A bit overplayed here, Bill, i'm pretty sure. Have you watched the movie Civil War? The downfall of a right-wing dictatorship, the last scenes an all-out at the White House no less.
A bit overplayed here, Bill, i'm pretty sure. Have you watched the movie Civil War? The downfall of a right-wing dictatorship, the last scenes an all-out at the White House no less.
Really? Another short story from the collection titled “Welcome to the New Snazzy Nazi States of America” and you had better learn how to do the new dance craze or off to a re-education camp for you. Give me a second.
A bit overplayed here, Bill, i'm pretty sure. Have you watched the movie Civil War? The downfall of a right-wing dictatorship, the last scenes an all-out at the White House no less.
Really? Another short story from the collection titled “Welcome to the New Snazzy Nazi States of America” and you had better learn how to do the new dance craze or off to a re-education camp for you. Give me a second.
Whatever, Bill. conformity is classic social behaviour, 101.