Thank you Heather.

It is shocking to me that the Feds don't charge Abbott and his corrupt AG Paxton with the federal crime of Depraved-heart murder. This is a type of murder where the defendant acts with a conscious disregard for the risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to another person. This is a more serious form of murder than voluntary manslaughter, which means that the defendant killed someone in the heat of passion.

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George, thank you for that legal term for this heinous crime. Abbott and Paxton are psychopaths. This criminal endangerment of migrants and the salivating over the chance to charge a doctor who performed an emergency abortion with murder, looking to make that the law of the land. Charging and convicting BOTH of them with murder could prevent countless deaths. Depraved heart is 100% right.

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Thank you Alexandra. It is unconscionable to me that voters who once elected Ann Richards could continue to elect Abbott and Paxton. My absolute disgust is directed at anyone who voted for him -they are culpable.

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Not all people in Texas approve of what Paxton and Abbott are doing. If you look at the large cities, they have consistently voted blue. But most of Texas is rural and most rural Texans have been favored by conservative/Republican administrations or been convinced they are.

There are efforts to change the tide. A group called Mothers Against Greg Abbott has been working hard at informing and changing the narrative. Beto O'Rouke hasn't given up and is mobilizing efforts to increase voter participation (voter suppression has been ostentatious and vicious. The secretary of state shut down all but one ballot drop off sites in Harris County, a miles wide county with over 3 million living here). Less than 50% of the eligible voting population turned out in 2022 elections...and voting at churches was cut off or reduced drastically as were voting time-frames( no more 24 hour voting options which allowed shift workers to vote and significantly reduced the voting options for people of color who have limited resources). Finally, the legislature just passed a bill authored by a Republican to disqualify Harris county votes if the Secretary of State feels there are discrepancies.

Voter suppression is real. Misinformation works. And not all Texans are evil. Many would give you the shirts off their backs. Many understand that undocumented migrants contribute to our economy. Many understand that school vouchers aren't parental choice, just a subsidy for the rich and a way to destroy public education and to stratify socioeconomic status even more radically.(so much so it was defeated four times in the regular and special sessions in 2023)

I don't know what the 2024 election will bring to Texas....but believe me, many here are on the battlefield of injustice and cruelty. Many of us are horrified by Abbott, Paxton, and Patrick....so much so, we vomit when we hear their voices or scream at the television over their racist, misogynistic, classist remarks.

Please don't 'other' Texans. Help us with our fight. Donate to the new and rising candidates who are now appearing and are for a more humanitarian approach to governing. Even from another state...you can help. Remember, we are all Americans, we all are in this together. And changing the tide in Texas, even to purple, will reverberate across the nation.

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So well-said. I cannot imagine living in Texas - which is virtually already a fascist state. I can imagine the anger. Thank goodness for Texans like you who are fighting back against the odds, despite voter suppression, a lunatic governor and total Republican fascistic control of the legislature.

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Exactly. To fight on in whatever ways are possible and to state what is happening, not just voter suppression but possible votes of a county to be disqualified: you bring encouragement when I begin to despair.

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I've been watching Jasmine Crockett, representative from Texas 30th congressional district, with hope for the future. She's a real force for good.

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Hope you saw her giving the “oversight committee” truth this week. It was a wonderful moment!

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Same here in N.C.: So optimistic about Jasmine Crockett (Texas 30th congressional district). Susan, elated to hear your words: “There are so many like her.” We will need them all.

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I love to watch her too! In my opinion...she is the 'clear-headed nail the issue' Texan we all want elevated. There are so many like her....just so many more corrupt and evil (only began to believe people could be evil in the last few years) Texans who are bought of by oil and gas.

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Thank you! As a native Texan, I hear you and totally agree! My brother still living there has been a life-long Democrat in the trenches for years. And I certainly contribute as much as I can to up and coming candidates.

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Good for you. I’ve been following Colin Allred (?sp) and hope he can get Ted Cruz out of the Senate. Having lived in San Antonio in the early 1960’s (my congressman was Henry B. Gonzales), I am sickened by the takeover by Republicans who have shown themselves to be basically killers.

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I have given money to Colin and been to a couple of meet and greet. A good man whose legal specialty is voter rights.

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I have sent money to Colin

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I really liked Beto and supported him 2x, Beth B!

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I live in WA state and have supportrd Beto''s campaigns, too!

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I supported Beto twice too. I am from Illinois.

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I moved from Texas in July last year. I couldn't take the bullshit any longer.

There may be a lot of good people in Texas, but they are outgunned by Maga repubs. The cruelty and Viciousness of repubs there are so bad that I cannot imagine how Black and Brown people keep going.

I have family there, but have told them they will need to come visit me in New Mexico!

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Yeah...I get it. I've been using my ultra conservative friends as testing ground for discussing issues we disagree on. When they talk about closing borders....I talk about how immigrants crossing the border boosts the Texas economy. I talk about how the best craftsmen I have hired, barely speak English...and how they pay taxes and buy groceries and pay rent. I talk about my daughter who taught HD chemistry to ESLA students found the to be eager and motivated even with the language barriers. Then I talk about how Congress is responsible for making laws, not the president, and nothing has been done with immigration law for decades. We discuss how a border without surveillance is one that will be crossed no matter how high the wall is and how Republicans have refused to support legislation to increase border patrol or immigration

courts. Discussions always

shift...either out of regard for me or because we manage to shift to a bigger picture.

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I too have tried for years talking to repubs in Texas. Some have been co-workers, some friends, some recent acquaintances. I've been doing this since I first moved to Texas in 1982. What never happened was any of them changing their way of thinking and trying to see things from a different perspective.

I simply decided I was wasting my time and stopped trying to talk about politics with any republican.

I'm glad you have the stomach for trying to reach those people. I hope you make some progress.

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This native Texan living rural near Waco agrees with you.

My heart cries out for justice for this poor family 💔

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Not running away from problems is my motto. Bear in mind that a retreat is a valid tactic, well said as "He who fights and runs away may live to fight another day.". My apologies for the "he".

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I agree and, as a resident of MO, I understand your position completely. We've used ballot initiatives to fight against Republican rule (expansion of Medicaid, medical and recreational marijuana, raising the minimum wage, we're working on an abortion initiative), and our cities are blue. There's also the problem of Democrats not running in rural areas so the same Republicans get re-elected over and over. And, we have Josh Hawley and Jay Ashcroft and other Republicans.

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I’m from St Louis and have lots of family and friends there. I’m glad to hear of the abortion initiative being worked on. I have 3 nieces, and many greatnieces living there and am very concerned about their future and their freedoms.

It would be sweet justice to vote joggin josh hawley out of office. I hope the Electorate in the cities can make that happen.

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I truly detest Josh Hawley. That's one race I'm doing whatever I can from California to see him defeated.

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You do have a plague. Good luck. Hope you see Claire McCaskill on MSNBC.

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Good luck Susan. I’d be snarky and say you could move out of Texas, but I know that is not reality. I wish you the best of luck....You/ We, we’re all going to need it!

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Joanne, we have to fight here and everywhere...otherwise there will be no place to move to. Some political commentators are saying, if Trump is reelected and USA nosedives into fascism, many countries in Europe will be next.

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I refuse to give up Susan. It's just so frustrating to realize how few people are paying attention. That is really my biggest fear.... that and another civil war. 😞

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I thought the National Guard is under the dual authority of the President and the States. Biden is the Commander in Chief of the entire military and as such should have final control. I think the DOJ has to step in the way it did in the Civil Rights era by sending troops to support federal law. By claiming its authority to send legal immigrants wherever they please around the nation, the state of Texas is in effect assuming federal power; it is making decisions that affect the policies and laws of other states. Texas is out to become the South Carolina of the 21st century daring Biden to a game of chicken. Abbott is the new John C. Calhoun. This could get ugly real fast.

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As I understand it, the president is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. The governors are in command of their state's National Guards. The president can call up National Guard units to serve in war, as happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. The president has the authority to nationalize a state's National Guard, as happened in the South when Eisenhower helped with desegregation. I wish Biden would nationalize the Texas National Guard and put and end to Abbott's dictatorial actions against migrants. I would be wrong about all of this so corrections are welcome.

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One of the strange things I've witnessed is decent people who don't agree with these politicians, yet reelect the name they are most familiar with. Complacency/laziness, disinterest and ignorance, often willful, are destroying our system. Many other factors, of course.

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Perfectly written. I live in Donna. I want to vomit when I see Abbott and all his minions show up down here for photo ops. I used to live in Harris County (love Lina) and have witnessed all the vicious voter suppression you describe.

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I love Lina too!

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Hi Susan, Boy am I glad to read your comment. I work with a group called Seniors Taking Action and we would love to have you join and tell us how we can help you. We write postcards for candidates and would welcome working with you. We also have a Wednesday speaker series at 11 am EST. Maybe someone from Mothers Against Greg Abbott would like to talk to us sometime. Please check us out at Seniors Taking Action.org. We want to help!

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Yes, Texans, please join us at SeniorsTakingAction.org We would love to work with you to help turn TX blue! If you're interested, go to our website, fill out the form and someone will be in touch with you!

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Thank you. I will check this out!

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Susan, thank you for reminding us that we here is a difference between Texans and Texas mean spirited evil “ leaders”

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Thanks, Susan! Well said!

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Good for you Susan. As I said in my comment, I have relatives in Texas, most of whom I love, most of whom are probably as appalled as I am. I worked in Austin for 7 months in 2006-2007. Most of my co-workers were delightful people. But that is Travis County - also blue. If the majority of Homo sapiens ever regain control of Texas, among the things they should do is reduce the number of Counties from 254 to no more than one hundred. I remember my late brother, a long time resident of Travis County saying most of the north-western counties had more jack rabbits and coyotes than people.

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Good idea....a way to hit gerrymandering in the gut without calling it fair voter maps.

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Thank you for this Susan! I hope we can turn the tides! I will definitely find and donate to the candidates you referenced!

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Jan 14, 2024
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There have been mega protests...after George Floyd was murdered, after Uvalde, after Roe vs Wade was overturned. Again, mostly in the large cities. Rural Texas is just now getting internet through federal funds after Abbott vetoed it, time and time again. It may have been a strategy of no information. And the problem is..as said above...in rural communities there are no community/people focused candidates running against Republicans....but there is some change. Mothers Against Greg Abbott (MAGA the good...they also call themselves)are holding seminars on how to run for elected positions.....they are getting some sympathetic takers.

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The difference between Richards and Paxbot, the difference between Biden and Trump - the abyss is just incomprehensible to me.

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Really, Alexandra -- that abyss is entirely comprehensible.

When we see "others" not as individuals, but vermin, we've sunk to that abyss.

When we fit life to slogans, abstracted packages, we've chosen to dehumanize all around us.

When we've stricken humanities from schools (with programs banning books) we've gone to the atavistic vulgarity that floats all MAGA now, that enriches the Republicans, dark money, and social media billionaires riding MAGA.

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The simple fact is that MAGA is 21st century KKK. I base this on the facts disclosed in "The Anger Games: Who Voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 Election, and Why?" published in the Feb. 2018 edition of "Critical Sociology," and the book on the rise of the KKK in the Midwest in the early 1920's by Timothy Egan, "A Fever in the Heartland." "White Protestantcy now, White Protestantcy forever."

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The 1948 Texas race for U.S. Senate was decided with corporate money that was used to bribe and steal the race. Protestantism is a varnish, an excuse for political corruption but the substance is corporate economic conquest that begs the question: are we a Republic or empire?

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Richard, unfortunately, some of them are now Catholic because they have bought into the abortion and culture wars. I have a friend, who lives in the heavily Catholic community where I taught and she tells me she is astounded by many people there that she knows who support death star.

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Clarification: Not protestants of the mainstream progressive and ecumenical churches, but white christian nationalism and many evangelicals. Keep in mind Timothy Egan is RC so the rest of us dont exist for him.

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Jan 14, 2024
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Phil - They are Hamas. They are Netanyahu. They are Putin. The murderous are in charge.

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Evil is evil. We need to rethink “be fruitful and multiply,” however. That will be the tough part.

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And why don’t Texans object to $100 million of their taxes being spent on theatre, never mind murder?

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$100 Million tax dollars ... wouldn't that be a good start for a well-working immigration office with trained officers that could validate the asylum seekers' requests and/or at least provide shelter and food until such an office is created? PS: Abbott does not have to shoot immigrants or migrants to be accused of murder, letting mothers and babies and many others die on his watch makes him a mass murderer already.

