As I am writing this, the House is a little over 12 hours away from a vote on Jim Jordan for Speaker. The media is filled with coverage of the “never Jordan’s” who are caving to the pressure of tactics of Hannity and company calling for his listeners to hound their Representatives who have indicated they won’t support Jordan. “Jordan inches closer to Speakership”— Reading the coverage, you get a sickening underlying feeling of inevitability. At best, there is a sense that Democratic strategists are spending their time focused solely on how they could use a Jordan speakership in campaigns to take back the House. They are blind to what is directly in front of their eyes in the near term. The article in Axios (cited below) is a prime example.
Where is the coverage that should be, MUST BE, out there over Jordan’s voting record? It is an absolute guide to what this man will do to destroy democracy if he is elected Speaker and is two heartbeats away from the Presidency.
Where are the editorials in the mainstream media about the dangers Jordan poses?
Where is an impassioned Joe Biden speaking to the nation? Where is Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries? The horror of the Hamas attack on Israel has sucked up all of the media's
oxygen. In the New York Times, the Jordan recap was the 5th story down on the left and not an editorial in sight.
Perhaps we all need a reminder. This quote from the National World War II Museum might jog our collective memory:
By 1932, the Nazis were the largest political party in the Reichstag. In January of the following year, with no other leader able to command sufficient support to govern, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor of Germany.
Different political structures, but the tipping point is control of the Legislative agenda. Fifteen months of Jordan controlling the legislative agenda with the help of the radical right Committee chairs installed by McCarthy will damage by obstruction.
It doesn’t matter that Jordan-approved legislation would not pass the Senate or be vetoed by Biden, that those checks and balances are in place. It also goes the other way; Jordan would now be given his own veto power and can simply stop the wheels of government by gutting funding.
Don’t for an instant think he wouldn’t do it. Cue the man who says, “Only I can save you.”
Georgia, thanks for mustering the outrage to spell that out so clearly. Stopping the wheels of government is exactly what extremists have convinced low-information Rs that's what they want. This is dire.
I concur with Georgi, and Alexandra with the following caveat---
I have long held that the Hitler analogy is too simplistic and an undue shortcut to avoid a deeper discussion. I still do. I think that irrespective of the objective damage done to our institutions, discourse and political culture by the barbarians led by the Seditionist Sociopath and the Murdochian Ministry of Mendacity, and the pusillanimous pissants like Jordan following in their wake, we still have a deep enough reservoir of democratic values, and cultural heterogeneity to prevent the type of slide from Weimar Republic to Nazi autocracy.
Having said that, I feel that Georgia's explanation is akin to the nuclear doomsday clock, and we are all indeed dangling a bit further out over the precipice.
1) Family separation started under OBAMA. They housed children in CAGES.
There was no outrage then.
You are a phony. You only care when it becomes a political weapon.
2) There was no finding of fact in this case because the BIDEN administration settled the lawsuit. This is a joke. You settle a lawsuit against the previous administration with
no trial, no finding of fact, and then claim this is proof they were wrong.
BTW can you name the LAW you claim the Trump administration broke?
3) Asylum is LEGAL if you do it at a PORT of ENTRY. Coming in ANY OTHER WAY isillegal.
You can't come across a river, open border, through a fence et cetera. THAT's illegal.
4) The BIDEN Administration is violating federal law with catch and release.
5) Family separation IS LEGAL and happens all the time. If you drive drunk for example and get pulled over, you are going to be legally separated from your children. Commit murder, get separated. Spousal abuse, get separated. Virtually every crime involving custody includes family separation.
Your moral outrage is disgusting. I've come to realize that all of your posts are never about the issue. Democrats refused to go the border. Biden and Harris refused to go to the border. They don't give a damn about the children. Its always about you. The narcissistic need to virtue signal. Americans hate BIDEN border policy. That's why he is building the wall now. Do you have any opinion on that? Hell no. That would take away from your sanctimony.
BTW - You can't spin the claim by leftist media that Obama didn't separate families
Jeh Johnson, DHS secretary under the Obama administration, told NPR earlier this month that he couldn’t say that family separations “never happened” during his tenure. “
There were a few families separated under Obama (activists like me used to call him the Deporter-in-Chief), but in no way was it a deliberate and wide-spread policy such as took place under Trump. Trump's policy was a whole different universe of cruelty.
James replies to a comment that had nothing to do with child separation. He just comes on these posts to troll and constantly besmirch Democrats. The comment that he replied to from Georgia had to do with Jordan and his speakership. Also his statement that Biden and Harris have not visited the southern border is just not true.
James misses the point, that just because family separation is legal in certain cases doesn't mean that we should encourage it or do it needlessly. He misses all nuance by ignoring that there was a spike in unaccompanied minors coming to the US at certain points under Obama as well.
Additionally, the Biden and Trump policies are pretty similar on the southern border. It's just the rhetoric that is different. Biden is building a portion of the wall that was also already previously approved and budgeted under Trump, and I think most American's including people on this blog only support legal immigration and would like to support more avenues for that. Nothing is all of nothing.
Thanks PhillyT. I get a little lost in these threads, with replies to replies to replies. I had typed a much longer reply but can also identify trolling. Not worth the effort. Have a good one.
That is a joke. If you drive drunk and the police separate you from your child, IS THAT DELIBERATE? Is it cruel? Hell No. The parent who BROKE the law is responsible.
There isn't an ounce of contempt for OBAMA's action's by the left. Its proof that everything is political, and moral grandstanding.
If Heather gave a damn about the"children" she would demand Biden go to the border. She ask for volunteers. She would raise money. She would lobby states for change.
Of course there is no of that. Instead its just phony do nothing narcissicism. Its so obvious and transparent that its a joke.
