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I fear that by the time a class action lawsuit is filed and actioned, the unlawful breaches of privacy and possibly hacking of millions of Americans' accounts will be in full swing.

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Ok, I'm panicking right now! I only have Social Security and small savings to live on after my husband died! Do I take out my money we saved? Coping with the grief of losing my husband and now this!!! This is just bringing me to tears......

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Don't let it bring you to tears, Gloria. Let it bring you to rage. Who in the name of all that's Holy does this NON-AMERICAN think he is?

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Illegal immigrant. Musk entered this country under false pretenses and was here illegally for many hers. Yet somehow he manages to get billions of our taxpayer dollars.

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Pretty clear.., when men arrive and ask you to leave, you refuse, and they politely 'remove' your un-coperative butt.., with the force they possess. It's an intractable situation. Take it to court! Court will open tomorrow, but tomorrow will always be "tomorrow". Call the Feds! ohh yeah.., they work for Trump. Oh welll, who knows how this will play out. Meantime we can be entertained by the equestrian with hair extensions and ICE cubes at her feet. She's painful to watch, more painful to listen to, and the needle has yet to really be inserted. The blood-draw is just beginning.

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My understanding is that it was Musk and his ten teenagers. You think they could have removed ANYBODY's butt? Why didn't the people in charge just call the police and say "These people are trespassing on government property"?

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I ask the same question you pose. How do you allow someone who has absolutely no legal right to be in the building shove you aside and put their hands on computers and systems? So much "obeying in advance" to use Prof. Snyder's phrase. I think it is fear of losing one's job or worse. It doesn't matter that your firing will be unlawful. You still end up without a paycheck while the legalities are wrangled over; plus you are plunged into a legal system that Trump pretty much controls. DOJ is not coming to your aid. The agency you work for is now controlled by a Trump loyalist. Getting justice from judges and the legal system is uncertain at best as the corruption and lawlessness at the supreme court clearly establishes.

GOP Senator Mitt Romney revealed in his interviews with McKay Coppins that fellow senators declined to hold Trump to account because they feared for both their electoral prospects and the safety of they and their family's safety, and they could not afford to hire personal security. Andrew McCabe, deputy director of the FBI, wrongfully terminated days before retirement, required years of litigation (while the Biden administration still governed) to get his pension rights restored. These two men had some power, and they both had networks of friends and colleagues who also had power, yet they were rendered helpless, in one case by fear and cowardice, in the other by entanglement in a legal system that only works, if at all, when you have highly paid DC lawyers and oodles of time and money. What is an ordinary GS-15 or 17, or other career official supposed to do when confronted with similar choices? Families have to be roofed and fed and schooled. Time waits not.

Where is our Jack Reacher?

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YES!! And why isn't Congress demanding the issuance of arrest warrants for each and every one of them, INCLUDING musk?? These are not just laws being broken, but felony offenses. I know damned well that if it were me....

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If the "equestrian" you refer to is Noem - you give her too much credit! Much more deserving title is still dog and goat killer - extensions or not.

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Gloria knows who he is, he is the man who could stop her social security payment and she would have no recourse.

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Right now, TODAY!!, call your Senator's offices, and have your neighbors make that same call, and have your family members make that same call, and then everyone do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and SWAMP them with calls, so they know, in no uncertain terms, that We The People, "are mad as hell, and are not gonna take it anymore!"

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Daniel, over the past year, i have contacted the senators/ re0resentatives in my state, and those in Congress. Two senators actually replied with the same rhetoric. I contacted Thom Tillis and asked him to explain his "yes" vote for Hegseth. He said, "Once Pete Hegseth's nomination was sent to the floor by my colleagues on the Senate Armed Services Committee, I conducted my own due diligence, including asking tough questions of Pete and I appreciated his candor and openness in answering them. Pete has a unique perspective based on his career path and is understandably passionate about modernizing our military and supporting the brave patriots like himself who serve our nation." BS. He went on to say that "I look forward to working with the president and secretary of defense to promote and strengthen our military and national defense." More BS.

I replied that he and the other Republicans who have no integrity will help dismantle our democracy. That is NOTHING to be proud of or to "look forward to.."

