I am at a loss for words that adequately describe how vile and nauseating all of this is.

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" Now that we have the GOP, let us enjoy it ". I'm paraphrasing Cardinal Richeliu, I think.

The GOP is devolving / has devolved into a group that values the party over the state of the nation. & we were mostly guilty of letting it happen. I have almost ZERO RESPECT for the GOP OR the Evangelicals who embraced Trump & the Republicans who told JC to go play in traffic.

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I wonder how many of us around the US don't want to say what's on our minds about guns because we feel intimidated by all those people who insist on turning our nation into an armed camp.

And I wonder how many of those who insist on banning abortion, while tolerating children being murdered in school on a regular basis, see any logical inconsistency between those two policy positions.

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They don't see logical inconsistency. I posted something in reply to a post by a male who labeled himself as responsible had posted a photo of a female carrying a full term baby with something like ¨your body your choice does not include this baby's body,¨ as though this full term baby was independent from the woman's body. I congratulated this male, saying that I was assuming his responsibility meant that he had had an irreversible vasectomy, knows the number of children in foster care in America, knows what happens to those foster children after they are forced out of care at ages 18 - 21 into a world they are not prepared for, and that most end up on the streets prostituting themselves or turning to drugs. Many end up in prison. I asked how many foster children he has adopted. What his community and the churches in the community are doing to provide for, nurture, and educate those children as his political party denies government aid to those struggling - which will include more and more women who are forced to give birth to children they cannot support. One response was from a male asking how would I feel if I had been aborted. Another a female who called my reply red herrings. These people have no interest in what happens to children who are born. I worked with foster youth. I taught children who were adopted from foster care. Their stories are blood curdling nightmares. But these narrow minded, hypocrites don't bother to think beyond the murder of a fetus. That children are slaughtered doesn't bother them. That is just a red herring.

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Thank you, Galilee. I’m an adoptee who has been told I should be grateful I wasn’t aborted. My response is ….“ same soul, different body”.

Members of my local Republican Executive Committee believe adoption is the “humane compromise” for a woman or child who becomes pregnant as the result of rape or incest. My response ⬇️

A woman or child who faces such a traumatic, forced pregnancy may have the option to: 1)carry the pregnancy to term, or,2) have a medical procedure to terminate the pregnancy. Some may have absolutely no say in the decision,including those who have been human-trafficked.

Fetuses cannot be adopted.Adoption is an option only once there is a living child. If a person carries a pregnancy to term, even if this decision was not freely chosen, the decision is to :1)parent the child, or,2) relinquish the child for adoption.

Many birth mothers who suffer the life-long trauma of relinquishment,as well as adoptees, should not be used as political pawns.

And please stop telling adoptees they should be grateful they weren’t aborted. This “pro-life” gaslighting only serves to promote a false equivalence.

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If the woman who is carrying an unwanted fetus is black, she knows the chance that that baby will be adopted is close to zero and thus will chose to "just keep it".

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Thank you for your post, Kathy.

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Thank you for your share. Abrazos ❤️🌺

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Actually, their support is for a zygote. My friend is an NNP who recently had to intubate a set of twins reportedly at 26 weeks. When the babies were delivered, they were obviously nearer to 21 weeks. She told me how difficult it was; “ it was like intubating jello” she said. Of course and thankfully they passed within hours. I used to work in a NICU once upon a time. A preterm delivery at that gestation was considered a “ spontaneous abortion”. It’s disgusting what the repugs are doing and making healthcare providers do.

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Thanks to all of you who responded with personal horrifying experiences. Last night I listened to some male pontificate about his role in passing some anti abortion law. Pffft. Then there are the self-righteous women who are should know there's not one word in the NT about abortion. These people are at the least pro-misery and at the worst, pro-death. And just this week we had a report from Maryland about some 80 years of hiding sexual exploitation by priests. Hypocrites, all.

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Women should collect DNA and ID from every sex partner and then take them to court to support and raise (or keep!) the human she was forced through involuntary servitude to bring into the world. Why aren't law firms taking up this challenge?

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I never considered the child being a zygote & yet I took biology classes in college. This is quite enlightening on several levels. I LEARNED. Kudos, Mary Ann.

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Unfortunately, most of the ¨theys¨ don't get that. They truly believe it is a full term baby. They use the words ¨baby murderer¨.

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They also don't consider the women who already have children, and another will drag the family under. Do you tell the kids, "Sorry, we're gonna have to give this one away. You might be next."

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Or puts the mom’s life at significant risk

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These God spouting Republicans don't care about anyone but themeslves and feel it's their "right " to inflict their beliefs on anyone that they don't like.

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Any woman who is forced to continue her pregnancy because of regressive laws in her state need only find the home address of her nearest GOP legislator and drop the baby off on that doorstep. If thousands of babies kept showing up on Repub doorsteps, I wonder how they would respond.

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Thank you, for this post Gailee Wells.

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Thank you Sharon ❤️

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Living in this country is indeed become difficult. As a protester during the Vietnam war and for equal rights for woman 50 years ago was different. Today we live in a country where our government supports gun violence and we watch as our children getting killed. We send prayers and do nothing to protect them. In fact we loosen the laws so everyone has the right to gun ownership. That right is more important than children’s lives ??? Yet we woman struggle to have say over our body. Can you imagine women having a say over men’s reproductive rights? Maybe time for every man who impregnates a women he is financially responsible for that child’s life. Yes the number of assault weapons and shootings in this country certainly is a way to control protests because of the fear of being shot. Kind of how fascists countries control their citizens. No one should have the right to assault weapons. The exposure of how our Democracy is not working with people in power able to gerrymander is frightening. Thomas being paid off. Such corruption is disheartening for the future of our country. Having a President that incites violence every chance he gets to gain power is despicable. No wonder he and Putin were such buddies. A salute to those legislators who were brave enough to speak out to protect our children. There are a few good men /women left but much of our attention is focused on the ones who intention is to destroy our democracy.

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Gabrielle Blair, Ejaculate Responsibly

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Apparently Fred Trump did not!

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Too bad

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The Church has long frowned on masturbation.....wasting one's seed. We know how well that has worked out. I recommend an older book, Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven for a detailed account of all the screwball antics around sexuality promoted by the Church as well as some the crazy ideas of what women do.

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HA! Love it!!!

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Apr 7, 2023
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Zella I wonder how evangelical ‘Christians’ relate the ‘immaculate conception’ to the ‘immaculate emasculation.’ I hope that this would prick their consciences.

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Oh, my Lord. Men can ejaculate anytime, any place. How can they control THAT ? Give us chemical castration ? !

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I still have a button that says 59 cents.

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David, to answer your question: None of them see that in anything at all similar. Nor do they see any conflict with their anti-abortion stance and their horrible infatuation with the death penalty. They have no iota of support for support programs for poor families whose children are malnourished, abused, or raised in "housing" that would curl your toes. It. Isn't. About. Babies. It is about controlling women. Period.

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That's the nail on the head - control, not care.

It's about controlling women, minorities, people with whom one doesn't agree and these are folks they certainly do not care one iota about.

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Reminds me of the interview on Amanpour with Christianne and V (formerly Eve Ensler) about global controlling of women everywhere, from the US to Afghanistan to Iran to Africa, everywhere needing a united global response, a worthwhile 13 minutes discussion on the continuing "paradigm of patriarchy" in her book, Reckoning, https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2023/01/30/amanpour-v-reckoning.cnn

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Most American women had, and still have no idea, just what a big deal it has been in the recent decades to be able to get out of the condition of pregnant and barefooted. They thought it was a right but in the history of the human race, it's an anomaly. Welcome to the real world, girls.

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Agree with every word. Recommend that everyone watch this interview. I'm forwarding it to my discussion group.

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LOGIC ? These Bizarros ? Logic, rationality, reason & critical thinking are either not in their skill set or indoctrinated out of them.

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Yes, I agree, which was the point I was hoping to make. If logical consistency were important to them, they would either drop their insistence on banning abortion in favor of Guns For All -- or they would decide it's a good idea to lock up ALL OF THE GUNS for the sake of the children.

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Logic, to them, is like Kryptonite to Superman or holy water, garlic & sunlight to Dracula. They have their own crackhead logic that only they understand.

