Read him his rights and take him into custody. What if anyone else was was passing out critical military secrets? Would there be any question?

If a president has absolute impunity, is he or she not an autocrat? That's simply not a president; it's an emperor or dictator. If a president is not accountable to law, can you call it a "republic"? If those who trusted to craft, judge and administrate the law consistently show contempt for the law, why would anyone respect it?

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"Read him his rights and take him into custody." Yes. Now! If Trump was willing to share nuclear warhead information, what else did he share? What has he made copies of? What could he continue to share? Lock him up and conduct a thorough and extensive search of every property he owns or has visited. Look under every rock.

If this revelation, this act of betrayal, is defended by a politician, you will know everything you need to know about that person. Traitor to democracy. Traitor to America. Traitor to its citizens.

BTW, go to the digital edition of the NY Times today. The story of this betrayal of key nuclear secrets is way down the page - the 17th article. When did treason become so unimportant?

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I do not believe "all of these acts of betrayal" are only Trump's doing. There must be persons with great power and lots of money together who chose Trump as the perfect candidate to betray our country for power and position.....the most immoral person that could be found, the one with the largest ego....most self-centered.....yet with a name that called attention to personal power over everything.

He is a person very easy to be used to betray our nation on every level, for money or recognition. Inside, he is empty...only a large shell of a human being. I am sure those who are using him are laughing their way to hell as they enjoy the gain they can get out of him and his children....who are the same.

Our enemies want to destroy our freedoms. They want power to use our resources as they choose. They have studied our citizenry and found ways to use them as their puppets. "Let's just give them their guns....let's encourage them to form "brotherhoods of male righteousness!!!".... groups where they can make the rules and disobey the laws our forefathers have given us..... And then let's push the "Pro Life " agenda when they could care less about women or the condition of their womb....or their health or their safety!!! or the children that may or may not be born.

Let's not forget the flow of drugs. Addiction is an easy alternative to a false feeling of escape from an empty space in our lives......misery, pain, lack of feeling powerful...etc .

Our enemies are within and without and they know us well. Especially they know our weaknesses, which are real. I believe it is far past the time that we show them our strength!!!

Wherever we are in life, whatever our strengths and inspite of the weaknesses we have,

we must defend freedoms ....hard won by our forefathers !!!!

Enough attention to Trump!!!! This only empowers his ego!!!! He is a traitor and so are those who blindly and not so blindly follow him!!!!

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Totally agree. Except when someone reveals top secrets it should be top of the news.

Then we can move on to all the positive stuff Democrats have to offer!

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Thank you Bill. I am so tired of important pieces of information like this does not get more than 15 seconds on MSM, but we get hours upon hours of time given to meaningless polls and non agenda performances of the party of crazy.

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When I push AOL mail, I get a screen that has a lot of little bait titles of news happenings. I would say 1/4-1/3 are about trump or the circus in Congress. Unless it says he is convicted, I don't bother reading them.

My car is my bulletin board for my politics, social beliefs. I refuse to have any anti trump stickers. I am not giving him any free advertising. BTW I do live in a fairly blue area so my car is not in danger. :)

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And many other things we as human beings have to offer, as well as admitting our own mistakes, both essential for progress.

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Thank you for so eloquently expressing many of the random thoughts and ideas I’ve had in my head for a while. You’ve made wonderful sense of it. I wondered if I was turning into a conspiracy theorist, but it really is a conspiracy isn’t it?

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Sometimes they really are out to get you.

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BitsyBelle !, This is Critical HELL , Smack !, in Our FACE ! The MAMMONITERS, The GREEDY GUTS, & the Rubbish Mankind, are SLOWLY, Being 'Gathered UP ! ' , ,,,,,, for the "INCINERATOR PROJECT " ! LORD !, Have MERCY !!

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I couldn’t agree more! He should definitely have been detained in prison from day one of his first indictment. Many say that no one is above the law, but those folks don’t seem to think that applies to a former president!!! I will never understand that. Now to find out he has revealed nuclear submarine details.... what else has he shared??? I bet it’s a lot. Why did Jared receive $2B from the Saudi’s??? You guessed it, for some top secret documents given to them. Why isn’t this being investigated but Hunter Biden is!!!! SMH...

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The Rioters all were detained until their trials even though they are innocent until proven guilty. Saudi? The Prince overrode the rest of the committee to give Jared the deal BUT someone else had to run it because Jared wasn't qualified.

Reason (in my opinion)? The Prince is counting on trump to win. and wants something from us. Something with the oil perhaps. I saw that trump had asked the Prince to lower production at some point (might be a good reason). Maybe they want some our weapons to fight Yemen? We do have water (at least we did before the droughts) and Saudis do have water right in AZ=LMAO

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I am no expert, but it appears to me that the predators among us, the ones who use a fountain pen rather than a six gun to enforce their will, set traps for our vulnerable human ego (Latin for "I") without the encumbrance of conscience. Trump is a total malignant narcissist who sees people as objects to be manipulated. He is an opportunist. The 9/11 hijackers were fanatics; malignant narcissists who fancy themselves a arbiters of whether people are worthy to exist. Either way, the perspective is sociopathic.

The sad thing is that I think we all have some degree of potential "Mr. Hyde" in us, and those who see us as objects see that they can freely use to there own gain ir amusement, and it works. Many cultured, educated nations (probably all, to some degree) have become infected with with societal malignant narcissism; a populace that manifests both Jekyll And Hyde, as in our own case the patriot dreams that saw beyond the years coexisting with indigenous genocide, sexism and slavery. we watched cultured, educated Germany, Italy, Japan, and Spain fall to sociopathic madness, and there are many more. The pretexts for mass murder can seem as absurd as Swift's fictitious war over how to open a hard boiled egg, but it's always about ego, power, and exploitation.

