It pains me that I couldn’t do my civic duty and travel from CT to PA to work on account of a new case of bronchitis. I am concerned about any dirty tricks that will be in play during the count leading to certification of election. If Trump and his filthy company of destroyers of everything good becomes successful and, even after not get…
It pains me that I couldn’t do my civic duty and travel from CT to PA to work on account of a new case of bronchitis. I am concerned about any dirty tricks that will be in play during the count leading to certification of election. If Trump and his filthy company of destroyers of everything good becomes successful and, even after not getting the majority of electors, and somehow he claims the presidency, I would hope and pray that President Biden emplores the Joint Chiefs of Staff to prevent Trump from taking g office through a suspension of the constitution and a temporary declaration of martial law. I would so easily take my chances with our military than a Trump administration.
Don’t fret, Bill. I came from CA to NC to canvass just to offset your absence in PA. My biggest success was converting my Republican Uber driver to vote for Harris. It was easy after I learned he had 2 teenage daughters.
I turned my republican family in Texas, MaryB. Or maybe they saw the light on their own. I'll never know, but I'm proud and happy to say we are three generations that voted early and pure blue.
Lauren, Kudos to you and others who have worked hard to convince people to vote for Harris. We voted early by mail here in Oregon and our county has a wonderful system to tell voters that their ballots are received and cleared for counting. Our cleaner yesterday, who lived for a time in Queens and talks about how crooked death star is, voted for Harris. She is Hispanic. Other friends especially those in the small town where I taught, lament that they will never look upon some people they have known for years the same again. I hope we can end the divisiveness and do the hard work that Harris so eloquently spoke about. We turned down an election night party, so it will be a quiet evening at home watched a crime series.
I'm drinking Mariacheladas (a tall drink I created - juice of 1 limon, half a Corona, shot of tequila, sprinkle of cayenne pepper, and V8 or equivalent) and eating guacamole on blue corn tortilla chips while I pray for a win in both chambers of congress. Party of one, unless you count the blind chihuahua that lives with me. She didn't vote, but I'll give her a cuteness pass.
Quite the drink. Right now I am forgoing alcohol, although I may allow myself a very tiny amount of single malt if (OK, when) Harris wins. I am editing a book by my garden helper which is full of wisdom about life and gardens. I was out in mine earlier, snagging a few late figs. We should have had a good freeze by now, but it really hasn't happened, so no digging any parsnips yet. Our doggie didn't vote either. And I will give him a cuteness pas as well. Good election night to you.
I really can't take the credit. As I said they're educated, so they fall into the demographic that voted D in spite of being registered R's. They don't agree with ,La's agenda, but they couldn't stomach TFG 2.0 or any more of Cancun Cruz. Daughter crossed the line to vote for Beto both times he ran with no urging from me.
Congratulations on your conversion. of the Uber driver. My extensive writing efforts have not resulted in anyone acknowledging their conversion publicly
I’m with the Hubbells and Jessica Craven in Mecklenburg County, Charlotte. Canvassed with them on Sunday. Today we were at different polling places handing out Blue Ballot Guides, well away from the restricted areas for campaigning
It is just as easy to imagine winning Bill. It is just as easy to know that the Democratic Party, Federal Agencies and President Biden have things under control. We are infinitely more prepared. And we have a Democratic President in the White House. He Falls under the Immunity ruling too. Oh, and he is Commander in Chief of the Military.
Sounds like you need to take good care of yourself. Worry does no good.
I’m already organizing the Gray Brigade, a quasi outfit of seniors that can March in uniform and on command, being positioned upwind of the enemy of MAGAs, turn around in unison bend over and fart. The effects are devastating on the enemy except The Donald, who would and has taken much pleasure in the aroma.
I remember staying at an Airbnb in Richmond, Indiana a beautiful Victorian mini mansion and when I asked the value they said about $125,000 I. My town it would have been worth about $500,000. That was the result of NAFTA which devastated good paying factory jobs.
How did you guess so easily? My friend Vladimir Putin has opened a bank account for me and I’ve invested in North Korean flack jackets and making big ruble.
Those of us who write always promote ourselves. I guess you don’t write so you wouldn’t understand. Heather spent much time on the road promoting her book.
And unfortunately, I do not agree with your military approach of stopping Trump. Then we would just be the country he wants us to be anyway. And as much as it pains me to think about what he might do to this country, I would never support using his same tactics under any circumstances.
It depends. If unlawful forces even try and upend an election, then I most certainly expect President Biden to do something. If unlawful forces try any violence I expect President Biden to do something. If unlawful forces are interfering with people trying to vote then I expect officials of that State to do something.
