What an incredibly irresponsible thing for Mike Huckabee to say.

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I used to think Mike Huckabee was sane. Isn’t he some kind of “Christian “? He isn’t. He’s just his own personal hall of shame. Bravo and hats off to Kamala Harris for standing up for democracy and to HCR for her exemplary reporting 🙏

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"I used to think Mike Huckabee was sane. Isn’t he some kind of “Christian"

Susan, maybe Huckabee IS the heart of Christianity in reality? I mean, look at history for moment. Constantine was not exactly a nice guy as he rolled out support for "Christianity" in his empire. Correct?

Hitler sort of utilized an underpinning Christianity thought process to run millions through the gas chamber correct?

Catholic priests chasing little boys around the pulpit during off hours? Seems pretty Christian to me at this point.

The Baptist Church split (Northern and Southern) back in the day because, after all, The Southern Baptists knew that God supported slavery and whippings on Sunday after church. Correct? Just historical fact.

Maybe Huckabee IS the quintessential "Christian" from a historical behavior point of view, not from the theory point of view.

Oh, and I forgot the Salem Witch trials where guys were burning young girls, tied to a stake, for fun in the name of Christianity.

Update: Thanks to all the folks who corrected the “burning at stake”. Apparently they were not.

They were hanged.

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One addition, it was also lynchings after church on Sunday. Yep, Huckabee and his cretin daughter, are the epitome of historical Christian’s. They lost me, Glory Halleluah

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Same here, Jeri!!

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Mike S, Huckabee is not the heart of Christianity, Jesus is. He was a revolutionary thinker and was willing to speak truth to power. Many of those who proclaim themselves to be Christians today are not willing to speak truth. However, there are many that do and suffer the consequences for doing so.

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Again, how many times do we have to keep making the distinction that voices like Huckabee's and Trinity Broadcasting's founder Pat Robertson are nothing more than Christo-fascists trying to gain political power? This is not "Christian" and goes against every single thing that Christ stood for. I just wish it was possible people could include qualifiers before the word "Christian" to reflect these nuts' brand of "Christianity". Speaking as a Christian here, I get tired that we who are strongly opposed to these radicals get lumped in with them. They have offensive, twisted, and perverted views of Jesus Christ that are diametrically opposed to Christianity. They can call themselves whatever the hell they want, but many Christians know these people are not at all representatives of Jesus Christ. I have no objection whatsoever to people who reject Christianity and organized religion -- some of my closest friends and colleagues are atheists and agnostics -- that is absolutely okay, and I would hope folks on here would realize, before they start once again bashing religion for the umpteenth time, that WE ARE NOT ALL LIKE WHAT YOU ARE BASHING. If you don't hear about the good in the world that some of us do, that is precisely what Christ preached. Love and respect the dignity of every human being and do good unto them, never calling attention to yourself. There are lots of others in other faiths that espouse the exact same thing, so there are ARE some people working for good in the world. They continue to fly under the radar. Please don't paint us all with the same brush. Here endeth the lesson . . .

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Now you know how Muslims feel when they're branded as terrorists. I put up with that crap for 10 years.

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EXACTLY. I get that people are not spiritual. That's totally okay. People have to realize, though, they can, in turn, with their faith-bashing, seem to push THEIR views down folks' collective throats too. All faiths have their outliers. Almost all faiths have shameful pasts. Faiths can also evolve. We can't (and shouldn't) disavow our pasts, but many of us can (and have) moved on, and are learning from past mistakes. All we can do is try.

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I was just going to say the same thing. Every time some radical Muslim organization perpetrated some outrage, there were plenty of Christians wanting to know why the radicals weren't being openly criticized by other Muslims (even though they were, and quite openly) with the implication that "they're all terrorists."

So...shoe seems to be on the other foot now.

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As President Carter has done, the good people need to stop hiding their lights under a bushel the size of the Western world. Stand up and speak out for Jesus' teachings and against these Xtian fascistic authoritarians and rabble rousers (looking at you, Huckabees) and their ilk. They speak very loudly and as insidiously, persuasively, as the legendary Snake of Eden, and have seized power in the name of Jesus, who, if he existed, would be appalled at both the power grab AND the abuse of his name and legacy.

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As the saying goes, "the squeakiest wheels always get the most grease". It can be hard when other more dissolute, controversial voices manage to take up all the oxygen in the room. I think for a lot of Christian factions there is an uncomfortable-ness in blowing one's own horn too much. It's more of the idea of "we're here if someone is interested to find out what we're about". We DO NOT tout ourselves as having all the answers, no faith does, really, but like my former rector said once, "we're all on this journey together searching for the answers and asking, largely, the same questions . . . if you want to search with us, you are welcome." Evangelicals believe it is their mission to evangelize, to spread and preach the Gospel (as they see it) and bring as many followers to the faith as they can. That's just not us, nor is it various other faiths that come to mind.

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Bruce, I share your frustration about "being lumped together" white White Christian Nationalists. They are as far away from the teachings of Jesus as one can be. At the same time, everything that Mike S. listed is true, and equally far from the teachings of Jesus. And we need to add to that list the Doctrine of Discovery, developed mid-fifteenth century, which pretty much gave explorers license to wipe out any indigenous people who got in the way of their colonizing for their country.

So those of us who call ourselves Christian cannot settle for just being annoyed at being lumped in with the non-Christian Christians. We also need to be ready to acknowledge all the truths of what happened when Jesus' message was co-opted by governments and used as a tool of patriarchy and power over, while at the same time decrying today's non-Christian White Christian Nationalism.

A good resource, Robert P. Jones’ new book "The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy: And the Path to a Shared American Future." I heard him speak last night at Georgetown - haven't read the book yet but can't wait!

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It is sort of like calling all republicans lunatics. There are some who have integrity. Kemp and McCain are about as republican as you can get but when push came to shove they stood their ground and didn't let the trump machine steamroller them.

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Which is why I am a Jesus-ist.

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I agree. Many use their Christianity as the core of their social conscience and works. And yes, many have suffered.

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I'm with you Mike. But every "religion" has its monsters. Jews, Buddhists, Muslims all persecute "others" - and often, each other. They are just people and people are selfish and violent.

The only faith I have found where nobody has died in "his name" is Pastafarianism. Lots of fun, good food and heaven has a beer volcano. They have only one dogma: no dogma allowed. And being nice is the norm.

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Bill Alstrom Writes Bill’s Focus - "The only faith I have found where nobody has died in "his name" is Pastafarianism."

Okay, I had to look it up:

The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is the deity of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Pastafarianism, a social movement that promotes a light-hearted view of religion. It originated in opposition to the teaching of intelligent design in public schools. According to adherents, Pastafarianism (a portmanteau of pasta and Rastafarianism) is a "real, legitimate religion, as much as any other". It has received some limited recognition as such.


Our Beliefs

What are we for? All that is good!

What are we against? All that is not good!

Although “the only dogma allowed in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the rejection of dogma”, some general beliefs are held by Pastafarians. Pastafarians believe that the universe was created by the FSM while very drunk, the effects of which can be seen in the resulting imperfections and contradictions in the universe.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster is depicted as a tangle of spaghetti with many Noodly Appendages, flanked by two delicious meatballs, and with a pair of googly eyes upon stalks. Such a depiction is merely a guess, of course, as the FSM is understandably invisible to all known forms of scientific detection.

Whether or not the FSM is actually made of pasta is the subject of intense theological debate, with many claiming that the FSM is not made of pasta, but just appears to be, while others believe that to be a Flying Spaghetti Monster, the FSM must be made of pasta. The FSM is neither male nor female, but completely genderless, as the idea of a Monotheistic deity needing a gender or genitals is pretty silly when you really think about it. The genderless term Pastafarians refer to FSM as is ‘Quob’ – as in – ‘May you be Touched by Quob’s Noodly Appendage’ instead of referring to our deity’s Noodly Appendages as ‘his’ or ‘her’ Noodly Appendages.

All followers of the FSM hold that pirates are sacred and were the first Pastafarians. Climate change, earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters are directly linked to the declining number of pirates worldwide. Many Pastafarians therefore choose to wear full pirate regalia as a means to help the environment and belay natural disasters. Other Pastafarians just like wearing colanders on their heads.

The system of Pastafarianism ethics is based on the “The Eight I’d Really Rather You Didn’ts” – a series of suggestions on how to live your life in a happy manner without infringing upon others rights to do the same with their own lives. The 8’s outline a morality which is based on harmonious co-existence, non-judgemental conduct and generally not being a dick. Worship of the FSM is not commanded or even expected. In many ways, Pastafarians believe that this ethical system is superior to all other mainstream religions.

While the beliefs professed by Pastafarians may often be accused of being a joke, satire or even a parody, (especially by the media) this is explicitly and strenuously denied by the church.

“It’s not a joke. Elements of our religion are sometimes described as satire and there are many members who do not literally believe our scripture, but this isn’t unusual in religion. A lot of Christians don’t believe the Bible is literally true – but that doesn’t mean they aren’t True Christians.” Bobby Henderson

A wide variety of people are drawn to our religion for diverse reasons, but our love of all things Noodly, our constant celebration of life, eating, drinking, our ability to laugh at ourselves, to have fun and to still be good people, usually means people stay once they have joined us.

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Bobby Henderson is a hero for those of us who believe in a strict separation of church and state. Some of his references and elements of the religion itself are a bit dated and sexist. But the core is solid. Be nice.

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Bill, thanks for reminding me about, and Ron for expanding on, the Pastafarians. I can only respond: “May the Force be with you”. Or, maybe, in this case more appropriately, “May the Marinara be with you”

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I have been touched by His Noodly appendage.


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Sort of like Festivus without "the airing of the grievances"!

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Yes! There are some cases of "raining of insults". But the mocking is of the other religions - not of people.

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Thanks Bill. As always, of course, your level thought is correct.

But. Currently, “Christianity”, or a large part of US Christian’s are straining to give birth to yet another bit of evil.

Might as well say it. So. I did.

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The Nazis co-opted religion for their own purposes. They also co-opted science. Do we equate science with Nazism? I think we're all bright enough to know that all scientists and employing the scientific method is not a form of fascism. Religious tradition, no matter how badly used and twisted by today's fascists, is not "the heart" of fascism - fascism is. Religion, used in this way, is just another dust jacket over their bible - Mein Kampf (a copy of which Trump apparently kept on his bed-side table).

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Mike, I agree with all that you've said, with the exception of your description of the Salem witch trials. The Puritans burned nobody at a stake, and their efforts didn't confine themselves to little girls. They hanged both men, women and girls, and on occasion "pressed" some off their perceived evildoers by piling stones on them to force them to to confess to practicing witchcraft. They continued their err .... "cleansing" by persecuting other religious groups like the Quakers, thus cementing their place in the "Christian" hierarchy.

Mike Huckabee and his darling daughter Sarah, are among the present-day insurgence of phony Christians trying to force everyone to conform in order to enable their perverted vision of what the world should be. They're merely another version of those who wish to inflict their often twisted views on the way society functions.

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You are correct. Witches were hanged in America, burned in France.

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Many thanks for your accurate historical update.

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You're welcome, Mike. I used to think they burned their quarry, too, as the Europeans did, but did some genealogical research and discovered what really happened - dead, in any event. One victim, Rebecca Nurse, was found not guilty by the jury, but the judge "knew" she was indeed guilty, so demanded that she be tried again. She was hanged, at the age of 71.

