Early in the morning on June 17, 1972, Frank Wills, a 24-year-old security guard at the Watergate Office Building in Washington, D.C., noticed that a door lock had been taped open.
I surely did not want to remember this date as I recall the happenings vividly. My boyfriend (now husband) and I voted for McGovern. I remember registering to vote at the Hecht Company in Silver Spring, MD and immediately taking the oath. Needless to say, when Nixon won by a landslide, I was completely devastated. It was in February of 1974 that we moved to the San Francisco Bay Area and when the Watergate prosecutors proved Nixon’s guilt, we rejoiced. But then…Gerald Ford went and did an outrageous thing by pardoning Tricky Dick. I hit the roof! See, this is exactly why we cannot let Trump off of the hook. We must come out with our dukes up, ready to take on these thugs who support him! I am so ready for a battle! You?
I voted for Shirley Chisholm for President and my wife for V-P. I was in Cambridge, Mass. at the time. I knew that McGovern had zero chance of winning. Fast forward to today: the "fox' is inside the henhouse (co-conspiring Senators and Congress-men and -women,) a fact that we need to realize, that we are on the precipice of losing it all to Fascist white bigots and Christian nationalists.
Your vote for Shirley was a vote for Nixon. Until we have rank choice voting in this country, no one can afford to vote for a third party when one of the candidates is as horrible as DT.
Susan, on the west coast in the 1980's, I got to have lots of throw away votes; the races were called before I was able to cast my ballot. I voted independent in a majority of elections up until about the mid 1990's since races were called early, and the votes of the west coast did not matter. Jimmy Carter was the first winning president I voted for. Barack Obama was the second.
Ally House -- I remember the days of "early calling", and how relieved everyone was when that ended. Now TV reporting (I'm thinking specifically of MSNBC and cannot remember the person's name!!) and percentages of votes being reported is keeping it more honest.
We were in Charleston during election night in 2008. Early on we were having dinner in the hotel bar and an all-white table was trying to ignore the early results. We had to wait until midnight for the election to be called. We were at the Francis Marion Hotel near the College of Charleston and could hear the celebrations begin. No matter where I was, i always voted for the D for president although long ago I could vote for a few Oregon Rs. As for Nixon, one of my friends was lamenting what was happening in our country and I asked who she had voted for. Dead silence.
Carter killed himself in 1980 when he conceded the election at 4:45pm on the west coast. People didn't go vote, and in California, several Republicans took over Democratic congressional seats due to lack of Democratic turnout, and it took 20 years to dislodge them (in fact there's one still there). Carter was a great ex-president, but as to being president, we should have nominated Ted Kennedy, or just about anyone else who understood how things work, which Carter didn't.
True, I knew that McGovern would carry Massachusetts in any case. If it had been a close call, as in 2000 with Nader and Gore, I definitely would not have thrown away the vote.
In early '72, my father-in-law told me he was voting for McGovern, but, he added, "The American people will never vote for an honest man." I silently vowed to prove him wrong and volunteered for the McGovern campaign here in Milwaukee. Working 18 hour days, I cold called hundreds of people, distributed stacks of literature at plant gates and door-to-door, and organized a rally for McGovern after which our Senator, Bill Proxmire, stated, "...I cast my absentee ballot for George McGovern". Workers leaving their manufacturing plants no longer took our offered literature saying, "He's good enough for Bill, he's good enough for me." The campaign was newly energized and continued to be until, after the Convention and McGovern's reversal from his "1,000 support" of Eagleton, his vice presidential pick, to Sergeant Shriver, his new pick for his running mate. I very literally felt the campaign deflate after that and knew it was lost. I found out later that McGovern felt he had had no choice because his large donors stopped their contributions. Since I wasn't in the room at the time, I'm not 1,000% sure this is accurate, but it strikes me as plausible. I'm praying Biden is not making the same mistake.
That moment over Eagleton, you could see the balloon that was the campaign deflate like it had been slashed with a knife.
I would have flown 50 missions with McGovern in World War II (the tour in 15th AF), and he was a good senator, but there's a reason why very few presidents ever come from the Senate. It's a different set of job specs from the executive. From the convention on, if you looked up the word "hapless" in a dictionary, there was a photo of McGovern,.
