Please permit me to correct your language, Heather. There is no longer a Republican Party. There is in its place a cult of personality that has no basis in or respect for democracy. It is shameful and terribly sad that a party that used to have members with at least a modicum of integrity no longer exists.

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Thank you for another Letter linking key elements of now and then,,,, How the crimes of Republican Presidents and their supporters have multiplied---without consequences. Really horrifying when totaled up. The Iran-Con events wrought horror upon horror in Latin America to the disgrace of this nation. We created the horrors people are now fleeing..

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Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell make Richard Nixon and Barry Goldwater look sane and principled. Yikes.

The prosecutors have to convince the entire jury. The defense just has to convince one juror. And if it goes to the Supreme Court? Just how badly do the Reaganauts and clerical fascists want to destroy Federal government and democracy?

OMGosh. What a mess every voter who did not vote for Hillary Clinton has made. Many still don't get that voting is a strategic act of joining together to win power. Too many still seem to feel voting is an individual act of personal expression.

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Damn these people as traitors to the United States, to democracy, to equality, and to the principle of equality before the law. May their names be forgotten, but their collective infamy be remembered forever.

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HCR: I am so grateful for your intense focus and commitment not only to the study of history in general, but to witnessing and documenting this crucial period in U.S. history. You are providing a record for all to see, learn the facts, and see the truth for what it is. And you do it every day, earnestly fulfilling your commitment, and providing a priceless service to the rest of us. I am GRATEFUL GRATEFUL GRATEFUL.

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Those who fail to heed the lessons of history are doomed to suffer the consequences of their willful arrogance. This is coming true for the representatives who voted not to impeach tfg. Several of his diehard supporters today forecast civil war if tfg is found guilty. It might indeed come to that, and perhaps it will quiet fascists and domestic terrorists, and send them packing.

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Third time's a charm, they say, and we can only hope that THIS time, an unintelligent criminal who managed to became POTUS will face the full legal consequences of his attempt to stay in power, in addition to also hoping that karma someday may inflict upon him at least the same amount of misery and suffering that his decisions as POTUS have caused to millions of people.

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'Agent Orange', ie Trump seems to be headed for a fall. And isn't it interesting that McKibben has formed a special group to target seniors who have leaned toward climate change denial. And they're beinning to shift. AS always, thank you, Heather for your time, dedication and insightful reports that help keep me apprised1.

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In the August 9 Politico Playbook, Professor Richardson is listed as a member of the American Bar Association's new Task Force for American Democracy:

"DEMOCRACY WATCH — The American Bar Association is launching a new Task Force for American Democracy, which will examine how to improve civic understanding of and trust in election administration to bolster an essential, flagging element of democracy’s infrastructure. J. MICHAEL LUTTIG and JEH JOHNSON will co-chair the task force, whose members also include everyone from DICK GEPHARDT to BILL KRISTOL to HEATHER COX RICHARDSON . The full list of members: https://www.americanbar.org/groups/leadership/office_of_the_president/american-democracy/task-force/

The mission statement:


Thank you Professor for your dedication to our democracy during one of our darkest hours.

Thank you for your expertise, your wisdom, your hard work, and your inspiration.

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We must remember that those voters and other citizens who are less than 50 years old do not necessarily know anything about what it was like for those of us who lived through the 60s or 70s or 80s. They DON’T KNOW. We must educate them and support their exploration of the world as it is today, but with wisdom that comes from a clear-eyed study of history. Professor Richardson is an amazing teacher and mentor, and we should all strive to carry her message to everyone we know, especially to young people, because they are now the ones who carry the terrible burden of creating the future.

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Heather, I’m glad to see you get out the letter early enough to get a good night’s sleep.

Pardoning Nixon and then the Iran-Contra officials set a very bad precedent of “if you’re rich and powerful enough, you’re above the law”. Obviously, TFG and his supporters believe so.

I’m with Neal Katyal that, like the January 6 committee’s hearings, the trial needs to be televised. People who might not believe the written word may well believe their eyes and ears, forestalling a further fracturing of the country.

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May we get the mafia boss behind bars and never again elect another. Question: why since DT and Nauta cannot speak about the case does the former have contact with the latter? Neither can be trusted not to talk.

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So next year will be the fiftieth anniversary of Nixon’s resignation. That should be fun.

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Glad to see you able to turn in earlier tonight.

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We have not learned from our history. We have only learned how to repeat the past mistakes to enable high level lawbreakers to get away with their criminal actions.

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Ironic echoes of August past . . .

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