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I enjoy science fiction, and speculative fiction. This current version of "adult consensus reality" reads like sci-fi. I think we could spin it into a pretty good yarn. No time travel, though. When we treat these bizzaro characters -- eg mtg -- as characters in a fictional tale, it makes it much easier to talk about it. Implausibility doesn't matter anymore because it's fiction. In a fictional tale we could actually talk about locking up all of the guns. And we could rewrite District of Columbia v. Heller for Justice Scalia, and bring the first clause back into contention, "...A well-regulated militia..." Then we could say "Want to own a gun? Join the National Guard -- if they'll have you."

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AKA: Lies. The plutocrats, who despise "the little people" may flatter themselves a la Trump, but I think they know when they are lying. It may be "alternate facts", doublethink. and word-Greene-salad, but there is method to the madness, and its all about power; the power of money, the power of position, and the power of violence.

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What purpose is logic in the absence of mercy and compassion?

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Yes, the Acultamuricans must have their own country, religion, language, laws, and facts to be "logically consistent" (!) with their messy-iah.

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I think these comments about the lack of logic and reason in Republican behavior miss the point. The Rs are engaging in a power play, no more, no less. Their illogical and unreasonable statements and positions are merely theater for their "base" (debased base, if I may say so). So forget about "reasoning" them to more sensible behavior. This is war that should be settled by overwhelming force at the ballot box, working through and around any voting restrictions that have been put into place.

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Logic--consistent or inconsistent--requires an intellectual function . . .

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Yes, locking up all guns would help. Banning the sale assault style firearms would also be simple and effective. If someone has an assault style weapon and wants to sell it, the state will buy it, then destroy it.

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It worked to reduce deaths when the 1st Federal assault legislation was in effect from 1994 to 2004!

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Maybe if we point out that guns can and do kill pregnant women and therefore fetuses…????

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For them, gun rights trump fetus rights.

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Daniel, when laws don’t matter, logic doesn’t matter

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An NRA spokeman once proclaimed that "an armed society is a polite society." Meaning, the gun-worshippers can easily intimidate and threaten everyone who doesn't agree with them. Chilling, frightening, and they are very close to creating their "utopia" where few dare to oppose their madness.

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Not to mention that NRA quote is total BS. An armed society is NUTS. Our own is proof!

Back in the so-called Wild West, towns often made gunmen relinquish their weapons prior to entering the town proper. And even now, the shameless hypocritical Rs and their lunatic supporters often have to keep firearms out of their own gatherings.

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North Korea is very very polite.

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"Logical inconsistency" is not part of their cognitive domain.

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Logic isn't something they use much. They " think " with their adrenals.

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Knowing that there are millions of orphans in this overpopulated world, I ask that people who really want children to adopt and hope that some social system that works will be devised. I have known two adoptions well. The first an Indian baby taken off a table (where she was left to die) by an American social worker. She brightened our lives as she learned French horn, growing up happy and accomplished.The second a very traumatized black child, now flourishing as the little sister and much protected child of parents with whom she has become the first black citizen of Iceland!

Realizing that it takes exceptional people to adopt as these friends did, recognizing that few in America can any longer afford children, I still have hope that we can put together a system that will allow US to reach out with generosity to orphans everywhere.

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I was behind a big personal truck (Ford 350 or something) recently with a bumper sticker that said "I carry a gun." I was careful in passing him.

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Talk about speaking out in an open carry state (even 17 yr olds) is easily said. We have billboards on freeway - with ‘lets go Brandon’. Thats free speech here.

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Well, don't be intimidated. I've been overtly threatened online and my standard reply is "bring it bitch, and don't bring it weak." I'm not being glib either.

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And I’m paraphrasing the witness in “Bananas”:

“I think Mr. Pearson is a traitor to this country because his views are different from the views of the Tennessee GOP and others of its kind. Differences of opinion should be tolerated but not when they are too different. Then he becomes a subversive mother."

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For me, I would remove the word "almost" in your statement.

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They need to be punished in the 2024 election. In 2022, unfortunately the GOP won the House of Reps. ( just barely) The voters need to reject this extremism or Tennessee will be a role model for other states.

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NOW you're talking my language ! I'm sympatico, completely so.

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why the qualifier "almost" ?

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Force of habit & still half - awake. I keep gonzo hours.

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If we took away the guns, those cowards would be just as intimidated.

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Mark, what you said.......just unbelievable.

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Unfortunately, it is entirely believable. Expected, even, for any state in the Confederacy and several outside the Confederacy. Republicans will exert every lever of power they have to preserve white domination of government at all levels.

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Rex, the south is still practicing apartheid.

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The South is still the unreconstructed Confederacy.

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Look at parts of the north in terms of violence agains Black people. Minnesota really shocked me. All the killings of young Black men and women in all corners of the country. Shameful.

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The great American racist diaspora.

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Psst! New York State is RED in ideology. Now it’s becoming Red politically. As a matter of fact, most of the Governors & Representatives past & present have been Democrats in name only. Few if any of them have been truly Liberal. Mostly Conservative-leaning Centrists. (I posted in yesterday Letter that Centrists are mostly people who want to keep the Establishment alive and it’s hierarchy system going so they don’t lose their place it it).

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Dear Commenters,

Let's not get too carried away with our South-bashing and try to remember that some truly fine people live there alongside the bigoted haters and they are working hard to effect positive change. Check out Kyle Whitmire and J.D. Crowe at AL.com if you don't believe me. Also Patrick Skinner (Skinnerpm) on Twitter. The South has many problems as does the rest of our poor benighted land but at least the weather is generally warm and so are the people.

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During the Civil War my great-great granddaddy lived in an area in SE Texas called the Big Thicket, a large very dense forest just north of where my family and I live. He did not believe in the cause of the South, and did not want to fight in the war, so he and the men hid out in the thicket while the women would sneak in food and supplies at the edge of the forest. I am a proud Texan…areformed Republican, now Democrat. I cannot allow them control over me! Like my grandfather, I will stay in Texas and work hard to turn it Blue! There are many others like me…please don’t judge all of Texans by the divisive, hate filled, bigoted comments you hear or read in the “news”!

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What she said. Also note, South-bashers, that you seem to be erasing the millions upon millions of southerners who are Black, brown, and otherwise not white.

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Yes, there are many fine people there, just as there were fine people in the Confederacy, but as long as they keep electing bigots for their government, those fine people aren't accomplishing much. They aren't making reasonable laws, so should we accept the bigotry of the leaders because there are fine people living there?

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Carolyn, I absolutely agree with you. I loved living in Florida and loved the people. I hate the politicians, north and south, for allowing this violence to sweep through the land.

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J.D. Crowe!! and so many great musicians...Bill Monroe himself broke the color barrier in the '20s. The South is not a monolith of bigots.The majority of African Americans in the US live there. Jimmy Carter and others like him defy white southern stereotypes. Let's don't let fear and prejudice dehumanize any region of the country.

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I live in Idaho. Not just the south. And no dissenting voices.

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But those non dissenting voices sure run off fast to hospitals in Portland, Oregon when they have covid, need critical or trauma care. Not any different here in western North Carolina, they go to Atlanta or Asheville and are happy to be taken care of by black and brown nurses and staff.

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Idaho is the Oklahoma of the Rockies.

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And/or the "GOP" has been very busy summoning it's ghost.

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"the south is still practicing apartheid"

Yes, you are right.

But, walk around any Northern state and you will find that all of them also are practicing apartheid. In some ways more than the south. Honestly.

When I was growing up in East Texas, after 1966 or 1967, I went to a fully integrated public school. And? Nobody thought that was a big deal AND, even though nobody in the north believes me when I say this, there was no racial issue within the school. All folks treated each other reasonably well, outside of a few normal fistfights in middle and early high school (almost exclusively between the white boys and that all that stopped later when those boys could really hurt each other).

Fast forward to my old man status (63), where I live in mid sized northern town where it used to be cold in the winter.

The public school in my suburban town is essentially all white. Has been since all of the white folks in the city migrated to the burbs in the late 60's and 70's.

All of the all white, suburban schools do bus in 10 or so blacks into the school from the city. Mostly, this is an effort to put together a good basketball team for sports.

