It is shocking to me that the Feds don't charge Abbott and his corrupt AG Paxton with the federal crime of Depraved-heart murder. This is a type of murder where the defendant acts with a conscious disregard for the risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to another person. This is a more serious form of murder than voluntary manslaughter, which means that the defendant killed someone in the heat of passion.
George, thank you for that legal term for this heinous crime. Abbott and Paxton are psychopaths. This criminal endangerment of migrants and the salivating over the chance to charge a doctor who performed an emergency abortion with murder, looking to make that the law of the land. Charging and convicting BOTH of them with murder could prevent countless deaths. Depraved heart is 100% right.
Thank you Alexandra. It is unconscionable to me that voters who once elected Ann Richards could continue to elect Abbott and Paxton. My absolute disgust is directed at anyone who voted for him -they are culpable.
Not all people in Texas approve of what Paxton and Abbott are doing. If you look at the large cities, they have consistently voted blue. But most of Texas is rural and most rural Texans have been favored by conservative/Republican administrations or been convinced they are.
There are efforts to change the tide. A group called Mothers Against Greg Abbott has been working hard at informing and changing the narrative. Beto O'Rouke hasn't given up and is mobilizing efforts to increase voter participation (voter suppression has been ostentatious and vicious. The secretary of state shut down all but one ballot drop off sites in Harris County, a miles wide county with over 3 million living here). Less than 50% of the eligible voting population turned out in 2022 elections...and voting at churches was cut off or reduced drastically as were voting time-frames( no more 24 hour voting options which allowed shift workers to vote and significantly reduced the voting options for people of color who have limited resources). Finally, the legislature just passed a bill authored by a Republican to disqualify Harris county votes if the Secretary of State feels there are discrepancies.
Voter suppression is real. Misinformation works. And not all Texans are evil. Many would give you the shirts off their backs. Many understand that undocumented migrants contribute to our economy. Many understand that school vouchers aren't parental choice, just a subsidy for the rich and a way to destroy public education and to stratify socioeconomic status even more radically.(so much so it was defeated four times in the regular and special sessions in 2023)
I don't know what the 2024 election will bring to Texas....but believe me, many here are on the battlefield of injustice and cruelty. Many of us are horrified by Abbott, Paxton, and much so, we vomit when we hear their voices or scream at the television over their racist, misogynistic, classist remarks.
Please don't 'other' Texans. Help us with our fight. Donate to the new and rising candidates who are now appearing and are for a more humanitarian approach to governing. Even from another can help. Remember, we are all Americans, we all are in this together. And changing the tide in Texas, even to purple, will reverberate across the nation.
So well-said. I cannot imagine living in Texas - which is virtually already a fascist state. I can imagine the anger. Thank goodness for Texans like you who are fighting back against the odds, despite voter suppression, a lunatic governor and total Republican fascistic control of the legislature.
Exactly. To fight on in whatever ways are possible and to state what is happening, not just voter suppression but possible votes of a county to be disqualified: you bring encouragement when I begin to despair.
Same here in N.C.: So optimistic about Jasmine Crockett (Texas 30th congressional district). Susan, elated to hear your words: “There are so many like her.” We will need them all.
I love to watch her too! In my opinion...she is the 'clear-headed nail the issue' Texan we all want elevated. There are so many like her....just so many more corrupt and evil (only began to believe people could be evil in the last few years) Texans who are bought of by oil and gas.
Thank you! As a native Texan, I hear you and totally agree! My brother still living there has been a life-long Democrat in the trenches for years. And I certainly contribute as much as I can to up and coming candidates.
Good for you. I’ve been following Colin Allred (?sp) and hope he can get Ted Cruz out of the Senate. Having lived in San Antonio in the early 1960’s (my congressman was Henry B. Gonzales), I am sickened by the takeover by Republicans who have shown themselves to be basically killers.
I moved from Texas in July last year. I couldn't take the bullshit any longer.
There may be a lot of good people in Texas, but they are outgunned by Maga repubs. The cruelty and Viciousness of repubs there are so bad that I cannot imagine how Black and Brown people keep going.
I have family there, but have told them they will need to come visit me in New Mexico!
Yeah...I get it. I've been using my ultra conservative friends as testing ground for discussing issues we disagree on. When they talk about closing borders....I talk about how immigrants crossing the border boosts the Texas economy. I talk about how the best craftsmen I have hired, barely speak English...and how they pay taxes and buy groceries and pay rent. I talk about my daughter who taught HD chemistry to ESLA students found the to be eager and motivated even with the language barriers. Then I talk about how Congress is responsible for making laws, not the president, and nothing has been done with immigration law for decades. We discuss how a border without surveillance is one that will be crossed no matter how high the wall is and how Republicans have refused to support legislation to increase border patrol or immigration
courts. Discussions always
shift...either out of regard for me or because we manage to shift to a bigger picture.