The writer does not appreciate the fact that laws are made by Congress and that Congress’ failure to act on immigration, abortion, and on health insurance is an explanation for many concerns of which he complains. Please note that Congress under Trump attempted to impeach Trump twice, and that the judges under the federal system are appointed for life.
Why don’t people have the courage to choose Republican leaders who have not been indicted four times and filed for bankruptcy for his companies four times?
You think the Roger Stone methodology of attack, attack, attack and deny, deny, deny will change minds in this comment section. You are sorely mistaken.
Do you know what you call a wall that has been breached over 4000 times? Trump's part of the border wall. Easy-peasy.
I'm guessing you aren't aware that under TFFG there were fewer border agents working for Uncle Sam than when Obama left office. Oops. Know anyone who wants to relocate their family and move to Lordsburg, NM for $60,000 a year? Yeah, I didn't think so. I hear the schools their are really good.
I suspect you also aren't aware that 3 times as many undocumented people enter the US from Canada than from Mexico. Yeah, that ain't Biden's fault.
And TFFG's Republican buddy Devin Nunes's family farm in Iowa has undocumented workers on the farm according to Esquire magazine. Heck, TFFG probably has undocumented workers in many of his businesses.
So run along now James. Hopefully you won't be back anytime soon with your BS.
1) Heather claimed that in a lawsuit "Ms. L. v. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement" that the (Trump administration) policy broke a number of U.S. laws—seeking asylum is legal, and taking children away from their parents without cause is not
This claim is dishonest and inaccurate.
1) because the BIDEN administration settled the lawsuit without a trial or a finding of facts, she tried to claim this was proof that TRump administration had broken the law. BTW Heather NEVER cited "laws that were broken"
2) She was wrong on the claim that asylum is LEGAL. Asylum is ONLY LEGAL
if its done at a PORT of ENTRY. NOWHERE ELSE
8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation
3) She was wrong when she claimed that family separation is illegal. ANY PERSON committing a crime is eligible for family separation. If you drive drunk and are arrested YOU WILL BE SEPARATED from your children if they are in the car. Its dishonest to claim this violates a law. IT DOESN"T. If you violate
8 U.S. Code § 1325 you are eligible for arrest.
4) Her post is dishonest in its moralizing. Family separation occurred under OBAMA.
Deal with what I wrote. BTW Heather NEVER corrects her mistakes. These are clear and dishonest mistakes.
James a posts both misinformation & disinformation on LFAA in violation of the 2023:Terms of Use but refuses to submit to ADT at JAMS SF that can handle Reader liability matters.
1) You don't cite a single example of disinformation. Because there aren't any.
EVERY WORD I wrote is true. You know it. I'm guessing your belief its untrue simply because I say it is. Well in the words of Christopher Hitchens
"That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
2) Instead you whine like a leftist baby. I'm sure in every totalitarian regime there is someone like you threaten any dissenting opinions they don't like.
3) YOU ARE THE DISINFORMATION. By lying about my posts you are pushing disinformation.
4) Worse of all you are too stupid to realize that SUBSTACK was founded exactly because of people like you. Totalitarians who want to censor and cancel
My fantasy is that a handful of Republicans will vote along with the Democrats and elect Hakeem Jeffries as Speaker.
It is unlikely – most fantasies are – but these are dire times and if ever a handful of Republicans might find the courage to do the right thing, now is that time.
That's what I've been hoping for too even if it is very unlikely, almost a Utopian dream. If just 6 Republicans could have some courage to form a coalition with Democrats that will actually try to function as an actual legislative group instead of this ineffectual stalemate, sabotage, obstruction and constant brinkmanship from the MAGA cons/Republicans.
I've even mentioned it to other people in conversation. Not just thinking it, but saying it out loud. There used to be something called bipartisanship, it's not too much to ask for really.
The fact that Jordan’s terrorist tactics could co-opt the morality of 55 Republicans, but we are having trouble finding 6 who would save the rules-based order by aligning with Democrats is a dire commentary on the state of our Union.
It is dire, Maureen, but I hold on to the hope that there are Ds negotiating with moderate Rs in secret, to avoid the repercussions from their names being made public. Avoidance of threats of violence may not be completely possible, but it seems prudent to me, at least for the present, until the names come out in the vote. The Tangerine Terrorist brooks no disobedience. Gag orders be damned. I’m not yet without hope.
RDooley, I like your fantasy but, less fanciful but, still a long shot is D's voting for the Interim Speaker, Patrick McHenry (R-BC-10) to get a working Speaker in position.
With Biden going to Israel then a meeting in Jordan Thursday, Jim Jordan, Ohio, would be 3rd in Line for President raising intense security issues.
Gym Jordan's first tactic is outing his Opponents. D's must fight back Buckle up.
Exactly. But instead we have plenty of people saying all 200+ Democrats should vote for some non-existent “moderate” Republican rather than 5 or 6 Republicans voting for Jeffries.
The lack of courage in the Republican party, aside from a few exceptions like Liz Cheney, is part of the problem. I imagine there are 5 people in that party who would vote for Jeffries. Spineless? Afraid of being different and targeted? Maybe. In fact they show a distinct lack of integrity.
It's the fear of being "primaried" on the right and the fear of losing campaign funds from the R party. Not to mention the loss of a cushy, powerful job.
The reality is they would be bullied and threatened by the magnuts led by the great orange pumpkin LiarCheat who defends his first and second amendment rights and has yet to pay his taxes. Can’t he be jailed for that? 🎃💩🤡
You make a good point--Yamface wants all the privileges (and then some, as he seems to believe that not only Presidents but those running for President, are above the law) of the Constitution--for himself, of one else--but refuses to bother with the responsibilities of supporting the Constitution by obeying the rules and laws set forth by that same document.