At any rate, AMERICA is still practicing Apartheid Elizabeth. In some ways, more so in the north than the south, because, in the north, rural schools are all white. Down south they are fully integrated, black, Mexican and white.

Lastly, the most racist President of my lifetime? Yep. From NY City. Trump.

I know you guys get tired of reading this perspective, but, honestly, it is true (for me and my life data anyway).

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Mike, my dad’s best friend was from East Texas. I agree. You missed my other comment about the apartheid in the north. I grew up in New York City and my life was completely integrated with all races, all ethnicities and all income groups. I always went to public school and public university. Our country was founded on apartheid and has continued to practice it, in spite of many areas of “progress”. We have to work on change wherever we can. “Good work done anywhere is good work done everywhere….” Maya Angelou.

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Mike, here is my comment about the north:

“Look at parts of the north in terms of violence agains Black people. Minnesota really shocked me. All the killings of young Black men and women in all corners of the country. Shameful.“

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"We have to work on change wherever we can"

Yes we can.

For years I helped run/support a recruiting gala for Hispanics and Latinos in this town. It was well attended. I think it helped. I met others dedicated to the same goals. A good part of my life for sure.

Now, I tutor at a local place where Puerto Rican kids come for help in math (and I work on the English too).

I did volunteer in the Black Community for a few years as a tutor, but, I was not very effective. I have my hypotheses about why (my own limitations) but.....

I did my best. Which, was not very good.

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Mike S, my experience mirrors yours. You are spot on.

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Only the south?


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For right-wing treachery look no further than Wisconsin!

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And as far West as ID & MT

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Sometimes I'm not overly proud of being Southern. I don't even have much of an accent. Maybe my subconscious is making me more Northern. This cousin manages to use " Y'all " as if she's channeling Paula Deen. She even put it in a speech.

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I beg to differ. Infuriating and disheartening as the events in Tennessee yesterday may have been, I predict that they will mark the beginning of the end for the Racist Republican Party in that state and, ultimately, across this nation. Most of the young people who have protested in Nashville and across the state cannot vote. Yet. But they will be able to vote soon, and that will lead to a change In Tennessee that no amount of gerrymandering can prevent. It is up to us older (and in my case old) folks to help the process along.

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This is also what I believe is going to happen. What the GOP and their MAGA faction are doing now will be their UNDOING!

Now let’s remove Clarence Thomas and clean house in the SCOTUS!!!

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He is a hypocrite. He’s been gaming the system for decades and, once he felt unleashed, has demonstrated his high-minded disdain for everyone, except those who can benefit him. He once went to seminary to study for the priesthood but left bc he felt racial bias. He doesn’t seem to see his own glaring biases.

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It may truly be up to their generation. These are young Black men who were expelled and their ability to speak before the crowd puts any old white male to shame.

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Yes, sometimes bad news events bring about good news in the end.

Remember hosing black kids in the Sixties? People were outraged. Change happened with the Civll Rights bill of 1964.

Do something! Be the change you want to see.

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Tennessean here: this legislature displays boundless arrogance and self-righteousness. They have since the beginning. The governor looks up, sees TX or FL, and says “hey, let’s do that too.” One of the adults killed in Nashville was a friend of his wife’s. Do you think that mattered to anyone? Listen to the demeaning way Andrew Farmer, rep from Sevierville, spoke to Pearson yesterday—as if Pearson was a naughty child.

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Professor Cox Richardson has just laid bare a litany of truth regarding the corrupt and disgusting Repugnant Party. Old Dixicrats live on with new names, but the same disgusting behavior. All of the principals in this group of terror are vile and degrading human flotsam and jetsam backed by power and money. This is the reason decent people must stand and PROTEST with the Tennessee Three. This is a group portrait of evil personified. We know the truth about them all, and it is appalling.

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'Tennessee’s House expels 2 of 3 Democrats over guns protest'

Yesterday, Americans and the world got to see and hear for themselves what White supremacy looks like as practiced by legislators in state of Tennessee. That is hardly all we got to see and hear.

'In interviews, all three lawmakers spoke of how gun violence — and in some instances, their personal experiences of it — had helped shape their paths to politics. Mr. Pearson recounted the pain of losing family members and a mentor to gun violence, and said the push for tighter restrictions on firearms “is personal when you lose your friends, when you lose loved ones.”

'Mr. Jones recalled attending his first protests after Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old Black teenager, was shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer in Florida. “This issue is something that has been a part of our generation,” he said. “This is a very personal issue.”

'Ms. Johnson recalled a shooting at Central High School in Knoxville that took place while she was still working as a teacher, and “the terror on the kids’ faces as they were running down that hill into my classroom.” (NYTimes)

'In the wake of a school shooting in Nashville that left six people dead, three Democratic lawmakers took to the floor of the Republican-controlled Tennessee House chamber last week to rally for stricter gun control.'(ManisteeNews)

'The Republicans who control state government, led by Gov. Bill Lee, have rejected the calls for tighter gun laws and have largely focused instead on toughening school security. The Tennessee House passed a bill on Thursday that would require schools to conduct annual drills, keep all entrance doors locked and install a mobile panic-alert system.' (NYTimes)

'The three Democratic lawmakers spoke out against the measure on Thursday, with Mr. Jones calling it a “white flag of surrender” that does not address the root causes of gun violence.' (NYTimes)

‘Thousands of people flocked to the Capitol to support Jones, Pearson and Johnson on Thursday, cheering and chanting outside the House chamber loudly enough to drown out the proceedings.’

‘The trio held hands as they walked onto the floor, and Pearson raised a fist during the Pledge of Allegiance.’

‘Offered a chance to defend himself before the vote, Jones said the GOP responded to the shooting with a different kind of attack.’

“We called for you all to ban assault weapons, and you respond with an assault on democracy,” he said.

‘The two expelled lawmakers may not be gone for long. County commissions in their districts get to pick replacements to serve until a special election can be scheduled, and they could opt to choose Jones and Pearson. The two also would be eligible to run in those races.’

‘Under the Tennessee Constitution, lawmakers cannot be expelled for the same offense twice.’

‘Jones said he did not intend to assimilate in order to be accepted. “I’m not here to make friends. I’m here to make a change for my community,” he replied.’

“I’ll be out there with the people every week, demanding that you act, …' (ManisteeNews)

Links to newspaper reports are below.


(sorry for not have gifting option for NYTimes)


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You are a blessing Ron. I will have gifting option for the Times again on the 17th of this month. So grateful for your generosity and recognition of the importance of spreading the work of journalists in the USA and beyond. The 'free-press': Democracy dies without it.

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Beat me to it, Ron. I have it all ready to go!

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Fern I came here to look for your comment, synthesis- thank you. Do you you happen to have your own blog/newsletter I could follow as well? We need your insight in its own right, please consider.

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Barbara, Thank you for your kind words. I lean heavily on the excellent journalists here and around the world. Democracy dies without the FREE PRESS (I'm sure I borrowed that line from another source), and I will post ways we can support it here in the US. Many newspapers that served local communities, cities and states were forced to fold has a result of high costs. Fox News and outlets on social media have infected the populace with propaganda and conspiracy theories. There are good news outlets online, such as Politico, Vox and Axios. As for blogs and newsletters, you can click on my pic to learn which I subscribe to. I know there are other very good ones as well. I don't have the ability you praise me for and believe that in addition to this excellent newsletter you will find others to enrich your eagerness to learn and spread the word. Cheers!

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Gobsmacked at yesterday's proceedings, including revelations of Clarence Thomas' outrageous self-entitlement. Just when you think that hypocrisy cannot be bested in broad daylight...WHAM! The Tennessee legislation's injustices beats it all leaving me with a kick in the gut. This indeed looks like we are turning into a different country. Silver lining: Somehow, our America seems to behave like a Phoenix, rising up and righting herself. Republicans act without any vision, as if nothing exists beyond the tip of their noses. Well guess what? A storm of our youth's rejection of their demagoguery is swelling.

Easter is upon us. As a little kid, I was aghast when I learned that the Jewish populace chose to release Barrabas. an imprisoned murderer, from prison and allow Jesus' crucifixion. Two 27-year-old Black men were crucified yesterday. But do I have to remind you how famous Jesus got after his? The Tennessee legislative body just unleashed two untethered socio-political forces. And this is how America keeps on rising....

