More likely hoping that her stand on the traitor and her policies in other areas will attract independents and some Democrats who have a hard time with the progressive wing that gets all the publicity.
Good call. Although I applaud Rep Cheney in her role as VP of the Jan 6th Select Committee; that's about it. Between her evil and disgusting father and she, there's a lot of awful policies to be had.
I absolutely care about her policies and would never feel I have anything in common with her but I would rather her conservative non- crazy person stuff compared to the MAGA crazies.
And hoping democrats don’t care about her policies?
Sort of like Mike Pence running. Really? The guys that wanted to hang you will vote for you?
More likely hoping that her stand on the traitor and her policies in other areas will attract independents and some Democrats who have a hard time with the progressive wing that gets all the publicity.
If we don't get s progressive in there, we are truly doomed.
Good call. Although I applaud Rep Cheney in her role as VP of the Jan 6th Select Committee; that's about it. Between her evil and disgusting father and she, there's a lot of awful policies to be had.
I absolutely care about her policies and would never feel I have anything in common with her but I would rather her conservative non- crazy person stuff compared to the MAGA crazies.
My hope is that she splits the party.