President Biden has the Insurrection Act and the gift of Immunity from SCOTUS at his disposal. Besides being a super nice guy he is also Commander in Chief of the Unites States of America Military. It is no secret Russia is actively working to interfere in this election. It is a fact that fascism has come to this election.
When do we stop being such purists and do what is necessary to preserve our Democracy? When do sane Americans get protected? Why are we worried about violence today? How did it get to this point? I am sick of being bullied by these crazies. Mean and unlawful people count on decent people to hold back; to hesitate to engage. It is how they get away with so much.
These people really are trying to destroy our Democracy and way of life.
I think Biden is mad enough to act so you are correct. He won’t forget that debate moment when Biden lost his concentration and Trump poked fun at it. Nope, we are in good hands.
I'd like to point out however that what the SCOTUS actually did was to give permission to any president to do anything that could be deemed an official act and then said that "official act" was so desperately hard to define that only they could decide on a case by case basis if something was official, and we just know that the same action by 45 would be official whereas it would not be when ordered by Biden. Basically, one of the reasons they did not support the States theory was that it took much of the power they had abrogated to themselves away and they were really, in those two and other decisions, setting themselves up as We Six Kings. Not only is Biden too moral and conscientious to break any laws, but I'm sure he knows quite well he has not been given the power of near limitless immunity.
Smarten up there won’t be anything good remaining with a government run by autocrats. Even now, we are governed and owned by the corporate community. I’ll take my chances with the US military, thank you.
“Dennis, I’m gonna draw up a petition tonight that calls on the American military through the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to suspend the Constitution until Jan. 20, 2021 when a new president will be sworn into office. The military will immediately escort Trump off the grounds of the White House and place him in home confinement at Mar-a-Lago.
“The military will install a junta; a six person team representing the Marines, Air Force, Army and Navy, Coast Guard and now, the Space Force. Elections will proceed as scheduled but without Trump leading the Republican Party.
Are you ready to sign it, Dennis? Are you ready to take a stand for your family, community, state and nation?”
“You must be reading my mind, Bill. I've been saying this for weeks. I will sign it in a heartbeat. The Thief-in-Chief must go before he kills all of us. He is the biggest mass murderer in American history, bar none, and the toll climbs every day. The murderous slimebags on FOX should also be included in this purge, since they are equally complicit in this.
And, since there are still so many who don't mind dying for Trump, I would also strongly encourage red state Trump toadies to mass gather at churches, bars, whatever, and drool, spit, and ooze bodily fluids on each other, and then wait in line for ventilator treatment that could have been avoided if they had only listened to Dr. Fauci before catching COVID-19.
It looks like we just fixed the country. Now, what about McConnell and those other grinning jackals?”
Nope.. the JCS is a body of individuals who have managed to make their way there. Unfortunately, like a any body, there are a few pricks. We saw one who surfaced quite quickly when #45 took office.., didn't we? And, as we have clearly observed they have a following. Military members operate under the precept of "a lawful order". So, when their particular officer-in-charge says "charge".., 99% of them will respond. Simply, it is not for them to reason why, it's for them to do or die. The 1% are in the brig and whether the "order was lawful or not might get decided upon later. So don't hand me that 'military solution crap'. Leaders come and go. We've had a few. This country is far from a finished piece of artwork; 350 years is but a flash in a 5000 year old bonfire. Err on civility. The other road is not the road you want to be on when your testosterone level wains. How's your memory doing?
My new friend at the time, Professor Dennis Kaplan, who inspired me to write and at the same time told me I couldn’t make Trump funny, passed away just as my book was coming to market so I dedicated it to him. I miss his more offbeat than mine, sense of humor.
"Thief in chief".. yes. Our legal system, in a sincere effort to provide fairness, often appears inept because it enables those with 'lotsa money' (spelled political influence) to appeal/delay/appeal/delay, almost to no end. The lines drawn are often so fine they make no sense to me. But, until we figure out how to write things differently, they are "the line" a civilized society has to deal with. Finding a level playing field, in which to write or create, one free of personal prejudice, is tough. In the end, we've got to remember "we" are the ones electing the EMpty Greene's, the Scary Lakes, the J 'duh' Vances, the DJT's, and some other C*ksukahhs we're familiar with. Getting rid of them takes time. Lert's not shoot ourselves in the foot doing it.
I apologize for getting in to it with you again, Jon. I am surprisingly of the same mind as Bill Katz on this one. I'd welcome the deployment of the National Guard to defend against another J6 riot. I wanted TFG to call them out, and I'd want the same of Biden, rather than to see the Capitol and its defenders beaten and broken. Let's have peace, whether they want it or not.
No problem Lauren. I would want a call out of the NG too for another insurrection attempt. My point was I would NOT want to see martial law used to OVERTURN a valid election of Trump. I think it somehow got disconnected from the original post as things often do on Substack.
