This is so deeply frightening. I spent @ 20 of my younger years living in a California cult led by an older, charismatic narcissistic man with many similarities to the now ex-president. I know how exciting and compelling it was to feel like I belonged to a special in-the-know, superior group, and how willing I was for many years to deny obvious facts in order to be in the good graces of the leader and the group — and how hard it was to break from that. There are parts of all of us that want someone else to figure out the hard stuff and shift all responsibility and blame off ourselves or our in-group. What we are witnessing is the growth of a massive cult, but much more along the lines of the burgeoning Hitler/Nazi movement in Germany between the wars than my small group of oddballs in San Francisco in the '70s and '80s. The naked white Christian supremacy that it stands on, and the moves to permanently entrench the unilateral rule of that minority, are terrifying. We have eked out a reprieve, but the clock is still running. What do we do?
Your comment and perspective is important and reflects my own deep concerns. I have been trying to learn about how people get swayed, taken in, even radicalized. I can see this happening to a few people I know and nothing I say makes any difference. I am now trying to keep any comments I make in response to their outrageous delusions and falsehoods to a focus on the importance of media literacy, encouraging them to check the factual basis of their information sources, at a minimum, but I feel as if I am whistling into the wind. It is exhausting and terrifying.
If you study how Germany was mesmerized by Hitler, early on, and witnessed any of his rallies, you would not be able to have missed that Tr**p used the exact same tactics as Hitler in his own campaign, and continued to hold his disinformational brainwashing rallies, as continual booster shots, throughout his so-called "presidency." Hitler used the microphone and rallies, the TT**p Regime used rallies, Twitter, Faux News and cyber warfare propaganda. His cult followers were able to have 24-hour "programming" in their own homes.
It was so fetchingly obvious the first time I heard our grandest of narcissists speak at an early rally and observe how he very cleverly controlled his followers with lies and repetition (repetitive messaging, at least three times per issue). A master cult leader, he then tested his neurolinguistic programming of his sheep by stating he could shoot someone on 5th Ave. and they would still vote for him. And they cheered. Take note: THEY CHEERED. No one spoke against that horrific statement...and obvious test. The press loved him because their rates went up. They ignorantly, in my mind, assisted him in constant headlines and talking heads. I guess not everyone is trained to understand what feeds a narcissist. You must starve their egos. America did exactly the opposite.
With that 5th Ave Moment, he (and many of us who study how masses are controlled) knew his brainwashing strategy was firmly rooted. Mass consciousness control, negative chanting, cruelty of words, behaviors, threats against the press and opposing party (another tactic installing division, fear and paranoia) was so clearly evident, whilst Reason and Logic were buried deeply. He absolutely petrified me and people like Katie Tur way before the November 2016 election. But Teflon Don was allowed to get away with it all with a lot of support by conspiratorial, global oligarchs bent on destroying our democracy.
This is not a movie. This is our reality show under the trumplican regime. Very early on Rachel Maddow did segments on the wicked web of those such as the Mercers, Kochs, Murdoch, Putin and others and their internecine web and their funding of Breitbart, Bannon, Conway, Manafort, (Flynn?) Cambridge Analytica, money laundering and Deutsche Bank. It has taken the radical crazies of the Right ("Reich" is more apt) decades to set this up and place their masked "evangelicals" in significant positions throughout our government systems. I read about their infiltrative intentions 30+ years ago and thought people would be alerted to this and it would never happen.And look at us today.
What is heartening, somewhere in this forum or a link from it, was an observation that
once a country that has fallen siege to a radical dictator, and he is successfully removed from his pulpit and public, many of the cult simmer way down, some fading completely away. This is why it is absolutely critical to remove all the "heads" (metaphorically) of this seditious beast clawing at us. Taking them down and out of sight of the public forum is the only way we can begin to undo their power over their mind-numbed followers.
I am grateful to have discovered this oasis of thoughtful sanity. The comments express a wide range of sentiment, expressing and provoking an enormous amount of nuanced thinking. It gives me optimism to read so many people who are wrestling seriously with these issues.
People have been suggesting books to read to help us understand the landscape.
I would add a podcast. Gaslit Nation has been amazingly prescient for the past four years in predicting the worst excesses of the Trump regime. Sarah Kendzior, author of Hiding in Plain Sight and Andrea Chalupa are magnificent and pull no punches. They are regularly accused of being Cassandras by some who listen to them, but Cassandra’s prophecies were true despite being ignored. I find this to be the case with Gaslit Nation. Sarah and Andrea are sometimes repetitive, occasionally undisciplined in their conversation, but a magnificent listen nonetheless. I strongly recommend Gaslit Nation. Their action guide is very helpful.
I do believe that this beast can be contained. I did think it was “one and done” as a previous commenter noted in regard to January 6. But that was naive. A titanic struggle is shaping up and people must be ready for it. I don’t know if the Democratic Party has the will to act ruthlessly - they have lacked this in the past. I do believe that the Department of Justice must attack this beast head on. The legal system has to be used to send a clear message that if you are going to try to unseat democracy, you will be brought to justice.
This will be a hard struggle. The other side has true believers in spades as well as nauseating opportunists (Cruz, Hawley and McCarthy spring to mind).
*I think one simple thought will be clarifying if doubts arise during this struggle. Marjorie Taylor Greene sits as an elected Republican representative. And she has been appointed to the Education Committee by McCarthy.*
I am reading Kendzior’s book right now. It is horrifying how many people are involved in this regime! And yes, the Russians have been grooming Fake45 for decades. Putin programmed Fake45 and his pals by using psychological warfare. The targets were the uneducated and the radicals such as the Proud Boys, KKKers, Oath Keepers, Hell’s Angels, etc. Democrats have to learn this lesson by not bringing plungers to the fight but swords! I want them to poke their eyes out with their resolutions and whatever tool they can and must employ.
I am also a fan of Gaslit Nation podcast. Sarah Kendzior was a guest with Ruth Ben Ghiat on Strange Days podcast Jan 11 episode and had a very powerful conversation about the implications of the near coup attempt of Jan 6 and what needs to be done to stop this slide to autocracy. I recommend it highly!
Yes, the parallel between hitler’s rise to power and trump is all there. The alarm has been sounding for years. That our congress has been infiltrated by people who actually believe it is their job to be loyal to a narcissistic dictator-wanna-be and take down the government is going to make it a really difficult task to neutralize these terrorists. They need to be removed and the oxygen that feeds them (constant media attention) cut off. Simultaneously, their actions (open or clandestine) cannot be ignored. We also need to recognize and come to terms that some people are just plain evil and when they are put in places of power, really bad things happen to the masses.
