It isn’t just that some can’t tell fact from fiction it is that they choose to not do so.
It is far easier to believe what you want to hear because it gives justification to your own beliefs and fears and for many, their own hatred against others, than to take the time and energy to sort through and figure out the truth.
So, is the "American" way to take the easy way out? Based on our myths, I don't think so, but then again, we don't like to examine our history all too closely either, and prefer our myths?
I believe you have touched on the reason we are so complacent - we like to believe our own myths.
I think that Americans have long believed themselves and our country as exceptional and that acts like a blinder to reality. We aren’t exceptional. This country was founded on slavery and genocide. Our government has long interfered in other countries, telling them how to live without first attending to the problems at home. We start wars for reasons of profit for and ego of those in power (yet the one war we absolutely should have joined far sooner was WWII). Americans believe that we are so exceptional, that city on a hill bs, that demagoguery, fascism, authoritarianism and even a dictatorship just can’t happen here and so, they turn a blind eye to politics and current events. It is a “if I don’t pay attention, then it won’t happen” kind of thinking. I spoke to several people last week who said this very thing - “I don’t pay attention to all that”, “oh, that’s just reactionary talk - no one will ever destroy America”, “that can’t really happen here, right?” and even “God won’t let us fall” (I had to ask which “us” they were referring to and sadly, it was the far-right yet ironically they didn’t see the link between the far-right’s goals and authoritarianism).
For a multitude of reasons - political, economical, societal, cultural, technological, etc - we as a society have definitely lost our way in working together (not that everyone always did). I’m not sure there exists An American Way anymore except that which panders to all the ugly aspects of humanity - greed, hatred, bigotry, exclusion, etc - sort of the “I want mine & you can’t have any” approach to life.
Of course, there are exceptions to this and I hope there are enough who aren’t part of the hateful, greedy majority to either turn the current tide or bring fascism to an end once it does take over.
Spot on, Kasumii. We have defined our "greatness" without acknowledging its true cost (enslavement and genocide). We are "true believers" that our country is great and good, when it has a horrible infection underneath a poorly healed scab. It is my opinion that, while the works of Movement Conservatives have been underway for at least two generations, it was the election of Barak Obama that ripped the scab off the infection of genocide and slavery and let the pus of racists get out and run free.
Very descriptive words Ally House! I will get back to my breakfast later. We definitely need realistic and descriptive language to help people see what is happening, so no complaint here. That I had to stop eating speaks to how well your words worked.
I agree with you. The election and reelection of Obama definitely lit the fuse. That a Black man could be elected to the Presidency really pissed off all the racists, didn’t it?
With my background, I have always known there was a significant white supremacy group in our country but even I was taken by surprise in 2015-2016 by just how many there were and are.
The good part of their trump & Republican Party enabled and encouraged loud and obnoxious bleating is that now we know who they are. We know exactly where they are in positions of authority.
At least, knowing all that will be good if those of us who find racism & misogyny, bigotry, etc to be abhorrent pull together and actively boot them out of as many levels of government as possible in time to prevent their takeover of said government and society.
You are correct. During the 2016 election many of my acquaintances refused to vote for a woman in office so they were able to overlook the insidiousness of Drump.
Or, as my ex tried, they used the “but I’m not voting for the hatred, racism, etc - just the tax cuts and judges”. I sent him a link to an article written by John Scalzi on It is titled “The Cinemax Theory of Racism” and easily found through the search button. Funny, I did not hear back from my ex.
How can anyone say “but I’m not voting for the hatred, racism, etc - just the tax cuts and judges” not understand that a vote for the latter is also a vote for the former?
Yup, Ally, it was Obama. Never believed I’d see a Black president in my lifetime. “We did it,” I thought, utterly clueless. Then I became aware of the powerful raging hatred unleashed.
For two terms we had the Sublime. Then crashed head first into the despicable Ridiculous. And spiraled down from there …
I found it odd that in the 2008 Democratic primary, we were forced to choose from the first major candidate that was black, and first major candidate that was female. I had assumed (and we know what that word means) that the selection of Obama over Clinton was that the misogyny was stronger than the racism. After all, Black men received the constitutional guarantee to vote 50 years before women did. I'd still like to see what could have happened with our first woman president. I hope that I see that, someday.
