You have been working nonstop for weeks and weeks! I am glad to see you take a night off! Oh, and welcome to California!

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My question:

1. Why is Trump giving unnegotiated concessions to Putin, our enemy, a dictator, a war criminal who wants to destroy the United States and our democracy?

2. Why does Trump want to make our country WEAK and vulnerable by:

a. Firing qualified, experienced federal employees and replacing them with unqualified, inexperienced people;

b. ILLEGALLY cutting/dismantling our agencies that would help the American people (will we be getting Ebola next? Will we ever get flu shots, Covid vaccines, Shingrix vaccines or pneumococcal vaccines?);

c. ILLEGALLY cutting/freezing funding already appropriated by Congress;

d. ILLEGALLY allowing unvetted, unauthorized, people that were not voted in office, into our most private information that would normally land a person in prison for 5 years for doing so;

e. Alienating our allies by using tariffs which Buffet calls “an act of war.”

f. ILLEGALLY cutting the American people off from communication by restricting the AP from press conferences while allowing Kremlin Press to be present.

g. Not following the LAW


Is this Putin’s “payback” for getting Trump elected and this is what he has been told to do as has been stated by Russian officials close to Putin.

What is going on here other than an overthrow of our government and our democracy in broad daylight?

Is Trump going to hand our country over to Putin next, or is he just facilitating an invasion by Russia?

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I see no other answer to all those questions than "he has been a Russian asset for a long time."

But also - he quite likes how the Russian oligarchs made their money, by strip-mining their country's public goods, which is why he and his billionaires are doing the same thing to the USA.

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He has been a Russian fool/tool for a long time. And money and power are his only motivation in life, so the oligarchy, dictatorship, model is his golden ring.

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I was not alone among bankers in N.Y.C. who surmised that dirty money looted from the erstwhile U.S.S.R. financed Trump's 'come-back' a generation ago. UGGGly.🤬

This proposed minerals agreement smells like the same predatory looting as Russia (by keeping the land stolen to date) and Trump carve up Ukraine like a Christmas turkey.😢

Hopefully, Europe and other democracies will be able to marshal the martial strength to prevent Ukraine from being relegated to a carcass with Russia and (my G-D) our belovèd America looking on as salivating jackals. 🤢

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Perhaps he longs to be one of Putin’s oligarchs and to diminish the US into a vassal state of Russia.

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But if he is purposely making us vulnerable, our country could be invaded. I am wondering if that’s in the plans…

What he is doing is what you would do if you want to DESTROY A COUNTRY!

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Marlo, why would anyone have to invade. This is being accomplished from within added and abetted by members of the cult who will not take their heads out of the sand until they feel a great big bite in the rear, if then.

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You’re correct. Also read/listen to Thom Hartmann’s excellent but SHOCKING Substack article:

“Could Russia Win A War Against America Without Firing A Shot?”


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Important cyber war info, TY, Marlo! Thom H is our hardcore reality check, separate from our wonderful Professor HCR that calms our storm with scholarly history. Social media and news shows are not news. News is now right inside these brilliant substack authors. Choose them well.

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I read it and shared it. However, I did not sleep well that night. We appear to already be "there".

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Holy Toledo. We are in deep doo. I am now convinced that Trump meant it when at the Believers' Convention last July he said that if he won this would be the last election.

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Which country is that?

I'm in Europe. We have a country that was already invaded by the US new friend and ally, Russia.

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We are destroying our own country, rather Trump/Musk and his MAGA Republicans are.

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Yes. Thank goodness for Europe.

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Marlo, if Putin has friends in the White House, and if those friends succeed in installing the same kind of regime he has, then there’s no need to invade. Unless there’s a falling out between thieves… in which case the shortest route is across the Bering Straits.

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Trump almost certainly laundered dirty money from Russia and, perhaps, Ukraine in the1990s. The civil war will NOT be televised. https://youtu.be/vwSRqaZGsPw

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Yep; greed - they like how dictators get rich off of their country and are dead set to follow suit.

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Putin's response - Russia and the US are now aligned on foreign relations. That's good?

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Felon #47 can go join up with his Axis of Evil. Bring Obama back.