There is no stronger or more sickening visual than the fact in January 2021 we have RAZOR wire fencing around the Capitol to protect our government from the enemy within. The blame lies completely at the feet of trump, a deranged person who republicans refuse to convict. How far we have fallen.
Maybe instead of studying why people get duped by Hitlers and Trumps, we need to focus on why people (like us) do NOT get duped. Prevention will need to be more than education, economic opportunity and The Fairness Doctrine.
An interesting, and eminently sane, proposition. But I wonder if a certain amount of resistance to or submission to duping is innate. Several of us on this forum have revealed that we are the only ones in our natal families who turned out resistant to the H's and T's.
Trying to understand the minds of the delusional is fascinating, but crazy-making. The less brain time I waste understanding how/why, the better. I am not a trained neuropsychologist, and after reading some Lakoff recently, I don't want to be. Other people's minds can be very frightening.
Very good analysis. Trump's path to power is extremely troubling. We are at a frightening juncture right now, because if his tactics and goals aren't widely exposed, and rejected, and decisively defeated by the public at large it will show our susceptibility to future horrors of dictatorship and fascism.
Thank you Penelope. An apt description of Trumps tactics. His former wife Ivana said he kept a copy of Hitlers book on his bedside table and it looks like he made good use of it to come to power in the Republican Party.
I think we can all agree on this! The question is, how does this happen? So far, it would seem, these malicious forces are growing angrier since 1/6 and are rallying to whip up even more hatred and opposition, causing us to have this country’s first domestic terrorism threat alert. It is, as you say. a Medusa-headed problem that may take years to counteract. In the meantime, what are our options?
Hey, Ellie. Just read the first of your links about QAnon. A very informative piece.
There is a well-known horse trainer who has said for years to "cause your idea to become their idea" as a way to get horses to succumb to what we humans want them to do. So it came as no surprise when I read this: "Guiding people to arrive at YOUR conclusions is a perfect way to get people to accept a new and conflicting ideology."
Thank you for these links, Ellie. Wow. I think we would all need to be trained by a professional in order to maintain the constructive conversation that is recommended in the last link. That might be a very good idea, with role-playing practice. We all have friends and family that instantly trigger us and learning, and practicing, how to interact with them, while having group support in this, would be VERY helpful on every level.
Just read your first link Ellie. My head nearly exploded with recognition. Apophenia is a new word to me and an apt explanation for the QAnon phenomenon. Thank you.
"Apophenia is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. The term was coined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad in his 1958 publication on the beginning stages of schizophrenia. He defined it as "unmotivated seeing of connections [accompanied by] a specific feeling of abnormal meaningfulness". So QAnon's goal is to subtly drive all its followers crazy?
Q is a mystery to all, including its/his/her followers. But, if you want to undermine democracy what better weapons than confusion, distrust & anarchy? Why do I sense Putin in all this?
Crazyness is a relative concept and is judged in relation to the norms of society. Different norms=different definition of crazyness. In the USSR and elsewhere they locked up people in Psychiatric Institutions because they didn't think, speak and function in a desired way....they opposed the norms being imposed upon society!
Add to these Anne Applebaum’s book Twilight of Democracy, The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism, chapter titled Cascades of Falsehood. Did you know Spain’s Vox party used a slogan similar to Trump’s? Hacer Espana Grande Otra Vez? Make Spain Great Again
I was getting ready to recommend The Twilight of Democracy by Pulitzer prize winner, Anne Applebaum. It's a world view of what is taking place today, and shows that Democracies are indeed fragile. Her book is eye opening, not a fun read, but well worth it. She will be a virtual guest on March 7th at the Tucson Festival of Books. Go online for details.
When you think in historical time, Democracy is a very "young" hasn't actually been around or postulated for very long for other than the city state of ancient Greece. Between 500BC and 1800AD the idea didn't get very far.
Ellie, I'm quite unable to find the place where you asked me this, but I received a message about who censored a comment on DT that mentioned Hitler, and when:
NYT thread in 2016. This drew attention to the extraordinary success gained by Hitler in using barrack-room and beer-hall language in a land where political speaking was modeled on the funeral oration… Info gained from my Dad who had it in 1943 from a retired British foreign correspondent who’d covered both the Russian revolution and civil war and Hitler’s coming to power in 1933… I didn’t regard drawing attention to the dangers of such language as being contentious, but thought it might be useful… Stupid me. Yet, among my friends, I was derided for regarding a Trump victory as probable.
I’d be happier if my pessimism was more often mistaken. At the same time, we must remember that light illumines darkness but darkness cannot negate the light.
Yesterday, I was driving home with the radio on and heard a brief piece about the Capitol insurrectionists and QAnon (don't remember what program or other specifics), and I said to myself, "These people play too many ARGs!" Then I read the game designer's analysis of QAnon and, bingo!
I do not bring up these references to the Hitler Administration and the NSDAP in order to shock people. I bring them up because they are part of history, and many Americans are not familiar with the history. They only know Hitler and Nazi as evil words, taboo words, to be shunned and turned away from.
(National-sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei, the National Socialist German Worker's Party, the "Nazi" Party.
Deutsche = German (that's where the word "Dutch" originated, btw, in the Germany of my grandparents era the Netherlands were sometimes referred to as "low-lying German provinces.")
Arbeiter = Workers
Partei = Party
Nazi = 1st 2 syllables of "National" pronounced in German, the Socialists (Sozialisten) were called "Sozis" for short.
Even the Germans didn't want to say that incredibly long name of the party, so it was "Nazis" and "Sozis."
My attention span after a day of teaching is rather exhausted. I just fall asleep trying to read anything. But Rick Steve’s Fascism in Europe on PBS is really enlightening! He full on calls out what is happening in America is
what happened in Europe pre Nazi. I knew bits and pieces from my school days. But I had not ever been given the full scope and breadth of it all.
Texas just mandated all schools acknowledge Holocaust Remembrance. Everyone seemed shocked that elementary students should be required to learn about this. My art students are doing projects for peace like Picasso’s Dove for Peace and Flowers for Peace. I emphasize this was for a peace conference after WWII. So far, no complaints from parents. When it something remotely controversial, everyone seems to forget knowledge is power.
Rick is an (inter)national treasure: gifted tour guide, humane employer, deep thinker on public affairs. I've watched the Fascism show twice now. Regular episodes inform, entertain and sparkle for 1/2 hr each. The concluding bloopers segment is always a hoot.
I find that heartening. I can't even bring up Hitler's Germany with one of my own sisters, who was raised for part of her childhood in Germany just as I was. She doesn't want to go there. Can't blame her, of course, but it's our family heritage. We have a grandmother who was totally into Hitler, thinking of Hitler of course as Germany's FDR. The Holocaust was not exactly being broadcast in the news, it was the U.S. Army arriving in Germany that publicized the Holocaust.