From time to time I ponder the significance of him insulting trump, especially in public. I also consider his comment about ISIS being ‘just the JV team’ which I am sure they did not take as a compliment. It is never a good idea to toss insults around like he did on these two occasions.
Constructive criticism is okay but only and in the appropriate manner and place. Insults seem to always find a way back to haunt you. gives a gentle 'heads up' to voters in a particular district where a candidate or the dems need extra support. I cover the cost of a blank postcard and postage stamp, receive 3 sentences of text to write, and addresses, which provides a friendly reminder to vote, an email and phone number if additional help or information is needed by the voter. The front of the postcard bears a hopefully 'refrigerator worthy' picture supplied by me. Something benign and beautiful is always my goal. You can determine how many postcards you can write in a 3 day period. No pressure, no worries. Just focused on getting out the vote. My personal goal is flipping Florida from red to blue. It helps me from getting overwhelmed by the current situation we find ourselves in. God bless HCR for keep'in it real and 'splain'in it all to me everyday. I wonder if she wears her SuperWoman cape to bed?!
I've written some post cards for Postcards to Swing States prior to upcoming elections in my state of NH. I've also done letters for Vote Forward in VA
We live in a nation of groups of people that use "I heard from..... that [insert fake statement.] I'm so sick of this. It's laziness and gravitating to find someone who bolsters your opinion. It isn't fact checking.
When masses can't tell fact from fiction, we're in trouble.
It isn’t just that some can’t tell fact from fiction it is that they choose to not do so.
It is far easier to believe what you want to hear because it gives justification to your own beliefs and fears and for many, their own hatred against others, than to take the time and energy to sort through and figure out the truth.
So, is the "American" way to take the easy way out? Based on our myths, I don't think so, but then again, we don't like to examine our history all too closely either, and prefer our myths?
What is the soul of our nation?
I believe you have touched on the reason we are so complacent - we like to believe our own myths.
I think that Americans have long believed themselves and our country as exceptional and that acts like a blinder to reality. We aren’t exceptional. This country was founded on slavery and genocide. Our government has long interfered in other countries, telling them how to live without first attending to the problems at home. We start wars for reasons of profit for and ego of those in power (yet the one war we absolutely should have joined far sooner was WWII). Americans believe that we are so exceptional, that city on a hill bs, that demagoguery, fascism, authoritarianism and even a dictatorship just can’t happen here and so, they turn a blind eye to politics and current events. It is a “if I don’t pay attention, then it won’t happen” kind of thinking. I spoke to several people last week who said this very thing - “I don’t pay attention to all that”, “oh, that’s just reactionary talk - no one will ever destroy America”, “that can’t really happen here, right?” and even “God won’t let us fall” (I had to ask which “us” they were referring to and sadly, it was the far-right yet ironically they didn’t see the link between the far-right’s goals and authoritarianism).
For a multitude of reasons - political, economical, societal, cultural, technological, etc - we as a society have definitely lost our way in working together (not that everyone always did). I’m not sure there exists An American Way anymore except that which panders to all the ugly aspects of humanity - greed, hatred, bigotry, exclusion, etc - sort of the “I want mine & you can’t have any” approach to life.
Of course, there are exceptions to this and I hope there are enough who aren’t part of the hateful, greedy majority to either turn the current tide or bring fascism to an end once it does take over.
Spot on, Kasumii. We have defined our "greatness" without acknowledging its true cost (enslavement and genocide). We are "true believers" that our country is great and good, when it has a horrible infection underneath a poorly healed scab. It is my opinion that, while the works of Movement Conservatives have been underway for at least two generations, it was the election of Barak Obama that ripped the scab off the infection of genocide and slavery and let the pus of racists get out and run free.
Very descriptive words Ally House! I will get back to my breakfast later. We definitely need realistic and descriptive language to help people see what is happening, so no complaint here. That I had to stop eating speaks to how well your words worked.
I agree with you. The election and reelection of Obama definitely lit the fuse. That a Black man could be elected to the Presidency really pissed off all the racists, didn’t it?
It was during Obama’s term that I became aware of the profound racism in some of my “friends”. That was when the ugly truth came out of the closet.
