Especially grateful on this Thanksgiving eve for Heather Cox Richardson's always-timely history.

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Yes! Extremely timely! She always seems to know the exact lesson we need to learn in the moment!

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Wow. Humor may be the best medium for perspectives that we need....

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Brings "Bob Dylan's 115th Dream" to mind. https://youtu.be/kbdF4hBfQiE?si=_IziEmonZtkqZJnm

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But the funniest thing was leaving' the bay

I spot 3 ships, and they were coming my way

I asked the Captain why he didn't drive a truck

He said his name was Columbus, and I just said good luck

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Thanks so much for the recommendation. It's been a while since I listened to that Stan Freberg record. Very funny stuff!

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What is the war we are in now? Trump and his supporters seem the Southern elite people. They are trying to deport immigrants who are supporting farming and construction. The northern states have their leader for only two more months and surrender to Trump and his force. Please explain what is the war we are fighting now.

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We have a huge segment of our country that has never come to terms with the outcome of that Civil War and continues the grievance and resentment down through generations. Together with the ever presence of powerful oligarch wannabes, we are surely testing again whether this nation will survive in the vision of Lincoln.

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Regarding your comment: When I lived in Birmingham AL back in the late 70s, I was shocked to discover that the Civil War was not over, there was a continued sense of grievance resentment, clearly handed down through generations. Growing up in the North, the outcome of the Civil War never crossed my mind.

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There’s a reason that many old-school Southerners still refer to the Civil War as “The Great War.”

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Never heard it called that, and I have lived in the South for 70+ years. I have heard WWI referred to that way.

I am aware that many Southerners-even young ones-refer to the Civil War as The War Between the States, thus refusing to acknowledge a treasonous rebellion. They also vociferously refuse to acknowledge that slavery was the cause. It’s a clan of deliberate ignorance.

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It was a Great War for good reasons, not to mention the end of slavery and the cost in lives and treasure.

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"has never come to terms with the outcome of that Civil War"

Exactly!! And has never come to terms with the dismantling of Jim Crow. The Groper-in-Chief has given a face and a voice to the resulting "grievance and resentment".

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And has never come to terms with wealthy white men who want to have their way and to hell with everyone else.

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Please reference Dr. Richardson’s own book, “How the South won the Civil War,” a must-read. And so it goes, especially the racism and the power of money.

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It’s an education issue. We forgot to make sure we turned our American citizens into educated and informed adults. Somewhere along the way we confused a consumer-based economy with virtue.

We need a virtue-based economy.

Where was the zero tolerance policy re. immigrants from Jesus? There wasn’t one.

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The war we are fighting is based in a lot of history, not all of it American. Because every country at some point has had to deal with the want-to-be dictators, the kings, the selfish who want power, wealth and to have things their way only, who think of themselves as special and have no humility or understanding of how a successful society works. Our own young democracy deals with this periodically. All of the southern influence is important to understand because of its roots in people owning other people and how the owners are immoral about that fact. Republican Party has very much become that owner type and wants to run and ruin the whole country, and not just the ‘north’, for their own ends. It is very stupid to think and believe this way because people in general have always done better when they understand they are part of society and not separate from it, no matter what group they might be in.

Just about every war starts with these elements of inner behavior - people like this next president, who basically have never grown up and taken real responsibility as citizens. They become good at fooling the parts of the population that don't pay any attention to the importance of their own power as voters. They go to war for power, against their opponents who want peace and for things to run fairly and equitably.

Hiro, I hope this helps a little bit. Our job now as citizens is to grow and support the institutions that are healthy for the whole population, like libraries, schools, medicine, school boards, police, city county state legal bodies, who are at the roots of a democratic society that is trying to work for its own healthy good.

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And the current about to be leaders have been elected by LYING to the voters. Just because they say something a 1000 times doesn't make it true but that's the way they stole this election. 2020 wasn't a stolen election but 2024 was.


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Trump is first and foremost a grifter and a grafter. He is a master at marketing misinformation and disinformation.

He sells hate and fear which seems antithetical to marketing, but it works.

He makes people afraid of the boogie man that doesn't even exist.

Our duty is to break through the cognitive dissonance where it is being reinforced -- in churches and on social media and even in the corporate media.

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You are so right. Goebbels said to lie, and repeat, repeat, repeat

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I will bet that when all the investigations of the vast voter suppression are complete, that this election could very well have been stolen. I can't say that at this time with any degree of certainty. The Republican's long-game has proven to be effective. They got Roe overturned. And they have been effective in voter suppression.

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It feels that way. Something feels so off.

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Yes, that's a good phrase, "Something feels so off." It applies to many current responses to situations.

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Republicans made a big deal about voter suppression these past few years after the Supreme Court pillaged the Voting Right Act. A lot of people who didn't vote wanted to but were thwarted by the additional burdens to voting as well as the virulent hatred aimed at them.

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We have a huge portion of the populace that has taken democracy for granted and has no appreciation of the blood and treasure spent defending it. The leaders, here to fore, were willing to sacrifice millions of lives and billions of dollars so we could vote and have a country by and for the people. Today, we have a population so ignorant as to willingly vote for a wannabe dictator.

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Thank you. Thank you so much for saying this.

My deep concern is that Americans have lost the will to fight for Democracy.

