Bonnie, It is all about shock. We are writing about it, there are confederate minded individuals with more arsenal then you can imagine are praising it, and a unified Republican Congress supporting it. There is one path to this because of President Biden’s age and the border crisis:
Kamala needs to step up and convince the Americans she c…
Bonnie, It is all about shock. We are writing about it, there are confederate minded individuals with more arsenal then you can imagine are praising it, and a unified Republican Congress supporting it. There is one path to this because of President Biden’s age and the border crisis:
Kamala needs to step up and convince the Americans she can be a great president. And one way it can happen is to address the border crisis. I was in NYC last night and saw one of the elite hotels fully booked with migrants. I can’t imagine the text messages going back to friends and relatives about being in a paid hotel with free food. I’m liberal, but not that liberal. The VP is being given more and more important roles and now is time to demonstrate it with a tough federal stance.
Or we will lose the election in 2024.
Seriously. People love their country, but fear being overtaken by a flood of immigrants. And that will be all the ads.
The Republican’s will focus on President Biden’s Age and the border crisis. And if they can force a recession, they will. We need a strong women. And if we can’t get Kamala to step up to it, then I’m hoping for Haley.
And I hope that Colorado wins out on the 14th ammendment, section 3, yet he needs to be found guilty of insurrection. He had only been charged.
Migrants Will Sleep Outdoors Because ‘There Is No More Room,’ Adams Says
Mayor Eric Adams said New York had run out of shelter space for migrants, and he defended a troubled contractor working with the city on its response.
Well, here in upstate NY, there are crappy hotels also booked with migrants. I'm sure the "elite hotels" to which you refer aren't being paid rack rates for housing migrants.
"People love their country, but fear being overtaken by a flood of immigrants." Gosh, you could have said the same thing about the immigration of the Irish, the Italians, the Eastern European Jews, the Chinese, et al over the years. The U.S. has a long and disgraceful history of xenophobia. Right now we need workers, especially as members of the Baby Boom generation retire. NY Governor Hochul is trying to get the Biden administration to allow migrants to work, which I'm sure many of them would like to do.
Very familiar with the immigration at that time and toured the tennants and had folks working on the Morris Canel. The differences which I don’t beleive we see eye to eye on:
1) they are here for free, the past had to work their way out of lower Manhattan.
2) many second generation became college educated. That’s the true success story. Not certain the kids I saw last night even have the infrastructure for a basic education.
Hoping for the best here yet I think it is out of control and it will be us (the Dems) to blame. Yet, again, I would rather have Haley then Trump. Even if we lose.
Good luck in upsate NY. I always drive through it to Vermont and some of those towns seem to be hurting like Fort Ann and Whitehall. I’m hoping they are not burdening them with this.
Try identifying with the migrants: think climate change and gangs. Imagine yourself in the situation with your garden not producing, food prices out of sight, and the beacon of America up the road. Before your children die of starvation or bullets, you might make a try for food and safety. You hope for the kindness of strangers or that your last savings paid for a promised trip will get you to the promised land where you can safely work and take care of your children. We have seen and been warned of these vast migrations for years, but most of them have been “over there.” Now we have to reckon with our many “rapes” in Central and South America (just think bananas, if that’s all you can bear) and our contribution to climate change. If the shoe were on the other foot, what would you hope for? We live in a country that twice has tried to “keep the world safe for democracy.” Now we are being called on, in another way at an even more fraught time, to keep everyone safe. Who are we in this overpopulated world? Can we ride to the occasion again? (Now to GOTV cards.)
Virginia….maybe Canada will end up building a wall to stall northern migration…oh wait, they’re burning too. It may be that there really is no place to run to, no place to hide.
I think your last sentence is the truth that should get the nations of the world under UN auspices, to get cracking on policies to reverse just about every “growth” policy we have if we value the lives of our children and their children. There are too many of us people and too many are starving, largely because of numbers and climate change (for which the US had a huge responsibility).
I agree the UN or some equivalent international agency should work on reverse the growth policies--both growth of what we call "wealth" and growth of population. I also think the UN should be figuring out what migration is really necessary, and working on determining where those people should go.
The vast majority of immigration to the US is economic migration. But the US population, in particular, is way beyond environmental sustainability, and every additional person in our country makes it more so. For example, the NYT recently published an article on how the US is running out of water(!!!!), and the average immigrant's greenhouse emissions rise threefold after arrival. (That's because we're the major industrialized nation with the greatest per capita GH emissions, and so many come from third world countries that have low per capita emissions.) Additionally, populations of insects (the bottom of the food chain), birds, and other animals have been decimated in the US, and much of the rest of the world over the last 50 years, and ecosystem services have been greatly damaged. Population increase and the spread of sprawl that comes with it is the major factors.
