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I am in another time zone, and my daughter and I have already voted from Germany. I did not need to watch the debate to see who I was voting for. I was sleeping during the debate. I am not surprised at what I am reading about it. I am team Harris-Walz all the way, as is my daughter. We are both members of Democrats Abroad. Now is the time for people like Mitt Romney, who is saying he will have to leave the country if Trump gets elected, and is worried for his 5 sons, their 5 wives, his 25 grandchildren and 2 great-grand-children to stop just complaining about Trump and take a stand to support Kamala and Tim, knowing that what unites us as patriots is greater than what divides us.

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I totally agree Linda! We are in Spain and we voted by absentee ballot a week or so ago. I also belong to Democrats Abroad. It's a good organization. Mitt Romney is such a wimp. He won't stick his neck out and just say, ENOUGH, but he claims to be worried about his family. How about worrying about all of ours and his constituents too? He needs to take a stand on the side of democracy!

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Agreed! He also could move many Mormons who would listen to him. That could help Nevada and Arizona to come in Blue.

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Just think, another man who wanted to be President, but won't help preserve the Country and the Constitution. Spineless, and pitiful.

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Well, in a way, I do hate to say this about republicans, because many now are doing exactly what Linda Weide wishes for them to do. Michael Steele, Liz Cheney (who would ever have guessed that I would give her and her father Kudos) Nancy Kassebaum just to name a few, and even now, the flake of all flakes for not blocking Brett Kavanaugh when he had the chance to do it, Jeff Flake from Arizona. Better late than never, I suppose, but the left wouldn't be this deep in SCOTUS trouble had Jeff Flake done what *I know in my gut he was thinking of doing* but didn't have the cajónes to do it. I suppose we should gratefully accept late gifts even if they're.... well...late.

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Agreed, Linda. There actually is a LDS for Harris/Walz group.

LDS Republican Jeff Flake just endorsed:


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Hi Kathy, I know about the LDS for Harris/Walz group, and that there are Republicans for Harris/Walz that are led by LDS members. However, having a big name like Romney's endorse Harris, would be a powerful.

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I would also like to see President Bush make an endorsement. I thought I heard yesterday that President Carter is ready to join Rosalyn but is hanging in there so he can vote for Vice President Harris. Quite an endorsement, if it is not apocryphal.

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Romney’s way way too fearful. He’s not what I’d in anyway call a brave man. He swings like a loose gate.

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Dang! Easy now samani....eeeeaaaasssy.... 😂

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I have many friends in Lincoln, NE who are Mormon. We used to play tennis together and they tried to persuade me to join the church.

But, Utah and Idaho seem to elect Republicans in spite of the quality of the candidates. Hopefully, Mitt Romney and other prominent Republicans will come around and support Harris/Walz.

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World events aren’t helping Harris/Walz

1. Middle East in flames

2.Hurricanes devastating the southeast

3. War in Europe

4. Longshoremen strike that could have severe economic consequences if not ended

These issues serve to confuse the dim-wits feeling that a new administration will end the problems. Of course we know it won’t. My hope is Biden ends the strike and forces both sides to the table.

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This is the world. There will always be a conflict somewhere. There will also be issues here at home. The point is not to have zero conflict or problems but how does a President handle what comes across their desk?

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Exactly. Temperament is critically important.

When O'Connell and Brennan started off with a list of the events du jour, I thought, this is really no different than in any other election. S*** happens.

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I think k you missed my point which is to create an environment most conducive for voting. Most people do not use reason when they vote. Always remember this.

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I do. I resist lumping people into a category. All kind of personalities, minds and emotions walk into a voting booth.

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That's what I was thinking last night during the debate. It's not what they say, it's how they look. Unfortunately, the spawn of the devil looked better: younger, stronger, better outfit....sickening.

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I quit watching the debate after the first half hour. Walz did well, and of course, Vance lied his ass off, but he gave a polished performance. Sadly, most people focus on form rather than substance, so I’m sure many undecided voters preferred Vance over Walz. That used car you’re thinking about buying may look pretty good and the salesperson may make it sound like a real winner, but get a mechanic to check under the hood—you may learn that it’s a nightmare with a nice paint job.

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Precisely! Well said.

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That was EXACTLY my thought. If they don't listen, vance won. If they listened, Walz blew it outta the water.

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I’m a pragmatic optimist. We can never end evil acts by bad actors or destructive acts caused by nature and climate. I fully embrace the concept of “harm reduction”. This approach requires some compromises and is direct opposition to laws based on prejudice, privilege, power, religion or politics that use prohibition style approaches to every problem. I have to wonder why we act surprised when these types of laws or “three strikes you’re out” laws fail.

