Those of you interested in better understanding Putin’s motives, and goals to quash democracies (particularly those bordering Russia) will benefit from reading Anne Applebaum’s January 3, 2022 piece in The Atlantic: The U.S. Is Naive About Russia. Ukraine Can’t Afford to Be.

Her closing thoughts:

“Americans need to stop being surprised by this list of goals, and instead start writing a list of our own. We could start with this one: Help make Ukraine the successful, prosperous, Western-facing democracy that Putin so clearly fears. Don’t make decisions about Ukraine without Ukraine. And don’t do these things because it’s nice for the children at the ice-skating rink in Kyiv—do them because, in this case, Putin’s analysis is not paranoid: A successful, prosperous, Western-facing democratic Ukraine would indeed pose a dire ideological threat to Russia, as well as to Belarus and to other autocracies in the region and around the world. It would prove to the inhabitants of other autocracies that they can escape the influence of their greedy, brutal leaders. Losing Ukraine, by contrast, would reinforce dictators in Moscow, Minsk, and even Beijing.

Biden has said he wants to “prove that American democracy can still do big things and take on challenges that matter most.” Mostly, he means domestic challenges. But some challenges abroad will also affect American confidence and credibility well into the future. Helping Ukrainians defend Ukrainian democracy is one of them.”


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One consideration to bear in mind: behind Putin (and surrounding him closely) extremists far, far worse than Putin, who is not mad... and has the judoka's acrobatic sense of balance and timing, resilience that yields short-term advantage. That, plus a still solid bloc of supporters, including young people.

Before I go on once again to express a certain skepticism about Ukraine, I want to remind readers in this community that, for a while, because I don't view us as a choral society and wanted politely to hear out dissenting voices, some people appointed themselves as our watchdogs and labeled me as some kind of Putin troll or plant... Yuk...

Well, I am European and reasonably aware of European history, so from time to time that difference will show. I abominate the regimes that rule Russia, Hungary and Poland but have some small understanding of the forces that brought them into existence. As far as America's role in the world is concerned, Europe's debt is obvious… yet there is a balance sheet. To take only one case, the Second Gulf War has brought lasting chaos to the Middle East and damage to Europe (including Russia) while strengthening the arm of regional titans in Tehran and Ankara…

It is significant that Finland should show signs of interest in NATO membership because if that were to happen there would be a strong pull for all Nordic Union countries to join.

I just hope that Ukraine is less weak than the morass she was a few years ago—as we are assured by the member of this community who lives there—but I must admit that I have felt all along that, despite the centuries of incorporation into the Russian empire, the very nature of the country was and is to be a bridge between east and west, a buffer State like Finland (once a relatively free and autonomous part of the Russian empire).

The trouble with such a scenario is that the Finns decisively defeated the Red Army in the Winter War of 1940 and were strong enough to come to terms with the Soviet Union after the defeat of the Axis forces. Ukraine still appears to be in the firm grip of dog-in-the-manger oligarchs and there doesn't seem to be a Ukrainian Mannerheim in sight...

Yanukovych was Putin's "our sonofabitch" and while the current president doesn't seem to be in hock to anyone, that leaves him defenseless in a jungle of oligarchy where big beasts roam and rule. I can't help remembering the Diem regime in Vietnam and America's vain and unbelievably costly attempts to prop up a rotten tree.

A nasty, awkward balancing act for all concerned… Mexico, at least, has the advantage of being culturally quite apart from the US, yet “tan lejos de Dios y tan cerca de Estados Unidos”. Like Ukraine in relation to Moscow, except that the cultures are far closer…

How about training eyes, too, on Modi’s bloodthirsty ultra-Fascist regime in India? Never forgetting the lowering threat of your homegrown Kremlin party and their promise of a Neo-Fascist International to include such tyrannies—unfortunately part of the tightrope act… The world cannot wait much longer for America’s enemy within to have its fangs drawn.

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Thank you for your observations and the education. Please continue to post and comment. Have you considered writing your own substack pieces? Easy and free. I'll sign up!

It is really hard for Americans to look at the world and life itself from the perspective of others. There are forces at work around the world that 99% of us have no idea about and frankly, don't care about. This continues at our peril.