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Worse than that, we have a huge segment of the population that doesn’t want democracy anymore. They have no idea what they are throwing away.

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We're not fighting it, Hiro. It's over. We lost.

It's not just the vulgar, racist orange felon. It's not just the schools that produced the tens of millions who willingly put lies over truth, who ignored the public good for buffoon sensationalism and "bing-bing-boing-bong" reality show nonsense.

More, it's the many, many dehumanized M.B.A.s, bankers, humanly empty lawyers, lobbyists, and corporate officials who offshored the tens of millions of American working-class jobs and left those Americans and their communities abandoned, bereft, feeling ignored and forgotten.

Yes, the schools that produced the predators also produced other elites also without humanities --elites who in public could never refer to the many fine novels, memoirs, films, and songs which did keep in touch with the tens of millions of the left behind.

They voted for the convicted criminal, the vulgar entertainer because they knew, yes, Hiro, there was a war, and they lost. So millions voted not particularly for the orange fraud, but in deeper feelings of betrayal against all the "educated" elites who seemed not to know them or care enough about them to have plumbed into any of those humanities about them.

The schools, too, Hiro. They suffocate the kids of the working classes with the standardized testing geared only to the conceits of the college-bound elites, as David Brooks has been noting.

It was a war. The whole country lost. The former enslaving classes have finally won.

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Depends on the kind of American you are. Some of us are tougher. Some of us will continue to work every quarter to hold on. We had wins in the States. President Biden is appointing and has been appointing many Federal Judges. Millions and millions (around 74 million voted for Harris). Do you think we are just going to walk away from our Democracy?

It is appalling when Americans such as you are saying we lost. We have a fight on our hands like nothing we have ever seen. Either people are with us or not. If you are not, then the least you can do is resist calling game over.

It's offensive. It is subversive to the fight we are going to engage in shortly and it is wildly disrespectful to the people who gave their lives for this Country.

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Thanks Barbara, and AMEN.

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You are right too. I will continue to work with the League of Women Voters as I have been since 2017. I am active. It is the equivalent of a part time job for me (sometimes full time). But without Reproductive Rights for women it is hard to call us a democracy. The overturning of Roe pushed by religious extremists was a turning point. I do not see how we can call this a democracy at this time. I have ancestors (back to revolutionary times) and current relatives who have fought for this country. I love this country. But it has been captured by religious extremists and oligarchs at the same time and they are currently cooperating. Meanwhile our legislators at the federal level and many state legislators have spent years lining their own pockets and not protecting their constituents (including their right to vote).I do not think we yet understand what the overturning of Roe meant or portends. When half the population loses its bodily autonomy and people in power care more for the Bible than the Constitution things look bad to me and maybe irreversible. Still I will work for voting rights. I will not back down from that.

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Mary Ellen—thank you for working with the League of Women Voters! I, too do this and I know that the LWV makes a difference!🗽

It’s a dark time for citizens who understand our country’s current situation but we must continue to be vigilant and be the light in the (seemingly) darkness. I could go on but it’s Thanksgiving day and hopefully, people will share the blessings we all share as citizens of the U.S. and take time to think (or heal) and roll up our sleeves and keep moving forward. We will keep working and we will make a difference ❤️🤍💙!

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I am, Barbara, the kind of American who regrets so many dehumanized.

If Dems had used our humanities in the recent elections, they could have empathized with, shown concern for our working-class fellow Americans who, by the tens of millions, got their jobs offshored by other elites. Got their communities torn apart, abandoned. Got their kids stuck in schools with no humanities, only standardized testing treating all like numbers, like units in the conceits of dehumanized elites.

No Dems, or almost none, showed any bit of being in touch with any working classes.

Being tough, Barbara, can't make up for elites so evidently dehumanized.

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On November 6, 2024 I stopped asking why. I now ask what. What can we do to defeat these people?

Phil, with respect. Either you are going to knuckle down and work to defeat these people or not. It would be unimaginable in the 1800's the 1940's for someone to talk like you are. For people to talk like you are makes it harder for those of us who know we have some hard work ahead of us.

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I don’t think we need to denigrate Phil for feelings that many of us have. I empathize with the anger and despair. We can learn from that and do better next time. And we can hope there is a next time. Perhaps this was not the ultimate battlefield. But it’s indeed possible to feel like it was, that once they have taken the White House, Congress and SCOTUS they can rewrite our history going forward. I’m glad so many of the folks on this page are bloody but unbowed. It’s good for me to read about your resilience and determination. But don’t shut up or shut out our sisters and brothers who can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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When you throw words like “elite” around, You demonstrate a certain contempt. Someone recently said the word “woke“ to me and I pretended I didn’t understand what it meant and asked her. She was stymied. I remember a time when being elite at anything was an aspiration, not an insult.

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Elite nowadays, Beyhan, means college educated.

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Barbara, please let Phil vent. We all need to express and hear both sides. Let us have our grief and anger without shaming us, because many of us are still processing and we need this outlet.

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My dear. I never said Phil could not vent. Please read my comment on this being a place where people could indeed vent.