Why are we still stuck in the same rut we were in when McCarthy was being defeated time after time? The Democrats are acting as bad as the Republicans. It is the job of both groups to do the country's business not be GD cheerleaders for their parties. These fantasies are what gives the nuts room to maneuver and steal governments. How many Republicans has Jeffries asked if they would vote with the Democrats to support a Republican like Cheney or Kinzinger? I don't know but if he hasn't asked a 200 of them he's not doing the job the American people elected him to do.
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”— Frank Wilhoit
Conservatives conserve; they don’t destroy. There is NOTHING CONSERVATIVE (except their salaries and perks) about the leadership in the current Republican “Party.”
The left destroys everything it touches. It raison-de-etre is the "de-construction"
of America with some post modern Marxist paradise.
My proof?
Immigrants aren't streaming to America for leftist values they are coming for conservative values.
- Right to individual freedom
- Freedom of religion
- Right to defend yourself
- low taxes
- low government regulation
- right educate your children the way you choose
- family values
No one is coming to America thinking I'd love the government to tax me at 80%, tell me how to raise my children, tell how to run my business, break my family apart, et cetera.
The MSM is absolutely complicit in ignoring the danger posed by a Jordan speakership, and in not trumpeting the conspicuously craven behavior of whatever Republican opposition to Jordan remains in the House. These people, the so called remaining principled House Republicans, are showing themselves to be absolutely cowardly and self serving by buckling under the threat of being "primaried", and rags like the NYT are assisting by ignoring the obvious. This news should have been headlined, yet it gets fourth rate coverage! It almost tempts one to entertain yet another conspiracy theory regarding our media. Does it all come down to the corrupting influence of money?
They probably are, Jane, but then again, so have been the judiciary, yet somehow manage to muster the courage to do their jobs. There's only one way to deal with the element that relies on intimidation, and that's to call them on it and nail them to the wall when they're caught at it.
Is it general cowardice? If yes, a group of brave ones, if such exist, could get together and publish a piece in WAPO, put their names on it, and ask for police protection for all. Or are they terrified of the Capitol police because of their traitorous behavior?
I think all this death threat stuff is more media BS than anything else. I've been writing weekly letters to the local paper condemning Trump and everything and almost everyone associated with him in our very red VA district and getting published almost every time. I've never had a negative response from any citizen but many positive ones.
Michael, before you dismiss the death threats, read this reporting of an annual number of 500 threats per year—it echoes reports from other sources. I’m glad that you’re able to publish in your local paper without repercussions—keep it up.
With all the guns available and the craziness following (or during) Covid, fear is multiplied. The MSM has to balance reporting threats so as not to amplify them. Has anyone watched a Trump rally, or even part of one? Does any of you live with someone who believes the doctored films of the president or former speaker Pelosi that makes them look drunk or stupid? The amount of propaganda on the web is staggering and terrifying. Good thing Goebbels didn’t have the web. If he had perhaps none of US would be here now! (Exaggeration, but he is the father of what we get with Trump.
Neither do I, but I happen to know an Eastern Polish immigrant who does. It’s very sad. Too much childhood exposure to Communist propaganda in that very conservative part of Poland that has been part of Russia more than once.
Yes,I agree.The media is complicit in all of this.They normalized ( and continue to normalize)Trump and now they are doing it with Jordan.Just chatting about him as if he is another legislator vying for a position when he is in fact a traitor and participated in Trump’s violent coup.We are marching, maybe goose stepping, toward fascism and it is all too sickening.
Speaking of the MSM, one highlight: Professor Heather Cox Richardson's "Democracy Awakening" was listed as #4 on the NY Times Nonfiction Best Seller list on Sunday. Congratulations to HCR and thank you to all LFAA subscribers for pre-ordering this vital book.
There's something repulsive and abnormal about that weak-eyed man who persists in wearing a shirt but no suit coat. Are we supposed to admire his shoulders and think he's just come from the gym? He's actually very short, I noticed in a picture of him beside someone else.
I believe we should try not to judge on appearances, but on words and actions. The lack of a suitcoat or height shouldn't matter -- his anti-democratic and anti-government stances do.
Worry about his admiration for thugs like Trump and disdain for anyone he can push around. To me he would have been happy to be in charge of any of the Nazi death camps or Stalin's gulags. That's what we should be concerned about.
In my comments I pointed this out. Only one group keeps advocating for more POTUS power - conservatives. Can you imagine if the democrats just took the Project 2025 proposal and decided to implement it?
Agree with most, but we the MSM... well there is no single "MSM"- they are news rooms and editors sitting around a desk assembling the list of stories for the 5pm newscast or the evening edition. And most of the MSM is like WNBC in NYC where most of the stories are breezy local news, some little more than press releases.
It helps to know the sources to trust for important and accurate information. RSN gathers some of the best as it has for years. And these days Timothy Snyder (historian of Russia and Eastern Europe) appears on MSNBC and publishes regularly. If you’re learning law (Trump made me do it!🤣), don’t miss Lawrence Tribe, Dean of Constitutional Law (ret.) at Harvard. The good I have from this debacle is learning more American history, being grateful for the teacher who told her students that she would come back to haunt us if we didn’t vote in every election we would be entitled to vote in, and the skill to recognize good sources.
I wonder if Jordan is offering to not shutdown the government, pass a bill authorizing money for both Israel and Ukraine, and admit Biden won the 2020 election. But then promises, promises...... unless someone can hold him to them.
Like the MAGA crowd doesn't need Fox News Corp to dictate what they think? I'd love to live in your world, James. Unfortunately it's a fantasy. Welcome to The real world, in which opinions in the aggregate are very much formed by the media.