Moreover, mass immigration is Big Biz' way of keeping wages down. In 1980, meat packers were Black, earning good middle class wages. By that decade's end, they were almost all immigrants, earning barely above minimum wage while toiling under atrocious conditions ("accidental" amputations were common). The same thing happened throughout the low/no-skilled wage jobs, which is why workers' wages did not increase for nearly 40 years, until the pandemic. For more on this general subject, see: Back of the Hiring Line: A 200-Year History of Immigration Surges, Employer Bias, and Depression of Black Wealth, by Roy Beck, $14 on Amazon or check your local bookstore. An MIT economist told my brother that the book does a good job of making its case.
At least 5 million have entered the US illegally since Biden took office (I'm not going to criticize him, as he's the best pres of my lifetime and I know from experience that presidents never do anywhere near everything you want them to, but Biden has come damn close for me, except on this one issue). The Census Bureau projects another 68 million immigrants over the next 40 years (3.4 New York State population equivalents) plus 7 million in native increase (one Mass.).
Thank you for reminding me about big biz exploitation. As Biden tries to keep nations United to fight climate change and preserve democracy, the flood of asylum seekers (which is what most of them basically are - I still think if you can “live” in your home country, you are likely to stay there, though I’m sure the dreams of “better lives” are always a pull) is like a third rail for the administration. It would help if the Republicans would not stand in the way of every decent solution by “not believing in” climate change. And their propaganda is poison.
I disagree that most are asylum seekers. I find it unsurprising that people would migrate en mass to a country where they could boost their earnings 5-10-fold. If they were truly asylum seekers, they wouldn't be hell-bent on reaching the US, given that they could stop in any number of countries where people speak their language, including Mexico. Most are economic migrants. I'm not blaming them. It's a natural thing to want to do. But the US, the major industrialized nation with the greatest per capita GH emissions is the worst place on the planet to put more people.
David, agree w/ most of what you say, but the specter of “climate refugee” is already a reality, just woven, almost imperceptibly into “economic immigration” where people cannot sustain themselves w/in their habitat (notwithstanding seeking the almost fairytale “American Dream”). And yes, Big Biz/corporations/the wealthy will try to monetize this (or any) tragedy, as always—just as they (we) depleted resources/messed up economic/governmental systems in some countries, particularly in So America. There are many parallels to past immigration, but the playing field is vastly different and depleted now, so it’s a revised game & the world needs to come up with a new game-plan and quickly.
I disagree that most are climate refugees. Several decades from now, that may well change. Millions of AMERICANS will be climate refugees in the next several decades according to Propublica, and with that in mind, I don't think we should be taking in millions. Within the last couple of weeks the NYT came out with an article on how our country is running out of water (which I knew).
Oh, I wasn’t trying to imply that most are climate refugees/immigrants, only that the slow trickle currently for that reason—and now I’m thinking globally—will be a (most likely) steady increase. Thing is climate issues don’t happen in a vacuum, it impacts most levels of a culture/gov’t (local/regional/national) to varying degrees, that then impacts “down stream”. As with most things, it’s a blend of issues/problems.
JB, "toured the tennants and had folks working on the Morris Canel"?? Even if I ignore your typos, I really don't know what you're trying to say. "Here for free" doesn't make any sense either, considering what so many of these migrants have to had to go through to get here (see Virginia's post).
Yes, Fort Ann and Whitehall are hurting; that's nothing new. You're obviously unfamiliar with communities in upstate NY that are thriving, thanks in part to technology companies that happen to employ many immigrants.
JB: "I wish she didn't raise her hand". Well, she did and cast herself as a person with no scruples. The deed is done, the voters witnessed it.
"The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on. Nor all your piety or wit will lore it back to cancel half a line, nor all your tears wash out a word of it." Omar Khayyam
IMHO, the current “immigration crisis” (legal/illegal) is just a small precursor to what will be a global mass movement of peoples fleeing countries/locations that are increasingly not suitable for human habitation/survival due to climate change and loss of livable habitat—this will likely include mass movement of those within the USA as well (think of it like the Dust Bowl migration of the 1930’s on steroids). If we can’t even have sane and humane policies currently, how in the world (global pun intended) will we face what is coming? The rancor that currently exists I fear will get exponentially worse and floating barriers with razor wire will seem a quaint attempt to stem the tide, as world-wide, some immigrants/refugees are being met with increasingly violent resistance/push-back. We dither, argue and ignore what is relentlessly heading toward ALL of us. Damn, sorry, this is depressing to write, but it seems so obvious to me.
