Dear Bill, please recover asap. Bronchitis is a stinky sob, and sticks around like a car with missing hubcaps. I hope the poll watchers in PA make you proud!
But for me, bad knee et al, just reading HCR today lifted me up, made me smile erasing a lot of my deep concerns that have a bad habit of accumulating daily re the white supremacist …
Dear Bill, please recover asap. Bronchitis is a stinky sob, and sticks around like a car with missing hubcaps. I hope the poll watchers in PA make you proud!
But for me, bad knee et al, just reading HCR today lifted me up, made me smile erasing a lot of my deep concerns that have a bad habit of accumulating daily re the white supremacist fascists. I’m so grateful for Heather’s grasp of the history of political shenanigans that provides deep context for what is happening now.
I was born with bronchitis. When you live with a disease all your life you get used to it. I only catch it once every year or two. It goes away and then returns. My father had acute bronchial asthma so I feel I got off easy.
Dear Bill, please recover asap. Bronchitis is a stinky sob, and sticks around like a car with missing hubcaps. I hope the poll watchers in PA make you proud!
But for me, bad knee et al, just reading HCR today lifted me up, made me smile erasing a lot of my deep concerns that have a bad habit of accumulating daily re the white supremacist fascists. I’m so grateful for Heather’s grasp of the history of political shenanigans that provides deep context for what is happening now.
I was born with bronchitis. When you live with a disease all your life you get used to it. I only catch it once every year or two. It goes away and then returns. My father had acute bronchial asthma so I feel I got off easy.