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Sophia Demas--I don't understand the purpose of this statement: "I was aghast when I learned that the Jewish populace chose to release Barrabas. an imprisoned murderer, from prison and allow Jesus' crucifixion."

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I was attempting to compare the unjust treatment given Jesus with the injustice done to these two Black men, both due to prejudice (maybe it wasn't a great comparison). I also tried to express that I had the same emotional reaction to yesterday's votes as I had finding out the about the voting re: Jesus when I was a child....

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Sophia Gemas--Thank you for your clarification and good intentions. With all due respect to your religious beliefs, your comment --though unintentional-- perpetuates an insidious, historically unprovable, and catastrophic antisemitic myth (currently undergoing an often deadly world-wide resurgence). The use of this pernicious myth is in direct opposition to your goal of protecting the unjustly accused. The myth of Jewish culpability in the crucifixion--which justified and encouraged the Church's antisemitism, was discounted by the church 68 years ago (see: Nostra Aetate 10/28/65). While you may see what you learned in elementary school as the absolute Biblical truth, others may see it as a dangerous, often deadly, myth. The nature of myths is their widespread acceptance and availability for multiple interpretations. For example, another view of the myth of Jewish "culpability" in the Crucifixion is that it evolved from a strategically shallow interpretation of the Barabbas "story" that served the Romans' antisemitism at that time. This view suggests that Barabbas had been branded by the Roman authorities as a criminal and incarcerated as a result of his heroic fight against the brutal invading Romans. To the degree that any of these stories can be proven true, it's conceivable that Barabbas might have been widely known then and lauded as a warrior, a hero--an unjustly accused savior. The mob calling for his freeing him could have been rewarding him for his valor rather than a desire to crucify Jesus, who at that time might not have yet been as widely known as a hero. Plus, as we've seen, a crazed mob is hardly representative of a people. Another view asserts that God needed "his son" to be crucified as part of his overall plan for human redemption, therefore since the crucifixion was going to happen anyway, can it be characterized as "unjust"? The Jews were a handy and unjustly accused scapegoat, victimized and murdered for the ensuing centuries. According to your intention to protect the unjustly accused, please consider the possibility that the Jewish People were unjustly accused then and still deserve justice.

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WOW, thank you...I'm taking this up with my priest! This was discounted 68 years ago and Christians believe this story to be true? I didn't know...not that ignorance should excuse me from offending people. This brings up another emotional reaction from my youth--the anger I felt when I realized that I was bamboozled into believing that Native Americans were savages. I apologize....

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Thank you Sophia, for your understanding, and willingness to consider varying perspectives, no matter how painful, that differ from your own. No apology is needed--instead you have my admiration for challenging yourself and broadening your views and commitment to justice. Onward!

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Thank you.

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Just waking up over here - and you said exactly what I was going to say. This country has been overrun by oligarchs and criminals - I mean the ones in the House and Senate.

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Rosalind, they've overrun the Judiciary branch too.

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I so agree. Republicans don't even try to hide their fascism anymore. It is vile and nauseating, and for me, a bit surreal.

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Am I the only one who noticed nobody in the streets protesting these outrages (and so many more)? Is it my imagination that in Israel and France people actually get upset enough to march? Are Americans asleep? When is the Supreme Court going to be surrounded by protesters? When are Thomas and his traitor wife going to be hounded every time they step out into the public eye?

We are like sheep or cattle or lemmings. Oh wait, some kids had the guts to make some noise. I guess they are more frightened than us. They certainly have good reasons. They have bulls eyes on their bodies. And their planet is under attack. Both issues - same villains.

In America, our children and their future are disposable. Inconveniences. Collateral damage.

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In America, our children are important only in the womb, apparently. <eye roll>

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See my other comments. :-). No Americans are not asleep.

They are happy and contented with the present situation, as it is.

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Mike S,

You may appreciate the voices of commentators who came before you to praise the extraordinary three legislators, two of whom were expelled, for extolling the need for gun control and the rights for all, while condemning the White Supremacists who have rejected the calls for tighter gun laws and make it more difficult for 'some' of us to vote.

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Bill - "They are happy and contented with the present situation, as it is."

“𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦, 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦? 𝘈𝘳𝘦𝘯’𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘥 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘢𝘭𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺?” --Prime Minister Lord Salisbury, 1895

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Yes, Mark Proulx, and it is getting worse and worse nationwide and worldwide. The trend accelerated following two transformational terms of President Obama and now charged felon and twice impeached Donald J. Trump - who is denigrating and threatening the very Court, jurist and DA charged by the people with his prosecution ... again threatening violence. BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL seems to offend white supremacists... much of white America and the world would like to return to the Nazi way, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Mussolini, to mention a few.

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“Expelled because they broke house rules.”

Sounds like a casino. The pit bosses have gotten upset about two players who seem to be winning too much. Throw them out!

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100% with you.

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Anatomy of a character assassination:

1. Wait until the federal regulations for disclosing gifts, trips, etc. change.

2. As soon as the regulations change, attack Clarence Thomas for not following the new rules, without telling readers that the rules just changed.

3. Get propaganda shills to spread this sensational muck far and wide.


With that said, there are some questions I'd like to ask.

-Are Clarence Thomas and Harlan Crow really close friends?

-If so, is the bond that they share related to a particular view of constitutional interpretation?

-If so, what is that interpretation?

-To what extent do Clarence Thomas's judicial opinions dovetail with Harlan Crow's ideological agenda?

-What, precisely, IS Crow's ideological agenda? Is there anything in it that is pernicious to "republican" government (as guaranteed by the Constitution)?

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Mark Fasten your seat belt. This is simply the prologue to the Republican 2023-2024 s++t show of ‘death and destruction.’ I shall take some joy watching vipers eating one another.

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Agree totally!!!!

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With you Mark.

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How much more effed up can the "justice" system get in this country?? Clearance essentially stealing tens of millions of dollars from big-time repugnicant donors who present cases to him (and lying, big time, about liking to hang out at Walmart); and of course not recusing himself from the 1/6 case which directly involved Ginni. The white boys in the TN state legislature kicking out the two young Black men who are doing everything in their power to try to protect little children in Nashville from future AK-15 murders while they're at school. Gym Jordan grandstanding, turning everything upside down: what's up is down, what's down is up -- just as his hero, the Orange Sadist, has always done. I AM SO SICK OF IT!!!

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Brazen, extreme corruption.

“Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak; and that it is doing God’s service when it is violating all his laws.” - John Adams

Or at least maker a show of moral superiority, yet I suspect that many of the kingpin don't believe word they themselves say. They just get off on being bullies and getting away with it; the "love" of power.

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Thank you for the John Adams

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Thank you for John Adams. Always good to know what Founding Fathers said. They knew the classics.

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John Adams was a practicing Founder of due process in Boston long before the Constitution was written; Abigail was a very good trial theory & evidence consultant.

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Don't forget the GOPs 2 pet psychos, MTG & Lauren Boebert. I'm just glad that Sarah Failin' Palin isn't tossing wrenches into the works with her twisted tales.

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“2 pet psychos” and a “Failin’ Palin”! Very nice, Daniel!

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Thanks. This ain't my 1st rodeo & very likely not my last unless I become a hermit & swear off the conveniences of contemporary life including the 'Net..

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I love your summation, kd! I will summon some thoughts when I calm down and have another coffee.....

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Thanks, Elisabeth. (Maybe a glass of wine would be more calming. :-) )

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kd, you make me laugh! I live in western India and it is 11 am. I’ll be busily reading all our wonderful comments from the LFAA community and great stories on other Substacks.

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LOL! Guess coffee would be more appropriate in your time zone! :-)

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With me it's Gin, Vodka with CBD / THC sprinkled in.

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I have to agree with you kdsherpa - if I were to drink coffee after reading this sickening news, I would go from mad to raging mad! i’m almost to the raging level as it is now! Calme du calme and breathe.

Even so, Elizabeth, I did 💕 your comment.