I too have tried for years talking to repubs in Texas. Some have been co-workers, some friends, some recent acquaintances. I've been doing this since I first moved to Texas in 1982. What never happened was any of them changing their way of thinking and trying to see things from a different perspective.
I simply decided I was wasting my time and stopped trying to talk about politics with any republican.
I'm glad you have the stomach for trying to reach those people. I hope you make some progress.
Not running away from problems is my motto. Bear in mind that a retreat is a valid tactic, well said as "He who fights and runs away may live to fight another day.". My apologies for the "he".
I agree and, as a resident of MO, I understand your position completely. We've used ballot initiatives to fight against Republican rule (expansion of Medicaid, medical and recreational marijuana, raising the minimum wage, we're working on an abortion initiative), and our cities are blue. There's also the problem of Democrats not running in rural areas so the same Republicans get re-elected over and over. And, we have Josh Hawley and Jay Ashcroft and other Republicans.
I’m from St Louis and have lots of family and friends there. I’m glad to hear of the abortion initiative being worked on. I have 3 nieces, and many greatnieces living there and am very concerned about their future and their freedoms.
It would be sweet justice to vote joggin josh hawley out of office. I hope the Electorate in the cities can make that happen.
Good luck Susan. I’d be snarky and say you could move out of Texas, but I know that is not reality. I wish you the best of luck....You/ We, we’re all going to need it!
Joanne, we have to fight here and everywhere...otherwise there will be no place to move to. Some political commentators are saying, if Trump is reelected and USA nosedives into fascism, many countries in Europe will be next.
I refuse to give up Susan. It's just so frustrating to realize how few people are paying attention. That is really my biggest fear.... that and another civil war. 😞
I thought the National Guard is under the dual authority of the President and the States. Biden is the Commander in Chief of the entire military and as such should have final control. I think the DOJ has to step in the way it did in the Civil Rights era by sending troops to support federal law. By claiming its authority to send legal immigrants wherever they please around the nation, the state of Texas is in effect assuming federal power; it is making decisions that affect the policies and laws of other states. Texas is out to become the South Carolina of the 21st century daring Biden to a game of chicken. Abbott is the new John C. Calhoun. This could get ugly real fast.
As I understand it, the president is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. The governors are in command of their state's National Guards. The president can call up National Guard units to serve in war, as happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. The president has the authority to nationalize a state's National Guard, as happened in the South when Eisenhower helped with desegregation. I wish Biden would nationalize the Texas National Guard and put and end to Abbott's dictatorial actions against migrants. I would be wrong about all of this so corrections are welcome.
One of the strange things I've witnessed is decent people who don't agree with these politicians, yet reelect the name they are most familiar with. Complacency/laziness, disinterest and ignorance, often willful, are destroying our system. Many other factors, of course.
Perfectly written. I live in Donna. I want to vomit when I see Abbott and all his minions show up down here for photo ops. I used to live in Harris County (love Lina) and have witnessed all the vicious voter suppression you describe.
Hi Susan, Boy am I glad to read your comment. I work with a group called Seniors Taking Action and we would love to have you join and tell us how we can help you. We write postcards for candidates and would welcome working with you. We also have a Wednesday speaker series at 11 am EST. Maybe someone from Mothers Against Greg Abbott would like to talk to us sometime. Please check us out at Seniors Taking We want to help!
Yes, Texans, please join us at We would love to work with you to help turn TX blue! If you're interested, go to our website, fill out the form and someone will be in touch with you!
Good for you Susan. As I said in my comment, I have relatives in Texas, most of whom I love, most of whom are probably as appalled as I am. I worked in Austin for 7 months in 2006-2007. Most of my co-workers were delightful people. But that is Travis County - also blue. If the majority of Homo sapiens ever regain control of Texas, among the things they should do is reduce the number of Counties from 254 to no more than one hundred. I remember my late brother, a long time resident of Travis County saying most of the north-western counties had more jack rabbits and coyotes than people.
There have been mega protests...after George Floyd was murdered, after Uvalde, after Roe vs Wade was overturned. Again, mostly in the large cities. Rural Texas is just now getting internet through federal funds after Abbott vetoed it, time and time again. It may have been a strategy of no information. And the problem said rural communities there are no community/people focused candidates running against Republicans....but there is some change. Mothers Against Greg Abbott (MAGA the good...they also call themselves)are holding seminars on how to run for elected positions.....they are getting some sympathetic takers.
Really, Alexandra -- that abyss is entirely comprehensible.
When we see "others" not as individuals, but vermin, we've sunk to that abyss.
When we fit life to slogans, abstracted packages, we've chosen to dehumanize all around us.
When we've stricken humanities from schools (with programs banning books) we've gone to the atavistic vulgarity that floats all MAGA now, that enriches the Republicans, dark money, and social media billionaires riding MAGA.