Steven Colbert had the proper reaction to making the announcement in his monologue that Jim Jordan might become speaker: he gagged as if he had thrown up in his throat. My sentiments, exactly.
As of last night, he was as close as McCarthy was just before the damn boke to secure his election. When it comes to party, the GOP will cave, to hell with the country.
That's the pattern. But maybe, just maybe, a half dozen of these GOP doubters will put country over career. There is a life after politics - it's usually lucrative.
Drinking my optimistic coffee today. But I could be wrong. It happens all the time.
Like the optimistic part, but I am not counting on it. The GOP has continually been moving this direction, 45 just accelerated what the Tea Party started. Wonder if the Kochs have any regrets.
Hell no! They’ve been working on this their whole lives. Like Trump, learned at father’s knee. Any American who worked for both Stalin and Hitler in the 1930’s is suspect and Kochs’ father is proven guilty by his sons.
Now if those dozen Republicans would be joined by 200+ Democrats in voting for someone (of EITHER party or even of NO party) who respects the rule of law and the Constitution we would be getting somewhere.
I’m with you 100 percent! When American democracy dies (and I think there’s an even chance that it will), written on its tombstone will be “The news media thought it was a horse race”. Only Rachel Maddow is sounding the alarm so far as best I can tell. Last night she said “Would a Speaker Jordan allow the House to certify the results of the 2024 election if Biden beats Trump?” I don’t think he would. We are in great danger, and the mainstream press is STILL treating 2024 likes it’s “Democrats v Republicans” instead of “democracy v authoritarianism”. God help us all.
AND !! , Our LORD ! , HAVE MERCY !, on Us, ALL !..... . AND !, People, of FAITH ! ,,,,,,,,, STAND !! ( The ONLY VOTE !, that WILL Count, in 2024, is: 'GODS WILL !! , WILL, Be DONE !' )
Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism Hardcover
"Rachel Maddow traces the fight to preserve American democracy back to World War II, when a handful of committed public servants and brave private citizens thwarted far-right plotters trying to steer our nation toward an alliance with the Nazis."
“History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes” – Mark Twain.
So, too, does Heather Cox Richardson’s brilliant new book, Democracy Awakening, cite the 1930s as a treacherous era for our nation. Dr. Richardson also refers to the roiling 1850s as another time the United States slammed into and survived massive threat.
Couldn’t resist an opportunity to promote the work of this invaluable History Cartographer From Maine, Mr. Stayton.
Me too. Tom Nichols wrote 2 books, The Death of Expertise and Our Own Worst Enemy . The information is there, but the right wing has worked to destroy any belief in expertise so when warning are provided, they are discarded as untrue.
In an article from last week's New Yorker about the ultra conservative Christian rights group Alliance Defending Freedom and the successful years-in-the-making role it played in overturning Roe and its new battle against the LGBTQ+ and trans communities, one understands in a chilling way how the Republican party has turned its back on playing by the rules. ADF has so infiltrated the American legal system that several members of SCOTUS take their cues from the organization in rulings. Last fall, ADF teamed up with two prominent congressmen, Jordan and Scalise, to host a reception for newly elected lawmakers. Reading those words and seeing that House Republicans selected the same two people to replace former House speaker McCarthy is more than a coincidence. The media seem to be covering these issues but need to connect all of the dots for its readers.
As I am writing this, the House is a little over 12 hours away from a vote on Jim Jordan for Speaker. The media is filled with coverage of the “never Jordan’s” who are caving to the pressure of tactics of Hannity and company calling for his listeners to hound their Representatives who have indicated they won’t support Jordan. “Jordan inches closer to Speakership”— Reading the coverage, you get a sickening underlying feeling of inevitability. At best, there is a sense that Democratic strategists are spending their time focused solely on how they could use a Jordan speakership in campaigns to take back the House. They are blind to what is directly in front of their eyes in the near term. The article in Axios (cited below) is a prime example.
Where is the coverage that should be, MUST BE, out there over Jordan’s voting record? It is an absolute guide to what this man will do to destroy democracy if he is elected Speaker and is two heartbeats away from the Presidency.
Where are the editorials in the mainstream media about the dangers Jordan poses?
Where is an impassioned Joe Biden speaking to the nation? Where is Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries? The horror of the Hamas attack on Israel has sucked up all of the media's
oxygen. In the New York Times, the Jordan recap was the 5th story down on the left and not an editorial in sight.
Perhaps we all need a reminder. This quote from the National World War II Museum might jog our collective memory:
By 1932, the Nazis were the largest political party in the Reichstag. In January of the following year, with no other leader able to command sufficient support to govern, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor of Germany.
Different political structures, but the tipping point is control of the Legislative agenda. Fifteen months of Jordan controlling the legislative agenda with the help of the radical right Committee chairs installed by McCarthy will damage by obstruction.
It doesn’t matter that Jordan-approved legislation would not pass the Senate or be vetoed by Biden, that those checks and balances are in place. It also goes the other way; Jordan would now be given his own veto power and can simply stop the wheels of government by gutting funding.
Don’t for an instant think he wouldn’t do it. Cue the man who says, “Only I can save you.”
Georgia, thanks for mustering the outrage to spell that out so clearly. Stopping the wheels of government is exactly what extremists have convinced low-information Rs that's what they want. This is dire.
The U.S. is on the brink of disaster. Gold could very well be the safest investment right now.
Whoa, Richard, that IS dire.
Stock market is tumbling.
Looks as though Jim Jordan will not become Speaker. So, perhaps not dire yet.
