Impeachment at least records and bears witness to high crimes and misdemeanors, even if the "sheriff" is a shill. Lawsuits can slow things down or even stop abuses. Sugaring the gasoline of enemy tanks.
Impeachment at least records and bears witness to high crimes and misdemeanors, even if the "sheriff" is a shill. Lawsuits can slow things down or even stop abuses. Sugaring the gasoline of enemy tanks.
Impeachment at least records and bears witness to high crimes and misdemeanors, even if the "sheriff" is a shill. Lawsuits can slow things down or even stop abuses. Sugaring the gasoline of enemy tanks.
Bananas in the mufflers - a bow to Eddie Murphy.
Hopefully it's all in train and they're coming at them from all sides.
Lawsuits take too damn long apparently. Clearly, we are no longer a nation of laws.