I stood on a concrete surface for four hours to see him in San Francisco and spent the next three weeks seeing a chiropractor twice a week to deal with the inflammation of my back injuries (courtesy of Mommie Dearest long before then).
Integrity counts.i just started a book by Rushworth M. Kidder called How Good People Make Tough Choices. He was the founder and president of the Institute for Global Ethics. It’s thought provoking.
another good book right now is called " Kindness" by Rutger Bergman, argues that in crisis humans ARE intrinsically kind and rally together. Debunks the theory driven by media and capitalists that humans only fend for themselves. He gives lots of examples through history how we pull together. A book of hope IMO, that we need to flip the narrative!
Thank you for this. I will look for the book and I agree, we have to flip the narrative. There are a lot of folks around the world who'd like to help us do this.
There are some amazing ideas and organizations out there, but we keep getting blasted with the MAGA crap and it is depressing and frustrating. Finding a book like this is refreshing. I'm just about to take my last Zoom class on Civilian Non-Violent Resistance with Rivera Sun. It's been six weeks well spent with yet another group that hardly anybody has heard of. Exciting to learn that there have been wars stopped by non-violent resistance and civil wars prevented by the same.
Speaking of good reads, I received Liz Chaney's "Oath and Honor" as a Father's Day gift. Though not finished yet, it appears to be a crisp, unadorned, and persuasive narrative of the January 6th events told from the vantage point of someone at the inner circle of GOP Congressional politics and the House Investigating Committee (and without too much self-congratulatory back slapping). You will learn, if you were not already aware, that at least one third of the current GOP members of the House and Senate are traitors to their oaths, to their country, and to their constituents willing to directly support or enable political mendacity, cheating, and violence in order to perpetuate their own power and that of the Orange Lump.
Knowing the possibility of the improbable is the model we desperately need. Especially since our MSM (article about WaPo hiring a Rupert-trained CEO about did me in) has been such a horror.
George McGovern was the first person I ever voted for. I just looked him up on Wikipedia. Of course I knew about the Thomas Eagleton thing, which was a political disaster but I think that would be taken with a grain of salt today. I had never heard the Robert Novak story before. Very interesting.
And the ironic thing is that of all the Republican presidents since Eisenhower, Ford is the last Republican who could be considered decent and moral, which led him to underestimate the situation and the man he was dealing with. The pardon should have been challenged in court because there is no such thing as a "pre-emptive" pardon. Pardons are only supposed to be granted after conviction and are taken as the person pardoned admitting their guilt.
The American electorate didn't seem to have such high moral standards. Jimmy Carter got himself crucified mainly on the PR disaster in Iran, and Reagan, of all people, give a gullible America a whole new shiny Republican Party to play with. The Democrats had lost their long standing hold on national political power and Great Society message after Nixon. Some revival under the charisma of Obama. Now, Dems have to struggle against a widespread Trumpian Orwell. Twisted fate.
Reagan stabbed President Carter in the back by negotiating with Iran /Contra deal before he took office.Once in office Iran got what they wanted and the money went to the terrorists in Latin America!
I wish Carter would have brought this out into the open. So Lyndon Johnson should have done the same to Nixon when he learned that Nixon told South Vietnam that if they waited until after the election, he would make them a better deal. Thom Hartmann played a tape of Johnson's talking with Everitt Dirksen about that. Johnson called it treason. Dirksen said "I know".
And the ironic thing is that after four more years of floundering through every country in SE Asia, creating the majority of American casualties for the war, Kissinger the war criminal didn't get as good a deal in December 1972 as LBJ had negotiated in November 1968.
Louis, and no one was ever held accountable for the Reagan cheat or Iran-Contra. So many Americans think Nixon's problem was just Watergate; well, that is not it by a long shot. There were the McCarthy HUAC hearings that Nixon was totally on board with, and Nixon actually sabotaged the Vietnam peace talks so he would get elected as the guy who would end the war, which he only sort of did after many thousands of Americans, Vietnamese, and others died. By the way, Reagan was sold to the American people as kindly grandpa who was going to bring "Morning in America." Few realized that in the late 1960s, he had released troops on unarmed college students at Berkely during Vietnam protests. A whole lot of people were OK with Governor Reagan's troops gasing kids, trapping them in enclosed areas, setting off gas bombs where there were no actual protesters, and beating protesters. The "riots" were blamed on the students when it was they who protested, but the CA National Guard and various police departments that were the rioters for the most part. Trump has been an appalling figure before ever running for president but people loved the idea of that guy from "The Apprentice" being president despite little to no truth in the program, the way he had treated his employees and that he employed the immigrant workers he claimed to hate so much. Hypocrisy is/was strong with all of these guys.