With my background, I have always known there was a significant white supremacy group in our country but even I was taken by surprise in 2015-2016 by just how many there were and are.
The good part of their trump & Republican Party enabled and encouraged loud and obnoxious bleating is that now we know who they are. We know exactly where they are in positions of authority.
At least, knowing all that will be good if those of us who find racism & misogyny, bigotry, etc to be abhorrent pull together and actively boot them out of as many levels of government as possible in time to prevent their takeover of said government and society.
You are correct. During the 2016 election many of my acquaintances refused to vote for a woman in office so they were able to overlook the insidiousness of Drump.
Or, as my ex tried, they used the “but I’m not voting for the hatred, racism, etc - just the tax cuts and judges”. I sent him a link to an article written by John Scalzi on It is titled “The Cinemax Theory of Racism” and easily found through the search button. Funny, I did not hear back from my ex.
How can anyone say “but I’m not voting for the hatred, racism, etc - just the tax cuts and judges” not understand that a vote for the latter is also a vote for the former?
He understood it just fine. That was his attempt at rationalizing his vote. It didn’t work.
The ones who said that Obama was "the most racist president" were the first that tipped me off.
(For those who were/are saying that-Projection much?)
Yup, Ally, it was Obama. Never believed I’d see a Black president in my lifetime. “We did it,” I thought, utterly clueless. Then I became aware of the powerful raging hatred unleashed.
For two terms we had the Sublime. Then crashed head first into the despicable Ridiculous. And spiraled down from there …
I found it odd that in the 2008 Democratic primary, we were forced to choose from the first major candidate that was black, and first major candidate that was female. I had assumed (and we know what that word means) that the selection of Obama over Clinton was that the misogyny was stronger than the racism. After all, Black men received the constitutional guarantee to vote 50 years before women did. I'd still like to see what could have happened with our first woman president. I hope that I see that, someday.
That’s the truth, hey?! Racism and misogyny— what a country!
Maybe Kamala ?
Even President Obama understood the time wasn't right for a black American to be the leader of our country. Then he insulted Drump...
From time to time I ponder the significance of him insulting trump, especially in public. I also consider his comment about ISIS being ‘just the JV team’ which I am sure they did not take as a compliment. It is never a good idea to toss insults around like he did on these two occasions.
Constructive criticism is okay but only and in the appropriate manner and place. Insults seem to always find a way back to haunt you.
Especially if they are directed at a deranged individual with money.
I believe it was Goethe who said “there is nothing more terrifying than ignorance in action” and I would add “and with money”.
There ARE enough of us, Kasumii. What I worry abt is that we won’t all VOTE.
That worries me too. gives a gentle 'heads up' to voters in a particular district where a candidate or the dems need extra support. I cover the cost of a blank postcard and postage stamp, receive 3 sentences of text to write, and addresses, which provides a friendly reminder to vote, an email and phone number if additional help or information is needed by the voter. The front of the postcard bears a hopefully 'refrigerator worthy' picture supplied by me. Something benign and beautiful is always my goal. You can determine how many postcards you can write in a 3 day period. No pressure, no worries. Just focused on getting out the vote. My personal goal is flipping Florida from red to blue. It helps me from getting overwhelmed by the current situation we find ourselves in. God bless HCR for keep'in it real and 'splain'in it all to me everyday. I wonder if she wears her SuperWoman cape to bed?!
I've written some post cards for Postcards to Swing States prior to upcoming elections in my state of NH. I've also done letters for Vote Forward in VA
Thanks for the information on Postcards to Voters.
Yes, the majority of our nation do not vote. That says it all.
This word, this ugly word "authoritarianism".
I take note.
I note, too, that it entails a total absence of genuine authority.
Fake Father Figure, fake everything, the devil in the driver's seat.
In the pulpit, too.
Yes, good question ….. What is the soul of our Nation???
Hatred and anger release adrenaline. Another American addiction.
We live in a nation of groups of people that use "I heard from..... that [insert fake statement.] I'm so sick of this. It's laziness and gravitating to find someone who bolsters your opinion. It isn't fact checking.
Fox just celebrated 25 years of blasting lies and the most venomous propaganda. Rupert pushed Humpty Dumpty off the wall.