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Calming down and coffee in the same sentence? Now that’s a hat trick! 😝

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Just saw a poster, at the top it said, “Before coffee I hate everyone” then a photo of a black cat with (presumably) a cup of coffee and under that it says, “After coffee I feel better about hating everyone.” 😝

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During Pres Biden's state of the union address, the behavior of the R with booing & shouts of liar. The hypocrisy is stark naked from their politics to their moral &ethics.

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Appalling as it was, I don't think their behavior emanates from hypocrisy per se--they don't have the intellectual or emotional capacity to be hypocrites--I think they are "useful idiots," following a script strategically designed and implemented by whatever malignant cabal is running Acultamurica. Political theater--now exponentially enabled by the media--has always been an effective method of controlling and inciting the masses.

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Those individuals may not have been being hypocritical during the SOTU, but the ReThuglican Tennessee House certainly is full of hypocrites. Tolerating the SOTU behavior of the thuggish chimpanzees and then expelling two members of the Tennessee House for using bullhorns (a) during a peaceful protest within and outside the building, (b) after their microphones had been turned off, is just beyond the pale - cynical, shocking, hypocritical. And intolerable. What can the voters whose representatives have just been removed do to be represented again?

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Absolutely agree with you conceptually. I'm probably guilty of linguistic nitpicking with the word, "hypocrites." My sense of the word is that the hypocrite is aware of reality and uses it to create a self-serving charade. In addition to all you have mentioned, the Tennessee Rs have demonstrated that they lack the intellect and emotional capacity to understand the situation enough to be hypocritical about it.

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I'm sure he'll respond to this investigation by calling it another high-tech lynching for uppity blacks.

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Fran, That was such a cynical statement. I remember at the time knowing that the SOB was trying to guilt the white Senators. He won.

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Are the expensive vacations and gifts federally taxable? Does Clarence need to declare them on his taxes?

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Anatomy of a character assassination:

1. Wait until the federal regulations for disclosing gifts, trips, etc. change.

2. As soon as the regulations change, attack Clarence Thomas for not following the new rules, without telling readers that the rules just changed.

3. Get propaganda shills to spread this sensational muck far and wide.


With that said, there are some questions I'd like to ask.

-Are Clarence Thomas and Harlan Crow really close friends?

-If so, is the bond that they share related to a particular view of constitutional interpretation?

-If so, what is that interpretation?

-To what extent do Clarence Thomas's judicial opinions dovetail with Harlan Crow's ideological agenda?

-What, precisely, IS Crow's ideological agenda? Is there anything in it that is pernicious to "republican" government (as guaranteed by the Constitution)?

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Agree completely!!!!

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Being retired, I was able to watch as the Tennessee debacle unfolded. Had a hard time believing my eyes. Kudos to Ms. Johnson for calling out the apparent racism and hypocrisy of the votes. So too the eloquent statements by all three reps who ‘protested’. I was heartened to see so many diverse young folk in the lobby protesting…they are our future and I was glad to see them on the frontlines. Still can’t wrap my head around what I saw happen to crater democracy in real time. I guess it really “can happen here”.

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We can do more than something! November 24 US Senator Marsha Blackburn will be up for re-election. She is a child of segregation and spews hate and stupidity on a regular basis, but actually I’m being understated because she is even worse than that description. She won by about 10 points 6 years ago; but that can be overcome by new population in Vibrant Nashville and strong voter registration in the 700 high schools in Tennessee as well as the 100 or so colleges! Who’s still with me here? My first reaction was that Democracy died today in Tennessee but others reminded me that Democracy was re-born by our optimistic response to their arrogance, their racism, their fascism, and the vibrancy of the younger generation which stood all day for the murdered children determined not to be cowed by the racists in the State where the KKK was born! Yes! Still with me? Then please go to www.turnup.us which is run by fantastic Harvard students and help them out with your contribution as we start a year and a half nonpartisan campaign to register the youth of our future in every high school and college in Tennessee ( and in many other states too)! WE CAN DO IT with your help! Thank you.

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Ira, Please post the link to www.turnup.us over and over again. It is important that we get out the vote and it is never too early to start the work.

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Colette Wismer, AGREE!!!

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Just donated! Thanks, ira, for introducing me to this group of young activists.

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And I did as well...together we can overcome.

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Thank you so much; please stay in touch with Turnup

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Donating and spreading the link. Thank you.

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Me, too. Thanks, Ira, for sharing!

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Thank Patrice; we have to really gear up the group for the next 18 months; we are paying kids to register voters in their school and it is working; that's the hardest part of voter reg drives in schools--getting a local school leader and when you are trying to do it in 2,000 schools at the same time, it needs $$ to fund it nonpartisan and tax deductible as they are a C3.

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Dotated to turnup.us. Will spread the word.

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Many thanks Learning; please check their website to see if they have a more moderate link in place now for donations as the earlier one accidently was geared to major donors!

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And please don’t forget those of us working for state-level changes: https://www.grapevine.org/giving-circle/1XQhnyD/Tending-to-Democracy

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Just downloaded the app 😊

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Terrific Jenny; please check the link to see if it directed to regular folks rather than very bid donors which was an inadvertent mistake; thanks so much for your help; please pass it along!

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Thank you Ira!

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Thank you! Donated!

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Ira, I very much liked your comment and went to their website to donate. It makes SO MUCH sense! I was put off a bit, however, upon discovering their lowest suggested donation level was $1000 ranging on up to $100,000 and beyond. It made me wonder what audience and corps of contributors they were seeking?

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John: thanks for your comment as we discovered because of it that inadvertently we had the wrong link attached which was directed to major donors; please go back to the website and I believe you will find that the current link is directed to regular folks; many thanks for your donation and please pass the link on to your friends!

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Thanks Judy sent a contribution thru Act Blur

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Many thanks; this is a remarkable group of Harvard students

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ira lachner, She is despicable. Thank you for giving us information about SOME way we can help to get that b**ch out of Congress. I have detested her from the first time I heard her speak.

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Barbara, Ms. Johnson was “retained” by only one vote! The racists wanted her out too.....

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The one voter was likely Justin Pearson, who had not yet been expelled.

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Might that logic not mean Justin Jones would have been able to vote when he was being expelled and he would not have lost?

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Jones did vote against his own expulsion, as did Johnson & Pearson. It was more a matter of not having enough YES votes than how many voted NO. 66 votes (2/3 of 99 House members) are required for expulsion. The expulsion vote on Jones vote (72-25, 2 not voting) was first, and he could not vote after that. The expulsion vote on Johnson (65-30) failed by 1 vote. The vote on Pearson was 69-26. The 4 not voting on the latter two expulsions included Jones.

Charlie Baum (R-Murfreesboro) was the only Republican to vote NO on all three expulsions. He is an Economics professor at Middle Tennessee State University. 3 Republicans voted against Pearson’s expulsion and 7 voted against Johnson’s.

Prior to the expulsion vote, there were 75 Republicans and 24 Democrats. For now, there are 22 Democrats. The justification rhetoric from Republicans called the Tennessee Three “insurrectionists” and lambasts Democrats for hypocrisy for not acknowledging that this is like (or even worse!?!) than Jan. 6. Jones and Pearson are likely to be reappointed by their respective county commissions - Davidson & Shelby, which are blue dots in red Tennessee. They should easily win special elections to come. Johnson likely would not have been reappointed by the Republican county commission in Knox County. Whether or not that figured into any of the Republicans who voted not to expel her, I cannot say. Johnson herself thought it had more to do with the fact she is “a 60 year old white woman and they’re two young black men.”

A good article from a Knoxville news station: https://www.wbir.com/article/news/politics/tennessee-house-expulsion-vote-gloria-johnson-knoxville-general-assembly/51-b2ad16df-0c1e-482c-83a4-b2e1d4fba6f4

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One note: had Gloria been expelled, it’s probable she would have been replaced by a Repub since the Knox County Commission is mostly Repub. At least the Justins are from blue areas.

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Agree, am curious to know the reasoning of that one voter had…would be interesting to compare all votes yea/nay for all three of the Dems singled out for their ‘protest’.

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Expel the two black men but not the white woman. Message heard loud and clear, Tennessee.

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A couple years ago they punished her by putting her “office”in a closet. With no room for constituents, she moved her desk into a hall. The repubs don’t care for her.