But, yes, we have much work to do right here and now. The de-fanging is happening but the lag time is excruciating. Keep an eye on the events of this Thursday. A lot of us will be speaking up - in person and virtually. We're "mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore."

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Bill, thank you for your kind comment, but we are following the quite remarkably well thought-out and presented daily letters of a distinguished professional historian with an unusually clear understanding of the immediate relevance of the past to our present (and vice versa) -- and I have no idea how she manages to marshal so much complex material so quickly and ably, day in day out, while performing her usual duties.

Only on occasion do I have time to read other able Substack contributors like Timothy Snyder (with whose books I am familiar) or Robert B. Hubbell, but I do want to insist on the importance of getting this information to as many people as possible, especially young people, students, first-time voters. Those who have the energy to arouse America's vast population of couch potatoes and haul them unwillingly to the polls...

And I have just mentioned another very well-presented essay brought to our attention today: https://lucid.substack.com/p/jan-6-a-milestone-of-right-wing-counterrevolutio?r=6pp8t&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

As for me, I am only a concerned foreign observer, an old man who did an information job when working as a very junior British civil servant in his youth and became addicted to squirreling away information from different international sources. A career as an EU staff translator made for a constant throughput of political and other info, a privileged seat on the edge of the arena. And yes, I sat on the fence for decades... and now I've come down from there to take a stand on behalf of what I've worked for all my life.

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Bravo! And we all benefit. Thank You, Peter (even when I don"t agree).

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Unfortunately, the “defanging” looks more like fang sharpening to me. Red states are passing laws that will allow their legislatures to overrule the popular vote and send there own slate of electors whose votes will be counted by Congress in January, 2025. This, plus the fact that a majority of Senators are elected by only 17% of the electorate, can ensure white minority rule for the indefinite future. There is a chance of outvoting them in November, but it will require an Abrams-class miracle. We will need at least two additional Senate seats and a majority in the House, and even with such a miracle this year, the kleptocrats will be out in force again in 2024 and beyond. It’s all hands on deck, now, or a white authoritarian government for a very long time.

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You've said it!


America always enjoyed a reputation for can-do... until we came to the George W. Bush administration and Can't-Do-Won't-Do when it came to anything that needed doing, along with "Mission Accomplished" when said "mission" consisted of doing what was NOT needed and making a mess of the world that could last centuries.

Americans need to wake up from their drugged sleep, wake up to the fact that if these criminals succeed in establishing a foothold on the steps to power, not only will Americans be the worst enemies their own country has ever faced, even in the Civil War, you will be the universal enemy of humanity and of all we wanted to believe you stood for, shunned by all those who have loved and admired you, courted by all the beasts of carrion and prey in the world's political jungle.

Like Churchill, the world is counting on Americans to do the right thing, after they've tried everything else.

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It appears to me (and I’ve been participating in the fray most of my adult life, 57=78-21 years) that 60% of white Americans are already the “enemy of humanity,” as you put it.

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They—and most of us—haven't even begun to realize that we are all, all of us, our own worst enemy. Them, us too. So off we go bitching at friend and foe and never looking into our own hearts. The beam in our eye of which Christ spoke is as big as the Empire State Building.

Me too. The American in my town who took extreme exception to my commenting on his country rather than my own... may have been right and I should be giving priority to putting my own house in order before I die rather than spouting to the outside world. Yet, I can't help feeling horror at the resurgence in America of all that my good father's generation fought so long and so hard to overcome.

All those tens of million dead whose memory must be honored.

And not just in America. Everywhere. Mass madness, suicidal madness, is sweeping the world (and this is far worse than the Covid with which it combines). Just consider the regime in India of all countries, fomenting hatred to fellow-Indians simply for being Muslims. And not just abstract hatred, inciting Indians to murder their neighbors. Shall we join them in that?


You will remember who it was that expressed support and admiration for the man behind all this, Narendra Modi, who rose to power on a wave of bloodlust.

Yes. America's former president.

Time to pray for wisdom, strength and resolve. No help will come unless we help ourselves. As for your party politics, one party has been intelligently hijacked, the other is still struggling to rejoin the century, yet there is absolutely no choice but to unite behind that Democratic Party and compel it to live up to its name.

Unite. That is why I drew attention to the work of a wartime hero in Poland, Witold Pilecki, who volunteered to be sent to Auschwitz when it was still a concentration camp for Polish slave labor...