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I wrote Tillis too. Same stuff back. And... We keep it up. We don't give up. The Soviet dissidents say, "Even when you think you might lose, you keep it up for your own self-respect." I'm not thinking we will lose. I'm thinking we will win.

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Last year, I emailed Rep. Greg Murphy when the House was considering Mike Johnson for speaker.

He replied that he had known Mike Johnson and he was a "man of impeccable character."

Oh my! Since then, I have given him my opinion of Mike Johnson. It wasn't complimentary, and Murphy never wrote me back

In Dec. I emailed a city council member, who, when Trump was coming for a rally, declared "This is Trump country!" I let him know that he doesn't speak for me and questioned his support of a hate-filled, cruel man. He said he believed in forgiveness, whatever thay means.

Maybe with our constant communication, we will get at least one person to change his/her support of Trump.

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" Impeccable character"?

A 98 percenter on the Orwell Scale.

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The city council member is a white Christian Nationalism, aka KKK.

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Anne, calling his office and leaving a message with his secretary is useless. We will keep up our efforts to тАЬget through to him,тАЭ but it's evident that Trump has gotten thoroughly тАЬthrough to him.тАЭ

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It keeps them having to answer the phone and record the topic. Maybe it will pull them away from helping to destroy the federal government.

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Nothing is going to improve until we get the MAGA/GOP hacks out of our Congress. Same for hacks ANYWHERE. If they can't be bothered to do what constituents are asking, they shouldn't be in those seats, making decisions that affect our lives!

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I'm writing my Congress reps. every day!

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Win or lose, capitulation offers neither agency nor self-respect.

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We don't control Congress -- unless a few Republicans stand up. I'm hoping that there already are schisms of MAGAT House members.

1. Minority Republicans Elimination of DEI in government is a pretext to discriminate - against Blacks, Hispanics, even women wo, in many cases were Republicans when hired.

2. Those who support Ukraine vs Putin

3. Those who oppose Musk.

More -- if they represent districts on the border that rely on Mexico and or Canada, and their local businesses are shut down because of tariff policy.

Someone screwed (with standing) can take DOGE to court.

Quoting Josh Marshall. Elon Musk and his private-sector employees, are now fanned out across the government. He appears to have taken control of the federal payment system which allows his operatives to stop checks to any private individual in the country and/or examine all their personal financial information.....

ThereтАЩs a pretty developed law that you canтАЩt do stuff in the federal government if youтАЩre not an employee of the federal government, or a contractor who is placed under the rules of the federal government. If you do do those things you become a de facto government employee and the law says you come under all sorts of record-keeping and disclosure requirements.

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Daniel, although Dems are not in control, they can nonetheless gum up the works by being a true opposition party and using House and Senate rules and parliamentary procedures, or going guerilla if necessary.

No more cooperation or collegiality until they force the other side with their paper-thin majority to push back against the felon and musk.

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I'm hoping some affected Republican House members will flip, Several had been Democrats who switched. They are under tremendous pressure.

How can any Black Republican put up with obvious race discrimination? How can any Hispanic Republican put up with discrimination against Hispanics?

Make Hakeem Jeffries Speaker!

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Daniel, in answerbto the questions you posed: because they are more interested in position than policy, methinks.

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Wasn't a question. My rep knows that her constituents are pissed....are mostly Democrats. Miami Herald: "The Trump administration has eliminated deportations protections for hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans in the United States, leaving them vulnerable to be sent back to the South American country in 60 days when the protection expires, according to an official from the Department of Homeland Security".

I don't know this as a fact but some own US businesses, are bankers, etc. The defacto economic capitol of Venezuela is Baghdad By the Sea. Employ hundreds of thousands,,, many US citizens.

Multiply Venezuela by Cuba, Canada, Mexico. In my building many residents have dual citizenship. Have boucoups business interests in the old country.

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Daniel, I was referring to what you asked (perhaps rhetorically):

"How can any Black Republican put up with obvious race discrimination? How can any Hispanic Republican put up with discrimination against Hispanics?"

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Hope is not a strategy.

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Hope is not a strategy. Hope addresses despair which is paralyzing.