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Fear. Passivity. Ignorance. And right wing news. Brain washed.

I recently watched an Independent Lens piece on North Koreans, who managed to escape to freedom. If you haven’t seen it, I strongly recommend it for all of us.

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Samm - "I recently watched an Independent Lens piece on North Koreans, who managed to escape to freedom. If you haven’t seen it, I strongly recommend it for all of us."


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Thanks for the tip about the PBS

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We do—he, and our representatives (R) ignore us.

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You’re not alone in that. But why do these people keep getting reelected?

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A number of reasons. In Texas, people have told me:”I’ve voted Republican all my life”, not realizing that the type of Republican that they voted for in past years doesn’t exist.

Secondly, a lot of voters only watch Fox News and Fox News opinion hosts tell them that they can’t trust mainstream media (NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS). They gin up an exaggerated culture war that gins up voters (and viewers).

Lastly, a lot of patriarchal churches frame equal treatment of women, black/brown people, LGBTQ people and trans people as sinful.

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My bet is on: Gerrymandering. That’s how it is in NC. Popular vote has been kneaded & twisted like bread dough.

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Good question , MLMinET¡

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George, I see this as a way to kill people without actually shooting them which Abbott indicated he really would like to do.....nah....just let them drown or freeze to death. Someone should make sure that the quote from the Statue of Liberty is always in Abbott's face. Also, MAGAs actually would like to kill us all if we show a shred of being progressive or liberal or support government programs that help the less fortunate including a lot of them and their children.....unless their governors, for example, turn down summer food for kids.....freedom you know according to the Gnome, governor of South Dakota. All of them are absolutely soulless and of course, claim they are Christians.

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Would be great to see one of the non-profits/NGO’s projecting Emma Lazarus’ “The New Colossus” on Abbott’s residence and the Statehouse.

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I was thinking of someone projecting a message somewhere to him. I hope some group does.

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I wonder if part of the cruelty is to get us to be ready to surrender. Cross these people, see what happens, safer to stay out of it. It worked for Hitler.

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I am sure that is part of it along with threats and all kinds of intimidation. And we will overwhelm your services and make citizens angry at you. Let's just see how progressive you really are. The governor of Illinois tried to appeal to Abbott's better nature which is fruitless because Abbott is soulless and has no better nature. This is a guy in a wheelchair who ought to understand that people may need help of some kind.

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Warlord tactics from a guy in a wheelchair. Let its battery run down and see how he feels about that when he’s on his own.

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Or that the people in Texas don't move north which is crying to employ people

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Yes, although I do understand for many who are impoverished, or have children in school, or aging parents or grandparents- such a move might be near impossible.

I would rather see Texas comply with Federal law. And see Abbott and Paxton extradited to Mexico to be held accountable for their crimes (if the DOJ doesn’t indict).

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That's an excellent suggestion, George. Both of those cretins, Abbott and Paxton need to be extradited to Mexico and face the consequences of their laws which would be very bad for both of them. I don't feel sorry for those two at all, they are cruel and ruthless thugs.

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"need to be extradited to Mexico and face the consequences of their laws"

If there is no law against standing around while folks are drowning HERE in the USA do you really think there are laws against that in MEXICO??

You must not have spent much time in Mexico my friend.

Rather than react with emotion I think we should all ask ourselves a relevant question:

In a society with finite, constrained resources for humans, what is the proper approach to massive migration into an area that does not have enough total resources to support that migration or that total population??

We should take this question seriously because that is the right question for the situation in Texas NOW and for the foreseeable future.

Jared Diamond's book "Collapse" clearly outlines the historical, repeat, consequences of not thinking about and answering this question in a timely manner.

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George A Polisner, extradited yes. I hadn't thought about Mexico wishing to prosecute for the death of their citizens. I will chip in for bus fare or a push into the Rio Grande for a trip on foot. Such cruelty strikes me so hard.

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There would be a poetic justice in shipping Abbott to Mexico on a bus.

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These migrants are seldom Mexican citizens; most are from Central American countries whose governments who were put in power by the US thru the CIA, are actively killing their own people.

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Oh, ye who have no clue…

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And yet, according to a report I heard this week, Texas leads the states that people are moving to.

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I also read that. They will get what they pay for right? And won't that make the rest of the states nicer places to live? Hottest state, horrible crimes, etc.

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Very High maternal mortality too. I know, stop the presses.

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Hottest state except in the winter, when their grid freezes up and people freeze to death. There are plenty of other places to live in the US - in Maine, for example, we have snowstorms in winter, but we're ready and able to cope with it. If people are moving to Texas because they love the politics, then yes, the rest of the US will gradually become safer and cleaner, but that won't solve the problem of Abbot and his henchpeople killing would-be migrants.

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I hope the people moving to Texas are all Democrats!

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That would be nice, but probably they are not. And if they are, they likely will be in gerrymandered districts anyway.

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Adam Kinzinger move there from Illinois (due to threats).

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MLM, Kissinger knows he can't win a state wide office in Illinois, he is far too conservative. Probably a move based on his political goals.

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Guess you have never walked in another person’s shoes.

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This question has been asked countless times in recent years, but what on earth does "pro life" mean to these people (the politicians and voters who continue to support them)? Is every conservative a sociopath these days? I know they're not monsters. I have many in my family. But I just can't understand the thinking. It's as if we are different species of human.

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I continue to use the term ‘forced birthers’. They maintain deep concern for life right up until birth.

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I don't think I've heard the term "forced birthers" before. Would you explain that a little more?

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Term has been around for a while now, but you will rarely see it in most media (though that is starting to change). Pro-choice people got tired of the lie inherent in "right-to-life" and the removal of women's right to choose how her own body is used. Hence, "forced birthers": those who would remove a woman's right to choose even before she could know she is pregnant, impregnated by incest or rape, or learns that she is carrying a fetus that is not viable (and may be dead inside her) but does not have the right to terminate that pregnancy. "Forced birthers" is a much more apt term than "right-to-life". Only they are righteous enough to make the call. <gack>

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Craig, I inform them that people die every day waiting for a stem cell (requiring a bone marrow donation) or an organ donation. I ask if they think the government should require bone marrow donations if you’re a match to a cancer patient to save their life. When they object, I say that it’s very safe, much safer than pregnancy and childbirth. When they say “that’s different “, I ask nicely how it’s different. It often starts a dialog.

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I really think these people mean well, but are misinformed in terms of morality. Many have been screwed up by the hateful nonsense they hear from the likes of Limbaugh, Carlson, Bannon and that whole army of folks who tell them who to blame, hate and kick down at for their own inability to find contentment and satisfaction in life.

I really like your approach. Truth is probably the best antidote to scary lies.

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I don't have an exact definition of what is or isn't a monster, and as far as I know nobody does. It's a word that for the most part takes it's meaning from context. I see a context for using the word monster to point out what it means to support and defend a sociopath who swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and violates that oath, moving toward the destruction of civilized life on earth, and who does so every day.

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Ex post facto law changes have been repudiated for centuries. Unfortunately we can't live centuries, so we rely on history to remind us. Abbott can't defy existing federal law and rely on ex post facto law changes. He has no leg to stand on.

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No leg to stand on. I see what you did there. 🤓

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Thank you George A & Alexandra. Thank you both.

Further facts may reveal additional depravity in the chain of the Abottt-Paxton actions. A Federal Grand Jury will put witnesses under oath to get admissible evidence particularly on the false "search" AFTER the Perps were alerted to grave human risk. Exactly what kind of "search'? More facts of a depraved MO?

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How possible Abbott/Paxton have not been condemned by even Republicans.

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I agree and I've been thinking about Ann Richards and LBJ a lot lately.

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They were great Democrats, unfortunately Texas is no longer a blue state, but a lot of us are trying to change that. It all started to go Red with the big influx of folks from yankee land. (Sorry, I know that is my own prejudice against Yankees and Republicans--I call it as I see it, though, am I right, fellow Texans???) I’m not totally bad, I married one!😂

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You hit the nail on the head. Definitely agree.

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Texas is gerrymandered to heck and back, but that doesn't explain how state-wide elections are going to people like Abbott and Paxton. I wonder if a lot of Democrats just stopped voting in disgust, my mother being one of them. It's not a good reason, but there we are.

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Wasn’t it said by Plato that the price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men (and women)?

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It's not only egregious gerrymandering. It is rampant voter suppression of representation. One district could be huge filled with Democrats and surrounded by a bunch small, even tiny numbers of people who vote Republican. End result is one Democratic representative to 5 Republican representatives. It is as I say, egregious un-democratic gerrymandering. The majority of voters could vote Democratic and end up with far fewer state and federal representatives. Throw in the fact that the court systems are filled with political hacks and white supremacists that rule in favor of Republicans whenever there is a challenge to gerrymandering.

Maybe someday people will believe me when I say hoping that elections are going to stop the Republicans is nonsense. We don't have a democracy. We can't even elect the president via popular vote. In 2000, the Supreme Court decided who was going to be president. It's insane!

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The PBS show about NKorea, I mean.

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Abbott and Paxton may appear to be psycopaths, but remember that their acts are out of the playbook that the Pentagon climate crisis wargames have predicted for our civilization as extreme weather and famine produce uncontrollable invasions of refugees. Abbott is simply a beta case of the warlord type that will become prominent… apparently sooner than we might have reckoned.

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Correct. Living in that part of the world for 65 years, there is a tremendous build up of spite for government control and blame of the government for not functioning. What the citizens have never understood is that the CONsevatives...over regulate and underfund their public services, then bitch about the government not getting things done. The powerful have been plotting this for years.

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Nice assessment, Rickey.

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Ain't it the truth. Telling the voters how bad 'the government' is, when the one saying that is running to be elected into government. How do people not laugh at such assininity (sp?)? How fi people vote for such cons?

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They lie and repeat the lie over and over and over until the lie becomes the gospel truth. Grievance filled politicking is effective when the audience lacks any ability to conduct critical thinking. Just another extraordinary failure in our educational system. Some would say the key to winning elections in red states is to keep them angry and keep them stupid. No wonder Republicans are always whining about wokism.

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Vous avez tout â fait raison. So true. When the score calls for trumpets fortissimo, can everyone hear the oboe?

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More common is the GOP cutting funds for regulatory agencies - to the point that they can’t catch the bad guys at all. Then the GOP gleefully proclaims that since government can’t regulate, there shouldn’t be regulations. What was the #1 “success” in the budget deal for republicans? Cuts to the IRS, which was poised to start auditing the Big Cheaters. They’ve done the same with public education - with the longer-range goal of abolishing public education and replacing it with for-profit religious, nationalistic private (and mostly segregated?) schools.

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Yes. Combine the Lewis Powell Memo with the Jame Buchanan strategy and the libertarian platform and you have what is happening today. One of the most striking part of Nancy MacLean's research was the planned strategy of the need for stealth in plotting the take over. They knew they could not say out loud that the long range goal of destruction of public education. In Texas, the conservatives have over regulated the public ed system while cutting state funds and then legislating state law to curtail locales ability to raise taxes to fund. Then they come in with the voucher schemes to further take funds out of the public system.

I think the liberals and progressives need to fight the smaller government idea with the better government idea. They need to explain in the most simple terms that conservatives have burdened public agencies with unfunded mandates (over regulation) while cutting funding which in turn causes the government agencies to fail at their responsibilities.

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So true , Rickey! Moms For Liberty is now complaining because the process to review all the books pulled in Fl schools( because of such an over-regulating,vague law) is so slow (because of those underfunded public services)

Although ,it did make me laugh to see Bill O’ Reilly’s “work” pulled.


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How do we effectively get the point across that it is and has been conservatives who have been pouring sand into the gas tank and then complaining that the car won't start? I realize this is a silly analogy, but I think it really represents what has happened to our representative government for quite a long time now.

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The Republicans since Reagan have made the government the villain, even as the Red States plunder and abuse the system. We all remember earmarks and bridges to nowhere. The hypocrisy of Republicans is beyond the pale.

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Except that there is not at present an “uncontrollable invasion” of migrants. The numbers are down from previous years. The system needs fixes, but this is not an apocalyptic change from past years.

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William Bennett - "Except that there is not at present an “uncontrollable invasion” of migrants."

"𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔* 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑤𝑠, 𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 “𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑠” 𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑈.𝑆. / 𝑀𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑐𝑜 𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟.

𝐼𝑛 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑜 𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑠. 𝑌𝑒𝑠, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑖𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑙𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑙𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑚𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑖𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡."


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Is this another "alternate facts" problem more than a problem in the non-alternate universe, i.e., the one in which people actually live?