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how fricken awful!

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"Christianity" perverted for power. It's been ever such since Constantine declared it the official religion of the Empire. But if you read the Gospels, nothing Jesus said was about power. The evangelical churches have lost their connection with the fundamentals of christianity. I heard tell of congregants asking whether the Sermon on the Mount were liberal talking points. Ye gods!

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Yep. Jesus was a Socialist Communist.

Send him to the cross!!

Wait. They already did.

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Actually, no one was burned at the stake in Salem and the young girls were the accusers. And there are many who try to live actual Christian lives.

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Unfortunately, those Christians aren't speaking up!

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I disagree. there are those that speak up, but they are often demoted or banned from their church or community for doing so. I have met many who do speak up and I admire them for staying true to their beliefs in the face of repression. And, I am saying this from the vantage point of coming from a Jewish heritage. One of my mentors, a progressive rabbi had the following quote on his business card: “A rabbi ain’t a rabbi until he's run out of town.” I believe that may apply to Jesus, who was a rabbi, also.

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I believe Jesus was a liberal of his time, standing against the old laws of Judaism.

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And on Jesus' business card: “A rabbi ain’t a rabbi until he's crucified.”

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"Jesus, who was a rabbi"

Although the Gospels sometimes call Jesus a rabbi, the term did not exist during his time.


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fine point of the method of execution i would say. From wiki, "Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. More than 200 people were accused. Thirty people were found guilty, 19 of whom were executed by hanging (14 women and five men). " At least there was a lot of backpedalling after the fact.

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Thank you.

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no, they were hanged

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The Huckster is just another "Christian" in name only and is exactly the kind of person that Jesus was talking about in condemning those who pray loudly in the Temple. Jesus was against hypocrites and greeds of which both Hucksters represent. I would say that all major religions have had their violence problems because of fundamentalists of various stripes...even Buddhists.

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Concise summation....it’s the walk that counts..not the cheap lip service 😉🥰

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I wouldn't overdo the Nazi extermination of Jews and non-Jews in more or less equal numbers (death camps abt 12 million half being Jews) with Christian denominational support. the Nazis made very short work of any Christian opposition to them, and stage managed their own Christian front to equate themselves with the best Christianity had to offer, the Master Race. But you'd be very right in periodic but chronic persecution of Jews, esp middle ages on, and most esp in late 19th and early 20th century Eastern/Central Europe including western Russia esp Ukraine, mainly because of massive political breakdown during and following WW1. It was in one very steamy anti-Jewish atmosphere that Hitler and many of his fellow Nazis and Germans in general grew up and imbibed their visceral hatred of Jews. Ironically most Jewish victims weren't from Germany but Poland and elsewhere. The Allies did virtually nothing to stem death camp operations during the war itself. Could they have done "more"? Maybe.

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Prof. Timothy Snyder wrote an excellent book about this persecution of Jews in Eastern/Central Europe in the 20th century, entitled "Bloodlands".

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He sure did! He's also a go to guy if you want a lot of online university lectures about the long history of Ukraine.

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Snyder also wrote an excellent book about the Holocaust.

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Yes. And it is such a difficult book to read.

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I also add culpability of the Catholic Church to the Christian persecution of Jews throughout the times leading to the Holocaust.

The Church in Eastern Europe established an educated hierarchy that strongly affected governance of area. Just as the passivity and silence of Pius XII betrayed the precepts of Jesus of Nazareth the church’s history and texture suffer anti-semitism by inactive disapproval.

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The long history of popular persecution was often countered and disapproved of by church and government leadership as i've read it, though im sure sentiments were quite a mixed affair. Church leaders and monarch's leaned on Jewish professional skills, and of course, their banking skills ie loans, which sometimes were not repaid. In Ukraine i think 1648? it was the breakdown of long standing political protection (Polish i think) which led to huge pogroms against Jews. Anti-Jewish sentiments do go back, even into the NT, but it really took off in the 2nd century. Jews were often sanctioned as "God killers". It's such a messy, dark history.

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A LOT which happened with Christianity was as much populist as anything sanctioned by the various forms of the RCC . In the middle ages populist agitations of one form or another created all kinds of headaches which the leadership tried to quell or turn into opportunities or at least channel and divert. Try Dairmaid McCullough's rather long history of Christianity which delves into some of this. This was definitely NOT just about Jews since the church was also fending off charges of corruption. Likely also why Jews got tagged in these pogroms. For sure in my first citation.

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And then there is the pope who outlined the diagnosis of a witch and the proper torture.

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Yikes. Was he chasing a little boy around while writing?

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Jews made convenient scapegoats because of the Christian prohibition of usury, as they were the bankers. They also lived and thrived in certain parts of towns which could be attacked by the mob, who were often stirred up by the very rulers who borrowed. The Romans gave certain privileges to Jews and so they couldn't understand why Jews continued to rebel in first century Palestine. They didn't care about what religious people followed as long as they didn't rebel. Thus the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple followed by the Jewish people wandering all over Europe. There were plenty of silly but deadly rumors about what Jews were up to and after all, the aided and abetted the Romans in the cruxifixction. Then came the First Crusade. When the Crusaders got to Germany, they told the Jews to convert or die. They were surprised when many chose to die. Converts were also suspicious when we look at what happened to converts in Spain and Jews were finally thrown out by Ferdinand and Isabella. And so it has continued right up to the present day where we find people who believe Jews run the world.

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Yes, usury as a Christian castigated profession was almost forced upon Jews. The explicit populist attacks were based more on them being god killers, plus rogue stories such as Christian child sacrifice, the "blood libel". Nice thumbnail you have there. Its a big, messy story. Relatively speaking, Jews fared better under muslims "in the day". Hardly so with the rise of Israel as state which was thrust upon the muslim inhabitants and managed to outgun its opponents then become a holding pen for a few million Palestinian muslims. Another messy story. This has certainly provided more fuel for the so called Zionist conspiracy. A lot of paranoia out there, besides the Jews. Of course, there wouldn't have needed to be an "Israel" if European Christendom had adopted a more tolerant attitude towards Jews across the centuries. Oh the what ifs! Legacies have a way of enduring, don't they!

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Oh yes to your final sentence. I read Zealot which I like very much and also did a long paper on the treatment of Jews from Roman times to the first Crusade in both Christianity and Islam. I would agree that for a while they were better treated by Islam. Part of the problem has always been that they are all very closely related....Christianity expected Jews to convert and they didn't. Also a lot of early worship was Jews and Christians together, but the Church put a stop to that. Then when Islam came along, it was expected that Jews and Christians would convert and they didn't. I confess to being terse and not always including the details which you have provided. I would also agree that the mobs used any excuse to attack Jewish parts of cities, but certain rulers also used them as scapegoats. It seems to me it was handy to use all these excuses to loot and destroy prosperous Jewish areas, so greed and resentment were factors. I guess culture wars are nothing new. As for Israel, I understand why it came to be, but I am deeply troubled by its treatment of its Arab and Palestinian citizens. Part of this is the legacy of the British during their Mandate.

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I think I’ll sue Mike Huckabee for causing unbearable fear in my life.

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You cite examples of bad Christians. You could do the same with any religion. You could also list a lot of bad atheists. There are just bad people who claim to belong to a particular religion when, in fact, they do not practice the teachings of that religion. I would suggest Francis of Assisi or Dorothy day as the "quintessential" Christian. There are many Christians such as these who don't make the headlines but do a lot of good in the world.

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No doubt. But the Christians you are talking about are being drowned out by the Christian Nationalists. The latter are the ones with the political power. Actual Christians need to get their act together and find a way to fight them.

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Twenty "witches" were murdered in 1692 in Massachusetts, nineteen by hanging and one, a male "witche", Giles Corey, was "pressed to death" - a plank was laid over him as he lay on some sort of structure on the ground, and boulders and stones were piled up on the plank until he was crushed. He was 81 years old when he was murdered by "Christian" monsters for refusing to plead to the charges, essentially preventing the court from conducting his trial. So the monsters resorted to "peine fort et dure". https://blogs.loc.gov/law/2020/10/the-crushing-death-of-giles-corey-of-salem-1692/. It's a fascinating discussion, horrible, but fascinating. Another inexcusable terror brought over by the European invaders.

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Horrible indeed.

Thank you for the history.

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Mike S., read up on your history. "Young girls" were not hanged during the Salem witch craze. "Young girls" were generally among the accusers, not the accused. Those hanged were mostly older women, but there were some men, including a minister. Giles Corey was crushed to death under stones; his wife, Martha, was hanged.

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Thanks for the correction.

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Or drowned!

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Thank you.

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The Huckabee father-daughter team is the epitome of hypocrisy. What is terrifying is the culture they embolden....

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Bonnie, It is all about shock. We are writing about it, there are confederate minded individuals with more arsenal then you can imagine are praising it, and a unified Republican Congress supporting it. There is one path to this because of President Biden’s age and the border crisis:

Kamala needs to step up and convince the Americans she can be a great president. And one way it can happen is to address the border crisis. I was in NYC last night and saw one of the elite hotels fully booked with migrants. I can’t imagine the text messages going back to friends and relatives about being in a paid hotel with free food. I’m liberal, but not that liberal. The VP is being given more and more important roles and now is time to demonstrate it with a tough federal stance.

Or we will lose the election in 2024.

Seriously. People love their country, but fear being overtaken by a flood of immigrants. And that will be all the ads.

The Republican’s will focus on President Biden’s Age and the border crisis. And if they can force a recession, they will. We need a strong women. And if we can’t get Kamala to step up to it, then I’m hoping for Haley.

And I hope that Colorado wins out on the 14th ammendment, section 3, yet he needs to be found guilty of insurrection. He had only been charged.


Migrants Will Sleep Outdoors Because ‘There Is No More Room,’ Adams Says

Mayor Eric Adams said New York had run out of shelter space for migrants, and he defended a troubled contractor working with the city on its response.


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Well, here in upstate NY, there are crappy hotels also booked with migrants. I'm sure the "elite hotels" to which you refer aren't being paid rack rates for housing migrants.

"People love their country, but fear being overtaken by a flood of immigrants." Gosh, you could have said the same thing about the immigration of the Irish, the Italians, the Eastern European Jews, the Chinese, et al over the years. The U.S. has a long and disgraceful history of xenophobia. Right now we need workers, especially as members of the Baby Boom generation retire. NY Governor Hochul is trying to get the Biden administration to allow migrants to work, which I'm sure many of them would like to do.

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Very familiar with the immigration at that time and toured the tennants and had folks working on the Morris Canel. The differences which I don’t beleive we see eye to eye on:

1) they are here for free, the past had to work their way out of lower Manhattan.

2) many second generation became college educated. That’s the true success story. Not certain the kids I saw last night even have the infrastructure for a basic education.

Hoping for the best here yet I think it is out of control and it will be us (the Dems) to blame. Yet, again, I would rather have Haley then Trump. Even if we lose.

Good luck in upsate NY. I always drive through it to Vermont and some of those towns seem to be hurting like Fort Ann and Whitehall. I’m hoping they are not burdening them with this.

But yes., Vote!