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Really need to be spotlighting Trump's belief striking workers should be fired.

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Collective bargaining (and unions) are the primary tools to provide fair wages, safe working conditions and quality of services and products.

In my opinion, fair wages reflect some percentage of profit being passed on to workers in the form of higher wages or production and quality of work bonuses.

When those at the top of the profit ladder set record profits some percentage of that needs to be shared with the workers who make that possible.

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Oct 2
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I think it will. An awful lot of folks believe to differing degrees that a U.S. president needs only wave a magic wand and cure all or most troubles / problems. The attraction of MAGA, is that we minimize U.S. problems by only focusing on U.S. problems, as though we are some planet apart from earth. Ridiculous, but guess who got elected on that and religion, assorted other partial truths, lies, etc., etc.

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We need to stop feeding the fire in the Middle East. Unconditional support of Israel as victim here is not working or compatible with the picture show. The difference between Israel defending itself and protecting its right to occupy more land ( which is what this is about) is lost. Biden is not able to communicate that. Kamala is stuck supporting Biden now making careful statments,

Those hit by the hurricanes need and get government relief and this is a matter of getting the message across. It could be a win.

Helping Ukraine is vital---more messaging needed.

Longshoremen want support- unions need support.. to an extent. This is democracy.

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Well stated down the line, Potter. Thank you. On messaging, I wonder if this debate was like that of 1960 between Presidents Kennedy and Nixon. Those who watched it on television; tended to favour then Senator Kennedy. those who listened on the radio leaned toward then Vice President Nixon.

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Yes, people are using two different ways of judging a person. The radio medium causes you to just listen to the words. The TV medium you are looking at demeanor, appearance, body language.

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Oct 2
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Some of this seems intentional.

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Regardless. It’s not good for business, as they say. In 1968, we tossed aside the most progressive administration since FDR and Abraham Lincoln because our conscience had finally shown the ignorance of Vietnam. Today we have the ignorance of Ukraine that didn’t need to be engaged. A simple No NATO would have sufficed. We never needed Ukraine in NATO. And the fact is that part of the negotiations will be a no nato promise so where was the gain?

We threw out the baby with the bath water in 1968 and hired Nixon. But Nixon doesn’t compare to Trump. If he gets in, it really ends granted, an imperfect

republic. It’s over.

Everything that Biden does from not on should be to benefit Harris. Using Taft/Hartley is a must to suspend the strike. My guess is he will call on his working class roots (I’m for the little guy) and not end the longshoremen who are not even voting for the democrats. Irony of ironies.

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That is what I meant when I said it seemed intentional. They are going to work Biden for all they can get, and then vote for Trump, not understanding that gains under Biden can be lost right away under Trump/Vance.

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As I sit in my front yard as usual sipping coffee after feeding the hungry herd of once 7 homeless cats (maybe I should eat one) and watch squirrels race back and forth across the street. I wonder how often these squirrels tempt their fate since one day a squirrel will run across then turn around seeing a car coming then turn around again only to get squished. Just like us humans.

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Bill, what a good analogy.

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Years ago, I saw a squirrel cross the road by running underneath a car in the same direction till the car went past then the squirrel finished crossing the road!

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wrong across the board.... Do you know what will or won't benefit Harris? Ukraine is a helluva lot more important than Israel at the moment. But the picture show has moved to Israel. Biden is backing Israel's occupation in effect, not it's security.And yes that does relate to getting votes for Harris because of the "pro Israel" vote here still wrongfully claiming it's all about October 7th. October 7th was about the occupation. Ukraine NATO happened after it was proved that the Budapest Agreement guaranteeing security for the country after it gave up its nukes, was not working. Ukraine needs a nuclear umbrella. Or else we have a Neanderthal world where might makes right with no basic laws and rules internationally.. AND nuclear proliferation.

The message must be- democracy-- here about the right to strike included.

If Trump gets in, which he should not be allowed to constitutionally, there will be violence... either way.

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Well, I’m ready to volunteer. The New Very Old Gray Panthers. Watch out for them they are dangerous. On command, they will turn around unison, bend over and fart from up wind there destroying any who happen to be down wind. The MAGAs will fall.

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You must be eating lots of beans or hummus. They also are charmed by Trump as much.

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Biden won't invoke the Taft-Hartley Act to end the strike because he's on the side of the union workers in the face of automation, while the corporations and the people who run them have made fortunes. Remember, he was the first U.S. president to join a picket line at the UAW auto strike in September of 2023.

