"Because of holds Republican senators have put on the nomination process, the U.S. does not have a Senate-confirmed ambassador to Israel or Egypt, the two countries that border the Gaza Strip."

There is a lot going on, but it might be politically and as a matter of necessity, time for Biden to condemn in the strongest civil language possible the pattern of sabotage that impeding the government from conducting its duties, and harming national welfare and security for the sake of partisan, political stunts. It's already gone too far.

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Maybe it's time to arrest three Confederate Traitors as the traitors they are: Cruz, Aqua Buddha Paul, and Two State Tuberville.

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Surely Mitch has a smack-down or two, or three left. But maybe he eggs them on. Or maybe he’s now starring into space. That makes this branch of government not only useless but hamstrung, with the SC teetering on the brink. Who was it that said, if America crumbles, it will be from within…

Then there is chump, just waiting to hand us over to Putin, with blessings from the heartland.

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The point is well made - while there is the turmoil of war in the Mideast, we have a very, very serious matter here at home as the "Old South" is attempting to overthrow the lawful government of the U.S. We need to keep our focus here primarily.

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I just finished reading The South Since the War, written by Sydney Andrews (abridged by the imminent Heather Cox Richardson before she was famous) after a tour of Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina in 1866 immediately after the Civil War.

Every single American should read this book for many reasons, but, there are three main ones:

1. The rural south and parts of the cities were, following the war, still "Rebels" and still hated the North and the United States government just as much as before the war. Many, apparently, still do.

2. That hatred was created by the caste system that the South had and still has to a large degree.

3. The poor whites were just as filled with hatred for blacks as the plantation owners (which is puzzling since the plantation owners made sure very little land was available to the poor whites).

4. All of the whites in the south did very, very, very little work compared to their northern counterparts. BOTH male and female. ALL whites had been reliant on blacks for essentially ALL work. Houses were a mess because women and men would not bother to clean them and farms were idle because white men were completely idle having had slaves doing all the work while white men sat on arse.

5. Blacks had been cast aside AND had willingly left all of their owners which plunged them into the worst of worst poverty with zero empathy from the white population.

However, the most telling parts of the book are the last five pages. Everyone in America should read those pages.

Had Andrew Johnson read those pages and NOT offered amnesty to every last southern congressman and allowed them BACK into the US government, America MIGHT be a very different place today.

Last but not least, I was very unsettled by Dr. Richardson's observation that she is receiving hate mail. That surprises me since, on this board, we mostly disagree without rancor when we do disagree.

So, it is not a good sign that someone who is just writing facts about what is happening is getting hate mail. Not good at all.

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Interesting, Mike. But the author is Sidney Andrews, not Powell. There is an abridged copy with HCR in 2004. I will look into it. Regarding the poor white's view of the Negro, my dad, when I was about ten years old (1950) living in Texas told me that he didn't think that he could work for a Negro (he never used the "N" word.) I consider it to be the effect of implicit bias - my dad had never met a well educated Black person nor seen one in a position of authority. I also recommend the book by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., "Stony the Road," about Reconstruction and the rise of Jim Crow.

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HCR’s West From Appomattox is a major but very accessible treatise on the second half of the 19th century. I highly recommend it to everyone. That is where I learned about “the Great Redemption” following Reconstruction in which the Southern landowners (same people who owned all the land antebellum) reestablished “in law” the same exploitation and economic subjugation of both poor white and all Black people in the “reconstructed” states.

Jill Lepore’s These Truths is another source from which I became more aware of what was going on in that time. As far as I can remember, Reconstuction was completely ignored in my high school American history course over half a century ago and in an Indiana school system.

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We are often prisoners to lies. Racism, aggressive wars, governmental injustices, disastrous folly, such as climate abuse and anti-vax, all substantially enabled by deliberate lies, mostly in the service of power and money.

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Coming from Virginia, arriving in San Antonio, I was amazed that Hispanics were considered below Blacks in the “hierarchy.”

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Corrected, yes.

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I so agree with you I was appalled to read Heather was receiving hate mail for only speaking the facts who are these people??

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"Influencers and Haters" Lesly.

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I agree with you about the hate mail. She reports the facts and does all the research and notes from where it comes. So hate mail is not acceptable when she is so willing to inform us of all that is going on. I owe her a debt of gratitude for her gift and hard work.

Thank you Mike for the Book information.

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Some people have no interest in plain facts. I know a fair number of those folks. Needless to say, they get their information from the performative network that didn't want to tell its viewers that tRump did not win. I cannot imagine Walter Cronkite doing such a thing.

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The hatred of poor (and not-so-poor) whites for Blacks, and their allegiance to the white elite that dissed them in myriad ways, is not hard to understand once white solidarity/supremacy is factored in. It didn't spring out of nowhere; the white elite cultivated it, knowing it served their interests. The GOP has been cultivating it with great success since the mid/late 1960s.

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And always, follow the money. I read a history book by a black professor that indicated that the wealthy whites were terrified that that abused blacks and abused whites might one day join in common cause.

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Mike S, thank you for your Bullet Points (no pun intended) (1-5) on "The South Since the War". Ready for a deeper dive now.

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In diving deeper, become aware of the school of history that was prominent near turn of the 19th century that articulated “states rights” as cause of the Civil War and promoted the”Lost Cause” worship celebrated since.

A little searching on your own among the declarations of ALL the seceding states will give you an understanding of what was prominent in the minds of the insurrectionists of the moment.

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No problem.

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I am from Florida. The North should have lined up the southern politicians and officers and shot them for the traitors they were.

We'd be a lot better off now. When did appeasement ever work?

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They were indeed traitors and the penalty is death. The murder of Lincoln was what saved them all.

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I'm not convinced that execution would have been the best solution, but the rebellion needed to live in infamy, just as Jan 6th must today. The whole idea of rule of law is that it does not bend for politcal convenience; that there are lines that must never be crossed. The aim of the law should always serve justice: I'm not taking about "Zero Tolerance" AKA "Zero Intelligence"; but politics must not allowed to"trump" principle, or rule of law and meaningful justice will suffer a lasting blow.

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And once again, when human behavior reads less than humane, follow the money. I am grateful that the founders turned away from European feudalism in many important respects, yet recreated the pampered lifestyle of even more sociopathic oppressors with slave plantations. Eight US presidents held slaves while in office, four of the first five, and technically twelve altogether. And what was in it for the pubic? The poor white remains on the caboose of the train, yet fanatically defends that system.

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And the caste system persists to this day, albeit with different words, characterizations, and narratives applied.

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I was in Birmingham, Alabama 4 years ago for three or four days. A family member had moved there a couple of years earlier and we were visiting.

Birmingham seemed to be diverse, congenial, metropolitan, even accepting. None of the hatred of Black people, the prejudice and bigotry of the past seemed to be present (or it wasn’t obvious). However while speaking to someone who lived in Birmingham I was told that it was still present and as strong as ever. All you had to do to see it was get outside the city and into the rural areas.

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I daresay the great gulf between rural and urban is probably even more profound in the South as it is in other regions of the country. The cities really are, very often, blue islands in seas of red. That's why silly talk of secession is just that. A state can't very well secede without its largest metropolitan areas, can it?

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I recall some years ago when I wrote to the published authors of two editorial comments, both reasonable and one a single sentence digression from a non-politcal topic, thanking them for speaking out about a wacko tax cut for the rich that would profoundly affect local public services (and has). They both wrote back of being deluged with vicious personal attack hate mail. The lady who wrote the one pretty innocuous sentence said that she felt we were in a "new McCarthy era".