No Jon,now you are changing up on me. I stated emphatically that if Trump used a false motive, a fraudulent conveyance to steal the office, I stated a temporary military coup would be fine with me and you said no Trump could steal the fricken thing all day long. So you are changing up not me or anyone else.
A suspension of habeas corpus should be on the table. President Lincoln had to do it. D.C. may have ended up in the Confederacy and the Union broken apart had he not. You are right that risk is high. It is merited, as a last resort, since we have the capacity to resolve the unforeseen problems later on.
If the situation is truly dire and existential and we do not take that risk, the polity of peril that succeeds inaction may preclude any LATER TO FIX THINGS. That is why I am optimistic for a Harris victory -- out of necessity, not out of choice. Go, President Harris and Vice President Gipper!
Then buy my book and get a full understanding of what this bag of sheet is about. You will never be more entertained and educated all for 15 bucks. You will thank me. Don’t buy three beers save up and buy my book. Money back guaranteed. It will be the best investment you ever made.
Um....sometimes it's OK to be a Nazi? Ain't no purist, but Amazon is like shooting at the side of a barn - of course, i don't make my living writing and selling books. It was something i aspired to, though.
We won’t need the military because Alzheimer’s is knocking on Trump’s door. I’m not a doctor but I think he is deteriorating rapidly and the stress of losing and facing prison…..well such a traumatic event would accelerate a healthy person’s mental health and we know Donny Boy is not a in good health. Praying for a sea of Blue!! 🙏
Sorry, Maureen, but TFG wouldn't be leading the charge this time any more than he did in '21. He's not only too old, weak, and deranged, he's a coward. OTOH his base is locked and loaded to go kill 'em some commies. We needed federal assistance for the Capitol Police last time and didn't get it. I'm comforted that Biden will be on the phone the second any intimidation or violence begins anywhere in the nation.
Trump is already gone. What I most fear is the movement that he has consolidated with Vance as a new figurehead. Remember when these American extremists only blew up federal buildings? Now they attach the Capital itself. We had better wisen up and although I have not mentioned issues, things like borders weigh heavily to blame on democrats and we had better wisen up.
Dear Bill, please recover asap. Bronchitis is a stinky sob, and sticks around like a car with missing hubcaps. I hope the poll watchers in PA make you proud!
But for me, bad knee et al, just reading HCR today lifted me up, made me smile erasing a lot of my deep concerns that have a bad habit of accumulating daily re the white supremacist fascists. I’m so grateful for Heather’s grasp of the history of political shenanigans that provides deep context for what is happening now.
I was born with bronchitis. When you live with a disease all your life you get used to it. I only catch it once every year or two. It goes away and then returns. My father had acute bronchial asthma so I feel I got off easy.
A bit overplayed here, Bill, i'm pretty sure. Have you watched the movie Civil War? The downfall of a right-wing dictatorship, the last scenes an all-out at the White House no less.
Really? Another short story from the collection titled “Welcome to the New Snazzy Nazi States of America” and you had better learn how to do the new dance craze or off to a re-education camp for you. Give me a second.
Biden will do everything in his power and quickly to ensure that does not happen. I have confidence that ONCE Harris is declared the winner (and she will be), the wheels that have already been set will be put into gear to keep this election in her hands. We cannot control the MAGA reaction or what they may instigate via social media, of course. But Biden is ready for them.
Safeguards have also been put in place since January 6, 2021. Don't forget the Electoral Count Reform Act of 2022, which overhauled the electoral college certification process. Governors certify the state's appointment of electors, and five of the swing states have democratic governors. Of the other two (Georgia and Nevada), Georgia's governor refused to cow-tow to Trump and "find" him 11,000 votes in 2021. Some states, like Georgia, changed their method of recount, using a completely different machine and process in case a recount is necessary. Poll watchers have been trained and stationed. Many lawyers who worked with Trump to overturn the election have been fined and/or jailed and debarred. It won't be so easy this time around. Everything I have been hearing and reading agrees that though he may try, Trump will fail to overturn the election results.
But today is still nerve-wracking. I'm in Lancaster County, PA, which is Trump country. Voter turnout so far is huge and DEMS are working all day to get the Democratic vote out. At my polling place, there was a PA for DEM there handing out voting guides for the Harris/Walz ticket. There was nothing like that from the GOP side. We are on the ground and working. I attended a rally yesterday with Robert DiNero and Sam Waterston in Lancaster City. It was awesome.
I know how much you wish you were here, but rest assured, you would be here if you could. And the work is getting done. Feel better, Bill.
I hope you heal faster than my respiratory annoyance. Pneumonia since May, they can't figure out how to knock the infection out! I have been coughing and writing postcards forever and hope when the stress from this election ends the coughing will stop!