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WOW!!! That needs to be included in the news reports!

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R failure to see the young people as future voters & legislators

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Reading Representative Justin Pearson's final statement to the Tennessee legislature reminded me a bit of David Walker's fiery rhetoric from almost two-hundred years ago. Walker belongs in that "long line of people who have resisted."

If the allegations are true, Clarence Thomas should be impeached. Also, this is a serious acid test for Chief Justice Roberts. Let's see how he handles it.

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He won’t.

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Representative Justin Pearson’s words were so befitting the requirements of our current political circumstances.

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I think Roberts must “handle it”. It is such transparent corruption.

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We wish Roberts would “handle it.” But he has shown himself to be both weak and corruptible (Citizens United).

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I predict the chief Justice will do nothing 🙁

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He is as afraid of being accused of bias as the Judiciary Comm and Bush the first when Thomas was confirmed even after Anita Hill testified.

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Yes-David Walker was formerly enslaved. His written appeal was powerful. He was actually murdered in Boston for his protests-not in the South. Racism is a feature of American life-has been since the beginning. Thankful for all resistors-too many who have given their lives and livelihoods.

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We should be surrounding the Supreme Court with protestors until that "pubic hair on my coke can" is gone. Disgusting.

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In this day it is rare to hear an elected leader speak eloquently, passionately for the will of the people. Bravo to Justin Pearson for his bravery and convictions. It is regrettable that his constituents are now without representation. But isn't that what the GOP wanted all along? To suppress minorities.

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Bravo also to former Rep. Justin Pearson's fellow former Rep. Justin Jones, also eloquent, morally clear, and courageously persistent.


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Thanks, Ellie, for posting that link.

I saw the three of them on CNN or someplace. She said that the House was in recess when they staged their protest, but I have not seen anyone else comment on that. I hope their constituents will insist that they be reinstated.

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Even better if they get re-elected!

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As US senators from Tennessee.

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My thoughts exactly! I think that Pearson has a remarkable future in politics. He has an enormous national audience following this disgraceful action by the TN legislators -- and that may be exactly the springboard to catapult him to a far higher office, eventually!

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I don’t think this will stand. The GOP Is all about First Amendment rights, until someone says something they don’t like. Will be interesting to see what the courts will do with this.

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Joyce Vance noted that "The Supreme Court in Bond [v. Floyd from December 1966] held, 'while the State has an interest in requiring its legislators to swear to a belief in constitutional processes of government, surely the oath gives it no interest in limiting its legislators' capacity to discuss their views of local or national policy. The manifest function of the First Amendment in a representative government requires that legislators be given the widest latitude to express their views on issues of policy.'

There will be good trouble ahead me thinks.

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Thanks for highlighting this, Anita Rose! Let’s hope it leads to reinstatement of the Tennessee Two!

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Clarence Thomas. What a piece of work! The repubs. spotted him long ago and decided, "That's our fellow." I believe it was during Bush Sr.'s administration when they put him on the Supreme Court. Anita Hill spoke up about him. He had asked her over for dinner and to watch a porn film ("Long Dong Silver"). Yet, she's the one who got raked over the coals about it. To start with, Clarence was a lawyer for Monsanto when he got the call. That's probably when they offered him the job of a lifetime. He also was invited and attended big Koch Brothers luxurious gatherings in Arizona. Has he even written any court summaries? I don't think so. He was/is known for rubberstamping his repub. sc colleagues. He should have recused himself in multiple cases, but his wealthy puppeteers wouldn't go for any of that. He was/is simply bought and paid for. And don't get me started on Ginni. And so it goes....

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Heydon Buchanan, thank you for your words! I remember well when we witnessed Thomas during his Supreme Court hearing and his shocking Senate confirmation (by a slim margin, 52-48)! I felt betrayed, not only by the Democrat Senators, but by the Republicans. How on earth could this person ever be confirmed, his obvious shortcomings so apparent! But he was, and subsequently has proved to be an obvious "mistake." I wonder where he would be without his wife Ginni. (Let us both not get started on her!)

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I remember his cynical, furious (staged?) words about the Hearings being a "high tech lynching". I believed then that those words ensured his confirmation. What we saw was a rare episode of reverse racism.

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Thank you for a searing and perceptive report, Heather. Thomas is a very poor mouth indeed. Jordan is unhinged, and has been for some time. The Tennessee three deserve a Medal of Freedom, and Pearson, a Pulitzer for Free Speech! This political nadir suits the season.

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'Wealthy G.O.P. Donor Paid for Ginni Thomas’s Fur Pelts and Horns'

‘WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Fresh controversy swirled around Ginni Thomas as reports emerged that a Republican megadonor paid for her fur pelts and horns.’

‘According to the reports, Thomas also accepted a set of red, white, and blue face paints from the same donor.’ (Satire,NewYorker)

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Fern, I gotta tell you; I have a friend who posts stuff from the Borowitz Report on his Facebook page (he's a pretty conservative guy with the ability to listen and learn) and his friends eat it up. He will lead them along for a while, and then say "you do know this is satire, right?" Of course they don't.

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Ally, your reply reminded me of Borowitz himself! Oh, I like to laugh. Thank you!

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Speechless in So Cal

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I might have been too if I hadn't moved to Australia...

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We moved to Europe.

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What country did you move to?

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A good friend of mine recently left this country as well and for the same reasons you probably did.

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You're well out of harm's way up there in the Daintree!

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I’m among those who remember the hearings when Anita Hill provided her story. Clarence Thomas then lied about what he had done. Under oath. He perjured himself to get on the Court. This is what I and many others believe. In any case, I believed Anita Hill.

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Also then Senator Biden didn’t protect Anita Hill. Democrats have empowered republicans for a long time and now it’s hard to contain the monster.

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And, as I understand it, he regrets his stance/actions at the time (sorry I don’t have reference links, this is just something I recall reading about sometime ago). Watching the hearings then it was, to me, SO clear she was speaking truth. I was sorely disappointed that her testimony was, in essence, dismissed.

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Here’s a NYT article corroborating your comment, Barbara: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/25/us/politics/joe-biden-anita-hill.html

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Democrats were worried about appearing to be fair. When Thomas made that fiery speech about being targeted as a black man, the Dems on the committee backed off.

Now, voters mustn’t ever consider any republicans honest, forthright, or selfless; these mistaken assumptions have got us here.

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That’s a big problem. Democrats unilaterally want to be fair. Republicans don’t care. Until our side can be as ruthless conservatives will keep winning even if they have setbacks here and there.

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YOU BET! Those "high tech lynching" made all of the Democrats back WAAAAYY off. Clearance knew EXACTLY what he was doing. What a cynical, greedy, evil man.

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He both defined AND demonstrated the “Playing The Race Card” at that hearing.

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And then there was the Kavanaugh hearing...same story, different decade.

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That hearing absolutely disgusted me. If I were better at manipulating video, I'd do a side by side comparison of the Kavanaugh and Jackson hearings if you want to look at what is and is not judicial temperament. I recall asking (when I still engaged) a "conservative" friend of min whether he'd view Kavanaugh's outbursts (what he termed "righteous anger") the same if he had been female. He squirmed and didn't answer the question but made another attack. Sigh. These people.

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I think it would be journalistic malpractice if none of the reporters on the Congressional beat asked Gym Jordan why New York DA Alvin Bragg should respond to a subpoena Jordan sends out from the House if Jordan didn't bother to respond to a House subpoena when one was sent to him. We know if Jordan gives a response at all, it will most likely be loud and irrational. But someone has got to ask the question.

My current leading contender for stupidest remark by a Congressional Republican fascist is Margie's sincere comparison between TFG being arrested and Nelson Mandela and Jesus being arrested. That was a big swing from a little bat. But I have faith that he of babbling mouth, rolled up sleeves and zero morals can surpass her brilliant intellect if he puts a little effort into it. Just like the minimum effort he's expending as head bully on the House Committee to Protect the Insurrectionists.

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Jesus told people to disdain wealth, aid the poor, and pay their taxes. Isn't that the kind of liberal "Communist" they are always screaming about?

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Jesus was a socialist.

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LOL! Yeah, those "christians" don't know a damn thing about what Jesus taught. It'd be funny if it weren't so frightening.

