I want everyone to be fully aware of how Fraud Criminal Scum Trump’s MAGAts are going to steal the upcoming election for Trump. In the six or seven swing states, there will, starting one month before Election Day, be voter intimidation beyond your wildest imagination. Armed MAGAts will be OUT in force and there w…
I want everyone to be fully aware of how Fraud Criminal Scum Trump’s MAGAts are going to steal the upcoming election for Trump. In the six or seven swing states, there will, starting one month before Election Day, be voter intimidation beyond your wildest imagination. Armed MAGAts will be OUT in force and there will be no one to stop them a) from preventing voters from visiting ballot collection boxes, and b) from scaring voters away from voting sites These MAGAt thugs will be active in districts that traditionally vote Democrat. This type of massive voter intimidation, vote suppression action has happened in other countries! Contact your state and county and city law enforcement officials and ask them what they are going to do to ensure that this isn’t going to be allowed to happen in your voting district!!! Don’t wait, do it now!!!
No .... This intimidation has never materialized over the past six election years!
The MAGAT crowd has NOT come to the election, street presence that trump has requested. Not now, or ever ( the 1.6.2021 debacle was a post election rally which had no influence on voter turnout))
In ALL of the key states, Democrats run the elections from the Sec of State's offices
trump's nose dive in popularity exhibits again with the feeble candidates for Senate in AZ, OH, WI, PA, MI, and even TX, where Cruz is in serious jeopardy.
The turn of hue from red-to-blue in both AZ and GA (via statewide elections for Senator and AZ Gov as well) portend the growing force of the progressive vote, ie., democracy advocates, womens' vote, minority vote and even the youth vote.
The state-wide referenda on women's access to reproductive health care in AZ, FL, MO and OH will drive even further the progressive vote of young people AND women!
Truly, there is ample evidence that the opposite is happening, and North Carolina WILL BE the next 'conservative' state to come to its senses, following GA and AZ. The poster child MAGAT gubernatorial candidate in NC is already behind by large single digits. His campaign is a total wreck in their lack fundraising, and other NC conservative candidates have to run away from his comments
The following is a list of the most recent Senate elections, compiled by Simon Rosenberg at hopiumchroicles.org. In every instance, the Democrat leads:
• WI Baldwin 48% Hovde 41% CBS News/YouGov
• PA Casey 46% McCormick 39% CBS News/YouGov
• NV Rosen 47% Gunter 33% The Hill/Emerson
• Rosen 45% Brown 37% The Hill/Emerson
• AZ Gallego 45% Lake 43% The Hill/Emerson (other recent polls show Gallego further
• NC Stein 48% Robinson 41% Quinnipiac (Governor)
In all of these core state, the overwhelming presence of democracy advocates will AGAIN protect the 2024 vote, as we have seen in every election since 2017 ....
There is NO evidence that the MAGAT threat is real, or even exists, to the extent you proclaim.
To protect American democracy, reach out to millions of unregistered likely Democrats using a dedicated database using every outreach method possible (phone and text, postcard, email and targeted ad, and in-person too), where new Democratic voters will make the most impact – in the most flippable states and districts.
YES, I've been busy writing post cards --- and I call into radio shows, like the Thom Hartmann Program, and local NPR call in shows as well, when the topic is relevant
The Sherrod Brown race has me concerned. But the Rick Scott/ Debbie Musceral-Powell race could be interesting. He is just a big a scumbag/criminal as Trump and DeSantis.
They both seem to be very down to earth, humble caring Senators. If they lose, reelection after all they've accomplished, it doesn't speak well for Ohio (or Montana).
Sorry, this is off topic.
I want everyone to be fully aware of how Fraud Criminal Scum Trump’s MAGAts are going to steal the upcoming election for Trump. In the six or seven swing states, there will, starting one month before Election Day, be voter intimidation beyond your wildest imagination. Armed MAGAts will be OUT in force and there will be no one to stop them a) from preventing voters from visiting ballot collection boxes, and b) from scaring voters away from voting sites These MAGAt thugs will be active in districts that traditionally vote Democrat. This type of massive voter intimidation, vote suppression action has happened in other countries! Contact your state and county and city law enforcement officials and ask them what they are going to do to ensure that this isn’t going to be allowed to happen in your voting district!!! Don’t wait, do it now!!!
No .... This intimidation has never materialized over the past six election years!
The MAGAT crowd has NOT come to the election, street presence that trump has requested. Not now, or ever ( the 1.6.2021 debacle was a post election rally which had no influence on voter turnout))
In ALL of the key states, Democrats run the elections from the Sec of State's offices
trump's nose dive in popularity exhibits again with the feeble candidates for Senate in AZ, OH, WI, PA, MI, and even TX, where Cruz is in serious jeopardy.
The turn of hue from red-to-blue in both AZ and GA (via statewide elections for Senator and AZ Gov as well) portend the growing force of the progressive vote, ie., democracy advocates, womens' vote, minority vote and even the youth vote.
The state-wide referenda on women's access to reproductive health care in AZ, FL, MO and OH will drive even further the progressive vote of young people AND women!
Truly, there is ample evidence that the opposite is happening, and North Carolina WILL BE the next 'conservative' state to come to its senses, following GA and AZ. The poster child MAGAT gubernatorial candidate in NC is already behind by large single digits. His campaign is a total wreck in their lack fundraising, and other NC conservative candidates have to run away from his comments
The following is a list of the most recent Senate elections, compiled by Simon Rosenberg at hopiumchroicles.org. In every instance, the Democrat leads:
• WI Baldwin 48% Hovde 41% CBS News/YouGov
• PA Casey 46% McCormick 39% CBS News/YouGov
• NV Rosen 47% Gunter 33% The Hill/Emerson
• Rosen 45% Brown 37% The Hill/Emerson
• AZ Gallego 45% Lake 43% The Hill/Emerson (other recent polls show Gallego further
• NC Stein 48% Robinson 41% Quinnipiac (Governor)
In all of these core state, the overwhelming presence of democracy advocates will AGAIN protect the 2024 vote, as we have seen in every election since 2017 ....
There is NO evidence that the MAGAT threat is real, or even exists, to the extent you proclaim.
Plus, we have the capacity to sweep.
To protect American democracy, reach out to millions of unregistered likely Democrats using a dedicated database using every outreach method possible (phone and text, postcard, email and targeted ad, and in-person too), where new Democratic voters will make the most impact – in the most flippable states and districts.
YES, I've been busy writing post cards --- and I call into radio shows, like the Thom Hartmann Program, and local NPR call in shows as well, when the topic is relevant
The Sherrod Brown race has me concerned. But the Rick Scott/ Debbie Musceral-Powell race could be interesting. He is just a big a scumbag/criminal as Trump and DeSantis.
I think Sherrod Brown is very popular in OH, much like John Tester in MT
They both seem to be very down to earth, humble caring Senators. If they lose, reelection after all they've accomplished, it doesn't speak well for Ohio (or Montana).
They will surely try, make no mistake. All evil options should be anticipated and dealt with.
Oh hell no. Voters will not stand for it, and with rare exception Meal Team 6 won’t get off the couch.
Couple this with no mailed-in ballots.