And for sure Trump is as much an effect as a cause. The former "GOP" has fully become a Plutocrat Influenced Criminal Organization. The vestiges of conscience, such as Kinzinger and Cheney, have been firmly rejected.

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That’s the plan as far as I’m concerned. Get to the very bottom feeders of this insurrection. Down to dog catcher. Destroy the root.

Despots, dictators and authoritarian regimes will and always have been a threat to stable governments since the beginning of communities.

Every word in your post is truth.

I lost a few friends and family members when I posted after Trump and Putin’s meeting in Helsinki/2018 that Republicans are formally traitors if they continue to support this deranged, incompetent narcissist. No one I was close to, so I blocked other relatives who I knew were Trump supporters more for their sake than mine.

Support for an orange fake tanned, with teased extensions and hair plugs, lazy, golf cheating, coup attempting, 7th grader, who’s own parents couldn’t tolerate him and sent him off to a military (reform school) academy did nothing to discourage his antisocial behavior. Fred Trump turned his son into a useful idiot as front man to a corrupt real estate company.

I’m truly surprised Trump wasn’t investigated in the ‘80’s & 90’s for fraud. The secretive activity that protected him goes that far back. With the backing of Putin, Russian Oligarchs and corruption in our society and government through the Republican Party.

Federalist Society billionaires making money through conveniently placed loop holes in tax laws, these oligarchs seized the opportunity to guide Trump to the channels that would lead to January 6th 2021.

The person most guilty of creating great wealth for billionaires, oligarchs and tax cheats at that time was Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich. Who, in my opinion is definitely a spoke in the wheel that should be charged with more corruption leading to an attempted coup. Next is Dick Cheney and George W Bush along with key players during both administrations of W. Of course all Republican administrations are guilty of attempting coups, the Federalist Society offered great sums of money and services for those willing to be corrupted, threats to others and their families to keep mouths shut.

Clarence and Ginni Thomas are out in the open now with their supporter/mentor Harlan Crow and the unreported gifts and taxes, giving the Americans the middle finger, “ What are you gonna do? Sue Me? Ha Ha Ha Ha! Screw all of you!” We’re not going to stop, so you can all kiss my ass!” We have no recourse? Of course we do! We need to vote for representatives in the House who are willing to do so.

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And thank Goodness for journalists of every kind.

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When trump was in office, I made some comment that I didn't like trump. She said well, if you don't respect the president, you don't respect your country. I said I cold still like my country and not the president. That was the last time we spoke. BTW I did try to reach out to her with a Christmas card-no respoinse.

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Putin. It’s Putin. Trump was cultivated by Putin.

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No doubt whatsoever, Fred Trump is responsible for cultivating his deep disrespect for rules.

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And Donny’s total lack of character and decency.

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It is in Donny's background. Grandpa left Germany right before WWI and wanted to return afterwards. Germany said no. Back in the states he sets up shady real estate deals (sound familiar) and had brothels. maybe this accounts for the sex thing going on trump.

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And so are those who not blindly at all have chosen him as their dupe. Reminds me of Barbra in Funny Girl, "My dope was an innocent dupe; or my dupe was an innocent dope?" Only this time, not so innocent.

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Wow, you said all that needed to be said regarding tffg

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I think I might need to add the extra "f".

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Beautifully said!

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One of those people is Putin. Trump's connection to Putin through his wife's father being FSB for the Czech Republic back in the day, and in Putin's cadre establishes the connection between Putin and Trump through his marriage. I am sure Putin is doing a lot of his calculations on everything based on private information Trump has given him. We know the Saudi's got privileged information, and what about North Korea? What about Iran? What about China? Trump committed treason, but no one names it as such legally. He is a traitor to our nation and to the world!

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Linda, I think that's because you have to be in a state of war to commit treason legally. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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There is legal treason, and then there is the word treason and what it means. By definition of the word, Trump has committed treason. He has tried and continues to try to overthrow the government.


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Thought your previous comment was referring to legal treason.

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Write to The Times and tell them. If enough readers do, they’ll change their editorial practices.

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I just cancelled my very long standing subscription to NYT.

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I just sent off a letter to the editor expressing my disgust at their placing this story so far down the online page.

As for those who choose to cancel subscriptions, I would say that is worse than useless. The paper won't know why the subscription has been cancelled and the former subscriber will have cut themselves off from other worthwhile articles including articles having nothing to do with current politics. Same goes for those who unsubscribe from the Washington Post. Both papers host Opinion writers.

While I consider most of the "conservative" opinion writers objectionable (and seldom read them), I consider it reasonable that a newspaper or online programs include different perspectives even when I find some of them objectionable. Without that, how different are they from the Fox News one-sided presentations?

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That’s it, I’ll cancel too but will also contact them to say why. I haven’t looked for NYT email or phone number yet but if anyone has info to share, it’s most appreciated.

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I sent my comments to letters@nytimes.com but I did not and will not unsubscribe. I don't believe doing so actually sends a message but do believe sending comments expressing our disagreement with their coverage of certain "news" topics.

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Good point, thanks for the info.

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Exactly what did trump suggest should happen to General Mark Milley for committing treason (which Milley did not commit)?