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I can only hope that these despicable behavior will turn around and bite them. Hard.

I keep waiting for the pendulum to swing towards sanity but I'm wondering if the timepiece of justice is broken.

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Anita, I feel fairly optimistic that we are seeing the death throes of the GOP, though optimism has not been my default since 2016. They keep doubling down on values that the majority of Americans reject and it’s coming home to roost. Tuesday lifted my spirits tremendously. Watching MTG getting a taste of her own medicine at the rally in NY, turning tail and running after only 5 minutes was second only to the indictment itself. She horribly misjudged her popularity and influence, though it still played to her base.

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If the GOP goes extinct, what will take its place ? The Aryan Nation Party ? MAGA ? Qanon ? As despicable as these faux " patriots " who say that they're pro - American, pro - free speech, pro - family, etc. are, they could be replaced by something worse.

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I doubt that the Party of Lincoln will go extinct. The Old School Republican stalwarts have been using TFG's popularity with his maga crowd. Like hitching a ride on a garbage truck -- it's not how you would ordinarily choose to travel, but since the truck is headed in the same direction you are heading, you can put up with the stench for a while. When tfg is no longer of any use, the Old School types will leave the maghats behind.

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The Party of Lincoln died a long time ago. What took its place were conspiracy theorists, gun nuts who believe that it's constitutional to carry assault weapons capable of taking out an armor - plated vehicle, racists, homophobes, people want to go back to the Dark Ages, other weird types. Have you ever heard George Carlin's routine " 4 Groups That Gotta go " ? If Mr. Carlin was still alive he would have added these people as 5 or possibly also number 6.

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I was born in 1948. I've been watching politics my entire life. I remember Ike. The so-called Republican Party is no longer the Republican Party, as long as TFG has any influence. I think Robert Reich said a day or three ago that the Independents are the largest group of voters, at around 40%. I'm not trying to defend the Republicans. It's just that I remember what is was like when it felt like we were all on the same side, and the arguments were about how far and how fast to move forward -- not whether or where to go.

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Don’t forget Nixon the Tricky Dick so fast, David! And then there was Joe McQarthy, sowing their miserable hate. I grew up in NYC starting in 1949 and my parents discussed all the events of the day with us.

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Growing up in a 1950's Republican household was as you say, arguments among democracy loving rivals. This current Repugnant Party is way beyond the pale. I am a dedicated Democrat, who still likes Ike...

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Eisenhower was the last true Republican with vision and honor. During his presidency those like Goldwater, William F. Buckley, and others began sowing the seeds and fear of ¨socialism¨ and ¨communism¨. Eisenhower wanted to follow in FDR's legacy. They didn't.

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I remember Vietnam & the Cold War, even though I was a kid. I didn't always process all that was going on. The division that we have now makes the Vietnam war demonstrations look like an argument over a game of " Go Fish " or " Spit in the Ocean ".

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David H, a good year to be born! "Twould appear Ike was the last truly decent, honorable Republican to serve as POTUS. Unlike virtually any human we have seen he had access to true nearly absolute power in two spheres, military and political. And yet he remained true to democratic ideals serving country over party and warning us of the apocalypse of power coming in the form of "the military-industrial complex!" ...truly a man for all seasons.

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“It's just that I remember what is was like when it felt like we were all on the same side, and the arguments were about how far and how fast to move forward -- not whether or where to go.” That’s it exactly! Just had this conversation with my son. There’s currently no competition between the 2 parties, that would end in our country moving forward the quickest, and to the place where we all gain the most benefit.

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You must be thinking of Eisenhower. I grew up under his relatively beneficent rule. Since then, all the repugnicant "leaders" I can count have been corrupt.

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Grandpa's Old Party was hijacked.

Brilliant ploy by failed Nazis...

Instead of shaved skulls, black leather, tattoos and swastika armbands, dark suits, ties, well-coiffed hair... And Grandma didn't even notice the difference.

Meanwhile failed fascist wingnuts from wastelands on the remote edge of the political spectrum found... RELIGION, became tax-free "minister of religion" cuckoos, ousted the real thing from the nest... and rule the roost unquestioned and unchallenged. Just like the Wolf who ate Grandma and put on her nightshirt and nightcap...

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Have you seen some of these rallies ? The participants / spectators look like Hell's Angels, the crowds at WWE or WWF wrestling matches. Not many suits & ties. Tattoos, half their teeth missing, probably from bar fights, probably carrying a concealed weapon. It's like something out of Mad Max. All that's missing is Master Blaster & Auntie Entity from Beyond Thunderdome.

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David, I frevently hope that you are wrong. Seeing the GOP die the death it wishes for those who do not follow its philosophy will leave us all better off. I, for one, have not mourned the deaths of all those who believed their nonsense about COVID and decided vaccines were not to be taken. The GOP has devolved into a psychopathic cult. The human race no longer needs them, if it ever did.

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James, I appreciate your sentiments. My position is so far to the Left that I sometimes describe it as a Speculative Fiction Leftist. I do care about the people I grew up with in rural southeastern Wisconsin, most of whom grew up on dairy farms. Some are still farming. Some time ago I "unfriended" a man who was a neighbor growing up, and we went all the way through school together from second grade. I decided I'd be happier if I just excluded him from my reality. For those who hold sincere religious beliefs, I am happy for them, but G*d help them if they try to foist their personal beliefs on me or on anybody else who does not wish to be bothered. I blame the conservative movement for everything that is wrong, or is holding us back from being able to fix the things that are within our power to fix. I think we should reframe the whole conversation, change the public narrative, look to the long-term future, and change the way we do things so that Earth will still be habitable a thousand years from now, and ten thousand years from now. If we don't take drastic concerted action soon, we won't even make it to the turn of the century. And that's just the problems we already know about. I think we should expand the concept of the new James Webb Space Telescope, make bigger segmented mirrors, and lots of them, so we can get a better understanding of what the universe has in store for us. While we're bickering here, there is a lot we don't know about the world in which we live. The conservative movement wants to impose austerity on us. Bad idea. Our federal government, our Congress, needs to spend lots of money into our economy to bring everyone up out of poverty. Deficit spending does not matter. We will always be able to pay our debts. When Congress spends money into our economy we tend to prosper, and money flows into the hands of our neighbors and friends at the bottom tiers of our economy. We can build a new economy based in part on repairing the damage that our economy has over the past three centuries inflicted on the planet. The so-called conservatives are standing in our way. In every election we need to ask them to get out of our way, because we have a lot of work to do. Either join us, or get out of our way.

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Great post, David H. I think if I was a young person today, I'd be furious about the failure of political leaders to address climate change and gun violence. (Actually, I AM furious!) I really hope that young adults will vote like their lives depend on it and replace these idiots with people who are willing to do something positive for a change.

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Amen to all that. I, too, have a lot of friends who are devout, but I'll have no truck with organized religion. I don't believe it's ever been shown to be a force that advances the human race. That doesn't mean I exclude them: I just understand the limits I have to place on any contact with them. You're right about that last point: there was a motto over the door in one of them many barracks I spent time in: "Lead, follow, or get out of the way".

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“[T]he [Republican garbage] truck is headed in the same direction.” Hopefully, the dumpster, the landfill or, better yet, jail!

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Lincoln would have been horrified to see what his "Republican party" has become. (And it actually isn't the same party, historically, which current day repugnicants fail to mention.)

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Daniel, that horse is out of the barn, has been since Dump came to sow his hate and evil. “Something worse” has come to replace them….omg.

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Curious, that metaphor. 9 months before said Dump was raised to Higher Things, I dreamed a dream and got out of bed to scribble a few lines which I've quoted here before...

The last verse:


You fight to close the stable door

The horse is not there anymore

I don't think that it ever was

Inside the stall, and that's because

In there's the lair of the Beast.

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Boy, is that prophetic.

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& yet my idiot cousin was wringing her hands about the BLM march that I mentioned. I guess she would have jumped for joy if the Proud Boys, Qanon or Aryan Nation had marched through here.