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Phil Balla, yes we lost a battle. But the war or struggle for justice and equality is never lost. There are no permanent victories or defeats in this permanent struggle. If Harris won, do you think the struggle would be over? Of course not. There is another battle or midterm election in 2 years, there are court cases to be waged before then. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/why-did-democratic-senate-candidates

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Elections are won and lost, every round. Phil's battle about the humanities likely misses most of the point. You can't run modern civilization without highly developed institutions - economic, medical, technical in so many ways, science itself is beholden to elite developed and maintained knowledge. You need an education system which meets all those needs. No disagreement from me that the humanities are important.

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Frank. Trying to win any battle other than saving Democracy in the United States is window dressing. It is akin to George Washington stopping to paint the bow of his boat as he was crossing the Delaware.

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Thank you for staying hopeful, this is what we need more than ever. Having a goal is very important!

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Yes, we did lose Phil.

If you listen to David Packman or BrianTyler Cohen talk about the disastrous impending tariffs and trade wars with Mexico and Canada, which violate Trump's own new NAFTA agreement you can see there is definitely an economic WAR that is coming and it ain't gonna be pretty.

Of course, Trump will say that the resulting inflation is due to the Democrats policies which of course is just another massive lie.

Trump's entire philosophy is "if it helps make me wealthier, it is good for the country." He now has cover for anything he does from SCOTUS.

The result is that we will return to being a kakistocracy and a kleptocracy where the billionaire class will ultimately be the sole winners but Trump will spin in to have Americans believe that it is the Democrats fault.

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Rupert is the spinner, chump is the spinee

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You mean all those Americans who heard exactly those warnings about the inflationary effect of large tariffs from Dems and every business broadcast out there are going to think Dems caused that?

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Probably Frank. They will believe whatever Trump and his media tell them.

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the Trumpy side of the electorate that is.... of course, we are in many ways all beholden to our media "choices", aren't we, Helen?

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"If you listen to David Packman or Brian Tyler Cohen talk about the disastrous impending tariffs..."

Welp. That is the first issue. We have the option of not listening to fear mongering.

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I agree with this. I think we have seen the end of our democracy. I want to remind us all that a large group of religious zealots are also going to dominate our country in an organized way with Project 2025. It is they who will help fire the civil servants and roll back rights and protections for the oligarchs. During the Civil War we did not have that one-two-punch. We were fighting enslavers but not evangelical and Catholic extremists as we are now. When Roe was overturned it brought slavery back to the U.S. This time it is our childbearing women who are now enslaved on “moral” grounds—god deemed it, right? We cannot lose sight of this change which I believe will become permanent and nationwide once DJT is in the WH. This state’s rights b.s. was just a temporary thing. When Roe was overturned it was over. And women all over this country gave up their freedoms for good (or many decades at least) when they voted for DJT. Foolish. It is over I agree.

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Trump is accountable to people who care most about money and return on investment. Mass deportations and tariffs will not be good for their pocketbooks. They will love tax cuts in the short term but the inflation caused by disregarding the exploding deficit will not make people happy. They want lower taxes and expanded benefits.

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Never, Phil. I will never admit defeat. We lost a battle, not the war, which has been between idealists who wanted a more optimal form of human self governance vs. those who only look out for themselves and maybe their tribe, who see outsiders as less than human.

Human nature has not changed, and majority of people are basically good. One or two more election cycles, and the pendulum will swing back. For all the coming losses of progress and rights, they won't go as far back as the 1920s, so we'll be at least that much better starting at the next swing.

Me personally, I'm waiting for the extremes on both sides to fall back out of favor, because they pull the pendulum too far, and kick the current set of losers when they're down. They are the ugly underbelly of each party.

You keep writing about the humanities, as if they're part of the solution. I suspect they are important, but really more of a symptom of society's condition than a core feature. Their reduction over the years has been a symptom, not a cause, of society's drift. Their future growth will be a future symptom of society getting back on track.

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Solution, Je?

Just listening to "others." Conversing, openly, generously.

This may well involve citing others, in humanities or by other analogies.

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Yes, Phil. And I'm sure more. I don't have an answer yet, but listening to others, reading, and assessing what I got wrong is a good place to start. What I'm not listening to is the collection of continuing tirades about Trump, which miss the collection of issues that caused enough people to vote against their own interests.

Well, maybe that's a good place to start. Who am I to tell others what's in their best interests?

Being on the losing side, I'll listen and keep my wits and "weapons" sharp, and hope I stay healthy enough to eventually be on the prevailing side.

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I feel your sorrow, Phil. Things do look bleak at the moment. What is most disappointing is all those millions, who after seeing the Orange Sphincter make a mockery of American democracy for nine years, said, “I’m with him.”

I sense that there’s something out there, something not yet seen, that will be a seismic event. Covid was a harbinger, imagine the current assembled assortment of clowns facing a future existential crisis that appears.

Their complete lack of empathy and compassion, coupled with their incompetence will turn the electorate against them. After all, the price of eggs became a MAGA rally cry against Biden. It won’t take much “suffering” to make them turn on the felon.

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Speaking of that hypothetical event, I just looked at my stocks, and they rose after the 2008 banking crisis and then zoomed up after the pandemic. Is that the plan? I don't have enough to be life-altering, but I wonder. To put the best face on it, Trump's cronies will get a heads up before market altering moves. Once they get theirs (their weslth to dlyrocket as in The Big Short), they might not care if the pendulum swings back left. All we have to do is wait and pick up the crumbs after 4 years.