I’m sorry to hear this. Ya it sucks when it lasts. Sometimes my bronchitis lasts a few days and on rare occasions, it can last several months. My little potpourri of stuff is Vicks vapor rub, eucalyptus tabs I found the strongest ones at Costco, and codine cough medicine. But now I have fights with my doctors because big pharma sold the world on safe narcotics and we know what happened there. Now doctors are forced to limit scripts for this and I have walked out of previous doctor’s offices over this. No cure but combined they can allow a full nights rest. I’m going to yell at my doctor today if she refuses my request.
I have frequent coughs (from a different cause), and I find licorice root and star anise tea with maple syrup a good remedy, Marj. Chamomile and ginger is also very soothing. Thyme also supports pulmonary health; one can get it as an essential oil and add few drops to room temp water to sip on all day. I sweeten my teas with maple syrup, because it has fewer glycerides than honey, but either will make your throat feel better.
Bill, the differences between 2020 and today include:
- Trump is not in power and in any position to warp the actions of the DoJ and DoD.
- Trump has failed to gather consistently large crowds, least of all any protesters at his trials.
- The present civil ileadershio is ready for election day shenanigans, post-election sabotage, and pre-ekection legal challenges. As a Philadelphia official said, "F- around and find out" what will happen.
MAGA mayhem will fail this time.
Rest and get better. Make sure to take your vitamins. Whatever happens in the election, the sun will still rise and our wisdom, wacky as some of us have been, will still be needed.
Don't under estimate President Biden, he is already a step ahead of Trump. President Biden is a man of honesty and principle. He believes in a government for the people by the people. He will not tolerate another
insurrection. Be rest assured he will remain in office until January and make sure that the electoral college isn't tampered with and that this election is dealt with accordingly and by following the laws of our voting process. There is no doubt that Biden has the national guard on stand by in every state. Including the cops and the FBI. When your dealing with a tyrant who is threatening our Democracy, Biden will do whatever it takes to make sure we have a peaceful transfer of power.
Well that's not totally clear. SCOTUS kind of left things up in the air. Yes, they said the President had immunity for official duties. But they also left the definition of what fell under that umbrella up to them. It essentially allowed them to weigh in on any prosecution of a
President. So they could allow Trump to kill someone but day it was outside the score of POTUS duties of Biden tried it.
Exactly. It's strange everyone seems to miss this vital point. Ultimately, the SCOTUS is the arbiter of what is legal and not, and clearly feel no need to always explain to us what their reasoning is so they don't even have to come up with plausible or even lame explanations as to what they have rested their decisions on. It's a bit of a peaceful coup right there, really. They take on cases that haven't yet worked their way up to them by usual routes, they make decisions that amount to legislating, and they sure weren't ready to allow the states to seize powers from the federal courts they rule over even though that was expected based on their prior policy vs law based rulings.
I have had this fantasy too, Jon, only mine involves Seal Team 6, because that's who came up in oral argument at the Extreme Court. Sadly Biden's too nice a guy ever to call for a hit on anybody. Let's hope the legitimate military is able to squash homegrown insurrectionist militias without recourse to assassination.
It won't be seal team 6! They are a bit like the silent service- our submarine forces- they don't particularly care for ANY notoriety. The whole Bin Laden thing got out of control afterwards. There are other teams.
It pains me that I couldn’t do my civic duty and travel from CT to PA to work on account of a new case of bronchitis. I am concerned about any dirty tricks that will be in play during the count leading to certification of election. If Trump and his filthy company of destroyers of everything good becomes successful and, even after not getting the majority of electors, and somehow he claims the presidency, I would hope and pray that President Biden emplores the Joint Chiefs of Staff to prevent Trump from taking g office through a suspension of the constitution and a temporary declaration of martial law. I would so easily take my chances with our military than a Trump administration.
Don’t fret, Bill. I came from CA to NC to canvass just to offset your absence in PA. My biggest success was converting my Republican Uber driver to vote for Harris. It was easy after I learned he had 2 teenage daughters.
I turned my republican family in Texas, MaryB. Or maybe they saw the light on their own. I'll never know, but I'm proud and happy to say we are three generations that voted early and pure blue.
Lauren, Kudos to you and others who have worked hard to convince people to vote for Harris. We voted early by mail here in Oregon and our county has a wonderful system to tell voters that their ballots are received and cleared for counting. Our cleaner yesterday, who lived for a time in Queens and talks about how crooked death star is, voted for Harris. She is Hispanic. Other friends especially those in the small town where I taught, lament that they will never look upon some people they have known for years the same again. I hope we can end the divisiveness and do the hard work that Harris so eloquently spoke about. We turned down an election night party, so it will be a quiet evening at home watched a crime series.