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It's an essential part of an effective strategy. And an effective strategy is based on knowing what's real. Denial of possibilities, positive or negative, isn't real. See Victor Frankl or Edith Eger.

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Hope supports strategy.

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The sooner SKUM is muzzled, the better. Then there are Trump and Afrikaner Thiel/Vance to deal with.

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Thank you very much for the Guardian reference. My understanding of Afrikaners was from knowing two SA Brits run out of the country because of their attempts to get milk to blacks, plus a college paper on Smuts and the Boer War. Now i know that my inference about the power of racism was on target. The brotherhood Trump/Musk.

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Trump thinks he can rewrite law just by thinking about it. It's called "tyranny" and it's exactly what our form of government was set up to prevent. The worst case is when people pretend that prerogative is real. It seems to me that there is still a lot of government infrastructure left to foil Trump's progress, if we use it.

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Solomon, dream on.

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I know some of them.... it's happened before.

Where I live 3 (three) Cuban American Republicans represent a huge Democratic majority. That's because psy ops got a lot of Democrats to vote for them. One had been a Democratic county mayor - elected several terms -- supported HRC in 2016. But switched parties to run for Congress in 2020. Borrn in Cuba. Here's a letter another MAGAT wrote to thwe Trump administration. https://files.constantcontact.com/1849eea4801/cd2e90be-43c8-4171-b3c6-a357621f7db9.pdf?_gl=1*uo1jgf*_ga*MDMwMjhjMzctZTFlNy00YzExLWE3NTEtZGUxMmY1OGY0YjEw*_ga_14T5LGLSQ3*MTczNzc0NTk1My4zLjEuMTczNzc0Njg2Ny44LjAuMA..

Another, Mario Diaz Balart, is the brotheer of Jose, MSNBC talking head. Their older brother was a Dade Count Young Democrat until he switched.

There are more like this.

Meanwhie, the people who benefitted from DEI the most are white women.

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I'm in the same boat, Pam. In Ohio, we have now 2 NAZI Senators, but I harass them daily. They need to know we're watching, paying attention. And I remind our newest, 'appointed' Senator, that we'll be actually voting in '26, and if he wants to keep his new seat, he needs to at least look like he's listening. At least you got a response; I have yet to get anything from either one of mine.

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I'm sure that a lot of white Republican wonmen who work for the government have been tageted by DOGE. Check out the EEOC. DOJ. DOL. Thousands in Ohio. Ohio State University receives federal funding for research and student aid. Some federal programs that Ohio State offers include:

Federal Pell Grant: A need-based grant for undergraduate students from low-income families. The Department of Education administers this grant.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG): A need-based grant administered by Ohio State's Student Financial Aid.

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant: A federal grant.

Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants: A federal grant.

Ohio State also receives federal funding for research. In the 2023 fiscal year, nearly $695 million of Ohio State's research funding came from federal sources.

At UC https://med.uc.edu/depart/eh/continuing-education/osha-training-institute-education-center

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I have emailed Tillis three times in the last 4 days. No replies, of course. Today I am calling ALL members of Congress from NC. And it appears we all need to do the same for the foreseeable future. My real question: Where the hell is Congress?? Repubs have slim majorities. With the exception of Deborah Ross, I've heard nothing except the Dems "sent a letter" about the criminal takeover of U.S.A.I.D.

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Give 'em hell Lily !

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Pam, I got the same boiler plate from Tillis. We have known for years he is a spineless, empty suit, but I still let him know there are people out here paying attention, even if he ignores us. I just called his office on the Musk takeover to leave a message and surprise, surprise! His mailbox is full.

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ItтАЩs time for NC to get back to where it was before Art Pope, friend of Kochs, took over. If you can see тАЬStarving the BeastтАЭ you can see the takeover of the presidency of UNC-CH.

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I suppose Tillis is looking to retire next year, but on the off-chance that he wants to run again, you might remind him that he lessens his chances by actions like this.

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I think he is running again, and that's why he didn't want to anger Trump and his cronies-in-crime. That's what it's come down to. Working for Trump and MAGA instead of for constituents.

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His constituents need to let him know--and to show him--that he's making a very bad bet.

