"...Including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)"

Once again, the sting's in the tail...

A masterly presentation.

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A masterly presentation, indeed!

What I loved, in particular, was one solo sentence, a coup de grâce for Liz Cheney!

“The audience broke out in applause.”

Vindicated for her stance, at long last!

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Good morning, Rowshan. I imagine Liz Cheney might feel vindication if the voters in her state support her in the upcoming primary in August. As she has stated in her blunt fashion to her voters… one can be loyal to the Constitution or loyal to Donald Trump but not both.

Salud! 🗽

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Salud and good morning to you, Christine! I agree that her real vindication will be receiving enough votes for reelection, but the applause is a good start. 😉

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One can hope the applause was for We the People, ALL OF US this time.


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What bothers me about all this is at 7 yrs since like a Vulture, Cheeto still see’s himself as ‘Relevant ‘. That is the most important thing to him .

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He sees himself as relevant because there are ignorant fool still out there that make him so.

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Suspect she is running for President.

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And hoping democrats don’t care about her policies?

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Sort of like Mike Pence running. Really? The guys that wanted to hang you will vote for you?

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More likely hoping that her stand on the traitor and her policies in other areas will attract independents and some Democrats who have a hard time with the progressive wing that gets all the publicity.

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If we don't get s progressive in there, we are truly doomed.

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Good call. Although I applaud Rep Cheney in her role as VP of the Jan 6th Select Committee; that's about it. Between her evil and disgusting father and she, there's a lot of awful policies to be had.

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I absolutely care about her policies and would never feel I have anything in common with her but I would rather her conservative non- crazy person stuff compared to the MAGA crazies.

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My hope is that she splits the party.

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Democrats won't vote for an anti-choice, anti-environment and super social conservative candidate. She's doing the right thing now but will revert to the real Liz the moment it's over. Either she switches parties or goes her own way.

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I am thankful for her now.

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I understand why you might feel that way but you can't support her and a woman's right to choose or expect an environment our grandkids can live in and if they will be treated equally if they are LGBT+.

Same goes for all the Republicans who are doing the right thing now but not when it really mattered like during the 2nd impeachment. Where were you then Cassidy Hutchinson?

We're all impressed with her on this committee but she will be just as effective in pushing conservative positions, policies, values etc once all this is over.

We have to stop genuflecting before our adversaries. Being pro-democracy is the lowest possible bar and that's the only one she's passing right now as far as I can see. Don't be bamboozled!

Until she switches parties there's no chance I'd ever vote for her over a Democrat for any office unless the Democrat was corrupt.

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She believes the Constitution was Divinely inspired.

She believes that the US has the right and sacred duty to lead the Christian "Great Commission."


Ditto those other brave Republicans now testifying. And the most powerful forces in the 20th Century created that myth and wedded it to cutthroat capitalist. And called it feeedom.

Not hard for the nation that put the terrible swift sword into the hand of the Prince of Peace. Forged from melting down a plowshare and made him into a violent superhero. His actual teachings, concerning dealing with one's fellow man would destroy their myth of righteous violence. The Good Samaritan? The "other" being the good guy? Forget it.

More of this is in process for an upcoming post, FYI

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and would you support her? Just asking.

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Never for President. She's against everything I stand for, except for the continuation of democracy.

At a bare minimum she would have to be pro-choice and pro-environment and she is neither of those. So no, never, not gonna happen.

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Wyoming! Wake up!

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Hope every Democrat & Independent in Wyoming votes for her.

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(And speaking of elections this year and ahead, here is Politics Girl, Leigh McGowan, with her podcast this week.) With Laphonza Butler who steers Emily's List dedicated to supporting and electing pro choice women leaders to office. Give a listen.

Happy 4th! Go democracy! https://youtu.be/XseXg8R52Tc

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Unfortunately, while more and more Republicans every moment wish to walk away from Donald Trump, few of them provide evidence that the are really devoted to democracy. Most of them want trumpism without Trump, hoping to escape the judgment of history and the American people. Let’s not let them get away with it.