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He said that Milley should be executed, and Trump thinks he (himself) has the right to betray the US, cause chaos, trash the Capitol....can no one commit this man? He is so unhinged

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Or how can a criminal like him be allowed to run for the presidency?? Law scholar Laurence Tribe and Judge Littig cite sec. 3 of the 14th ammendment to back up why he should not run. The argument is that voters should decide. I maintain that if a mass murderer isn't allowed to run and let the people vote, he should not be allowed either....

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Though there are ~45% of Americans that believe his every word and do not care if he did all that he has been charged with they will support him to the end.. He has ignited a infinite amount of hate and loathing, a Wild West mentality that is going to be hard to stifle.

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Yes, it's unbelievable what this guy has fomented and how his followers swoon under his spell. He is the embodiment of the definition of the Antichrist....

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He should be tried for treason and face the death penalty.

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Yes, just think of all those SECRET meetings Trump had with Putin where no Americans were allowed I. - just a Russian interpreter. Or the one time an American interpreter was allowed in but Trump took all their notes from the meeting. The CORRUPTION and TREASON is astounding and we do nothing but follis the VERY SLOW gears of Justice that will eventually allow him to never be held to account.

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“If that’s all we discussed, we already know that,” said former Australian ambassador to the US. Australian sailors work on the nuclear subs with Americans and we share, yada yada. New York Times. The Guardian reports much more from the Australian side, with former prime ministers denying they were given the information. (Btw, Guardian site has no ads.)

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Absolutely and entirely different contexts (re the quoted former ambassador). I'm sure that non-U.S. sailors who train on U.S. nuclear warships are cleared and required to sign agreements that they will not share what they learn. Sure, they could still talk about it inappropriately but few if any would. Ambassadors and their ilk would of course be made aware of certain classified information. The point is that tfg told a civilian who told at least 45 others (who probably passed it on to others), ensuring that the classified information becomes "common knowledge".

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Yes. My thought was why the NYTIMES minimized the importance of Trump’s “sharing” and the further sharing. Almost implying no big deal if one former ambassador excuses it. Move along, nothing to see here?

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I’d like to know that too. My son was an officer on a submarine during those years. We know how Trump feels about the military. Does the press feel that way too? All very sad for us and our men in uniform…And they wonder why recruitment in down.

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Trump has the empathy of a Corona virus.

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Bill, I agree, it should be top of the news in every newspaper, TV news or digital news. He should be in custody. What in the world is going on???

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Helen ! , OBVIOUSLY !, The "BIG NOTHING !! ( as In 'MONTY PYTHON ! ) ...... GET ON !! , WITH IT !! ( CHEETOLINII !, has gotta ' GO !! )

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And don't forget to look in whats-her-faces casket.

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Those 16 previous articles must have all have been extraordinarily explosive (as a opposed to merely nuclear).

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READ HIM HIS RIGHTS and take him into custody.

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Rights granted by a Constitution he abuses daily.

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Traitor. Treason. Trump. How can the facts be more clear? Jan. 6 and now this.

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My thoughts exactly Richard. Shared with a businessman who then shared them far and wide. And as Bill asks below what else did he share is still sharing. And yes, every one who defends him is also a traitor.

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Michele, and further to your point, what about the 2 hour private meeting with Putin in Helsinki where Trump confiscated the interpreter's notes and told her to say nothing about what was discussed? I have zero doubt that Trump gave Putin state secrets and received marching orders from Putin. I feel certain that Putin has been blackmailing Trump with something, probably photos of him naked with young females in Moscow hotel rooms.

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I agree Richard. however he doesn’t need to be blackmailed to cooperate with Putin. He loves that monster. Loves autocrats and dictators and wants to be one!

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I am sure you are correct. This is like giving the fox the keys to the henhouse....only it is egregious treason. Not insurrection, not sedition, but treason, plain and simple. And I also agree with Kitsy below, death star loves dictators, all of them. Somewhere I read and so i can't verify that Putin and the Russians had their eyes on death star for a long time. Let's see...how can we destroy the US without firing a shot.

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The day after the debacle, Milley wrote a message to the joint force reminding every member that they swore an oath to the Constitution. “This document is founded on the essential principle that all men and women are born free and equal, and should be treated with respect and dignity. It also gives Americans the right to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly…. As members of the Joint Force—comprised of all races, colors, and creeds—you embody the ideals of our Constitution,” he wrote. “We all committed our lives to the idea that is America,” he wrote by hand on the memo. “We will stay true to that oath and the American people.”

“You see, we in uniform are unique…among the world's armies. We are unique among the world’s militaries. We don’t take an oath to a country. We don’t take an oath to a tribe. We don’t take an oath to a religion. We don’t take an oath to a king or a queen or to a tyrant or a dictator. And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator. We don’t take an oath to an individual. "

“We take an oath to the Constitution, and we take an oath to the idea that is America, and we’re willing to die to protect it.…"


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His defense is now as it always has been anarchy because he can't be bound by those pesky laws and the Constitution.

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“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”— Frank Wilhoit

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Every word here is truth. Thank you.

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But seriously, The Beast's goal since 2016 is to make himself dictator. Every action he's taken as been aimed at that end. It's super clear. The fact that our government isn't able to put him behind bars immediately is an indictment of our system, actually. It presupposes a population of non-beasts.

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The Speaker of the House. 2 steps from President. Would Trump accept the position? In a heartbeat. Seeing how easy it was to take Prigozhin out, all Queens Man would need is a couple dupes in our Security State to blow up themselves, along with a president and a veep, and Viola!

I presume you did not read it here first – it's as old as this idiotic nation – but no longer a purely speculative point to ponder. Not with this guy.