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Ayep, and the most effective way to do that is in person (in D.C. or one of his regional offices; you'll want to make an appointment) or, next best, by calling his D.C. office and at least one of his regional offices and asking to speak with the staffer who works with the issue you're calling about. (Try to limit yourself to one issue per call; that's how the aides track calls, by issue.)

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I wrote Tillis as well and received the same reply. We need to keep doing it. If enough constituents express their outrage and demand he do something to stop this insanity, it will get through to him. That is the ONLY avenue available to us -- aside from marching outside his office -- to get him and our other elected representatives to gin up their courage.

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And represent.

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I agree!

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Pam, lord, that is just BS coming from his rear. Pete is just a rapist drunk, that is all.

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Daniel Kunsman, I am a tiny blue dot in a red state (TN) But Marsha Blackburn is hearing from me every single day!

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IтАЩm in TN too and burning up my phone. Consider joining Blue Tennessee (BlueTennessee.org) to start making changes in TN.

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Thanks, MLMinET. I just went to their website. I was looking for an option to join for free, and couldn't find one. I'm on a small, fixed income.

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Most who join give as little as $10/month. The reason itтАЩs not free is we use the money to help support under funded dem candidates.

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I called this morning, but the mailboxes are "full". Calling appears to be useless. This happened last time Trump was in power.

Trump,Elon and his minions need to be bodily removed and put in jail.

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Yep, but who will do that? No one.

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Probably not. But one can hope...

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Shout it from tbe rooftops, Daniel! Absolutely correct.

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Just wrote to my 2 senators and my rep.

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Yes, swamp them with calls.

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Phone calls will not do it. Try pissing into the wind. More overt action is needed.

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Bodily removal

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See Indivisible.orgтАЩs plans for Thursday at Indivisible.org.

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What do you suggest?

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Litigation by "Democracy Forward"; 3 Lawsuits & 1 Big Win STOPPING Funding Scam.

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Lots of tears to night. Many of us in your boat

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You are not alone Gloria! I am so sorry for your loss. I want you to gain some sense of otherness here as we endure this madness at the people who've bridged a river to far. Though painfully so, this will pass!

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People are fighting for you Gloria! People like James Dennehy of the NYC FBI office. Who knew?

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IтАЩm sorry about this, itтАЩs hard. My dad just lost Mom in early November and what is he supposed to do if Muskrat decides he shouldnтАЩt get Social Security? What is happening is brazenly illegal and unconstitutional, but there seems to be no way of holding the crooks legally accountable.

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We are seeing Antirepublican Blitzkrieg. I think HRSH (His Royal Selfishness Himself) talked about "Shock and Awe", meant to telegraph that "Resistance is Futile" The law moves more slowly, and sometime too slowly, but it still has great momentum. A professor in my past who was a member of the Bar lectured that "legitimacy", the conviction of the public that law is legitimate, was an essential component of it's efficacy. My experiences seem to bear that out, and legitimacy may prove to be MAGA's Achilles' Heel if met with solidarity.

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Gloria, I am in the same situation. I am very worried. We must resist and do all we can to help each other. My heart is with yiou

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Gloria, I totally commiserate. I don't find myself in a similar situation, but Dave and I are worried to our core and continue to strategizie what the hell to do. I hope you can find legal or financial advice to assist you. Fondly, Stephanie

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I don't think they can disrupt retirement checks. They come from the trust fund, which is solvent to 2033.

But SSI may be toast. This used to be my subject. For starters, the Republicans long have asked to "sunset" all benefits. That "all" includes stuff like Medicare, VA, Black Lung, food stamps, etc , The Republicans are in denial that SS is not part of the budget. You have to understand SS is NOT a retirement program although there is a retirement trust fund that will "default" in 2033 according to the trustees. Ever wage earner who is fully and currently insured also has disability coverage that is on average worth about $ 1 MM. If the programs were sunsetted, they'd have to be renewed on an annual basis, and given politics, would die .

