Which is why, after touring the horror of the Holocaust Museum, I gratefully accepted the sample packet of Pepcid being given out at the exit. We Must Stop This Fascism Now.
Which is why, after touring the horror of the Holocaust Museum, I gratefully accepted the sample packet of Pepcid being given out at the exit. We Must Stop This Fascism Now.
Marypat, I spent my entire time (about 2 hours) at the USHMM on the 3rd Floor except a brief stop on my way out to see George Stevens' 16 mm color footage of the liberation of Dachau.
For me, it was the three photos of a man who had dwarfism who was (if I recall correctly) a beloved professor. The "doctors" photographed him dressed, naked, and then his skeleton after they killed him. The look on that mans face transcends time. It was sad, knowing, humiliated, proud, all at once. I was at the museum probably 20 years ago, those photos haunt me still.
Which is why, after touring the horror of the Holocaust Museum, I gratefully accepted the sample packet of Pepcid being given out at the exit. We Must Stop This Fascism Now.
Marypat, I spent my entire time (about 2 hours) at the USHMM on the 3rd Floor except a brief stop on my way out to see George Stevens' 16 mm color footage of the liberation of Dachau.
Very brave camera work.
A case of Pepcid for you.
It was the shoes that got meтАж
So heartbreaking and way too real. And why everyone in this country should tour the Holocaust Museum.
It should be mandatory.
For me, it was the three photos of a man who had dwarfism who was (if I recall correctly) a beloved professor. The "doctors" photographed him dressed, naked, and then his skeleton after they killed him. The look on that mans face transcends time. It was sad, knowing, humiliated, proud, all at once. I was at the museum probably 20 years ago, those photos haunt me still.