I'm drinking Mariacheladas (a tall drink I created - juice of 1 limon, half a Corona, shot of tequila, sprinkle of cayenne pepper, and V8 or equivalent) and eating guacamole on blue corn tortilla chips while I pray for a win in both chambers of congress. Party of one, unless you count the blind chihuahua that lives with me. She didn't vote, but I'll give her a cuteness pass.
Quite the drink. Right now I am forgoing alcohol, although I may allow myself a very tiny amount of single malt if (OK, when) Harris wins. I am editing a book by my garden helper which is full of wisdom about life and gardens. I was out in mine earlier, snagging a few late figs. We should have had a good freeze by now, but it really hasn't happened, so no digging any parsnips yet. Our doggie didn't vote either. And I will give him a cuteness pas as well. Good election night to you.
Lauren, you are a miracle worker. I wish I could have changed my brothers mind.
I really can't take the credit. As I said they're educated, so they fall into the demographic that voted D in spite of being registered R's. They don't agree with ,La's agenda, but they couldn't stomach TFG 2.0 or any more of Cancun Cruz. Daughter crossed the line to vote for Beto both times he ran with no urging from me.
I helped my next door neighbor obtain an absentee ballot for her invalid adult son who would not have voted otherwise.
Congratulations on your conversion. of the Uber driver. My extensive writing efforts have not resulted in anyone acknowledging their conversion publicly
Thank you for your work!
❤❤❤❤❤❤ Thank You!!!
I’ve been canvassing in PA (I live here now) & met two women from my home town of Yonkers, one of whom went to the same school as me!
That's one of those really fun coincidences!
Cool! Are you where the Hubbells are?
I’m with the Hubbells and Jessica Craven in Mecklenburg County, Charlotte. Canvassed with them on Sunday. Today we were at different polling places handing out Blue Ballot Guides, well away from the restricted areas for campaigning
It is just as easy to imagine winning Bill. It is just as easy to know that the Democratic Party, Federal Agencies and President Biden have things under control. We are infinitely more prepared. And we have a Democratic President in the White House. He Falls under the Immunity ruling too. Oh, and he is Commander in Chief of the Military.
Sounds like you need to take good care of yourself. Worry does no good.
We have done our duty. I second Jon's sentiment.
I’m already organizing the Gray Brigade, a quasi outfit of seniors that can March in uniform and on command, being positioned upwind of the enemy of MAGAs, turn around in unison bend over and fart. The effects are devastating on the enemy except The Donald, who would and has taken much pleasure in the aroma.
I'll come! What song should we play?
“Pop pop fizz fizz
Oh what a relief it is”
Bill, as a native of Elkhart, Indiana, where Alka Seltzer originated, I can go for this.
I remember staying at an Airbnb in Richmond, Indiana a beautiful Victorian mini mansion and when I asked the value they said about $125,000 I. My town it would have been worth about $500,000. That was the result of NAFTA which devastated good paying factory jobs.
Miles was bought by Bayer and that was the beginning of the end. The buildings are gone and the campus is being developed.
🤣🤣 Now ain’t that the truth?!😃
Your posts seem only loosely tied to reality. They read like what I imagine those in Putin’s employ might be expected to write.
How did you guess so easily? My friend Vladimir Putin has opened a bank account for me and I’ve invested in North Korean flack jackets and making big ruble.
Ed, I expect Putin would aren’t anyone who farted in his general direction
Putin would ARREST anyone who farted in his general direction
Ed, you’ll notice a constant refrain of “buy my book”
Those of us who write always promote ourselves. I guess you don’t write so you wouldn’t understand. Heather spent much time on the road promoting her book.
To Bill, to the many gallantly stood this test and gave testament to ways to bring our message of unity to the front page . 👏☮️🫶
If Harris loses by one vote, we will hold you accountable, Bill! :-)
And unfortunately, I do not agree with your military approach of stopping Trump. Then we would just be the country he wants us to be anyway. And as much as it pains me to think about what he might do to this country, I would never support using his same tactics under any circumstances.
It depends. If unlawful forces even try and upend an election, then I most certainly expect President Biden to do something. If unlawful forces try any violence I expect President Biden to do something. If unlawful forces are interfering with people trying to vote then I expect officials of that State to do something.
President Biden has the Insurrection Act and the gift of Immunity from SCOTUS at his disposal. Besides being a super nice guy he is also Commander in Chief of the Unites States of America Military. It is no secret Russia is actively working to interfere in this election. It is a fact that fascism has come to this election.
When do we stop being such purists and do what is necessary to preserve our Democracy? When do sane Americans get protected? Why are we worried about violence today? How did it get to this point? I am sick of being bullied by these crazies. Mean and unlawful people count on decent people to hold back; to hesitate to engage. It is how they get away with so much.