The last words of the film are what matters most to us today, because in this phony peace we have not gotten round to understanding that, yes, we shall indeed all hang separately unless we hang together. Regardless of all else.

Pilecki insisted on the essential role of organization, cooperation between men and women of different origins, differing political persuasions, all working together towards a common end. That says it all.

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Great commenting. Love this international focus on the significance of Biden's foreign policy. I will train my eyes.....but so much to see.

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Jan 4, 2022
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Thanks, but I am a little surprised by your last sentence. I'd have thought there was so much damning evidence already in the right hands that it is difficult to handle properly. Of course, what matters is not so much to punish those who assaulted Congress in session for the crucial handover of power, as those behind this attempted putsch. And primarily, the man who was still President and has never at any time ceased trying to overthrow the Constitution he swore to uphold and preserve.

Ellie Kona today drew our attention to yet another lucid and well-briefed commentator, Ruth Ben-Ghiat. Read this and share it!


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Somewhere I have seen Putin quote some old tsar: "Russia with Ukraine is a superpower, Russia without Ukraine is no superpower". Clear enough, isn't it! Remind again of this excellent analysis, and the US need of an adversary:


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Thank you, Olof. This article is excellent. Well, I'm saying this because it so closely follows my own outlook from the mid-1980s onwards when I and friends became certain that the Soviet empire was at an end... but, but, but... then it came to the other side of the same coin... our own tawdry twin ideology... "All the world's a shopping mall and all the people only consumers" (Pardon me, Shakespeare) and that deep self-evident truth:

Man cannot live by bread alone.

Snyder is so damned perceptive and so well-researched when it comes to the history of central and eastern Europe and its immediate consequences here and now. HCR should find some way of syndicating with him when it comes to these issues. She is quite strong enough to collaborate with him on her own terms.

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I wonder how that would work, Snyder and HCR. Thank you again. I look for Applebaum and Snyder quotes every day as well as what shows up from Paul Krugman.

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Maybe they could talk about the Alaska Purchase?

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Mine too Peter.

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BEST POST OF THE DAY! No more true statement was ever made.

"Once American leaders and thinkers got over their surprise at this turn of events [the demise of the old Soviet Union], they tended to interpret them as an affirmation of contemporary policies that were designed to break unions and undo the welfare state.

That was a mistake.

Given further authority by the by the end of communism, American politicians of the 1980s prepared the way for an American crack-up, the one that we are experiencing now. "

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Thank you Olof for referencing the Snyder article. The idea that capitalism can bring democracy was an aha moment for me. Of course these are not the same thing, yet until now I have unconsciously believed they were the same thing. The lack of a

“vision of a bright future” is also echoed in the diagnosis of our current unrest by Masha Gressen, a Russian-American journalist I have heard speak. This does leave us feeling frustrated and impotent. Snyder’s article and this conversation help me level-up my considerations and understandings of this moment.

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In 1993 I and a friend wrote a letter to the editor of the Economist denouncing the idea that free markets must necessarily lead to greater political freedoms and improved human rights in China.

The editor, Bill Emmott, did not publish the letter but was helpful enough to reply to us, stating that "the move to capitalism is bringing an improvement in human rights, not an abnegation of them". Within a matter of months, he changed his tune.

The current situation could hardly be clearer. Subject to closer surveillance than there has ever been on our planet, combined with an automatic points system from which the careless, unlucky, ignorant or unwary citizen could, like the genuinely antisocial, fall into unpersonhood and be denied all rights, the Han citizen (citizen being really too grand a name for China's subjects) may peaceably enjoy all consumers' rights, plus some perks like foreign travel, provided that their thoughts, words and deeds stay strictly within pre-ordained boundaries.

Lesser breeds like Uighurs, Hui and Tibetans are already for the most part either fully digested pseudo-Han or unpersons whose continued existence is at the Central Committee's pleasure. Great fortunes must have been amassed from the building of prisons and other security facilities.

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As Frederick has written in these pages over the last year, the USA is a "Democracy Capitalism." Capitalism only truly works with democratic tools and controls upon it.

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Thank You, Olof.

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Agree, Catherine. Excellent article. Thank you.