The simple fact is that MAGA is 21st century KKK. I base this on the facts disclosed in "The Anger Games: Who Voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 Election, and Why?" published in the Feb. 2018 edition of "Critical Sociology," and the book on the rise of the KKK in the Midwest in the early 1920's by Timothy Egan, "A Fever in the Heartland." "White Protestantcy now, White Protestantcy forever."
The 1948 Texas race for U.S. Senate was decided with corporate money that was used to bribe and steal the race. Protestantism is a varnish, an excuse for political corruption but the substance is corporate economic conquest that begs the question: are we a Republic or empire?
Richard, unfortunately, some of them are now Catholic because they have bought into the abortion and culture wars. I have a friend, who lives in the heavily Catholic community where I taught and she tells me she is astounded by many people there that she knows who support death star.
Clarification: Not protestants of the mainstream progressive and ecumenical churches, but white christian nationalism and many evangelicals. Keep in mind Timothy Egan is RC so the rest of us dont exist for him.
$100 Million tax dollars ... wouldn't that be a good start for a well-working immigration office with trained officers that could validate the asylum seekers' requests and/or at least provide shelter and food until such an office is created? PS: Abbott does not have to shoot immigrants or migrants to be accused of murder, letting mothers and babies and many others die on his watch makes him a mass murderer already.
Fear. Passivity. Ignorance. And right wing news. Brain washed.
I recently watched an Independent Lens piece on North Koreans, who managed to escape to freedom. If you haven’t seen it, I strongly recommend it for all of us.
Samm - "I recently watched an Independent Lens piece on North Koreans, who managed to escape to freedom. If you haven’t seen it, I strongly recommend it for all of us."
A number of reasons. In Texas, people have told me:”I’ve voted Republican all my life”, not realizing that the type of Republican that they voted for in past years doesn’t exist.
Secondly, a lot of voters only watch Fox News and Fox News opinion hosts tell them that they can’t trust mainstream media (NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS). They gin up an exaggerated culture war that gins up voters (and viewers).
Lastly, a lot of patriarchal churches frame equal treatment of women, black/brown people, LGBTQ people and trans people as sinful.
George, I see this as a way to kill people without actually shooting them which Abbott indicated he really would like to do.....nah....just let them drown or freeze to death. Someone should make sure that the quote from the Statue of Liberty is always in Abbott's face. Also, MAGAs actually would like to kill us all if we show a shred of being progressive or liberal or support government programs that help the less fortunate including a lot of them and their children.....unless their governors, for example, turn down summer food for kids.....freedom you know according to the Gnome, governor of South Dakota. All of them are absolutely soulless and of course, claim they are Christians.
I wonder if part of the cruelty is to get us to be ready to surrender. Cross these people, see what happens, safer to stay out of it. It worked for Hitler.
I am sure that is part of it along with threats and all kinds of intimidation. And we will overwhelm your services and make citizens angry at you. Let's just see how progressive you really are. The governor of Illinois tried to appeal to Abbott's better nature which is fruitless because Abbott is soulless and has no better nature. This is a guy in a wheelchair who ought to understand that people may need help of some kind.
Yes, although I do understand for many who are impoverished, or have children in school, or aging parents or grandparents- such a move might be near impossible.
I would rather see Texas comply with Federal law. And see Abbott and Paxton extradited to Mexico to be held accountable for their crimes (if the DOJ doesn’t indict).
That's an excellent suggestion, George. Both of those cretins, Abbott and Paxton need to be extradited to Mexico and face the consequences of their laws which would be very bad for both of them. I don't feel sorry for those two at all, they are cruel and ruthless thugs.
"need to be extradited to Mexico and face the consequences of their laws"
If there is no law against standing around while folks are drowning HERE in the USA do you really think there are laws against that in MEXICO??
You must not have spent much time in Mexico my friend.
Rather than react with emotion I think we should all ask ourselves a relevant question:
In a society with finite, constrained resources for humans, what is the proper approach to massive migration into an area that does not have enough total resources to support that migration or that total population??
We should take this question seriously because that is the right question for the situation in Texas NOW and for the foreseeable future.
Jared Diamond's book "Collapse" clearly outlines the historical, repeat, consequences of not thinking about and answering this question in a timely manner.
George A Polisner, extradited yes. I hadn't thought about Mexico wishing to prosecute for the death of their citizens. I will chip in for bus fare or a push into the Rio Grande for a trip on foot. Such cruelty strikes me so hard.
These migrants are seldom Mexican citizens; most are from Central American countries whose governments who were put in power by the US thru the CIA, are actively killing their own people.
I also read that. They will get what they pay for right? And won't that make the rest of the states nicer places to live? Hottest state, horrible crimes, etc.