These people really are trying to destroy our Democracy and way of life.
I think Biden is mad enough to act so you are correct. He won’t forget that debate moment when Biden lost his concentration and Trump poked fun at it. Nope, we are in good hands.
I do too. I just saw the announcement from officials in PA about election crap. Their message was. FAFO. That is exactly what they said.
It really is past time we got really mad. I am sick of feeling shoved around and scared.
And PA has Governor Shapiro! Not to be F-ed with.
Eff Around and Find Out
"Prosecutor issues VIRAL warning for Trump operatives"
Brian Tyler Cohen
Yes, that. And don't mess with Philly.
I'd like to point out however that what the SCOTUS actually did was to give permission to any president to do anything that could be deemed an official act and then said that "official act" was so desperately hard to define that only they could decide on a case by case basis if something was official, and we just know that the same action by 45 would be official whereas it would not be when ordered by Biden. Basically, one of the reasons they did not support the States theory was that it took much of the power they had abrogated to themselves away and they were really, in those two and other decisions, setting themselves up as We Six Kings. Not only is Biden too moral and conscientious to break any laws, but I'm sure he knows quite well he has not been given the power of near limitless immunity.
1. I never said limitless immunity
2. I never said Biden would stoop to anything amoral or illegal.
3. What I AM saying is that Biden will not hesitate to defend this Country. And he has the immunity clause to back him.
Smarten up there won’t be anything good remaining with a government run by autocrats. Even now, we are governed and owned by the corporate community. I’ll take my chances with the US military, thank you.
I called for a coup 4 yours ago.
A Coup D’état to Make America Great Again
(My Letter to a Friend and his Return Letter)
“Dennis, I’m gonna draw up a petition tonight that calls on the American military through the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to suspend the Constitution until Jan. 20, 2021 when a new president will be sworn into office. The military will immediately escort Trump off the grounds of the White House and place him in home confinement at Mar-a-Lago.
“The military will install a junta; a six person team representing the Marines, Air Force, Army and Navy, Coast Guard and now, the Space Force. Elections will proceed as scheduled but without Trump leading the Republican Party.
Are you ready to sign it, Dennis? Are you ready to take a stand for your family, community, state and nation?”
“You must be reading my mind, Bill. I've been saying this for weeks. I will sign it in a heartbeat. The Thief-in-Chief must go before he kills all of us. He is the biggest mass murderer in American history, bar none, and the toll climbs every day. The murderous slimebags on FOX should also be included in this purge, since they are equally complicit in this.
And, since there are still so many who don't mind dying for Trump, I would also strongly encourage red state Trump toadies to mass gather at churches, bars, whatever, and drool, spit, and ooze bodily fluids on each other, and then wait in line for ventilator treatment that could have been avoided if they had only listened to Dr. Fauci before catching COVID-19.
It looks like we just fixed the country. Now, what about McConnell and those other grinning jackals?”
Signed: Dennis Kaplan
Nope.. the JCS is a body of individuals who have managed to make their way there. Unfortunately, like a any body, there are a few pricks. We saw one who surfaced quite quickly when #45 took office.., didn't we? And, as we have clearly observed they have a following. Military members operate under the precept of "a lawful order". So, when their particular officer-in-charge says "charge".., 99% of them will respond. Simply, it is not for them to reason why, it's for them to do or die. The 1% are in the brig and whether the "order was lawful or not might get decided upon later. So don't hand me that 'military solution crap'. Leaders come and go. We've had a few. This country is far from a finished piece of artwork; 350 years is but a flash in a 5000 year old bonfire. Err on civility. The other road is not the road you want to be on when your testosterone level wains. How's your memory doing?
My new friend at the time, Professor Dennis Kaplan, who inspired me to write and at the same time told me I couldn’t make Trump funny, passed away just as my book was coming to market so I dedicated it to him. I miss his more offbeat than mine, sense of humor.
"Thief in chief".. yes. Our legal system, in a sincere effort to provide fairness, often appears inept because it enables those with 'lotsa money' (spelled political influence) to appeal/delay/appeal/delay, almost to no end. The lines drawn are often so fine they make no sense to me. But, until we figure out how to write things differently, they are "the line" a civilized society has to deal with. Finding a level playing field, in which to write or create, one free of personal prejudice, is tough. In the end, we've got to remember "we" are the ones electing the EMpty Greene's, the Scary Lakes, the J 'duh' Vances, the DJT's, and some other C*ksukahhs we're familiar with. Getting rid of them takes time. Lert's not shoot ourselves in the foot doing it.
I apologize for getting in to it with you again, Jon. I am surprisingly of the same mind as Bill Katz on this one. I'd welcome the deployment of the National Guard to defend against another J6 riot. I wanted TFG to call them out, and I'd want the same of Biden, rather than to see the Capitol and its defenders beaten and broken. Let's have peace, whether they want it or not.
