themselves and the devil take the hindmost. I have no faith in any political leader who is supposedly on "our" side because they are trying to figure out, first and foremost, how to cover their own asses before addressing everything and everyone else. The silence is deafening. They have many avenues of communication, many of which I access--email newsletters, social media, etc. Crickets.
Hope you're right! They all seem to evaporate. Why isn't anyone maximizing the millions Harris voters and their campaign organization into a resistance?
What do you think will happen when people take to the streets?
It IS diabolical. There's no time to sit down and question it.
Dare we hope…
Agree, I cannot imagine people like Obama, Clinton, real military leaders, etc. are standing idly by. Sincerely hope not.
I’ve been wondering all weekend why we aren’t hearing Biden, Harris, Walz, Obama, and the Clintons shouting from the rooftops. Bush too. Where are they? Why the weak silence from all of them?
As Obama famously said, "Elections have consequences". You lost and we won. I had to live through Obama, Clinton and Biden(Puppet Masters) and was not happy. Your bench is slim and your agenda is weak. You had to be kidding with Kamala and Waltz.
Before Obama ran, the Dems governed from the left, but ran for election from the middle, always lying. When Obama won, the Dems were embolden and showed their true selves and pushed CRT, DEI and Woke without realizing these could not be popular. Running against Republican--"Common Sense" will be an uphill battle. You can not use the Courts to win anything in the future.
That, indeed, is the question.
My response to a fundraising letter I received yesterday, from Hakim Jeffries:
Mr. Jeffries:
Nope. Not another dime until I see some change at the national level.
I want more Raskin, and less Schumer.
In case you haven't noticed, there's a coup going on.
And the party isn't doing enough to stop it.
Get the Dems off their asses, and fight this orange sonofabitch.
The Germans had a chance to stop Hitler. But they didn't. We have a chance to stop Trump.
Don't blow it.
I'm a gonna steal that! <scurries off to the deleted never ending fundraising emails in my trash bin>
Just did my first new one. Wanting me to “rush” money to overturn Citizens United. I said “try dealing with our constitutional crisis first”.
Hear, hear, James! Telling us to turn to God isn’t what we’re looking for!
5 stars to you James! Asking me for 5 bucks yesterday caused my head to explode.