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Yes, read this yesterday. Putin is getting boxed in. And I think it is important to remember that the invasion of Ukraine by Putin has been going on for years. The previous administration never addressed it.

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Boxed in, especially by his own goons. Maybe read Sun Tzu about leaving an opening free to a trapped adversary... Difficult, of course, when that adversary is, like his American vassal, a tank without a reverse gear.

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Always leave the weasel a back door.

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I need to reread The Art of War.

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I feel that all of us armchair warriors should. It might cool our heads while helping us at least to understand better what is going on, together with the potentialities of the situation.

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Do you feel that if Trumpism is successful in the US, and democracy fails here, the impact on the rest of the world will be calamitous? To what extent?

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Yes, Kathy, that is what makes me so vociferous here. American soft power has always been immense, and that has, naturally played both ways, for better and for worse.

You might, for example, be surprised by the confidence many Soviet citizens felt in America's political institutions (corresponding to mistrust of their own). Many of the ruling caste, however, believed their own propaganda so much that, when the empire collapsed, they launched enthusiastically into the most caricatural forms of "capitalism as theft". This seems to have been Putin's motivation, the moment that opportunity knocked... To become as rich as Croesus...

There has surely been nothing like this accumulation of both power and wealth in the tsar's hands since the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

This surely makes the regime very dangerous, especially for Russians. Observe Chechynia. Observe Belarus, until recently so deeply and naturally pro-Russian. Observe Syria, where Putin delivered an object lesson to his own people, especially the large Muslim minority. Perhaps a dress rehearsal for the revenge of oligarchy if anyone tries to share in its spoils uninvited.

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Thank you for that quote.

My nightmare is a cornered Putin.

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I think if you read Paul Street's article (here's the link again) you'l realise that 'Murica' doesn't need Putin's help - the future is hard wired into the Constitution. https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/01/02/it-goes-back-to-the-days-of-the-founders/

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Thanks, Hugh. Unfortunately, I was unable to access Paul Street’s entire article without signing up for it. Not yet ready to do that.

Did he offer particular points related to what’s going on in Eastern Europe you can highlight for us?

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I'd sign up.

No, the article is fairly squarely aimed the realities of the Constitution - especially the unbelievable imbalance that the each State has 2 Senators, regardless of population size - a quote.....

"The Power of “The Most Unrepresentative Major Legislature in the ‘Democratic World’”

How are these unelected policy deities – the Supreme Court justices – selected? Under the 18th Century US Constitution, they are nominated by the undemocratically elected (see above) US president and then approved by the US Senate, the powerful upper body of the US Congress. (The House of Representatives, the Congressional body closest to the population, has no say in the matter). This American House of Lords, not directly elected until 1912 (when US women did not yet vote and Black people were still 43 years away from constitutionally protected voting rights in the US South), directly violates the “one person, one vote” principle because it grants every state two representatives (US Senators) regardless of population size.

Big majority liberal and progressive, highly diverse California has nearly 40 million people. Small rural white and reactionary Wyoming has less than 600,000 people. And yet both have two US senators. Constitutional "Simon Says".

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In 1994 Ukraine gave up its arsenal nuclear weapons, the third largest in the world at that time. If they hadn’t done that, their nuclear capabilities would probably have precluded Putin’s aggression, including his takeover of Crimea. Nobody knows what might have happened between 1994 and the Russian annexation of Crimea, but the opponents to Ukraine’s denuclearization who in 1994 predicted Russian aggression if Ukraine gave up its nukes (and there were some, even in the US Dept of State) seem to have been right about Russian aggression.

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Thank you Heather.

I really wish someone would explain to me how one can ignore a subpoena. This would come in handy in the event I ever get one.

However, it may not help me given I am not in Trump's circle which would automatically put me above the law.

I saw yesterday that Trump Jr and his girlfriend, Kimberly are engaged. That makes it rather convenient that once she marries him, she will not be compelled to testify against him. That's one witness down that won't have to testify what she saw in the room where they watched the Insurrection unfold on television.

Trump's continued endorsement and hero worship of Orban shouldn't surprise anyone. Atleast he is consistent.

I noticed yesterday in my travels more Trump 2024 flags going up along side F*ck Biden flags.