I concur with Georgi, and Alexandra with the following caveat---
I have long held that the Hitler analogy is too simplistic and an undue shortcut to avoid a deeper discussion. I still do. I think that irrespective of the objective damage done to our institutions, discourse and political culture by the barbarians led by the Seditionist Sociopath and the Murdochian Ministry of Mendacity, and the pusillanimous pissants like Jordan following in their wake, we still have a deep enough reservoir of democratic values, and cultural heterogeneity to prevent the type of slide from Weimar Republic to Nazi autocracy.
Having said that, I feel that Georgia's explanation is akin to the nuclear doomsday clock, and we are all indeed dangling a bit further out over the precipice.
You facts are all wrong and dishonest.
1) Family separation started under OBAMA. They housed children in CAGES.
There was no outrage then.
You are a phony. You only care when it becomes a political weapon.
2) There was no finding of fact in this case because the BIDEN administration settled the lawsuit. This is a joke. You settle a lawsuit against the previous administration with
no trial, no finding of fact, and then claim this is proof they were wrong.
BTW can you name the LAW you claim the Trump administration broke?
3) Asylum is LEGAL if you do it at a PORT of ENTRY. Coming in ANY OTHER WAY isillegal.
You can't come across a river, open border, through a fence et cetera. THAT's illegal.
4) The BIDEN Administration is violating federal law with catch and release.
5) Family separation IS LEGAL and happens all the time. If you drive drunk for example and get pulled over, you are going to be legally separated from your children. Commit murder, get separated. Spousal abuse, get separated. Virtually every crime involving custody includes family separation.
Your moral outrage is disgusting. I've come to realize that all of your posts are never about the issue. Democrats refused to go the border. Biden and Harris refused to go to the border. They don't give a damn about the children. Its always about you. The narcissistic need to virtue signal. Americans hate BIDEN border policy. That's why he is building the wall now. Do you have any opinion on that? Hell no. That would take away from your sanctimony.
BTW - You can't spin the claim by leftist media that Obama didn't separate families
Jeh Johnson, DHS secretary under the Obama administration, told NPR earlier this month that he couldn’t say that family separations “never happened” during his tenure. “
There were a few families separated under Obama (activists like me used to call him the Deporter-in-Chief), but in no way was it a deliberate and wide-spread policy such as took place under Trump. Trump's policy was a whole different universe of cruelty.
This is true. The facts are here:
James replies to a comment that had nothing to do with child separation. He just comes on these posts to troll and constantly besmirch Democrats. The comment that he replied to from Georgia had to do with Jordan and his speakership. Also his statement that Biden and Harris have not visited the southern border is just not true.
Backup is here:
James misses the point, that just because family separation is legal in certain cases doesn't mean that we should encourage it or do it needlessly. He misses all nuance by ignoring that there was a spike in unaccompanied minors coming to the US at certain points under Obama as well.
Additionally, the Biden and Trump policies are pretty similar on the southern border. It's just the rhetoric that is different. Biden is building a portion of the wall that was also already previously approved and budgeted under Trump, and I think most American's including people on this blog only support legal immigration and would like to support more avenues for that. Nothing is all of nothing.
Thanks PhillyT. I get a little lost in these threads, with replies to replies to replies. I had typed a much longer reply but can also identify trolling. Not worth the effort. Have a good one.
Thanks for refuting the lying commenter. He loves to troll and HCR's substack, most unfortunately, seems to be a favorite bridge to lurk under.
That is a joke. If you drive drunk and the police separate you from your child, IS THAT DELIBERATE? Is it cruel? Hell No. The parent who BROKE the law is responsible.
There isn't an ounce of contempt for OBAMA's action's by the left. Its proof that everything is political, and moral grandstanding.
If Heather gave a damn about the"children" she would demand Biden go to the border. She ask for volunteers. She would raise money. She would lobby states for change.
Of course there is no of that. Instead its just phony do nothing narcissicism. Its so obvious and transparent that its a joke.
The writer does not appreciate the fact that laws are made by Congress and that Congress’ failure to act on immigration, abortion, and on health insurance is an explanation for many concerns of which he complains. Please note that Congress under Trump attempted to impeach Trump twice, and that the judges under the federal system are appointed for life.
Why don’t people have the courage to choose Republican leaders who have not been indicted four times and filed for bankruptcy for his companies four times?
Don't you have a bridge under which you can return to your troll-hood somewhere?!?
Welcome back James. We didn't miss you.
You think the Roger Stone methodology of attack, attack, attack and deny, deny, deny will change minds in this comment section. You are sorely mistaken.
Do you know what you call a wall that has been breached over 4000 times? Trump's part of the border wall. Easy-peasy.
I'm guessing you aren't aware that under TFFG there were fewer border agents working for Uncle Sam than when Obama left office. Oops. Know anyone who wants to relocate their family and move to Lordsburg, NM for $60,000 a year? Yeah, I didn't think so. I hear the schools their are really good.
I suspect you also aren't aware that 3 times as many undocumented people enter the US from Canada than from Mexico. Yeah, that ain't Biden's fault.
And TFFG's Republican buddy Devin Nunes's family farm in Iowa has undocumented workers on the farm according to Esquire magazine. Heck, TFFG probably has undocumented workers in many of his businesses.
So run along now James. Hopefully you won't be back anytime soon with your BS.
I reported him. Who needs this s**t??? Thank you, Gary, for your great comment.
What is wrong with you people. ONE MORE TIME
1) Heather claimed that in a lawsuit "Ms. L. v. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement" that the (Trump administration) policy broke a number of U.S. laws—seeking asylum is legal, and taking children away from their parents without cause is not
This claim is dishonest and inaccurate.