Hottest state except in the winter, when their grid freezes up and people freeze to death. There are plenty of other places to live in the US - in Maine, for example, we have snowstorms in winter, but we're ready and able to cope with it. If people are moving to Texas because they love the politics, then yes, the rest of the US will gradually become safer and cleaner, but that won't solve the problem of Abbot and his henchpeople killing would-be migrants.
This question has been asked countless times in recent years, but what on earth does "pro life" mean to these people (the politicians and voters who continue to support them)? Is every conservative a sociopath these days? I know they're not monsters. I have many in my family. But I just can't understand the thinking. It's as if we are different species of human.
Term has been around for a while now, but you will rarely see it in most media (though that is starting to change). Pro-choice people got tired of the lie inherent in "right-to-life" and the removal of women's right to choose how her own body is used. Hence, "forced birthers": those who would remove a woman's right to choose even before she could know she is pregnant, impregnated by incest or rape, or learns that she is carrying a fetus that is not viable (and may be dead inside her) but does not have the right to terminate that pregnancy. "Forced birthers" is a much more apt term than "right-to-life". Only they are righteous enough to make the call. <gack>
Craig, I inform them that people die every day waiting for a stem cell (requiring a bone marrow donation) or an organ donation. I ask if they think the government should require bone marrow donations if you’re a match to a cancer patient to save their life. When they object, I say that it’s very safe, much safer than pregnancy and childbirth. When they say “that’s different “, I ask nicely how it’s different. It often starts a dialog.
I really think these people mean well, but are misinformed in terms of morality. Many have been screwed up by the hateful nonsense they hear from the likes of Limbaugh, Carlson, Bannon and that whole army of folks who tell them who to blame, hate and kick down at for their own inability to find contentment and satisfaction in life.
I really like your approach. Truth is probably the best antidote to scary lies.
I don't have an exact definition of what is or isn't a monster, and as far as I know nobody does. It's a word that for the most part takes it's meaning from context. I see a context for using the word monster to point out what it means to support and defend a sociopath who swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and violates that oath, moving toward the destruction of civilized life on earth, and who does so every day.
Ex post facto law changes have been repudiated for centuries. Unfortunately we can't live centuries, so we rely on history to remind us. Abbott can't defy existing federal law and rely on ex post facto law changes. He has no leg to stand on.
Further facts may reveal additional depravity in the chain of the Abottt-Paxton actions. A Federal Grand Jury will put witnesses under oath to get admissible evidence particularly on the false "search" AFTER the Perps were alerted to grave human risk. Exactly what kind of "search'? More facts of a depraved MO?
They were great Democrats, unfortunately Texas is no longer a blue state, but a lot of us are trying to change that. It all started to go Red with the big influx of folks from yankee land. (Sorry, I know that is my own prejudice against Yankees and Republicans--I call it as I see it, though, am I right, fellow Texans???) I’m not totally bad, I married one!😂
Texas is gerrymandered to heck and back, but that doesn't explain how state-wide elections are going to people like Abbott and Paxton. I wonder if a lot of Democrats just stopped voting in disgust, my mother being one of them. It's not a good reason, but there we are.
Thank you Heather.
It is shocking to me that the Feds don't charge Abbott and his corrupt AG Paxton with the federal crime of Depraved-heart murder. This is a type of murder where the defendant acts with a conscious disregard for the risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to another person. This is a more serious form of murder than voluntary manslaughter, which means that the defendant killed someone in the heat of passion.
George, thank you for that legal term for this heinous crime. Abbott and Paxton are psychopaths. This criminal endangerment of migrants and the salivating over the chance to charge a doctor who performed an emergency abortion with murder, looking to make that the law of the land. Charging and convicting BOTH of them with murder could prevent countless deaths. Depraved heart is 100% right.
Thank you Alexandra. It is unconscionable to me that voters who once elected Ann Richards could continue to elect Abbott and Paxton. My absolute disgust is directed at anyone who voted for him -they are culpable.
Not all people in Texas approve of what Paxton and Abbott are doing. If you look at the large cities, they have consistently voted blue. But most of Texas is rural and most rural Texans have been favored by conservative/Republican administrations or been convinced they are.
There are efforts to change the tide. A group called Mothers Against Greg Abbott has been working hard at informing and changing the narrative. Beto O'Rouke hasn't given up and is mobilizing efforts to increase voter participation (voter suppression has been ostentatious and vicious. The secretary of state shut down all but one ballot drop off sites in Harris County, a miles wide county with over 3 million living here). Less than 50% of the eligible voting population turned out in 2022 elections...and voting at churches was cut off or reduced drastically as were voting time-frames( no more 24 hour voting options which allowed shift workers to vote and significantly reduced the voting options for people of color who have limited resources). Finally, the legislature just passed a bill authored by a Republican to disqualify Harris county votes if the Secretary of State feels there are discrepancies.