Barbara Keating- you’ve expressed my thinking exactly. In addition to the refugees of climate change, we will also see the oligarchs’ increasing efforts to claim or divert water inside this country. Consider the outrageous monocropping of corn in areas with shrinking aquifers (the same Ogallala Aquifer that lies under the lands that became the Dust Bowl). Consider the “water grab” from Indian lands. Consider “plans” to pump Lake Superior water to parched western lands (no doubt to support more corn, golf course turf and the development of more gated communities). The war is already escalating.
Many years ago (early 90’s) I accompanied my (now ex) husband as he gave a private instruction class to a family in Palo Alto, CA (we drove 6 hrs to get there); they lived in a gated hilltop property w/ pool & tennis court. The instruction class was to get the family ready to climb Mt. Whitney in the Sierra. My ex shared that he led winter x-country skiing adventures at Crater Lake in OR. I recall how I had to bite my tongue hard (so as not to put the kibosh on the deal—paying customers for him!) when one of the fellows said water should be piped from Crater Lake to CA! It was all could do to keep quiet about the plundering of resources—sheesh.
Please don’t apologize. You have written what must be written so that people of good will can think and act as their best selves. We must start with breaking the Hastert Rule and reversing SCOTUS. Vote 💙!
There is no way any one person can solve our problems with immigration. And Repubs will continue to harp on it precisely because they know that AND block every decent attempt by Congress to take measures to help solve it.
I remember one printing about getting them to work sure this/that isn’t a piece of cake but vetted , processed , and working they can become funded and provide for themselves. Weaned out should be the ones looking for handouts, disabled, or otherwise incapacitated ...I thought that was a point well cited. Again not easy peasy , the roads to accomplishment carry banners thrown by the wayside -the litter of complaints, but the job gets done. Thanks to all the efforts and hopeful for more people getting to the promised land to help and realize it isn’t all the pretty picture painted, but God Bless America.
Bonnie, It is all about shock. We are writing about it, there are confederate minded individuals with more arsenal then you can imagine are praising it, and a unified Republican Congress supporting it. There is one path to this because of President Biden’s age and the border crisis:
Kamala needs to step up and convince the Americans she can be a great president. And one way it can happen is to address the border crisis. I was in NYC last night and saw one of the elite hotels fully booked with migrants. I can’t imagine the text messages going back to friends and relatives about being in a paid hotel with free food. I’m liberal, but not that liberal. The VP is being given more and more important roles and now is time to demonstrate it with a tough federal stance.
Or we will lose the election in 2024.
Seriously. People love their country, but fear being overtaken by a flood of immigrants. And that will be all the ads.
The Republican’s will focus on President Biden’s Age and the border crisis. And if they can force a recession, they will. We need a strong women. And if we can’t get Kamala to step up to it, then I’m hoping for Haley.
And I hope that Colorado wins out on the 14th ammendment, section 3, yet he needs to be found guilty of insurrection. He had only been charged.
Migrants Will Sleep Outdoors Because ‘There Is No More Room,’ Adams Says
Mayor Eric Adams said New York had run out of shelter space for migrants, and he defended a troubled contractor working with the city on its response.
Well, here in upstate NY, there are crappy hotels also booked with migrants. I'm sure the "elite hotels" to which you refer aren't being paid rack rates for housing migrants.
"People love their country, but fear being overtaken by a flood of immigrants." Gosh, you could have said the same thing about the immigration of the Irish, the Italians, the Eastern European Jews, the Chinese, et al over the years. The U.S. has a long and disgraceful history of xenophobia. Right now we need workers, especially as members of the Baby Boom generation retire. NY Governor Hochul is trying to get the Biden administration to allow migrants to work, which I'm sure many of them would like to do.
Very familiar with the immigration at that time and toured the tennants and had folks working on the Morris Canel. The differences which I don’t beleive we see eye to eye on:
1) they are here for free, the past had to work their way out of lower Manhattan.
2) many second generation became college educated. That’s the true success story. Not certain the kids I saw last night even have the infrastructure for a basic education.
Hoping for the best here yet I think it is out of control and it will be us (the Dems) to blame. Yet, again, I would rather have Haley then Trump. Even if we lose.
Good luck in upsate NY. I always drive through it to Vermont and some of those towns seem to be hurting like Fort Ann and Whitehall. I’m hoping they are not burdening them with this.
But yes., Vote!