1) because the BIDEN administration settled the lawsuit without a trial or a finding of facts, she tried to claim this was proof that TRump administration had broken the law. BTW Heather NEVER cited "laws that were broken"
2) She was wrong on the claim that asylum is LEGAL. Asylum is ONLY LEGAL
if its done at a PORT of ENTRY. NOWHERE ELSE
8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation
3) She was wrong when she claimed that family separation is illegal. ANY PERSON committing a crime is eligible for family separation. If you drive drunk and are arrested YOU WILL BE SEPARATED from your children if they are in the car. Its dishonest to claim this violates a law. IT DOESN"T. If you violate
8 U.S. Code § 1325 you are eligible for arrest.
4) Her post is dishonest in its moralizing. Family separation occurred under OBAMA.
Deal with what I wrote. BTW Heather NEVER corrects her mistakes. These are clear and dishonest mistakes.
James a posts both misinformation & disinformation on LFAA in violation of the 2023:Terms of Use but refuses to submit to ADT at JAMS SF that can handle Reader liability matters.
House Speaker Vote Now 1:45 pm Eadtern; JEFFRIES 212, Jordan 200. Both short of 217. 20 R's voted against the Seditionist Jordan.
As usual your stupidity is legendary.
1) You don't cite a single example of disinformation. Because there aren't any.
EVERY WORD I wrote is true. You know it. I'm guessing your belief its untrue simply because I say it is. Well in the words of Christopher Hitchens
"That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
2) Instead you whine like a leftist baby. I'm sure in every totalitarian regime there is someone like you threaten any dissenting opinions they don't like.
3) YOU ARE THE DISINFORMATION. By lying about my posts you are pushing disinformation.
4) Worse of all you are too stupid to realize that SUBSTACK was founded exactly because of people like you. Totalitarians who want to censor and cancel
anyone who leaves the leftist orthodoxy.
Just out of curiosity, what did you think about hero Stephen Miller's plan to arial bomb boats carrying migrants?
What a disgusting post.
ALL the ANTI-SEMITISM is coming from the left. How dare you invoke Auschwitz to make a cheap political point. You are disgraceful
Mr. James. A
I. Am a BELIEVER, in The SAME GOD ! , OF Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob !, because of the New
I Have been 'Inhearited' In !, By
SO !, ' My. Statemnt' is ONLY.DIRECTED, AT. THOSE!, Who
Fester. UNedifying. EVIL !, to
Are. Supposed to BE !, Our
Brothers !
I in My HEART !, ....ABHOR !!, ANY
EVIL ! EVIL, Propigatrd The SHOAH
HAMAS,! is EVIL!, in The FLESH !
( James A, ....Have YOU !, Been ?
....IN ?, a WAR ??!!, [ PLEASE !,
Answer. Me !] )
And, May, Our God!, CONTINUE,
to. Bless, You !
Your point? Why am I obligated to defend Stephen Miller? My post was aimed
at the factual inaccuracies in Heather post.
My fantasy is that a handful of Republicans will vote along with the Democrats and elect Hakeem Jeffries as Speaker.
It is unlikely – most fantasies are – but these are dire times and if ever a handful of Republicans might find the courage to do the right thing, now is that time.
That's what I've been hoping for too even if it is very unlikely, almost a Utopian dream. If just 6 Republicans could have some courage to form a coalition with Democrats that will actually try to function as an actual legislative group instead of this ineffectual stalemate, sabotage, obstruction and constant brinkmanship from the MAGA cons/Republicans.
I've even mentioned it to other people in conversation. Not just thinking it, but saying it out loud. There used to be something called bipartisanship, it's not too much to ask for really.
The fact that Jordan’s terrorist tactics could co-opt the morality of 55 Republicans, but we are having trouble finding 6 who would save the rules-based order by aligning with Democrats is a dire commentary on the state of our Union.
It is dire, Maureen, but I hold on to the hope that there are Ds negotiating with moderate Rs in secret, to avoid the repercussions from their names being made public. Avoidance of threats of violence may not be completely possible, but it seems prudent to me, at least for the present, until the names come out in the vote. The Tangerine Terrorist brooks no disobedience. Gag orders be damned. I’m not yet without hope.
And on the state of the republican Party.
RDooley, I like your fantasy but, less fanciful but, still a long shot is D's voting for the Interim Speaker, Patrick McHenry (R-BC-10) to get a working Speaker in position.
With Biden going to Israel then a meeting in Jordan Thursday, Jim Jordan, Ohio, would be 3rd in Line for President raising intense security issues.
Gym Jordan's first tactic is outing his Opponents. D's must fight back Buckle up.
Exactly. But instead we have plenty of people saying all 200+ Democrats should vote for some non-existent “moderate” Republican rather than 5 or 6 Republicans voting for Jeffries.
Excellent point!
I believe in the possibility of the improbable too. Despite so much proof that it is reverie…
The lack of courage in the Republican party, aside from a few exceptions like Liz Cheney, is part of the problem. I imagine there are 5 people in that party who would vote for Jeffries. Spineless? Afraid of being different and targeted? Maybe. In fact they show a distinct lack of integrity.
It's the fear of being "primaried" on the right and the fear of losing campaign funds from the R party. Not to mention the loss of a cushy, powerful job.
Or maybe Ghislaine Maxwell doesn't habe anything in them...
R. Dooley - It is the BEST fantasy and how can we not hope? People have stepped up to the plate throughout history.
The reality is they would be bullied and threatened by the magnuts led by the great orange pumpkin LiarCheat who defends his first and second amendment rights and has yet to pay his taxes. Can’t he be jailed for that? 🎃💩🤡
You make a good point--Yamface wants all the privileges (and then some, as he seems to believe that not only Presidents but those running for President, are above the law) of the Constitution--for himself, of one else--but refuses to bother with the responsibilities of supporting the Constitution by obeying the rules and laws set forth by that same document.