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Pretty much. And some people hiding their underlying motives for being here under some statistical slight of hand.

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I do believe that climate-induced migration will have a profoundly destabilizing effect, globally, on the northern hemisphere. But not yet. If this is how we respond to asylum-seekers and immigrants today, I don’t want to even contemplate the future. (Many of my elder friends - and I- are secretly glad we will not be around to see what is coming.)

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Right now the " vermin" are the migrants. Who in the future with be the new vermin? If the MAGA continues or goes underground until it's next recycling of hate , it is a sad future. If only the MAGA group really "got" the message of Christ! ( not a christian)

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Clearly, from tfg's comments, "vermin" encompasses anyone and everyone who overtly opposes him. Not limited to migrants

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Yes and no. tRump's vermin are readily identifiable by skin color, aka complexion.

I'll never forget how Obama got under tRump's skin at that roast years back. His hatred for black people is legendary and only surpassed by his KKK father's hate for black people. He treated Obama like shit to the day Obama left office.

In my mind having lived in the deep south for most of my life, the undying support from tRump's magat followers is because they all are screaming racists. Own the libs is all about punishing anyone who is on the side of black people.

Today, we are refighting the Civil War.

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I can see this expanding in Maga land like to non fertile females

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But Marge, your descendants and those of people whom you love will be left to live in the soulless world that we elders will have left for them.

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Victor, please don’t misunderstand. Our “death wish” is the result of profound fear and depression. But it does not mean that we sit passively observing the fall of democracy. We do what we can to prevent it, and we do care about future generations. But we are not optimistic that we will succeed.

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I understood what you meant.

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Our kids and grandkids will be. And nieces, nephews, etc.

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Warlord Abbott. A useful description.

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Definition of sociopath, Jeff.

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Can you source this “Pentagon climate crisis wargames” playbook, please?

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There are cracks in the Union, with Texas already leading the way in the 21st Century Secession movement.

The Texas Republican Party called to put secession on the ballot just before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, as progressed Sun, Pluto, Descendant and South Node in the U.S. horoscope all became conjunct within one degree.

That progressed traffic jam comes from the correct U.S. horoscope, set for May 15 (NOT July 4), 1776 at 5:00 p.m. in Philadelphia.

My brief peer-reviewed article on the original May 1776 independence resolution is here:


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Watching people drown. Bussing unprepared asylum seekers to freezing climates without warning. Can that many Texans be onboard with such behavior? If they are, maybe our Country needs to divide. It’s too depressing living with these people.

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"Can that many Texans be onboard with such behavior?"

A very good question. And the answer is?

A qualified yes.

IF any specific Texan was on the bank watching someone drown they would, very likely, jump in to save them.

However, in the remoteness of their homes, having been Fed Fox News diet of hate for 25 years, they are likely to feel that letting them drown is OK.

It is true, after all, that the massive migration that Texas has seen HAS had many negative consequences.

Schools are grossly overcrowded and becoming more unable to accommodate migrant children as required by Federal Law BUT without more Federal money to build out schools. I feel this is a real tragedy because I attended Texas schools before migration overwhelmed them. I went on to higher education due to the high effectiveness of those schools back then and the lack of overcrowding.

Children are dropped off at the school not knowing even one word of English and are frightened and confused and often act out because, hey, being scared is bad. Bilingual education you say?

BUT there is no money to hire so many teachers and the Feds are not providing more money to ease the pain in Texas.

Remember, the LOCAL, property owning population funds the LOCAL schools.

Housing for migrants is overflowing into the streets in many towns in Texas which devalues the town property value and also just looks terrible (if you have been there).

Crime is higher in some areas now than it was 30 years ago. Nobody wants to say that, BUT, it is true. Poor people sometimes steal. That does not make them criminal but it does make crime go up.

Anyway, for all of us who live far away in the north, we should try, very hard, to understand the situation in Texas.

IF four families moved into a house next to your nice northern house with a bunch of kids that do not speak your language and are culturally MUCH louder and less disciplined than your culture........you would NOT like it folks.

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Mike S, for a ‘Northerner’ like me, who has never even visited the border between Texas and Mexico, your post was helpful. While I think the way Abbott and many Texans want to treat immigrants is inhumane and shameful, I concede it’s easier for someone like me to have that opinion. However, because the Biden administration wants to collaborate with Republicans to help mitigate the suffering of both immigrants and Texans of white and possibly even Hispanic descent, isn’t this a self-inflicted wound on the part of Texans and their Governor? In that case, it’s hard to summon much compassion for them, especially because their motivation is simply a despicable and dishonorable desire to deny Biden a political win.

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Heavens, I live near the border in AZ. True, there is no river to cross here but there are deserts and mountains, and migrants are not swarming across the border. Remember migrants are looking for legal access border crossings so that they can seek asylum. Biden has continually asked Congress for money to help with the asylum process.

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Alan, Chip Roy (R-Texas) put it best in 2021:”…more months of chaos and the inability to get stuff done. That's what we want."


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isn’t this a self-inflicted wound on the part of Texans and their Governor?

Yes. No doubt working WITH the Feds would be more productive.

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Actually, I live in the border State of Arizona, so I do know the problems, and benefits, migrants bring. Thankfully our citizens voted down Abbotts counterpart, Kari Lake, in 2022. Barely. It was a slim margin and we still have some awfully lame representation in Congress.

For decades the GOP has intentionally obstructed action on immigration while simultaneously, and falsely, “advertising” our border is “open”.

On this and every other issue brought before Congress, the GOP wants chaos. It’s their source of power over people.

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The answer is “a qualified NO”

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Jeri Chilcutt, at least 11 people and probably more know the details of your comment and approve of it, but I’m often slow to understand and am not sure of your point. Can you explain a little more?

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Mike S, you said, "BUT there is no money to hire so many teachers and the Feds are not providing more money to ease the pain in Texas."

And why is there not? Because the idiots in Texas prefer a regressive tax policy: property taxes instead of income taxes. They could choose a more progressive, effective tax policy so they would have the kinds of social services they desperately need - like public education - but they do not. They could have plenty of money to fund the building of housing and shelters, the provision of food and clothing, the provision of the kinds of desperately needed and very desirable education for children and adults such as ESL and job skills, but they choose not to. Maine is a poor state compared to many, but we have an income tax as well as property taxes and sales and excise taxes in order to fund social services as best we can. Texas chooses not to, and then to turn down available federal funds (refusing to expand Medicaid, for example) to alleviate their self-inflicted problems. Adequately income-taxing those oil and tech plutocrats who live in Texas would go a long way, but Texans choose not to. So, no sympathy at all.

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Yes, taxes are low in Texas but, honestly, raising Texas taxes will not solve the climate crisis and the governmental crisis that is causing migration from South America and Mexico.

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Lynn Spann Bowditch, thank you for your post. It’s crafted so well and is, for me, very informative. It reminded me, again, why so many of us are thankful for the usually high level discourse that goes on in the comments section that follows HCR’s Letters.

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Umm. In my experience the kids are not less disciplined. The contrary. Respectful of adults, more polite than the local teens I see.

The only problem with people speaking foreign languages is that you can’t tell if they are talking about you. A bit of a superpower.

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Well said and on the mark, Carol. (I like your "superpower" observation. I think there is a lot of truth in that observation.)

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Yes, Abbott is a cruel man, preventing the saving of immigrants, bussing them north in winter, preventing women from getting abortions, even when needed to save their lives (superb article on this in the latest NYer)

HCR, good as she is on everything else, fails to see that there's another side to immigration, despite my having sent her the book, Back of the HIring Line: A 200 Year History of Immigration Surges, Employer Bias, and Depression of Black Wealth, by Roy Beck ($14 on Amazon).

Big Biz uses immigration to push wages down. For example, in 1980, Meat packers were Black, and they earned decent middle class wages. By that decade's end, they were immigrants, toiling under atrocious conditions for barely above minimum wage. That change of workers was repeated in all the low/no-skilled jobs, which is why workers' wages stagnated for the next 40 years. This phenomenon extended into the tech industry, which the NYT wrote about after it had been going on for multiple decades https://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/04/us/last-task-after-layoff-at-disney-train-foreign-replacements.html. Big Business GOPers, such as the Koch Organization, have been very supportive of increasing immigration and pushing legal status for illegal immigrants.

The book is well researched and well written (296 footnotes), and reads well. An eminent MIT economist praised it to my brother.

And as for Biden, lousy as he is on immigration, he’s the best pres of my lifetime, which began during the first summer of the Eisenhower Administration. He does everything else right! Medpage Today just published an article in which S. Jay Olshansky, a leading light in the world of aging, suggests that Biden may be a “super-ager”. I would agree with that!

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No doubt this is true, so tell me why Republicans refuse to allocate money requested by President Biden to support the issues of immigration in Texas and other border states. Because they want him to FAIL, so they can use this Republican-manufactured failure against Biden in the 2024 election. They don't care about the people seeking asylum. They weren't taught that our country runs on immigrant labor. They've been lied to and so the suffering continues.

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Mike, this isn't for you, because your needle is stuck. The reason for the mess on the border is because Rs in Congress keep undermining the process for getting those folks through the system. I grew up with Latino families and some of my favorite places have lots of Latinos. Really nice people, who bring not only economic benefit to the places they live, but also add their beautiful culture. Mike, you are not only a classic bigot, you play with stereotypes in an attempt to divert the rest of us from a legitimate discussion.

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No we aren’t

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Cruelty beyond words

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Not "beyond words," Lynn.

Marcella Lambert, like our Heather, has words perfectly adequate.

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Divided we fall...together we win. If we give in, they win and will not stop, just as Putin has done with Ukraine.

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Keep in mind that Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Ft.Worth, El Paso and Austin lean Democrat. With their numbers they should be able to crush the rest of the state at the polls. The MAGANAZIs are doing everything within their power (much of it illegal) to keep people of color from registering to vote and from voting.

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Texas is so very Gerrymandered that Houston and Austin don't matter.

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Very sad. Is it Texas where someone proposed the death sentence if a medical professional performs an abortion.

Yesterday, I heard John Fugelsang say that the Bible was written by Jews and that they said nothing about abortion in the Bible because it was ok to have an abortion. But it's not ok to murder according to Jewish law (and the Bible).

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Parts of the Old Testament were written by the Judaic people prior to Christ's arrival.


However, much of the Bible, including the New Testament books, was assembled post Christ's death and the Conference of Nicaea, in the fourth century AD, led by a Greek named Athanasius, assembled much of today's modern Bible and the modern Orthodox Christian service on Sunday.

King James team of scholars also had large influence on the currently accepted Bible although I am not sure exactly what they did. I once learned that stuff long ago but now have forgotten and my curiosity in that domain is now low.

Protestants, for the most part, think the Bible fell out of the sky into the hands of their Sunday morning preacher.

I can assure you, THAT narrative of Bible history is not true.

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I would like to rephrase what you said. Jewish law permits a woman to have an abortion because their priority is the woman, who already exists. Unlike the TX Catholic bishops conference, which supports the 5th Circuit decision it’s fine if a woman dies as long as “abortion” (not life-saving medical care) is prohibited.

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Even Muslim women have 18 weeks to make their choices. That's their religion. Their view is at 18 weeks they have a soul. Not before 18 weeks.

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Gerrymandering is irrelevant in statewide races. Texas re-elected Abbott and Paxton by large margins in 2022 despite all the voters in blue cities, so, no, with their numbers they are NOT able to crush the rest of the state. Moreover, they won't be able to in the foreseeable future.

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Abbott and crew are doing their best to cripple the cities. You wouldn’t believe the laws passed for just that purpose. They are skilled at staying in power.

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The REPUBLICANS have BLOWN UP every attempt Obama and Biden take/took solve the problem at the border.

Republicans reject all attempts for a legislative solution by not bringing up the issue ( piled on the desks of House leaders for years).

A deliberate POLITICAL STRATEGY to drive fear in the hearts of their base ( others, too). Republicans don’t want a solution…they thrive on the chaos. It keeps them POLITICALLY RELEVANT to their sycophants.

SPEAK OUT before they GASLIGHT light us all to death. Oh, looks like they’ve already done that…

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Can someone tell me how Abbott sending Texas Guard troops to that park to take it over and prevent federal officers from doing their job is theoretically different than firing on Fort Sumter?

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I agree with you. This is a crime that must be prosecuted. If not then we cannot call ourselves a civilized nation. This is blatant murder by the government of Texas. It will only grow worse if our federal government doesn’t enforce our civilized laws. Some bumptious and sanguinary outlaws cannot be allowed to grow barbarianism within the US of A. Who the hell are we???