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Try identifying with the migrants: think climate change and gangs. Imagine yourself in the situation with your garden not producing, food prices out of sight, and the beacon of America up the road. Before your children die of starvation or bullets, you might make a try for food and safety. You hope for the kindness of strangers or that your last savings paid for a promised trip will get you to the promised land where you can safely work and take care of your children. We have seen and been warned of these vast migrations for years, but most of them have been “over there.” Now we have to reckon with our many “rapes” in Central and South America (just think bananas, if that’s all you can bear) and our contribution to climate change. If the shoe were on the other foot, what would you hope for? We live in a country that twice has tried to “keep the world safe for democracy.” Now we are being called on, in another way at an even more fraught time, to keep everyone safe. Who are we in this overpopulated world? Can we ride to the occasion again? (Now to GOTV cards.)

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Virginia….maybe Canada will end up building a wall to stall northern migration…oh wait, they’re burning too. It may be that there really is no place to run to, no place to hide.

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JB, "toured the tennants and had folks working on the Morris Canel"?? Even if I ignore your typos, I really don't know what you're trying to say. "Here for free" doesn't make any sense either, considering what so many of these migrants have to had to go through to get here (see Virginia's post).

Yes, Fort Ann and Whitehall are hurting; that's nothing new. You're obviously unfamiliar with communities in upstate NY that are thriving, thanks in part to technology companies that happen to employ many immigrants.

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Haley disqualified herself when she said in the debates she would support Trump as the nominee even if he were convicted or in jail.

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I totally disagree and will take Haley as a nominee over trump any day.

I wish she didn’t raise her hand, and agree.

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JB: "I wish she didn't raise her hand". Well, she did and cast herself as a person with no scruples. The deed is done, the voters witnessed it.

"The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on. Nor all your piety or wit will lore it back to cancel half a line, nor all your tears wash out a word of it." Omar Khayyam

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IMHO, the current “immigration crisis” (legal/illegal) is just a small precursor to what will be a global mass movement of peoples fleeing countries/locations that are increasingly not suitable for human habitation/survival due to climate change and loss of livable habitat—this will likely include mass movement of those within the USA as well (think of it like the Dust Bowl migration of the 1930’s on steroids). If we can’t even have sane and humane policies currently, how in the world (global pun intended) will we face what is coming? The rancor that currently exists I fear will get exponentially worse and floating barriers with razor wire will seem a quaint attempt to stem the tide, as world-wide, some immigrants/refugees are being met with increasingly violent resistance/push-back. We dither, argue and ignore what is relentlessly heading toward ALL of us. Damn, sorry, this is depressing to write, but it seems so obvious to me.

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Barbara Keating- you’ve expressed my thinking exactly. In addition to the refugees of climate change, we will also see the oligarchs’ increasing efforts to claim or divert water inside this country. Consider the outrageous monocropping of corn in areas with shrinking aquifers (the same Ogallala Aquifer that lies under the lands that became the Dust Bowl). Consider the “water grab” from Indian lands. Consider “plans” to pump Lake Superior water to parched western lands (no doubt to support more corn, golf course turf and the development of more gated communities). The war is already escalating.

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I subscribe to the Lakota People’s Law Project & they recently sent this (a much deeper dive in to what happened in Lahaina: https://lakotalaw.org/news/2023-09-01/lahaina-was-burning-long-before-the-fire?fbclid=IwAR2M00yNFA5VAEruJqcsrfrdJAACLR_-htsUfV4lw7-D6GjZbdR48fGP9_g

Many years ago (early 90’s) I accompanied my (now ex) husband as he gave a private instruction class to a family in Palo Alto, CA (we drove 6 hrs to get there); they lived in a gated hilltop property w/ pool & tennis court. The instruction class was to get the family ready to climb Mt. Whitney in the Sierra. My ex shared that he led winter x-country skiing adventures at Crater Lake in OR. I recall how I had to bite my tongue hard (so as not to put the kibosh on the deal—paying customers for him!) when one of the fellows said water should be piped from Crater Lake to CA! It was all could do to keep quiet about the plundering of resources—sheesh.

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Please don’t apologize. You have written what must be written so that people of good will can think and act as their best selves. We must start with breaking the Hastert Rule and reversing SCOTUS. Vote 💙!

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There is no way any one person can solve our problems with immigration. And Repubs will continue to harp on it precisely because they know that AND block every decent attempt by Congress to take measures to help solve it.

Haley couldn't solve it any more than Kamala can.

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Agreed. I think it will take a round of election for this to settle more.

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I remember one printing about getting them to work capacity...am sure this/that isn’t a piece of cake but vetted , processed , and working they can become funded and provide for themselves. Weaned out should be the ones looking for handouts, disabled, or otherwise incapacitated ...I thought that was a point well cited. Again not easy peasy , the roads to accomplishment carry banners thrown by the wayside -the litter of complaints, but the job gets done. Thanks to all the efforts and hopeful for more people getting to the promised land to help and realize it isn’t all the pretty picture painted, but God Bless America.


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Haley may be a woman, but she's just as far right and mean as the rest of them!

I think a better choice would be Hakeem Jefferies! He knows how to legislate and would have Joe Biden's ear on demand, I'm sure.

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Far away from the Hackabee's bullets and ballots, we haven't given much thought to the VC Kamala's visit to Asia. The first time I heard about Kamala's maiden visit to South East Asia was in 2021 after the defense Secretary Austin toured the region 2 Times. Since then Kamala Harris has been a frequent visitor to South East Asia 3 times and 4th overally across the Asian region. She herself has touched down in Asia several times more than any other continent. This somehow signals US commitment to the region.

However, I don't know why President Joe Biden hasn't personally prioritized the region that much to gain political capital? Could the relationship between Asia and US still frosty? Has President Biden not found a strong footing in Asia? Is Biden belittling and neglecting the impact of the ASEAN region? Is China influence too worrying to take a back seat? Is there political turmoil in Asia? But, nonetheless, His absence from the region speaks louder than the presence of VC Kamala Harris.

With more than 600 million people,the region itself has an impact on regional politics no matter the level of turmoils that they may sometimes face. I have seen critics say that ASEAN hasn't convinced America that it can play a central role in world politics partly because it hasn't solved military strife in Myanmar 2 years ago and no peace plan has been reached.

But, this scapegoat excuses shouldn't be the cause of frosty relations between ASEAN and America because these are domestic issues that will continue to be available and no foreign policy can solve unless domestic parties themselves agree. And for your information, no continent can be free from any wrangles but this shouldn't prevent alliances from proceeding to thrive in areas that they share. Singapore and Vietnam have been a safe ground for America, but America has find it difficult to extend its political relations with the rest of the Asian countries.

It seems China has distracted America until it pulled out of Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPATPP), a trade agreement comprising 11 countries and opted only to finance some infrastructure which they see as less strenuous. As China's influence continues to grow, US relations with Asia will continue to dwindle. Without an economic strategy for the region, US will slowly isolate itself and it will only adopt reactive strategies (due to China) at the expense of proactive longterm approaches.

But, for now, it seems Biden is sending Kamala Harris to prepare a common ground perhaps before he can launch his economic plan for the region and if this is the case, then America can establish long-term economic relations with ASIA.

Enjoyed my work? My underserved community, notwithstanding my incessant pleas, would appreciate if you subscribe for free. Welcome and I love you all.

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Uh, Edwin. President Biden went to the Asian Pacific countries in 2022 and 2023, He has sent Vice President Harris more often because he has been so busy with events in Europe and home. Kamala Harris mother was Asian (India) and the Asians relate to her. Secretary Blinken has also made several trips to Asia.

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To piggyback on that, after traveling to Florida after Hurricane Idalia, the First Lady came down with Covid and he has been exposed. It would be irresponsible to travel , spreading contagion, as we saw with tfg and his debate prep.

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Thanks for pointing that out, Jen. It would be totally irresponsible to travel after a known exposure.

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President Biden, VP Kamala Harris or anyone else would be challenged with an ongoing relationship with East Asian Countries including India.

There is much turmoil and inter-disruptions for power whether they may be using religion or power to take over rule or property.

It is better to engage and to be involved as best as possible. It is better to offer relationship...an open door than to turn our backs and focus only on the easier relationships.

Governing is difficult. Good governing takes wisdom, patience, understanding that people have different religions or life styles or simply choose cruelty and violence to dominate. We can see the evidence within our own country.

There are no words to express my gratitude to each and every SERVANT working with President Biden to hold this country and world together by PROMOTING DEMOCRACY....rather than Dictatorial rule. Thanks and praise to every person involved in governance throughout the world who want the same.

We the people must be engaged.

I would rather lose my dear friends and family members than to accept being ruled by a dictator. A dictator devalues the lives of others. A dictator wants to control everything about who you are and how to live your life. A dictator demands he/she be your godhead. This idea is so unAmerican!!!! at least the America Joe Biden believes in. He believes it takes each and all of us working together to keep our country great.....I also believe in that continuous goal....that continuous work.....I believe in us as a nation.....I still believe we can be "The Light on a Hill".....hope for those in need.....a chance at a decent life....opportunity for an education.....opportunities for jobs prividing a decent salary.

I am thankful for Social Security and Medicare. I am thankful that the many, adults and children, do not have to pay so much for insulin.

I am thankful that we support freedom for Ukraine. They are dying everyday to gain the freedom some in our country want us to give away!!!!

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Happy to know Kamala Harris has roots in Asia. But, despite his busy schedule, I think Biden's economic presence hasn't been prioritized that much given China and other countries are moving in that direction.

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It's not like Biden has not been busy saving the US Economy from the Coronavirus, backstopping natural disasters, bolstering the rule of law, and generally behaving like an adult.

Yes, America wasted all its treasure and foreign policy shooting up Afghanistan and Iraq for 20 years so Haliburton stock could rise 500%. Yes, China ably and smartly grew its diplomatic presence in Asia through the Belt and Road initiative from the early 2000's while our yahoo President sent troops to kill innocent people in countries that had done nothing to the USA.

BUT, that is not Biden's fault right? That is George W. Bush fault (otherwise known as W the small brained idiot).

Goodness. How much stuff does Biden have to save for Americans to notice he is probably the best President since Jimmy Carter.

Yes, Jimmy Carter was the best President of my lifetime. (born in early 1960's).

Goodness Edwin. OPEN EYES are sort of important.

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I like your thorough, comprehensive analysis. Nonetheless, Biden is making strides in the right direction.

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Thank you Mike, very important points. I liked Carter and voted for him in both his bids for President, but I think Biden is closer to my personal hero FDR - but then I'm 30+ years older than you.

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Mike S, Edwin Kiptoo Ngetich has raised a valid issue. The forum is not a fan club, while there is much good that Biden has accomplished in his presidency. His approval of the Willows Project is not one of them. Although an excellent president in many ways, it is fair to find fault his present and past decisions. Strong support, finding fault and voicing our principles go together for engaged citizens.

'In October 2002, he was one of 77 senators who gave President George W. Bush the authority to use force in Iraq. He is still trying to explain that choice.' (NYTimes)

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Edwin, I get your point, but Biden has been focused on “putting out many fires” at home—kinda like playing a game of Twister—particularly w/ Congressional shenanigans going on—one such is the deadline on funding the Fed gov’t coming at the end of Sept—debt ceiling/gov’t funding is the VERY same reason he had to cut short/cancel his Asia meetings in May, as the debt ceiling issue was held hostage by (mostly the far-right faction) Congress. It is good he has surrounded himself with competent public servants qualified to, working together, keep the USA mostly on track at home & abroad.

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Yes, I know he has enormous work to do and I like his approach in most of the issues. He is incredibly doing well at home and applaud him.