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JL, TFG believes, like Nixon, that a president can do anything. “Well, when the President does it, that means that it is not illegal." And, with TFG, it’s all about impressing the top people: the biggest inaugural crowd, the biggest penthouse, the most beautiful woman on his arm, the most knowledge about state secrets…

His toadies believe that he will protect them and share the wealth until he throws them under the bus and stiffs them.

It was a mistake for Ford to pardon Nixon, setting up the idea that, if a Republican president does wrong, the next Republican president will pardon him. The rot has been there for a long time.


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"It was a mistake for Ford to pardon Nixon, setting up the idea that, if a Republican president does wrong, the next Republican president will pardon him. The rot has been there for a long time."

That was clearly a betrayal and a terrible precedent on the day it was announced. What to do about Nixon was debatable, but the preemptory "pardon" (how is that even considered legal?) corruptly misapplied the law to halt due process of law for political reasons. I'm not sure it was causal, but I think it helped psychologically inure the public for the rash of transparent political abuses of law that have followed. Certainly Trump has demonstrated how corrupt the anachronistic arbitrary power of pardon can be. Some years ago a majority of SCOTUS decided that the condemned must be executed by the state even if irrefutable evidence of his or her innocence appears after appeals. The court cited executive pardon as the accused sole remedy. We have something close to such a case right now: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/02/texas-robert-roberson-death-penalty-supreme-court-appeal-denied .

Some years ago a person imprisoned for a serious non-capital crime (I don't recall the details) was demonstrated to be innocent, but the governor, who had happened to be the person who prosecuted the case, flatly refused the pardon. Perfectly legal. It's a matter of whim.

I think there is an important place for pardon where changing perspectives show some sort of error (such as absurd sentences for marijuana use, now legalized in many states) but ANY significant unaccountable governmental power is especially vulnerable to abuse.

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Yes, that would redefine the president as an autocrat. Perhaps the Odious Beast is really an originalist and is going waaaay back to the 18th century and agreeing with that camp that wanted a king, not a dictator.

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Sooooo vveeerrryyyy sick of him--can’t even say his name🤬

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If this particular lawbreaker had his rights read to him, and was taken into custody, is the nation prepared to deal with a violent reaction on the part of his supporters? I don't think so. As for the requested delays in Trump's lititgation, it should be clear that they want justice to be postponed until after his death.

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I think we ARE prepared for a violent reaction from his supporters, actually.

First - his calls for violence - and his calls for protesters at the sites of his court appearances - have been met with - meh.. 25 protesters in NYC. The groups are still out there but they're seeing long prison sentences for some Jan. 6 insurrectionists and they're also afraid that FBI informants are pretending to be members of the hard right groups.

I do believe his followers would be furious and might act on it - but can't we be prepared for that? We have ways to contain violence we know is coming.

And if we're afraid of violence, why do we keep letting him stir it up?

I believe his followers would be furious, would stop voting, and would complain to the high heavens. Ok, they're entitled to do that. They might keep going to rallies held by other people, until they weren't fun anymore. They might keep showing their MAGA signs and wearing their MAGA hats. Ok, not a problem.

I'm just not seeing some big civil war coming out of holding him fully accountable.

And if we won't do this when it's called for - who are we, really? Just full of sound and fury and afraid to do the right thing because it might be a problem?

JFK had the balls to sign a civil rights law that he knew would infuriate southerners, and he was right to do so. And there wasn't a civil war.

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When we become afraid to bring criminals to justice, the criminals have won. That's how the Mafia became so powerful. That and graft.

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Susan I agree 💯

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I don't see a 'big civil war' coming out of holding him accountable, but many minor incidents by supporters, armed by the SCOTUS' misinterpretation of the Second Amendment in 2008.

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We're there now. CW 1.5.

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I hear you, they threaten violence, but will that happen? Will we let these crazies get by with anything to avoid possible violence?

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How many cosplaytriots just like posing with weapons?

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How do yall deal with cosplaytriots?


I moved from Norfolk to the midwest. I live in the small town my husband grew up in. I have some real issues with fake marines/army dudes. They dress up and know some of the talk but when I ask about their experiences - not war stories, I'm not an a**hole - their stories start falling apart and then usually get down to a relative of theirs served.

They wear some of the damndest shit you ever saw. The village president wears a high n tight like a marine would and said to my face when I asked him about being military that he dresses like a marine because people respect him for it but it's his son that serves. He's not as bad as the sons of the legion who show up looking like and acting like Nam vets. I wouldn't care about the sons at the legion meeting because legions are dying off, but wtf, seriously, some asshat gets to talk down to me, out of the 2 of us, I'm the real fucking vet. I hate these midwest fucks.

I'd let it go and let them play their games but it's downright disrespectful to all us who actually served. Honestly the next person who calls themselves a vet, I wanna see a dd214. How do yall deal with these fucktards?

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Point, and who knows. fyi - first time I've heard cosplaytroits - had to look it up. Thanks for the education

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Yes, we can make respectable educated guesses about the future so long as we expect the unexpected.

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That is the Neville Chamberlain approach. Appeasement doesn't work. Yes, the nation will face tumult from his followers. But it can't be helped. They certainly aren't amenable to reason. So follow the law, enforce the law, and endure the short term pain.

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Occasionally, a side must be chosen, or it will be chosen for you. This is certainly one of those times.

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I've made a cartoon with precisely that thought.

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Jack, it’s the only way. We would have to deal with the consequences. Should we not be a lawful country?