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We ARE the “Axis of Evil,” that’s what other countries think, of Trump/Vance/Rubio/Mush

‘France did a poll and found >70% of the French did not trust the United States under this “regime.” ~ from Olga Lautman’s excellent, informative Substack

France is supposed to be our ally. Remember WWII? Trump is destroying all that.

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Duh, It's the money and power for his crazy self.

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Why? Well it's what traitors do.

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Great questions. Tramp is an illegitimate president.

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And Musk came here ILLEGALLY. Trump should deport him!

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Yet, no one is stopping him. We pay our Congresspeople for what, exactly?

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Watch the video below. Share. Please donate. This is our chance!

Nathan, the computer analyst that uncovered this algorithmic manipulation says AUDITS of the PAPER BALLOTS are needed. If you want to fight Trump, watch this video then SHARE:


Then please DONATE!

👉 Call your election officials, local & statewide, your Secretary of State (your state), your state Attorney General, your local registrars, CALL/EMAIL them and DEMAND they do AUDITS of the PAPER BALLOTS.

Election Truth Alliance

This is our BEST shot. Thank you!

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Marlo -- thanks for pointing to Ned McDoodle's YouTube video! Fabulous!


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Actually, I was referring to this video regarding the election:


(But thanks for letting me know about Noodles!)

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Trump is an illegitimate human.

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Trump does this because he can who is gonna stop him? The last impeachment we had him. We were standing on the floor and we had to push forward to get the truth and they just stopped. Now the whole January 6 committee is being fired or prosecuted. Reporters went to Biden and said Trump says the peace negotiations with Gaza are working because of him Biden said are you kidding? Biden should’ve stood up on the nearest table and shouted with all of his ability that’s a lie but instead nothing seems to happen.

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To add to this, Biden did a great job when he was president. No one seems to be talking about it. We will never defeat Trump just by talking bad about him. We have to offer an alternative. We have to compare Trump‘s cabinet Biden’s cabinet. We have to list the 10 top accomplishments of Biden. I know it doesn’t seem like the place or time but every time we can show how Democrats are better than Republicans we should. To defeat a cheater and a liar you have to give them a leader that is moral and honest.

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President Biden made me feel safe and secure. I could sleep at night knowing he was in charge.

With Trump I am waking up at 2:00 am. My emotions are tumultuous; I rotate from anger to depression and back to fury.

We cannot give up or give in!

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Same here, Marlo. You and I and millions of others!

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"We will never defeat Trump by talking bad about him." That is so true, Sandra. Thank you.

In any democracy, the will of the people has to be taken into account. We will win, I am convinced, sooner or later, by staying steady. HCR gave us the perfect example today of how we do this. I must always keep an eye on my state of mind first. Then I do whatever it is my part to do.

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Yes, we must consider our health first. That includes exercise (walking briskly 1/2 hr daily & weight training to build muscle). I have been reading, “Forever Strong” by Dr. Lyon. Very informative.

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Exercise is so important. Very good example, Marlo. I take a walk daily, whether I want to or not.

I hope Dr. Lyon talks about deep breathing and meditation, about letting the mind clear.

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Given the gamut of possible scenarios for the near future, we probably need to practice running.

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I’ve been saying that for years… stop badmouthing trump & BEAT HIM!

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We won’t have to say bad things about Trump. The people are EXPERIENCING them.

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And experience is the best way to learn.

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And where are the Dems in Congress? Silent, or saying the right things and doing NOTHING!

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We need them to be the shadow government and speak on a daily panel 'discussion', exactly like Bernie did last night: this is what I'm thinking and doing about it (told of a bill he's presenting 'tomorrow'), and hold these pressers daily where we all know where and when to tune in. If this is done consistently even those low information voters can become informed. (The panelists would change depending on the expertise required to meet the moment).

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We need to pressure the Republicans. Let them know they won’t be re-elected if they don’t stop Trump, Musk and Vance. Their constituents don’t want this!

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Thank you for the Update of the 'Feathers of Hope' folks & their constitutional "Impeachment'' strategy.

The Article II, Section 4 constitutional vector has many tactical difficulties as I am certain you are aware.

Can I safely use the word "praxis" now? There appears to be a chasm between 'theory' & 'practice' ... no?

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We can do something. Watch the video above.

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NC abnormality Trump votes versus down ballot

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Marlo, these are the same questions I have. Why?? I think it is all related to payback to Putin also.