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I'm with you, I'm with you... Only, you're bringing out the usual pedant in me!

Let's hope the coup de grace will be for others, not Liz Cheney.

The expression's for the final shot delivered by the officer commanding a firing squad, to make quite sure the condemned man is dead.

I've no enthusiasm for the death penalty. Better if this takes the form of the last turning of the jailer's key.

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And I cannot help but immediately think: “Watch out. Liz Cheney is out for Liz Cheney. She does not care a fig for Dems or progressive ideas. She voted mostly inline with trump’s policies. She is using the Jan 6th co-chair strategically. She hates trump, not his politics. For the Dems, I say, “Beware”. She wants a veneer of credibility for the gop so they can continue their assault on the rights of “We the People”.

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Michele Whatever the personal/political reason, Liz Cheney has been a beacon of truth regarding Doo Doo Donald, the 2020 election, and 1/6. She is a savvy lawyer who has jeopardized her current political career by being outspoken against Trump and his Mafiosos..

Liz had voted for virtually every Republican bill in Congress. It’s unlikely that she will be re-elected in Wyoming, which is perhaps the reddest U. S. State.

I have despised Dick Cheney and also, for other reasons, his wife Lynne. I can’t imagine embracing Liz Cheney for anything except his bold stand against Trump. For this I applaud her.

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And her support of the Constitution and this democracy. Policy questions we can fight about later,

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Remember, she cheered when Roe was overturned. That’s all you need to know.

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What is more important to you.........removal of abortion rights (huge) and other rights we have not seen her applaud yet or support for the Constitution and democracy? What a choice!

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Looks like a thoroughly competent politician -- a pity there aren't more of them.

But where are her troops? Didn't most of them follow the Pied Piper into his black hole?

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She's doing what is most needed now and doing it supremely well. Don't fall in love though. Remember planet Earth. She as with her father are Fossil + Fuel.

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i agree Her votes were 95% with Trump

and today's supreme court ruling disempowering the EPA and undoing regulation of big business...so frightening for the future of planet and our children This is the Republican agenda

and big business is jumping for joy.

And that includes LIZ

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Utterly unable to understand this attitude of all-power, all-acceleration, no steering, no brakes...

Something juvenile, a spoilt kid's outlook.

Mad, mad, MAD.

No supervision in the playground.

The exact opposite of all that is needed.

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Indeed. I appreciate your explaining the reference and your clarification. To hear the clang of the door would be melodious indeed.

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Yes! Every time I hear the BANG of the gavel on Glenn Kirshner's "Justice Matters," I deeply long for that final moment when we hear the final, loud gavel that ends tag's reign of terror and proceeds to bang for all his co-conspirators one after another. What a sound we all deserve to hear in order to assure democracy is actually working for us, the employers of all these cretins.

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I can hear the “clink” of the tumblers in the lock.

Salud, Peter! 🗽

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😂😂😂 Peter, I should have used ‘“ace-in-the-hole” (since I’m against the death penalty, too) — although they are synonymous and can be used interchangeably.

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Some think that the testimony recently has signaled the death of the political ambitions of DJT, and prosecuting him would result in violence, as he proclaims. Do you believe it is in the best interests of democracy to prosecute and take the risk of violence and chaos? Or should democracy just let him fade away into a world left behind by law and order? (and who thinks he would/could fade away?)

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Whatever testimony may have done to the political ambitions of one man, the USA has since the 2020 election, even more so since the January insurgency, been living through something I have never seen, heard of or imagined: an ongoing, 24/24, 7/7 coup d'etat, in which the prime conspirators are daily continuing, without let or hindrance, to plot and to effect their takeover of the state.

Their movement must be beheaded.

After all, the choice is simple between the freedom of the former president and accomplices and the freedom of America's citizens. The one excludes the other.

