The Sherrod Brown race has me concerned. But the Rick Scott/ Debbie Musceral-Powell race could be interesting. He is just a big a scumbag/criminal as Trump and DeSantis.
The Sherrod Brown race has me concerned. But the Rick Scott/ Debbie Musceral-Powell race could be interesting. He is just a big a scumbag/criminal as Trump and DeSantis.
They both seem to be very down to earth, humble caring Senators. If they lose, reelection after all they've accomplished, it doesn't speak well for Ohio (or Montana).
The Sherrod Brown race has me concerned. But the Rick Scott/ Debbie Musceral-Powell race could be interesting. He is just a big a scumbag/criminal as Trump and DeSantis.
I think Sherrod Brown is very popular in OH, much like John Tester in MT
They both seem to be very down to earth, humble caring Senators. If they lose, reelection after all they've accomplished, it doesn't speak well for Ohio (or Montana).