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This is the "obeying thing". Like the bishop said at the inauguration people are scared. How do you grow spine when people are scared. This too is the job of the resistance... giving people hope when they are in despair and hopeless. This is a rolling ball that gathers either way: them or us. So a strong core of resistance is needed for people to grab onto. This is happening. it should be loud and stretch. I hope we are not too sectioned off from the masses, too channeled, too siloed into "us and them". We have to be ready to expand. Those we do not completely agree with have to be embraced for THE essential here.. So disabuse folks of their selfish needs and broaden the picture. It's not about eggs and gas and immigrants. People have been conned, have had the wool pulled over their eyes, have been too busy depending on a stability which is faltering.

In the old days, I remember, we had cults. And we had to de-program these people. This is much more massive. We need the media.

Schumer is beginning to get on my nerves by the way....not strong enough.

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We need some kind of high-integrity go-to media that get a lot of people on the same page. Obviously that has proved to be a challenge. I don't have much hope for papers owned by billionaires who have so much money that a business can be a playthings that can be operated at a loss if the billionaire so chooses. Smith's democratizing "invisible hand" has no application to monopolies. Monopolies of money and political power is what democracy isn't. Should that not be obvious?

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Blue Sky might be that media right now.

Marching and demonstrations are needed now. I would love it if the US could get demonstrating going in the way that France, Germany and Slovakia do. It is important to do now before Trump and Musk get too comfortable. They must be made to fell discomfort. Signs that say, "Impeach and Imprison Trump, Deport Musk!" will at least make them pause. If Trump recognizes that the US could become like South Korea then he will have to at least pause.

This is what I wrote about demonstrating.


People are afraid of his militia and his military. Well the militia will be less likely to come if the numbers are really great, and if they are all over where will these tiny militia head? Also, the youth can choose to join the little militia or the big marches.

The military has not yet become Trump's military, and massive marching will let them see that they would be subverting the will of the people and the constitution that they are sworn to uphold. In fact, is there court martialing for defection if the regime is overthrown? I think not! They would be heroes.

Right now is the time for all retired people to come out and demonstrate. The youth can go to classes or take a leave of absence from their campuses and march. The working should get with their unions and strike in solidarity with the government workers, and everyone else should take vacation or call in sick and go. Nothing else will matter later on.

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The message of alarm is out there now and spreading. Ideally one would want information central, but it's very diffuse now. The message though is spreading, and this is better because people who care about this or should or would, have their own sources. The sources, people, mention each other and info is spread this way through links and recommendations. Right now solidarity has to form and express itself.

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