Yes, which should have wrenched them into gear before the 2020 census. They seem to be unable to focus below the federal level and to be following some very stale conventions at the federal level. Schumer's public statements carry hardly any weight for me. It's time for his actions to speak.
Yes, which should have wrenched them into gear before the 2020 census. They seem to be unable to focus below the federal level and to be following some very stale conventions at the federal level. Schumer's public statements carry hardly any weight for me. It's time for his actions to speak.
Yes, which should have wrenched them into gear before the 2020 census. They seem to be unable to focus below the federal level and to be following some very stale conventions at the federal level. Schumer's public statements carry hardly any weight for me. It's time for his actions to speak.
I agree. Schumer represents New York banks and is the ultimate "corporate Democrat."