Perhaps some day investigators will find that McGovern and Dukakis actually won their elections but votes were suppressed by repub operatives in a massive dirty tricks operation. John Kerry too. If anyone is unfit for command, it’s Donald Ugly Crook. 💙🤡💩🎃💙lock. him. up!💙
Gigi, be careful of even thinking about going down the Stolen Election Trump et al push. The GOP push more paranoia than is already good for American politics.
That’s right. I am of a certain age that I was a witness to the dirty tricks and maybe you were too. Lee Atwater, so proud of himself and chuckles Colson. It’s not just dirty tricks. It’s crime. They were criminals, liars and completely dishonest. But they were only a small minority. The Repub party at that time had more members who knew right from wrong and honesty from deception. The clapping clowns at the Club in DC are pathetic and spineless. They are politicians playing games with an conman and not public servants representing their districts. 💩
Answer: Someone who jumps to a conclusion, and then refuses to exclude relevant evidence when challenging the assumptions underlying their jumped-to conclusion.
Question: Who is cynical and gullible?
Answer: Someone who jumps to a conclusion, looks for confirming evidence, and ignores relevant disconfirming evidence.
Skeptical and open minded are the two sides of the same "wisdom" coin. Cynical and gullible are the two sides of the same "unconstrained ignorance" coin. Is it possible to be cynical about one thing without being gullible about something else, and vice versa? I don't think it is.
Re “cynical and gullible”voters, I wonder if those traits might also be partly attributed to laziness. When voters choose their news media to match their own biases and then fail to “vet” those news sources, it is lazy at best and dishonest at worst. I am beginning to feel that —in a country where we no longer have a shared reality — that it is now true patriotism to think critically and choose responsible news sources. …like Courtney Gore in Texas, who really put in a lot of work to learn that she had been duped by propaganda.
In my way of thinking, laziness and dishonesty are symptoms with a common cause, and that cause is immaturity. Everyone has a circle of influence and a circle of concern. An immature person's circle of influence extends beyond their circle of concern, like the child who has a temper tantrum because "it's all about me and I didn't get my way."
To expand one's circle of concern is to trust. To trust is to become vulnerable to betrayal. To be a victim of betrayal is to regret the decision to expand one's circle of concern.
And yet, there is one thing we can all trust, and that is our humanity. For me, that means being open minded without being gullible, and being skeptical without being cynical. To a real scientist, I just described the scientific principle. To a real Christian, I just described "the narrow gate that leads to life, and only a few find it." To me, it's wisdom, and Homo sapiens is Latin for the wise hominid.
Why does it have to be so hard? Because it is, and because that's what makes it great. If you want easy, be a flat worm. ;o)
Yes, I must say that once again, democrats are more afraid of the republicans than vice versa. Democrats want to move on and have allowed the conservatives to continue to degrade the rule of law. Gingrich did a masterful job with the help of Frank Luntz in creating the narrative of how unethical the liberal democrats in Congress were while doing the very things he accused them of doing.
I must differ. Democrats rightly fear what would happen if Republicans win this year. But Republicans, the Felon-in-Chief in particular, are absolutely terrified of Democrats, and democracy,. They scream and plot and make stuff up because they know that defeat this year will mean the collapse of their authoritarian grift, and they know they are losing.
I’m with Ally and MaryPat! R’s are fearful of what our society looks like: LGBTQ, Black and Brown co-mingling with White. They are trying desperately to bring up the past, like from the 1800’s. We aren’t tolerating that. We have the most corrupt Supreme Court we have ever had. Their way is to destroy our minds, our rights. Our way is to squash them like roaches.
The thing to remember, as Heather often reminds us, is that the bigots are carrying water (or is it gasoline?) for the reactionary plutocrats and others who want to destroy democracy for ideological reasons, often based in economics. The fight against enslavement has not ended; in many ways it has just been transmogrified.
