It’s pathetic to watch Trump use these hurricane victims as pawns in this race, but I can’t say I’m shocked. Well said as always, Heather.

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I'm in Georgia, where there has been widespread devastation. Me and mine are all fine, but 10 days later, we still have no power. FEMA has been amazing, and State Farm has responded in a timely manner. Anyone saying differently is WRONG!

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My grandbabies and their mama, and grandma live in Shelby NC.( An hr east of Asheville) They just got their power back yesterday. Internet and phone is still spotty though. I'm concerned about this next storm Milton.

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We all know Trump doesn't have time to deal with truths

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One of the biggest disappointments of the Trump era is how willingly the majority of Republicans have kissed the ring. The impact is not only disappointing, but terrifying as to what it may potend for the republic going forward.

That is why we cannot continue to send "representatives" to Congress who are so easily manipulated.

Please join a national electoral reform rally to learn more about the efforts underway to solve this problem.


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I’m always thanking you for explaining the methods Trump and Corrupt Republican Puppets Vomit up to spew the untruths you tell the maga Dimwits! Do the Magas know how intensely Trump and Co mock and disparage them? The Hate vibrates around Trumps every words and deeds He has no respect for them ! They are herds of non educated cattle to him. Have they no shame.no of course not! It’s all keep the Felon out of jail. The hell with the rest of you! THINK!

vomit up

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The Haitians have sued Trump, Vance, et al for defamation. Everyone who has been defamed should do the same separately or together, including the United States. Every lie is a defamation.

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Although I am a paid subscriber, I prefer to read Letters from an American on my email, just like I used to read it for free. Please help me figure out how to read the regular email version without using Substack. Thank you.

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Look for a place to click on "Transcript"

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You can already read it in FB, I think.

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I use https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/archive with my browser to go directly to the archive.

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Ok now that I posted my thoughts on Facebook. Going to repeat here

Grrrr … Hair In Fire!!! …

I thought I had reached the point of giving up on voicing my thoughts and concerns concerning the up coming choices to be made in this coming election. Ha! I guess not.

It is so beyond my understanding how ANYONE can even consider voting for, he shall not be named. He pride himself to be a smoke screen magician, as if he is the star protege if Hilter and Putin’s disinformation techniques who blatantly lies, all the while drawing his constituents into his flock of mesmerized followers chant his main issue: the economy, immigration, state rights to rule over their citizens ( primarily women). Where as, it is will know, according to FACTUAL POLLS, that in the hearts and minds, most Americans, stand a hundred and eighty degrees in the opposite direction then all of these suppressive tyrannical issues. He and his puppet masters … you can fill in the blanks here, whether China, Russia, Hungry, Maga Media in all their ilk, congresspersons, Senators. All have done more damage to our country through their rhetoric. How they can still follow and uplift this selfish, cruel man as someone who can heal our country, bring people together, to create a better tomorrow … ??? … I say this fully knowing that if this faction of folks wins a return to the White House, I, according to Project 2025, will probably be spending the years I have left in prison.

The Economy, Immigration, a persons rigth for self determination going forward, health care, public education, climate issues … The FACT is we have a ton of work ahead of us. And burning it all down, is not the way to start.

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I'd like to think that Trump's lies about Helene's relief efforts would be enough for his blind loyalist to finally wake up to this fraudulent act, but that might be a bit naive of me.

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I just took a big professional chance and restacked today's audio from HCR. With a rather long commentary. I'm writing a post for my blog today that will combine Horace Mann, public schools, and voting, and it will publish on Nov. 3, before most people vote. My professional work makes it clear that people of similar intelligence when they are born show huge diversions in their adult outcomes due to the differences they experience during their school years and within their families. What could further undermine what happens to our public school support is on the ballot.

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I’m an immigrant, my mom was in a camp and she survived but lost her entire family. I’ve been interested in the Holocaust, have studied it and taught it. I’m recently retired and while listening to todays broadcast was brought back to a moment when I asked my first boss, how was it possible that Hitler was able to kill so many innocent people, why didn’t America do something? While I’ve learned over the years that the answer was complex, I recall that he said, no one could believe that this was actually going on.

It was too big a lie to be believable. Hitlers strategy inspires Trump’s tactics of “disinformation”. The one silver lining is that we now know better. But now we need to do better… vote !!!

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A voice of calm amidst the chaos

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What happened. Did I do somehting wrong? I just want to read it on my computer. I don't know how to answer your questions.

If I can't read it on the computer, please cancel the subscription.

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light the watch towers

I use https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/archive with my browser to go directly to the archive. Look for a place to click on "Transcript"

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