Mark I started a new career at 58-80 and it paid me a $$$ pittance, though tremendous personal satisfaction. As Joseph Campbell said: ‘follow your bliss,’
Mark I started a new career at 58-80 and it paid me a $$$ pittance, though tremendous personal satisfaction. As Joseph Campbell said: ‘follow your bliss,’
Following my bliss is the trouble!! As an artist I followed my bliss all these years. I did ok and live well. I just never considered the world would do these tumblesaults, inflation would be so crippling and these cool new tech tools would come along! I am having fun!
Mark I started a new career at 58-80 and it paid me a $$$ pittance, though tremendous personal satisfaction. As Joseph Campbell said: ‘follow your bliss,’
Following my bliss is the trouble!! As an artist I followed my bliss all these years. I did ok and live well. I just never considered the world would do these tumblesaults, inflation would be so crippling and these cool new tech tools would come along! I am having fun!
Marj Joseph Campbell of ‘follow your bliss’ also described life as ‘trouble’:
“When you’re laughing
Keep on laughing
And the Whole world laughs with you
When you’re crying…”