As I listened to NPR last week, there was a consistent theme of if the GOP gain the House, Articles of Impeachment will immediately be introduced against Biden. I remember hearing this when Biden won and thought it was rubbish. It's not. They will.

Be safe. Be well.

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Kimberly and Don Jr. are the perfect couple--she's a screamer and he's tone deaf.

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She needs to get on some meds and he needs to put down the bong.

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Her gast is flabbered, and he doesn't have one.

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She can marry Jr but it does not protect Sr.

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Martha, I know. It gets one of them out of the loop. But let's be honest, none of it matters when you are above the law.

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If the Confederate conspiracy is not defanged in good time and its venom drawn, America will become, more than ever, no State of Law but a State of Lawyers. Especially mobsters' attorneys... those who control the law on their crooked clients' behalf. And the Judiciary will become, as in Russia, an organ of direct transmission for the Executive.

The USA as a veritable Shysterstan.

I think I have been mistaken in speaking of a Neo-Fascist International in the making. That will merely be the "respectable" (?) cover for a very real Mafia International.

Show trials for any honest men and women left standing.

If you can't beat them, join them. Invest in private prisons now. In a greatly expanded American Gulag.

(What a revolting idea, what a revolting prospect -- it must be stopped at all costs.)

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Peter, you're right. The Prison Industrial Complex is already well established and would only expand under a Trumpian codified legal system. And look! We're more than half way there!

I give you The Prison Industrial Complex -

"...fewer than 10% of U.S. inmates are incarcerated in for-profit facilities, and use the term to diagnose a larger confluence of interests between the U.S. government, at the federal and state level, and private businesses which profit from the increasing surveillance, policing, and imprisonment of the American public since approximately 1980"


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Peter, 100%.

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Linda I agree -- but keep on watching.

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If she was present or participated for any crime she will be charged or subpoenaed directly. She does not have to testify against her husband but she is free to. It will all depend on if she was in the room where it happened and if she participated.

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And Sr. Is the one we want.

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I despair! I am truly fearful of what is happening to this country.

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Going dystopian is unwarranted, and bad for our health. The slow process of rebuilding our social and political capital from the status quo governance challenges caused by World War II—the end of isolationist nationalism, the centralization of wartime governance in the USA under wartime emergency powers, and the impact of the "Military-Industrial Complex", to name a few—are encountering the end-of-generation (Boomer, i.e., me)legacy struggles, not to mention death flight.

Objectively speaking, especially for a population whose mass of experience informing public life and opinion, the future is not retro-nationalism, it's the extension of "citizenship" to a level of global community.

Our existential circumstance defining community responsibility today is predicated on meeting planetary issues like preventing global war, controlling planet threatening use of nuclear materials and other toxins, and, not least, global climate change. The only "natural defense" remaining after mountains, oceans, rivers and deserts have dropped out is using our minds to make sense of the place in which we actually live. Increased education and information resources allowing for evidenced discussion and opinion on a mass scale are at the heart of present historical change. The sky is not falling. We can talk ourselves down from the madness of angst.

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My best source on politics, an absolutely brilliant, clear thinking man who has spent nearly 50 years dealing with Capitol Hill, the first 10 or so from the inside, and the rest from outside, says despair is not warranted, as there are checks and balances on the legal side that ***can*** still prevent an overthrow of Democracy even if the GOPers take over Capitol Hill.

And what Sadpanic says, below.

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You are absolutely correct, Linda--there WILL be articles of impeachment filed against Biden almost as soon as the new (presumably Republican-controlled) Congress is sworn in. I have been predicting (make that guaranteeing) that development as soon as Biden is sworn in.

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Ian, it is becoming clearer to me the long reaching effects of voter suppression.

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Yes, that and the fact that the Democrats have only recently and suddenly (hopefully) awakened to this danger, as well as that of gerrymandering. The question is, is it too late for this problem to be fixed?

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My personal take is the Dems are about 15 years behind the game. RNC Chair Michael Steele very successfully executed their RedMap strategy of building strength at the state level in advance of the 2010 census. Everyone saw it afterwards, yet the Dems seem to be caught flatfooted again.

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Yes, which should have wrenched them into gear before the 2020 census. They seem to be unable to focus below the federal level and to be following some very stale conventions at the federal level. Schumer's public statements carry hardly any weight for me. It's time for his actions to speak.