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I think it got this bad because we didn't want to hold them accountable for creepy stuff and deal with tantrums.

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Or can scour the legal system of honest men and women.

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Maybe, just maybe, the revelation that Trump disclosed secrets about our nuclear submarines will wake up people to the fact that a traitorous ex-president could take office again.

And wake them up to the fact that his Republican lapdogs in the House are a threat to the nation merely for their undying blind devotion to Trump.

And maybe wake up many in the media that they're aiding and abetting enemies of democracy via their timid and weak don't-rock-the boat faux journalism.

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Michael, it is not being broadcast across the news. His cult is not even aware…

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I don't know about the broadcast news but it is being covered on CNN and MSNBC.

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And the cult may continue to cover their ears, but the disengaged need to take a harder look at what is happening.

What's that sound...?

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Autocrat sums it up. Well we could add on a horse's ass. But that's offensive to horses. Blowhard. I believe there are still this who respect constitutional principles, although it can be very hard to tell at times. But there is a new, exciting level of consciousness that's emerging with Gen Z. I'm eager to see how the next elections go. The Zs have sworn they will be voting in large numbers. I have my eyes on two very interesting young people. Cuban American Mark Frost, youngest member of Congress, backed by the Obamas. Mark works as an uber driver to pay for college degree. He's been on several of the morning shows. Articulate and dedicated. Then there is young Dem representative in the TX house. African american, female, a Rhodes Scholar, They are not only the new blood, they are the heart, the soul and the passion of America's future. Coherent and dedicated. They take my breath away..blew the blues right out the door! Google them, get a hit on what's cooking. Support if you can. Step out of the shadows and be warmed by their fire, inspired by their smarts and their dedication. They are the faces of America's future.

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Isn't the president of the country an employee of the citizens? Like any employee, if the rules aren't followed you don't keep the job.

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Where have you been? On Mars? TFFG hasn't followed even one "rule". How about the GOP? They are doing nothing for their "employers". Watch them chose their next "speaker". Ironic how many common words not require quotes.....

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Including "Republican". That said, I think many of us have been lulled into forgetting who and what we are, and what out duties have been all along. They told me on public school that Lincoln had nailed it:

"that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. "

we each had to recite it from memory before the class, as well as the Preamble to the Constitution, and while I often had a low opinion of memorization work, I sensed to both were worth remembering (which I imperfectly still do). So the abiding question is "If these particular principles are so fertile, what happens if you take them seriously?". The Declaration of Independence as well, which we learned to remember part of. What if we held those"yardsticks" up to everything our society and government was, is and gets to be? What if we triaged everything now in place against those standards? Looks to me like we are collectively The Boss" which means we have a collective job to do. Lying to or cheating "The boss" gets you fired in any organization. Everybody has universal, unalienable human rights, and a duty to observe them, for all. Everyone offered protection by law, theoretically equally. Everyone has a guaranteed right to vote, and have that vote counted fairly.

In many ways, are being taken for a ride, and not, I think, where we want to go. The "tail is wagging the dog".

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Shooting a person on 5th Avenue is only murder; isn't treason worse?

Why is he still free to continue to corrupt the country?

I am scared to death of TFFG. Russia will dump billions into his re-election.

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Why isn’t Trump arrested and jailed pending trial for giving away critical national secrets? He should not be allowed out on bail. He is a danger to society because of the ongoing risk that he will give away other critical national secrets.

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How did he get these boxes of documents? The National archives asleep at the wheel? Nothing that that says classified should go out the office. They should never be declassified by thinking it or otherwise. Even if the information is "old" it still could have some value to an enemy.

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SORRY FOLKS !, i don't have a LONG ENOUGH ' Snorkle Tube' , to be Breathin' this B S ...... THROW The MANGOWANKER OUT! ( Nuff Said !! )

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As horrid as all these proceedings are that shine a light on the unqualified candidate that is Trump, the one that bothers me the most is the documents case. How can an entire party elected to - among other things - protect our country turn away from the reality of what 45 did and take a "nothing to see here" stance?

Many thanks, Heather, for your steadfast defense of our democracy.

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I totally agree with you.I am very bothered that Jim Jordan could possibly be Speaker.He is my Congressional rep and I am horrified daily that this man is in the position to represent me and is in fealty with a former POTUS traitor.How can this be?A conspiracy theory is out there now that Trump could be Speaker and would be third in line for the presidency should anything happen to Biden and Harris.My head spins as I believe Trump is evil enough to try to pull this off.A lot of what is happening is very frightening.

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If Jim Jorden is your representative, I hope you are letting him know daily, hourly, what you think of him and his actions.

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And if possible volunteering to make sure he doesn’t get re-elected. My hope and prayers are we will one day wake up to read Jim Jorden has been indicted for treason!

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Jack Smith likely has enough evidence from January 6th and before to indict Gym Jordan for being an insurrectionist. And to think the MAGAts vote him to be 3rd in line to the Presidency. Heaven help us!

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Oh, he knows but doesn't give a damn. He rarely comes to his home district and when he does, he hides from his constituents.

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Sounds like my Rep. Stefanik too

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Sympathy. She’s a horror. I look at faces. Don’t see kindly intelligence there.

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Sounds like my rep, Burchett.

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Sounds like Calvert.

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Calvert Co. MD?

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I write to Lauren B regularly. I try to be reasonable, does not always work. She barely won in CO last election compared to when she was first voted in.

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Does LB actually know how to read?