If the United States cannot defend itself against an oligarchic conspiracy, the country's finished.

Since it is neither possible nor desirable to act against all those who have been misled, the ringleaders must be dealt with.

In all historical instances I can think of, the plotters either took power or forfeited their lives.

I am not talking about personal preferences -- except that I am perhaps foolish enough to regard it as important that America should function as a democratic republic under the rule of law -- I am talking about the hard choice facing America´s citizens: whether they are to uphold their status, their rights and their responsibilities as citizens, or to forfeit them and become mere subjects beholden only to a leader who must be obeyed and offered unconditional fidelity.

If the choice is to be "loyal subjects" one can only wonder what American history was all about.

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He's not the only one to be beheaded. Cruz, DeSantis, McConnell, Koch...We also need leaders who will go after the leeches in major way. Where's the campaign; who's telling the people's story and depicting the darkness of the Republican Party?

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Wherever did you get THAT idea from? The Saudis? The Parliamentarians who condemned King Charles I to death?

I spoke of beheading a movement, not a man or men. A clear metaphor.

Another clear metaphor, but seemingly more neutral, corresponds to what I expected to be done by wise leaders after 9/11. But the leadership was not wise and this action was not taken.

What action?

Defusing a chain reaction bomb.

Rumsfeld, Liz Cheney's father, George W. Bush et al, did nothing of the sort. They activated the bomb and more than fulfilled terrorists' wildest dreams.

The consequences are still with us in the Old World.

So is it surprising that the shock-and-awe vultures should have come home to roost?

Kathy Clark doesn't like the idea of grasping this nettle, the obvious dangers... Who likes what has to be done? No difference -- it must be done, so do it.

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Over to you, Merrick.

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I am not sure that is the choice. Can we survive the violence and chaos prosecution would create? might another strong man arise during it? And I am definitely a risk taker, willing to take a chance that rule of law is the right way to go although it may cause many changes you and I have known for our lifetimes. yes, I know, we have already seen these but more are coming. In my opinion, we cant not prosecute, but I like to know where all the cliffs are and the bogs are and the crevices are so i feel ready for the journey ahead. Some plotters bided their time. Hitler spent time in jail writing Mein Kemp. And then forfeited.

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If the law had been applied after the Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler would have been executed.

As it was, he was granted a sabbatical and used it well, concocting, distilling, then spreading the poison he was to unleash on his countrymen, on the world.

Consider the consequences of this failure to apply the law.

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I believe we will see violence if he is not prosecuted. He just will not stop on his own, he can’t.

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Rowshan, Applause for Liz Cheney's speech at the Reagan Presidential Library illustrates approval from an audience of mainly old-line Republicans, hardly representative of the current Republican/Trumpiist Party. 'Vindicated', I wouldn't make that claim. Liz Cheney was not rebuked by that audience. She is a star in their circle.

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Can we add to it " Republican" audience broke out in applause?!

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I saw excerpts of the speech it was quite powerful. Just the part I saw was quite worthy of applause

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Me too.

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Brava Liz!

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Indeed. I’m proud of her and Adam Kinzinger.

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Professor Richardson has some of the best closers in the business. What an ace relief pitcher. Sting’s in the curve ball. Or the sinker.

Unita, Peter! 🗽

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i think at times she is the batter and hits it out of the park.....pinch hitter?

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That too, Kathy!


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Yes....our Heather has a way of ending with a zinger!

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Adam Kinsinger was on Stephen Colbert tonight and indicated that in the light of Hutchinson's testimony, more people are coming forward to cooperate or "clarify" their previous statements. Dare we hope the tide has turned?

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My fingers have been crossed for so long that they have no idea how to be straight again.

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Hot compresses and massage. You just never know when you're going to need straight fingers.

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That deserves a laugh! Thank you Anne-Louise!

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add toes

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I so dare...