I have since wondered if part of the milquetoast reporting we have suffered since by a far less aggressive Fourth Estate, at least compared to Watergate days, is the burden of this constant harassment, which when those in positions of power call for force and violence, can harbor the threat of actual peril?

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We are lost unless we see the forest AND the trees, but yes, we have crises aplenty in our midst.

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Perhaps republicans want the US to fail. It sure appears that way.

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Congressional Republicans put in the clause that made possible the removal of McCarthy. This was planned. The radicals were set on creating a dysfunctional Congress and government. That's what we have. This is "shock doctrine." Use the chaos to get the changes you could not other wise achieve. Steve Bannon and friends are part of this. They are fully willing to keep from passing a budget and putting thousands out of work, stopping payments, and ruining the credit of the US.

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I agree as dumpster and his repugnants aren't that smart and Bannon has been doing this chaos for eons in other countries, like Hungary and attempts in Canada with the freedom convoy !! He is an instigator and likely working on behalf of right wing donors or even Putin ! Nothing surprises me with him ! I guess all the repugnants and their corporate donors all want a fascist society so they can keep power and control !!

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Look at Trump. At some point the lust for power becomes malicious madness, becomes evil.

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we as a nation need to get better informed and more inclined to send saboteurs packing.

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Blocking the confirmation of 300 military leaders supports your theory.

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The promote infectious sociopathy. Malignant narcissists like Tuberville are indifferent to who or what gets harmed (or may even get off on it) so log as the get to feel like they rule the roost.

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Jo, they want the Biden administration to fail for political advantage in the 2024 election—and they’re willing to burn it all down to do so with no stated plan on how to rebuild it. It’s like with Obamacare—their plan would reinstate coverage limits and increased prices + lack of coverage for preexisting conditions.

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Chaos will give them a chance to establish an authoritarian government like Nazism. They don’t hide it

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As mentioned above "Shock Doctrine", a worthwhile book by Naomi Kline.

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Ahh, let's clarify something. The House and the Senate are not two of the three branches of the Federal Government. They are the Legislative branch and members of the bicameral Congress.

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Thank you, needed clarifying

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That prediction came from Lincoln.

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He knew us

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Well said.

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As long as we're fantasizing, Leonard Leo and about 2 dozen billionaires and maybe 100 corporations. And of course, TFFG and his top enablers. As evil as Cruz and Tuberville are, no one holds a candle to Leo. He is a theocrat and personally owns the US Supreme Court.

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yes, Olivia Troye spoke about what The Heritage Society and its 40 smaller operating arms are doing to control all by 2025-6. And of course Rachel Maddows new book talks about the Nazi government within the US in the 30's and 40's. It never really went away did it?

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Money. It’s why tax structure is so important in a democracy. It’s why Bidenomics is so important. Whatever it’s flaws may be, the principle of “from the bottom up and the middle out” is important for our survival. Leo must be totally discredited along with “his” SCOTUS and senators.

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On the Media on NPR had a three-part series about his influence.

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An essential part of what a just government does is curtail abuses of power and monopolies of power, including money.

"As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is no democracy." - Lincoln

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Thank you, JL Graham!

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Are you listening to "We Don't Talk About Leonard," by Andrea Bernstein, Ilya Marritz, and Andy Kroll, the "Trump Inc" and "Will Be Wild" podcast team from WNYC?

It opens with a scene at Leo's palatial Maine home that HRC might appreciate, given that John Roberts' summer place is just around the next peninsula from her place.

Editing to add a link:


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My wife listened to both parts. She couldn't sleep for two days after listening to the first part. She gave me the highlights. I am too much of a coward to listen to it myself.

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I'm sorry about your wife's lost sleep.

Embracing the facts of our current scene has cost many of us dearly.

Leo sleeps like a baby, though, I feel sure.

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I nominate the Koch Bros., or whichever one of them hasn't died yet, for Scoundrel of the Centuries (both the 1900s and 2000s, so far), American Division. Leg irons, behind-the-back handcuffs, and duck/duct tape across the mouth.

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I have posted that Alabama, Texas and Tennessee are rogue states and should be considered in open rebellion to the United States.

The defiance of US Laws and settled SCOTUS decisions are only a few steps from seizing military bases.

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Please keep in mind that in 2020, these three states contributed 7.3M votes for Biden to 9.2M to the other guy. Every one of these states is politically screwed up (bigly) but not every resident. Faithful Democrats in Tennessee are working with Every State Blue, to launch Blue Tennessee to fund every Democratic candidate for every state office in our red state from the bottom up. Data shows that having Democrats on the ballot for every office at every level challenges Republican lies and disinformation, increases turnout, invigorates and activates local Democrats, and significantly helps the top of the ticket. We hope to be in operation for 2024.

To donate: https://contribute.itstarts.today/blue_tennessee/contribute

For more information: https://linktr.ee/BlueTennessee

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Where is Vanderbilt U in all of this? I keep waiting for Jon Meacham to boost the Justins and the US senate candidate at least by mentioning them. Is Vanderbilt afraid of losing funding?

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Vanderbilt is one of the many educational institutions in TN—in Nashville for that matter. VU doesn’t have any part in the severe gerrymandering of this state. I love Jon Meacham but I’m not sure it would be to his benefit as an historian to take political sides. No need to start tangling with the crazy legislators. VU is already involved in a kerfuffle for the Med Center having given medical records (after being subpoenaed) to the state AG, also a cultural warrior, appointed by the governor, himself a poor leader. We’re a mess here.

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Thank you and sorry to hear that the mess in the legislature is only the tip of the iceberg. Seeing Jon Meacham on MSNBC, as I often do, knowing his reputation and thinking that Vanderbilt is a university of merit to stand up for good governance in the state, I see that you have a bigger mess than I knew. Racism flourishes even in a “border state.” What would Daniel Boone say? Do we know?

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You should add Mississippi and Florida to that list.

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I'm sensing a regional theme here. Could it be the confederate states of America are wagging the dog?

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Could be but the same sentiments are widely distributed across the country. Reconstruction and “the Great Redemption” stimulated that proliferation. I don’t offer that as an apology by any means.

I agree that some focused attention on how that is nurtured as consequence of federal investment in the formerly and resurgent insurrectionist states might be fruitful. As an Alabama resident for 35 years, I am conscious that a return to Alabama of ~$2.25

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Oops, hit wrong button.

...for every $1 forwarded to the federal government in taxes from Alabama. Alabama is a money sink for the rest of the country. I’m pretty sure it’s not been a fruitful investment. I think a bit of an adjustment in that is in order.

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We are definitely struggling in Texas where are governor and his “Twitter Twin”, “Cancun Cruz” tweet repeatedly criticism of President Biden, particularly about the border crisis yet never mentioning former President Trumps failure to build a wall after his bluster and boasting regarding erecting a wall. I doubt they read the Twitter replies because most replies are against them. They’re so mired in the Republican swamp they don’t care how Tuberville’s actions are crippling our military and I wonder what we might’ve learned had their phones been dumped dumped before and after Jan.6. Texas has no term limits regarding the governor’s tenure so we struggle with abbott’s dictatorial administration advocating for Charter Schools under the bogus label of “Parents Choice” yet failing to mention that such a mention violates the amendment to the Texas Constitution that guarantees every child a “free public education”.

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Our Provincial Conservative Party, who have not any seats in the Legislature for many years has borrowed this “parent’s rights” phrase.

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Yes , the conservatives in Canada are trying to change the landscape of this country by burning down the country the same way as the right-wing asshats are doing in the USA! Will not be good for Canadian citizens! I think they would be happier if Canada was a fascist society as well !! Shall we call it the New Nazi Canada !!