Rickey, yep, hypocrites, all of them and they claim to be soooo "christian"; they're not. I have no idea what they really are except members of the Trump cult and Trump is their deity and they want him to be that for all of us. Well, we can stop that by pointing out the Republican fake religion they are making up as we speak. People who claim to read their bible are missing what Jesus said about hypocrites and that love is the greatest commandment. I am seeing love nowhere in their message except that the unthinking Trumpers and Trumpettes just love their Baby Donnie no matter what he says or does. They might love their family if those members believe in the Trump Myth, but otherwise no. That is not unconditional love, a "christian" concept.
WOW…. Thank YOU!!! Had no idea…. And I too voted for McGovern…. And I will be voting for President Biden…. He does have the “Chops” and KNOWS to delegate. He also has SERIOUS experience!!!!!!!
That's one of those things that - if you know how the system really works (the lesson I didn't particularly like learning during my professional Democratic operative days, though it was necessary), it's obvious that such a deal was made. Never written down, the Code Omerta to the end. I saw deals like that (not as meaningful, but still illustrative).
trump: we have all the votes we need. Read Project 2025 and ties these 2 things together. Democrats can win at every level and in every race. Everyone of them will be challenged. Will the courts hold? Some will, but with all the purges underway and the legal framework for challenges, I am not so sure. LISTEN, when a candidate claims BEFORE an election they have all the votes they need, the fix may be in.
It’s been a warning for years, but the majority weren’t educated , didn’t listen, were duped. Every time a Dem came in and straightened out a mess within 2 cycles ‘people wanted change’ in Obama’s term we saw the racist engagement doubled down and women’s rights quickly descend…I want to scream 🗣️HELLO? Is anyone home? The Republican Party continued getting smarter with every defeat . Emboldened by a con artist of epic failures who fit the ‘puppet needed bill’ ..they couldn’t have advertised for it better. Books have been written , films made, people lived through it and told their stories…it’s happened over and over.
Will we ever learn? 11/5/24 will tell…got to be a blue tsunami…
David Pepper writes about how the conservative /libertarians have been working the system to gain the system. Jane Mayer provides a lot of names that finance the slow moving coup that is now upon us.
it's a scary book. The Heritage Foundation, Leonard Leo, Koch have been patiently funding their Christo fascist movement since the Ro V Wade in '72. They knew they needed time and the right puppet. It's so ugly.
The Republicans are clearly working on a fix. It is well under way with voter suppression, gerrymandering, and filling election officials positions with Trumpist flunkies. And mire!
The public knows little aboftut Project 2025 (an initiatitxtve of the Heritage Foundation). It is6 absolutely essential to spread the word about this anti-democratic, anti-Constitutional, white christian nationalist evil atrocity. Trump is not the genius behind it because he lacks all brain power, he couldn't possibly read or understand its hundreds of pages and has no interest in it. He just craves the faux adoration of the masses that he, not so secretly, despises. Go to the Heritage Foundation website and familiarize yourself and your circle of friends, acquaintances, business associates with the Project 2025 initiative. Learn who is behind it - millionaires, billionaires, would be autocrats - and then help register voters, walk precincts, back Democratic candidates up and down the entire ticket. This is the challenge of our lifetime.
Rickey, your comment weighs heavy on my heart but also scares the sh__ out of me. I pray and hope to God that the 💙 steps up to the demand to save our country/freedom.
To sweep we need to add the millions of unregistered folk who heavily trend Democratic. That "unlikely trifecta" can become more likely. FT6 uses data mining to identify them. Register Democrats to save the world.
My "sweep" definition is a Democratic President, a House majority, and a Senate supermajority. Then you've got the "all for one and one for all" three musketeers. The "God forbid" sweep is a MAGA Republican President, House, and Senate, aka the "all for one, which happens to be me, myself, and I" three stooges.
The rub - I do not like, at all, the recommended messages for the postcards. "Who you vote for is private, but whether you vote is public record" Creepy and Orwellian.
I want to write somethig short and direct without onus. Cheerfuland positive- any redommendations?
Rachel, I highly recommend what Daniel Solomon said above. If you TEXT with Field Team 6, you can reach about 110 unregistered voters per day in 15 min. You can choose the state and campaign you want to support. The messages are always positive and include a link for online voter registration. I have reached more than 12,000 people since December. There is also a paid option that allows you to reach an additional 220/day (at least 330 total). I receive very few return STOP messages. I can do this even if I'm holding a sleeping baby.