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I have dared so many times…

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This is not surprising as they now see how much trouble they could be in and are in a hurry to cover their butts. While we were watching the hearing, I said to my husband that I was sure some Rs were getting the runs. The jokes continue about catsup and shattered plates including people marking themselves safe from them and others wondering if the walls of Tsar-a-Loco have a red tint. And of course, refutation of the story about what happened in the limo. I would say to those two, the deputy chief of staff and the secret service guy, fine, we will put you through a ringer.

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"Tsar-a-Loco"—Thanks for the chuckle, Michele.

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Good news

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In April 2016 when it became evident that DT would be the Republican nominee for President, I spent two weeks immersed in studying Narcissistic Personality Disorder for which DT could be the poster child. One thing I learned was once the people supporting the narcissist and providing his narcissistic supply finally understand they have been betrayed they get extremely angry with the guy. I'm sensing we may be reaching that point today. It was gratifying to hear Liz Cheney receive applause from fellow Republicans. Is there hope here? Possibly. It is also the time when the narcissist is most dangerous. Don't drink the Kool-aid! I've decided to hold the entire Republican Party accountable for enabling DT by not voting for Republicans at every level, local, state or federal. Please join me in this promise. The PTSC - Post Truth Supreme Court also has to be held accountable. No one is going to take away my unalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. No one. Let's all put on our Super Girl capes and vote like a girl!

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If there is a "good" Republican, they'll be voting with the "bad" Republicans 90+% of the time, so there are no "good" Republicans. Look at Susan Collins. Furows her brow and then votes as Mitch tells her to.

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Susan Collins and Joe Manchin are two examples, along with some others of the virtue of term limits in Washington.

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Sad but true, I have family and “friends’ who have proved that the cult, fed by 24-7 propaganda, overtakes common sense and integrity. Greed gets the “Manchins.”

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I never thought I'd live in a country where a public broadcasting institution, specifically FOX news, could spew forth a line of propaganda so consistently and overtly biased.

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We need to re-instate The Fairness Doctrine on ALL forms of media to prevent propaganda machines from this kind of cyber warfare brainwashing on vulnerable people who watch tv or the internet for hours and hours a day. Truth must prevail in order to have a successful democracy. And MONEY must take a backseat in politics and corporations/white supremacy as well. When we ratchet forward after all this travesty, we take All The People together this time.

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And we should prohibit FOX from being the station of choice in military, police, and VA waiting rooms

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Oh, that makes my stomach churn. We should all write letters to any local bases, police and VA hospitals and homes. I may include that a letter to the editor I have been mulling about writing. Thank you for letting us know!

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I so agree with you about the Fairness Doctrine. I managed to get Air America on the radio to provide an alternative to limbauge when I lived in Baton Rouge was touched when people would call in in agreement. Everyone in this country deserves to hear both sides of the argument.

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Yes, Fox is right up there with Russian State TV. They actually feed one another propaganda. Why aren’t they being challenged in courts?

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I, frustratingly, have also wondered that—for years.

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Fox News == Russian State TV

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What gets me is not that it is contrary but that it is malevolent

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Fox claimed long ago that they are "entertainment".

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Brainwashing is a strange form of [fascist] entertainment.

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TC, your opinion of Republicans is occasionally unbiased. Imagine that! Just a couple of days ago you instructed me with the following:

TCinLA in reply to Fern on June 28th.

'Our differences with them are "policy" - about which there is supposed to be difference and debate. On the issue of the country, we're all on the same side. The way it's supposed to be.'

'As I say to people, the law of aerodynamics also works with politics. The eagle can't fly on just one wing.'

I would like to add that TC is often that eagle seeing further into our future.

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Susie Q, all talk and no walk forever and yes, Mitch knows how to control her....$$$. I made up my mind a long time ago that I would stop voting even for "good" Rs because they couldn't make any difference anyway in a party gone mad.