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WHY DIDN’T PRESIDENT BIDEN ATTEND THE ASEAN SUMMIT? That was not addressed in today's Letter. I applaud Edwin Kiptoo Ngetich for raising it on the forum and the press has not been silent about Biden's decision. To have gone or not, I don't know the answer to that but think it worthwhile to consider the question.

‘Why Biden Skipping the Asean Summit Is a Mistake’, appeared in The Washington Post, credited to a Bloomberg report. and excerpted here.

‘No matter what anyone says, getting the consolation prize is never fun. And that’s what it must feel like for Indonesia, the host of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations gathering. Not only is Biden not attending, he’s snubbing a major regional power — and given that the US has consistently said it wants to build a stronger relationship with Asia, it feels a little like an own goal.’

‘Ultimately, though, actions speak louder than words. And when someone shows you who they are in a relationship, believe them. The harsh reality is that some Asian countries are simply more important to the US than others.’

“It is a cold, calculated decision to reinforce the ongoing stress on consolidating individual allies and partners like Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and now Vietnam,” says Michael Vatikiotis, author of several books on Asia, including Blood and Silk: Power and Conflict in Modern Southeast Asia. “It’s all about spooking China — and picking each of these countries off one by one is easier, rather than in a multilateral forum where Beijing will be present.”

‘The deliberate cherry picking of allies and partners is the brainchild, insiders tell me, of Biden’s key Asia policy czar, Kurt Campbell. It is likely to continue, as Campbell has pointed out in a discussion earlier this year at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies.’

‘The strategy is to create a network around China — a carefully strung together geographic necklace of countries that all see Beijing as a mutual threat.’

‘The recently convened Camp David meeting between the US, South Korea and Japan is an example of that. So are Aukus, the multibillion-dollar partnership the US unveiled with Australia and the UK, and the Quad grouping made up of India, Australia, Japan and the US, all ostensibly designed to combat China’s growing assertiveness in the South China Sea and around Taiwan.’

‘It’s not so simple. Not everyone sees the world with the same black-and-white, us-and-them polarized prism that the US has begun to point at Beijing. For a lot of countries, China has been a lifeline and will continue to be economically, despite the current slowdown. And that includes some of those the US is trying to court. '

'Indonesia should, in theory, be a natural partner for Washington. It is a large, vibrant democracy with historically strong military ties to the US. But in recent years, under President Joko Widodo, the archipelago has been receptive to the economic overtures from Beijing.’

‘Allowing China’s influence to continue would be a mistake for the US. The ambivalence from Jakarta is understandable given it is the largest economy in Southeast Asia, with relatively strong prospects. And it no longer feels that it needs to kowtow to either Beijing or Washington to ensure its relevance.’

‘It’s clear that multilateralism has become far less important to both the US and China. The US sees its strategy of going after countries one by one in the region as successful and efficient. And if the attempt is to counter its chief competitor’s role in Asia, then signing a major upgrade in the partnership with Vietnam is far more useful than spending a day in Jakarta.’

‘Still, Biden’s snub is shortsighted. There is an election in the US year next year, so he is unlikely to turn up at the Asean meeting that will be held in Laos either.

‘The Trump era of pulling out of trade deals and America First has not been forgotten, and while Biden has succeeded in convincing some Asian partners that the US is back and is engaging in the region, others don’t feel the same way.’ (WAPO) Sorry that the link below could not be gifted.


Excerpts from AP article, ‘Southeast Asian leaders are besieged by thorny issues as they hold an ASEAN summit without Biden’

‘Marty Natalegawa, a respected former foreign minister of Indonesia, expressed disappointment over Biden’s non-appearance, but said such red flags were more alarmingly emblematic of ASEAN’s declining relevance.’

“The absence of the U.S. president, while it is disappointing and symbolically significant, is for me the least of the worry because what’s more worrisome actually is the more fundamental structural tendency for ASEAN to become less and less prominent,” Natalegawa told The Associated Press in an interview.’

‘Natalegawa said ASEAN’s failure to effectively rein in Myanmar’s military government from committing human rights atrocities and its “deafening silence” when a Chinese coast guard ship recently used a water cannon to block a Philippine supply boat in the disputed South China Sea underscore why the group’s aspiration to be in the center of Asian diplomacy has been questioned. Member states have turned to either the U.S. or China for security, he said.’

“Absenteeism by ASEAN is leading to unmet needs, and those needs are being met elsewhere,” he said.'

Dinna Prapto Raharja, a Jakarta-based analyst and professor on international relations, said ASEAN’s credibility is on the line if the Myanmar crisis drags on. While the bloc has no conflict-resolution mechanism for such domestic strife, it should be flexible enough to harness its clout and connections to help address such problems.'

Marsudi acknowledged such grim outlook and the pressure for the regional bloc to make a difference.

“The eyes of our peoples are on us to prove ASEAN still matters,” she told fellow foreign ministers. AP) See link below.


'Biden’s Absence at ASEAN Summit Seen as Snub to Southeast Asia'

'In the game of great-power competition against China, showing up is half the battle.'

'U.S. President Joe Biden is set to travel to Asia for diplomatic meetings in India and Vietnam, but on the trip he’s skipping two major summits in the neighborhood, rankling diplomats in Southeast Asia and potentially undercutting Washington’s ongoing power struggle in the region against China.'

'Biden is a no-show at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit and coinciding East Asia Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia, which began on Monday and runs through Thursday, sending Vice President Kamala Harris in his place. If from Washington’s point of view the decision has more to do with scheduling than anything else, in the region Biden’s absence is viewed as a glaring diplomatic snub for Indonesian officials and some other Southeast Asian countries, according to three U.S. and Asian diplomats familiar with the matter.

That perceived snub could set back—though not derail—a concerted years long U.S. diplomatic campaign to court more influence and clout in the region to counter China, these officials said.'

“The word to use here is disappointment,” said one senior Asian diplomat, who spoke on condition of anonymity to speak more candidly about the internal dynamics of the ASEAN summit. “Biden’s absence will be felt throughout, and it is a missed opportunity to cement gains as China grows more unpopular.”

“Diplomatically Biden’s absence will constitute a humiliation for [Indonesian] President [Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo],” Kornelius Purba, senior editor of the Jakarta Post, wrote ahead of the summit. “[T]he U.S. President’s no-show in Jakarta only signals that Indonesia is no longer a top priority of the U.S. administration, which may perceive Jakarta as leaning too much to Washington’s chief competitor Beijing.” (ForeignPolicy) Sorry that the link below could not be gifted.


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There a scientific limits on the number of places a person can be. That's why presidents have surrogates. With the Republicans burning down America, weather disasters at every turn, concerns about sufficient water for the southwest, worries concerning flood, fire, and drought conditions affecting the food supply, everyday Americans shooting their neighbors, Americans using violence to advance their ideologies, countries in Africa losing political contol, trying to convince China to compete rather than attack to gain the economic future they want (there's no value in fighting India in border disputes or invading Taiwan so you can have their advanced technology) and selling the rule of law, respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations, and respect for each other is quite time consuming.

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Edwin, faulting Biden for not living up to your particular expectations of appropriate foreign policy, as opposed to everything he’s been working on, seems like a case of “shiney object” logical fallacy. VP Harris is a very capable representative of the USA as well as Team Biden. Discounting her role might seem a bit shortsighted

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Dave, agree…she’s doing the job a VP should be doing and earning her chops along the way. I think Biden is a good mentor to many in his admin, particularly Harris; he does not have the “ego-need” to have to be front and center of attention, and knows that the admin team work contributions will carry us forward.

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Excellent point! On this thought, Edwin is not alone, and this is why the USA struggles to become a much better democracy. “Shiney object” logical fallacy=your particular expectations for so many voters. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Not necessarily an expectation, but rather an observation regarding criticisms of elected officials “not doing some thing” that the critic opines should be at the top of “to do” list. Its a specious argument that banks on the premise, if you are President, every issue is under your control, because you are “somehow” all powerful ( even though the Constitution states otherwise )

I see this frequently and I attempt to call it out almost as frequently

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Are we literally equating the number of times the President of the United States appears physically in another country and how important that country is to the United States? TPP is widely seen as a bad agreement which damages workers everywhere as companies look for where they can get workers who will accept the lowest wage. BTW throwing around gratuitous expressions of love will ensure you will be ignored.

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I am an ex-Christian. Was never hyper-religious mind you. But a church-goer and a praying person. But science took over years ago as the primary foundation of my belief system, and resurrections and miracles and blind faith in a wonderful afterlife do not comport with such a system. However, the teachings of this man Jesus of Nazareth, as described in the new testament, are right on for a society that means to be just and compassionate. At least if you look at them in the context of when they were written (2K+ years ago). The religious right, Mike Huckabee being an example, has gone off the rails - I believe Jesus if alive would agree. Right wing Christianity, which appears to have taken over Christianity in general (politically anyway), has morphed into an existential danger to human societies worldwide especially in the US. The pinnacle of ironies for a movement that is supposed to save humanity. It is in lock-step with right wing Republicanism, or is it vice-versa. It has done away with supporting democracy, for most Americans will not vote their way. It has continued to deny global warming - either because they refuse to believe their god would allow such a thing, and/or they believe cheap (dirty) energy is what is needed to address global poverty. And like some of the egregious examples of the past, are willing to persecute those not like them. Jesus would not approve, but I believe he would approve of the general direction our Democrats would take us (as long as we had a moderate view on abortions).

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Jay - Well said. Ditto.

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They call themselves “Christian” but their beliefs are antithetical with the teachings of Jesus Christ. They’re all dangerous frauds.

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Today they represent the power structure of priveledge and oppression that Jesus stood against. They are prostituting their religous beliefs for power and minority rule.

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Thanks Susan . Yea Kamala🙌

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He deserves a visit from federal law enforcement.

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I agree, and throw his sorry rear end in jail. There is no place for the this kind of terroristic threats here in America. Huckabee is just another one of these phony religious fanatics that calls himself ''Christian'' He is just like the rest of the despicable Fascist MAGA' SOB's.

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Republicans and their cult have nothing to offer but threats of violence and punishment. Hate and terrorizing our people. That’s it. That’s their platform, their plan for America.

I like to quote 2016 Lindsay Graham, “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed and we will deserve it.” He was right.

The likes of Huckabee (who I alway considered a joke) are encouraging violence if Republicans don’t get their way. That message, as far as I’m concerned is a threat to the way of life here in America. Huckabee needs some time for introspection in a quiet place where electronic communication devices are not permitted.

If there is another Civil War on this soil, the confederacy will lose and it won’t be the niceties, we forgive you back into the fold this time.

Keeping Trump off the ballot seems like the sanest move at the moment. Let his trials play out. See where he is in 2028. I saw a video of him recently and I was shocked at how elderly and low energy he was. That giant hat he wears looks like a lid to large serving platter, and only adds to the sallow complexion and “circus of idiots” atmosphere he has always unwittingly displayed. Gold toilets, gold leaf on EVERYTHING, his goofy kids, his lust for his daughter, his 30,000 lies, all pretty easy to find on any search engine.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he wore a plate of spaghetti and meatballs on his head next and sang “Springtime for Hitler” at the next wedding reception at Mucho Lardo.

And there’s Mike Huckabee with his head so far up Trump’s backside, one cannot tell where Huckabee stops and Trump begins.

Huckabee’s comments should land him in front of a judge. Just because you have 1st A rights, they do not extend to fomenting violence against Americans. I think an example needs to made. There are quite a few uneducated members of the Freedom Caucus needing a lesson on how far you can push the Constitution around until it drops a hammer on your rights.

