Yeah...I get it. I've been using my ultra conservative friends as testing ground for discussing issues we disagree on. When they talk about closing borders....I talk about how immigrants crossing the border boosts the Texas economy. I talk about how the best craftsmen I have hired, barely speak English...and how they pay taxes and buy gr…
Yeah...I get it. I've been using my ultra conservative friends as testing ground for discussing issues we disagree on. When they talk about closing borders....I talk about how immigrants crossing the border boosts the Texas economy. I talk about how the best craftsmen I have hired, barely speak English...and how they pay taxes and buy groceries and pay rent. I talk about my daughter who taught HD chemistry to ESLA students found the to be eager and motivated even with the language barriers. Then I talk about how Congress is responsible for making laws, not the president, and nothing has been done with immigration law for decades. We discuss how a border without surveillance is one that will be crossed no matter how high the wall is and how Republicans have refused to support legislation to increase border patrol or immigration
courts. Discussions always
shift...either out of regard for me or because we manage to shift to a bigger picture.
I too have tried for years talking to repubs in Texas. Some have been co-workers, some friends, some recent acquaintances. I've been doing this since I first moved to Texas in 1982. What never happened was any of them changing their way of thinking and trying to see things from a different perspective.
I simply decided I was wasting my time and stopped trying to talk about politics with any republican.
I'm glad you have the stomach for trying to reach those people. I hope you make some progress.
Yeah...I get it. I've been using my ultra conservative friends as testing ground for discussing issues we disagree on. When they talk about closing borders....I talk about how immigrants crossing the border boosts the Texas economy. I talk about how the best craftsmen I have hired, barely speak English...and how they pay taxes and buy groceries and pay rent. I talk about my daughter who taught HD chemistry to ESLA students found the to be eager and motivated even with the language barriers. Then I talk about how Congress is responsible for making laws, not the president, and nothing has been done with immigration law for decades. We discuss how a border without surveillance is one that will be crossed no matter how high the wall is and how Republicans have refused to support legislation to increase border patrol or immigration
courts. Discussions always
shift...either out of regard for me or because we manage to shift to a bigger picture.
I too have tried for years talking to repubs in Texas. Some have been co-workers, some friends, some recent acquaintances. I've been doing this since I first moved to Texas in 1982. What never happened was any of them changing their way of thinking and trying to see things from a different perspective.
I simply decided I was wasting my time and stopped trying to talk about politics with any republican.
I'm glad you have the stomach for trying to reach those people. I hope you make some progress.