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Oh, I think she learned her lesson. 😂😂😂😂

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Grace, How many times over many years has Collins learned this lesson? Her behavior has been predictable with a few exceptions. Many of us have learned our Collins' lessons and regret that others have not.

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Repeatedly gets my hopes up and then fizzes. Finally I've learned whose side she is on.

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Well said. I've been advocating for holding the Republicans accountable for this disaster since T**** came on scene. It's going to be hard to rebuild lost friendships without hearing some abject apologies from those who sold their souls and voted for him. Even my mother could not bring herself to apologize for voting against my grandchildren's future. And I'm still trying to forgive her, a year after her passing.

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Oh, that must be a tough one, James. Hard unfinished business. But you might be able to forgive her for being susceptible to the incredible brainwashing programs inflicted on the American people, not just by homegrown terrorists but by putin and his army of trolls and bots deliberately inciting hatred and division to help trump & co bring us down. I believe America can be a phoenix and rise and re-create ourselves anew, stronger at our broken places.

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I find truth in what you say. I firmly believe that the divide in this country has been encouraged by forces both within this country and from foreign interests. We, the people, have bought into this divide with all our hearts. We have let the amygdala ticklers dominate our sources of information. I know that I have to be very careful when I find something that tickles that part of me, and look at the source information carefully.

I suspect that people that are hardwired to let the amygdala dominate in their decision making process are less able to do that. (There have been studies that self-identified liberals access the frontal cortex while self-identified conservatives access the amygdala when having to make a decision about something. The study I read was based on a high risk/reward vs. a low risk/reward investment; the actual decision made wasn't the topic of study, it was the area of the brain utilized when making the decision. The decision made was independent of the self-identification of liberal vs. conservative.

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Fascinating. I just weigh everything based on the Golden Rule, and if it is good for the whole and the next seven generations. It does not seem that difficult, but I think I am lucky and was trained well to think for myself and question authority by my mother.

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Very interesting. Thanks.

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Your mother is finally free from the disinformation that blinded her. I hope you can take some comfort in that.

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James, I'm sure you know by now, the only person you have the ability to forgive is yourself. I think it's very sad that you and your mother weren't on good terms when she died, especially due to a political or social disagreement. However, somewhere in the middle of the arguments, however awful they were, I'm betting your mother had to take some pride in having raised a principled man who was committed to his children, and everyone's children, through opposing oppression where you encountered -- where we all did -- it. I know that I would, if you were my son.

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What a beautiful response to James, mlbrowne. Just beautiful. And I'm sure away from all this division there is love to remember.

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Yah, sometimes it hits really close to home. Very sad. I'm sorry, James. It's so disappointing! You have to continue to stand strong though. You're the adult in your kids' lives.

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Thanks Cathy. I can see more clearly now that 1/6/21 is Trump's reaction to narcissistic wounding. Narcissists view all wounds, large or small, as existential threats. Also, they tend to take hostages, rather than have normal cooperative relationships with other people. Trump fears for his very existence. He will continue to lie, cheat, defame, condone murder, etc, etc, and direct his hostages to do the same.

People fall into the thrall of narcissists for various reasons. In Trumps case it was likely promised shortcuts to power, money, and the perquisites they provide. That Trump could pull almost an entire political party into his orbit attests to his skill as a narcissist.

Breaking away from the orbit of a powerful, malignant narcissist such as Trump is a very painful, humiliating, and unbalancing experience, often requiring months or years of therapy to untangle. Most will not get this (I suspect Ms. Hutchinson, in some form or other, has a good therapist/friend/family who helped her through this). They will remain angry, disillusioned, dangerous - and looking for someone to blame.

One last thing. In my experience, narcissists are willing to behave in ways most of us wouldn't in public, but they are ALWAYS secretive. Always. Trump and his hostages got up to more stuff in private than we know about yet. As HCR would say, stay tuned.

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People who have NPD are not in touch with reality. Trump will fight but at some point (probably