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Karen, reading your comments, as well as others, an Emily Dickinson poem came to mind—about disappointment/loss of respect:

It dropped so low – in my Regard –

I heard it hit the Ground –

And go to pieces on the Stones

At bottom of my Mind –

Yet blamed the Fate that flung it – less

Than I denounced Myself,

For entertaining Plated Wares

Upon My Sliver Shelf –

I never, ever, had any positive regard for Trump, and now, same for many of his fallen-followers, but the whole “Plated Wares” is just SO the faux gold-plated TFFG!

[The poem resonated with me long ago as it is suitable to so many of life’s experiences!]

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Isn't his daughter trying to bring back child labor in Arkansas? It runs in the family.

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It appears that the basis for the victims of her Child Labor defense will of course be the impoverished, children of color and immigrant kids...you know, those that are disposable slave labor and undeserving of a safe childhood. The Children of the rich and the middle class of course will not be doing this shit work.

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Read Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver for a chilling example of child labor in Appalachia. "Being big for your age is a disadvantage. People use you where they need a full size body that can't talk back" or resist. "Foster boys were shuffled around like currency" to foster homes that needed workers whom they could give the least to.

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Same with the Orphan Trains of the 19th C.

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Yes she is, wasn't she some kind of spokesperson when TUMP was Dictator?? I think i remember her now, she is the lady who's face looked like the rear end of a baboon if she is the one i am thinking about. Her and her Father are dedicated MAGA TUMP loving fanatics. Throw those BUMS out.

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I was thinking the same thing regarding Huckabe's claim to being a

"christian". Would Jesus advise/imply use of force? No!

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Yes! The Huckabees use Christianity as nothing more than armor. Can anyone dream up a comment that is more diametrically opposed to Jesus' teachings than his?

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I was thinking more like a cudgel than armor.

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I meant armor while using the cudgel....

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Armor is ALWAYS good! Well, except when in deep water.

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In this particular instance, "Christianity" as an AK-47. It isn't armor, it's a weapon of war.

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I’m tired of so-called “religious” leaders (he was/is a baptist pastor) sticking their faces into politics.

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MLMinET, the first Sunday after Trump was elected in 2016, the deacon who opened with prayer said, "Lord, the one we wanted didn't win, so help us understand."

In talking to the preacher at that time, I expressed my disdain for the deacon's speaking for "all of us." Which, sadly by the way, was the case for most of them. Anyway, the preacher told me that he had voted for Trump and I shockingly asked him WHY?? He told me he knew how Trump was, but he wasn't voting for a Messiah, and he supported Trump's stand on abortion. I wondered how many abortions Trump had paid for in his life. He said it didn't matter!

So, he was telling me that Christian and moral values which we would hope our president would display, don't matter anymore. Those values have been replaced with intolerance, selfishness, hatred, outright lying, judgments,

pure ignorance, and authoritarianism. It that what Christ himself taught? Why are so many "Christians" promoting politicians who, like Huckabee, say that bullets will replace ballots.

How sad this all is.

I'm dismayed and angry that politicians are hiding behind "Christianity" to ensure that they don't anger Trump's base of voters. They want to be elected and they don't care what they have to say or vote for to get those votes.

Chicken Little was right. The sky IS falling.

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I live in TN. Lots of hypocritical “ Christians” here. I totally get your comment, Catholics took the same stand.

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I live in NC.

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Maike Hukabee probly thanks that thar frea spaech? Whale, hea probly thanks thaet thar frea spaech maens hae kin saey whatemever hea wonts to saey.

Dontcha thank?

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That cracked me up, Mike. Thanks!

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OK, y'all. That's a gudun.

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I am assuming you mean Huckabee? Agreed. That sounds Like a terroristic threat to me.

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Seditious. And the lunatics have more than enough guns to back it up. I don't think they're organized enough for a mass effort, but people are dying and many more will, with these Christofascists pouring fuel on the fire.

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While it's true that the country is awash in guns, the owners of same are not organized in any meaningful way. OTOH, every state has a well-regulated militia, aka the National Guard. Not only are they combat ready, they have weaponry that insurrectionists don't. If their governors balk at the use of the Guard to squash a rebellion, the president can nationalize it. If that doesn't work, the president can use the military.

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As before, during and after the Civil War, all the way up to the present, the owners of guns didn't have to be organized to wreak terror, injury and death on anyone who wasn't a white heterosexual male. They did it and are increasingly doing it both individually and in groups.

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Im betting/hoping that the right paramilitaries aren't remotely capable of anything approximating "civil war". Americans still have to deal with now chronic right wing "loners" who go off on violent binges, often suicide, to make their "case" against whatever they hell try to call it.

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Which, of course, Senator Tuberville is seeking to deprive of top leadership.

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Tuberville's actions would conveniently support a Huckabee-fueled reaction if Trump is found guilty enough to be ineligible for election in 2024.

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According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, right wing militias and anti democracy groups are far more organized than we realize and their numbers are growing. They are often de-centralized and communicating on relatively obscure online channels and podcasts. They are infiltrating the military and police departments. And they are armed. We should all be concerned.

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My concern re the National Guard is about how many Christo-Fascist White Supremacists are among them.

I recommend supporting the Military Religious Freedom Foundation which has been working hard to reduce their influence. Go to MRFF.org and read about some of the cases, AND the effort by some House Republicans to include, in the reauthorization of military funding, an explicit prohibition of any member of the military to contact MRFF.

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I found this in one of the comments by "ironmoped" today to one of the articles on this website:

"Make Assholes Get Arrested!"


GOP – Out The Door In 24!



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Thank you.

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Unfortunately in Florida, we have a weaponized state guard who operate at Desantis’ pleasure. They are organized paramilitary.

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The Christian Dominionists have been recruiting in the US military for decades now. Huckabee and his imagined minions will attempt to kill their own recruits in our military which are sworn to protect the US of A against all enemies, foreign or domestic?? MAGAS are the ugliest people alive.

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For examples, go to MRFF.org - the Military Religious Freedom Foundation which Republicans in the House are trying to bar members of the military to contact.

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😳 Wow Judith! Thank you for the link! So glad to behold this group getting organized to uphold our constitution and democratic principles ❤️🙏. Great organization to give support to!

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Alexandra ,, Your * Wording * ( Christofascists ) , Definitly !, does have PUNCH ! The only Thing, that HURTS My Heart, is when CHRIST, ,,,JESUS,,, or GOD, ,,,, are USED, in a NULL,/NEGATIVE Way. There is at least TWO ( But more } Forms of "CHRISTIANITY ! " TRUE CHRISTIANS, Believe, follow, & OBEY ! our SAVIOR ! ,,, ,,,, ,,,, THEN !, There is a WIDE VARIETY ! , of PSEUDO, PLASTIC, FALSE Teaching "christians" That ARE ! * TOTALLY MISSING , the BOAT !! ( REMEMBER ?, ,,,, The ARK ?!,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, . HOW ABOUT ! ,,,,,,the TITANIC !?* ( HOW LONG !? , ,,,,, can YOU !, TREAD WATER ?? ,,, ,,,,, ,,,,( LORD/GOD! , ,,, Have MERCY !! )

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Can you please type like a normal.sane person?

Can't even begin to read this.

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lol where IS the LOL emoticon? A touch of FB maybe?

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Beth , I Type * Eratic* ( And ! , have a Difficulty, ,,, in Spelling, too ! ) Because !, I SURVIVED , " The VACATION ! ", Gloriously Given to Me ! , by Uncle SAM, ,,,,CALLED The Skirmish !, of VIET-NAM ....." . SECONDLY !, I Hurt, in My HEART ! , For SO MANY, LOST SOULS ! ,,,, & I Pray, that Our LORD/GODS HOLY SPIRIT, ,,,, Will *Touch ! *, and WAKE UP ! , Those HEARTS ! In Noticing, My " UNsane" Typing, I APOLOGISE ! , if I, have OFFENDED you ,,,,,, AND ALL ! , of The Rest! , of MANKIND, THAT Gave You, a * LIKE ! ,* on Your ORIGINAL Post ! Our, LORD/GOD!, Gave EVERYONE,,,, of HIS CREATION "FREEWILL CHOICE !!" . GODS BLESSINGS! , to ALL !

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Clerical Fascists is the accurate term.

Organizations such as Becket Law and operatives such as Leonard Leo are ecumenical in welcoming all who want to repurpose a democratic republic as a clerical fascist state.

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unintelligible gibberish

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K Paschal , Our LORD/GOD! Gave TO EACH! of HIS CREATION, ,,,," FreeWill, " , oF CHOICE ! ( I , Will, PRAY ! , for You ! ) May Our LORD/GOD!, continue !, To BLESS You ! ,,,and Yours !

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But we have tanks.

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We should never even have to think about using them against our own lunatic citizens who should never have been armed like that to begin with.

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And let's not forget his daughter, the governor, who approved child labor within the last year. "Suffer the little children" indeed.

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The governor woman is so stupid she thinks she's smart! ugh!

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It won't be the first time. Remember 1861?

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James, I had to laugh. I practically live in that period these days.


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Who shouldn’t be incited like that.

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From what I understand about Jesus, I'm quite sure he is not/would not be pleased with Huckabee's staggeringly awful comments.

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You are so right, Lisa, these kind of lunatics call themselves Christians to justify and hide behind religion, when in reality, they are vicious, violent, hateful thugs.

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And it's not exactly like Christianity and violence are mutually exclusive, either. Just sayin'...

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Yes, exactly what I was thinking, but not the teachings of Jesus as I understand them. It's hard to imagine how they justify it. Maybe the Old Testament, but they don't like Jewish people. Gee this must be confusing for their kids.

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Boundless and shameless hypocrisy, the signature trait of the majority of today's Republicans. It's sad and scary that there are so many.

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RIGHT !, lisa ! GODS SON !, is of ORDER !, ..,,,, mr huckabee kicked out, A GROSS, CONFUSING Statement !! ( A Typical Mistra' KNOW IT all !!

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See my previous comment.

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Was Jesus bilingual?

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So while Jesus' most common spoken language was Aramaic, he was familiar with—if not fluent, or even proficient in—three or four different tongues.Mar 30, 2020

https://www.history.com › news › je...

What Language Did Jesus Speak? | HISTORY

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The leaders are finally going to prison for long terms. It took 2 years but justice catches up with them.

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Irresponsible and reprehensible. Even for an ordinary citizen, let alone someone with a critical entrusted fiduciary duty to help form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

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One of my favorites verses ever JL.

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It may be hard for ordinary individuals to grasp this truth, which can never be repeated enough:

These people and their "leader" are raving mad and they won't stop until they have infected the whole world with their madness.

They won't stop until they have destroyed it.

The survival of life on Earth will depend on stopping them. By whatever means -- starting with ballots.

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Huckabee is just doing "God's work" on his "Christian Network". Right?

Humans. Really. I wonder if the species is just too dumb for long term survival?

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I wonder that too

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Oh I would say the ship of 'wondering' has already sailed.

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Frankly, it's also incredibly revealing; off comes the 'wool'.

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Huckabeeis as execrable as his daughter who spent years lying and shilling for the tangerine dream. They are both faux christians.

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Kind of like a mob boss: “Nice electoral system you got here. Be a shame if something happened to it.”