I believe they are actually labeled as 'entertainment'...except for the actual news shows they have. Someone tried to sue Tucker Carlson for defamation and the judge threw the case out citing that 'no one who watches Tucker Carlson's entertainment, not news...!'
Fox's legal designation is an entertainment network because it doesn't meet basic norms of journalism like fact-checking. But freedom of speech allows it to call itself whatever it pleases.
I was talking to my daughter anout what you said. Before I could say a word she said oh yeah the tattoo numbers were an IBM organizing system. But she’s way smarter than me! So there are people who know.
Yes we do need to find better (any?) ways for some kind of dialogue & communication to happen, but it is so hard to make any headway when beliefs are held so dear and are mostly emotionally based. Some folks will likely come out of the fog in their own time, but many die-hards will not. I don't know where to start... but good you are trying!
My dad is completely unmovable. Completely. I have spent 20 years speaking with him weekly, on every social and political subject, since my parents retired here to my town. It's like talking to a brick wall.
It is no consolation to discover, as I was googling to find Hitler's propaganda chief, so see that Heinrich Himmler is from Munich like my dad is. The architect of the Holocaust, no less.
Roland, I am truly sorry to hear about this, which is the painful personal loss which so many people here speak of. I sense you to be a kind, thoughtful person who might have the best shot at reaching a closed mind. This is discouraging to hear. Ugh!
I can't speak for Roland but i can say that I have exactly the same experience with my own dad, and it is on every issue. He is intelligent and highly educated and completely unmovable. People believe what they want to believe, I guess.
Dad is a diehard conservative. Loyal to the Republican party until the day he dies, Fox News in his retirement home most of the time he’s awake. Unmovable and unshakable on subjects of tradition and the old social order, versus the new social order. In other words, there’s no way to scrub the stain of whites come first, males come first, straights come first. Anyone who isn’t white male and straight is inferior, second-class. It will never change.
Thanks, Maggie. Yes, the KGB has been grooming Fake45 for decades. They knew he was the perfect stool pigeon for the job. If you haven’t read Hiding In Plain Sight by Sarah Kendzior, do! She is an expert on Russian affairs as she lived there off and on for years. She delves into how Russians would lure him into thinking he would get a hotel built there. He never has.
Thanks Marlene - I think you mentioned this book before - will ask for it at my library - I dont buy books anymore - have far too many already! But I can ask for what I want at the library.
Thank you Eve. I've been describing Trump's U.S. Capitol riot as America's version of Kristallnacht, the "night of broken glass" when Hitler's brown shirt "storm trooper" (S.A. = Sturm Abteilung, "Storm Division") lackeys trashed looted and burned the German Congress, the Reichstag.
The German people, my grandparents and ancestors, were enthralled by a cult leader, and so are the Trumpsters. Deprogramming and un-brainwashing is needed, sorely needed. Cult extraction and intervention.
That’s how The Arnold described it as well. Our version of the crystal night. My Republican coworkers have suddenly gotten very quiet about all of this. But man they are so anxious to have me give them the link to sign up for the vaccine. Even a friend I thought I’d lost to the Dark Side is now following Heather on Facebook. So maybe the non-cult Republicans are starting to realize voting one issue and supporting dumpty was not the right thing to do. They think I’m extremist radical liberal. I guess cause I helped at the polls? I have always said I would have made a terrible nazi. So sorry for your father! That is hard to stomach!
Denise, in Germany or U.K. you might be right down the center. Believe it or not, you might be just right of center. Bernie is center left. In the U.S., we are called extreme radical liberals by none other than, you guessed it, white supremacists and believers in the suppression of women and libertarian gun arsenal owners who don't even know that they are off. They can't admit it to themselves. And I mean OFF, off balance, off in lots of ways.
Europe is more intellectual, more educated, more informed and, dare I say it, smarter than the U.S. Way smarter. This forum might even be considered conservative in Germany. The U.S. has such a strong conservative minority, and so many extreme conservatives, it makes the rest of us look like wild anarchists in comparison. Think RBG 20 years ago compared to now, when the Supreme Court has migrated so far to the right.
Don't kid yourself, your co-workers are incapable of viewing you clearly or stereotyping you properly, if stereotyping you politically is even a palatable subject on this forum. Simpler words: they have no freaking idea what they're talking about, too ignorant to know reality.
You’re preaching to the choir! These women will flat out tell you they are voting Republican because 1. Abortion, one issue voter. 2. Their minister told them too. Christain submissiveness. 3. Their husband/boyfriend/father told them to. Again submissive to be a good god fearing Christain. It’s mind boggling! They say they are not political! Um you just stated why you vote Republucan and you teach in public schools! Can’t get much more political than that!
Ick. As much as I like your writing on this forum, that was a very unsavory image. My first thought was Ted Cruz in the acceptance position; my eyes! They're burning! My eyes!
Glad I read this before lunch. The images I get in my mind (Cruz, Hawley, Gaetz, McCarthy, et al) makes me wanna hurl my cookies. I guess we really are big, naked apes after all...
My sister is one of those women who will walk on hot coals if her husband tells her to.. She quotes all the passages of the bible that speak of women's submission. She's gotten worse since Trump, if that's possible. She's not speaking to me right now because she thinks that I'm naive to think that Biden won fair and square. She also thinks the pandemic is a hoax, and living in Florida, she has not changed her life at all. She still travels, does not wear a mask, etc. She used to be smart - I'm not sure what happened.
Some Friday morning my mind, this type of giving oneself totally over to one's religion stems from a desire, a laziness really, of turning over all responsibility of having to make any decisions to some sort of ideology. It really isn't at all unlike cult behaviour. It is submitting totally to, in the case of evangelical Christianity, a spiritual dictatorship. It then absolves one of having to be responsible for--gadzooks!--individual, independent thought. Thinking freely (observe the root word for "free" is "libera", the basis for "liberal") is anathema to these people because they, and others (the ones wanting to control them), believe their group has all the answers. They don't need to think. It's done for them. It's terrifying, really, because these people are then simply malleable into whatever their "leaders" want them to be. It's one of those features of the human animal I have never understood, the seeming desire to follow some sort of illogical ideology, to the death even.