Voter suppression is real. Misinformation works. And not all Texans are evil. Many would give you the shirts off their backs. Many understand that undocumented migrants contribute to our economy. Many understand that school vouchers aren't parental choice, just a subsidy for the rich and a way to destroy public education and to stratify socioeconomic status even more radically.(so much so it was defeated four times in the regular and special sessions in 2023)
I don't know what the 2024 election will bring to Texas....but believe me, many here are on the battlefield of injustice and cruelty. Many of us are horrified by Abbott, Paxton, and much so, we vomit when we hear their voices or scream at the television over their racist, misogynistic, classist remarks.
Please don't 'other' Texans. Help us with our fight. Donate to the new and rising candidates who are now appearing and are for a more humanitarian approach to governing. Even from another can help. Remember, we are all Americans, we all are in this together. And changing the tide in Texas, even to purple, will reverberate across the nation.
So well-said. I cannot imagine living in Texas - which is virtually already a fascist state. I can imagine the anger. Thank goodness for Texans like you who are fighting back against the odds, despite voter suppression, a lunatic governor and total Republican fascistic control of the legislature.
Exactly. To fight on in whatever ways are possible and to state what is happening, not just voter suppression but possible votes of a county to be disqualified: you bring encouragement when I begin to despair.
I've been watching Jasmine Crockett, representative from Texas 30th congressional district, with hope for the future. She's a real force for good.
Hope you saw her giving the “oversight committee” truth this week. It was a wonderful moment!
Same here in N.C.: So optimistic about Jasmine Crockett (Texas 30th congressional district). Susan, elated to hear your words: “There are so many like her.” We will need them all.
I love to watch her too! In my opinion...she is the 'clear-headed nail the issue' Texan we all want elevated. There are so many like her....just so many more corrupt and evil (only began to believe people could be evil in the last few years) Texans who are bought of by oil and gas.
Thank you! As a native Texan, I hear you and totally agree! My brother still living there has been a life-long Democrat in the trenches for years. And I certainly contribute as much as I can to up and coming candidates.
Good for you. I’ve been following Colin Allred (?sp) and hope he can get Ted Cruz out of the Senate. Having lived in San Antonio in the early 1960’s (my congressman was Henry B. Gonzales), I am sickened by the takeover by Republicans who have shown themselves to be basically killers.
I have given money to Colin and been to a couple of meet and greet. A good man whose legal specialty is voter rights.
I have sent money to Colin
I really liked Beto and supported him 2x, Beth B!
I live in WA state and have supportrd Beto''s campaigns, too!
I supported Beto twice too. I am from Illinois.
I moved from Texas in July last year. I couldn't take the bullshit any longer.
There may be a lot of good people in Texas, but they are outgunned by Maga repubs. The cruelty and Viciousness of repubs there are so bad that I cannot imagine how Black and Brown people keep going.
I have family there, but have told them they will need to come visit me in New Mexico!
Yeah...I get it. I've been using my ultra conservative friends as testing ground for discussing issues we disagree on. When they talk about closing borders....I talk about how immigrants crossing the border boosts the Texas economy. I talk about how the best craftsmen I have hired, barely speak English...and how they pay taxes and buy groceries and pay rent. I talk about my daughter who taught HD chemistry to ESLA students found the to be eager and motivated even with the language barriers. Then I talk about how Congress is responsible for making laws, not the president, and nothing has been done with immigration law for decades. We discuss how a border without surveillance is one that will be crossed no matter how high the wall is and how Republicans have refused to support legislation to increase border patrol or immigration
courts. Discussions always
shift...either out of regard for me or because we manage to shift to a bigger picture.
I too have tried for years talking to repubs in Texas. Some have been co-workers, some friends, some recent acquaintances. I've been doing this since I first moved to Texas in 1982. What never happened was any of them changing their way of thinking and trying to see things from a different perspective.
I simply decided I was wasting my time and stopped trying to talk about politics with any republican.
I'm glad you have the stomach for trying to reach those people. I hope you make some progress.
This native Texan living rural near Waco agrees with you.
My heart cries out for justice for this poor family 💔
Not running away from problems is my motto. Bear in mind that a retreat is a valid tactic, well said as "He who fights and runs away may live to fight another day.". My apologies for the "he".
I agree and, as a resident of MO, I understand your position completely. We've used ballot initiatives to fight against Republican rule (expansion of Medicaid, medical and recreational marijuana, raising the minimum wage, we're working on an abortion initiative), and our cities are blue. There's also the problem of Democrats not running in rural areas so the same Republicans get re-elected over and over. And, we have Josh Hawley and Jay Ashcroft and other Republicans.
I’m from St Louis and have lots of family and friends there. I’m glad to hear of the abortion initiative being worked on. I have 3 nieces, and many greatnieces living there and am very concerned about their future and their freedoms.