Try identifying with the migrants: think climate change and gangs. Imagine yourself in the situation with your garden not producing, food prices out of sight, and the beacon of America up the road. Before your children die of starvation or bullets, you might make a try for food and safety. You hope for the kindness of strangers or that your last savings paid for a promised trip will get you to the promised land where you can safely work and take care of your children. We have seen and been warned of these vast migrations for years, but most of them have been “over there.” Now we have to reckon with our many “rapes” in Central and South America (just think bananas, if that’s all you can bear) and our contribution to climate change. If the shoe were on the other foot, what would you hope for? We live in a country that twice has tried to “keep the world safe for democracy.” Now we are being called on, in another way at an even more fraught time, to keep everyone safe. Who are we in this overpopulated world? Can we ride to the occasion again? (Now to GOTV cards.)
Virginia….maybe Canada will end up building a wall to stall northern migration…oh wait, they’re burning too. It may be that there really is no place to run to, no place to hide.
I think your last sentence is the truth that should get the nations of the world under UN auspices, to get cracking on policies to reverse just about every “growth” policy we have if we value the lives of our children and their children. There are too many of us people and too many are starving, largely because of numbers and climate change (for which the US had a huge responsibility).
I agree the UN or some equivalent international agency should work on reverse the growth policies--both growth of what we call "wealth" and growth of population. I also think the UN should be figuring out what migration is really necessary, and working on determining where those people should go.
The vast majority of immigration to the US is economic migration. But the US population, in particular, is way beyond environmental sustainability, and every additional person in our country makes it more so. For example, the NYT recently published an article on how the US is running out of water(!!!!), and the average immigrant's greenhouse emissions rise threefold after arrival. (That's because we're the major industrialized nation with the greatest per capita GH emissions, and so many come from third world countries that have low per capita emissions.) Additionally, populations of insects (the bottom of the food chain), birds, and other animals have been decimated in the US, and much of the rest of the world over the last 50 years, and ecosystem services have been greatly damaged. Population increase and the spread of sprawl that comes with it is the major factors.
Moreover, mass immigration is Big Biz' way of keeping wages down. In 1980, meat packers were Black, earning good middle class wages. By that decade's end, they were almost all immigrants, earning barely above minimum wage while toiling under atrocious conditions ("accidental" amputations were common). The same thing happened throughout the low/no-skilled wage jobs, which is why workers' wages did not increase for nearly 40 years, until the pandemic. For more on this general subject, see: Back of the Hiring Line: A 200-Year History of Immigration Surges, Employer Bias, and Depression of Black Wealth, by Roy Beck, $14 on Amazon or check your local bookstore. An MIT economist told my brother that the book does a good job of making its case.
At least 5 million have entered the US illegally since Biden took office (I'm not going to criticize him, as he's the best pres of my lifetime and I know from experience that presidents never do anywhere near everything you want them to, but Biden has come damn close for me, except on this one issue). The Census Bureau projects another 68 million immigrants over the next 40 years (3.4 New York State population equivalents) plus 7 million in native increase (one Mass.).
Thank you for reminding me about big biz exploitation. As Biden tries to keep nations United to fight climate change and preserve democracy, the flood of asylum seekers (which is what most of them basically are - I still think if you can “live” in your home country, you are likely to stay there, though I’m sure the dreams of “better lives” are always a pull) is like a third rail for the administration. It would help if the Republicans would not stand in the way of every decent solution by “not believing in” climate change. And their propaganda is poison.
I disagree that most are asylum seekers. I find it unsurprising that people would migrate en mass to a country where they could boost their earnings 5-10-fold. If they were truly asylum seekers, they wouldn't be hell-bent on reaching the US, given that they could stop in any number of countries where people speak their language, including Mexico. Most are economic migrants. I'm not blaming them. It's a natural thing to want to do. But the US, the major industrialized nation with the greatest per capita GH emissions is the worst place on the planet to put more people.
David, agree w/ most of what you say, but the specter of “climate refugee” is already a reality, just woven, almost imperceptibly into “economic immigration” where people cannot sustain themselves w/in their habitat (notwithstanding seeking the almost fairytale “American Dream”). And yes, Big Biz/corporations/the wealthy will try to monetize this (or any) tragedy, as always—just as they (we) depleted resources/messed up economic/governmental systems in some countries, particularly in So America. There are many parallels to past immigration, but the playing field is vastly different and depleted now, so it’s a revised game & the world needs to come up with a new game-plan and quickly.
I disagree that most are climate refugees. Several decades from now, that may well change. Millions of AMERICANS will be climate refugees in the next several decades according to Propublica, and with that in mind, I don't think we should be taking in millions. Within the last couple of weeks the NYT came out with an article on how our country is running out of water (which I knew).