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Seems like "Conservaitive" has become a euphemism for "authoritarian".

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Makes me wonder how many in the military who have drunk the kool-aid will actually fight against their own people in order to keep the repugnants in control ??? I really hope that they remember their oaths to the constitution and their country and not to one person that wishes to change democracy to Christofascist dictatorship !!

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And then there’s “local law enforcement,” too. A lot of Oathkeepers there around here

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If not arrest, expel.

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Liars! Elder abuse, abuse of vulnerable Veteran's, and our many 6 pack Joes!

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This is a confusing comment, can you clarify please?

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Following the line, I think this was directed several posts up regarding TC's post about the three southern Senators.

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To who are you referring?? Please explain.

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I vote yes while praying Jack Smith and the FBI/DOJ et al are doing their due diligence and building a case against them.

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In addition to hamstringing the US's efforts to aid Ukraine, it seems as if the Republican hijacking of Senate all-too-conveniently also prevents the US from functioning against Putin-backed Iran/Hamas . . . coincidence?

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All the republicans are doing and not doing is orchestrated by their leader, Trump. His goal is too destroy our democracy by creating chaos and he is successful in that. It appears that the majority of republican politicians are no longer patriots but traitors.

We the true American majority must step up and be heard over all of this evil. Standing by and observing aghast will do nothing to save us. Tommy Tuberville is a puppet of Trump and Trump is a puppet of Putin.

The end of times will arise out of Jerusalem. I am not a biblical sooth sayer. But folks this is getting scary.

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Trump may be the perceived leader for the MAGA base, but the real leaders of the far right are the billionaire autocrats who have been planning and funding the takeover of legislatures with gerrymandering, the packing of the courts with ultra-conservative judges, and now with the Project 2025 manifesto to gut and disembowel the executive branch when next they win a Presidential election.

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Let's put names on it.

For instance, Charles Koch funneling funds through his bagman Leonard Leo to the full range of anti-democratic causes. From the Federalist Society to the Teneo Network to the Mercatus Institute. Instituting clerical fascism through the Republican Party.

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Yes, lin•, and don't leave out the Alliance Defending Freedom, who were behind the lawsuits that outlawed abortion, and canceled the abortion pill.


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The Heritage Society and its 40 smaller operating firms are funneling. We have to get Gen Z on this.

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Also funds the antigovernment extremist Moms for Liberty who are assaulting libraries.

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the creatures writing state laws and ordinances: ALEC.

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Completely agree and add that it is a global endeavor often called New World Order. Decades ago, some of those from the global Right were smart enough to realize that they couldn’t make the changes they wanted in one country to stick without getting supporting countries to change as well. So they:

-targeted politicians and groomed like minded people to go into politics, paid Lobbyists, created PAC’s & Super PACs all to influence/affect/remove legislations, which would help bring their plans to fruition.

-bought / consolidated mainstream media companies to help them control the narrative

- recruited greedy corporation owners, Boards of Directors, & CEO choices, who wanted more money & control and less regulations

-used social media companies first for data mining and then to planted influencers and launched mis/disinformation campaigns to affect culture, social cohesion, knowledge, support, turn away focus from a situation, guide people towards something like being in a state of fear, etc.

-worked on religions & religious leaders to gain their acceptance and support of the people running the so-called Conservative Party. The symbiotic relationship between elites & religions have been in practice since antiquity, so their influence cannot be denied in this push to create New World Order.

The New World Order has no place for a true democracy and a government representing and working for all the people because it will affect the socioeconomic hierarchy which prevented anyone but generationally wealthy White males from remaining at the top by themselves, would promote fairness, equality, and protect workers from exploitation, promote education which would make it hard for employers and government to use and abuse people.

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Yes. It’s not just T. It’s the billionaires backing the Repubs that speak T’s language. T. is just the front man puppet.

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Lisa, thank you for the summary. I have copied it to keep in my LFAA folder. It's a good, concise list of what the hell happened to our democracy. Citizens United is poison to our election process and it must go.

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Citizens United is only one aspect.

-We need to coordinate efforts to end media manipulation

-Fix our broken public education system

-Figure out how to have freedom of speech while minimizing harm

-End or adjust legislations & Supreme Court decisions which damage democracy

-Make voting mandatory, convenient, & have easy access to accurate data about those running for office

-Get rid of corruption in government - or at minimize it.

-Drastically reduce the wealth gap

-Address our past wrongs & teach truth in history classes.

Only we need to do this on a global scale. Joe Biden is doing his part in uniting other countries, but his efforts must continue long into the future.

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Lisa, you have very clearly laid this out. The results of their efforts are plain to see on the world stage, with the rise of autocrats and authoritarian. Do you see this New World Order as having been a coordinated effort, worthy of a plot line in a blockbuster novel, or simply people with power, money and influence working independently towards the same goal?

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I suspect both coordinated effort and opportunists capitalizing on the efforts of others. It’s kind of like an avalanche or a dam breaking. People kept chipping away at the dam or manipulating conditions at weak points on snowy mountains. Then once they had enough power over weak areas, others joined the effort.

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This post put me in mind of the Gilded Age political cartoons of the octopus, sometimes in the persona of Standard Oil, sometimes Russia, sometimes England - but I'd be willing to bet the current octopus's attempts at destabilizing democracies and democracy itself go far back, to the Gilded Age and before, in other companies, other countries, other rulers, in different places and in different times. The current octopus must be dismembered, member by member.

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Same old battle, different day.

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Thank you, Lisa, for spelling it out so well. Can you suggest a book that can lay this out in more detail that would be understandable by the layman?

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I don’t know of any. I’m basing my information on what I’ve been reading in HCR’s Letters & her “receipts”, some of the posts HCR shared over the past few years on Twitter, and then making connections


I started paying attention to politics when Obama started making media rounds when he planned to run for office in 2008. I watch how he was treated, I saw how people who could have done good things in his Administration chose not to be a part of it. I watched how difficult a time he had with Congress (this is before I understood what the parties seemed to stand for and how the wealthy & corporations stacked the political deck in their favor within both parties.

I joined Twitter in 2011. It was a decent place to connect with & unite people but it devolved gradually over the next 4 years and got downright ugly when Trump announced his intentions to run for office in 2016.

I noticed other countries having similar issues such as Australia and UK with Brexit. I thought then that it didn’t feel like a coincidence.

I watched the who religious angle start to heat up on a much larger scale. Shows like 19 Kids & Counting had a son who was invited to join a Conservative PAC. I saw articles about Dominionists infiltrating politics and stopped thinking it was nonsense. When the religions wingnuts attached themselves to Trump. Why would religious leaders stand with such a sinner? The hypocrisy was overwhelming.

Then the news about FB & Cambridge Analytica and targeted mis/disinformation attacks reached mainstream media. Someone coordinated attacks against multiple countries which divided people and affected politics adversely.

I started to wonder what would happen if USA fractured. A divided America would need to align with other countries, make new agreements which might adversely affect the different factions within the formerly United States. USA wouldn’t be able to stop Russia from marching across Europe or China from taking over Taiwan, Philippines, or from taking Hawaii, etc. This definitely wouldn’t benefit our allies.

We should all have been working to improve things for regular people, working together to improve the economy since we’re all so interconnected, but instead, countries got distracted by internal strife.

What tools did they use to get to this point? Money from the wealthy & corporations in multiple countries. Mainstream media, movies & tv, social media, the educational system (they didn’t just start messing with public education in America when Trump took office, they started after the Baby Boomers and their activism scared Conservatives), and religion because a liberal society with a good social safety net is not as inclined to need it or it’s steadfast loyalty to the social framework which benefits the elites.