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Fascism. There are people, who using the same cudgel Hitler used, have come to take over our Country. The Republicans under trump followed the exact playbook of Hitler to try and gain power. This coup has been going on for 9 years. At this moment we find ourselves back to 1862 where things aren’t going so well.

We will prevail.

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Perhaps it’s the same war. After all these years the South is still angry about losing the Civil War. Hence the statues honoring insurrection leaders, and waving the flag of the rebellion in the halls of congress. Is it any wonder they back Trump now? I often wonder if what they are so offended by, what makes them violent, is that they simply can’t keep their slaves.

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I'd like to think a lot if not most of that has washed out by now. On the side, how many anti-slavery, civil rights movies have i seen that weren't co-financed by the the State of Georgia film bureau, or pretty balanced renditions of the Civil War by eg the Tennessee education dept on streaming.

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We're in the moron war and they should be treated as such. They have no understanding of how government works for the people they will be serving.

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The war we are fighting now is between two ideas. One side has adopted the idea that some people are superior and everyone else is inferior. The opposing side has adopted the idea that we are all inherently equal. As Pete Seeger famously asked, "Which side are you on?" For the record, I'm on the "inherently equal" side.

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A great starting point! How about: we are fighting for American justice and generosity - justice in terms of everyone is equal before the law, and generosity in terms of allowing illegal immigrants to stay who are engaging in honest work (arming and construction, say) paying honest taxes.

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Is this a joke? The party that didn't run a primary, installed a new candidate, censors free speech, used the police state to lock down the country, used the police state to go after its political opponents, are the authoritarians.

The country rendered its verdict and you still are in denial? No one's open borders, inflation, and men showering with women

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Same old, same old, from the same sad person.

Pathetic to win and still be so angry.

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I just read the whole thing....those two words "at least" in her last lines really hit me in the gut. We've got to make sure that from 2025-2028 WE WIN. What is mine to do?

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I think m Moores Fahrenheit 11/9 about the first Trump presidency and about the state of the Democratic Party very worth watching. I was shocked and very disappointed about what Obama did in Flint. People aren’t voting because at least, in part, their votes don’t seem to register. We have got to get rid of the electoral college!!!

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Here we are again. A few very wealthy people want it all.

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Remember the war was from being won when Lincoln made his speech. He knew that there was so much more to do. I think we are in that position now. Let’s share his courage . Thanks Heather!

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Yes… far from being won… as we are far from victory today. But victorious we shall be eventually!

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Democracy is very fragile and must be constantly reinforced and cared for. We took ours for granted and let it slip into the hands of greed and evil. Children practicing "active shooter drills", black people being shot while worshipping and shopping. AR15s and "open carry" being an acceptable actions. As long as it did not come to our back yards we went on without a fight to stop it. We watched Trump rise and fall and return with his army of wealthy fools and soon to be released seditionists. To enforce rounding up and deporting our fellow humans like cattle. Enacting tariffs that will slow the economy for the wealthy to fill their purses and the needy to be frightened and then grateful when returned to a level where most of us can eat and own again. This and other "gifts" of tyranny is what 49% of our fellow Americans have given to us all for many Thanksgivings to come.

Bless their cold hearts

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One correction: only 1/3 of Americans voted for tRump - slight less than 1/3 voted for Kamala while 1/3 didn’t vote at all. What this means is when 2/3 of Americans feel the pain that is about to be forced upon us, we will have another period where Americans will gain “a more just appreciation” of the value of our Democracy.

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Thank you Andrew for this comment. I certainly hope that there is a turn in opinion when immigrants are forced out of our country and people can't afford the cost of fruits and vegetables.

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Sad to say indeed, July, not sure they feel they've got "cold" hearts though or that they serve "greed and evil".

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I agree that "they" do not see themselves. Most likely never will

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that's how all polarities work, July. Both sides see themselves as the "chosen right". Such is life.

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Pretty amazing, the fact that an all-out war was being fought to retain the Union,. Now, the fox was frustrated in not being able to upset an election by force (1-6-2021), so what did the people do? They opened the door and invited the fox inside, to rampage and destroy at his own whim. The takeaway? There is no fix for stupid. How could those who voted for the "fox" actually believe that he had their best interests in mind and at heart?

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Richard, those who voted for "the fox" did so on the basis of two things: an alternate set of facts that vilified Democrats and a core belief in American values embodied by the myths told in TV shows like Gunsmoke or movies like It's a Wonderful Life that they were sure were forgotten by the Left. Democrats did not fight the first issue well and we're totally blindsided by the 2nd issue.

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Je, I think you're partially right, but you leave out some huge factors - a significant percentage of people who really would like to see the government burn down, a powerful faction of religious lunatics— and a group of billionaires who are happy to harness and exploit these destructive forces to enrich themselves.

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Well, perhaps naive as well.

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Many Americans don’t even realize they’re in a war yet. Once they realize that they are the real fighting will begin.

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"real fighting" as in what, DMS?

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Hopefully by getting very involved with writing, calling, marching… peacefully protesting the fact that disinformation and purposeful misinformation and election interference won this election designed to destroy our democracy.

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I think people needed a minute to recover from the shock, process sadness and now move toward anger.