Also, Trump is cozy with the president of the union leading the strike, and they were more than happy to offer this October surprise.


As much as I support union workers, the timing of this strike is unfortunate.

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Longshoreman leader has come out as a Trump supporter who wants to “cripple the country”. True trumpian lack of concern for our country.

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And Biden is to thick-headed and stupid to invoke TH.

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Trump lied that Georgia Governor Kemp had not heard from Biden regarding the hurricane damage.

Meanwhile, Kemp was publicly acknowledging receiving a phone call from Biden offering help.

If Trump cannot lie, he has nothing else to say.

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Bill… I guess you missed the fact that the head of the dockworkers union was at Mar Amato 4 days ago… interestingly right after the hurricane… and maybe you also missed the fact that Netanyahu is in the same position as Trump in his country (he needs to remain in power or face jail time) and also recently met with Trump. Oh… and what timing for Russian backed Iran to fire missiles into Israel… such a barrage yet the only damage was 2 people hurt by shrapnel. Connect the dots Bill. This is all election interference and scare tactics. Annoying and frustrating but we must not be bullied or distracted by a bunch of greedy lying thieves.

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Good points, Bill. Thank you. These events make debates more challenging for the Democratic ticket. What is a shame is that the message of the Middle East should be clear about foreign policy: while the United States is the most powerful country militarily, our influence only goes so far , , , and that is not far.

The dock-workers have a right for collective bargaining. Knowing President Biden's pro-Labor sympathies, the timing may be a gamble to induce President Biden to jaw-bone the management. Governor Gipper shone when he drove home the message that we need to work together for the good of all.

I am not sure that the natural disaster will hurt the ticket's prospects. President Biden is managing the situation quite well and Republican governors are thanking his Administration. The Democratic ticket should emphasize how state and local Republican politicoes are fact-checking the Republican ticket in real-time.

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I shall repeat this to my fellow democrats even though you don’t want to hear it and don’t like to hear it. Two major faults of the Biden administration that is going to follow him and her into the election:

1. There didn’t need to be a war in Ukraine. It wasn’t necessary. Putin demanded no NATO and we wouldn’t give it to him. Our secretary of defense quipped after the war began “Now we will run the military down.” That was the best he could manage. We are encouraging a war in order to run the military.

2. Biden was absent on the souther border and I know most of you heartily disagree. But he was until earlier this year. If Harris does t win, these two issues are the real ones that could have been avoided. The other issues we have had no control over. Of course, my opinion you may disagree. As you will.

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No, I tend to agree with you, Bill, and appreciate your raising uncomfortable points. Denial will not work.🤝

B.L.U.F. (bottom-line, up-front): I am not particularly smart; at least, not nearly as smart as I like to believe me to be. But I have time to chew the cud. 🤫

There are responses to each point you raise, Bill, except, perhaps, for the strike. With several salient debates on the table, the messaging has to be discrete. One bite at a time. Pick the settings to answer only one point, in depth, at each outing; then focus on the future. 🔍

The rationale is that people are not dim-witted; they simply have too little time, in many or most cases, to be generalists. Educate the voters; doing so with all issues at once may be confusing events and argumentation in voters' mind, leaving the impression of muddled politics. 💡

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I'm concerned about this too. We're so reactionary as a nation

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I knew the Longshoremen chose to strike right now just to mess up the Dems in the election. Isn't that still a mob controlled union, and Trump is connected to both Traditional US mob and the Russian mob from what I read. I agree that Biden should end the strike and force both sides to the table. That might be a good union to get people training to do other things as automation takes over their jobs. In the Bulwark, as Tim Miller, Sarah Longwell, and Jonathan Last discussed the debate, they also discussed how the campaigns are doing and the strategies. Since I know Tim and Sarah worked for Republican campaigns before he became a democrat, and she an anti-Trump Republican they have a good knowledge of Republican voters. She in fact leads Republican Voters Against Trump, and has a big ad blitz coming out in 48 states in both videos and billboards. They know they need to get the vote out. Anyway, they discuss the effects that the strike and the escalated war will have. https://www.thebulwark.com/p/so-much-rage?utm_source=podcast-email&publication_id=87281&post_id=149718409&utm_campaign=email-play-on-substack&utm_content=watch_now_gif&r=f0qfn&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

Andra Watkins talks about the effects on people that Hurricane Helene would have if it were to take place a year from now and Trump were president and had enacted Project 2025, where FEMA no longer helps out with hurricane damage, maybe 25% but localities have to pay for 75%, and no more government flood insurance.