In a 2000 book he co-wrote called тАЬThe America We Deserve,тАЭ Trump called Social Security a тАЬhuge Ponzi schemeтАЭ that American workers are forced to pay into. He added that for future retirees under 40 at the time, тАЬwe can also raise the age for receipt of full Social Security benefits to seventy,тАЭ because тАЬweтАЩre living longer.тАЭ

In December 2004, just before a Republican push to partially privatize the program, Trump was asked on MSNBCтАЩs тАЬHardballтАЭ whether heтАЩd support individual retirement accounts and answered: тАЬI sort of think I would. Something has to be done. Social Security is a huge problem right now, funding it.тАЭ

In 2012, Trump praised proposals by Ryan, then the Republican vice presidential nominee, to convert Medicare into a тАЬpremium supportтАЭ system that would cap spending for future retirees and give them vouchers to buy insurance plans.

тАЬI think Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney will save Medicare. I know they will. And people are starting to understand it. TheyтАЩre going to be very happy with whatтАЩs going on, but theyтАЩre going to be very, very unhappy if Obama gets in,тАЭ Trump told Fox News at the time, reflecting on the 2012 presidential race. тАЬI think actually if Obama gets in and if Obamacare isnтАЩt ended, I really think Medicare will be a thing of the past.тАЭ (President Barack Obama ran against the Ryan plan and won re-election; seven years after he left office, Obamacare and Medicare still exist.)

By 2015, when Trump ran for president, he sought to position himself in the Republican field as the rare candidate who wouldnтАЩt cut those programs. тАЬIтАЩm not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican, and IтАЩm not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid,тАЭ he said as he was launching his campaign.

By 2020, it was clear Trump was trying to break the system. He offered a "payroll tax cut" designed to result in significant revenue losses for Social Security, but also to eliminate employee payroll taxes for good. That would kill both the retirement and disability programs.


TrumpтАЩs fiscal 2021 budget endorsed Social Security cuts to the tune of billions of dollars for disabled seniors. His budget would have made changes to Social Security Disability Insurance, slashing the maximum amount of retroactive benefits for disabled workers from 12 months to six. According to the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, that could lead to a $7,500 average cut for a worker injured in a car crash. The budget also called for reducing Supplemental Security Income benefits for those who live with other SSI recipients.

Republicans encouraged slashing all benefits and the Republicans tried to kill the disability fund. https://digitalcommons.pepperdine.edu/naalj/vol36/iss1/4/

Trump wanted to kill the child's portion of SSI, which comes from the general funds, i.e. the budget. As president, Trump tried and failed to cut benefits drastically. Some Republicans wanted to replace the entire system. See. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Trump, House Republican Cuts to SSI Would Harm Children With Disabilities, Sept. 18, 2017, Kathleen Romig and Guillermo Herrera. https://www.cbpp.org/research/social-security/trump-house-republican-cuts-to-ssi-would-harm-children-with-disabilities

тАЬThe Trump proposal would cut SSI by more than $8 billion over the next decade, shrinking benefits for roughly a quarter of a million children with disabilities by between 38 and 66 percent. It would also increase SSIтАЩs administrative costs and improper paymentsтАЭ.

The next year, they asked CBO to score a program "Eliminate Supplemental Security Income Benefits for Disabled Children." https://www.cbo.gov/budget-options/54742 (2018)


The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program provides cash assistance to people who are disabled, aged, or both and who have low income and few assets. In 2018, 15 percent of SSI recipients, or 1.2 million people, are projected to be disabled children under age 18, receiving an average monthly benefit of $686. To receive benefits, those children must have marked, severe functional limitations and usually must live in a household with low income and few assets.

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I believe in robust free speech, which must include objectionable speech is "free" is to mean anything, and yet lies can and do kill; and at some point lies can and do become fraud. At what point is it a matter for intervention of law when you say you will do one thing and do another? When do lies do material harm?


The counterexample of falsely shouting "fire" in a theater has historically caused deaths. The phrase was first applied to criminalize anti-war activity, though that particular use was later modified to just suppress insurrection. The point is that some kinds of lies, in some circumstances, are not harmless, and require legal and/or moral resistance. Recall that it was Nixon's dishonest "coverup" that convinced even Republican senators that he had crossed a line. We have relaxed that standard considerably, and our republic is suffering for it.


No president has been "perfect" but Eisenhower had "decency" while, the popular Senator McCarthy famously did not. In 1954 Eisenhower wrote:


"This is what I mean by my constant insistence upon тАЬmoderationтАЭ in government. Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H.L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."