People wonder then how I, someone who calls himself a Christian, can still even remotely follow something like Christianity. Aren't I somewhat guilty of doing this as well? I don't see what I believe, do, and follow as a cult, mainly because I joined it freely, after having been atheist, agnostic, and I know I could walk away from it tomorrow. My faith, or what my version of Christianity follows, does not rule by fear. We don't bang on about "Now, if you do this, this, and this, you will burn eternally in the fiery pits of hell, etc. etc. etc." No faith should have to scare it adherents into believing, and this is what almost all of these sects eventually end up doing. It's part of what drives them to feel superior to the rest of us "heathens". They're going on to heavenly glory (they think), and the rest of us won't. They feel they have to evangelize and convert everyone they encounter over to their way of thinking. This not only gives them better cred with God (the more souls they "bring to the Lord" the greater their "reward" in heaven), but it gives them a certain sense of satisfaction. A cult is like an organism. The first thing it has to do is replicate/reproduce i.e. find adherents in order to survive. Notice anything familiar? Well, my faith does NOT preach this.
As I've pointed out before, these loud-mouthed zealots have done a pretty shitty PR job for Christianity and have given us ALL a bad name. It is a huge disservice to what can be, in its bare essence, a very beautiful faith and spiritual path to follow. Now, when you take these zealots and combine their zealotry with a political force and a host of other human frailties, it is all a very dangerous mix indeed, as we've seen.
That sort of unheading and unlistening political unilogue that you describe is just as common in Europe.....only we have moved the goalposts over the years......just like the hours we keep. We start the day later than you, eat later and sleep later. We give different labels to political points of view because of where they sit on the "acceptable spectrum".....which is in a different spectrum to the US but ideological conflict is still too often reduced to a 2 bulls crashing heads to see who is strongest and can thus commandeer the herd. It used to be essential for survival of the species but now instead endangers it.
My wife and I read this column out loud daily. Part of the way through the comments I asked her, what do we do if the bastards win? Do we shut up and live or do we stand up and possibly self sacrifice? This is really really scary.
We must fight and fight hard. We must do it intelligently and quite frankly, Joe and Kamala are doing just that. Smarter people than us have tools they can use even without having the GOP’s permission. Joe will bypass them if they refuse to comply on this budget. That makes me feel good.
Exactly Roland. I have to just laugh (when I am not curled up in a ball hiding) at people who call President Biden a Socialist and Communist. What??? People no longer understand these terms, and are so extremely to the right they cannot fathom what actual liberals are talking about.
Yes we do = I keep remembering how it galled Fox & others that Obama wouldnt call Islam RADICAL Islam - remember that? Guess its time for the title of radical right to get put where it belongs.
You know, I am not a huge fan of Arnold. I didn't even watch his video, maybe because I'm one of the few people in American who probably wouldn't have learned anything new from it. But that video wasn't for me. It was for everyone with no Hitler-era German heritage, or in denial (or ignorance) of their Hitler-era German heritage. I heard he mentioned domestic abuse from his dad, etc. All of that is part of my family heritage, my mother and her siblings. Arnold is in my Dad's generation. He is from Austria, the country where Hitler was born. My dad is from Munich, the place Hitler came to power. So Arnold and I have plenty in common re: heritage.
I don't read or listen to everything I see about the subject, it ain't pretty, and I've spent a lifetime having to accept it as my heritage. This from the kid who grew up watching Hogan's Heroes and all that.
Werner Klemperer (Colonel Klink) of HH was vehemently anti-Nazi and insisted that every episode end with the Germans, especially Klink, defeated and humiliated. He was a far more serious person than one imagines from his bumbling character; some of that comes through in Judgment at Nuremburg. The whole Klemperer family has a fascinating history in that period, documented in several memoirs and biographies.
Werner Klemperer IS Hogan's Heroes. All the uniforms and military artifacts in that series are part of his personal collection, I understand. Thank you so much for mentioning his biographies and memoirs, I imagine he and I have much in common. Going to look into that.
Interesting that you bring up Hogan’s Heros. My father was a Private 1st Class Infantryman in WWII, liberating one of the Nazi work camps. He despised that TV show. He told us it minimized the horrors of the war and the death and destruction it caused. As I write this, I hold him in my Dad, who witnessed the evidence of Hitler’s control, power, and hatred of all who were not pure and loyal.
I read the letters he sent to my mother, his then Dearest Darling, during the time of his deployment in Europe and I weep. We cannot let this happen, ever again!
I highly recommend the memoir "I Will Bear Witness" by Viktor Klemperer. A detailed account of living under the Nazis as a Jew married to a Gentile, then surviving the bombing of Dresden.
Paradoxically, the actor playing a German camp commandant was a more admirable person than Bob Crane (Hogan), whose ties to organized crime led to his still-unsolved gangland slaying. Col. Klink was German but not a Nazi; he frequently clashed with them, e.g. Gestapo Major Hochstetter.
Leon Askin, the actor portraying Gen. Burkhalter, was an Austrian refugee whose family suffered greatly during the Holocaust. His politics are not as well-known as the Klemperer family's, but a glance at Wikipedia shows that he too fought the good fight in his own way.
This is so deeply frightening. I spent @ 20 of my younger years living in a California cult led by an older, charismatic narcissistic man with many similarities to the now ex-president. I know how exciting and compelling it was to feel like I belonged to a special in-the-know, superior group, and how willing I was for many years to deny obvious facts in order to be in the good graces of the leader and the group — and how hard it was to break from that. There are parts of all of us that want someone else to figure out the hard stuff and shift all responsibility and blame off ourselves or our in-group. What we are witnessing is the growth of a massive cult, but much more along the lines of the burgeoning Hitler/Nazi movement in Germany between the wars than my small group of oddballs in San Francisco in the '70s and '80s. The naked white Christian supremacy that it stands on, and the moves to permanently entrench the unilateral rule of that minority, are terrifying. We have eked out a reprieve, but the clock is still running. What do we do?
Your comment and perspective is important and reflects my own deep concerns. I have been trying to learn about how people get swayed, taken in, even radicalized. I can see this happening to a few people I know and nothing I say makes any difference. I am now trying to keep any comments I make in response to their outrageous delusions and falsehoods to a focus on the importance of media literacy, encouraging them to check the factual basis of their information sources, at a minimum, but I feel as if I am whistling into the wind. It is exhausting and terrifying.
If you study how Germany was mesmerized by Hitler, early on, and witnessed any of his rallies, you would not be able to have missed that Tr**p used the exact same tactics as Hitler in his own campaign, and continued to hold his disinformational brainwashing rallies, as continual booster shots, throughout his so-called "presidency." Hitler used the microphone and rallies, the TT**p Regime used rallies, Twitter, Faux News and cyber warfare propaganda. His cult followers were able to have 24-hour "programming" in their own homes.