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One step at a time...take dt into custody and then do everything possible NOT to have that little twit with the nasty voice be speaker

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I picked a bad time to start watching the series Designated Survivor. I'm not worried about Trump as Speaker, he might get a lot of votes but never 215.

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Plus, he would have to be present in the House daily to fulfill the role of Speaker. Not going to happen. But, I agree he is very unlikely to receive enough votes. Hope that's equally true for Jim Jordan.

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I watched Designated Survivor a couple of months ago and yes, probably not good timing...really scary possibilities!

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You may be right, it’s not a big enough job for him!

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I feel your pain of having Gym as your rep, as I have Bobo as mine. Although I admit that your pain must be much, much worse.

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Oct 6, 2023
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Adam Frisch definitely is willing the war chest competition. He’s raised something like $2.5 million.


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News just in today: Adam Frisch brought in $3.4M in the third quarter! That makes his campaign chest at about $4.3M. His campaign is on fire 😀

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We’ll Jim Jordan sold his former wrestling coach’s soul to Trump and the monster got his complete loyalty which is what any dictator expects.

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Thank God, you are a Republican who sees the horror. Where are the rest of you?

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Back at you, Victoria. I commented on Robert Hubbell's post that at this point, the Biden-Harris team should make double sure they have adequate protection.

On a personal note, I ask why is it that only the good die young? Last week my rep sent her supporters a letter detailing her illness that will keep her from running in 2024. Jennifer Wexton has been such a reliable champion of democracy. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/18/jennifer-wexton-health-diagnosis-00116497

My condolences to you, Victoria, and all the other readers who are stuck with reps like Jordan.

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I appreciate your sympathy and hope to be rid of him and all of the other MAGATs as soon as possible.

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Is Jorden smart enough to actually do this job, or would he just be a puppet for the right wing nutcases in the House? In that case, it would be the same as a McCarthy speakership, until his last decision. What is more troublesome for me, is how many people actually vote for these disturbed human beings to represent them. I understand that, long after Stalin had gone, there were still Russians who longed for his return. Speaks to the depth of ignorance and fear that can exist in the ordinary citizen.

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Demand the % of your tax money that goes to his salary and 1st class health plan and whatever else...the bum!

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agree. But...what's with your no space between sentences? I'm old fashioned enough to make 2 spaces. but, none? Is this the new thing?

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Lynell - I believe that the documents case may turn out to be the most impactful of all the crimes facing TFG. Imagine the bulk of classified information he retained/stole, copies made, the originals themselves bought/sold, into whose hands they went, how many agents abroad they may endanger --- the fallout from this crime can endanger the USA (and some of its allies?) now and far into the future. Heaven help us!

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Too bad Judge Aileen Cannon seems to be a Trump loyalist...

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Oct 6, 2023
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I hope Jack Smith will remove her. She should have recused herself a long time ago! Hope springs eternal

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It may Peter out though. How long can hope hang on…

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I know...I'm kind of amazed that my hope has lasted this long! But, still We Rise!

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Jack Smith cannot remove a judge. Lifetime tenure. But she can be reversed by higher courts.

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Bummer, I forgot but perhaps she can be re-assigned to a different case.

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And how widespread is this highly classified information already spread and at what price. He is a much worse monster than I ever suspected.

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And this is just what we know about! What else did he blab about, and to whom, in his efforts to impress?

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It is my impression that the national archives doesn"t know which of its documents are missing or unaccounted for. How many are out in the world? Where? This should certainly morph into a RAID of all Trump''s properties including in Florida, New York, New Jersey. (And Ivana's grave?)

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I don't think that's correct. The National Archives does know what is or was out there - that's how they determined that tfg had not turned over additional documents. leading the to FBI warrant to search Mar a Lago. We don't know everything that the National Archives, FBI and Jack Smith know.

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Only if his judge on the case allows it to happen. He’s now asking her to delay the case till after 2024. She’s very obliging to him. And she should be impeached if she allows it. But she is acting VERY VERH slowly in giving her rulings on anything before her. I think Jack should have also brought a documents case in New Jersey in anticipation of what thus Florida judge would do.

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I think it’s simply because how deeply corrupted our Congress has gradually become from the pharma lobbiests to theMaggattes.

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You mean Maggots? Don't you.... think of how they fester over crap to grow and spread disease and angst.

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Last night I heard Charlie Sykes call them the Jackal Caucus. This link is a description to a T.


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And I think "jackal" is particularly apt for Jordan.

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We have important things to deal with in America and the Senate GQP is foaming at the mouth at what Senator John Fetterman is wearing... they are like a bunch of school children, both in the House and Senate!

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I usually use MAGAts. Pronounced the same.

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Not our congress - the REPUBLICAN congress is the SOLE operator of anti-democracy and treasonous activities.

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Because they are all either part of it or supportive by their silence. The Republican Party is A criminal conspiracy.

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Republicans have been on the side of oligarch rule, with the help of the disgruntled for most of my long life. Only since Rove and W have they included religious and educated types to the extent that they do today. MSM haven’t noticed yet.

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MSM don't know much about religion. Or choose to ignore it.

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They are gung ho about white, religious, well, anything…

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Morning, Lynell!

I'm with you on the documents case. That is the most egregious and (to my eyes) easiest to prove. That <insert pejorative of your choice> had classified information in his freaking bathroom.

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Morning, Ally! Glad you agree. That there is even a question about his guilt is unconscionable - putting aside the "innocent until proven guilty" qualifier.