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I have a t-shirt which says ,"Voting prevents unwanted presidencies." I think the condom broke.

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sounds like the right kind ... thanks for clarifying DMS

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Wishing a good holiday to all those on the Forum. I am fortunate this year: a new grandbaby, no deaths in the family, and progress on personal goals.

I am thankful for all of this, but I am also thankful for all of YOU readers! Your insights, your added content, your overall good humanity gives me hope; and your kind personal messages to me over the past year have been greatly appreciated. It feels like extended family, all over our great nation and beautiful world. All the best to all of you.

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Miselle, I second your post. I am grateful to Heather for offering us timely history and yes, to all of you who post here, your life happenings and stories, your passions, your suggestions, your courage. I wish all of you a very serene Thanksgiving and a moment to have gratitude on this day to pause and reflect. We keep our family and friends close, so our neighbors and their daughter will join us tomorrow, a small gathering.

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Miselle... I picked a good day to scroll through all of the comments to Heather's letter. I'm glad I found yours. My 2024 has been filled with ups and downs, some personal, some "social study-like." I find myself balancing between the emotions of grief, angry, empathy, apathy. I circle back to a lesson I learned from my time in Iraq working with the Marine Corps: "Embrace the suck and move the heck forward because what over choice do we have." Happy Thanksgiving. v/r ... tjb

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When I lost my older brother (also a Marine)to COVID a few years back and mentioned it here, that's when the responses made me realize I was among friends. Stay strong, and thank you for your service.

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I'm sorry for the loss of your brother. I hope he doesn't mind that one of your new found friends is a Navy guy. v/r ... tom

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I, too, Miselle, am grateful for HCR and the community here….I try to read all the comments (to the detriment of getting chores done!) and appreciate the opinions and life lessons shared. Miss some frequent commenters, not heard from in a while, and hope life and times are well with them. Happy holidays all…amidst all this chaos and worry, there is still so very much to be thankful for.

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Miselle, you articulated far better than I could my appreciation for the Professor and for this forum. I enjoy my daily perusal of the comments and learn something every day.

I hope those who feel that the war is lost can rest, recover, take hope, and rejoin the fray. Do not obey in advance, and indeed, “embrace the suck” and continue the fight.

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Happy Thanksgibing Ally, Miselle & All!

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Amen, Miselle, and back at ya

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Does anyone else have trouble getting the listening “carrot” (>) to work. I notice it doesn’t seem to work regularly for some reason.

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No problems at all. It always works perfectly for me. On all my Substack subscriptions. Sounds like you might have an intermittent hardware or Internet access problem.

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I’m grateful for you, Miselle, and everyone here. Happy Thanksgiving.

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At least. “And in 1865, at least, they won.” In the fight now before us, the least we can do, what we MUST do, is win. It’ll take all we’ve got, and more. And a Dem re-think. Glad you’re on this side, Heather.

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Can't imagine Heather on the other side. Nobody would appreciate her.🫠

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Exactly, "in 1865, at least" is so to the point, remember her How the South Won the Civil War and all that has followed these many generations.

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That “at least” caught my attention as well. Is irony the lens for how we can read HCRs sentence? I dislike the framing of the circumstances we find ourselves in: war, fight, battle. My alternative frame isn’t much better but I think of what has happened as a cultural coup. We here, are those who have accepted the American cultural theme developed during the first three quarters of the 20th century that I think of as progressivism. We have put our faith into the concept of a social contract that includes equality, human rights, safety nets…pretty much everything that is engendered in the Declaration and the Preamble. That is our lens and it’s discouraging to discover that millions of us don’t embrace the culture. The reality is that these folks have existed all along. Intellectually there aren’t many in this group but there are easy ways to influence others, millions of others into believing that something different is going to be better than what we have developed over 250 years. I don’t want a war or to fight against anyone…they’ve bought all the guns and ammunition. I want us to return to the older culture but we’ve been dumbed down, we’ve been exposed to overwhelming wealth and we don’t eat well…our society is diseased. How will we fix this?

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So, we are really giving thanks for the fact that freedom triumphed over bigotry… That those who preferred slavery lost. Wow! Thank you for this fascinating and important history lesson! It makes celebrating tomorrow a bit more bittersweet than it would’ve otherwise been. But when freedom eventually, defeats bigotry again (and it will!), I trust those who lead America at that point in time will make sure everyone knows what Thanksgiving is all about!

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It ain't over yet. And right now the southerners have the house, senate, presidency and scotus. Never before in modern times has this happened w a sexual predatory psychopath as a president.

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I know. But freedom can still win. It will take very creative thinking to do so ("asymmetrical warfare" some might call it). But it can happen! Buckminster Fuller once said "To change something don't fight the existing system. To create real change, design a new system that makes the existing system obsolete." This IMHO is what it's gonna take to defeat ChristoFascism / White Supremacy.

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Excellent point. As for the Dems, we need a complete overhaul of leadership. Dems are rudderless now. Need new leaders and new philosophy.

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I agree. The Democrats talk a good talk, but Nancy Pelosi (for example) blocked AOC from making the contributions she’s capable of making. That resistance to new people with new ideas is classic blocking of real progress. And real, transformational progress is what we need.

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New ideas have been trounced

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Steve, isn't it what maga did? They were very asymmetrical and changed the system. That's why we are still shocked?