It was so fetchingly obvious the first time I heard our grandest of narcissists speak at an early rally and observe how he very cleverly controlled his followers with lies and repetition (repetitive messaging, at least three times per issue). A master cult leader, he then tested his neurolinguistic programming of his sheep by stating he could shoot someone on 5th Ave. and they would still vote for him. And they cheered. Take note: THEY CHEERED. No one spoke against that horrific statement...and obvious test. The press loved him because their rates went up. They ignorantly, in my mind, assisted him in constant headlines and talking heads. I guess not everyone is trained to understand what feeds a narcissist. You must starve their egos. America did exactly the opposite.
With that 5th Ave Moment, he (and many of us who study how masses are controlled) knew his brainwashing strategy was firmly rooted. Mass consciousness control, negative chanting, cruelty of words, behaviors, threats against the press and opposing party (another tactic installing division, fear and paranoia) was so clearly evident, whilst Reason and Logic were buried deeply. He absolutely petrified me and people like Katie Tur way before the November 2016 election. But Teflon Don was allowed to get away with it all with a lot of support by conspiratorial, global oligarchs bent on destroying our democracy.
This is not a movie. This is our reality show under the trumplican regime. Very early on Rachel Maddow did segments on the wicked web of those such as the Mercers, Kochs, Murdoch, Putin and others and their internecine web and their funding of Breitbart, Bannon, Conway, Manafort, (Flynn?) Cambridge Analytica, money laundering and Deutsche Bank. It has taken the radical crazies of the Right ("Reich" is more apt) decades to set this up and place their masked "evangelicals" in significant positions throughout our government systems. I read about their infiltrative intentions 30+ years ago and thought people would be alerted to this and it would never happen.And look at us today.
What is heartening, somewhere in this forum or a link from it, was an observation that
once a country that has fallen siege to a radical dictator, and he is successfully removed from his pulpit and public, many of the cult simmer way down, some fading completely away. This is why it is absolutely critical to remove all the "heads" (metaphorically) of this seditious beast clawing at us. Taking them down and out of sight of the public forum is the only way we can begin to undo their power over their mind-numbed followers.
I am grateful to have discovered this oasis of thoughtful sanity. The comments express a wide range of sentiment, expressing and provoking an enormous amount of nuanced thinking. It gives me optimism to read so many people who are wrestling seriously with these issues.
People have been suggesting books to read to help us understand the landscape.
I would add a podcast. Gaslit Nation has been amazingly prescient for the past four years in predicting the worst excesses of the Trump regime. Sarah Kendzior, author of Hiding in Plain Sight and Andrea Chalupa are magnificent and pull no punches. They are regularly accused of being Cassandras by some who listen to them, but Cassandra’s prophecies were true despite being ignored. I find this to be the case with Gaslit Nation. Sarah and Andrea are sometimes repetitive, occasionally undisciplined in their conversation, but a magnificent listen nonetheless. I strongly recommend Gaslit Nation. Their action guide is very helpful.
I do believe that this beast can be contained. I did think it was “one and done” as a previous commenter noted in regard to January 6. But that was naive. A titanic struggle is shaping up and people must be ready for it. I don’t know if the Democratic Party has the will to act ruthlessly - they have lacked this in the past. I do believe that the Department of Justice must attack this beast head on. The legal system has to be used to send a clear message that if you are going to try to unseat democracy, you will be brought to justice.
This will be a hard struggle. The other side has true believers in spades as well as nauseating opportunists (Cruz, Hawley and McCarthy spring to mind).
*I think one simple thought will be clarifying if doubts arise during this struggle. Marjorie Taylor Greene sits as an elected Republican representative. And she has been appointed to the Education Committee by McCarthy.*
* for emphasis
As a parent of a child with Special Needs, I am horrified by McCarthy's appointment of MTG! She is a horror.
This is why Biden is focusing on approval of his appointees, especially for A.G. - so the Judicial General is in place to attck this beast head on.
We must expand SCOTUS. Also, 50 federal judges have resigned making way for Biden to appoint replacements. That is very good news!
I am reading Kendzior’s book right now. It is horrifying how many people are involved in this regime! And yes, the Russians have been grooming Fake45 for decades. Putin programmed Fake45 and his pals by using psychological warfare. The targets were the uneducated and the radicals such as the Proud Boys, KKKers, Oath Keepers, Hell’s Angels, etc. Democrats have to learn this lesson by not bringing plungers to the fight but swords! I want them to poke their eyes out with their resolutions and whatever tool they can and must employ.
I am also a fan of Gaslit Nation podcast. Sarah Kendzior was a guest with Ruth Ben Ghiat on Strange Days podcast Jan 11 episode and had a very powerful conversation about the implications of the near coup attempt of Jan 6 and what needs to be done to stop this slide to autocracy. I recommend it highly!
Yes, the parallel between hitler’s rise to power and trump is all there. The alarm has been sounding for years. That our congress has been infiltrated by people who actually believe it is their job to be loyal to a narcissistic dictator-wanna-be and take down the government is going to make it a really difficult task to neutralize these terrorists. They need to be removed and the oxygen that feeds them (constant media attention) cut off. Simultaneously, their actions (open or clandestine) cannot be ignored. We also need to recognize and come to terms that some people are just plain evil and when they are put in places of power, really bad things happen to the masses.
There is no stronger or more sickening visual than the fact in January 2021 we have RAZOR wire fencing around the Capitol to protect our government from the enemy within. The blame lies completely at the feet of trump, a deranged person who republicans refuse to convict. How far we have fallen.
Maybe instead of studying why people get duped by Hitlers and Trumps, we need to focus on why people (like us) do NOT get duped. Prevention will need to be more than education, economic opportunity and The Fairness Doctrine.
An interesting, and eminently sane, proposition. But I wonder if a certain amount of resistance to or submission to duping is innate. Several of us on this forum have revealed that we are the only ones in our natal families who turned out resistant to the H's and T's.
Trying to understand the minds of the delusional is fascinating, but crazy-making. The less brain time I waste understanding how/why, the better. I am not a trained neuropsychologist, and after reading some Lakoff recently, I don't want to be. Other people's minds can be very frightening.
I agree . . .
Very good analysis. Trump's path to power is extremely troubling. We are at a frightening juncture right now, because if his tactics and goals aren't widely exposed, and rejected, and decisively defeated by the public at large it will show our susceptibility to future horrors of dictatorship and fascism.
Which is why we need our foreign allies so much more now. They can also help us in exposing Fake45’s dealings as well as his minion.
Biden, at least, is starving his (who-shall-not-be-named) ego now.
It is so calming to not have to read that name so often.
Or, hear and see that hideous voice and face!
Thank you Penelope. An apt description of Trumps tactics. His former wife Ivana said he kept a copy of Hitlers book on his bedside table and it looks like he made good use of it to come to power in the Republican Party.