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And where, I keep wondering, is George W. Bush? Surely he could come out of retirement to encourage Congress to pass some responsible immigration legislation.

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Precisely. All involved, including Abbott, should be charged with insurrection.

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I'll suggest that the difference is the timing. Texas isn't ready to provoke secession yet, but this issue will surely fan the flames.

Back in 1850, new Texas grabbed El Paso, which was never part of Texas. President Taylor (a former army general) threatened to lead an army into Texas to reclaim federal territory, and then he suddenly dropped dead, postponing the Civil War for ten years. Texas kept El Paso, but didn't get the land northward along the Rio Grande.

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The Republicans who support this inhumanity are doing it to generate fear in the populace. The "fear of the other" is a standard procedure of dictators everywhere. Then the "other" gets closer and closer until only the cultists are left.

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A western fiction writer , cant remember his name, wrote several novels re how pissed off Texans were post civil war with the Federal troops & their actions .

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I like the idea of charging them with murder and preventing countless deaths. Abbott and Paxton along with the rest of the mad MAGA bunch are vicious cowards. Calling them names is not enough. Putting them behind bars might help.

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This is inhumanity at its basest, TEXAN. My god what kind of human beings live in that place.

My head/heart in these early morning hours of Sunday January 14, 2024 are broken reading of these men leading their citizen/armed employees to act in ungodly truly UNCHRISTIAN ways toward unsuspecting and worn out from traveling hundreds or more miles to seek safety for their families & peace... We have SO much MORE than we require for our own lives..

I AM HEART BROKEN and so tired of the abuse of PRIVILEGED WHITE MEN & women aimed at human beings strong enough to make their way hundreds of miles only to be drowned w WITNESSES standing WATCHING...

This is Sickness... in our HomeLand.

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'I'm a Christian' are 3 words that are abused and overplayed. When I hear that, it's a red flag. It's a bullshit Republican platform of abuse and oppression. It means my way or the highway. Their right, I'm wrong. 'God told me' is such a grifters scam. With heads of large Christian organizations crying because they can't buy another private plane for their mission services of working the grift. The sexual abuse alone is staggering. People doing the right thing isn't Christian, it's just being a decent human. Christianity is a weapon of oppression that used to cover their asses.

They have turned pregnant women into criminals. If Abbott could shoot immigrants he would. He just finds other ways to inflict his pain on brown people. They don't want this fixed. It takes the meat out of their hate.

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Tim Alberta's new book, "The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory" is a must read for anyone trying to square the round hole of today's "Christianity" with anything Jesus would have recognized.. Growing up in "The South", I learned to grab my wallet as soon as someone started telling me what a 'good Christian' they were. If they really were, they acted like it, they didn't have to SAY anything. "By your fruits you shall know them", isn't that the Bible verse? Like politics, it's now all about power.

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I'm laughing at "grabbing my wallet". It's so true. Don't hug a grifter or they will pick your pockets.

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And check to see if you still have all your fingers. In the case of rethuglicans, check to see if you still have both arms.

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1,000 x agree

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Yes! Just started it and the book is so eye-opening.

As someone who went to catholic schools from elementary through college, this book is so eye opening. "Grab your wallet" is good advice to anyone encountering religiosity.

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I have heard him speak on many an occasion and find no need to buy his book. I well understand the cruelty and fraud of his religion--which he still ascribes to.

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The saying "if u meet Buddha on the road. . . .

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I agree with your sentiments.

The name "Christian" has been stolen and perverted by selfish haters. So has the word "conservative". The basic premise of being conservative was to be careful and frugal. To conserve was to protect. You could want to conserve the natural world. Conserve resources like food and water. And back in the day, a "conservative" could also be someone who would want to share...

The old "Christian Way" was to turn the other cheek, to love thy neighbor, to help the poor and the sick, to offer shelter (like Mary and Joseph received?) to" judge not, less ye be judged"...

Words and terms have been wrecked and made meaningless. However, I will stand tall as a progressive (to go forward) liberal (open minded) semi-socialist (social safety net for all that deserve it) business friendly (a regulated vibrant form of capitalism) and heretical agnostic (because anyone who really thinks their "religion" is the best or the only one is dangerously misinformed - there are 4000 religions on the planet).

But just for balance, I am aware of "Christians" who I would be thrilled to have as neighbors and who walk the talk. John Pavlovitz might be one. ("the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system".)

And here is an organization that you might find surprisingly terrific: https://www.christiansagainstchristiannationalism.org/

There are members of this forum who are part of the above.

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Thank you for this link. I signed and shared it as my Sunday Morning act of conscience before choir. Faith without works is empty; professing Christianity and then using it to cause hateful and harmful acts is acting contrary to Jesus’ teachings and scriptures. My bumper sticker says ‘I’m for Separation of Church and Hate’ for good reason. For centuries governments acting as ideological religious entities have used religion to kill, oppress, and seize power.

The Founders of our Nation explicitly built in separation of church and state after having witnessed this corruption of idealogues in power. We see it today, in Iran, in the Taliban, in Hungary...To act as an individual of conscience and to be elected as one who seeks ‘justice and kindness and humbleness’ in work is NOT forcing others to walk my walk by using a big stick.

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You get the "bumper sticker of the year" award. Perfect.

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What's so crazy to me is the fact that so many of these "christians" believe that Trump is a "man of God." Who, in their right mind, can look at Trump and observe his actions and listen to the vitriol that comes from his mouth, and believe that he is "ordained by God."

In a report by Itkowitz, Knowles, LeVine, Clement, and Boornstein, entitled, 'Ordained by God': Trump's legal problems galvanize Iowa evangelicals." , a pastor and a Trump caucus captain, "pointed to how he has seen Trump as being mistreated by the justice system and Democrats, equating the former president to a martyr."

Mistreatment.?? Try selling that sob story to those who really have been mistreated as spoken about in Dr. Richardson's letter today.

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Very crazy. Literally insane. The PBSNewshour profiled the leading evangelical minister in Iowa and he said that although "Trump may be flawed, he is an instrument of God." He went on to declare that Biden and the Democrats want to convert their children - make them gay or encourage them to change sex. It's just demented and soooo inaccurate. Liars all.

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Bill, it's so disheartening to realize that nothing is going to change their minds or help them see the Truth about Trump.

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As Terry Pratchett wrote, "Poison goes where poison is welcome." I Shall Wear Midnight, the fourth of the five books about Tiffany Aching, apprentice then practicing witch, in Pratchett's Discworld series.

There is a good discussion of modern Christofascism at https://betterlivingthroughbeowulf.com/pratchetts-response-to-intolerance/, one of Robin Bates' many essays about how the tale of Beowulf mirrors the tragedies of modern America and the rise of the hatred and injustice we experience today.

"Just as people barely pay attention when Trump channels Hitler or his followers cheer authoritarianism, Tiffany reports at one point, 'I have seen horrible things, and some of them all the more horrible because they were, well, normal.'

So what does Tiffany do? First, she calls out the hatred for what it is:

Your power is only rumor and lies, she thought. You bore your way into people when they are uncertain and weak and worried and frightened, and they think their enemy is other people when their enemy is, and always will be, you – the master of lies. Outside, you are fearsome; inside, you are nothing but weakness.

And then, like Beowulf standing up to Grendel, she declares, 'Inside I am flint.'

So instead of running from the witch-burning fire, she runs towards it, leaping through it and coming out safely on the other side. The Cunning Man, meanwhile, is consumed by the flames.

Which is to say, respond to Christian fascism, not through fear or accommodation, but through confident assertions of tolerance and kindness and decency and, yes, humor. All these qualities are alive and well in Pratchett’s teenage witch, which is why I think every child should be encouraged to disappear into the Tiffany Aching series."

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Tim Alberta explains their rational very clearly

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You said it Pam, "in their right mind". They're not. One in four in this country suffer from some sort mental illness. I think that number is much higher. I know my family covers a lot of ground in that department.

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Lisa, mine too. :)

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Trump's verbal style and behaviors are very similar to Southern Baptist Protestant preachers.

That similarity is one reason Trump is "believed" by so many in the SBC.

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Thank you Bill for the information and I will definitely check it out. I agree 100% with your comment. I left the church 20 years ago because of this hypocrisy. It's isn't new. I don't care if people worship a tree if it gets them through the night. However, don't tell me to worship that same tree.

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Love your thinking.

BTW, just for a hoot. I have a son who decided when he was young that he would become a Druid :)

"Druidism, is a modern spiritual or religious movement that promotes the cultivation of honorable relationships with the physical landscapes, flora, fauna, and diverse peoples of the world, as well as with nature deities, and spirits of nature and place."

Which includes trees!

One of my favorite organizations is AU. https://www.au.org/#

One of the most terrifying and evil politicians in America right now is Mike Johnson who wants the US to be a "Christian Nation".

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Hahaha, the tree thing. Love it!

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I kind of have tree worship issues. Loved my Christmas tree. It was perfect! -small, squat, so thick with branches you couldn't see the trunk. I extended its stay, looking online to see when Christmas officially ends. Turns out Jan 6 (!) is the Epiphany, the day the three kings came to Jerusalem. And those gifts? Apparently myrrh is a salve often used to cure diaper rash. I do love a king who brings something you can actually use. So Jan 6 the tree went to the curb. I sprinkled some of the feathery Butterfly weed seeds, a plant that Monarchs love to eat, picturing my tree casting seeds far and wide, bringing new life. One hour later my tree was gone. Making inquiries, I learned that local farmers use the trees for food, shelter for their animals. Seems that goats consider them a delicacy. Okay it wasn't the happy ending I envisioned for my tree but it works.

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When my kids were young, after Christmas I would stick the tree in the snow and the kids would decorate it with rice cakes slathered in peanut butter and bird seed. I'm happy that you so thoroughly enjoyed your tree.

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Goats eat tree (and ingest butterfly weed seeds with the greenery). Goat poops, thus spreading butterfly weed seeds. This is part of how nature works. Last summer, I had to pretty much neglect my flower garden. Nonetheless, come fall, I had New England Asters all over the place, from lavender to deep blue. Thank you, birds.

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It really is this simple. Why do we have to complicate everything.

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Here is another organization of interest: https://faithfulamerica.org/.

It seems there are quite a number of actual Christian people shouting into the abyss along with us; although I'm not a person of faith any more, I do have to say Thank God for them.

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Thanks. A quick review suggests they are "good people". When was the last time we heard any of these folks interviewed? It is maddening!

I have not been a "person of faith" since I left the church at age 13. I just couldn't buy the idea that a book written about fantastical things by some ancient characters and conveniently revised many times since - could be of value. But...I still thought there were many religious people who really had everyone's best interests at heart.

Then there were the sexual abuse cases...again and again. And now whole swaths of Americans are caught up in a war on decency and the truth. A war on the "different". So glad there is actually some opposition to the hate and vitriol among the "faithful". How to get them more publicity?

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Bill, I'm not aware of any interviews being done or published anywhere near as much as those of the christofascists - and of course, reviews of ACTUAL Christians won't be nearly as entertaining or as stimulating to rage and fury as those of the christofascists/christonationalists/white supremacist pseudoChristians ("CINOs"? Christians in Name Only?). Reviews mean $$$, and Mammon is ALL that motivates much of both the FauxLiars and their ilk, as well as the MSM, sadly, both on social media and on cable or regular TV. And I have a feeling that those who listen to and watch those programs (except those blessed saints who do so to keep a watchful eye and subsequently report it to the rational part of the US and the world) cannot read, in any event. Both contemptible and pitiable.

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I wish he Bible had been short and sweet not stained by everyone's perception of what works for them. How about: "Be kind to each other and be kind to nature and the earth and the animals. All else will fall into place for you and you and you needn't have to seek love for it will seek you." Amen

And when someone asks, "Did you read the Bible?" You can finally say, "Yes."

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I also recommend Paul Prather. You can find him on Religion Unplugged. I used to read his columns on the Lexington (KY) Herald, but cancelled my subscription when they got rid of Joel Pett. They're both great--you can find Joel on the Lexington NPR outlet if you like political cartoons.

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Agree 100%

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Actual Christian behavior today cannot be in support of a fascist, no matter whatever it is you're angry about.

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Well Les, I'm in the mild of some heavy duty complex trauma therapy at the moment. I'm attempting to recover from 65 years of narcissist abuse. The political climate is like a daily trigger. If I sound angry, I am. My own therapist says I sound harsh at times. I'm learning to remove my boxing gloves without feeling too vulnerable. My apologies if I offended you.