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I agree. Schumer represents New York banks and is the ultimate "corporate Democrat."

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What else is new? :-/

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Sadly true.

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Ian, in my opinion, yes it's too late.

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I sadly agree, especially given that Senators Manchin and Sinema have already said that that they will alter the filibuster to advance voting rights legislation. So, we'd best get used to permanent Democrat minority status on a federal level.

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Ian, given that historically Democrats are reactive and not proactive this follows suit. Everything happening today should have been strongly addressed and stomped out on Biden's first day. I don't follow the worn out adage that Biden was so busy with COVID-19 ++++. Reality is time spent getting shots in the arm will cost us our Democracy. Keeping our Democracy in check should have been addressed immediately. Bidens involvement was important, but not 24/7. This lends to the question, do we now or did we then not have the best team in place? Do I appreciate what he has done in office. Absolutely, but the cost is high. We clearly never got control of the steering wheel.

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Impeach Biden???

What for???

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Being alive and winning the election? :-)

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Mike, yeah. Pretty much.

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For not being sexist and racist.

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Gayle, how he handled leaving Afghanistan, unfit to serve, +++. Whatever they can come up with.

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This is exceedingly pessimistic - dystopian even. Even I, a noted Cassandra, cannot subscribe to this yet.

First of all, Trump’s world, and therefore politics in America, may flip 180 degrees in the next few months. The upcoming hearings could and should be devastating to the entire Republican Party. There may be indictments of key players from Congress and in the Executive Branch. I don’t rule out an indictment of Trump.

The effect this would have on the midterms is unclear. In fact it is not clear America would *get* to the midterms without serious, perhaps cataclysmic violence. As for those elections, the statistics are indeed grim. In modern times, the President’s party lost seats 15 midterm cycles consecutively until Clinton broke the streak in 1998 and Bush too gained seats in 2002 (9/11 no doubt). And in the past 4 elections, things returned to normal. https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/vitalstats_ch2_tbl4.pdf

So it is conceded that this is to be an uphill fight. But I would posit that the 2022 elections will be like none other, perhaps since the Civil War. Every possible ingredient will be thrown into the soup with no idea how it will turn out in the end.

If violence occurs of the kind I mentioned beforehand occurs, then it will be the single dominating factor to sway the vote one way or another.

But assuming that’s unlikely (no indictments, no significant bloodshed):

Trump’s endorsements will win a shocking number of primaries. But given their extraordinarily far right boldness, will they be able to carry a general election? I think it’s at least a possibility that there could be a spectacular backfire here.

What will the effect on the Democratic Party chances of all the Representatives and Senators retiring? At first glance, the power of incumbency would indicate this will be a big negative for the Dems. This is a worry.

What will the state of the economy be? In all elections (except maybe this one), this is the deciding factor. Right now the economy is in rude good health, even factoring inflation in. Will the Democrats *finally* start selling this relentlessly? Or will the economy flip? All in all, I have to think that this bone going into the soup is a plus for the Democrats.

What will the state of Covid be? All signs point to a devastating month or so. But when Omicron has totally driven out Delta, will that be the last gasp for Covid as a pandemic? Or will there be yet another “variant of interest”? Covid has been declared dead wrongly too often so a prediction is not possible. But imagine an October-November with the medical system limping back to health, with children in school, with supply chain problems a thing of the past, with everything open and masks abandoned - would that not redound well to the governing party?

Finally, what will the state of election law be? Will Senate Majority Leader Joe Manchin (self-anointed) signal to the Senators to fall in line for a filibuster rule change? If so, will the resulting bill galvanize Republicans to come out in droves to squash the anticipated jump in voting by the poor and people of color?

My point is this: the election is, in political terms a light year away. If any election could upset conventional wisdom or doubly confirm it, this is it. It is the mother of all outliers, to coin a phrase. :)

And getting as far down the road as an impeachment of Biden is, at this moment, a gigantic waste of psychic energy.

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Agreed assuming we get in gear by donating and working. We can’t sit on the sidelines and just hope good will triumph over evil. Reality has to prevail over the FP’s true believers where reality doesn’t exist.

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Eric your assessments are typically excellent, this one as well. You always spend the time to do a thorough treatment.

