Gosh, we're lucky to have these Letters. Someone trustworthy who actually knows and understands what's going on and can speak/translate the language. The Biden transcription! truth comes struggling out of the darkness.

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I’ve been a neurologist for over 35 years and I’ve seen lots of patients with dementia.

And very clearly to me, Joe Biden is not demented.

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Thank you -and grateful for your analysis about the ineptitude of the GOP-controlled House. I still believe if they continue to hold onto majority control -they will soon be devoting investigatory resources into the time Chelsea Clinton was abrupt (allegedly!) in a checkout lane at Whole Foods.

I'm about to publish an article addressing the age, energy factor, and role of a President. Here's a preview...

There’s been a great deal of focus in the press about President Biden’s age. Articles have appeared in the New York Times, The Atlantic, Reuters, Bloomberg, ABC News, and elsewhere. Leading up to his recent State of the Union address to the nation, articles were written about the President using the address to dispel age concerns.

Interestingly, very little is said about citizen Trump’s age (he’ll be 78 in a few months. Furthermore, not much is said about the fact that Trump spent over 300 days of his time as President, golfing. (https://seattlemedium.com/donald-trump-spent-almost-a-year-playing-golf-during-presidency/). And then there was Trump’s “Executive Time” noted in his schedule. According to a report in Axios (https://www.axios.com/2019/02/03/donald-trump-private-schedules-leak-executive-time) Trump spent 60% of his non-golfing time tweeting, calling friends, and watching Fox ‘News’. Frankly, I’m happy Trump spent a significant amount of time away from conducting ‘official’ business, such as attempting to extort allies, romancing brutal authoritarian adversaries of the United States, complaining about NATO, and his all-consuming concern about water pressure in the White House.

When considering factors which influence my vote, I do understand that the President of the United States has critical responsibility in several areas requiring a clear mind, focus, and a reasonable energy level. Nevertheless, like any executive leader charged with governance of a large, complex organization, the position first and foremost requires assembling an experienced, talented, knowledgeable, and trusted team to fill the President’s Cabinet, and key leadership roles in the Executive Branch.

When it comes to governing, I’m less interested in someone’s age, or the ability to deliver a speech (both Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama were outstanding orators, yet one was the worst President in modern history -at least until Trump, and the other was among the best). I’m interested in the team of leaders they assemble to govern.

Let’s explore the differences in the Trump and Biden Cabinets...

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I am confused as to why good Republicans keep jumping ship. Wouldn’t we all be better served if they stayed and tried to save their party and our Democracy?

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Hur was revealed as trying to to pull a Comey. Pure political theater at the expense of the truth. Like Barr’s letter misrepresenting the results and conclusions of the Muller report. Garland, too slow and timid, has done a great disservice to the nation and democracy in America. Time to fight. Trump is a potential nightmare for America, democracy and world peace.

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i wish the direct transcript quote by Hur commenting to President Biden on his photographic memory had been included & the details surrounding Biden’s son’s death amongst all Biden was dealing with at that time. It’s NO wonder Hunter refused to be alone with truth distorting, manipulative fabrications of the Un-fair, Un-American Repugnant Party.

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HUR: “Understood. That was very helpful. We have some photographs maybe to show you, but you have — appear to have a photographic understanding, and recall of the house.”

Biden Interview Transcript, Page 46

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Thank you, Heather. A win for American democracy!

Yesterday was indeed a good day for the Democrats, highlighting the MAGA GOP's ineptitude as well as their treasonous agenda. Representatives Schiff and Swalwell brought their A-game, stripping bare all the lies and nonsense. In contrast, today's developments further showcase the strategic agility of the Democratic party. The testimonies and hearings, particularly around the handling of classified documents, reveal a Democratic party adept at countering Republican narratives with facts and coherent storytelling.

The strategic preparation by Democrats, as evidenced in the hearings, signals a robust approach to not only defend but also to set a proactive agenda. This readiness and tactical sophistication could significantly influence public opinion and electoral dynamics as we head towards the presidential election, underscoring the party's resilience and adaptability in the face of concerted opposition. A win for American democracy!

Speak up. Speak out. Vote. Pray.

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Thank God! Democrats have finally learned to leave the 900-page Detailed Report and the Nice Cheese Plate back at home and arrive at the gunfight wielding an M-60 on full auto with a 500-round belt of Full Metal Jacket.

I'll bet Jungle Gym Jordan is so butthurt he couldn't sit down for dinner tonight. Good!

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"Reagan’s ‘I am not going to exploit…my opponent’s youth and inexperience’ moment…only on steroids.” Conway was referring to Reagan’s response in a 1984 presidential debate to a question about his own age; Reagan’s opponent, Walter Mondale, later said he knew Reagan’s answer was the moment he had lost not only the debate but probably the election. "

Media loves these one liners, like blows delivered in a prize fight, and some make legitimate points, but on what basis are we, the people, deciding the fate of our society?

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"Republican House leadership issued a statement that '[a] man too incapable of being held accountable for mishandling classified information is certainly unfit for the Oval Office.'”

Hear! Hear! Pubs! So that must mean you think Loser 45 IS capable of being held accountable for mishandling classified information which makes him "...certainly unfit for the Oval Office."

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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

TKU Heather! Cancelled my WSJ subscription--it only prints conservative bisas & political garbage!

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All this is relatively good news. Thanks for a breather !!

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Politics in America is fascinating.

It's like watching a sporting event, with two teams slugging it out.

And a point/goal/touch/embarrassment has been scored by the blue team!


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Mar 13·edited Mar 13

Thank you, Heather.

It’s reassuring to see a more public display by Democrats to call the “bluff(s)” perpetrated by the R-party, and stand up for the Truth. My hope is this strategy will continue, and, reach those most stubborn to change their minds regarding all things citizen Phlegm(former president).

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Thank you Heather! I just happened to be awake when today’s Letter appeared. Now I can go back to sleep with a little hope!

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