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Disruption of the status quo can be constructive or destructive. It all depends on the value system of the people designing the disruption. Technology is value-feee. Facebook could have given us Heaven on Earth. But Zuckerberg wasn’t willing to demand users agree to adhere to constructive progressive values of the kind embodied by Dr M L King, Jr

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Social Media sure came down on the side of - money. Values be damned

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seems like most of 'merikkka came down on the side of money...

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That is what repubs plan to do…

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This is what Trump has done.

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Yes, but Trump is a destroyer. I’m talking about being a builder … of a positive future (see Buckminster Fuller for an example)

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Some folks, Steve, seem to want a Wreck-It-Ralph to, as Bannon urged, “burn it all down”. Yay chaos & destruction!!! Then the complaints come thundering about “stuff not working”. Go figure 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Yes, Barbara, some just want to throw what we have out the window. But they have not been taught to think like engineers / designers think. They don’t know you must first design a better system you want to implement … what you want to replace the existing system with. It’s a two-step process. But sadly way too many people only think about Step One.

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Don’t forget the several others in his proposed cabinet of mismatched toys.

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Bravo, Mr Brant! Bravo

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That’s very kind of you to say!

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You were so very eloquent, sir.

You said what needed to be said!

I say once again...BRAVO!

A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Steve.

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Heather is my first person I read dIly. May this Thanksgiving, as scary as it is, be an inspiration

for Americans to fight for their liberty. We’re all so exhausted, but think of those before us!

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And after us!

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Yes! Played this on a road trip today for our 18 yr old whom just voted in her first election.

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Was our Civil War really "won"? Why were thousands of southern traitors pardoned? Some returned as Senators.

Just an idea. But what if treason wasn't forgiven? What if the north really crushed the evil of the Confederacy?

The DNA of plantation thinking lives on today in the Republican Party.

Pogo was right.

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I agree with you Bill. The Nazis, Japanese emperor worshipers were decimated and they rebuild form a clean foundation. As one GI said, 'when I got to Berlin there was not one Nazi to be found'. The South merely regrouped, gradually rewrote history with the Daughters of the Confederacy and so the malignancy persists.

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And plutocrats deliberately fanned the embers of the Civil War in order to divide and conquer, just as they had fed racism to keep the serfs divided.

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Ike made sure that Germany saw what was done in their name. The praising of Hitler ceased. The cult was eradicated - almost. But like anthrax spores, some lie in wait.

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This ignores SO much actual history. In Japan, for instance, there is the Yakusuni shrine which commemorates the deaths of over 2 million Japanese soldiers from all the way back to the 1800s but absolutely includes all the war dead of Ww2 INCLUDING those like Tojo who were executed by the US after war trials. The shrine is highly controversial but the Japanese have never considered closing it and it remains a highly visited spot. Animosity towards Japan from China and Korea (North AND South) continues to this day. And while Nazis were mostly dealt with in Germany, many got away often to South America and some have even survived (although most are now VERY old if not dead).

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Jefferson Davis' statue stands today in our Capitol because Mississippi continues to chose him to be so. Bet ya don't find Hitler's statue in Germany's Bundestag or Hirohito's statue in Japan's National Diet.

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It's not a question of statues still standing, it's a question of DNA and indoctrination. You can tear down all the statues but the indoctrinated people would still think and act the way they ancestros did. Germany, Hungary, France and others are a ready to repeat their history.....well ,Hungary is already there.

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Ricardo, you might find this information from Nationhood Lab, part of the Pell Center of Salve Regina University of interest. I’ve posted it here a few times, but never know who sees it, so will post again: https://nationhoodlab.org/a-balkanized-federation/

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This was an interesting read that resonated with me. A few years ago, I spent seven months at a relative's house in South Carolina, recovering from a long illness. New Jersey born and bred, I felt as if I was living in an alien land. I felt more at home in Europe. (I am now living in New Jersey again.)

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Thanks again Barbara. I just read it and kind of confirmed my assumption. Incredibly, despite the multiple generations and overtime, the influx of other cultures, overall, the original mentality, motivations and objectives is some how preserved nowadays.

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Thank you, Barbara. I found this link to be very helpful, and immensely informative.

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Morning, Lynell, and Happy Thanksgiving!

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Thanks Barbara 😀

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WOW! Thanks Barbara! Fascinating, And sad. Explains alot. We have lived all over the U.S.A. and this reflects what I saw (icluding Appalachia which J.D. got so wrong). My Ojibwe husband just received a sizeable check, his portion from his First Nation tribe's settlement with the Canadian government. Too late for his mother, but passed on to our children.

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Really interesting perspective!

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United (?) States

Maybe US North East, US South East, mid US, US South, US mtn, US West, To each his own.

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Like anthrax spores

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“The south shall rise again”

Echos in my mind, the stars and bars traipsing thru the capitol, they have never gotten over it.

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Heard that all my life growing up in rural NC

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And please remember: women are still not mentioned in our (albeit flawed) constitution, and the Equal Rights Amendment still has not been added. How can we fool outselves thst we are a country in ehiich all humsns are equal ?

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See "How the South *Won* the Civil War" (my emphasis) by HCR that originally brought me to this Substack.