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You mistook when I said "you are angry about" to mean you personally. I should have said "one Is angry about . I intended to agree and support your comment.

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Thanks for clarifying. I've got it coming from all angles these days. I have to tell myself to breathe. I appreciate it.

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If someone insists on telling you that they are “Christian” and their behavior says the opposite, their truth lies in what they do not what they say. Like the evangelical idiot that the News Hour featured the other night who went on about how god uses sinners to lead the saints, such utter BS, and they let him go on and on with his crap.

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It truly is inhumane. And Abbott will publicly say it’s tragic, but their actions were illegal. And privately I am convinced he will say “no humans involved.” And many who elected him will parrot the same. It is truly shameful and heartbreaking.

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Carol O, As I began to read HCR this morning, sun beginning to spark and shine, I was so horrified by the first sentences that I stopped reading and switched to answering a txt msg.

then the weather etc.... It took me at least 30 minutes to be strong enough to read the rest.

Heather must be made of far stronger stuff than me. I treasure her as we all do for her clarity and fortitude.

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Jan 14, 2024
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How do you know she is not disturbed by our bombs killing Palestinian children? She is responding to Heather's writing about the migrants. To leap from that to assuming she doesn't care about others is very unfair.

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I cannot write or down sbout the horror of Usrael using our armaments to eradicate the Palestinians… the world is crumbling and we have lost track of our sisters & brothers in the blasts in Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon…. On our southern border w Mexico…

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Lots of us live in Tx who are just as appalled as you. It’s disgraceful, it’s republicans, with a little r.

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Absolutely right, George!

Abbott should be arrested by the Feds forthwith for ordering the egregious enforcement of a law he knows to be blatantly unconstitutional, and for his barbaric depredation of the Civil rights of these poor people, under both American and international law.

This is George Floyd all over again, as State authorities deliberately maintained the life threatening status quo, until lives were extinguished.

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Daniel Streeter, Jr, great analogy. The perpetrators are very sick people who enjoy cruelty because it makes them feel superior and it helps them control others through fear and intimidation.

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Yep, as Adam Serwer writes, “The Cruelty Is The Point”.

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What if someone pushed Abbott in his wheelchair into the river?

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JennSH from NC, he would be in distress just like the woman and children. But after a moment of pleasure, I would save him.

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I wouldn't

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Schadenfreude seems appropriate in some circumstances. This would be one.

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Lynn Spann Bowditch, remind me what the word means. I think it has to do with the parliament in Nazi Germany, but I am not sure.

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This is authoritarian behavior and it must not be tolerated in this country.

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Patricia A Martinez, i agree. The challenge is always what wise actions should be taken that will not provoke a violent reaction.

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Switching subjects. George Floyd is a hero of country. What Abolitionists have struggled to do, George Floyd did with his death. Every television series, every ad now has mixtures of color which happened right after George Floyd died.

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I agree.

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Thank you.

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Governor Abbott is a racist and his authoritarian behavior must be dealt with.

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It’s premeditated murder.

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Does the Texas Governor's behavior constitute malfeasance?

We are about 90 minutes north of Chicago, and at 2 am the temperature here is about 1 degree F above zero. (Edit: at 2:40 am we are down to -1 below zero in SE Wisconsin and Chicago is about the same.)

I hope and trust that the folks in Illinois will treat the migrant people better than they would be treated in Texas.

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It makes you wonder how much death and suffering does Abbott have to cause to "own the Libs." I do hope the DOJ is rigorously exploring emergency appeals to force Abbott to withdraw, as well as options to charge him with Federal crimes -and hold him responsible for the tragedy he has caused, and will continue to cause if he is not stopped.

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Merrick Garland? Surely you jest - he couldn’t decide how to beat his way out of a wet paper bag. No one but J6 minions have been arrested and charged, none of the leaders and legislators. That is a travesty of justice, and he’s letting the Rs destroy our democracy by doing nothing as they keep doing more and more egregious, inflammatory and illegal actions. As General (ret) Mike Flynn declares he is at war, DOJ does nothing... Dems are fighting w sticks and Rs w guns - it’s a disaster.

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I do agree. They seem to be walking an imaginary and artificial line drawn by the criminal organization they should be pursuing and dismantling.

I’ve never heard a serial killer say you are persecuting me because of my politics.

The pursuit of criminals is purely about crimes, and there should be more assertive press events that it is not about D’s or R’s or red hats or blue hats. If you don’t want to be indicted by the DOJ or the DA’s office: don’t commit crimes. It is really that simple.

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No, George, it's not "that simple."

A narcissist such as the orange made-up, diaper-wearing, insurrectionist-in-chief can't see himself at all for the crimes he has committed -- because he has always lived in a world void of the human decency, the concern for others, which the rest of us call civilization.

He loves dictators, oligarchs, royal murderers, and his own mobs of everyday violent and hate-filled, because no school, no teacher ever got through to him as to how we actually have humanities that can help nurture concern for others.

And, George, it is not simple at all how dark money, billionaire cynicism, and views of the world based on numbers-only all crippled the schools we might have.

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The buffoon has always lived in a world of no accountability.

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Is Garland even AG anymore? He's completely MIA. Biden should have replaced him a long time ago.

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Agree. Biden should have replaced Garland a month after Jan 06 2021 when Garland had not yet arrested Trump.

However, I would also temper my comment by saying: American culture and history do not support arresting a rich, white man as you and all of us know.

So, going against unwritten, but powerful, rules is sometimes more difficult than breaking written laws.

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Actually he recently promoted the death sentence for the scoundrel who killed all the colored people at the grocery store in NY. (10 people)

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I know a Banta in ID, relative?

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Merrick Garland appointed Jack Smith as special counsel. So he’s not done nothing.

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Mary Ann, Despite sufficient predication by late 2021 to open criminal investigations into Trump and his coterie, aside from holding J6 foot soldiers criminally accountable, Garland had done nothing to hold those at the top also criminally accountable until after the J6 Select Committee had completed its work. Consequently, we only can hope the Court promptly dismisses Trump’s ludicrous immunity claim so at least the J6 trial has a shot at being prosecuted before the election.

Ultimately, I would submit, given the stakes, the failure so far to hold any of the top-tier J6 organizational structure criminally accountable reflects horribly on DOJ.

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And it looks to me like Judge Cannon is completely in Trump's pocket.

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@bluesyfish, Rightly, Jack Smith largely has written off the documents case until after the election.

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Too bad it took him 2 years to do so.

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What is the cause of Abbot's handicap? Is it this trauma that causes him to be so hateful? How dare he and Paxton and the people not holding these hateful men accountable.

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Abbott was out jogging. The heavens fired a bolt of lightning at him, but missed and hit a tree instead. Part of the tree fell on him, rendering him unable to walk. He is confined to a wheelchair.

(I issued a query to the all-knowing google, asking why Texas Governor Abbott is paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair.)

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That very cold air mass is headed for us in NW Georgia too. Forecast low of 8 degrees F even for us. Tuesday night.

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-28 in the banana belt of MT

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Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I probably would freeze solid if i were there. The lowest temperature i have ever experienced is -10 way back on January 21, 1985. I have kept temperature records for about 53 years here at my home, and that's the lowest it's ever been here in those 48 years. According to the weather maps i study, it was -50 yesterday in the northern part of British Columbia, Canada. According to the weather service, an ice storm could hit here in NW Georgia Tuesday, i hope not, i had much rather have snow any day than those damaging ice storms. In January 1973, an ice storm hit here and was devastating as it toppled trees and resulted in millions of dollars damage to electric lines and poles. Some people were out of electricity for more than 2 weeks.

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Ice is way worse than snow! By weeks end , we will warm up to a balmy 30..

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I agree, Carole. Ice is much worse than snow. I have a lot easier time driving in snow than ice. We had a snowfall of 12 inches back on December 9, 2017, and that was the first time we lost our power because of snow. My home is total electric, and i thought i was going freeze to death inside my own home. It was 38 degrees in my house then. By week's end here, we will warm back up to 58. I have heard of some people in Alaska that wash their cars and trucks when the temperature warms up to 30 in T-shirts and shorts.

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Governor Abbott is an authoritarian who has no remorse for humanity.

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Texas has among the lowest voter turn-out rates in the country--historically less than 50%. Most Texas national and state races are decided by a few percentage points. And then there is the gerrymandering done in Texas where several Congressional districts are packed with Republican voters further reducing the number of Democrat Congressmen.

Texas state officials are the worst of the MAGANAZIs and white faux-Christian nationalists.

C'mon Texas get out the vote. People are literally dying because of your apathy.

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I would like to offer a two part US Constitutional Amendment:

"All United States Citizens shall be registered to vote and eligible to vote on an automatic basis at the age of eligibility determined by the US Congress. No citizen will be excluded for any reason.

All citizens of the United States must vote in every election as a legal requirement and any efforts to prevent such voting will be considered a felony within Federal law. The penalties for not voting and for voter interference will be determined by Congress."

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Do you really want non informed voters voting? How do we handle the voting by the illiterate people?

I agree with you wishing voting were mandatory. How do we make being informed mandatory too? Then of course we have the lies the gullible believe to deal with.

I guess if these were easy questions to answer we would not be in this mess.

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Some of the wisest and most thoughtful people I've known were illiterate or had a limited formal education. They had an active intelligence, paid attention to what was going on, and the ability to think through things. I've met more MBAs who were unable to think about anything beyond what might give them some short-term edge.

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Many times during my 40 years of working after college I was not in a position to take off to go vote.

For the first 15 years of my career I only had two weeks vacation. Also, I was paid by the hour not by the month so if I skipped out for 3 hours I had to clock it properly.

During that time I also did not have a lot of money (nor do I really now although not dire today).

I would never have gone to vote back then and for many years did not vote. I did vote regularly until 1987 when I was in school.

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Let's add to my Constitutional Amendment a yearly National Paid Holiday to respect (and require) voting on all conceivable issues - from president to school board. Shut everything down. Vote or be penalized. But if you vote, the drinks are on the house at every pub and eatery. Paid for by a tax on the oligarchs.

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We are trying!!!!!!

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We are, the deck is stacked. Otherwise Beto would have won.

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Ditto for Barnes in Wisconsin.

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Texas is not the only state that does dirty tricks. Wisconsin right up there.

To all the people dissing every Texas resident, be careful. In Nov you might wind up with national cretins, then where will you go. Believe me, I've thought about that.

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Immigration is controlled by Federal law, not State law. Period. End of Story. Sounds like Fort Sumter to me without shooting. Abbott should be charged and the Federal government should physically disarm the Texas Military Department and take complete control of the Texas National Guard. If they want to refight the Civil War, let's get it done or return the place to Mexico from which we stole it and let them handle it. I know this would mean giving up the Dallas Cowboys and the Houston Texans, but this has a higher priority.

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Hoping for peaceful solutions that won’t get more innocent people killed. But Abbott in jail is a happy thought.

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I visit this forum when I need to witness kindness and to thaw out a bit. Cheetos this is gonna be hella year.

Depraved. Depravity.

This is my third coup rodeo.

I see the same exact tonality, disrespect, insouciance - and the seeds of depravity being scattered into the winds.

Depravity is what describes group mentality, when the group frothed and frenzied generates its own front.

I sense the anger and hidden agenda. I am the kind of woman who does not shrink at making eye-to-eye contact with anyone who commands my attention.

The eyes are a soul’s window. There’s an army of soulless folk out there.

Thank you for chipping a chink off my ptsd stone.

Depravity is my deep dive for the foreseeable until I understand exactly what that word’s real estate is in my life. The term certainly goes way beyond mean spirited, ya?

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100 % agreement. Abbott is a one depraved, nasty SOB. Somebody strap him to his mobility appliance and let him roll into the Rio Grande. Let him struggle and burble and swallow river water and see how he likes it. Pull him out, dry him off and see if the lesson took.

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It won't, ignore him

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Too bad--but as Molly Ivins used to say--he's meaner than a skilletful of p/o'd rattlesnakes. No surprise that Abbott is an incorrigible jackhat. And Paxton aw well.

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No redeeming characteristics, none

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What Heather wrote is shocking and sad.

But, rather than react with emotion I think we should all ask ourselves a relevant question:

In a society with finite, constrained resources for humans, what is the proper approach to massive migration into an area that does not have enough total resources to support that migration or that total population??

We should take this question seriously because that is the right question for the situation in Texas NOW and for the foreseeable future.