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To Putin &/or his billionaire buddies. Trump/musk are creating a grift that will siphon even more money to the greediest billionaires and oligarchs of the world. Here’s an interesting read that spells out the scam: https://longmemo.substack.com/p/the-great-american-fire-sale-tonights?utm_medium=android&triedRedirect=true

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Payback to Putin, and just plain ga-ga over Putin. Wanting to get his way. A history of being able to get his way. A strange upbringing. Television.

Honestly, I don't blame Trump. A strange combination of factors created this craziness. I mess with my own mind in an unhealthy way when I obsess about anything, including Trump. I am able to do my part when I clear my mind of Trump.

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Owing to my New York metro roots, I am an inadvertent and involuntary student of the Trump family via their long-term presence in local NYC media. I might be able to help answer your questions in a different way. I've previously offered some of these insights in various comments.

Donald's grandfather, German immigrant Friedrich Trump was, to put it bluntly, a pimp. That is the first clue to the family's morality – or lack of it – and the origin marker for their social standing. It's also where the Trump men get their notion that women are good for only one thing. When Friedrich and wife, Elizabeth, tried to return to Germany, they were rejected because he was a draft-dodger (setting a precedent). They were forced to return to the NYC working-class borough of Queens.

Donald's father, Fred, was a product of that household, a crass, money-grubbing, corner-cutting slumlord. Donald's mother, Mary Ann, was a Scottish immigrant who cleaned houses for a living, until she met and married Fred. When lowborn individuals come into large amounts of money, they buy themselves a gold-plated parody of wealth. Such was the household Donald was born into.

Being ignorant of how the class system works, the Trumps thought their wealth would (and should) buy them a place in NYC's old-money aristocracy. The aristocrats had very different standards and snubbed the Trumps. The Trump family has chafed under this rejection for generations.

Eldest son, Fred, Jr. (Freddy) was bright and the heir apparent to the family business, but he wasn't interested and chose his own path. His family would punish him for rejecting his presumed place at the head of the Trump Organization. Daughters, Maryanne and Elizabeth followed, but they were "just girls" of no interest to Fred. Donald was born with a learning disability, known to the family. His "defect" could be concealed with lots of money. What Donald lacked in intelligence, he made up for with a "killer instinct" and Fred encouraged this, which led to Fred's reluctantly handing the reigns of the business to the "family idiot."

Neither Mary Ann nor Fred had any capacity to show love to their children. Mary Ann was a self-absorbed hypochondriac who spent most of her time in the hospital. Fred treated his family like a corporation. He was constantly in trouble with the law for illegal business practices.

Still trying to break into NYC society, Fred created a cardboard cutout of a mogul by bankrolling Donald's ventures into Manhattan real estate. Lacking both the competence and the humility to acknowledge his weaknesses, Donald repeatedly failed. And Fred repeatedly bailed his son out. And New York aristocracy continued to reject the Trumps.

This background helps to explain who Donald is. At age 78, he is still a failure in the thing that matters most to him and his family: he is not an aristocrat. Even when he was president, at a deep level, he knew other heads of state did not consider him an equal. Because of this universal rejection, he is perpetually angry. And by god, if the world is going to reject him, he will burn it all down.

All the other stuff he's done, horrible as it may be, is just in service to his wanting to be an aristocrat. And he's a failure.

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This article holds a compelling explanation of trump/musk grif. Always, always, always “Follow The Money”. https://longmemo.substack.com/p/the-great-american-fire-sale-tonights?utm_medium=android&triedRedirect=true

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Money begets power. They are an ugly couple.

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I suggest you read Alexie Navalny's memoir, Patriot. It provides good insight into Putin's regime of retribution. Toward the end there is a chapter on the 2nd anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine where Navalny cites 15 things the world should know about the Ukrainian invasion and Putin's intent.

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On 3/2 I e-mailed to The Boston Globe, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Chicago Tribute.

Dear Editor,

Title: “What We Must Do!”

MAGA constituents, especially in red states, are starting to understand their colossal mistake. To accelerate this awareness and vote their Republican legislators out of office, we must write and disseminate the stories of how constituent’s lives will be destroyed without their federal safety net: Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), food stamps, public housing, K-12 public school subsidies, support for veterans, possibly even Medicare and Social Security.