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Plantation thinking was warmed over thinking of royalty that owned everything and forced people to work in order to exist and to let them live the life of royalty. It was what the USA was ostensibly going to end. The urge of some to exploit others is hard to kill.

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Serfs forever

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Exactly! It was allowed to perpetuate. The greedy racists were allowed to continue right up to today.

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Sad but true, more than Lincoln died that day.

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Bill, TFFFG the hagfish of politicians….so far his slime is so slippery he’s been able to escape the grasp of justice. Just hope someday he’s at long last caught in the justice-net and grilled up nicely on the BBQ or in a stir-fry.

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Dear leader will die in his bed….. and never see a minute of jail to pay for his crimes. We have a 2 tier justice system in the US. Equality and justice for those who can pay and cheat and manipulate. The rest of us are dupes. To fight on? It’s too late. The dems didn’t come out to vote, when it was the most crucial election of our time. If the dems, the workers, the young don’t care enough to vote….. I guess they’ll find out the hard way.


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Doomed in the short term...maybe even for the rest of my life (I'm kinda old). But I plan to participate in the revolution.

This crazy king needs to go along with his corrupt nobles.

Dems can return this nation to sanity if they run on ECONOMIC JUSTICE. People need money to pay their bills. No amount of social justice (I am a fan) and hand wringing or self blaming will do it.

We need a platform that focuses on the extreme wealth hoarded by a few while the rest of us suffer.

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👍I’m with ya, Bill, ready to do what I can/able to make sure we don’t lose this Republic….🗽☮️🇺🇸

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Like the movie Lethal Weapon where the antagonist holds up his passport and says “diplomatic immunity” and Danny Glovers character replies: “REVOKED”

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My thoughts exactly , had to wade through the koombaya of let’s be thankful and with a bit of dementia we can leave all the trail of tears that brings us to this moment.

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A very misguided idea. Especially during the Civil War, there were families fighting their own families. A scorched earth policy especially AFTER the South had surrendered would have created just as much awfulness, maybe worse, than what happened after Lincoln's assassination. And it's mistaken to say that WW2 ended that way. It didn't either in Germany or Japan. In Germany although the Nuremberg trials did deal with the highest leaders, most German soldiers were returned home after a very short internment. Ditto in Japan. Except for a few senior officers, most Japanese soldiers were pardoned and freed. There was mo mass execution of soldiers. We didn't crush anyone. War does enough damage, don't you think? Obliterating the enemy will not "solve" any problems. So you think Israel's obliteration of Gaza Is going to help them in the long run? As I said I think this is a very wrong idea.

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I always appreciate your reminding of us of the true meaning of Thanksgiving, Heather. Thank you once again. And enjoy time with Buddy and your family.

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“And in 1865, at least, they won.”


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That was then, this is now. Hard to see what we have now as progress of any kind. I'm not a defeatist, but we have plenty of work to do to change both America and Americans.

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Food for thought:

The election has NOT been CERTIFIED, Trump has NOT been SWORN IN. Garland is wrong. Trump is NOT a "sitting president." What IS unconstitutional is that Trump is being allowed to take office.

Article XIV Sec. 3:

"Whoever has sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, and takes part in an insurrection against same...shall NOT HOLD OFFICE...."

Evidence was there on television for everyone to see. Trump spoke to the crowd, and SENT THEM TO THE CAPITOL, knowing they were armed and dangerous.

It was NOT an "official act" that SCOTUS decided he has immunity for.

Trump and Co are taking it for granted that he "won," therefore is allowed to do anything he wants.

Until Trump is sworn in he is NOT officially POTUS.

Timothy Snyder, ON TYRANNY:



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The problem as i see it is it was allowed, all of it, the grift, the crimes, the corruption - from the top down...and it will get much worse very soon.

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NK, Exactly right. There is no “there” there, but the people, like Garland, are caving right and left. The media acts like his ridiculous cabinet picks are a done deal.

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Biden is still our president. Instead of welcoming the illegitimate, I wish he would declare dump can’t be president, and if necessary use the military against the enemy magas. Wishful thinking I know, but honestly this is ridiculous. That 9 men and women could make presidents kings/queens in a single “decision”. That felons are allowed to run our nation without question. That they are about to do grave harm not just to our country but the world….why?

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Finally the truth

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John, check out Professor Vance's 'Discourse earlier today.

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Bryan, thanks much. I read her comments; very helpful.

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Of course, Everything is "Not Broken."

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Ed, ouch indeed. A reminder to all of us of the task that lies ahead of us.

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Ed, hope we can say "and in 2028 at least WE won".

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Yup, Ricardo, tho it IS up to us!!!! We need to keep our shoulders to the wheel to get our democracy over this rough terrain.

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I hope we can. It's not over, but a complex society like the one we have now is a lot more vulnerable to those with money and technology. That's why I look for. clear heads like HCR's.

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Thankful we have you! Enjoy your family.

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I am constantly awed by your depth of knowledge, and most appreciative. What a great LETTERS today and for me, a wonderful refresher in our history. Thank you so much Dr. Richardson!

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So much gratitude for Heather! As Miselle said above, I too am thankful for this incredible family of HCR readers, here on SubStack, and on FB. Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!🍁🍽

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Thank you for your never-ending hope. we need that, and you. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Thank you, Heather. So grateful for your wisdom. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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Thank goodness for reminding us the history we all need to

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Heather concludes positively: "But Americans rallied . . .."