Vanity Fair article from 1990, an ego piece with you-know-who
Brilliant analysis, Penelope. Thanks.
I think we can all agree on this! The question is, how does this happen? So far, it would seem, these malicious forces are growing angrier since 1/6 and are rallying to whip up even more hatred and opposition, causing us to have this country’s first domestic terrorism threat alert. It is, as you say. a Medusa-headed problem that may take years to counteract. In the meantime, what are our options?
Years ago trumps 1st wlfe warned everyone that he read Hilter's. Mein kampf nightly. That was enough to make me fear him rising to power.
I am ❤️ number 87. We need you to get 88 ❤️s. It’s a symbolic antidote to the former 88 million Twitter followers.
How people get taken into QAnon:
On precarity, a fear that something to which you are entitled will be taken away by Others who do not deserve it:
How to talk to MAGA people (which ironically uses a similar stance as QAnon by not confronting head on):
Hey, Ellie. Just read the first of your links about QAnon. A very informative piece.
There is a well-known horse trainer who has said for years to "cause your idea to become their idea" as a way to get horses to succumb to what we humans want them to do. So it came as no surprise when I read this: "Guiding people to arrive at YOUR conclusions is a perfect way to get people to accept a new and conflicting ideology."
Thank you for these links, Ellie. Wow. I think we would all need to be trained by a professional in order to maintain the constructive conversation that is recommended in the last link. That might be a very good idea, with role-playing practice. We all have friends and family that instantly trigger us and learning, and practicing, how to interact with them, while having group support in this, would be VERY helpful on every level.
Just read your first link Ellie. My head nearly exploded with recognition. Apophenia is a new word to me and an apt explanation for the QAnon phenomenon. Thank you.
"Apophenia is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. The term was coined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad in his 1958 publication on the beginning stages of schizophrenia. He defined it as "unmotivated seeing of connections [accompanied by] a specific feeling of abnormal meaningfulness". So QAnon's goal is to subtly drive all its followers crazy?
Q is a mystery to all, including its/his/her followers. But, if you want to undermine democracy what better weapons than confusion, distrust & anarchy? Why do I sense Putin in all this?
Crazyness is a relative concept and is judged in relation to the norms of society. Different norms=different definition of crazyness. In the USSR and elsewhere they locked up people in Psychiatric Institutions because they didn't think, speak and function in a desired way....they opposed the norms being imposed upon society!
Add to these Anne Applebaum’s book Twilight of Democracy, The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism, chapter titled Cascades of Falsehood. Did you know Spain’s Vox party used a slogan similar to Trump’s? Hacer Espana Grande Otra Vez? Make Spain Great Again
I was getting ready to recommend The Twilight of Democracy by Pulitzer prize winner, Anne Applebaum. It's a world view of what is taking place today, and shows that Democracies are indeed fragile. Her book is eye opening, not a fun read, but well worth it. She will be a virtual guest on March 7th at the Tucson Festival of Books. Go online for details.
When you think in historical time, Democracy is a very "young" hasn't actually been around or postulated for very long for other than the city state of ancient Greece. Between 500BC and 1800AD the idea didn't get very far.
Thanks for the info on the festival. Will definitely check it out!
Holy cow. Just read the first link, and it is terrifying.
This is an amazing revelation, a game-changer for me. Thanks for your contribution, Ellie.
Nice Ellie!!
thank you so informative!!!
Ellie, I'm quite unable to find the place where you asked me this, but I received a message about who censored a comment on DT that mentioned Hitler, and when:
NYT thread in 2016. This drew attention to the extraordinary success gained by Hitler in using barrack-room and beer-hall language in a land where political speaking was modeled on the funeral oration… Info gained from my Dad who had it in 1943 from a retired British foreign correspondent who’d covered both the Russian revolution and civil war and Hitler’s coming to power in 1933… I didn’t regard drawing attention to the dangers of such language as being contentious, but thought it might be useful… Stupid me. Yet, among my friends, I was derided for regarding a Trump victory as probable.
I’d be happier if my pessimism was more often mistaken. At the same time, we must remember that light illumines darkness but darkness cannot negate the light.
Yesterday, I was driving home with the radio on and heard a brief piece about the Capitol insurrectionists and QAnon (don't remember what program or other specifics), and I said to myself, "These people play too many ARGs!" Then I read the game designer's analysis of QAnon and, bingo!
Thank you for these links. The first one was mind blowing for me!
Definately mind-blowing. And terrifying. Required Reading.
Thanks for these useful references.
Mediocre people made to feel that they are special by hating in the right way.
And that they are not thereby alone in their misery.......and above others who are not in "the know";
I also, cannot fathom how one gets so enamored with people like these. It is like they are hypnotized.
Hypnotized. Mesmerized. Deluded. Brainwashed. Blotto.
Welcome to Fox News, the new Russia Today, the new Chinese Communist Party news media.
Rupert and the Murdoch family is our new equivalent of the govt. dept. run by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda.
By the way, I just want to say something here.
I do not bring up these references to the Hitler Administration and the NSDAP in order to shock people. I bring them up because they are part of history, and many Americans are not familiar with the history. They only know Hitler and Nazi as evil words, taboo words, to be shunned and turned away from.
(National-sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei, the National Socialist German Worker's Party, the "Nazi" Party.
Deutsche = German (that's where the word "Dutch" originated, btw, in the Germany of my grandparents era the Netherlands were sometimes referred to as "low-lying German provinces.")
Arbeiter = Workers
Partei = Party
Nazi = 1st 2 syllables of "National" pronounced in German, the Socialists (Sozialisten) were called "Sozis" for short.
Even the Germans didn't want to say that incredibly long name of the party, so it was "Nazis" and "Sozis."
My attention span after a day of teaching is rather exhausted. I just fall asleep trying to read anything. But Rick Steve’s Fascism in Europe on PBS is really enlightening! He full on calls out what is happening in America is
what happened in Europe pre Nazi. I knew bits and pieces from my school days. But I had not ever been given the full scope and breadth of it all.
Texas just mandated all schools acknowledge Holocaust Remembrance. Everyone seemed shocked that elementary students should be required to learn about this. My art students are doing projects for peace like Picasso’s Dove for Peace and Flowers for Peace. I emphasize this was for a peace conference after WWII. So far, no complaints from parents. When it something remotely controversial, everyone seems to forget knowledge is power.
Rick is an (inter)national treasure: gifted tour guide, humane employer, deep thinker on public affairs. I've watched the Fascism show twice now. Regular episodes inform, entertain and sparkle for 1/2 hr each. The concluding bloopers segment is always a hoot.