Ike did not experience "Hate Radio" in this country, and could not have imagined a Nazi salute cheered at a Republican function. He did not see plutocracy so deeply insinuated into the determination of policy. But it has recently been said that Trumpism did not win this election, misinformation did. The "elephant in the room" is now stepping on a lot of toes, and we will see how calm the populace remains (or does NOT remain) about it.

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Hate speech is not covered by the 1st Amendment. NAZI Party stands for the extermination of Jews (and others, too). Outlawed in Deutschland -- should be outlawed here.

BTW my brother lives 2 blocks from Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburgh Pa, where 11 innocent Jews were murdered. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/shootings-targeting-american-jews

Also "incitement" is a jury question.

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I don't think they can disrupt retirement benefits, but those on SSI are probably in jeopardy.

The trust fund should be solvent until 2033.

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I can only imagine, Gloria. Action you could take is to freeze your credit through the credit bureaus; we don't yet know what the best counter to this national crime is...

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Stay put Gloria. Jst work in any way you can with opposition groups, activists

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Former SSA office manager.


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??? the point

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I think Daniel's point is that a "Former Insider", Dr. ED WEIR,is offering assistance on "SSA benefits".

Caveat Emptor. Always! 888-817-04x6. Do your own hard nose examination of the regulatory scheme. Always.

Check out Dr. WEIR's YouTube Channel first.

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You are not alone in that fear. People who believed TrumpтАЩs lies have put US in grave danger.

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Gloria, I am so sorry this is happening to you especially with your grief. Hugging you from afar. Lady below suggests rage instead of tears and hopefully enough rage will cause something to happen that puts an end to this.

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Gloria, Don't panic. Keep enough cash to cover 6 months until "we the people"get our act together . Think and meditate on your love for your deceased husband and know that love will support you through this ugliness.....

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Feb 3Edited

This may not be salve, but you are not alone in despair. My short story is that I got disabled at work several years ago. My household income is SS disability. Employer offered only a pathetic pension *with/for my silence - an NDA; That and owing to other insults caused me to decline. I don't much care or fear passing to the 'other side', but have nightmares regarding my spouse and family. Fighting despair and finding hope has been my daily chore. It's revolting to me. Yet I * count my blessings daily and am open sometimes to hope.

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Gloria, my heart is with you. I'm divorced, living on Social Security, and my savings is below $500! I'm also in subsidized housing. I've been scared since the freezes! I am so sorry for your loss, and tears make a lot of sense. I'm trying to practice the improv technique of "Yes, and...." Yes, I'm terrified and need time for my feelings to be expressed, AND I will not stay here in this space. I will connect with my grassroots group (Markers for Democracy) and I will take action.

So right now, even though I live in DC with NO voting representation, I'm going to call Sen. Schumer & Rep. Jeffries every day, and encourage others to make their calls. They need to know there are millions of us who need them to use their power to stop this. Blessings to you,

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Gloria, you need not worry about your savings as they are private properties. I do not think you need to worry about your SS either for now as so many depend on it. If that is affected there will be riots in every major cities.

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Gloria I am so sorry. The Musk taking over the treasury is what pushed me sort of over into financial worry. We are counting on Social security too. My mom is living off of that and medicare with some savings as well.

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I do too, but I am all in for this, but who will lead the charge? I imagine many government employees are gathering this week to discuss plans and options. I am with them in solidarity.

Now is a time for sabotage, subterfuge and shredding.

We also should be asking the lawyers to be filing for disbarment of the criminal amongst them.

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I had hopes that at least after the lost election, our democratic lawmakers would seriously study the 2025 "bible" and get prepared to counteract its vicious plans. Sadly, there were seemingly too many voices ('influencers') thinking or hoping or professing opinions that trump really might not have anything to do with that tome, and that he might only be fearmongering. The last two weeks have shown how naive this was. Now my hopes are the same as Linda's, that there are leaders chosen to lead the 'counter-offensive', the strikes, the demonstrations, the resistance to these illegal actions. PS: Maybe there is help from the SEC and/or Europe having filed lawsuits against EM

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Since I read it in a book club over the summer and up to the election and now have a political reading and action group from it, I had hoped not only would the Dems read it but the journalists too.