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Right on the spot, Georgia, as made clear in Thomas Frank's book, "What's the Matter with Kansas," and Hearther Cox Richardson's "How the South Won the Civil War." the billionaires are manipulating the white Protestants.

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I think it's important to distinguish between white evangelical Protestants and more mainstream Protestants, who are not immune to those politics but less likely to be manipulated by them. I regularly sign petitions by Faithful America, which is anti-Fascist.

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I looked them up: https://www.faithfulamerica.org/

Something that has always intrigued and puzzled me is how the slaves adopted "the white man's" religion. My guess was that their the slaves') condition was so miserable that it at least gave them hope that there would be a better place for them after death.

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Where did I see something like this. There go my followers, I need to see where they are going.

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“There go the people. I must follow them, for I am their leader.”

This, or any of several variants, is generally attributed to Alexandre Ledru-Rollin. As he was French, any English rendering would be approximate. Also, the quote or its attribution is likely apocryphal. See: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandre_Auguste_Ledru-Rollin

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Well, it fits the magat puppets; but then there is the behind the scenes money (puppeteers)

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Yes, your statement that”Tuberville is a puppet of Trump and Trump is a puppet of Putin” nails it and yes, these are very scary days indeed!

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So tragically true, Georgia--T is a useful idiot.

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T is a demented fool.

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Trump’s goal as president was to make as much money as possible. His goal now is to stay out of jail. He’s simply too stupid to orchestrate something as complex as this, although I do agree that chaos is a consequence of his actions and inactions, both as president and now. I think Georgia Fisanick nailed it.

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Vipers in our nest. Tuberville and Cruz are guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Joe McCarthy in the 50’s spearheaded a committee in the Senate to route out communists. The Senate should resurrect the committee focused on routing out fascists. It should look at US Senators and Congressmen and state leaders. Cruz and his ungrateful wretched of a father need to have their citizenship revoked and sent back to Canada or even better Cuba.

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Spare us in Canada from Cruz!!

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Okay, you’re my neighbor so we’ll send them right back to Cuba. Let’s see how junior likes living in a true communist country.

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The leader is not chump. The leader is Bannon, and he is extraordinarily dangerous.

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That is the first thing that I thought of ! It just seems too convenient! If the USA continues to have so much chaos in the government with no movement of military promotions and inability to pass bills that will help the people of the USA and no further money for Ukraine , it let's Putin advance and take over !! It would not surprise me in the least that Putin and Iran are in cohoots with each other!!!

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I’m increasingly convinced Tuberville is, with McConnell’s approval, holding the military slots open for Trump to fill with far-right loyalists. The abortion thing is the cover story.

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This is a most disturbing thought, the kind that will keep me up at night and my blood pressure skyrocketing.

Following Jessica Craven's suggestion (Chop Wood, Carry Water) yesterday I called my Congress Fools and demanded a halt to these outrageous actions of Tuberville holding our military hostage at such a dangerous time as well as the Republican Gang of Eight leaving the house with no leader during a time of world crisis.

I will call again today and each day until these vacancies have been filled. Maybe some of my LFAA community will join me in making calls. Jessica provides a script if not knowing the right words is holding you back.

Yes, Dave Dalton, "We need to help ourselves."

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Keep calling, writing, and DEMANDING that Tuberville be side-stepped!

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Thank you.

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Daphne, Joined!

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That is what i think also.

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"...the pattern of sabotage that impeding the government from conducting its duties, and harming national welfare and security for the sake of partisan, political stunts."

... for the sake of Republican partisan political stunts.

There fixed it.

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Language isn't enough. Action is required.

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Don’t underestimate the power of language. People will kill and die for it. I don’t disagree that action is necessary. But, as a matter of fact, a significant portion of the insurgents will never give up the notions that trump nurtured by malicious use of language.

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“The ancestor of every action is a thought.” - Emerson

Absolutely right, but what action? What has brought us to the brink of dictatorship, to 40+ years of a cold but deadly civil war? What (among many) is the greatest single threat to our posterity? The measurements of global climate that point to impending disasters are as evidence-based as the COVID death toll. Why are not taking sufficient action? How can we explain an FBI-reported flare in hate crimes? Hamas is currently taking actions and what can we expert to come of them, for anyone? Why did several educated, European civil societies fall into the thrall of fascism? Why do we celebrate the fourth of July?

Ideas and even specific language profoundly influence our understandings which underlie our choices, and our choices along with varying circumstances, determine our fate.

“In this age, in this country, public sentiment is everything. With it, nothing can fail; against it, nothing can succeed. Whoever molds public sentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes, or pronounces judicial decisions.” - Lincoln

Is that true? What explains the rise and fall of Joe McCarthy? What explains the cult of Trump today?

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Israel reels as American response is hampered by unfilled leadership in the military, diplomatic corp and a shutdown House of Representatives, all at the hands of GOP culture warriors manufacturing grievances to enflame their base using the complicit media that understand that fomenting outrage is profitable for them

Someone said recently “God Help Us”

Someone else said “We need to help ourselves”

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I'm not religious personally but I recall a sentence that may or may not be from the Bible: "God helps those who help themselves."

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And, shut down the likes of FOX that is spewing and condoning outright lies. I watched for 5 minutes and while I could, I couldn't believe what I was hearing from Laura Ingraham and Newt Gingrich - absolutely appalling and IMO playing right into the playbook of terrorists. While some claim it is "entertainment not news" the cult takes it as gospel. They even had video cuts of trump excoriating Biden! Maybe everyone can lie anytime and anywhere but there are libel and slander laws and Fox should be hit fast and hard. They are beyond disgusting and worthless pieces of crap - at least crap serves a purpose!!

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And we should all be calling our Senators about it. They need to be on the receiving end of a “wall of noise” every minute of every day until they’ve found a way to unblock those confirmations. I put a script in my newsletter yesterday. Feel free to use it!

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It's time for the Senate to place serious restrictions on "privileges"

that are being abused too frequently and putting the country in jeopardy.

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Let's get real. Radical Republicans failed in their coup attempt and are now deploying simpler tactics — sabotaging government in whatever way they can. While ridiculous arcane rules allow some of their actions, the end result is chaos. Or dare I call it polite and peaceful terrorism?

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Reading through the comments; they are all about the political situation in the USA.

I can't believe Israel and the Gaza Strip and Hamas isn't forefront in people's minds.

I made a comment about it but it's way way down at the bottom.

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It has been horrifying, the crisis in Gaza, but also worrisome for our country that because of the Rethuglican antics, we are hampered in our response due to not having military leaders in their rightful places, no diplomats, and a government unable to come to any sort of consensus to take action going forward.

I have learned more about the history of the region in the past 24 hours than I have ever known before. It is also incredible and outrageous that you have been sent hate mail for simply presenting the facts as you know them, without appearing to take either side, and it just goes to show how individual biases with misinformation and outright lies thrown in causes people to believe what they want to believe. I thought you were factual in your essay and clearly laid out the disclaimers that you were not taking sides. I am so sorry and I hope you are staying safe.

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The hatemail thing is far too widespread and becoming far too "normalized". It is a serious problem that is erosive of freedom worthy of the name, and of a civil society in general. It is a species of violence. A letter of protest is part and parcel of democratic debate, but increasingly holders of indefensible positions resort to ad hominem attacks and threats. There is always a lot to do, but this is more toxic to a just democratic society than I think we generally bother to acknowledge, and part of what is needed overall is finding ways to make it stop.