Buchanan Ewing

Cambridge, MA

Title: “Who is the Worst?”

Chief Justice John Roberts has orchestrated three laws at the center of our deteriorating democracy: Citizens United (without a monetary limit), the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and United States v. Donald Trump. Who will be judged the worst? Benedict Arnold for turning coat and leading British soldiers against his formerly fellow Americans, John Wilkes Booth who killed President Lincoln because he didn’t like the impending end to slavery, or Chief Justice John Roberts and his conservative majority, who stopped two-and-a-half centuries of increasing freedoms, by enabling billionaires to terrorize Republican legislators from voting for what they believe, stopping women from making intimate decisions about their own healthcare, or enabling the president to cavalierly run roughshod over the country and the rule of law.

Buchanan Ewing

Cambridge, MA

I believe that “Who Is the Worst” is important because Chief Justice John Roberts and the conservative majority still can shrink our freedoms.


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Great! Thank you for taking action! If you notice, the Supreme Court promptly unfroze the funding from the Aide Bill!


The Stupid: "I have created the brand new Department of Government Efficiency, DOGE. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. Perhaps. Which is headed by Elon Musk, who is in the gallery tonight," Trump said during his speech.

Only one problem. That’s not what the Justice Department has been telling judges in litigation involving the Musk-led effort to privatize government. They’ve been doing everything they can to claim Musk is not in charge of DOGE

~ Joyce Vance

Read the entire article below for more revelations. Judges don’t like to be lied to.


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We know what Trump is, he hasn’t hid it. The question is why is it being normalized/unquestioned by our govt, and how do we get Heather’s detailed writings into the news mainstream each & every day?

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Trump wants to be the Putin of the American continents. He believes he can give Europe to Putin and all will be great.

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Death star is Putin's puppet and also the puppet of those who want to take over the functions of the federal government and make them private, so that they can feed further and deeper at the trough. Ordinary people will not see tax savings either. Also we may see at the very least a recession. This is good for vultures who like to sweep in and buy things on the cheap. Even if we could get them out today, it would take some real effort to restore what they have destroyed in a mere two months.

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Marlo, he does this because we know that with Putin’s help he captured the WH in 2016, it continued with his big lie and again with his and Musks help to capture 2024. Anyone who does favor with Putin and crosses him meets death, so Trump is fearful of jail, death and complete humiliation, and for that he is doing this. He of course has other players (project 2025 authors) and it would be interesting to see their fears besides years of cult ideology. Musk too with all his wealth, is fearful imprisonment and of death by untoward methods, besides carrying his young son on his shoulders, I bet he has food tasters too. It is human to have fears, but it is equally as human to rise up against tyranny.

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WHO is it reasonable for US to expect to do anything about Musk/Trump? ALL Members of Congress have to give is their votes on legislation.

It is up to WE the PEOPLE to do anything other than vote on legislation.

I wish Heather would take up this question and provide direction for her millions of readers.

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To follow up, why Republican members are not objecting to these Trump actions?

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Please put this in a colorful type and send it to Facebook and insta

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It is apparent Trump is a puppet for both Putin and Musk. He doesn't care about us regular folks whose value is less than a billion dollars. How did we get in this mess again?

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I am quite certain ANY educated statistician would agree there was algorithmic manipulation, I.e. a computer hack in the 2024 election after reviewing this data. The data is INCOMPATIBLE with REALITY!

Harris WON!! Just look at what these computer analysts have found!

UPDATE ‼️. Nathan, the computer analyst that uncovered this algorithmic manipulation says AUDITS of the PAPER BALLOTS are needed. If you want to fight Trump, watch this video then SHARE:


Then please DONATE!

👉 Call your election officials, local & statewide, your Secretary of State (your state), your state Attorney General, your local registrars, CALL/EMAIL them and DEMAND they do AUDITS of the PAPER BALLOTS.

Election Truth Alliance

This is our BEST shot. Thank you! ______________

To PROVE that Harris REALLY won and is the LEGITIMATE president, we needed to do HAND RECOUNTS in at least 5 of those swing states. But it’s too late now.

Now we need AUDITS. It’s obvious it was hacked. Look at these videos. 5 swing states were analyzed. Nathan lays it out. He said it’s IMPOSSIBLE to get data like that unless it was algorithmically manipulated (computer hacked).