From a friend today.

"Just found this Russian proverb, unfortunately so ├а propos (sigh): ╨Ъ╨╛╨│╨┤╨░ ╨┤╨╡╨╜╤М╨│╨╕ ╨│╨╛╨▓╨╛╤А╤П╤В, ╨┐╤А╨░╨▓╨┤╨░ ╨╝╨╛╨╗╤З╨╕╤В. Lit. тАШWhen money speaks, the truth is silentтАЩ "

Russians and Americans should think about this as they look at how their country is governed.

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How About Bob Dylan's Saying, "Money Doesn't Talk, It Swears..." ...

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Two songs from long ago come to mind today: Bob Dylan's "Times They are a Changin' " and Barry McGuire's "Eve of Destruction."

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ItтАЩs an apt proverb.

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Disbarment is a long-term process that isn't viable in this DEFCON 1 situation.

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Whom would they disbar? ItтАЩs entirely possible Trump decided this on his own whim. Trump and Muskrat are not attorneys, and disbarment is a professional disciplinary action.

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Could apply to DOJ and solicitors and counsel to every agency. No licence, no job. .

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I mean the people who filed the lawsuit to violate the Birth right citizenship, and other lawyers who are supporting violating the law. That would include Cannon, Alito, Thomas and Roberts.

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Long term is better than no term.

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Trump lawyers likely belong to the Federalist Society, from whence have come right wing judges, they wouldnt belong to the ABA. This is a new phase of ongoing civil war in the US legal system

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States licence lawyers.

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That is who should be trying to disbar them.

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Disbarment is NOT governed by the ABA. They provide recommendations but the actual actions come from the courts under state laws governing who can practice law. I'm afraid that in the current status, there is minimal impact that such actions would have.

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That may be true Jon, but Trump has made abundantly clear that the profession needs to do much more vigorous cleansing and policing of themselves.

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Have you watched Heather's 2 Feb politics chat? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Xzjqr495EI

She URGES us to tell everybody what has happened, because Fox won't tell them. If you haven't got half an hour, cut in half way through, after she's finished making it clear that under the Constitution, America is governed by THE PEOPLE. Then she gets very anxious to make us all grasp the enormity of what has just been done. This is a coup. She implores us to take action, and makes several practical suggestions.

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I am not so much a podcast watcher, although I have been doing more of it of late. I do read her column each day though and I know yesterday she sounded pretty serious about the enormity of what is going on.

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Do watch her podcast, she is even better in those than she is on paper.

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Thanks Reese. I will do that.

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Ooh, I can't agree on that! Her writing is matchless. But facing us, her viewers, she's conveying her acute anxiety.

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As usual she does a good explanation of what is going on. Thank you Reese.

The Lutheran church where I was christened, although I am not practicing, is very involved in collaborating with other religious organizations and secular institutions in my Chicago community to help immigrants transition into the USA. They also house a program for seniors, particularly those with dementia that my mom is a part of. All of their programs are filled with volunteers. One reads once a week to my mom whose vision is diminished, and they offer rides to doctors appointments and their activities when family members cannot take seniors.

It is so ironic that the Christian Nationalists are so eager to force women to have children, but then they want to kill children elsewhere by cutting off USAID. The story of Musk is frightening.

We need to take to the streets, and say, "Impeach and Imprison Trump! Deport Musk!" You should be saying this to every person that you see so that it becomes a mantra!

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Yes! Musk is acting without impunity of any sort. The R Senate and Congressmen seem as if they've been castrated by Trump and then forced to eat their own sack and bawls just to prove their complete and total impotence!. Putin, Musk, Orban ,Flynn, the list of soon to be new owners of America have risen to the task, while our failed leadership digs their own shallow graves, as well as ours. Well, I guess now the MAGATS still own us, so there's that. But hey, we've still got that Supper Bowl coming up where they can all eat sheet and die.

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Trump should be impeached and imprisoned. Musk should be deported. Here is advice from Andra Watkins. She stresses CALL do not write. We should all follow this. https://open.substack.com/pub/andrawatkins/p/a-private-citizen-has-commandeered?r=f0qfn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Unfortunately, they already are.

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