No problem Lauren. I would want a call out of the NG too for another insurrection attempt. My point was I would NOT want to see martial law used to OVERTURN a valid election of Trump. I think it somehow got disconnected from the original post as things often do on Substack.
No Jon,now you are changing up on me. I stated emphatically that if Trump used a false motive, a fraudulent conveyance to steal the office, I stated a temporary military coup would be fine with me and you said no Trump could steal the fricken thing all day long. So you are changing up not me or anyone else.
A suspension of habeas corpus should be on the table. President Lincoln had to do it. D.C. may have ended up in the Confederacy and the Union broken apart had he not. You are right that risk is high. It is merited, as a last resort, since we have the capacity to resolve the unforeseen problems later on.
If the situation is truly dire and existential and we do not take that risk, the polity of peril that succeeds inaction may preclude any LATER TO FIX THINGS. That is why I am optimistic for a Harris victory -- out of necessity, not out of choice. Go, President Harris and Vice President Gipper!
And seriously, please get well... Even as much as a curmudgeon as you are, I think we all mostly like you LOL!
Then buy my book and get a full understanding of what this bag of sheet is about. You will never be more entertained and educated all for 15 bucks. You will thank me. Don’t buy three beers save up and buy my book. Money back guaranteed. It will be the best investment you ever made.
Btw, are you liking yourself?
Book title please? And a link?
“Donald’s Vanity Tantrums” Amazon or me (
NOT Amazon, please! Boycott all Trumpsters.
Sometimes we have to feed the monster. I’m self-published. Do you know how hard it is to succeed in this area? Fortunately I have real day jobs.
Um....sometimes it's OK to be a Nazi? Ain't no purist, but Amazon is like shooting at the side of a barn - of course, i don't make my living writing and selling books. It was something i aspired to, though.
Money is too often the controlling factor.
Haha, Jon!
We won’t need the military because Alzheimer’s is knocking on Trump’s door. I’m not a doctor but I think he is deteriorating rapidly and the stress of losing and facing prison…..well such a traumatic event would accelerate a healthy person’s mental health and we know Donny Boy is not a in good health. Praying for a sea of Blue!! 🙏
Sorry, Maureen, but TFG wouldn't be leading the charge this time any more than he did in '21. He's not only too old, weak, and deranged, he's a coward. OTOH his base is locked and loaded to go kill 'em some commies. We needed federal assistance for the Capitol Police last time and didn't get it. I'm comforted that Biden will be on the phone the second any intimidation or violence begins anywhere in the nation.
Agreed! As they say "We won't be fooled again"!
Agreed Maureen, I wouldn't be surprised if I saw trump on tv telling us all that he's pooped his pants. The man is quickly losing his mind
Tracey, to combine your two thoughts, I posit this concurrence: Yes, he is losing his mind ... through his poop chute! 🤪💩🤪
Trump is already gone. What I most fear is the movement that he has consolidated with Vance as a new figurehead. Remember when these American extremists only blew up federal buildings? Now they attach the Capital itself. We had better wisen up and although I have not mentioned issues, things like borders weigh heavily to blame on democrats and we had better wisen up.
That door was opened long ago!
Dear Bill, please recover asap. Bronchitis is a stinky sob, and sticks around like a car with missing hubcaps. I hope the poll watchers in PA make you proud!
But for me, bad knee et al, just reading HCR today lifted me up, made me smile erasing a lot of my deep concerns that have a bad habit of accumulating daily re the white supremacist fascists. I’m so grateful for Heather’s grasp of the history of political shenanigans that provides deep context for what is happening now.
I was born with bronchitis. When you live with a disease all your life you get used to it. I only catch it once every year or two. It goes away and then returns. My father had acute bronchial asthma so I feel I got off easy.
A bit overplayed here, Bill, i'm pretty sure. Have you watched the movie Civil War? The downfall of a right-wing dictatorship, the last scenes an all-out at the White House no less.
Really? Another short story from the collection titled “Welcome to the New Snazzy Nazi States of America” and you had better learn how to do the new dance craze or off to a re-education camp for you. Give me a second.
Whatever, Bill. conformity is classic social behaviour, 101.
Biden will do everything in his power and quickly to ensure that does not happen. I have confidence that ONCE Harris is declared the winner (and she will be), the wheels that have already been set will be put into gear to keep this election in her hands. We cannot control the MAGA reaction or what they may instigate via social media, of course. But Biden is ready for them.