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I feel like they are trying to bully everyone and say "If you don't let us win on our terms then we'll just have to commit acts of terrorism and murder." It's honestly so shocking, you can't only like Democracy if your side is winning. All of this stochastic terrorism seems to come off as a cop out so certain people can finally get to participate in the violence that they've been conditioned to want to do for decades.

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“B. The Call for a Crusade

That was chum no school of cardinals could resist. Pope Urban II warmly embraced the idea of helping Europe's "beleaguered allies" and fellow Christians in the East, so he proposed a holy war—a radical shift in Christian doctrine, to say the least—and explained this maneuver not as any substantive change of direction but as an extension of a policy already in place entitled the Truce of God. This program of measures was part of the Church's attempt to limit warfare within Europe in the day by insisting there be no fighting on holidays or weekends.

… “But for all these underlying causes, the major motivation driving the Crusades—both on the surface and well beneath it—was religious sentiment, something bordering on hysteria. There can be no doubt that a majority of Christian Europeans saw Urban's call-to-arms as a means to salvation and a way of ridding the world of infidels. That, to them, referred not only to the Moslems but also the Jews of Europe, many of whom were slaughtered before the knights of the First Crusade rolled out in search of the Holy Lands. After all, good Christians couldn't send their men off to fight one infidel and abandon the homeland to another. With this benighted stab at genocide pitched as protecting the loved ones they left behind, the crusaders surged out of Europe on a tidal bore of blood, only to wash up on the shores of the Near East soon to be bathed in more of the same.”*

No doubt Huckabee is a wannabe Pope Urban II. Christian Dominionists trying desperately to rid the world of anyone but themselves. It is so disgusting. Doing the unholiest of deeds while pretending to be holy.


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OMG I just said that to myself before I scrolled down to see your comment. Soooo irresponsible.

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Didn't even read yours before I wrote my comment. I couldn't agree more.

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Who will blame liberals now for coming out now to protect the Constitution with force? Huckabee shows his true spite fir Christian principles with this statement.

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Agree. And why isn’t the press covering this?

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What an incredibly typical thing for Hucksterbee to say.

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I am so grateful that the legal system appears to be holding. Next, I want to see several traitorous Representatives and Senators indicted and convicted.

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And held off the ballot as ineligible under the 14th Amendment, just like TFG. Can't happen too soon.

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Cha Ching! These Congress people(Jordan,MTG,Boebert and the others) were involved in an armed insurrection and should not be ballot-worthy just like TFG is.

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I hope the legal system continues to hold, but I think it’s unlikely to do so. These matters will be decided in the Supreme Court, which is led by a white supremacist (Roberts) who has spent his career shoring up ways for Republicans to suppress or nullify Democratic votes. Citizens United, demolition of the Voting Rights Act, and refusal to curtail gerrymandering are three examples but not a complete account of his nefarious record. And, he has five other white supremacist justices to back him up. It would be shocking, to put it mildly, if a Supreme Court so constructed were to decide in favor of lawsuits attempting to use the 14th Amendment to exclude Trump from the ballot of a state.

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Hope you're wrong, Rex; worry you're not.

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Morning, Lynell. I agree wholeheartedly.

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HI Ally, I'm a bit late this morning. It hit me that I did not see any comments from Jeri this morning. Hope all is well with her. (Also, a really odd thing that I wondered if you'd ever noticed--I sometimes click on people's names to read a bit about them. I also saw the link to those who "follow" them. Under Jeri's name is Sandy Lewis, and, get this ELON MUSK. Whether it is truly him or not, who knows. I just thought, well, that is sure strange!)

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Morning, Ally!

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Never mind, I posted too soon, There she is. PHew!

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There is literally no doubt that tRump is ineligible to serve in any public office if the 14th amendment is followed. To rule any other way is to say the Constitution isn’t worth the paper it is printed on.

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The only hope I see, and I do think there is a chance, is that Kavanaugh and Barrett have many years ahead of them, and might not want this stain on their record, and Roberts needs to clean up his record to not go down in history as the worst Supreme Court Justice. I am also hopeful that the role of the Federalist Society is exposed with criminal charges attached to it. There is a powerful force pulling the strings; I assumed Putin, but the other player is the Federalist Society.

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But don’t forget the “Heritage Foundation” and their embrace of white supremacy

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Ron Johnson was caught red handed with a list of illegal WI delegates and nary a word by the MSM or anyone since it happened. And Josh Hawley, waving his fist in support of the insurrectionists. Of course there are the 100+ Republican Congresscritters that voted not to certify the election. And Ted Cruz and Lindsay Graham also could be indicted for GA and/or January 6th.

Who amongst us thinks this will happen to any of them?

Meanwhile - Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden.

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Just like it was Hillary’s emails, ad nauseam. Their evil never takes a holiday

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I immediately thought that "Their evil never takes a holiday" would be a great title for a book. So I looked it up and I found this intriguing article -- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/08/evil_never_takes_a_holiday.html

Here are three points from the article by J.B. Shurk

1) History is simply saturated with pivotal moments that radically altered what otherwise appeared to be the course of destiny. In fact, I would say that history is really written only when good men and women find their backs against the wall and realize that the only way to preserve their free will is to fight like hell and buck everything that stands against them. Suffering has a tendency to focus the mind and strengthen resolve. Character truly reveals itself only when it is tested. I'll take a spirited and courageous insurgency that knows why it is fighting over an army of automatons enfeebled by groupthink.(2) When fighting evil, there are no half-measures. There is no point when you kick back, light a cigarette, and say to yourself, "Dang, evil sure did get the best of me this time." Huh-uh. You fight evil even if you find yourself hanging with fingertips from a cliff's edge while the devil is smirking above and crushing your hand. It doesn't matter how compromised you feel; all you have to do is tell the devil to stick it where the sun don't shine. Your refusal to submit is your greatest weapon. Others will find inspiration in your indefatigability and push ahead, too.

(3) Even if you think things are irreversibly bad, apathy guarantees that they will get only worse. There will be a time in the future when you are being forcefully herded onto a train car headed for who knows where, and you will think to yourself, "If only I had resisted earlier..." Now ask yourself, "What would I be willing to do today to avoid that train car tomorrow?" If fighting back is never going to get any easier, then that makes today the best day to begin kicking and screaming against what's already barreling down the track. Your future self will thank you.

I am definitely guilty of apathy. I comment out here but then go about my life without lifting a finger to help.

Anyone have some suggestions on what we can due to help?

The MSM only seems to care about $$$$s dwelling on Trump 99% of the time. The other 1% of the time they harp on Joe's age.

Thank you for tickling my curiosity.

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Yor response reminded me of Sophie Scholl as she was facing hanging. When offered her life for the names of her compatriots, she replied that they will know their names when they come to avenge her. or words to that effect. Sad that her sacrifice has been forgotten in this day.

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Jeri, your comment made me think of the dark comedy set in Nazi Germany: “JoJo Rabbit” (2019). About beliefs, propaganda, resistance and sacrifice. Will make you laugh and cry.

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Got another movie to look for. Thank you

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Excellent cinema: The Last Days of Sophie Scholl.

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Jeri, I sometimes like to click on the names of people who comment. When I do, I saw a link that shows who "follows" them. Are you aware that Sandy Lewis, and supposedly Elon Musk (!?!) are following you? I wonder if that is "the" Elon Musk, and you've often mentioned that you got banned from fb and Twitter. I just found that coincidence rather interesting.

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I got that notification and did a double take. Thought it was a fluke of some sort. I do not want to be on the radar of the someone with such an agenda as Musk. Money cannot buy humanity. Glad to be old. BTW, I was banned before Musk bought twitter; they objected to my post equating chump with Nazi idiots just before 2020 election.

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I recall you saying that about the ban--which is a badge of honor in my book. I found that very peculiar. Just for fun, I've randomly checked some of the frequent fliers on here and have not seen his name listed as following anyone else!!

I thought that was odd--we were just discussing billionaires last week. I have no idea how long he's been "following" you.

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I got a notice dated July 14, have no idea why, makes me a little queasy. I’m a “under the radar” person, if there is such a thing with social media…

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Gary, one of the MSNBC segments yesterday (as I recall it might have been Chris Hayes) had one of Hunter’s lawyers interviewed. I thought I pretty much knew what was happening regarding the gun charge issue, but he added a bunch of info/context that makes the TFFG and R’s screeching about politicization of indictments/Special Council as a witch-hunt laughable. Kind of on par with the need to impeach Biden because TFFG was impeached, and because of *reasons*. Scary that these folks are considered leaders!

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More especially, Qevin McCarthy, Maggot Traitor Goon, and that piece of crap, Gym Jordan. I would love to see them led out in hand and leg cuffs. Wish i could be there to heckle them and laugh and point at those rotten criminals.

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Speaking of heckling…did you see the protester behind Peter Navarro who blew a whistle every time he tried to speak at a press conference outside (the courthouse I presume)? I think he was asking for $$$. It was funny to see his chagrin.

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Sep 7, 2023
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He’s broke because of his own misinformed arrogance. FAFO

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Don’t forget Josh Hawley and his encouraging of the insurrectionists that day.

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And people tend to overlook Mo Brooks standing next to John Eastman on the dais.

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Karen, I’d like to see Chuck Grassley questioned as to his role if Mike Pence had gotten into the car.

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So far, so good.

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Powerful, Kamala. Powerful and righteous. I’m not trying to score points or likes when I say this, but I seriously can’t wait until the US has its first female president.

Realistically there will be a disheartening reactive backlash like Obama faced as the first African American president, but someone like Kamala could take the heat with poise, courage, and no tolerance for BS.

And sounds like Huckabee is making terroristic threats. Does Homeland Security still have a number to report that kind of menace?

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I relish the thought of the Religious Reich praying, daily, for Joe Biden's health. But only so they won't have...<gasp> a female, OMG also POC! for President. Let us prey.

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John Rochat- NorCal, was that a freudian slip "prey" not pray because they love to prey on people?

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Nope, was not Freudian, nor a slip, but intended, because it is what they do, indeed!

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John Rochat - NorCal, great job!!!!

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Lol ~

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Fortunately his backfiring weapon is now in the public record and he is fully revealed for what I always thought he was; a subversive control freak. He's the sort of 'christian' I'd imagine the Romans delighted at testing in the arena.

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Those are terroristic threats that low life thug Huckabee is making. These asshats will say or do anything to defend their GOD, Donald TUMP. I am wondering when this incrediable insanity will end??? If TUMP told them to jump, these insane nut jobs would reply, How High??

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Isn't there some shiny toy that could draw dump's interest away from the presidency?

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Lisa, unfortunately dump is using the presidency as a stay out of jail free card so I doubt that he can be distracted.

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I forget how that works for him. But he does really need or want those suckers' donations!

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Lisa, here’s how it works:1) he’s elected and pardons himself, or 2) another Republican is elected and pardons him (many have said if elected, they would pardon him).

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Yeah, I guess that sums it up, Mary.

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The idea of self-pardoning came up during TFG’s reign. I thought the consensus is that self-pardoning is not legally possible?

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Ask? Like hell! These insane nut nut jobs would JUMP as high as they could. No questions asked.

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Why??? What has he got to offer them? Is it because he’s a White Supremest? Is that his main attraction ?

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I think some are afraid he'll turn his base against them. We have already seen the damage they will do when aroused to fury by his lies. Look at Ruby Freeman and Shae Moss. Look at how Cheney and Kinzinger were shoved out of office.