That alone will be devastating, but add to that the humanitarian and financial disaster of deporting millions of so called illegals and you find that there is no one to help with clean up and rebuilding either, and people will be poorer because the tax base will be lower and the taxes higher. Goods will be less available because of the high tariffs, and people will have less child care, public schools may not exist, and child labor will be back in a big way. So, that disaster should be an opportunity to inform people what is planned with Project 2025, and that Trump is a big climate change denier.

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...and the reason public schools may well not exist is ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Councill, which was co-founded by conservative activist Paul Weyrich, who also co-founded the Heritage Foundation.) ALEC pushed the concept of School Vouchers with the intent of destroying public education. They also provide bill models for copycatting in multiple states. Such things include privatization of prisons, rewriting the Constitution, the Powell Memorandum, Stand Your Ground laws, deregulation, etc. The organization is an advisor on Project 2025 as well.

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Romney can't even take cues from other prominent GOP that are saying they are voting for Harris. Instead of helping bail out, he'll leave the ship, like a rat.

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Romney has 13 million dollars received by the NRA and thoughts and prayers are enough for all the murdered children in school shootings and other citizens murdered while shopping or going to church ! I don't trust him for anything !

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Let us not rush to judgement, here. Senator Romney has proven his statesmanship in the past and his courage, too. We may not have the whole picture. For example, in the Senator's very good mind, the timing of an endorsement may be important. If he endorses Vice President Harris now, as he is indirectly, in actuality, Senator Romney's endorsement will be old news. But on All Saints Day, that may be more impactful.

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P.S., just checked: Representative Curtis, the G.O.P. nominee to succeed Senator Romney apparently is a moderate. Senator Romney's endorsement now might roil Representative Curtis's campaign.


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I kind of respect Romney for knowing what's true, Linda, and yet he seems wimpish to me. Also, I don't think it will make any difference to his and fam's security at this point no matter what he does. Violent MAGAs have already been unleashed.

I'm outside the US, and like you I already voted straight blue, but I watched the debate until I got bored. I missed the big reveal that Vance won't say who won the '20 election. Yawn.

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I think he can afford to leave the USA and take his whole family. They may not want to go though.

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It really WAS boring.

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I love 'Google Translate: Ich freue mich, dass Sie bereits a bgestimmt haben but, I don't know how to say German words that have 2 'mm's.

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pronounce the double letter as if it's one. Not like Spanish or Italian that wants us to pronounce both double consonants. So be befreut as you wish about their Stimmung ...

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Just keep your lips together.

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Always very difficult for an ex-Trial Attorney. :---)

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Good one! Love humor.

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And GW.

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Jeff Flake did so.

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Romney's fear makes him unable to act responsibly when courage could make him do the right thing and know that he would be supported by many other good souls.

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Wait a sec. Senator Romney voted twice to remove President Trump. Had he been in the Senate in 2018, I believe firmly that he would have been the only Republican openly to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with then Senator Flake.

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Yes! So, why does he not have the same courage now -- when it could benefit so many by actually preventing the power grab of these anti-Constitutional forces?

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Senator Romney does. He has endorse the Vice President indirectly. If Senator Romney endorsed the Democratic now, it would have little impact as opposed to a 'saintly' endorsement on 01nov24. Also, an open endorsement might under-cut the G.O.P. nominee seeking to succeed the Senator. Representative Curtis is an anti-Trump Republican.

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Well, since he was here for a time, I guess Massachusetts could offer him sanctuary if, god forbid, T**** wins. He can be part of the army of grandfathers who will do everything necessary to keep the orange menace and his mini-me out of the Oval Office.

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I don't know if you have been reading Project 2025, but I think it is going to be a lot like what Hitler did, so, he had his enemies list and he had the people shot. The Supreme Court has already offered him immunity to go rogue. Since P2025 is about turning the USA into a Christian Nationalist Theocracy, with everyone either getting with the program willingly, or unwillingly. Still, there is clearly plans for massive killings of people. That is why Romney, who is not smart enough to be a Democrat, but is smart enough to know what might await him, is thinking about leaving the US, because no state will be safe. Look at Putin now. In fact, Putin, Saudi Arabia, Iran, China have let people know that they can reach them anywhere in the world.

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I haven't taken time to read P2025... yet. I've pondered Romney's plan (to leave the US) and wonder if he knows more than he's telling. A T**** victory will be an unmitigated disaster: it would not surprise me if it started a civil war. He must be stopped. We have no other option.

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Yes! What the heck is WRONG with Mitt?!

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