I thought the National Guard is under the dual authority of the President and the States. Biden is the Commander in Chief of the entire military and as such should have final control. I think the DOJ has to step in the way it did in the Civil Rights era by sending troops to support federal law. By claiming its authority to send legal imm…
I thought the National Guard is under the dual authority of the President and the States. Biden is the Commander in Chief of the entire military and as such should have final control. I think the DOJ has to step in the way it did in the Civil Rights era by sending troops to support federal law. By claiming its authority to send legal immigrants wherever they please around the nation, the state of Texas is in effect assuming federal power; it is making decisions that affect the policies and laws of other states. Texas is out to become the South Carolina of the 21st century daring Biden to a game of chicken. Abbott is the new John C. Calhoun. This could get ugly real fast.
As I understand it, the president is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. The governors are in command of their state's National Guards. The president can call up National Guard units to serve in war, as happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. The president has the authority to nationalize a state's National Guard, as happened in the South when Eisenhower helped with desegregation. I wish Biden would nationalize the Texas National Guard and put and end to Abbott's dictatorial actions against migrants. I would be wrong about all of this so corrections are welcome.
I thought the National Guard is under the dual authority of the President and the States. Biden is the Commander in Chief of the entire military and as such should have final control. I think the DOJ has to step in the way it did in the Civil Rights era by sending troops to support federal law. By claiming its authority to send legal immigrants wherever they please around the nation, the state of Texas is in effect assuming federal power; it is making decisions that affect the policies and laws of other states. Texas is out to become the South Carolina of the 21st century daring Biden to a game of chicken. Abbott is the new John C. Calhoun. This could get ugly real fast.
As I understand it, the president is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. The governors are in command of their state's National Guards. The president can call up National Guard units to serve in war, as happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. The president has the authority to nationalize a state's National Guard, as happened in the South when Eisenhower helped with desegregation. I wish Biden would nationalize the Texas National Guard and put and end to Abbott's dictatorial actions against migrants. I would be wrong about all of this so corrections are welcome.