Oh, I wasn’t trying to imply that most are climate refugees/immigrants, only that the slow trickle currently for that reason—and now I’m thinking globally—will be a (most likely) steady increase. Thing is climate issues don’t happen in a vacuum, it impacts most levels of a culture/gov’t (local/regional/national) to varying degrees, that then impacts “down stream”. As with most things, it’s a blend of issues/problems.
Yesterday was the hottest September day in Massachusetts that I've ever felt. I did not tke the dog out until it was almost dark.
JB, "toured the tennants and had folks working on the Morris Canel"?? Even if I ignore your typos, I really don't know what you're trying to say. "Here for free" doesn't make any sense either, considering what so many of these migrants have to had to go through to get here (see Virginia's post).
Yes, Fort Ann and Whitehall are hurting; that's nothing new. You're obviously unfamiliar with communities in upstate NY that are thriving, thanks in part to technology companies that happen to employ many immigrants.
Haley disqualified herself when she said in the debates she would support Trump as the nominee even if he were convicted or in jail.
I totally disagree and will take Haley as a nominee over trump any day.
I wish she didn’t raise her hand, and agree.
JB: "I wish she didn't raise her hand". Well, she did and cast herself as a person with no scruples. The deed is done, the voters witnessed it.
"The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on. Nor all your piety or wit will lore it back to cancel half a line, nor all your tears wash out a word of it." Omar Khayyam
IMHO, the current “immigration crisis” (legal/illegal) is just a small precursor to what will be a global mass movement of peoples fleeing countries/locations that are increasingly not suitable for human habitation/survival due to climate change and loss of livable habitat—this will likely include mass movement of those within the USA as well (think of it like the Dust Bowl migration of the 1930’s on steroids). If we can’t even have sane and humane policies currently, how in the world (global pun intended) will we face what is coming? The rancor that currently exists I fear will get exponentially worse and floating barriers with razor wire will seem a quaint attempt to stem the tide, as world-wide, some immigrants/refugees are being met with increasingly violent resistance/push-back. We dither, argue and ignore what is relentlessly heading toward ALL of us. Damn, sorry, this is depressing to write, but it seems so obvious to me.
Barbara Keating- you’ve expressed my thinking exactly. In addition to the refugees of climate change, we will also see the oligarchs’ increasing efforts to claim or divert water inside this country. Consider the outrageous monocropping of corn in areas with shrinking aquifers (the same Ogallala Aquifer that lies under the lands that became the Dust Bowl). Consider the “water grab” from Indian lands. Consider “plans” to pump Lake Superior water to parched western lands (no doubt to support more corn, golf course turf and the development of more gated communities). The war is already escalating.
I subscribe to the Lakota People’s Law Project & they recently sent this (a much deeper dive in to what happened in Lahaina:
Many years ago (early 90’s) I accompanied my (now ex) husband as he gave a private instruction class to a family in Palo Alto, CA (we drove 6 hrs to get there); they lived in a gated hilltop property w/ pool & tennis court. The instruction class was to get the family ready to climb Mt. Whitney in the Sierra. My ex shared that he led winter x-country skiing adventures at Crater Lake in OR. I recall how I had to bite my tongue hard (so as not to put the kibosh on the deal—paying customers for him!) when one of the fellows said water should be piped from Crater Lake to CA! It was all could do to keep quiet about the plundering of resources—sheesh.
Please don’t apologize. You have written what must be written so that people of good will can think and act as their best selves. We must start with breaking the Hastert Rule and reversing SCOTUS. Vote 💙!
There is no way any one person can solve our problems with immigration. And Repubs will continue to harp on it precisely because they know that AND block every decent attempt by Congress to take measures to help solve it.
Haley couldn't solve it any more than Kamala can.
Agreed. I think it will take a round of election for this to settle more.
I remember one printing about getting them to work sure this/that isn’t a piece of cake but vetted , processed , and working they can become funded and provide for themselves. Weaned out should be the ones looking for handouts, disabled, or otherwise incapacitated ...I thought that was a point well cited. Again not easy peasy , the roads to accomplishment carry banners thrown by the wayside -the litter of complaints, but the job gets done. Thanks to all the efforts and hopeful for more people getting to the promised land to help and realize it isn’t all the pretty picture painted, but God Bless America.
Haley may be a woman, but she's just as far right and mean as the rest of them!
I think a better choice would be Hakeem Jefferies! He knows how to legislate and would have Joe Biden's ear on demand, I'm sure.