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I think it's time to recognize that the costs of anonymity outweigh the benefits of anonymity

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I read the posts by our R congressional rep put on their fb pages full of disinformation & fomentation. When I repost any of Heather's bits & pieces with credit to her, the response I get back is full of the bs that the rabid reds consume. I don't know how she personally handles the hate mail & keeps her soul intact. I support a 2 party system but these R have to be voted out!

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I assume that you, like many of the LFAA readers, are familiar with the EXCELLENT YouTube clips of "Beau of the Fifth Column". He has people from all over the political spectrum watch his daily clips, so he gets hate mail which he will read and address. (I bet they never email again because he effectively skewers them with FACTS.) And he chuckles while he does it.

I am amazed that he doesn't have over a million subscribers! (If anyone watches and does not subscribe, please hit that button. It's free, and lets get his information out.)

He does generally 3-4 clips of about 5 minutes each, daily. He also has a second channel "The Roads with Beau" that are a longer format, about 30 plus minutes each.

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Thanks for the info. I will watch!!

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I thought I was following him but haven't seen anything for a long time. I'll check it out....

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Like Heather, I don't know when he sleeps! You might have to search him, but he does put up clips daily. If you've never watched his long format, it's quite good as well.

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I have the same experience, Carole.

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I post to provide information to counter disinformation. Maybe 1 or 2 people will change their vote & their support of MAGA

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So this is what they instructed Tuberville to do? Someone is busy behind the scenes.

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I would love for an organization like Bellingcat to unravel the link between Putin and the MAGA Republicans that do not want to fund Ukraine, like Jim Jordan, and who want to vitiate our diplomatic and military response capabilities like Tuberville, and the dark money that is supporting them.

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I believe Tuberville has a greater plan to holdup these higher level military appointments until the 2024 election. With a Trump victory and perhaps MAGA Congressional take over, military leaders loyal to Trump will be appointed and confirmed. The scenarios spinning out from that situation are unthinkable, both domestic and internationally.

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OK, here's my take - it isn't their support of Putin that drives the MAGA Republicans. Trump supports Putin because, in part, Putin is blackmailing him. The MAGA support Trump because he is their racist at the top.

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This makes sense because Putin is a sophisticated warrior trained in the arts of kompromat and sabotage. He IS an intelligence service.

Trump has babbled so incessantly for decades that he probably fed Putin enough info to make him a virtual idiot/slave of the Cold War veteran.

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That and the photos that Putin has of a naked Trump in Moscow hotel rooms.

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I saw a clip recently of one of his speechs with him saying he has "a better body than Biden."


Keep it under wraps!!

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A lot of it goes thru Bannon, I am afraid.

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He is forever busy destroying and stirring chaos

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And little t wants to be king.

(D’accord about Putin blackmail!)

I say off with his head.

But what got to me most this morning was the hate mail our national treasure Heather received about her balanced reporting on the invasion of Israel by Hamas.

Little t with bone spurs is their kind of hero.

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Bellingcat (love the name!) looks to be a critical defense in today’s turbo charged climate of misinformation techniques aimed at controlling narratives. The Bellingcat operation is new to me. Seems thrilling, dangerous and critically needed. Wonder if there are overlap research ops here in the US?

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There will be no protection from the Platform, Substack Inc, even in the face of torts like defamation or hate mail.

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Bryan, I would guess that the majority of the hate mail is coming from her Facebook audience—and FB appears to be too busy designing new algorithms to foment hate and body dysmorphia to police their platform for hate speech.

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Thank you Mary I am not clear on Cross Platform digital structures. But, Substack Inc, through counsel, did hint about claims against "other Platforms".

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Counsellor, this is both sad and scary news.

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See my more detailed update on Platform liability elsewhere Today. Like Google, & like META, Substack Inc believes it is immune relying on Section 230 of Federal law. Substack will not protect HCR.

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I did; thank you.

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"We don't have safety or security. What's this life? This is not a life" - Gaza resident Salah Hanouneh, 73.

"We will reach them (Hamas) everywhere" - Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Hagari.

"The Zionist regime's own actions are to blame for this disaster" - Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

"Release my son ... I'm speechless. It's completely dark" - mother of Thai migrant worker Natthaporn Onkaew held hostage.

"Fom paradise to hell, in one second." - Elad Hakim, survivor of musical festival hit by Hamas.

(quotes from Reuters)

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Thanks for these quotes, Fern.

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Fern, your quotes show all sides of this awful war. The quote that leapt out at me from newscasts yesterday was attributed to an Israeli woman who stated the she was no longer in favor of a two-state solution. The peaceful portion of the Palestinians reminds me of the people who reside in cities governed by drug cartels. How much war (started by the antisemític minority Hamas) will they endure before they also reject the two-state solution?

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I have strong feelings about much of what has occurred. However, tonight I write to express my thanks to Professor Richardson for her efforts to provide us with unbiased, as accurate as possible, information. The hate mail she deals with is truly unacceptable and actually sad given her focus on accuracy.

Mahalo nui loa Professor!

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"Nui"! It's the same word in Maori.

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You two could be ohana. :)

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I read those “attack” replies in shock and disbelief that people can have amazing knee jerk reactions to plainly stated facts. Nothing HCR wrote condoned terrorism or condemned Israel. This has always been a safe space for stimulating conversations. Let’s not devolve into something ugly. Have patience and do no harm, please.

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Blue Roots, I'm equally distressed that HCR has gotten hammered by the haters, but not surprised. In my experience these don't tend to be knee jerk reactions. That implies some level of emotional honesty, when what they are - are well-orchestrated, coordinated attacks by MAGAs.

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Alexandra, I sometimes wonder if our beloved forum here isn’t the victim of coordinated attacks from...someone. It doesn’t seem Maga to me, mostly because sometimes the arguments are sophisticated, but often the language is oddly stilted. I know I sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist, but I think it’s Russian agitprop. It comes and goes in waves.

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I tend to agree with you. I know TC has called out a couple; so did a former reader, "Roland" who I don't see any more here.

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I remember Roland’s big thread on that. His analysis seemed pretty sound to me, and I had it in mind when I wrote the above. I miss his voice.

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Same here, KR.

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I'm sorry I missed out on Roland. So many great people here.

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Just because this comment board doesn't get many bot or troll comments, doesn't mean they aren't aware of this board just waiting for a chance to divide us.

It seems like a safe space, but is it really?

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Hence my initials, instead of my name. How sad it that.

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KR, you're right, and I know that's out there. But those MAGAs are really coordinated. Horribly, some coordinated attacks are organized through church newsletters.

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I don’t think we’re that special....yet. They all read rather academic to me, more snobbery than conspiratorial. She has 1.2 million readers, that’s a big sample to draw from. All they will get here is rejection and ridicule if they try to participate regularly don’t you think?

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BlueRoots, yes, the instant rejection is really heartening. That's definitely a reason I'm hanging out here these days! Nice to meet you, btw.

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“Agree” I mean and “arghhh!” at the hate mail.

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Agrrr with you!

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I read "typo" because I seem to make one every 5 minutes that I let slip through. I try to only point out the ones in mean spirited posts/replies.

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I'm more inclined, as suggested above, to believe the hate mail proceeds from an organized entity and not from knee-jerk individuals.

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Apparently, I need to go back and read from "new first"...

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If the recent reports in Mother Jones are correct, and I believe they are, Jim Jordan should be arrested immediately for insurrection and tossed out of Congress. If instead he is chosen as Speaker, he will do immense damage to our politics as he helps Trump complete his coup.