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I might add here, thanks to Joyce Vance. They make a powerful “team” with their nightly letters. One speaks from the perspective of history; the other law. Both are brilliant in their respective fields and give us so much. Their letters last night have filled me with such anger and trepidation. Many of your responses have filled out their writings, mostly reminding us of other occurrences that add to the horror that is Trump.

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Yes, Lynell, the question: “How can an entire party…? How is it answered? “All of this, what we call Treason, not hidden. Right in front of the public. Or handed off to an admirer or anyone clueless or without scruples. From birth, TFG has not been truly held accountable. Will this time be different? We are. Waiting.

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Trump is the Turd in the Republican Hot Tub.

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The party that used to embrace those ideals is no more. Parties change and evolve. The Republican party has been becoming more and more fascist over time. It's not surprising that it finally crossed the threshold.

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Another revelation is that he told Pratt about the subs AFTER HE HAD LEFT OFFICE. So that’s really, really treason isn’t it? By any measure?

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It is certainly a violation of the Espionage Act, in this case by disclosing classified information. If he were a former Navy officer, rather than the former commander-in-chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, I expect he would already have been arrested and held without bail.

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I think that treason is a hard one to prove, and for good cause. Australia is an ally, and Pratt is not a governmental official (that we know of). Treason very specifically defines either making war against the United States, or giving "aid and comfort" to the enemy. The conduct is reprehensible but not treasonous; it is breaking the oath he swore.

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Good points, AH. But isn't giving state secrets to foreign nationals at minimum not just a violation of the Espionage acts he is already in violation of, but also something rather more than simply a violation of his oath of office? After all, apparently some 190 members of Congress view their oaths of office as derisory and they get away with it (also with sex trafficking of minors; sexual harassment; violations of Title IX regulations about sexual assault reporting . . . ). This has to carry more weight, I should think.

BTW, I'm currently in the UK and the reporting here has been quite interesting. They're also a total effing mess here and the Tories are in utter disarray but pretending they are not. And Labour is really doing a terrible job of capitalizing on the chaos. And the chaos here is people resigning because they broke the Covid lockdown laws. Not providing intel on national defense.

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I stand by my comment that the conduct is reprehensible, and would go further to say that it both violates the law and comes just short of espionage.

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A least in the general sense of he word.

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Michelle Goldberg's article in the Times suggests a way for moderate Republicans acting with courage could save us from the end of Democracy which will occur if Jordan is elected speaker. The idea is that the handful required would work with Democrats to choose a speaker of integrity that would be acceptable to both a majority of Republicans and Democrats. The suggestion was Brian Fitzpatrick of the Problem Solvers Caucus. Adam Kinzinger has suggested former Rep. Fred Upton for that role.

Now that Trump has thrown his support to Jordan we are in a true crisis situation. Jordan will do whatever Trump wants and that is to throw the country into chaos. There is only a narrow path out of the crisis join but that requires courage on the part of people who have not shown a whiff of it so far.



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Thank you, Georgia, for linking Adam Kinzinger's substack. I wish his idea would gain traction.

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Making the speaker of integrity be a Republican rather than just having the "traitors" voting for Jeffries provides a fig leaf of coverage to enable a few more than a handful of Republicans to join the vote. It is a better solution politically than what I suggested yesterday.

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“If the Republicans decide that Jim Jordan should be the Speaker of the House…there would no longer be any possible way to argue that a group of elected Republicans could be counted on to defend the Constitution.” Liz Cheney. I wonder what fly buzzes around in that vacuum between JJ's ears.

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I thought it was the fly that throws up every time it lands.

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We really won’t know until it happens but as far fetched as the Hakeem Jeffries idea may seem, it’s a “jump ball”, right now. They didn’t think the Emancipation Proclamation would ever happen, either, but they were very surprised.

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Jim Jordan is a horrible choice for Speaker but we can do worse, far worse. Consider this:

After repeated unsuccessful tries at electing a Speaker the Republicans elect Donald Trump as Speaker and the world moans and the Dems laugh. But Trump is now two heartbeats away from the Presidency and he is the dear friend and supporter of Putin who employs some of the best assassins in the world. Putin knows a President Trump will give him free rein in Europe and Trump knows that once he attains the Presidency he can avoid the prison time he's earned and establish his dictatorship. A match made in Hell. In my humble opinion, the lives of President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris are in immediate mortal danger if Trump becomes Speaker.

Perhaps the Dems should have supported McCarthy. He might have been the least dangerous of that hideous bunch.

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It’s all about making chump’s legal problems go away, first and foremost. Then, Katy bar the door.

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I love her columns and I think it’s a great idea — I would nominate Liz Cheney.

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Cheney was the main member preventing the Select Committee on Jan 6th from going after Jim Jordan, McCarthy, Tuberville, MTG, and others who were complicit with Trump. She knew that Jordan was in on it, yet she was the main force for keeping the Committee narrowly focused on Trump. Perhaps if the Committee did more to reveal the spread of rot, these pseudo-republicans would not have been elected back into their districts and would not be controlling the party today.

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Needed - a whit of courage. Do you have a microscope!

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If any judge at any level sides with trump to delay these trials that judge is also committing treason. Trump must face the consequence of his treasonous behavior. Even if he is ultimately found not guilty on any of the charges he must face justice. I cannot imagine any jury (except perhaps in Florida) that would not find him guilty. That he so stupidly shared top secret information endangering our sailors aboard nuclear submarines and endangered the country alone should confine him to prison for the balance of his worthless life. How could any American believe, trust, or vote for him?

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Seems to me that cult ideology is logic virus for the human nervous system. The marks are pre-disposed to it, and leadership does the bidding of their plutocratic patrons. Clearly (from the News) those infected can be made to believe ANYTHING.