Those Americans, unlike ours today, believed in the beneficence of good schools. They had Lincoln as president -- who was literate, humanities literate, as his sentences redound from the King James translation of the Bible as well as from Shakespeare. This was the same Lincoln who in 1862 signed into law the Justin Morrill land grant act assuring the country of the best universities in the world.

Today, or very soon, America will have no Lincoln as president, but a convicted criminal. An adjudicated rapist. Multiple fraud. One who could degrade the nation's highest court into one egregiously taking rights away from women -- and could get that same corrupted, multiply perjured court to ending the Constitution's premises of no man above the law.

I'd like to believe Heather's optimism, her reading of history, as if we could similarly go forward, even in the face of Americans so largely voting for convicted criminality, for privileges most onerously especially for our dehumanized nihilist billionaire classes.

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That's a GREAT comment. Thank you!

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Thanks for this bit of history Heather . . . .

My Thanksgiving wish to everyone this year? Don’t be gaslit.

Here is what we know about the incoming president:

The Hollywood access tape caught him live boasting about sexually abusing and assaulting women. The E. Jean Carrol verdict found him guilty of abuse and the judge called it rape. He was found guilty of paying off a porn star to interfere with the 2016 election. He invited Russia to interfere in the same election. That same year he verbally abused and physically mocked a handicapped journalist, while he incited to violence against the press and hecklers at his rallies as well. He joked about “second amendment people” taking care of Hilary Clinton. He has cheated vendors who provided services to him in his building and casino projects. He indulged in both-siderism at a Nazi rally in Charlottesville where a protestor was killed when a car ploughed into a crowd of counter-protestors. He sided with Putin over our own intelligence services. He malignantly threw paper towels deriding hurricane victims in Puerto Rico. He withheld funds from states that didn’t support him during natural disasters. He shoved aside physically the leader of Montenegro for a photo-op at a G-20 summit. He created an atmosphere such that mass shooters at a synagogue in Pittsburgh and El Paso credit him with their inspiration for the murders they committed. He presided over a pandemic in which his son-in-law advised him to do nothing since it would hit states worse that didn’t vote for him. He pursued a cruel policy of family separation at the border while wasting billions on a useless wall project on the border as well. He furthered wealth inequality by a huge transfer of wealth from the lower and middle class to the uber-wealthy. He took a meeting with the dictator of North Korea, one of the most brutal regimes on Earth. He presided over the illegal assassination of an Iranian general and exited a nuclear deal with Iran that helped prevent further nuclear proliferation. He negotiated the deal with the Taliban that resulted in a catastrophe for both the US and Afghanistan. He misrepresented the direction of a hurricane and hurricane preparation for the people of the Gulf. He pulled out of the Paris climate deal, our best chance to avoid the worst results of climate change. He has encouraged the destruction of Gaza encouraging the Israelis to “finish the job”. He strong-armed a US ally, Ukraine, to get dope on his political opponents or face withdrawal of US support against a dangerous US adversary. He incited violence against the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, resulting in the attempted murder of her husband in their own home with a hammer. He illegally and violently dispersed legal protestors in Washington DC. He profited illegally from his office, corruptly strong-arming various branches of the government and foreign governments to use his properties for which his company received the earnings. He refused to allow any officials save a US interpreter be present at meetings with himself and Putin and refused to allow the interpreter to divulge the nature of his discussions. He repeatedly lied about the results of the 2020 election. He sought to overturn that election by inciting a mob to storm the Capitol, during which he did nothing to stop it. He wanted to but was prevented from leading said mob. He incited the mob to attempt to lynch Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi. He has thrown a match on the militia movement in this country which has sought to disrupt legislative sessions in a number of states, intimidate peaceful protestors, and kidnap the governor of Michigan. He refused to hand over classified documents he took from the White House upon leaving – after which dozens of human assets were liquidated in China alone. He repeatedly lied about stripping women of their right to access to health care. During this past campaign he rambled about Hannibal Lector, obsessed about crowd size, fellated a microphone, used foul language repeatedly, and held a Nazi style rally reminiscent of the 1930s in Madison Square Garden. He has refused to release health records and tax returns. He lied so many times about so many things one does not know where to start. He faced 91 felony counts in 4 districts and was able to escape them only by virtue of his wealth and position. He has faced the opposition of the military, legal, and scientific community. He has repeatedly threatened the media. He has promised to be dictator. He wants to install a series of concentration camps for mass deportation. He has put in place a Supreme Court that has resulted in the imposition of an ideology that has seen women bleed out in parking lots to their deaths.

Is there more? Absolutely - remember with whom and what we are dealing. Bannon put it out there for all to see and Hannah Arendt told us decades ago how it works: Flood the zone with s••t and gaslight until your opposition is exhausted, indifferent, numb, or questioning their own sanity. All of this is by way of encouraging you. Do not be gaslit. You are not crazy. He is this bad, this depraved, this unqualified. And the people who voted for him have a choice. Either they are profoundly stupid, profoundly cruel, or morally bankrupt. That or a combination of all three, and none are good.

Feel free to print and read this at the table today to your crazy relatives. Now pass the damn bottle of Cabernet down to me.

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Thank you

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Well said.

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