👉 SmartElections.US

This is the very latest analysis showing data on NUMEROUS states:




👉 Election TruthAlliance.org

This is not a “normal “ election. It screams of manipulation. Trump doesn’t follow the rules or laws. The American Citizens deserve to know who REALLY WON!

Again, this was NOT a “normal election.” Donald Trump didn’t just steal the election, he stole America’s future. And it will stay that way unless we do something about it.

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I have 2 close friends that are statisticians. They work for a company with the government and may be losing their jobs. They can afford to but.... I also have a close friend who's son in law works for NCIS and received one of those emails from Elon. His boss said don't do anything. It's crazy. I truly believe Harris won.

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I see that Nathan's work was original reference. Sorry I was 'off thread'.

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underlining. Sharing this from electiontruthalliance.org, fyi.

Am not an expert, but found Nathan Taylor's powerpoint presentation of statistical results on Mark Thompson Show very clear and compelling. Assessment: highly "suspicious" statistically "improbable" results of analyses of 2024 presidential (also senatorial) election in 7 swing states indicate 'change algorithms' that favored trump and disfavored Harris.

Main issue in the moment: if these resukts are true, unless audited, future elections are corrupted by what appear to be "change algorithms" in tabulators (from two companies). This has nothing to do with dropped ballots, gerrymandered, refused, etc., only with votes tabulated by these programs.

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I just worked on Feb 19, Marlo, on the Calvert Co. , Maryland paper ballot Audit for the Nov election where the State Board of Elections chooses a particular election, our Co. was for the Senate race, Alsobrooks vs Hogan, and after a day's work, the paper ballots equaled the voting machine totals from Nov. Not sure how it works in other States.

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Thank you, Marlo, for posting this. I have been following a lot of these analysts and have been waiting to learn what action we must take to get the process going to expose what has happened. The first video you list is an excellent summary of what these dedicated people have learned about what actually was done to guarantee that Trump and some republican congress members would win. We are being called to help during a time when we really can turn things around to save democracy. This is our time to stand up and "do something!"

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This is a scam

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You know my younger sister said that. I responded she must not have watched the videos.

Nathan has been on many programs: “Lights On,” etc. he recounts one show I recently watched on YouTube. I don’t think it’s a scam. I believe in it so much so I donated $1,000 (to help pay for the attorney). Nathan is doing this for free. He is not getting paid.

If you feel strongly as I do this dictator needs to be stopped, what better way than showing the election was rigged?

If we don’t, and we don’t fix it, we will never have an election again we can win.

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I looked at the link you posted below, which also asks an extremely relevant question - cui bono, who benefits from Tramp's derangement of our economy? So I'm thinking you mean the tariffs are a scam, not questions about the legitimacy of Tramp's electoral "win." Which is highly suspect from multiple angles and is desperately needing a very public investigation and discussion, if nothing else.

The screw may have turned and the gear engaged, so we may not be able to go back. But we are collectively a nation of fools if we don't expose and explain what's taken place so we can avoid falling into the same or similar trap again.

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Thank you Marlo, I have looked into this and completely agree that the election was rigged.

Trump/Musk are working as fast as they can to steal and destroy the country for themselves and Putin.

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I have been waiting for a serenity photo, so this is nice to see midweek. Heather needs the rest and we need a respite. Thank you, Heather and most of the posters here. It is nice to know, among other things, that we are not alone in how we feel about the current regime.

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Amen to your solicitude, Jane. Here is a short-from (😉) of last night's state of the union address with the Democratic Party response. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XriXDtfqCg Oldie but goodie.

Seriously, Dr Richardson, take as much time as needed, the struggle ahead -- for Burkean conservatives, too -- will be long and hard. G-D bless you, Ma'am. Thank you, again, Jane.

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Funny parody on Trump! Nice to see TRUMP being told to “get out!” We should send that to President Zelensky!

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Yes! I know this is her first night off since Jan 20.

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We are destroying our own country, or rather, Trump/Musk and his MAGA Republicans are.

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Well, many of you are cheering the destruction or letting it happen. I admire those who aren’t, like you - fighting against the tide of apathy or denial !

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Thank you. Rachel Maddow is advising everyone to go to their Social Security account and print out all their earnings. Do it NOW! Before they take down the site.