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Yes because he appeals to people’s selfishness and arrogance

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“How could any American trust him or vote for him?...” Impossible for me to understand. Mind blowing.

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They love Big Liar.

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Have you been in Texas lately?

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Not stupid. Lucrative

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Only one person matters to a predatory sociopath.

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Who else really matters in the Trumpoverse?

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He & himself sre a black hole.

I wonder what will happen to he & himself in jail if he goes?

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His next victim bigger and better.

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For sure—judges beware — co conspirator to more treason.

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I absolutely LOVE that you and Joyce Vance dovetailed each other tonight, whether it was intentional or not. Both of you are on my MUST READ list before going to bed here on the west coast.

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Both are my breakfast read at 5:15AM here on the east coast. Dr. Cox’s missive today is short; Ms. Vance’s is a novelette of lawyerly malfeasance by T💩p’s attorneys.

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I agree, Judi! Both are top notch…Heather the historian angle, Joyce the lawyer angle…we are well informed by the best!

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Me too - when I wake up!

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So are we screwed? Jim Jordan needs 218 votes and there are 221 Repubs in Congress. Unless several of them start using their brains and vote No, we will have Trumps boy as Speaker. I know what I will be praying for this weekend. This is chaos. Appreciate all you do HCR.

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"Appreciate all you do HCR." Exactly.

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How about bringing back Liz Cheney? If it’s technically possible to insert Agent Orange, why not her?

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Sharing our nuclear sub secrets, even if it was not for money, is TREASON. Pure and simple. TFG pronounced the punishment for treason. I hold that a firing squad at dawn is my choice.

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Just think about what he shared that WAS for money.

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You know that if Obama or Biden had done this, the Republicans would literally be calling for that sanction.

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Laroo, they never can even get there as to "what would you do if it was a Democrat" without falling back to Faux talking points.

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What worries me that the House GOP is on a united track with the former President to destroy this country and the “memory” of democracy and that no one left in the GOP has the courage to stop it. Trump endorsing Jim Jordan, traitor and predator will make and GOP congressman afraid of political and personal (safety) retribution. This is a beast that has become unmanageable.

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"THERE CAN BE NO APPEASEMENT WITH RUTHLESSNESS." FDR, defending America from authoritarians (hitler and his wannabes), calling the United States the "arsenal of democracy".

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Damn, I could have sworn that chump and lawyers have tried all these delaying tactics before. Is it Groundhogs day? Or are we in a time warp where we have to relive chump’s insane actions over and over for eternity. Best definition of hell I’ve ever contemplated….

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Lord, it's so classically adolescent; "I'm the cool guy 'cause I know stuff". How can anyone in his or her right mind want an overgrown teenager in the Oval Office dealing with Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping. If that isn't enough, how can anyone who actually reads not be aware of Trump's affinity for authoritarians. It just boggles the mind. There've been some incompetents in the Oval Office, and some only average, many reasonably competent, and a few extraordinary, but at worst, incompetence has been the only real issue, but this man is an extraordinary danger to us. Unfortunately, it's like climate change - by the time enough of us really understand the threat it may well be too late.

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Chump and Vlad are on the same page, remember Helsinki

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Yes! And we must NEVER FORGET that Republicans refuse officially to believe it.

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Trump says the Presidential Records Act gave him the right to take those documents when he left office.

The Presidential Records Act actually says, among many other things, it:

“Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.”

It also says something that may be relevant now that wasn't before and that is it:

"Prevents an individual who has been convicted of a crime related to the review, retention, removal, or destruction of records from being given access to any original records."

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I'm sure he never read the Presidential Records Act!

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Please, if you haven't heard Jim Jordan much then please listen to him on CSpan.

And then imagine him as Speaker.

This is time to test whether there are any moderate Republicans willing to shift the GOP away from Trumpism. By voting for a Republican Speaker who has publicly distanced themselves from Trump, if they can find one. Or for Hakeem Jeffries.

Jim Jordan 'Givi'n Liz the Biz' at CPAC


At Justice Department Oversight hearing


At Biden impeachment hearing


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He is just like trump. Through and through!

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Thank you Heather.

I don't think I am the only one thinking that whomever takes the gavel for the Speaker of the House position with be one that has a prime purpose for vengeance. There are no good choices. Odds are that Jordan will receive the gavel. That being the case, the goalposts for a Biden re-election have been moved.

It will be very telling how Judge Cannon rules for Trump.

I have an uneasy feeling

Be safe. Be well.

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I don't think Jordan will glide into the job. He and his bomb throwers are not exactly loved by the majority of House Republicans. And he needs all of them.

I predict there will be many failed ballots and eventually the Republicans will need Democrats to support someone. And that someone will probably be a name most people have never heard before.

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Bill, my initial thought when I heard he had tossed his hat in the ring, as anticipated, was that his baggage and mouth would disqualify him amoung his peers. However one look at the front runner of the Party that is a poster child for contempt , anything goes.

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It would seem that the fix is in. Wait till Trump shows up at the Capital again next week. Someone said it would be huge......

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You mean “will be wild”?!

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Same thing.

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Jim Jordan second in line to be president. And I used to think Halloween was scary! It explains why some people have fear of clowns.

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Oh boy— this news makes my blood boil. This piece of s—t was our President and it seems to me at this point he’s also one of the most effective criminals the world has ever known. No patriotic convictions at all. Selling our country’s defense secrets? Completely mind blowing stuff. Omg Mr. Smith sic him fast.

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