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Yes, why aren't Jordan and Trump now under arrest, Trump for disclosing nuclear secrets to an Australian businessman? Why?

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Rabid R have focused on the word "alleged" so it is lies, all lies I was told. CBS reporter who use to work for faux news , reported that the business man denied that X gave away any secrets

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Maybe it's the same reasons the Dr. who prescribe Ivermectin in AR to 5 people with Covid without their consent still has his license to practice medicine in AR.

White, Male elitist in the South. They were in jail but they didn't voluntarily take the drug.

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His crimes, like chump, have been done in plain sight.

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And the repug as a party strikes a mortal blow to any shred left of credibility, or to any lingering suspicion, that they do what they do “for love of country” .

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To a British reader, you always strike balances and give hope that informed journalism might itself inform political consciousness and leadership. Strength to all your elbows, dear Heather Cox Richardson.

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Well said Michael. HCR you have lots of support here - much much more than the detractors- and the haters only provide testament that you are providing facts. Darkness and evil cannot abide the truth.

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When you have 1.2 million sub stack followers you're going to get threats. Thanks to HCR for being a brave soul willing to speak the facts.

I purposely haven't listened or watched any of the news on Israel and Gaza because at this point how do you know what is true and what is BS? (Isn't that what HCR said as well only better).

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Thank you for this hard letter. That the House is leaderless, hamstrung by incompetent members, and unable to appoint key figures to retain vital positions in a time of crisis, underscores this dark chapter in America’s history.

Hard letter, straight words.

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Someone earlier mentioned it - they want everything that they want granted to them and nothing to the other side. That is not how a functioning government works. So, what to make of it? Perhaps what they actually want is for the government to fail so that they can install their own autocratic system.

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Name them and their districts over and over..are they proud of their vote?


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Part of the problem is getting competent Democrats to run the local organizations.

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It's way beyond "perhaps."

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Thanks Heather for your commentary. It helps so much. I’m saddened to hear that you suffered blowback in trying to sort through this difficult information.

I feel physically Ill at this point due to the chaos that is surrounding us all.

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With you.

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Me too. I feel we are adrift on a boundless sea, surrounded by pirates and sharks, and yet an enchanted island lies in view. If only we can get there...

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Very grateful for your voice of reason and analysis that is predicated upon history, facts, and evidence Heather. I am horrified by the loss of life and suffering by mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters who reject violence and extremism, regardless of the latitude and longitude of where they were born. At a time in which the world should be coming together to address climate, authoritarian criminals, and conflict, we are readily divided.

And the chaos the fringe extremists in the GOP continue to inflict weakens America and diminishes our diplomatic and economic standing worldwide.

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Thank you George, well stated.

There are many of us who realize the chaos let alone worldly dysfunctional factions is all part of the script. Here it’s the B plan of the coup and autocrats running far too many shows world wide.

That we have a competent president and his team at our helm is comforting. What’s ahead undoubtably is a rough road .

May the Force Be With Them

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But ARE they “fringe” extremists? I see little evidence, from the core body of the party, objecting to the many examples of lies and lawlessness within its ranks. Instead, members have chosen to close ranks around these “fringe” extremists with the canned message of “nothing to see here, folks” sweetened with the counterpoint of: “Good lord look at how old Biden is.” Accessories to murder, ALL of them, attempting a fatal blow to democracy. The exceptions, such as Chaney and Kinzinger, are too few to salvage any repug credibility.

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From my perspective they generally represent the outside edge of low-information voters who want to burn it all down, into Congress or State/Local government due to gerrymandering, voter suppression, and apathy.

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George, it reminds me of the message given for generations to poor whites that it is shameful to be “on the dole”. Then, when they are angry because of their self-imposed conditions, there told that it’s all the present government’s (Democrat’s) fault.

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I do believe there is a great deal of what I consider to be generational/geographic economic despair. The anger and frustration is real, however, to your point -the GOP, Fox News, and others repeatedly tell them "it's not your fault -immigrants/refugees are taking all the best jobs, the Democratic party is giving them your hard-earned pay..." etc. If people really understood Reagan/Trump/GOP "Trickle-down" economics -the GOP would be hard-pressed to ever receive more than 15% of the vote, even in heavily gerrymandered districts.

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George, very well stated. Thank you. It’s scary how easily people can be manipulated to vote against their best interests as long as they perceive that, by doing so, the “stick it to the <…>”

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President Lyndon B. Johnson: "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

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K, exactly. This is one of my favorite quotes.

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It’s no coincidence that Hamas struck now, when Israel is in the midst of internal political turmoil. Netanyahu is attempting to demolish Israel’s judicial system and Israel’s reservists have threatened not to report for duty—all prior to Hamas’ attack.

We, here in the US, are similarly operating in a vacuum. The House is leaderless and the Senate is being held hostage by idiots like Tuberville and Cruz who are interested ONLY in advancing their personal agendas and don’t care one bit for the direction of this country.

Basically, the GOP are showing their ass to the world and offering a target to our enemies. There is absolutely no excuse for this behavior. They need to be removed from the Senate for obstruction.

As for what’s happening in the ME, I’ve long believed that the heart of the conflict is between Shi’a and Sunni. Iran is a Shi’a Muslim country; Saudi Arabia’s is largely Sunni. Saudi is making overtures to Israel; Iran fires up its proxy in the region—Hamas—to send Saudi Arabia a message. This will spread to the entire area if it isn’t stopped. It’s so much bigger than Hamas and Israel.

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I don't see how this cuts Shi'ite/Sunni. Most Palestinian Muslims are Sunni. The Egyptian Brotherhood in Egypt is Sunni and has been consistent in supporting the Palestinian cause. As is Shi'ite Iran and (mostly) Shi'ite Iran. The heart of the conflict in Palestine is between the Zionists and the Palestinians, both of which claim the same land and water resources.

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The Palestinians are being used by Hamas. If Egypt is such a big supporter of the Palestinians, then explain why they’ve blockaded Gaza. This latest conflict is Iran using Hamas as a proxy to wage war because they (Iran, a Shi’a state) does not want Saudi Arabia, a Sunni state to gain any power in the ME.

If the Arab states cared so much about the Palestinians, they wouldn’t have exiled them and made them languish in camps for all this time. Israel’s hands are far from clean. Their actions in the West Bank are appalling and worthy of international condemnation.

Not all Palestinians support Hamas. Hamas rules over Gaza like a criminal gang and takes humanitarian aid for themselves, rather than using it to benefit the population of Gaza. Which Israel pulled out of in 2005.

Your use of the word, ‘Zionists’ is quite revealing, BTW.

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What does Roger Evans' use of Jewish movement members called 'Zionists' reveal to you Marla?

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Plain and simple…he’s an anti-Semite.

But let him come here and respond to me directly.

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I'll come directly to you. What do you know about Zionism?




a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.

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Don't need any lectures on Zionism, thanks. I am acutely aware what the word means and its origins, thanks.

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Ok, Maria. When I use the word "Zionist", I use it like Golda Meir (Great movie, by the way) used it about herself, and as I sometimes see it used on the comment threads of Ha'aretz. ("I speak as a proud Zionist"). I understand it to mean a Jew who believes in and supports a Jewish state in the land of Palestine. Not all Jews are Zionists of course, and not all the Jewish residents of Israel are Zionists - some say that Israel cannot be reborn before the Messiah comes. Do you seriously maintain that the name has no proper use? Or just that the Goyim shouldn't use it? The "Z" word, as it were?

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'Zionist' when used in this fashion, as in Palestinians and Zionists is a slur. The statement, 'in the land of Palestine' is a dead giveaway.