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Elisabeth, something worse indeed! The majority of Republicans have sown division, doubt and suspicion of our own admittedly imperfect democracy and it has come into full bloom! The evidence is present in the vituperative language of "our own" Heather's comment section. That they have sown this division makes it even more critical that we not join in and fan the flames of hatred by name-calling and depersonalizing those others.

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I don’t name call except for 45, and I am so disturbed because I do not depersonalize anyone! I am shocked to be living in a country that is on a fast track to dissolving its democracy. I love this forum because it is a “safe space” for ideas and exchange of opinions, even ones that clash.

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The Lord of the Rings:The Rings of Power....".Orcs".....written by J.R.R, Tolkien

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Or Klingons with " molecular surgery " endeavoring to pass themselves off as humans in Classic Trek. I'm a nerd.

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Possibly, but I see the growth in the numbers of Independents as a good sign. They’re currently the largest block of voters in the country. What the hell do we even need parties for? Candidates could fund raise and campaign on a much more even playing field without them. And would result in candidates running because they truly believe in their platforms, rather than just trying to get rich. The amount of money wasted on elections between two parties, neither of which represent the majority of Americans, is horrifying.

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What the hell do we need parties for, Indeed. I'm going to put on my Sherlock Holmes deerstalker hat & Google that question after I get some sleep. Chris, you have given me a juicy morsel to go with my whisky & coffee. Thanks !

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Same game, different name.

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Morlocks trying to pass themselves off as Eloi. OR - demons trying to pass themselves off as " angels of light ( even though I left organized religion over a decade ago, some of the phraseology still comes in handy at times ) ".

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The GOP is extinct.

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Yes, replaced by this mutated troglodytic abomination that Trump helped to enable.

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Exactly. This faux GOP might die, but its 74+ million constituents and its deep pocket funders will create an alternative that will be dedicated to democracy's destruction.

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I forgot the most uplifting event of all on Tuesday, the Wisconsin SC win!

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Anita, I keep thinking “How can this shit even be legal?????!!!!” I hope they are challenged up the wazoo by the Tennessee Three, our heroes. 🌈

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I hope masses of Tennessee citizens will rally around these injustices.

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Ït hasn't been legal and they see that they are able to get away with it. Until huge numbers of Independents and Democrats hit the streets in protest and demand the return of ethics, rules, laws, it will get worse.

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All 22 minutes of Justin Pearson's final statement in the legislature.

One of the great speeches of American History. 22 minutes well-spent.


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Thanks for the link to Justin Pearson's speech. He's got the fire of justice and true democracy. I hope he and his constituency can turn this into a powerful movement.

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Wow powerful and frightening Yes indeed , what would you say if another country had these dire situations with their supreme court, congress and a state legislature? None of these actions reflect the country and the democracy we thought our country represented to us and the world Thanks

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What a horribly sad day in America. We must ALL stand up and fight.

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Yes, vote, support progressives running for office, register Dem voters, support Get Out The Vote...and vote with your dollars. The following companies are headquartered in Tennessee:


Dollar General

Captain D's

Gordon Biersch Brewing Company


Cracker Barrel

Jack Daniels


Perkin's Restaurant

Regal Theaters

Ruby Tuesday

TSC Tractor Supply Company


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Yes, boycotts can be very effective!

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Also Smith & Wesson decided to move parts of their Massachusetts gun manufacturing operation to TN because MA legislators were concerned about gun violence. TN GAVE them land and tax relief. It doesn’t hurt that wages are lower in TN either.

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Gibson Brand Guitars headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee, also. Although slapping a 'This Machine Kills Fascists' sticker on one of their guitars might make a powerful statement or hopefully music that will create the change that these Republican legislators won't even debate.

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The folks who buy Gibsons can encourage the company to use its financial power against the Rs.

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I think Regal just went under. At least the one near me closed abruptly.

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Reasoning with these groups of troglodytes won't work. You can't break through that shell of indoctrination. It's like Jonestown or the Manson " family ". Reasoning with this lot - or trying to - gets you NADA.

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So true. "You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason himself into in the first place." ~ various attributions including Jonathan Swift

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Then, get involved in the issues you care about. Support those people. Run for office. And, of course, vote. Don’t just sit back and assume you can’t reason with them. Get engaged and inform others.

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You cannot reason with unreasonable people. I have spent 8 of the last 10 years trying to do that and have gotten nowhere. The people in my circle are under the spell of InfoWars/Qanon/Faux and they accuse me of being under the influence of "liberal media". We no longer speak the same language,

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A story - & I WILL try to keep it as brief as possible - my uncle & aunt told me that they were backing the Failed Republican Antichrist Wannabe. I felt depressed & even slightly ILL upon hearing this bit of news, like someone had taken a katana & disemboweled me. FFWD to 4 months after the " election " travesty. My uncle & aunt developed a case of voter's remorse. They didn't trust Biden overmuch, but they regretted backing Donald The Gross Trumpkin. The urge to laugh & yell " I Told You So ! " was overpowering, truly overpowering. How'm I doing for brevity ? Sanity & reason returned.

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Well done with brevity. Bravo to your aunt and uncle!

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Thank you, Ally. I just wish that they'd had the change of heart BEFORE the ( Putin - rigged ) " election ". Better late than never, I guess. They can enter Valhalla or Olympus with clear consciousnesses. Or without worrying about being reincarnated as slime molds.

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Fight who? Fight how? There is only one way to change what you Don’t want, there is only one solution... VOTE.

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You can also campaign for candidates you support.

You can also run for office yourself.

You can also speak out about the things you support.

You can also peacefully protest the people and issue you are against.

There’s plenty you can do. And VOTE

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Campaign for a candidate, sure, though the effect is hard to measure. On the other hand, a million dollar contribution to a candidate…..

Run for office? Yeah, except you’ll need about $100,000 just to run for office in a city council and even then you’ll probably need friends in high places.

Speak out? To whom? Talk is cheap. And impossible to measure its effectiveness.

For the most part, protesting doesn’t really accomplish much.

I know there are other things we can do but, in the end, voting is totally, 100% effective.

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Voting is only effective if the voter is not in a gerrymandered district and if the candidate wins and remains true to her/his party and constituents.

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Voting is great, but it would be better if we could have an actual democracy, wherein we could all vote on policy matters, instead of hoping that our elected representatives will represent us and not their big money donors. The Founding Authors were apparently wary of mob rule by largely uneducated members of society. But look at what we have instead! Oligarchs! We could build an Internet-based system of true democracy. All sorts of problems to solve, with security, and auditing, etc. I think we need true democracy.

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A true democracy: I would like that. Living in Massachusetts, I'm under one of the least transparent state governments in the US (rated 'F'). Over the years, I've seen them (and yes, the legislature has been controlled by Democrats for decades) ignore the will of the people, expressed by ballot initiatives, unless it suits them. I have my state rep and state senator on speed dial and do not hesitate to give them my two-cents worth.

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It’s hard not to feel disempowered, but there truly are so many other things you can do other than just vote. Call, text or write postcards to voters in critical elections, donate to organizations that are getting out the vote, talk about it with those in your circle (not hardcore MAGA). Find people of like mind. What just happened in Wisconsin was a result of 10 years of efforts to turn out the vote. The arc of change is long, but we do have agency over it.


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Voting is essential but it is only one of many ways to create change.

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We are living in a cesspool of mendacity once again. I pray the young people of Tennessee and all of the United States will move us forward out of the stench of racism and hypocrisy.

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Gayer, did you see the footage of the voters on college campuses in WIsconsin?! Hours long queues. It was heartwarming. I still have hope.

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It's tempting to throw in the towel & " Let George do it ", but we can't. Too much is at stake.

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Daniel, “get up, stand up for your rights” like Bob Marley exhorts. “Don’t give up the fight!!!”

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They had a Black Lives Matter march, peaceful, well - coordinated here in this small part of metro Nashville where I now live, & my mega - conservative cousin acted like the gates of hell had opened up & the damned were walking the Earth. She was in full Red Alert. I should've ignored her panic spaz attack & joined in.

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Thank You, Iler -- now I have that song playing in my mind, even though years have passed since the last time I heard it.

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Here’s the YouTube I found:


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Here is a beautiful YouTube of a live performance by Bob Marley and The Wailers:


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I believe the students will be the catalyst for change. And when they all register to vote, things will shift

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