I don’t know why, but often here I see a knee-jerk despair and pessimism response to what’s happening. There are so many moving parts to this monumental change in American society. One fleeting little news item, like a suddenly-revealed legal detail from the trumps voluminous litigation morass, sends people into doom and gloom. American society is divorcing itself from the old social order. We are doing a thorough purge of the slavery and misogyny tradition. You can’t let yourself be swayed by a few minor details, you have to look at the big picture.

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^^^^What Linda said. It won't be anything legitimate or substantive, but they'll do it just for revenge.

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They won't be able to impeach him without 2/3s majorities. It will be a show trial if they do that.

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Technically incorrect. An impeachment requires only a majority of the House. Removal from office requires a 2/3 majority of the Senate. So, they can impeach President Biden, they just probably won't be able to have him removed from office.

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Oh. Thanks for that info.

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But to your point, yes it would be a "show trial", demonstrating nothing more than a desire to seek vengeance for the two (deserved) impeachments of the Orange Asscactus.

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Benghazi on steroids

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Like what we did to Trump? In retrospect, trying to Impeach Trump, twice did nothing more than embarrass us. It was a big mistake.

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I respectfully disagree. Trump committed impeachable offenses but today's Republican Party wouldn’t vote to convict him even if he shot someone in broad daylight.

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Ian, I wasn't suggesting what Trump did weren't Impeachable offenses. They were. But knowing beforehand what the GOP would do, we were just shoveling sand. It ultimately became nothing more than an idle threat that worked against us with his cult.

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Ian, we're not in Kansas anymore, are we? Not even sure where that is.

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There is no reason why Trump Jr.'s fiancé/wife cannot be required to testify. The 5th Amendment only protects a person against "self-incrimination."

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Unfortunately that isn't true for this. Under Spousal Witness Privilege, a person cannot be forced to testify against his or her spouse in a criminal proceeding. This privilege applies to testimony about events that happened during as well as events that happened before they were married.

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Linda, thanks. Can you give me the place in the legal statutes where this is written. I believe you. I just want to know how to find the law. Is it also true for civil law, i.e., torts?

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Ellie and Linda, I stand corrected. Thanks. But, isn't Ms. Gilfoil (sic) expected to testify against Donald Trump, witnessing his sitting about and not calling off the Capitol insurrection. Is that protected?

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Sadpanic, Spousal Privilege means just that, only cover for Donald Jr. Her future FIL is fair game.

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I'm not a lawyer. I was hoping you were onto something that spousal witness privilege might not apply in civil cases. I think you're right, that Kimberly Guilfoyle's privilege would not extend beyond her husband of the moment.

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I Googled it and found it rather quickly under "Spousal Witness Privilege ". It indicated this is true under a criminal proceedings. For some reason, I'm not able to link from my phone to this page. Sorry.

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I also wonder what the consequences are for ignoring a subpoena. Does this make them subject to arrest? And if Trump Jr and Kimberly do get married, does the protection against testifying against him apply only to the period after the wedding?

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Ruth, before as well.

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Jan 4, 2022
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Sophia you are spot on.

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I’m hoping, if not trusting, that Merrick’s approach is subtle - until it’s not.

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Imagine, Donald Trump published a letter in the NY Times demanding the death sentence for five black teenagers accused of, but not yet tried in a court of law for rape. Public pressure including Trump's efforts lead to police and the District Attorney's office forcing guilty pleas from the teenagers. After time in prison the Central Park Five were one at a time exonerated and released with evidence and a confession by a repeat rape offender.

The same Trump family claims entrapment when a subpoena is issued to explain conflicts between information in loan applications and bank loans don't match where the should match.

The is how white privilege, or more specifically "Trump privilege" works. No matter how you slice it, regardless of how the laws are written, the Trumps have been a criminal family for several generations.

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Amen, David Souers.

Corollary to this: This is one Trump act of many that showed NYers, and those paying close attention back then, what kind of man he really was. He was never a "maverick, tell-it-like-it-is, big personality, successful businessman" to (most) NYers. He was THIS.

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He was totally unsuccessful, and really, quite stupid about business. I just read his niece, Mary Trump's book about him. Trump's father WAS quite good at real estate, and a horrible person, who enabled this particular son over the others because he wanted a successor who was totally tough, who didn't admit mistakes, etc.

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