I may seem to be overly sensitive, but I had a bellyful of anti-Semitism growing up and I know it when I smell it.

BTW, Golda Meir or randoms in Ha'aretz using 'Zionist' is like Black people using the 'N' word. OK for them, for white people, not so much

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I agree. The Palestinians are being used as puppets by the bad actors in the Islamic/Muslim world.

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When blacks were registering to vote in South during the struggle for Civil Rights, they were accused of being used as puppets by bad actors among the Yankees.

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The situations are not analogous. Unless the use of the word puppet is misread to apply to every use of the word ever throughout history. I was talking about Hamas genocidal terrorists/cowards who attack others knowing return fire is the inevitable result then hide behind innocent Palestinians - Hamas terrorists who have historically withheld humanitarian aid from the Palestinians they purport to protect, then point to their suffering and blame Israel. Hamas terrorists who cut off the access of UN Aid workers helping the Palestinian people then blame Israel for the suffering. Who have time and again rejected and/or sabotaged a two state solution. Who are so dangerous that the Egyptians have blocked their access through Egypt. Who deny Israel’s right to exist and call for the extermination of all Jews. Who have continued to wage war and terrorist attacks for 75 years. Let me be clear that I deplore discrimination of any kind against any minority group: black, brown, asian, muslim, jew and anyone I may have left out. I am referring only to deplorable actions and deplorable tactics employed by Hamas and their supporters.

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I don't disagree with most of what you write, Maria. Except the first sentence: that Palestinians are being used by Hamas (and the last sentence, too - but more about that further down in the thread). That is like saying the Irish are being used by the Irish Republican Army. I don't know enough about Hamas to say whether you are right about Hamas being a criminal gang and taking humanitarian aid for themselves. I've never met a member of Hamas to my knowledge. I do know they have offered Israel a 10 yr. cease fire to give some space for reconciliation, and were rejected. My reply to you has to do with your looking at the conflict in Palestine/Israel as a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia. I think that is a profound and dangerous misunderstanding. These parties would be fighting with sticks and stones even if the U.S., Iran and Saudi Arabia were completely uninvolved. You don't have to go outside of the immediate area to find a bogeyman. And you can't understand the viciousness of the current attacks without first acknowledging the change in Israel that has happened since Netanyahu came back into power.

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Hamas have appropriated humanitarian aid meant for the Palestinians in Gaza and used it for arms and munitions, rather than to build much-needed housing, supply food, hospitals, health care and job opportunities to the Palestinians. living there. They (Hamas) are a criminal gang of terrorists with one goal--the destruction of Israel.

Meanwhile, the head of Hamas is sitting in luxury in Qatar, far removed from danger and any action, barking out threats to kill hostages and civilians.

And, yes, this is a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, with the Palestinians caught in the middle. From the time of Partition in 1948, all of the Arab countries surrounding Israel expelled not only their Jews, but when the Palestinians living in what is now Israel fled, they were herded into camps because the Arab states assured them that Israel wouldn't last and they could easily go back home. The Palestinians have always been caught in the middle of the power struggles in the ME.

Not every Palestinian supports Hamas. They're often victims of Hamas, as well. Hamas is known for executing Palestinians they deem as insufficiently loyal to their cause.

I had a college professor for International Relations who was a Palestinian who was arrested multiple times by Israel and he and I had some very enlightening discussions; mostly about resistance. I, too, have been arrested by my country for resistance.

I am revolted by Netanyahu's actions in the West Bank and elsewhere and his continued grasping for power in the face of criminal investigations (sound familiar?). But what happened this weekend only put all that on hold.

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If this were a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, you would hear Saudi Arabia condemning Hamas and Iran. Saudi Arabia would be sending help to Israel to crush the "Iranian puppets" in Gaza. But you won't find that. Here's what I picked up from a Fox News site:

"Saudi Arabia's foreign ministry in a statement soon after the attacks did not condemn Hamas. Instead, the ministry noted that it had repeatedly warned that Israel's 'occupation, the deprivation of the Palestinian people of their legitimate rights, and the repetition of systematic provocations' led to this moment.

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby declined to comment on the Saudi response."

There's really not much daylight between Iran and Saudi Arabia when it comes to supporting Palestinian resistance. This is why the idea of a proxy war is so dangerous - it is the narrative of the Neocons in both U.S. parties who want a war with Iran. Such a war would be a disaster as much for Israel and the US as for Iran.

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Sounds so familiar, huh?

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Roger, your use of the word "Zionists" is a dog whistle indicating that whatever Jews do to protect themselves is wrong. In actuality, Zionists tried to stay within the law and within the boundaries existing in Palestine in the early 20th century. They bought land from those who claimed to own it (maybe even vetted by the local British authorities). Those "owners" didn't bother to tell the migrant Palestinians who were already there, and a natural conflict arose. Arab leaders exploited this conflict after Israel was created while ignoring the Palestinians' basic human needs.

Then again, there is a huge problem with the modern Likud Party in Israel supporting expansion of Jewish settlements at the expense of Arab residents who have been there for generations. That faction is as cynical, self-serving, and cruel as the earlier Arab muftis that took Jews' money and let individuals sort it out themselves.

And what about Arafat's expulsion of over 700 Christian families from Ramalla? What about Arab countries' repeat invasions of Israel and then whining when Israel won territories in defensive war?

It's much more nuanced than two sides claiming the same land and water. It's really more like one side trying to live within its borders and the other side claiming its own land AND the other sides.

Your use of the word "Zionist" tells me you accept the sensational claims of what appears to be the underdog. That's like MAGA folk accepting Trump’s claim of victim hood. It's also a tired 1970's vintage argument of antisemites.

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Jerry, I do not understand your reply to Roger Evans. Why is it a 'dog whistle'

to call people who live in Israel, support it and protect it Zionists? You have presupposed Roger's position, which he did not state. It was rather inflammatory to claim, as you did, 'Your use of the word "Zionist" tells me you accept the sensational claims of what appears to be the underdog. That's like MAGA folk accepting Trump’s claim of victim hood. It's also a tired 1970's vintage argument of antisemites.'

You did not query Roger to learn how accurate or not your opinion was of his views.

For an in-depth historical understanding, I have found The United Nation's 'Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem: 1917-1947 (Part I)' worthwhile. The link is below.


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Thanks, Fern. I note that when I use the "Z-word", it's a dog whistle, but when Jerry uses it in the very next sentence, it's "in actuality"- the subject of a historical fact :-)

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Hello, Roger. I took the opportunity to look into what appears to be charged responses by some to the use of the word 'Zionists' and learned that it has been used as a slur, including, perhaps, by several officials in the UK. It led to them being rebuked and in a couple of instances other negative consequences as well. The apparent increase of antisemitism and attacks against Jews may be a part of the sensitivity about the use of language concerning Jews.

Thank you for your attention to my exchanges on the subject. I don't know if Jerry will reply to me, but if he does, I may excuse myself for intruding on his communication with you. I may encourage more conversation between the two of you.


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It's not a slur in Israel. But it wouldn't be the first time that the British think they know more about a former colony than its inhabitants.

No apology necessary! I felt protected.

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That UN report lists a litany of complaints about the devious Jews and their British enablers and seems to express surprise that the Balfour Declaration was adopted as policy after all the complaints about it. No analysis or history FOR creation of a Jewish State was made. No mention of how the British tried to keep Jewish refugees out until after the end of WW2. There was no description of where Palestinians were .concentrated and their location to Jewish settlements. There was mention of land purchases for Jewish settlements, but not discussion of who sold them land and why the sellers might have flouted their supposed leaders' wishes.