Safeguards have also been put in place since January 6, 2021. Don't forget the Electoral Count Reform Act of 2022, which overhauled the electoral college certification process. Governors certify the state's appointment of electors, and five of the swing states have democratic governors. Of the other two (Georgia and Nevada), Georgia's governor refused to cow-tow to Trump and "find" him 11,000 votes in 2021. Some states, like Georgia, changed their method of recount, using a completely different machine and process in case a recount is necessary. Poll watchers have been trained and stationed. Many lawyers who worked with Trump to overturn the election have been fined and/or jailed and debarred. It won't be so easy this time around. Everything I have been hearing and reading agrees that though he may try, Trump will fail to overturn the election results.
But today is still nerve-wracking. I'm in Lancaster County, PA, which is Trump country. Voter turnout so far is huge and DEMS are working all day to get the Democratic vote out. At my polling place, there was a PA for DEM there handing out voting guides for the Harris/Walz ticket. There was nothing like that from the GOP side. We are on the ground and working. I attended a rally yesterday with Robert DiNero and Sam Waterston in Lancaster City. It was awesome.
I know how much you wish you were here, but rest assured, you would be here if you could. And the work is getting done. Feel better, Bill.
Encouraging news for a discouraged men. Thank you.
I hope you heal faster than my respiratory annoyance. Pneumonia since May, they can't figure out how to knock the infection out! I have been coughing and writing postcards forever and hope when the stress from this election ends the coughing will stop!
I’m sorry to hear this. Ya it sucks when it lasts. Sometimes my bronchitis lasts a few days and on rare occasions, it can last several months. My little potpourri of stuff is Vicks vapor rub, eucalyptus tabs I found the strongest ones at Costco, and codine cough medicine. But now I have fights with my doctors because big pharma sold the world on safe narcotics and we know what happened there. Now doctors are forced to limit scripts for this and I have walked out of previous doctor’s offices over this. No cure but combined they can allow a full nights rest. I’m going to yell at my doctor today if she refuses my request.
I have frequent coughs (from a different cause), and I find licorice root and star anise tea with maple syrup a good remedy, Marj. Chamomile and ginger is also very soothing. Thyme also supports pulmonary health; one can get it as an essential oil and add few drops to room temp water to sip on all day. I sweeten my teas with maple syrup, because it has fewer glycerides than honey, but either will make your throat feel better.
Bill, the differences between 2020 and today include:
- Trump is not in power and in any position to warp the actions of the DoJ and DoD.
- Trump has failed to gather consistently large crowds, least of all any protesters at his trials.
- The present civil ileadershio is ready for election day shenanigans, post-election sabotage, and pre-ekection legal challenges. As a Philadelphia official said, "F- around and find out" what will happen.
MAGA mayhem will fail this time.
Rest and get better. Make sure to take your vitamins. Whatever happens in the election, the sun will still rise and our wisdom, wacky as some of us have been, will still be needed.
I hope you get/feel better soon!
Don't under estimate President Biden, he is already a step ahead of Trump. President Biden is a man of honesty and principle. He believes in a government for the people by the people. He will not tolerate another
insurrection. Be rest assured he will remain in office until January and make sure that the electoral college isn't tampered with and that this election is dealt with accordingly and by following the laws of our voting process. There is no doubt that Biden has the national guard on stand by in every state. Including the cops and the FBI. When your dealing with a tyrant who is threatening our Democracy, Biden will do whatever it takes to make sure we have a peaceful transfer of power.
Thanks to the Extreme Court, Biden could order Tump and Vance killed and he couldn’t be prosecuted.
Well that's not totally clear. SCOTUS kind of left things up in the air. Yes, they said the President had immunity for official duties. But they also left the definition of what fell under that umbrella up to them. It essentially allowed them to weigh in on any prosecution of a
President. So they could allow Trump to kill someone but day it was outside the score of POTUS duties of Biden tried it.
We shall see.
Exactly. It's strange everyone seems to miss this vital point. Ultimately, the SCOTUS is the arbiter of what is legal and not, and clearly feel no need to always explain to us what their reasoning is so they don't even have to come up with plausible or even lame explanations as to what they have rested their decisions on. It's a bit of a peaceful coup right there, really. They take on cases that haven't yet worked their way up to them by usual routes, they make decisions that amount to legislating, and they sure weren't ready to allow the states to seize powers from the federal courts they rule over even though that was expected based on their prior policy vs law based rulings.
I have had this fantasy too, Jon, only mine involves Seal Team 6, because that's who came up in oral argument at the Extreme Court. Sadly Biden's too nice a guy ever to call for a hit on anybody. Let's hope the legitimate military is able to squash homegrown insurrectionist militias without recourse to assassination.
It won't be seal team 6! They are a bit like the silent service- our submarine forces- they don't particularly care for ANY notoriety. The whole Bin Laden thing got out of control afterwards. There are other teams.