Jared Diamond's book "Collapse" clearly outlines the historical, repeat, consequences of not thinking about and answering this question in a timely manner.

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Let’s face the facts that the US subverted Chile, Reagan’s charges destroyed El Salvador. It is not emotional to understand the context of burning down your neighbor’s house and then wondering why they are seeking shelter.

I do agree that there must be a reasonable solution that recognizes resources are not finite. But to do so in a vacuum lacks the context of history. And lacking reasonable adults who can discuss the issue in a thoughtful manner would be welcome if voters could stop sending incompetent, corrupt, sociopaths to Congress and State Government.

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Completely agree.

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Mike, you already know the answer, as do we all. Immigration is a Federal issue. The Federal government is hamstrung by GOP lemmings. Which includes members from Texas. And they’re idiots. Waiting for the strongman.

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Yes Gail. You are correct and I understand.

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We could lock congess in a room without pay and payoffs until they do their job and pass sane, humane legislation to control the immigration problem.

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Marj - .. and with just bread and water until they can come to a resolution.

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That will be especially tough for Ted Cruz will it not? That guy is so fat he probably cannot go five minutes without eating.

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As I said, obstruction by Republicans is preventing any progress on this question. Vote solid Democratic and then push. That's as timely as reality allows today.

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I know I'm somewhat naive, but I see refugees as an asset for the most part. We need a way to sort, but 99% of our ancestors were assets, except for the Drumpf's. Need to weed that type out and let the rest contribute. I don't think there were any horse thieves in my ancestry, but at least one was a Confederate soldier. Bad enough

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If I knew who all my ancestors were I might have a rebel too. For sure I had Yankees. One ancestor was a horse trader/trainer. Legend had it that when he retired he kept one horse and let it live in the house with him, never put it to work of any kind, his way of thanking all the horses he made a living from over the years. Anyway, back to the point, everyone who is of decent character should be met with fairness. A simple statement to make, with centuries of travail to show how hard it is to achieve.

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I prefer a charge of terrorism. These are terrorists and they are pursuing acts of terrorism. I seriously wonder how there can be any doubt about this? Terrorism is the unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives.

Too many people are unable to accept or unwilling to recognize that we are fighting a war for the future of America. If we lose, we will lose our homeland, and very possibly some will be targeted for extermination. Would not want to be a person of color in this country if Republicans regain control.

Too many people think this can be resolved civilly through an election. I ask, how can anyone be willing to let the future of America be decided by an election that we know is fundamentally non-democratic? The Electoral College is non-democratic. Voting districts are non-democratic. State legislatures are non-Democratic. Setting that aside for a moment, never forget that democracy ended when the Supreme Court decided who the president of the US should be in 2000. Imagine what could happen in 2024. Republicans have been the minority party for over 30 years, and yet they have outsized powers over the majority. If we had a democracy, the minority would not have this much power. I also hope everyone realizes that if somehow Biden prevails, this reign of terror will not end.

Fact! Enough citizens of this country are willing to elect an anti-American terrorists to run the country. If that seems insane to you, then you would be right. All of this is insanity much to the horror of our allies, and the delight of our enemies.

Fact! Putting aside the fact that elections are non-democratic, they are won and loss based on voter perceptions, not reality! Biden's and Trump's accomplishments, or lack thereof, are perceived and not based on facts or evidence. Unfair, illogical, but true. And, relying on swing voters to decide an election based on what they perceive is even greater folly. Elections are won and loss by who can change people's perceptions of them and their opponent. Republicans are masters at this with a big assist from the media. The campaign for 2024 began on January 6th 2021, but you would never know it from Democrats. Republicans immediately went to work to change voters perceptions of what happened that day.

Maybe its a good idea to send a message to Biden to tell him to order Garland to arrest Abbot on charges of terrorism and disobeying federal laws. It's what Trump would do and has done. It is definitely a good idea to tell Garland to have Trump incarcerated and muzzled pending trial. He's a clear and present danger to society and has made repeated inflammatory remarks. (Joyce Vance has finally had enough - read her letter today.)

Democrats have allowed this to fester for far too long and now at this critical hour, it may be too late. Biden is an extraordinarily weak candidate to be asked to deliver the knockout punch to the Republican Party on election day. He needs to act decisively now!!! We need convictions ASAP. We need arrests and prosecutions of everyone even suspected of colluding with Trump. That especially applies to members of Congress, and Magat traitors like Ginny Thomas. Biden needs to ask for investigations of the Trump family, former members of his administration, like Barr. Everyone that Trump pardoned should be investigated again and again - give them the full Benghazi. The definition and penalty for treason must be changed. If Garland balks, replace him ASAP. Replace him with Jack Smith. There is a ton of work to be done in the next few months.

Republicans will cry that Biden is weaponizing government to attack his opponents. No, Biden would be weaponizing government to save the country from a large and well funded terrorist organization!! Imagining anything less is a serious miscalculation of what this country is facing.

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I fully embrace this -but also know a federal prosecutor has a high burden to prove guilt. They could subpoena emails and other communications to possibly demonstrate conspiracy to commit criminal acts, etc. There is what we feel is right and what can be proven through facts and evidence. Otherwise we are no better than Comer and the House GOP’s impeachment without facts or evidence.

Totally get it though and truly feel the same. These are not wire fraud or money laundering cases (which are still important). This is about state-sponsored depraved indifference, death, and suffering.

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I think we are way past worrying about a federal prosecutor having a high burden to prove guilt. They aren't even being allowed to present their case after all the totally bogus delays and appeals by Trump. Judges and courts are allowing Trump to push these trials past the election. The entire legal system has been irreparably damaged because of judges giving unprecedented deference to a traitor and terrorist. It is a disgrace and every legal scholar has run out of words and explanations for this travesty of justice.

The Supreme Court has decided to weigh in on whether Trump has immunity from prosecution. Really? This is a debatable issue??? The radicalized Supreme Court justices have basically decided they know better than what is written in the Constitution and is established law. i.e. absolutely nobody is above the law!!

When they write this chapter of history, it will be obvious who really dropped the ball in upholding the rule of law and defending the Constitution. Nobody will be saying, well at least they tried to cross their t's and dot their I's.

At this point in time, Democrats have no choice but to do what Republicans have done for decades. To this day Reps keep throwing shit at the wall hoping something, anything will stick. It works. We all know that the Republicans are up to their eyeballs in shit. Start slinging it Democrats!!!

If Garland does not send Marshalls to arrest and jail Abbot tomorrow, Biden should ask for his resignation. Let Kamala take over until a new AG is confirmed. Time is a wasting.

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When it comes to shit slinging, as Jeff Tiedrich would say here, no one does it better than Trump’s parking garage lawyers.

(Jeff, if you see this how did I do?)

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I was signing on to ask, "Isn't that murder?" How can we let someone get away with this? I am glad to see there is a category for such heinous actions. I know our country is flooded with violence with 45 and all his minions, but this seems clear. God help us! Who would begin the process?

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I think it would be in the hands of the DOJ.

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The answer to that is easy: the term consequences is totally absent from the American language. Hence people can do whatever they like and get away Scot -free. Flip through the headlines for the last few years for proof. Start with Jordan and #45 and work your way forward from there. Take electors, the list goes on...

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How have we all forgotten that we are fellow human beings? All this turmoil on the border...and up in Washington DC, thousands were present, some sharing their personal story of 10 family members being wiped out by a USA provided bomb. But President Biden chose to go to Camp David, rather than interact with them. I am really scared about the future of America.

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This is inhumane

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Speaking on the right-wing Dana Loesch Show last week, Abbott said, “The only thing that we’re not doing is we’re not shooting people who come across the border, because of course the Biden administration would charge us with murder.”

You said just what I thought when I read the above paragraph. Those people died! Charge them with murder! This upsets me soo much! (And I won't even mention how my husband reacted!) How can people be so evil!!!

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Mr. Polisner, thank you for your input. I feel so cowardly watching this deplorable stuff going on and not stopping it.

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You and we are not powerless. People like yourself and so many of Heather’s readers work to be better informed and engaged.

Informed, aware, and sensitive to the world around us is where the courage to fight for equity, justice, and democracy begins for some and continues for others.

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Thank you. Now onward

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Governor Abbott should be prosecuted for their deaths. PERIOD.

Democrats, Republicans, the news media & every single Democracy lover needs to stand up, speak out & vote.

Trump should not have, nor should he any longer receive any deferential treatment. He should NOT be given "campaign" media coverage before, during or after court hearings.

He should be treated as he is, a Citizen. Just as ANY of us would be treated.

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He should be treated as a criminal.

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I almost agree, but criminal defendant for now, to avoid the obvious blowback.

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We the (little) People of the United States, and the Plutocratic MAGA Aristocracy....

Doesn't wash.

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The entire chain of command from the governor to the soldiers at the park who did not rescue the drowning immigrants should be prosecuted.

And if anyone dies from exposure in frozen northern cities, the same should apply from the governor to the bus driver.

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My dear colleagues, we must work to get out the vote - and repair our country. We can't afford to be apathetic, overwhelmed or disheartened. We must all do as much as we can to stop the cruelty. Talk about these murders. Talk about taking away the rights of women and girls. Tell your friends that not voting is electing trump and his ilk. Talk about whatever will motivate people to vote blue no matter what. Don't let them split hairs or complain about Biden's age or use any excuse. We know how serious this is. It will take decades to recover if these creatures increase their control. Or at least I hope we will recover. I'm 84. I thought we marched and voted and applied pressure and won. To watch all our efforts crumble after all our hard work is heartbreaking. These are old wars, old injustices. Old money that is still trying to reverse FDR's New Deal. How ridiculous is that? Believe me, I'd rather read a book or binge on British police dramas on TV than write postcards, send texts, demonstrate, show up - whatever we have to do to send these folks back under their slimy rocks. I'm willing to bet a lot of you would, too. But we can't. Good luck to us.

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Yes. It is outrageous.

But progress is never a straight upward line on a graph. We go up, we slide back. For every forward effort to make progress, there are reactionaries who drag us back.

The work will never end. And you write eloquently about the frustration - I share it. It's just stupid.

The horrible truth is that the attitudes towards "others" didn't end with Civil War or Harry Truman integrating the military or Ike and JFK integrating schools. Those were thought of as decisive moments. But they were just legalese symbols. As a famous wingnut politician wisely said: "You can't legislate morality." as he opposed civil rights legislation.

For us in this age group, I think the core mission must be getting every younger person we can to show up to vote Blue - a total blue ticket. Because what had been a party that at least had the veneer of civility and cooperation has now revealed its true stripes of bigotry, selfishness and hate. The Red party is now a mafia style cult embedded with corruption and pushing authoritarian principles. The fact that Abbott could actually verbalize shooting immigrants at the border tells us all we need to know.

My worry is not that there are more of them than us. My worry is two fold. Until Joe Biden walked a picket line the Democratic Party has ignored the working poor. And younger people are either uninspired by an 81 year old leader or very angry about Gaza.

I think Joe Biden is the most competent and compassionate president in my long life. But we have a lot of work to do convincing millions of younger voters who are not impressed with patience and careful, well thought out actions. Tiny attention spans and a woeful ignorance of history and our governmental structures is taking its toll. So much to work on....

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I have yet to come up with a convincing argument when people reply- 'I hate politics, they are all crooks, both parties'. The best I can come up with is only one party tried to tear down the house Jan 6., kill the vice president and Pelosi and killed a half dozen other people.

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What I have taken to saying is that yes, there is corruption in both parties, but only one of them is bent on destroying democracy. If Nancy Pelosi had been home when the intruder entered, I have no doubt she'd be dead. And much as I worry that Biden's body will fail before 2029, I am willing to work for his election. If we wanted another Democratic candidate, we should have found one as soon as he announced for re-election.

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Kind of hard to convince people who get their information from TV and don’t know their US History.

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I have a response that I use, not that I think it is for everyone:

When someone says 'I hate politics, they are all crooks, both parties' I say, well, "there are crooks and then there are real crooks".

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I totally agree with you.

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Thank you Nancy Solomon. I am in my 80th year and looking to my sisters & brothers trudging on ahead to guide my feet and my heart/prayers. MARCH ON I’m right behind you!

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Hi, Carol. Did you ever think we were going to be marching about the same stuff we marched for decades ago? I didn't. I remember marching against the war in Vietnam and thinking how nice it was for all those gray-haired people to march with us. Now I'm one of those. My grandkids are looking forward to registering to vote. They are already active and informed citizens. And mostly they don't blame our generation or their parents' generation for not being able to make a lot of things stick. "Eternal vigilance, Grandma," they say.