Look at how Arizona's Secretary of State was harassed and threatened. Not to mention the attempted kidnapping of Gretchen Whitmer! Trump is only too willing to put the lives of anyone who opposes him in jeopardy. He is truly a mob boss and must be tried, convicted and imprisoned for the safety of our people.

The disease he nurtured has metastasized, but cut off the head, and the body will be at least weakened.

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Yes, I totally agree with all of this, Cheryl. Fear. Fear and more FEAR. So many people are afraid of his ability to put people's lives in danger. But the question I am trying to answer is why does his base so wildly support him? What does he have to offer the average person? How can he possibly still be so popular? He has nothing to offer them...

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When prior government officials, make threatening statements, like the one that came out of Mike Huckabee, they should be jailed, as too many people take their statements literally, and even though Trump was defeated in 2020 and will be defeated again in 2024, people like Mike Huckabee will use this as an excuse to attempt, Again, to overthrow our American democracy.

Anyone who talks of this kind of violence belongs in jail it should not be allowed to stay free. Inciting violence, or riots is still a crime in this country. Let’s not forget it!

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That was a great comment, LEONARD KATZ. I totally agree with every word of it, and then some.

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They blather “freedom of speech” while trying with every breath to take it away. Free speech has limits. We need to prove it. Inciting violence is not ok. Chump will have no such compunction. Be very afraid if he uses his “get out of jail free” card to wreck revenge all over the land. And he will…

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Since momentum builds to the disqualification of TFG to ever again having access to absolute power based on his encouragement of armed might to destroy government Huckabee is obviously developing the same strains of violence.

We cannot suffer this violence or threatened violence just because we witness daily shootings. When people threaten people with gun violence on national airways they foment personal execution in a nation filled with guns.

At the very least, like any other gun threat, Huckabee should be investigated to the extent of his intentions by competent federal law enforcement agents.

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Like so many other lily-white privileged spokesmen for the defunct GOP, Huckabee has absolutely no idea what it is like to be in battle, face bullets, probably even load or shoot a gun, live in a dangerous urban area, walk streets alone at night, witness domestic violence, you name it. To suggest what he imagines is beyond the pale to those who have actually experienced real violence. Does he “‘feel” tougher by stating such a thing? Trump is his teacher. Both are immune from the world they pretend to be a part of. Shame on them.

The real hero is Kamala Harris facing international pressure to silence the free press and not allowing it! She is half way around the world defending freedom, while Huckabee and Trump are violently threatening democracy and equal law here at home. Who is the true leader we should support in 2024?

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Exactly right, Diane

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Wonderfully expressed, Diane!

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Diane Lumiere, I agree these 2 men lack understanding and concern for any suffering of others . And anger at this neglect is justified, I feel it too. But these men were abused as innocent children and so they abuse. If love was around for them as children, it wasn't there to always counter the abuse. I say this not to justify their abusive behavior but to point out they knew pervasive and intimate violence. It is love that they do not know.

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That is likely true of too many cretins, but hard to feel love for them spewing hatred. The eternal dilemma

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Jeri Chilcutt, true, the eternal dilemna. I try but some people make it really hard for me to love them. Have to dig to very reaches of my being. A challenging work in progress.

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Indeed, the most difficult challenge

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However, not everyone who had such a childhood turns into a hateful abuser themselves. Some overcome those paths and I suspect it is not easy to do so.

This hateful speech and behavior should never be acceptable in our leaders and should be called out every time. My fear is that there are a great many more haters in this country than we would care to believe.

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Christine (Happy Valley, PA), i agree we should call out awful behavior and I do. I share your concern of the many you are alike. The outcome of the 2016 election shocked me for that reason. You are right that not all take the path of abuse. If widespread unconditional love sufficiently counters the abuse in childhood, or perhaps even in young adulthood, a person, though traumatized, can walk through life as a loving person who feels deeply connected to the suffering of others.

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Yes, I understand your point. History is rife with examples of abused characters destroying the fabric of society because they don’t take responsibility as adults to heal from childhood abuse. I don’t hate those people. I just don’t want them as leaders with power to destroy others. That’s why our laws were created and must be followed to create restrictions on those people’s actions to protect others from their abuse. Whether it is conscious or unconscious, the devastating results are the same.

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Diane Lumiere, I agree wholeheartedly!

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Perfect summation.

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“As a longtime Republican who voted for him, I believe Donald Trump disqualified himself from running in 2024 by spreading lies, vilifying election workers, and fomenting an attack on the Capitol,” said conservative columnist for the Denver Post and Republican activist Krista Kafer. “Those who by force and by falsehood subvert democracy are unfit to participate in it. That’s why I am part of this lawsuit to prevent an insurrectionist from appearing on Colorado’s ballot.”

Not one of the plaintiffs in the Colorado suit is a Democrat. (I think some Republicans are desperate to keep Trump from running because they know he'll lose to any Democrat.)

Source: https://www.citizensforethics.org/news/press-releases/lawsuit-filed-to-remove-trump-from-ballot-in-co-under-14th-amendment/

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I am not surprised they are all Republicans. You are absolutely right that these are Republicans who believe Trump would lose to any Democrat. I would not be surprised to find the effort is bankrolled by the same deep pockets that funded Project 2025.

Trump is going to continue to be used to wail and scream to his base and keep them at top anti-Democratic fervor while someone else who is more likely to fall into line and SUCCESSFULLY implement Project 2025 and will still look semi savory to at least some independents with be the Republican candidate who will immediately pardon Trump if elected.

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Their emperor is so blatantly naked they have to cover their eyes not to see.

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J L ,,, THEIR ORANGE MANGOWANKER ! ( Grossly NAKED ! ) Should NOT !, be SEEN , ( Or HEARD ! ) BREAK OUT !, ,,,,, The PAPER DOUBLE BAGS !

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OK, I’ll give you props for “orange mangowanker”!!!!

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GLORY !! (And Blessings ! ) Barbara K !!

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Georgia, tffg can’t be pardoned in Georgia’s State case

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Sep 7, 2023
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I don't think MAGAs will stay home if Trump's not on the ballot--it will be even more in Trump's interest to tell them to go the polls because he can only get a pardon if a Republican wins. Whomever Trump endorses in a quid pro quo for a pardon on the Federal charges will be the Republican candidate. That person will also have the chops to successfully implement Project 2025 to satisfy the big money interests while still being controllable. Trump will get money to cover his legal bills from big money to go along. If Trump can't possibly win because he is off the ballot in enough states, and that occurs AFTER the primaries but BEFORE the Republican convention, it will be thrown to the convention delegates to make the selection. So a savior will be annointed at the convention and the outcome of the primaries will be moot.

And that savior will be Ron DeSantis who basically has been implementing a trial version of Project 2025 in Florida.

"Heritage personnel have held near-daily conversations with DeSantis officials in recent months about key issues, including downsizing federal agencies, reorienting U.S. foreign policy to better prepare for confrontation with China, and lowering hurdles to domestic energy production, the eight people said."


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Regardless of your party affiliation, if your state's SoS is a defendant in a suit such as that in CO, WRITE THEM in support of the plaintiff's position in the suit, to keep tffg off your state's ballot AND have declared that votes for that individual will not be counted in determining the winner of the 2024 presidential election. You need to let your SoS know that the plaintiffs have the support of Colorado residents.

If your state has not yet started a suit to have this determination made - and I'd like to see more SoSs as PLAINTIFFS against tffg, but will take what I can get - WRITE THEM to insist they file such a lawsuit, in whatever state or federal court they deem is the court of competent jurisdiction to try the issue. If the state has an equivalent provision to U.S. Const. amend. XIV in its State Constitution, or a statute equivalent to18 USC §2383, I see no reason that suit could not properly be brought before the state superior court OR the local federal District Court to try both state and federal issues. I think the questions “did the events of Jan 6 and leading up to it constitute insurrection or rebellion?” and "did tffg participate in an insurrection or rebellion, or give aid and comfort, and is tffg therefore barred from holding elective office, under U.S. Const. amend. XIV, § 3 (or the broader nature and number of charges that could be brought under 18 USC §2383)? [or the equivalent state constitutional or statutory provisions]" are such mixed questions. Even though the facts seem to be indisputable (to paraphrase the song, “the insurrection WAS televised”), the question of whether those actions amount to participating or giving aid and comfort is one of law.

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Sep 7, 2023
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There’s been a lot of speculation of late that the 14th amendment case against Trump will gain traction. The issue seems to be that few in a position to actually affect a major stand at the state level have the guts to actually take that step. Instead (from what I’ve read so far) there’s a lot of hand wringing over the fact that it’s “unprecedented”, or whether the events of January 6 actually constituted an insurrection. That’s pure cowardice in action. There can be no real doubt in the mind of anyone that watched that day play out that it was an insurrection and that DJT precipitated it. Let’s just get on with it. If we don’t, we’re finished.

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" ‘Smashed’: summer of 2023 the hottest ever recorded" https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/06/summer-of-2023-hottest-recorded-in-wake-up-call-to-cut-carbon-emissions is just one of a bunch of unprecedented things on our doorstep, so I suppose whatever is done about an unprecedented thing will be in some sense "unprecedented", and so to some degree different from what we ever had to do before. Will we do a smart thing or a stupid thing? There is a whole lot riding on our choices these days.

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"Will we do a smart thing or a stupid thing?"

That is the true question, isn't it.

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Naw, Ally, we’ll just argue about choosing “smart” vs “stupid”.

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JL, I fear this too will devolve into an argument over choosing “smart” vs “stupid”…yeah, think our ability to seek common ground and work together is vanishing.

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Not a good choice of words as I think it generally makes far more sense to talk about wise and unwise, which, to the degree that I grasp it, seems to recognize what most matters as well as what is accurate. What really matters? And what is just conceit and road rage? I don't think it's hopeless, but I do think we need (somehow) to do some things differently.

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There has been a very recent DQ of New Mexico target of Amendment 14, Section 3, who was previously found guilty & completed 14 days in Jail for his J6 criminal acts.

Thursday Morn' Annotation: The DQ of "COUY GRIFFIN" occurred on 9/6/22 one of the Colorado "Cowboys for Trump", (Ya cannot make this stuff up.) Anyway, the "Cowboy" is a Gone Cowboy.

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What is DQ in this context? disqualification?

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It means "Disqualified" (DQ) not only from the formal election but,even from appearing on a primary ballot of any state administrative procedures from becoming a candidate. Plenty of examples will be coming shortly.

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Q-Anoners "Q" here for DQ.

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Trump has violated so many amendments to the Constitution including the 25th when he grifted, stole or accepted gifts that belong to the American people and even some he stole from Israel. We could go one by one through the amendments but it would take too much space.

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Trump is a crime wave personified.

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Sep 7, 2023
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Here is CO Sec of State Jena Griswold's musings on the 14th Amendment: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/06/colorado-14amendment-trump-00114339

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Thank you Bob, your Link provided the Colorado context. ⚖️

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Great link, Bob.

Makes me wonder about one of their representatives, however.

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Or even getting on a primary ballot or making it to 2024.

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Sep 7, 2023
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Janet, at least “hand ringing” should make a lotta noise and get needed attention to the matter!

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I would love to see Colorado voters vote Lauren Boebert out too...she is a menace to your state.

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Yes, Lauren Boebert is a menace to Colorado, just like Maggot Traitor Goon is here in Georgia. I have no hope that this TUMP loving state of Georgia probably would never try to keep TUMP off of the ballot here. Georgia is loaded down with these TUMP worshippers.