They are coming for our Social Security!


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I agree. You deserve a break. The nonsense will still be here when you come up for some air. Thank you for giving us a voice of sanity in all of this -- and a gorgeous photo.

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Deep bow to you. You’re a national treasure. Really.

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While Heather takes a very much deserved break today I would encourage her followers to listen to Bernie Sanders' response to the State of the Union address at


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For sure!

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National hero. I too took night off from TV to avoid Trump face.

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Thank you, that is exactly what was needed tonight. 🧡💛❤️💜

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Thank you for continuing to help us stay connected and for the lengths you go and energy you expend on your letters. You are a treasure in these dark times

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The links Lauralee, to Heather's "Card Campaign for Democracy" is


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I just learned llast night at our County Dem Women's Committee mtg that Heather has a Card Campsign for Democracycards weccan purchase to putin bathroom stalls and on cars.

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Card campaign. We need social media. Card reaches one. Trump would not have won if he had a card campaign

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What's involved in Putin-ing??

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It's about time you took a much needed break, Professor!

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Such a layered horizon… beautiful… and relevant.

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Exactly KC. A metaphor of our present time; agree it’s ‘beautiful’ as well.

Heather’s a national treasure.

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HCR's photo taken from the western side of Mt. Tam, Marin County at about the 2,500 foot elevation is looking out to the Pacific Ocean.

There are many trails & tales on that side of the mountain. The downhill hike to Cataract Falls then walking on to the Pacific Coast Highway & Bolinas has rejuvenated many Bay Area folks.

: ---)

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Thanks for the geographic location! The Pacific Coast is long but each mile has its own specific land characteristics and sunsets❤️

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Those miles have many of smiles.

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I am a big fan of looking west over the Pacific Ocean as often as possible!!

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So glad you’re taking a night off. I so look forward to your letters, but my Mum and I have been talking about how worried we are that you’ll exhaust yourself trying to keep on top of this sh!tstorm we’re in.

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Take your time and be good to yourself. We look forward to your next letter as we count on your rational view of the present and of history.


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Have a well-deserved moment of rest. Sending love and admiration from Southern California.

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What an incredibly beautiful sunset. It really is the very best medicine to bring this day to a close. So much gratitude for you…

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Looks like Northern California. If so, Welcome!!

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Gorgeous, in contrast to the ugly spectacle tonight. Thank you for the uplift!

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Welcome to the Pacific Coast although I live up in the Oregon part of our beautiful Coast. Have a wonderful time. You deserve this!

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Your very late (or early depending on your pov) letters sometimes rewards my insomnia.

Safe travels, professor.

Thank you for your work.

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Would it be ethical for you to add something like “His actions are consistent with a traitor working with our enemy to weaken our country “?

We all know it’s true and I think it is the right way to start talking about what is going on

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Not only do I feel what you suggest is ethical, I feel it is unethical NOT to say it.

In fact, one could say “His actions are consistent with a traitor working with our enemy to weaken our country because his terrible business skills caused him to become compromised by ferreting himself in with Russia to somehow save his bankrupt ass, and we've all been paying the price for his bs ever since."

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Frances I believe you are exactly right!

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Very ethical, Danny. I’m glad my WWII parents did not live to see this shameful loss of our democracy. That the rest of the Dems just sat there while Green left the room is horrifying. ( I only watched a few minutes of the rant/speech, the part where he said Dems should stand up and clap for him). As my father often said about tricky dick Nixon, he is a legend in his own mind. Next, new uniforms for White House guards with red helmets and semiautomatic weapons?

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Far-right, autocratic takeover.

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Thank you from the state of Washington . I live an hour east of the Pacific Ocean where The mighty Columbia River finally makes its journey from Canada. Thank you for your daily letters.🫶🏼

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I'm in Longview......so happy to have fellow Democrats nearby. My county turned red the past 3 election cycles. :( I wish we could get our blue back!

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If it’s like in TEXAS, they have rigged the system so that they can’t lose. A sad state of affairs. It’s not just chump. Repubs know that they will never win another fair election. As muskrat said, this is our only chance. They will never leave willingly. As long as the propaganda machine and the money spew bullschittery, they will follow Putin (Russia no longer opposes aspects of Nazism), whether we like it or not.

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