It would be sweet justice to vote joggin josh hawley out of office. I hope the Electorate in the cities can make that happen.
I truly detest Josh Hawley. That's one race I'm doing whatever I can from California to see him defeated.
You do have a plague. Good luck. Hope you see Claire McCaskill on MSNBC.
Good luck Susan. I’d be snarky and say you could move out of Texas, but I know that is not reality. I wish you the best of luck....You/ We, we’re all going to need it!
Joanne, we have to fight here and everywhere...otherwise there will be no place to move to. Some political commentators are saying, if Trump is reelected and USA nosedives into fascism, many countries in Europe will be next.
I refuse to give up Susan. It's just so frustrating to realize how few people are paying attention. That is really my biggest fear.... that and another civil war. 😞
I thought the National Guard is under the dual authority of the President and the States. Biden is the Commander in Chief of the entire military and as such should have final control. I think the DOJ has to step in the way it did in the Civil Rights era by sending troops to support federal law. By claiming its authority to send legal immigrants wherever they please around the nation, the state of Texas is in effect assuming federal power; it is making decisions that affect the policies and laws of other states. Texas is out to become the South Carolina of the 21st century daring Biden to a game of chicken. Abbott is the new John C. Calhoun. This could get ugly real fast.
As I understand it, the president is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. The governors are in command of their state's National Guards. The president can call up National Guard units to serve in war, as happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. The president has the authority to nationalize a state's National Guard, as happened in the South when Eisenhower helped with desegregation. I wish Biden would nationalize the Texas National Guard and put and end to Abbott's dictatorial actions against migrants. I would be wrong about all of this so corrections are welcome.
One of the strange things I've witnessed is decent people who don't agree with these politicians, yet reelect the name they are most familiar with. Complacency/laziness, disinterest and ignorance, often willful, are destroying our system. Many other factors, of course.
Perfectly written. I live in Donna. I want to vomit when I see Abbott and all his minions show up down here for photo ops. I used to live in Harris County (love Lina) and have witnessed all the vicious voter suppression you describe.
I love Lina too!
Hi Susan, Boy am I glad to read your comment. I work with a group called Seniors Taking Action and we would love to have you join and tell us how we can help you. We write postcards for candidates and would welcome working with you. We also have a Wednesday speaker series at 11 am EST. Maybe someone from Mothers Against Greg Abbott would like to talk to us sometime. Please check us out at Seniors Taking We want to help!
Yes, Texans, please join us at We would love to work with you to help turn TX blue! If you're interested, go to our website, fill out the form and someone will be in touch with you!
Thank you. I will check this out!
LoneStarLeft is an excellent blog that I receive in my email. I highly recommend it.
Susan, thank you for reminding us that we here is a difference between Texans and Texas mean spirited evil “ leaders”
Thanks, Susan! Well said!
Good for you Susan. As I said in my comment, I have relatives in Texas, most of whom I love, most of whom are probably as appalled as I am. I worked in Austin for 7 months in 2006-2007. Most of my co-workers were delightful people. But that is Travis County - also blue. If the majority of Homo sapiens ever regain control of Texas, among the things they should do is reduce the number of Counties from 254 to no more than one hundred. I remember my late brother, a long time resident of Travis County saying most of the north-western counties had more jack rabbits and coyotes than people.
Good idea....a way to hit gerrymandering in the gut without calling it fair voter maps.
Thank you for this Susan! I hope we can turn the tides! I will definitely find and donate to the candidates you referenced!
There have been mega protests...after George Floyd was murdered, after Uvalde, after Roe vs Wade was overturned. Again, mostly in the large cities. Rural Texas is just now getting internet through federal funds after Abbott vetoed it, time and time again. It may have been a strategy of no information. And the problem said rural communities there are no community/people focused candidates running against Republicans....but there is some change. Mothers Against Greg Abbott (MAGA the good...they also call themselves)are holding seminars on how to run for elected positions.....they are getting some sympathetic takers.
The difference between Richards and Paxbot, the difference between Biden and Trump - the abyss is just incomprehensible to me.
Really, Alexandra -- that abyss is entirely comprehensible.
When we see "others" not as individuals, but vermin, we've sunk to that abyss.
When we fit life to slogans, abstracted packages, we've chosen to dehumanize all around us.
When we've stricken humanities from schools (with programs banning books) we've gone to the atavistic vulgarity that floats all MAGA now, that enriches the Republicans, dark money, and social media billionaires riding MAGA.
The simple fact is that MAGA is 21st century KKK. I base this on the facts disclosed in "The Anger Games: Who Voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 Election, and Why?" published in the Feb. 2018 edition of "Critical Sociology," and the book on the rise of the KKK in the Midwest in the early 1920's by Timothy Egan, "A Fever in the Heartland." "White Protestantcy now, White Protestantcy forever."