One might say the battle is between Zionists and Palestinians. But it's more accurately between Israelis and their enemies. The first Zionists were early idealists with political connections. Later Zionists would have been the early pre WW2 settlers. Holocaust survivors were the next wave. We're past Zionism now. It succeeded in realizing the dream of a Jewish state. It's over. Don't define Israelis. They can do it just fine by themselves.

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At its base, the Arab/Israeli issue is about land, water, and dispossession. Jewish history is full of diaspora stories. While many Palestinians have left the Mideast, they really have not been allowed a diaspora. Only Jordan and Lebanon have taken any sizeable numbers of Palestinian people. Arguably, this contributed to Lebanon failing as a state. Jordan has effectively ceded the West Bank to Israel to avoid the same fate, as well as just barely avoiding being taken over by the PLO in 1970/71 (remember Black September?).

I am going to watch Jordan's reaction to this current conflict. They seem to have the best intelligence gathering apparatus as far as Palestinian groups go. I would be surprised if the Jordanian leadership did not have some knowledge of Hamas' plans.

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I read some reporting last night that Egypt in fact warned Israel ahead of the attacks. What an abysmal failure. One has to ask why that would have happened.

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Seth Abramson from Proof (google that entire term) has an excellent analysis of this. He suggests, among other points, that Netanyahu and the Likud party do better when Israel is under pressure, and is trying to tighten his grip on the country to gain authoritarian powers.

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That is unforgivable.

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Oh, they do care the direction of the US, authoritarian, fascist, Christian Nationalism.

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Heather - I am very grateful that you were and are willing to provide "the news". It seems you're taking on the mantle of Walter Cronkite in that regard, someone who presents the facts without an attempt to put one spin on them or another. Something that has become as rare as gold lately. I'm not surprised at the fact you've received hate mail - it's part and parcel of the new America in which you're either "with us or against us". It used to be that being an American was our defining quality and whether Republican or Democrat was merely a shading placed upon that. Just as Vanilla and Chocolate are both simply flavors of the same thing - ice cream.

In the current heated passions, I fear both flavors will merely melt (to stretch a metaphor to its limit).

Although I'd normally think of crafting a cartoon for current political events, this issue is so touchy and raw that I may just sit this one out. It's difficult for a cartoonist to not take one side or another and, like you, I don't feel sufficiently informed to add my voice to the chorus, other than to ask for thoughtful reflection rather than knee-jerk reaction. I actually designed a T-shirt with precisely that sentiment - perhaps this is a good time to wear it.

Again - thank you and as best you can, I hope you can try to ignore the rabble's cries of outrage.

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Many congressional critters could use your t shirt!

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I'll send them a url link!

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One more vote to say that we read your posts regularly for your historical knowledge and thoughtful analysis. Thank you.

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What is the way though the egos of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Xi Jinping, Donald J. Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu?

What is the way through the streets of flying bullets?

Smith & Wesson M&P Shield, Ruger Lightweight Compact Pistol, Springfield, XD-S, Sig Sauer P938, Glock G19, Colt LE6920, Kel-Tec SUB-2000, Ruger AR-556, DPMS Oracle, Kel-Tec KSG, Heritage Arms Rough Rider, Taurus 85, Smith & Wesson 629, Mossberg 590, SIG Sauer P320, Remington 700.000, SIG Sauer P365, Ruger 10/22, Remington 870..

and modern weaponry: MQ9 Reaper Drone, the Laser Avenger and the MAARS Robot

and faces full of hate?

What is the way through hotter temperatures, diminishing sea ice, more severe storms, wildfires, floods, earthquakes, increased drought, warming oceans, rising water, loss of species, not enough food, more health risks, poverty and displacement?

Which way?

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I know this may have become trite, Fern, but “Love is the ONLY way.....”

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Saw MAGAts this past weekend at family reunion wearing MAGAt red caps and tees with “love” slogans all over. Gave me brain freeze…

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So difficult.

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Loving my neighbors is a challenge like never before.

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That makes me think about my neighbor across the street. She bought jewelry that is made from bullets. Transforming something deadly and negative into a piece of art. It is a beautiful statement. But I think we need to go into the streets and protest the idiots and Demand justice be served to traitors.

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Swords into plowshares. But better if melted down into something that doesn't celebrate a bullet, if I'm correctly picturing the jewelry that you're talking about.

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No, it does not represent a bullet, they are lovely designs and the new company cannot keep up with the orders. Win/Win. Exactly swords into plowshares.

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Fern, we humans bicker, fight and destroy each other (and ecosystems & fellow species) while the world burns, floods and is wind-whipped apart. Brought to mind this song from the 60’s Eve of Destruction….sigh….rinse, repeat…like a skipping record (lol, remember those?): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfZVu0alU0I There are many intelligent species we share this planet with and if they survive the botching of our efforts to dominate/control/deplete & humans fade out, perhaps they can at last enjoy Gaia & just “be”.

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Or 'Where Have all the Flowers Gone?' by Peter, Paul and Mary. "When will we ever learn?"

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Hi Fern, here is a glimpse of a possible future, a "what a brave new world with such people in it" kind of future. It is a podcast Kelly Corrigan Wonders https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kelly-corrigan-wonders/id1532951390, also aired on NPR. The episode I'm referring to aired on NPR last weekend, and is dated 10/10/23 on the podcast site. Try to bear in mind that Gitanjali Rao is 17 years old! Here is a link to access the podcast on NPR: https://radiopublic.com/kelly-corrigan-wonders-WxRDkg.

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Thank you for thinking of me, Steve, and for the links to Kelly Corrigan Wonders' podcast.

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ONE DAY BY Matisyahu

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Carole, thank you for this wonderful choice of music. I think everyone here would be grateful to hear this moving song, beautifully sung -- at this very time.

Koolulam | One Day - Matisyahu | Haifa | Feb. 14th, 2018


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Superb. Optimistic.Joyous.

When will WE, the peoples of the world, FINALLY say enough? The unanswered question, over 1000s of years, sadly. This video lights a flame of hope in me, may it become a bonfire....grateful for this post. The LFAA community never ceases to amaze, impress, and educate me. Thank you ALL!

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Thanks, Fern, this moved me to tears and my heart welled with hope. I wish and hope that the spirit of “One Day” enters all hearts and displaces fear, hatred, greed and intolerance. Fingers crossed….sigh, what a wonderful world it would be!

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Is this the one where both peoples sing together? If only. . .

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Are you unable to watch it, Carole? No description would do this performance justice, under the circumstances today.

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I did watch it & have watched many times . War with its horrors belies our status as civilization

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I was listening to a contemporary song on the radio yesterday - the lyrics spoke of bulletproofing your soul.....

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Thank you, Heather, for your continued clarity on the large issues facing the country, and by extension, the world. Your measured and careful (and informed!) approach is a breath of fresh air in these highly reactive times.

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Professor I am grateful for your objective reporting each and every day. As an American Jew I appreciate your clear eyed analysis- relying on facts. Nothing you wrote the other day was offensive. While I have my biases that are being driven by fear of antisemitism- its coded into the Jewish DNA, I believe for good reason, nothing I repeat nothing you wrote was off base or caused me pause. Some comments in response to your article caused me pause because I felt they demonstrated a lack of compassion to victims of horrific act. But it along the way theough back and forth we seemd to achieve a civil albeit opinionated conversation. I am truly sorry you received hate mail. Thank you again for keeping us informed.

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Just a simple thank you for your thoughtful, well- researched daily essays. Your voice rises above the chaotic chatter and summons readers to think and learn. Don’t stop.

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