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What a wonderful gift you have given your grands!

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Thank you. They and their parents are wonderful people.

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We need to be influencers.

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Wow! Influencers. Why not?

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You speak for me, thank you. Yes, I thought our hard work resulted in progress. Yet, our efforts crumble under the onslaught of lies, dirty tricks, and dirty money. We must fight on, in whatever way.

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I am constantly reassured by our messages of mutual support. My daughter keeps reminding me that there are more of us than there are of them. Which is what I used to say to her.

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And there probably are more of us. I found it disturbing when one of my brothers said that he just wanted to keep his head down and live his life and that because he was a white male he could do that. I gave him Liz Cheney’s new book for Christmas and now he wants to know which Democrat’s election campaign he can support.

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That’s great. Congratulations.

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I had to think about what I could say to him. Then I figured someone else could explain what’s at stake for the Country better than I could but do it in a way that was not like hitting him over the head.

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Great tactic.

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But the bastards cheat, at least in Texas. I’m sure that other states have been busy too

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Of course they do. It’s in their political dna. We need to stand up to them. Exhausting.

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My MAGA voting friend was giddy about the razor wire in the Rio Grand, not sure she’d care about a woman and children dying due to Abbotts lack of a soul. She also is a Christian. So I’m not sure this grotesquely, sad occurrence would make her think about voting for a Democrat. These are the people we are dealing with. Inhumane, self righteous, bigots. We have to make this stop...somehow, some way.

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I have gotten to the place where I am unable to be in the same room with people like your MAGA voting friend. They LOVE Trump. LOVE him. Nothing you and I can say affects them. So, we simply have to make sure everyone else votes blue. Apathy is not an option. I'm sorry about your friend.

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You have my vote Nancy! Cheers! I am watching Britbox 'Sweeney' now, a 45 year old British police drama.

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I’ll put “Sweeney”on my list.

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I just renewed my subscription to BritBox and will put “Sweeney” on my list also.

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Big big hug to you and I shall remember your fine leadership as we go forward to WIN against hate and lawlessness.

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For the modern GOP, this saying becomes ever more true:

The Cruelty Is The Point.

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Even sadder,

instead of working for solutions to the problems,

they use human beings as pawns

for their inhumane positions.

They WANT to worsen conditions - so that they can have a campaign issue to scare people over.

Remember - Trump SAYS he wants the US economy to fail, believing he can convince people to vote for him. He doesn't care at all about people losing their homes, their pensions, their ability to take care of themselves or their families. But I am getting off track... talking about an amoral malignant narcissist who is FINALLY facing the potential consequences of his actions through the judicial system.

Texas and Florida, in particular, continue to suffer from recent weather extremes (tornados, etc.) they will RELY on the Federal Government to bail them out of.

If they truly followed through on secession threats, the impact on their own populations would be catastrophic!

Abbott, in particular, appears to claim government is not responsible for addressing people's needs, nor making lives better. "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps - never mind that you have no boots."

Deregulate everything - and end up with factories exploding, utility grids crashing, air pollution, toxic substances in the water supply, medical professionals fleeing the state due to the threat of imprisonment for providing services that would save a woman's life against their new absolute abortion bans.

WHY does anyone support such inhumanity?

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The sociopathic love of money and absolute power.

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And belief that they will have power and money too one day? They don’t get that they will never have either one in an autocracy.

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Remember, the whole point is to defeat the Democrats, end of story!

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Jan 14, 2024Edited
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Mike, I get that you’re somewhat enamored with your latest read but repeating the same bits multiple times just leads back to the same point: Texas wants something done yet their elected officials refuse to legislate. We’re being set up for the strong man solution.

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Thank you. BTW, I recomment "The Dawn of Everything" by Graeber & Wengrow. Diamond's book is outdated, based largely on studies of small societies and Euro assumptions about how things work in human societies (and Diamond's own pretty limited perspective).

Graeber & Wengrow pull on recent large scale research (including their own) and bring together emerging concepts about human societies and how they functions from many different sources. It's a fascinating and illuminating read that challenges a lot of western European assumptions (that includes us, btw). I recommend reading it through, then turning the book over and starting again.

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Well I certainly wouldn’t leave them standing at the front door while a flood washed them away and let them die.

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Thanks for engaging.

Pretty much everything has layers, not "cut and dry, black and white."

Your description of the overcrowded home is what many are seeing and fearing.

But are those people also looking upstream at where the issue originated?

Have they suggested - "hey, if those people trying to move into my home had a safe place to live, and had help making sure their home was standing, they'd be happy to stay where they were rather than moving in with me"?

But their home was bombed.

Their home was swept away in a tsunami and with rising ocean levels and floods.

Their home was destroyed by hurricanes, tornados, wildfires, earthquakes and they had NOTHING to even begin to start to rebuild.

Their home was doxed by people who want to rule them rather than represent them. They received death threats for trying to "play fair" and follow the law. They were called "thugs" and "drug dealers" and "vermin."

Have the people fearing what they see happening really considered the DESPERATION of a mother who travels THOUSANDS of miles, mostly on foot, with the faint hope her child will survive and have hope for a future?

As Beau of the Fifth Column says as he closes each of his YouTube videos -

"It's just a thought."

Yes, Jared Diamond's publications are valuable.

Other books are also informative and predictive.

It was with alarm that I saw dystopian futures become the norm in children's and YA (Young Adult) literature. The Handmaid's Tale for the older crowd, but Star Wars, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, etc. etc....

At least, the kids who had to take up the battle to create a new society against "the Evil Empire" tended to be the ultimate heroes.

Have you read Elizabeth Kolbert's book? The Sixth Extinction.

How can our young people -

who make up more and more of the population in certain areas - Africa, Palestine, on and on...

be expected to have any hope for a future when the climate crisis is altering the potential for any survival on the planet? When their calls for paying attention are ignored or ridiculed? The solutions will have to arise from them, in most part.

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Martin Luther King, Jr gave several sermons about The Good Samaritan.

He also spoke of a visit to the Holy Land he and Coretta took,

in which they traveled the Jericho Road.

His conclusion was that the religious leaders, seeing the victimized person near death on the road, responded in fear by asking "if I help (them), what will happen to me?"

The Samaritan reacted by asking "If I do not help (them) what will happen to (them)?"

Dr. King went on to emphasize that what we need to do is make the Jericho Road SAFER, so no one is attacked, victimized and left for dead. We must look at the CAUSES. We must reevaluate the SYSTEMS that are in place, resulting in such tragedies and injustices.

Only LOVE can overcome Hate.

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Presidential contrasts:

*Jimmy Carter build Habitat for Humanity homes

*Donald Trump's "empire" was based on a family business that discriminated against minority rental or ownership -

practices that were against the law

Another example of what type of country is the USA going to be now and in the future?

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We could be working on immigration reform, which we probably all agree is sorely needed! But the Repubs just LOVE creating horrors they can blame on Dems, rather than trying to solve problems and really HELP people.

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You are full of shit. We are short 10 million workers in this country. I am a substitute teacher in the RGV, and the only problem in our public schools is the attack on them by Abbott. Governors of Utah and Indiana have formally requested to be the immigrants' sponsors. They have almost 500,000 unfilled jobs. We don't have an immigration problem, we have a funding problem which the trumpers refuse to solve.

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I'll say it again: vote straight Democratic, then push for answers. Honestly, of Republicans are left in position to obstruct or tear down the government, what's the point of thinking about what might have been? Is what I'm saying too slow? If it were possible to act faster I'd go for that. But unless Trump and all Republicans are voted out (the peaceful path) anything that is done today will be undone ASAP by MAGA.

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Ask J. Diamond how to accomplish anything in the U.S.A. today. I'm guessing he'd face reality and vote straight Democratic.

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All States seems not to have enough teachers to fill the need. Train para professionals from the community, I see there are places using manufactured housing for people especially after a natural disaster. Politics is blinding people to look @ viable solutions even if they are short term so long term ones can be approached in a well thought out manner. But that takes people getting off their stance of "i am right & u are wrong" or my way or the highway.

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Mike you are not only enamored with your recent read, but you are an annoying man-plainer as well. Let’s see you respond to male comments on here with the same verbosity

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I deleted the comment. It is not my intention to raise people's ire. Most sincerely. Mike

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Like the separation of families. The point was to make coming here horrific.

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it was a failure.

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Let us take note meanwhile of the fact that democracy has just elected in Taiwan the president that the People's Republic of China did not want. There, at least, the people have not been scared into submission.

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OMG...if I ruled the world....I would lock Abbott up and throw away the key. The man has no conscience! Surely President Biden should be able to do something to stop this maniac? People aren't coming here on a whim....they are hungry and in need of help. No one wakes up in the morning and says let's walk 2000 miles and see if the US will give us a job. There is plenty of work for those that can do manual labor! We should be ashamed of ourselves to let this continue.....

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And the hypocrisy is that we completely depend on immigrant labor for agriculture, construction, home services, etc.

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Thank you Lisa. Stupid is as stupid does.

This country is being held back by a huge shortage of workers to do the essential things you mention and more. Our entire health care system is in the process of collapse for lack of workers in hospitals and especially for home care. We could save billions by providing compassionate assistance to seniors in their homes. But instead, the nursing home oligarchs make a fortune warehousing people who could still live independently - with just a little help. It makame crazy.

I serve on a board of trustees for our condo association. The difficulty getting projects done is ridiculous. It's all driven by the fact that contractors can't find workers. There are job applicants knocking on our door at the border. We need to answer the damn door and hire them!

And guess what America? These hard working folks will pay taxes to help with the Federal Deficit, Medicare and Social Security. Win, Win, Win!

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Well said Bill. The solutions are readily apparent but instead the right wants the autocratic solution. The face of racism has shifted its focus.

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Yesterday, I read that there is in New York City a huge contingent of older people, mostly male, who immigrated here to make a better life. They took jobs no one else wanted, and they have no protection, because of course they have no retirement funds, rents are rising, and they can't go back to their home countries. (One man regretted that he speaks no English, only Cantonese, and now even the majority of Chinese immigrants speak Mandarin.) We absorb them, because we need their labor, but we can't really claim that we treat them well, and now, of course, Republicans want to destroy Social Security.

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And...legal immigrants help fill SS, Medicare coffers. They pay into it but they cannot collect unless and until they’re a US Citizen.

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Uncontrolled borders are dangerous and impractical. You cannot stem the flow with more judges or facilities. If you want to make the borders safe and avoid drownings, heat exhaustion, and all the other inhumanities, then support real change to federal law. Application for asylum should be invalid if a person crosses illegally. Laws help make people safe and we should not lure people into unsafe border crossings.

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And no one on the left, nor the president, has said we do not have an issue with border crossings. The thing not being blasted out in the media is that Biden set about working on the border crisis the minute he entered office. He has left some of trump’s inhumane policies in place, negotiated with the president of Mexico to continue and expand border policy agreements to keep migrants on that side of the border. He has sent resources and advisors to the central and South American countries that are bleeding out the most people due to economic strife and collapse, hitting at the root of the problem. He also made accommodation in his funding requests for expanding border presence and deterrents (that don’t kill people), and has been repeatedly thwarted by the house wingnuts who scream the loudest about the “crisis”, blaming him personally, while refusing to acknowledge that they have the power to help. There they had full power under Trump, when the entire congress was under Republican rule, t9 “solve” this crisis. But they chose to remain silent and let the strongman in the White House implement inhuman policies and directives, break the law to separate children from their parents, and practice performative politics on the issue, knowing full well that he wasn’t solving anything but at least it wouldn’t hurt their reelection chances. Let’s call a spade a spade here. Republicans don’t want the border “fixed” any more than they wanted Rowe v Wade overturned. Both are hotwire issues they can continually be reelected on. I have plenty of sympathy for the border states that get an overflow of migrants. But when we abandon everything that makes us human in order to keep other humans out, we cannot call ourselves a free, democratic nation that believes in human rights any more. We merely play into the hands of oppressive government leaders across the world when they advertise our brand of democracy as a failure. Meanwhile, let’s not forget - a mother and her two children died this weekend because ‘murica. Not for any other reason.

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Thank you.

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Sandy, I’m just circling back on your thoughtful comments. President Biden did indeed propose changes in 2021 which are attached below. Reading them now however they look fairly soft. You point out the actions he has taken, but unfortunately they have not worked. When you say he has been thwarted, I honestly can’t find an explicit administration proposal that would be an effective deterrent. And I think that’s the issue in the news, as it’s not clear what exactly he wants. More funding, committees, a commitment to keeping families together are not border strategy proposals that control our borders.