The 1948 Texas race for U.S. Senate was decided with corporate money that was used to bribe and steal the race. Protestantism is a varnish, an excuse for political corruption but the substance is corporate economic conquest that begs the question: are we a Republic or empire?
Richard, unfortunately, some of them are now Catholic because they have bought into the abortion and culture wars. I have a friend, who lives in the heavily Catholic community where I taught and she tells me she is astounded by many people there that she knows who support death star.
Clarification: Not protestants of the mainstream progressive and ecumenical churches, but white christian nationalism and many evangelicals. Keep in mind Timothy Egan is RC so the rest of us dont exist for him.
Phil - They are Hamas. They are Netanyahu. They are Putin. The murderous are in charge.
Evil is evil. We need to rethink “be fruitful and multiply,” however. That will be the tough part.
And why don’t Texans object to $100 million of their taxes being spent on theatre, never mind murder?
$100 Million tax dollars ... wouldn't that be a good start for a well-working immigration office with trained officers that could validate the asylum seekers' requests and/or at least provide shelter and food until such an office is created? PS: Abbott does not have to shoot immigrants or migrants to be accused of murder, letting mothers and babies and many others die on his watch makes him a mass murderer already.
Fear. Passivity. Ignorance. And right wing news. Brain washed.
I recently watched an Independent Lens piece on North Koreans, who managed to escape to freedom. If you haven’t seen it, I strongly recommend it for all of us.
Samm - "I recently watched an Independent Lens piece on North Koreans, who managed to escape to freedom. If you haven’t seen it, I strongly recommend it for all of us."
Thanks for the tip about the PBS
We do—he, and our representatives (R) ignore us.
You’re not alone in that. But why do these people keep getting reelected?
A number of reasons. In Texas, people have told me:”I’ve voted Republican all my life”, not realizing that the type of Republican that they voted for in past years doesn’t exist.
Secondly, a lot of voters only watch Fox News and Fox News opinion hosts tell them that they can’t trust mainstream media (NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS). They gin up an exaggerated culture war that gins up voters (and viewers).
Lastly, a lot of patriarchal churches frame equal treatment of women, black/brown people, LGBTQ people and trans people as sinful.
My bet is on: Gerrymandering. That’s how it is in NC. Popular vote has been kneaded & twisted like bread dough.
Good question , MLMinET¡
George, I see this as a way to kill people without actually shooting them which Abbott indicated he really would like to do.....nah....just let them drown or freeze to death. Someone should make sure that the quote from the Statue of Liberty is always in Abbott's face. Also, MAGAs actually would like to kill us all if we show a shred of being progressive or liberal or support government programs that help the less fortunate including a lot of them and their children.....unless their governors, for example, turn down summer food for kids.....freedom you know according to the Gnome, governor of South Dakota. All of them are absolutely soulless and of course, claim they are Christians.
Would be great to see one of the non-profits/NGO’s projecting Emma Lazarus’ “The New Colossus” on Abbott’s residence and the Statehouse.
I was thinking of someone projecting a message somewhere to him. I hope some group does.
I wonder if part of the cruelty is to get us to be ready to surrender. Cross these people, see what happens, safer to stay out of it. It worked for Hitler.
I am sure that is part of it along with threats and all kinds of intimidation. And we will overwhelm your services and make citizens angry at you. Let's just see how progressive you really are. The governor of Illinois tried to appeal to Abbott's better nature which is fruitless because Abbott is soulless and has no better nature. This is a guy in a wheelchair who ought to understand that people may need help of some kind.
Warlord tactics from a guy in a wheelchair. Let its battery run down and see how he feels about that when he’s on his own.
Or that the people in Texas don't move north which is crying to employ people
Yes, although I do understand for many who are impoverished, or have children in school, or aging parents or grandparents- such a move might be near impossible.
I would rather see Texas comply with Federal law. And see Abbott and Paxton extradited to Mexico to be held accountable for their crimes (if the DOJ doesn’t indict).
That's an excellent suggestion, George. Both of those cretins, Abbott and Paxton need to be extradited to Mexico and face the consequences of their laws which would be very bad for both of them. I don't feel sorry for those two at all, they are cruel and ruthless thugs.
"need to be extradited to Mexico and face the consequences of their laws"
If there is no law against standing around while folks are drowning HERE in the USA do you really think there are laws against that in MEXICO??
You must not have spent much time in Mexico my friend.
Rather than react with emotion I think we should all ask ourselves a relevant question:
In a society with finite, constrained resources for humans, what is the proper approach to massive migration into an area that does not have enough total resources to support that migration or that total population??
We should take this question seriously because that is the right question for the situation in Texas NOW and for the foreseeable future.