YEAH ! The Ultimate MANGOWANKER ! , NEEDS !, to be SILENCED !
My dream too! It's a damn the torpedoes moment and anything is possible. I hope that opportunity wins over danger giving Jeffries a chance to lead.
Why are we still stuck in the same rut we were in when McCarthy was being defeated time after time? The Democrats are acting as bad as the Republicans. It is the job of both groups to do the country's business not be GD cheerleaders for their parties. These fantasies are what gives the nuts room to maneuver and steal governments. How many Republicans has Jeffries asked if they would vote with the Democrats to support a Republican like Cheney or Kinzinger? I don't know but if he hasn't asked a 200 of them he's not doing the job the American people elected him to do.
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”— Frank Wilhoit
Conservatives conserve; they don’t destroy. There is NOTHING CONSERVATIVE (except their salaries and perks) about the leadership in the current Republican “Party.”
Do you think any of the Republican Congresscritters will donate their paychecks during the time there is no Speaker?
No, I don’t.
The left destroys everything it touches
Here is their list:
1) The family
2) The Border
3) Race Relations
4) Modern Culture
5) Child Innocence
6) Gender
7) Education
The left destroys everything it touches. It raison-de-etre is the "de-construction"
of America with some post modern Marxist paradise.
My proof?
Immigrants aren't streaming to America for leftist values they are coming for conservative values.
- Right to individual freedom
- Freedom of religion
- Right to defend yourself
- low taxes
- low government regulation
- right educate your children the way you choose
- family values
No one is coming to America thinking I'd love the government to tax me at 80%, tell me how to raise my children, tell how to run my business, break my family apart, et cetera.
The MSM is absolutely complicit in ignoring the danger posed by a Jordan speakership, and in not trumpeting the conspicuously craven behavior of whatever Republican opposition to Jordan remains in the House. These people, the so called remaining principled House Republicans, are showing themselves to be absolutely cowardly and self serving by buckling under the threat of being "primaried", and rags like the NYT are assisting by ignoring the obvious. This news should have been headlined, yet it gets fourth rate coverage! It almost tempts one to entertain yet another conspiracy theory regarding our media. Does it all come down to the corrupting influence of money?
It’s not a leap to consider that Rs who oppose Jordan are getting very explicit death threats to themselves and family.
They probably are, Jane, but then again, so have been the judiciary, yet somehow manage to muster the courage to do their jobs. There's only one way to deal with the element that relies on intimidation, and that's to call them on it and nail them to the wall when they're caught at it.
Yes, but their death threats are coming from their own voters, which shows not only their cowardice in losing an election but their losing to the mob.
Bravo LeMoine. Or Brava? Not sure of your gender 😊
I'm a dude, Jennifer. The name translates to "the monk". Parental abuse ;-)
And why are they not reporting them? One might think they might be using the DOJ to put a stop to it.
Is it general cowardice? If yes, a group of brave ones, if such exist, could get together and publish a piece in WAPO, put their names on it, and ask for police protection for all. Or are they terrified of the Capitol police because of their traitorous behavior?
Interesting thought.
The Trumplican's have a warped sense of freedom as they are not free to oppose their rulers - a perfect example of Orwelian Doublespeak.
I think all this death threat stuff is more media BS than anything else. I've been writing weekly letters to the local paper condemning Trump and everything and almost everyone associated with him in our very red VA district and getting published almost every time. I've never had a negative response from any citizen but many positive ones.
Michael, before you dismiss the death threats, read this reporting of an annual number of 500 threats per year—it echoes reports from other sources. I’m glad that you’re able to publish in your local paper without repercussions—keep it up.
With all the guns available and the craziness following (or during) Covid, fear is multiplied. The MSM has to balance reporting threats so as not to amplify them. Has anyone watched a Trump rally, or even part of one? Does any of you live with someone who believes the doctored films of the president or former speaker Pelosi that makes them look drunk or stupid? The amount of propaganda on the web is staggering and terrifying. Good thing Goebbels didn’t have the web. If he had perhaps none of US would be here now! (Exaggeration, but he is the father of what we get with Trump.
I believe you.....that is why I dont watch such propaganda.
Neither do I, but I happen to know an Eastern Polish immigrant who does. It’s very sad. Too much childhood exposure to Communist propaganda in that very conservative part of Poland that has been part of Russia more than once.
NO its a leap of faith. Do you have any proof? Of course not. Because its an incredibly irresponsible comment to make.
Yes,I agree.The media is complicit in all of this.They normalized ( and continue to normalize)Trump and now they are doing it with Jordan.Just chatting about him as if he is another legislator vying for a position when he is in fact a traitor and participated in Trump’s violent coup.We are marching, maybe goose stepping, toward fascism and it is all too sickening.
Speaking of the MSM, one highlight: Professor Heather Cox Richardson's "Democracy Awakening" was listed as #4 on the NY Times Nonfiction Best Seller list on Sunday. Congratulations to HCR and thank you to all LFAA subscribers for pre-ordering this vital book.
Also number 4 Jen the LA Times!
ALL ! of Our LORDS BLESSINGS !! , to Heather ! , and Buddy !!
There's something repulsive and abnormal about that weak-eyed man who persists in wearing a shirt but no suit coat. Are we supposed to admire his shoulders and think he's just come from the gym? He's actually very short, I noticed in a picture of him beside someone else.
I believe we should try not to judge on appearances, but on words and actions. The lack of a suitcoat or height shouldn't matter -- his anti-democratic and anti-government stances do.