I find that heartening. I can't even bring up Hitler's Germany with one of my own sisters, who was raised for part of her childhood in Germany just as I was. She doesn't want to go there. Can't blame her, of course, but it's our family heritage. We have a grandmother who was totally into Hitler, thinking of Hitler of course as Germany's FDR. The Holocaust was not exactly being broadcast in the news, it was the U.S. Army arriving in Germany that publicized the Holocaust.
I noticed Rick Steve's program, haven't had a chance to see it yet.
JUST now mandated that? Well a good thing - especially in Texas. Now if all states did that? Hopefully mine does - dont know.
Wow. Thanks for resource.
Why does Fox even get away with calling their shows ‘news’?
The characteristics of news is:
Concise and Clear
I believe they are actually labeled as 'entertainment'...except for the actual news shows they have. Someone tried to sue Tucker Carlson for defamation and the judge threw the case out citing that 'no one who watches Tucker Carlson's entertainment, not news...!'
Fox's legal designation is an entertainment network because it doesn't meet basic norms of journalism like fact-checking. But freedom of speech allows it to call itself whatever it pleases.
Thanks Marlene for probably the only "like" my corporate war crimes posts will get. I always bring up the popular subjects, don't I? *grin*
Roland, you are insightful and that’s good enough for me!
I think you’re getting quite a few “Likes”
Roland, you may be the most popular "unpopular" commenter around. Write on!
I was talking to my daughter anout what you said. Before I could say a word she said oh yeah the tattoo numbers were an IBM organizing system. But she’s way smarter than me! So there are people who know.
I had absolutely no idea that those numbers were from IBM!
Yes we do need to find better (any?) ways for some kind of dialogue & communication to happen, but it is so hard to make any headway when beliefs are held so dear and are mostly emotionally based. Some folks will likely come out of the fog in their own time, but many die-hards will not. I don't know where to start... but good you are trying!
My dad is completely unmovable. Completely. I have spent 20 years speaking with him weekly, on every social and political subject, since my parents retired here to my town. It's like talking to a brick wall.
It is no consolation to discover, as I was googling to find Hitler's propaganda chief, so see that Heinrich Himmler is from Munich like my dad is. The architect of the Holocaust, no less.
Roland, I am truly sorry to hear about this, which is the painful personal loss which so many people here speak of. I sense you to be a kind, thoughtful person who might have the best shot at reaching a closed mind. This is discouraging to hear. Ugh!
When you say your dad is unmovable, on what issue. Your German heritage and familiarity with Germany history are very interesting, btw. Thanks.
I can't speak for Roland but i can say that I have exactly the same experience with my own dad, and it is on every issue. He is intelligent and highly educated and completely unmovable. People believe what they want to believe, I guess.
Dad is a diehard conservative. Loyal to the Republican party until the day he dies, Fox News in his retirement home most of the time he’s awake. Unmovable and unshakable on subjects of tradition and the old social order, versus the new social order. In other words, there’s no way to scrub the stain of whites come first, males come first, straights come first. Anyone who isn’t white male and straight is inferior, second-class. It will never change.
Did anyone here see this article? Certainly would explain a good deal!
Thanks, Maggie. Yes, the KGB has been grooming Fake45 for decades. They knew he was the perfect stool pigeon for the job. If you haven’t read Hiding In Plain Sight by Sarah Kendzior, do! She is an expert on Russian affairs as she lived there off and on for years. She delves into how Russians would lure him into thinking he would get a hotel built there. He never has.
Thanks Marlene - I think you mentioned this book before - will ask for it at my library - I dont buy books anymore - have far too many already! But I can ask for what I want at the library.
Thanks for the link to this article, Maggie.
Thank you Eve. I've been describing Trump's U.S. Capitol riot as America's version of Kristallnacht, the "night of broken glass" when Hitler's brown shirt "storm trooper" (S.A. = Sturm Abteilung, "Storm Division") lackeys trashed looted and burned the German Congress, the Reichstag.
The German people, my grandparents and ancestors, were enthralled by a cult leader, and so are the Trumpsters. Deprogramming and un-brainwashing is needed, sorely needed. Cult extraction and intervention.
That’s how The Arnold described it as well. Our version of the crystal night. My Republican coworkers have suddenly gotten very quiet about all of this. But man they are so anxious to have me give them the link to sign up for the vaccine. Even a friend I thought I’d lost to the Dark Side is now following Heather on Facebook. So maybe the non-cult Republicans are starting to realize voting one issue and supporting dumpty was not the right thing to do. They think I’m extremist radical liberal. I guess cause I helped at the polls? I have always said I would have made a terrible nazi. So sorry for your father! That is hard to stomach!
Denise, in Germany or U.K. you might be right down the center. Believe it or not, you might be just right of center. Bernie is center left. In the U.S., we are called extreme radical liberals by none other than, you guessed it, white supremacists and believers in the suppression of women and libertarian gun arsenal owners who don't even know that they are off. They can't admit it to themselves. And I mean OFF, off balance, off in lots of ways.
Europe is more intellectual, more educated, more informed and, dare I say it, smarter than the U.S. Way smarter. This forum might even be considered conservative in Germany. The U.S. has such a strong conservative minority, and so many extreme conservatives, it makes the rest of us look like wild anarchists in comparison. Think RBG 20 years ago compared to now, when the Supreme Court has migrated so far to the right.
Don't kid yourself, your co-workers are incapable of viewing you clearly or stereotyping you properly, if stereotyping you politically is even a palatable subject on this forum. Simpler words: they have no freaking idea what they're talking about, too ignorant to know reality.
You’re preaching to the choir! These women will flat out tell you they are voting Republican because 1. Abortion, one issue voter. 2. Their minister told them too. Christain submissiveness. 3. Their husband/boyfriend/father told them to. Again submissive to be a good god fearing Christain. It’s mind boggling! They say they are not political! Um you just stated why you vote Republucan and you teach in public schools! Can’t get much more political than that!
Also the husband is afraid the Dems will take away his guns, whether or not he ever actually uses them.
It's his only link with his idealized "heroic" past. A bit pathetic that they should be reduced to that in this life.
They are part of the herd waiting to see which new male bull will beat the old one before raising their rear ends for the winners attentions.
Ick. As much as I like your writing on this forum, that was a very unsavory image. My first thought was Ted Cruz in the acceptance position; my eyes! They're burning! My eyes!
Glad I read this before lunch. The images I get in my mind (Cruz, Hawley, Gaetz, McCarthy, et al) makes me wanna hurl my cookies. I guess we really are big, naked apes after all...
Now there's a disturbing image.
Men & women. They’d choke if they read this.