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Hey, John. How does Kemp figure into all of this? Seems like he's no Trump fan.

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Republicans are very split in GA. The formal Party and its fundraising arm are Trumpers like MTG and Clyde. Kemp has his own fundraising PAC with so-called business Republicans. He pushed back on some but not all of the crazies only because he couldn't be seen as the governor who allowed a "rigged" election that lost.

And only the president and national senators lost. Republicans gained in all other state seats thanks to their gerrymandering. My House District 6 was cracked to eliminate Democrat Lucy McBath (who ran and won in the 7th district instead against another Democrat). Instead, I now am "represented" by Republican Rick McCormick, an election denying, vaccine denying doctor (!) and rabid Trump supporter.

Kemp also still pushed through the 6 week abortion law containing fetal personhood even before the Dobbs decision and behind closed doors. His campaign ads still featured him toting guns and he sign permitless concealed carry into law. He has followed many of DeSantis's attacks on personal freedoms by prioritizing State level decisions over personal decisions. There are GA "don't say gay" laws, bans on transgender care, book bans, CRT bans, and just last month, out-of-state Nazis demonstrated in front of two synagogues in my home area of Cobb County and Macon, GA.

He takes credit from Bidens economic incentives, especially with several new electric car and battery manufacturers are investing in the state, yet refuses to expand Medicaid and pushes a very weak alternative. He tried to sneakily redirect people away from the ACA sign up website towards his poorly designed state alternative that offers inferior plans. Over half of GA counties have no OB/Gyn. Rural hospitals are closing.

While GA ranks high for its business development (for owners), it ranks 50th as a good state for employees to work in because of low minimum wage ($7.25), "right to work" laws that don't protect unions or worker's rights, poor rural infrastructure, and one of the worst maternal mortality rates in the country. Only Mississippi and Alabama rate worse. It cannot be coincidence that those two states are the only states who have even higher percentages of minority populations.

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To support my comment about gerrymandering, it's actually on trial now. https://georgiarecorder.com/2023/09/05/georgia-redistricting-trial-opens-with-debate-over-federal-requirements-for-black-voter-representation/

The lawsuits all argue the maps drawn during a special session in late 2021 violate Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, which the U.S. Supreme Court kept intact with its surprise ruling against Alabama’s maps this summer. This decades-old provision bars practices or procedures that discriminate on the basis of race.

Lin Lakin and other attorneys for the plaintiffs argue that Black voters have not seen their political representation grow despite jumps in the state’s overall Black population.

The number of Black Georgians grew by about 484,000 people since 2010, with 33% of the state now identifying as Black. The number of white Georgians dropped by 52,000 over the last decade.

To buttress their case, the ACLU offered up an expert Tuesday who recently testified in the Alabama redistricting case. William S. Cooper, a private consultant based in Virginia, said Tuesday that the number of majority Black state House and Senate districts has been largely stagnant since 2006.

In the House, two new Black majority districts were created in 2021, bringing the total number to 49 districts – up slightly from 45 districts in 2006. No new majority Black Senate districts were created. Cooper called it “baffling.”

On the same day Georgia’s trial began a three-judge panel in Alabama rejected its Legislature’s latest attempt at creating a congressional map and ordered a third party to draw up a new one.

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https://www.wabe.org/georgia-jobs-plentiful-but-working-in-so-called-no-1-place-to-do-business-reported-to-be-pitiful/ GA is 50th in the rankings. Washington DC and Puerto Rico are included in the listing.

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According to a poll conducted last month by the University of Georgia, 63% of Georgia Republican voters still claim to believe “there was widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.”

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Sep 7, 2023
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That would be the BEST present ever!

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Yes, CO is first Janet but, many other States are & will challenge at various stages well before the actual election date. The matter on its way toward SCOTUS.

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Sep 7, 2023
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Never say never Janet, given the apathy in this country; I thought he had zero chance the first time.

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Fool me once...

Yes, I laughed out loud when Trump announced his bid for president, and I was wrong twice. First because I thought that even Trump could not be quite as bad as he actually was, and secondly, that anyone would take him seriously.

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I laughed too, but not for long

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I laughed … until I cried. Remember election night 2016 …. :(

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I was having radiation for breast cancer at that time, but chump was so much more depressing.

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Many of my immediate neighbors set off fireworks the night Trump won. They still spout disproven talking points.

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I had the thought when Trump won that the "GOP" would ride herd on some of Trump's deficits; but for the most part, they used him like a battering ram to attack democracy. They are all co-conspirators now, indicted or not. I think some of the current inner-party resistance to Trump is the sense that he is becoming less useful, than objections to the malice of his character. Many seem to be vying to out-Trump Trump.

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You know them well. I thought the same when W “won.” Still, most media acts like repubs are still GOP. That ship sailed long ago.

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Again... where is that profound sadness emoji JL ? It remains my most earnest hope that the great majority has awakened from their self affirming BS and fully realize and wholly embrace their mighty privilege and 'responsibility' to vote; also reclaim the sanctity of their private voting booth, as opposed to exposing, comparing, bravado, etc., their choices on social media - a snake pit of amateur and professional connivers and influencers full of bs and agendas - foreign and domestic. The thing we now know is that 'we' can't take 'anything' for granted anymore, and personally step to the plate; holding ourselves first as accountable and activists.

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I’ve been astounded since I woke Up that morning to learn trump was president. AND every day since!

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"....former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee opened his most recent episode by saying that if former president Trump loses the 2024 election because of the many indictments grand juries have handed down concerning his behavior, “it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets.”

Well all right Mike! You finally voiced the position of the MAGATs: "If we don't get our way in 2024, regardless of Trump's illegal acts, we're going to shoot the place up!"

So much for the rule of law.

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So much Mike Huckabee wannabe but I’m not really a Christian because Christ would never have tolerated his response.

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Who would Jesus shoot?

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Ballots not bullets, mr Hucksbee...

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Lest life be nasty, brutish, and short.

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Whoa...Mr. Christian Network...bullets not ballots... well aren’t you a fine example. The sad thing is Mr Huckabee is the perfect example of a white christo-nationalist along with his dingdong daughter Sarah removing child labor laws.

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Huckabee, his daughter, and 80% of white, fundamentalist Christians, nationwide, are all cut from the same cloth.

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Just wanna say: THEY ARE NOT CHRISTIANS! In no way, shape, or form do they follow Jesus's profound teachings. At best, I call them "christians".

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CINOs - ‘christians’ in name only.

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I like that. May I use it?

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By all means!

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Or "nothing-to-do-with-christians".

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Would it not be poetic justice if the press and broadcast folks got the itch and guts to post themselves outside every church that could conceivably agree or even moderately adhered to his 'teachings', and poll / grill congregations as they exit Sunday services ? They have through him entered the political arena - I say they deserve the microscope treatment that politicians face.

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And get their tax breaks removed!!

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Yes yes YES!!

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Well of course that too; isn't that one of their underlying resentments ? The 'grey area' as they must see it or are led to 'believe' it's a 'grey' area ? We learned from prosecutor Jack Smith, that 'free speech' includes / covers lies and lying, did we not ? Just how far does that concept go friends ? In the words of our friend and co-poster here, John Rochat I think, is it ok if we "prey together" too ? I'm thinking we are all about to learn lots of new stuff here and country wide...

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D4N, I can tell you're a rabble - rouser. I love it! I'll hold the microphone.

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Certainly not by intent nor clever connivance; I think and therefore have questions, thoughts, and reactions. Where better to share my thoughts than with this very eclectic mix of folks who come here to learn and share like myself; we are grounding ourselves via facts in evidence and I for one adore that and the community I mostly feel herein. I also have no doubts that if I were to stray, objective folks herein would not hesitate to call me out, and I have the humility to appreciate that also, and likewise that I don't have all the answers - therefore I seek and learn from and with others - especially in places like here. Welcome new friend... I hope.

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D4N, what a nice comment, friend! Thank you for the welcome! I agree there is a lot to be learned here. Heather is a great teacher of our history and she adeptly weaves it through and connects it to the daily events. Really helps to see the whole picture. And there are the commenters to learn from too and laugh with. Glad to be here.

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How I wish that on this 'flat plain' of communication, adequately express how very overjoyed I am that you take me in precisely the correct 'vein'. If I gauge you correctly, I hope you will find here a community you can relate to and find groundedness from facts in evidence, education, and yes, some ribald humor. Welcome indeed.

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D4N, I bow to you in gratitude for your kindness.

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Yesterday's Guardian:

(from GAO) "more than half of work-related fatalities for children in the US happen in the agriculture sector, where one child employee dies roughly every three days."


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Tell me that we are not a slave nation with this going on!

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Bullying, subjugation, greed, and other elements of sociopathy are part and parcel of our societies. History is filled with it. It tears through human quality of life and and is surely our biggest source of preventable tragedy. I think if that we fail to get a better understanding and handle on that aspect our our own human nature, it might kill us all.

That's not all we are at all, but I think it is well past time to focus more on where we seem to be going and where we want to go.

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Can’t get there if the other half of the country is dead-set on being ornery, mean, and nasty.

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Thank you. Missed that.

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Where 'is' the profound 'sadness' emoji ?

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Some things are beyond the reach of emojizing.

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Thanks Karen RN, ding dong daughter made me laugh!!!

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The image of the dingdong daughter that I will forever hold in my mind is that of her seated comfortably, legs crossed in her cute little shoes, giving the very short Republican rebuttal to this year’s State of the Union. This after our “too old to serve another term” president gave the SOTU standing - for over an hour. Not the best visual for a party that prides itself in its macho strength

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White Christian Nationalist on full display there.

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And speaking of Mexico, today their Supreme Court decriminalized abortion. A different sort of border crossing issue looms!


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A wondrous thing happened in Mexico, Ellie!! If Mexico and Ireland can pass sane and safe abortion laws, so can we, damnit!

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Well, we did... once upon a time. :/

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Yes I saw this.........way to go Mexico.

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We saw that last night. Outstanding news.

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Bravo for Vice President’s courage and conviction, and mothballs to traitorous Mike Huckabee. What he said is about as unAmerican as it gets!

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Trinity Broadcasting Network bills itself as the largest Christian television network in the world? I wonder how they and their followers can possibly define themselves as Christians? What version of the New Testament have they read? Isn’t the statement by former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, “it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets,” complete treason? Can he be prosecuted for that?

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His statement is both treasonous and blasphemous. Forever shame on him.

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Treasonous and terroristic is what his ignorant statement was. His love and devotion to TUMP was very evident in that hateful remark.

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Mike Huckabee broadcast on a "Christian" radio network, “it is going to be the last American election that will be decided by ballots rather than bullets.”

I hope that he will have opportunities to expand on that remarkable statement publicly.

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Remember the sermon on the mount. Huckabee clearly doesn’t. Such a sad and blasphemous little man.

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He is, indeed, grotesque in every way.

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Huckabee should stick to hawking Relaxium, and leave democracy to the rest of us!

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This is essay give me hope that the law will prevail and people like Mike Huckabee should actually read the Bible...Though shalt not bear false witness..Though shalt not kill...thou shalt not steal (elections)

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It doesn’t actually say that but it should ❤️

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I seems to be that the Constitution at least implies it. It's really a theft of a fundamental human right.

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I never really cared much for the King James version anyway... just sayin'.

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Thanks. Seems the MAGA crowd is scared! Good. They just keep criming!

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I hope they are so scared they all collectively s...t their collective pants.

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