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WE are not luring people into unsafe border crossings.

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"while they are insisting the issue is so important they will not agree to fund Ukraine’s resistance to Russia’s 2022 invasion until it is solved, they are also unwilling to participate in discussions to fund more border officers or immigration courts." Let's see an advertising campaign that pressures Republicans to fund more border officers and immigration courts. While we are waiting for that to have its effect, maybe we can draw on retired attorneys to volunteer in and even staff the immigration courts.

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Leonard Lubinsky, now that's an idea, retired volunteer attorneys. Democrats staff the courts with volunteers because they actually fo want to resolve the backlog.

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By enacting and enforcing its own laws that over-rule federal sovereignty, Texas is seceding from the United States of America. Abbott is daring the Biden administration to resort to force to uphold federal law. That would cause an armed conflict and would precipitate a civil war. This is very serious.

President Biden is wisely not going for the bait by allowing the DOJ to do its job and seek relief through the courts. And even there, when secessionist Republicans disobey court orders to redraw gerrymandered maps, they are again trying to force the issue. At what point do enough state governors and legislatures assert such actions often enough that federal law becomes unenforceable? What then?

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I used to have complete trust in the US courts. Not anymore. Especially in TX.

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This is the civil war and they are winning...

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Gary S, thanks, I hadn't thought of it that way.

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There are a great many federal forces in Texas. Just saying

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The Texas Military Department?! What in the world?

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That’s what I was thinking. Since when do states have their own Dept. of Military? This is unconstitutional. Greg Abbott must be stopped. He is a danger to Texans and to those crossing the border, legally or illegally. He is a psychopath, a fascist and a sadist. I lived in Austin when Ann Richards was governor. She was amazing in the job. When she was running for reelection, Karl Rove (remember him?) helped George W. Bush defeat Gov. Richards. Rove debuted some of the nasty campaign tactics against Richards for which he and other Republicans became famous. It was a total GOP hit job. Compared to Greg Abbott and his minions, however, I can almost forgive Bush and Rove. I hate what Abbott has done and continues to do in general, but especially re: immigration and the border. He simply does not have jurisdiction over an international border. Sending anyone to the upper Midwest in January when there is often lots of snow, temps below zero as the daily high and wind chill factor (which makes it even colder) is an act of cruelty and a potential death sentence. (I speak from experience. After living in Austin for ten years, I lived in Minneapolis for seven years.) The Border Patrol not being allowed to rescue a drowning woman and two children is a crime for which Greg Abbott is responsible. I really hope the DOJ or whatever is the appropriate agency puts a stop to this horrible situation taking place in Texas and I hope Abbott is charged for the deaths he has caused.

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Didn't DeSantis organize is own secret military? So, he can take more dictionaries out of school libraries. On that note man-child predator, Bill O'Reilly is screaming over his books being pulled from Florida libraries. Ken Burns calls Florida a fascist state.

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Yep, DeSantis’ brown shirts, ostensibly formed to assist in disasters. Now being trained by the courts martialed Seal pardoned by Trump, in combat tactics.

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Marg Mac, I had a similar reaction. I found this link: https://tmd.texas.gov/home

"...Texas Army National Guard, the Texas Air National Guard, and the Texas State Guard..."

I wonder what is the Texas State Guard? Could it be a "well regulated militia"?

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The State Guard is, according to the site noted in your comment, authorized under 32 U.S. Code § 109 and Texas law. The Federal statute does not, to my knowledge, permit the State Guard to perform functions reserved to the Federal government.

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Do they take an oath to the Constitution?

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Yes. What is that?

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Yes! What is that exactly? National Guard, I understand. But what is a military department????

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And all I can think about is, was this a lawful order and couldn’t those soldier’s have helped the migrants?

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The inhumanity of this incident is so disturbing. Abbott, a practicing Catholic, has chosen to ignore the foundation of Christian faith: love your neighbor as you love yourself.

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If Abbot's victims die, can he be charged with murder?

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Heartless. The first word of many to describe people like Abbott who treat human beings with such cruelty, they could starve or freeze to death on his watch and he could feel no shame or guilt or sadness. If he cannot work with the USA government to manage his border state, he needs to get out of the way. In 1909 my grandparents, Jewish peasants, escaped the czar in Kiev, Ukraine, called Russia, on the Ellis Island immigration certificate, to be free. They struggled to learn English, raise a family and all the grandchildren and great grandchildren are now college graduates and self supporting. From violence and poverty, and even here in America, antisemitism, those were the conditions and my roots. Every official should examine their history. Practice humility and be a mensch. A human being.

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As I read this, I keep thinking about my MAGA sister who lately has "found" Jesus. What do I say to her as she praises the Lord while asking to "pass the ammunition"?

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Ask her to pray for the woman and two children who drowned last night.

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She found the fake Jesus.

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Berry M (ME), haha Or bad Jesus?

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Broken people are easy prey to dishonest leaders. Some of the most damaged people I know are the strongest Trump supporters. They’re adult (jail/death adverse) versions of the typical school shooter. They have a need to destroy everything around them so we all feel their pain.

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So true

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Lynell, does your sister watch that insane, ''so called'' religious fanatic Kenneth Copeland?? That man is obsessed with pure evil. My daughter showed me a clip of him the other day in which a reporter asked him asked him a question, and it evidently angered him so much he put his face in the reporter's face and told her, ''Don't you EVER ask me that again, and i MEAN it!!'' The look on his face was that of a person that is possessed by Satan, if Satan actually exists.

Copeland is all in for DJT and his evil regime. I have to admit, that did frighten me. I didn't hear what the reporter asked him as she showed me that on her smart phone, and my hearing is not good at all.

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I don't know, John, if she watches Copeland. She was a follower of Rush Limbaugh, though. We don't talk much anymore. The last conversation we had about The Loser 45 was when she regaled me with all his accomplishments when he was president and I stopped her rant by telling her he was nothing but a grifter.

To be clear, this is a person who has had a life that most people would envy. Not a billionaire that I know of, but well taken care of.

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Copeland’s facial expression is rather common in MAGA world! It is the look of evil! And, for what it’s worth, it’s not Biblical!

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Copeland is out of his frigging mind. Baked, gone, adios. He's worth 100's of millions of dollars. Have you seen 'Gemstones' on HBO? That's the Copelands.

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Lynell, if she “found Jesus”, where did she lock him up and what are her conditions for hostage release?

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Just run. My dearest friend of 40 yrs is so down the MAGAQ rabbit hole it will take an excavator to pull her out. Most look for Jesus when their nuts are in a vice anyway. Looking for the magic wand to fix things because they struggle with taking responsibility for their own actions.

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How do you cope with that in your daily relationship? I think I’m facing something similar with a friend I’m considering visiting.

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We can't discuss politics at all. Jesus and Agent Orange is all she wants to talk about. I can't. The one thing she won't talk about is her own life. She lives in this delusional bubble she made for herself. I think, she thinks that this somehow protects her from what I don't know. She has romantic view of history. That Anne of Green Cables is a place to live, in her head. I give up and see her maybe once a year now. I love her still. I see her very afraid of being vulnerable. I'm not pushing it. I'll leave her in her bubble. She feels safe there.

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That was going to be my approach too.

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The minister who said that in 1941 on a Navy ship under attack, was fighting for freedom & democracy. Not wiping it out

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Thanks, Kathleen; I wondered where that came from.

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My dad told me that story. He was a WWII vet in the Navy as was his sister. His brother was an Air Force pilot. The phrase inspired a song of the same name

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"Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, and we'll all stay free" is how I remember my WWII veteran Father saying it.

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I wish I had an answer for you, Lynell. I don't. The Jesus she "found" is likely not the Jesus of the New Testament, but the one fashioned by the Evangelical extremists, who is the antithesis of the Christ of the New Testament.

Oh, and Good Morning!

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Morning, Ally! I tend to agree with you, seeing as how she "found" him only lately as opposed to all those years ago at Catholic elementary school, going forward another 60 years. Rant over!

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Remind her it was the religious leaders of the time who called for the crucifixion of Jesus. The government "leaders" did not really know or care about Jesus but were afraid of the power of the religious leaders.

Is religion sincere? Sometimes it is those who are not "believers" who are the better judges.

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Very good point, Emily!

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I have those, we don’t talk much anymore. Cults live in fear and lies.

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Lynell (VA by way of MD&DC), you're being played.

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My sister and I go way back (LOL!) I was "there" when she stayed home while I went to church back in the day. I know who she is, M!

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Lynell, I meant she was being played, not you. You asked what should I say to her. I thought you could tell her, she's being played.

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Ooh, boy, M. Thanks for explaining your comment. I admit it went way over my head!

Yes, I will take your advice, though, next she and I meet. Many thanks, again.

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Lynell, sometimes when I read replies to my comments, I forget the exact context of what I had written because some has passed. So I just figured that was the case with us and if I reminded you of the context, you'd then get my comment. Glad we got it figured out.

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What you just said: "...I forget the exact context of what I had written..."

My Reply, "Ditto!"

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Agreed 🤔

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Thank you, Heather, for chronicling this.

The Rio Grande holds many chilling tales of tragedy. A family drowning, trapped in a political tug-of-war. Texas' overreach, barring federal agents, painted the water with despair. This is not the American way. We are a nation woven from threads of diverse origins, not divided by barbed wire on a riverbank. Jackson's ghost stirs, reminding us of a past where nullification's siren song led to a nation fractured. The Department of Justice lawsuit is a necessary first step, upholding federal authority over immigration. But beyond legalese, we need bipartisanship, not political pawns. Each life lost is a monument to our inaction. Let us build bridges, not walls, at the border and in our hearts. The Rio Grande's current should carry hope, not heartbreak. Only then can the American tapestry remain whole.

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See my reply below please... good night Michael

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In 1957 President Eisenhower sent federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to enforce federal school integration requirements. Biden should do the same to establish federal authority in Texas. US military facilities in Texas should put under full readiness to mobilize and Governor Abbott informed that if Texas police/military units at Shelby Park are not ordered to immediately stand down, federal troops will engage and re-establish federal authority, and Governor Abbott will be arrested for treason and sedition.

Also, I want to know department;

What is the Texas Military Department? Is that in addition to the Texas Nat’l. Guard, the state police, and any other para-military state organization? Is Abbott the commander-in-chief of this state army? When was it established? What’s its stated purpose? What does it train for? Are these full-time soldiers? (The Nat’l. Guard are weekend warriors.) Do any other states have similar “military departments”?

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Yet TX law enforcement froze at Uvalde. So much for numbers.

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You misspelled "completely and utterly abdicated their responsibility and ignored their training".

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Sorry. You’re right. My bad.

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DeSantis has his new goon squad down here in Florida. The two guvs seem to be in competition for the title of most abhorrent.

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Yes indeed

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I am shocked beyond belief. Abbott is responsible for these latest deaths of a woman and two children. I don't know if he feels any remorse. It appears not. He has now made the Texas National

Guard and the Texas Military Department accessories to murder. He has brought even more shame upon the State of Texas. I'm proud of my governor. I'm lucky to live in Illinois where we haven't lost our compassion or sanity.

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Send in the 101st Airborne, declare Texas in a state of rebellion, take Abbot and the rest of the pigs out, stand them against a wall and let 'em have it as the Confederate seditionists they are. These people do this shit because we let them get away with it. Forget about "the coming civil war" - it's already here. And incarcerate Trump as the chief seditionist.

These de[praved scum - standing there and letting a woman and her children drown. The dumb fucking goat ropers probably thought it was fun. God I hate Texas,

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Perhaps ALL federal monies going to TX should be suspended until the state is in compliance with federal laws. I believe this is a large chunk of the TX budget. Let them fund their own 'military department' with their own money. Also, cut off any subsidies the federal government gives to any corporation based in TX, or which has a large part of their operations in TX, such as many petroleum companies do. Soften 'em up a bit, THEN sent in 101st.

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Bingo. Just like with Israel/Gaza, the best, most effective way to change behavior of the wealthy/powerful is to turn off the subsidy spigot.

Now, Abbott would probably go on a state’s rights rant and be willing to let Texas burn, but the combination of corporate and citizen rage at him for the effects felt when the Feds pull the plug would probably run him out of office. But the Feds have to mean it when they make the threat.

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How do you think it would go if President Biden federalized the Texas National Guard? It was the first thing that came to mind when I read the story.

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good idea!

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Hated from the inside also

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