As they live in the privilege of their unfettered ignorance, their only go to will be to destroy everything and start over. With nary a thought as to what the first thing they will have to do if we were to star all over. Remember the old song "They ran through the briars and they ran through the bushes....?" The don't realize we'd be aft…
As they live in the privilege of their unfettered ignorance, their only go to will be to destroy everything and start over. With nary a thought as to what the first thing they will have to do if we were to star all over. Remember the old song "They ran through the briars and they ran through the bushes....?" The don't realize we'd be after them with pitchforks, touches, and tar and feathers as they ran exhausted, hungry, and scared to death, not that they'd ever get to Natchez.
As they live in the privilege of their unfettered ignorance, their only go to will be to destroy everything and start over. With nary a thought as to what the first thing they will have to do if we were to star all over. Remember the old song "They ran through the briars and they ran through the bushes....?" The don't realize we'd be after them with pitchforks, touches, and tar and feathers as they ran exhausted, hungry, and scared to death, not that they'd ever get to Natchez.