" WHAT Comes, From The abundance, Of THE HEART, PROCEEDETH, To THE TONGUE ! ( paraphrase ) "
So was Napoleon…
Worry about his admiration for thugs like Trump and disdain for anyone he can push around. To me he would have been happy to be in charge of any of the Nazi death camps or Stalin's gulags. That's what we should be concerned about.
He uses his coat-less look to call attention to himself. Or just being contrary.
Yes. I noticed.
In my comments I pointed this out. Only one group keeps advocating for more POTUS power - conservatives. Can you imagine if the democrats just took the Project 2025 proposal and decided to implement it?
Agree with most, but we the MSM... well there is no single "MSM"- they are news rooms and editors sitting around a desk assembling the list of stories for the 5pm newscast or the evening edition. And most of the MSM is like WNBC in NYC where most of the stories are breezy local news, some little more than press releases.
It helps to know the sources to trust for important and accurate information. RSN gathers some of the best as it has for years. And these days Timothy Snyder (historian of Russia and Eastern Europe) appears on MSNBC and publishes regularly. If you’re learning law (Trump made me do it!🤣), don’t miss Lawrence Tribe, Dean of Constitutional Law (ret.) at Harvard. The good I have from this debacle is learning more American history, being grateful for the teacher who told her students that she would come back to haunt us if we didn’t vote in every election we would be entitled to vote in, and the skill to recognize good sources.
AT This 'SEASON' , of Our TIME, THE " MAMMONITES !" , are 'SET' , in Their PLACE , ....... BY , " I AM ! " Read: DANIEL , Chapter 4, Verse 17 AMEN !
I wonder if Jordan is offering to not shutdown the government, pass a bill authorizing money for both Israel and Ukraine, and admit Biden won the 2020 election. But then promises, promises...... unless someone can hold him to them.
Complicit? Is this joke?
This is democracy. The voters will decide what they want. If they decide they don't like the governing class they will render their verdict.
BTW they don't need to NY TIMES to decide.
Like the MAGA crowd doesn't need Fox News Corp to dictate what they think? I'd love to live in your world, James. Unfortunately it's a fantasy. Welcome to The real world, in which opinions in the aggregate are very much formed by the media.
Steven Colbert had the proper reaction to making the announcement in his monologue that Jim Jordan might become speaker: he gagged as if he had thrown up in his throat. My sentiments, exactly.
I just read the
"Jordan is in trouble" is today's headline. I don't think he has the votes. As many as a dozen GOP Reps say they will vote no. He can't afford five.
Fingers and toes crossed.
As of last night, he was as close as McCarthy was just before the damn boke to secure his election. When it comes to party, the GOP will cave, to hell with the country.
That's the pattern. But maybe, just maybe, a half dozen of these GOP doubters will put country over career. There is a life after politics - it's usually lucrative.
Drinking my optimistic coffee today. But I could be wrong. It happens all the time.
Like the optimistic part, but I am not counting on it. The GOP has continually been moving this direction, 45 just accelerated what the Tea Party started. Wonder if the Kochs have any regrets.
Hell no! They’ve been working on this their whole lives. Like Trump, learned at father’s knee. Any American who worked for both Stalin and Hitler in the 1930’s is suspect and Kochs’ father is proven guilty by his sons.
Now if those dozen Republicans would be joined by 200+ Democrats in voting for someone (of EITHER party or even of NO party) who respects the rule of law and the Constitution we would be getting somewhere.
I’m with you 100 percent! When American democracy dies (and I think there’s an even chance that it will), written on its tombstone will be “The news media thought it was a horse race”. Only Rachel Maddow is sounding the alarm so far as best I can tell. Last night she said “Would a Speaker Jordan allow the House to certify the results of the 2024 election if Biden beats Trump?” I don’t think he would. We are in great danger, and the mainstream press is STILL treating 2024 likes it’s “Democrats v Republicans” instead of “democracy v authoritarianism”. God help us all.
AND !! , Our LORD ! , HAVE MERCY !, on Us, ALL !..... . AND !, People, of FAITH ! ,,,,,,,,, STAND !! ( The ONLY VOTE !, that WILL Count, in 2024, is: 'GODS WILL !! , WILL, Be DONE !' )
Add this new book from Rachel Maddow:
Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism Hardcover
"Rachel Maddow traces the fight to preserve American democracy back to World War II, when a handful of committed public servants and brave private citizens thwarted far-right plotters trying to steer our nation toward an alliance with the Nazis."
“History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes” – Mark Twain.
I for one am tired of the rhymes.
So, too, does Heather Cox Richardson’s brilliant new book, Democracy Awakening, cite the 1930s as a treacherous era for our nation. Dr. Richardson also refers to the roiling 1850s as another time the United States slammed into and survived massive threat.
Couldn’t resist an opportunity to promote the work of this invaluable History Cartographer From Maine, Mr. Stayton.
Me too. Tom Nichols wrote 2 books, The Death of Expertise and Our Own Worst Enemy . The information is there, but the right wing has worked to destroy any belief in expertise so when warning are provided, they are discarded as untrue.
Fascist aspirations was hardly American. It was international.
In an article from last week's New Yorker about the ultra conservative Christian rights group Alliance Defending Freedom and the successful years-in-the-making role it played in overturning Roe and its new battle against the LGBTQ+ and trans communities, one understands in a chilling way how the Republican party has turned its back on playing by the rules. ADF has so infiltrated the American legal system that several members of SCOTUS take their cues from the organization in rulings. Last fall, ADF teamed up with two prominent congressmen, Jordan and Scalise, to host a reception for newly elected lawmakers. Reading those words and seeing that House Republicans selected the same two people to replace former House speaker McCarthy is more than a coincidence. The media seem to be covering these issues but need to connect all of the dots for its readers.