My sister is one of those women who will walk on hot coals if her husband tells her to.. She quotes all the passages of the bible that speak of women's submission. She's gotten worse since Trump, if that's possible. She's not speaking to me right now because she thinks that I'm naive to think that Biden won fair and square. She also thinks the pandemic is a hoax, and living in Florida, she has not changed her life at all. She still travels, does not wear a mask, etc. She used to be smart - I'm not sure what happened.
Some Friday morning my mind, this type of giving oneself totally over to one's religion stems from a desire, a laziness really, of turning over all responsibility of having to make any decisions to some sort of ideology. It really isn't at all unlike cult behaviour. It is submitting totally to, in the case of evangelical Christianity, a spiritual dictatorship. It then absolves one of having to be responsible for--gadzooks!--individual, independent thought. Thinking freely (observe the root word for "free" is "libera", the basis for "liberal") is anathema to these people because they, and others (the ones wanting to control them), believe their group has all the answers. They don't need to think. It's done for them. It's terrifying, really, because these people are then simply malleable into whatever their "leaders" want them to be. It's one of those features of the human animal I have never understood, the seeming desire to follow some sort of illogical ideology, to the death even.
People wonder then how I, someone who calls himself a Christian, can still even remotely follow something like Christianity. Aren't I somewhat guilty of doing this as well? I don't see what I believe, do, and follow as a cult, mainly because I joined it freely, after having been atheist, agnostic, and I know I could walk away from it tomorrow. My faith, or what my version of Christianity follows, does not rule by fear. We don't bang on about "Now, if you do this, this, and this, you will burn eternally in the fiery pits of hell, etc. etc. etc." No faith should have to scare it adherents into believing, and this is what almost all of these sects eventually end up doing. It's part of what drives them to feel superior to the rest of us "heathens". They're going on to heavenly glory (they think), and the rest of us won't. They feel they have to evangelize and convert everyone they encounter over to their way of thinking. This not only gives them better cred with God (the more souls they "bring to the Lord" the greater their "reward" in heaven), but it gives them a certain sense of satisfaction. A cult is like an organism. The first thing it has to do is replicate/reproduce i.e. find adherents in order to survive. Notice anything familiar? Well, my faith does NOT preach this.
As I've pointed out before, these loud-mouthed zealots have done a pretty shitty PR job for Christianity and have given us ALL a bad name. It is a huge disservice to what can be, in its bare essence, a very beautiful faith and spiritual path to follow. Now, when you take these zealots and combine their zealotry with a political force and a host of other human frailties, it is all a very dangerous mix indeed, as we've seen.
What a shame! She must be quoting the King James Version of the bible. Such a misogynist!
That sort of unheading and unlistening political unilogue that you describe is just as common in Europe.....only we have moved the goalposts over the years......just like the hours we keep. We start the day later than you, eat later and sleep later. We give different labels to political points of view because of where they sit on the "acceptable spectrum".....which is in a different spectrum to the US but ideological conflict is still too often reduced to a 2 bulls crashing heads to see who is strongest and can thus commandeer the herd. It used to be essential for survival of the species but now instead endangers it.
My wife and I read this column out loud daily. Part of the way through the comments I asked her, what do we do if the bastards win? Do we shut up and live or do we stand up and possibly self sacrifice? This is really really scary.
To quote Hamlet, "To be or not to be, that is the question". It all depends what you mean by " be".
We must fight and fight hard. We must do it intelligently and quite frankly, Joe and Kamala are doing just that. Smarter people than us have tools they can use even without having the GOP’s permission. Joe will bypass them if they refuse to comply on this budget. That makes me feel good.
Exactly Roland. I have to just laugh (when I am not curled up in a ball hiding) at people who call President Biden a Socialist and Communist. What??? People no longer understand these terms, and are so extremely to the right they cannot fathom what actual liberals are talking about.
I’m tired of hearing about the “radical left”. We need to start publicizing “the radical right”.
Yes we do = I keep remembering how it galled Fox & others that Obama wouldnt call Islam RADICAL Islam - remember that? Guess its time for the title of radical right to get put where it belongs.
Thanks for this info and I agree with all of it, unfortunately.
You know, I am not a huge fan of Arnold. I didn't even watch his video, maybe because I'm one of the few people in American who probably wouldn't have learned anything new from it. But that video wasn't for me. It was for everyone with no Hitler-era German heritage, or in denial (or ignorance) of their Hitler-era German heritage. I heard he mentioned domestic abuse from his dad, etc. All of that is part of my family heritage, my mother and her siblings. Arnold is in my Dad's generation. He is from Austria, the country where Hitler was born. My dad is from Munich, the place Hitler came to power. So Arnold and I have plenty in common re: heritage.
I don't read or listen to everything I see about the subject, it ain't pretty, and I've spent a lifetime having to accept it as my heritage. This from the kid who grew up watching Hogan's Heroes and all that.
Werner Klemperer (Colonel Klink) of HH was vehemently anti-Nazi and insisted that every episode end with the Germans, especially Klink, defeated and humiliated. He was a far more serious person than one imagines from his bumbling character; some of that comes through in Judgment at Nuremburg. The whole Klemperer family has a fascinating history in that period, documented in several memoirs and biographies.
Werner Klemperer IS Hogan's Heroes. All the uniforms and military artifacts in that series are part of his personal collection, I understand. Thank you so much for mentioning his biographies and memoirs, I imagine he and I have much in common. Going to look into that.
Interesting that you bring up Hogan’s Heros. My father was a Private 1st Class Infantryman in WWII, liberating one of the Nazi work camps. He despised that TV show. He told us it minimized the horrors of the war and the death and destruction it caused. As I write this, I hold him in my Dad, who witnessed the evidence of Hitler’s control, power, and hatred of all who were not pure and loyal.
I read the letters he sent to my mother, his then Dearest Darling, during the time of his deployment in Europe and I weep. We cannot let this happen, ever again!
I highly recommend the memoir "I Will Bear Witness" by Viktor Klemperer. A detailed account of living under the Nazis as a Jew married to a Gentile, then surviving the bombing of Dresden.
The Dresden "fire storm" was a non-atomic Hiroshima.
Paradoxically, the actor playing a German camp commandant was a more admirable person than Bob Crane (Hogan), whose ties to organized crime led to his still-unsolved gangland slaying. Col. Klink was German but not a Nazi; he frequently clashed with them, e.g. Gestapo Major Hochstetter.
Leon Askin, the actor portraying Gen. Burkhalter, was an Austrian refugee whose family suffered greatly during the Holocaust. His politics are not as well-known as the Klemperer family's, but a glance at Wikipedia shows that he too fought the good fight in his own way.
When I hear that name, I must say that the first thought that comes to my mind is Otto and not......
Read Victor Klemperer's "I will bear witness". An excellent first-person eye-witness history of the period