Jared Diamond's book "Collapse" clearly outlines the historical, repeat, consequences of not thinking about and answering this question in a timely manner.
George A Polisner, extradited yes. I hadn't thought about Mexico wishing to prosecute for the death of their citizens. I will chip in for bus fare or a push into the Rio Grande for a trip on foot. Such cruelty strikes me so hard.
There would be a poetic justice in shipping Abbott to Mexico on a bus.
These migrants are seldom Mexican citizens; most are from Central American countries whose governments who were put in power by the US thru the CIA, are actively killing their own people.
Oh, ye who have no clue…
And yet, according to a report I heard this week, Texas leads the states that people are moving to.
I also read that. They will get what they pay for right? And won't that make the rest of the states nicer places to live? Hottest state, horrible crimes, etc.
Very High maternal mortality too. I know, stop the presses.
Hottest state except in the winter, when their grid freezes up and people freeze to death. There are plenty of other places to live in the US - in Maine, for example, we have snowstorms in winter, but we're ready and able to cope with it. If people are moving to Texas because they love the politics, then yes, the rest of the US will gradually become safer and cleaner, but that won't solve the problem of Abbot and his henchpeople killing would-be migrants.
I hope the people moving to Texas are all Democrats!
That would be nice, but probably they are not. And if they are, they likely will be in gerrymandered districts anyway.
Adam Kinzinger move there from Illinois (due to threats).
MLM, Kissinger knows he can't win a state wide office in Illinois, he is far too conservative. Probably a move based on his political goals.
Guess you have never walked in another person’s shoes.
This question has been asked countless times in recent years, but what on earth does "pro life" mean to these people (the politicians and voters who continue to support them)? Is every conservative a sociopath these days? I know they're not monsters. I have many in my family. But I just can't understand the thinking. It's as if we are different species of human.
I continue to use the term ‘forced birthers’. They maintain deep concern for life right up until birth.
I don't think I've heard the term "forced birthers" before. Would you explain that a little more?
Term has been around for a while now, but you will rarely see it in most media (though that is starting to change). Pro-choice people got tired of the lie inherent in "right-to-life" and the removal of women's right to choose how her own body is used. Hence, "forced birthers": those who would remove a woman's right to choose even before she could know she is pregnant, impregnated by incest or rape, or learns that she is carrying a fetus that is not viable (and may be dead inside her) but does not have the right to terminate that pregnancy. "Forced birthers" is a much more apt term than "right-to-life". Only they are righteous enough to make the call. <gack>
Craig, I inform them that people die every day waiting for a stem cell (requiring a bone marrow donation) or an organ donation. I ask if they think the government should require bone marrow donations if you’re a match to a cancer patient to save their life. When they object, I say that it’s very safe, much safer than pregnancy and childbirth. When they say “that’s different “, I ask nicely how it’s different. It often starts a dialog.
I really think these people mean well, but are misinformed in terms of morality. Many have been screwed up by the hateful nonsense they hear from the likes of Limbaugh, Carlson, Bannon and that whole army of folks who tell them who to blame, hate and kick down at for their own inability to find contentment and satisfaction in life.
I really like your approach. Truth is probably the best antidote to scary lies.
I don't have an exact definition of what is or isn't a monster, and as far as I know nobody does. It's a word that for the most part takes it's meaning from context. I see a context for using the word monster to point out what it means to support and defend a sociopath who swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and violates that oath, moving toward the destruction of civilized life on earth, and who does so every day.
Ex post facto law changes have been repudiated for centuries. Unfortunately we can't live centuries, so we rely on history to remind us. Abbott can't defy existing federal law and rely on ex post facto law changes. He has no leg to stand on.
No leg to stand on. I see what you did there. 🤓
Thank you George A & Alexandra. Thank you both.
Further facts may reveal additional depravity in the chain of the Abottt-Paxton actions. A Federal Grand Jury will put witnesses under oath to get admissible evidence particularly on the false "search" AFTER the Perps were alerted to grave human risk. Exactly what kind of "search'? More facts of a depraved MO?
How possible Abbott/Paxton have not been condemned by even Republicans.
I agree and I've been thinking about Ann Richards and LBJ a lot lately.
They were great Democrats, unfortunately Texas is no longer a blue state, but a lot of us are trying to change that. It all started to go Red with the big influx of folks from yankee land. (Sorry, I know that is my own prejudice against Yankees and Republicans--I call it as I see it, though, am I right, fellow Texans???) I’m not totally bad, I married one!😂
You hit the nail on the head. Definitely agree.
Texas is gerrymandered to heck and back, but that doesn't explain how state-wide elections are going to people like Abbott and Paxton. I wonder if a lot of Democrats just stopped voting in disgust, my mother being one of them. It's not a good reason, but there we are.
Wasn’t it said by Plato that the price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men (and women)?