I surely did not want to remember this date as I recall the happenings vividly. My boyfriend (now husband) and I voted for McGovern. I remember registering to vote at the Hecht Company in Silver Spring, MD and immediately taking the oath. Needless to say, when Nixon won by a landslide, I was completely devastated. It was in February of 1974 that we moved to the San Francisco Bay Area and when the Watergate prosecutors proved Nixon’s guilt, we rejoiced. But then…Gerald Ford went and did an outrageous thing by pardoning Tricky Dick. I hit the roof! See, this is exactly why we cannot let Trump off of the hook. We must come out with our dukes up, ready to take on these thugs who support him! I am so ready for a battle! You?
I voted for Shirley Chisholm for President and my wife for V-P. I was in Cambridge, Mass. at the time. I knew that McGovern had zero chance of winning. Fast forward to today: the "fox' is inside the henhouse (co-conspiring Senators and Congress-men and -women,) a fact that we need to realize, that we are on the precipice of losing it all to Fascist white bigots and Christian nationalists.
Your vote for Shirley was a vote for Nixon. Until we have rank choice voting in this country, no one can afford to vote for a third party when one of the candidates is as horrible as DT.
Susan, on the west coast in the 1980's, I got to have lots of throw away votes; the races were called before I was able to cast my ballot. I voted independent in a majority of elections up until about the mid 1990's since races were called early, and the votes of the west coast did not matter. Jimmy Carter was the first winning president I voted for. Barack Obama was the second.
Ally House -- I remember the days of "early calling", and how relieved everyone was when that ended. Now TV reporting (I'm thinking specifically of MSNBC and cannot remember the person's name!!) and percentages of votes being reported is keeping it more honest.
We were in Charleston during election night in 2008. Early on we were having dinner in the hotel bar and an all-white table was trying to ignore the early results. We had to wait until midnight for the election to be called. We were at the Francis Marion Hotel near the College of Charleston and could hear the celebrations begin. No matter where I was, i always voted for the D for president although long ago I could vote for a few Oregon Rs. As for Nixon, one of my friends was lamenting what was happening in our country and I asked who she had voted for. Dead silence.
Hatfield and Packwood were two I voted for, consistently.
Steve Kornacki.
THANK YOU, Ally House!
GMTA :-)
Steve Kornacki
Carter killed himself in 1980 when he conceded the election at 4:45pm on the west coast. People didn't go vote, and in California, several Republicans took over Democratic congressional seats due to lack of Democratic turnout, and it took 20 years to dislodge them (in fact there's one still there). Carter was a great ex-president, but as to being president, we should have nominated Ted Kennedy, or just about anyone else who understood how things work, which Carter didn't.
True, I knew that McGovern would carry Massachusetts in any case. If it had been a close call, as in 2000 with Nader and Gore, I definitely would not have thrown away the vote.
Nader…😡😡 threw us all under the bus!
I still resent his ego.
And dumbassery of the lefties who voted for him.
Just like Bernie.
This is the year we get behind Biden/Harris and vote. There is a wonderful tube of Lady Gaga urging her fans to vote democratic.
In early '72, my father-in-law told me he was voting for McGovern, but, he added, "The American people will never vote for an honest man." I silently vowed to prove him wrong and volunteered for the McGovern campaign here in Milwaukee. Working 18 hour days, I cold called hundreds of people, distributed stacks of literature at plant gates and door-to-door, and organized a rally for McGovern after which our Senator, Bill Proxmire, stated, "...I cast my absentee ballot for George McGovern". Workers leaving their manufacturing plants no longer took our offered literature saying, "He's good enough for Bill, he's good enough for me." The campaign was newly energized and continued to be until, after the Convention and McGovern's reversal from his "1,000 support" of Eagleton, his vice presidential pick, to Sergeant Shriver, his new pick for his running mate. I very literally felt the campaign deflate after that and knew it was lost. I found out later that McGovern felt he had had no choice because his large donors stopped their contributions. Since I wasn't in the room at the time, I'm not 1,000% sure this is accurate, but it strikes me as plausible. I'm praying Biden is not making the same mistake.
That moment over Eagleton, you could see the balloon that was the campaign deflate like it had been slashed with a knife.
I would have flown 50 missions with McGovern in World War II (the tour in 15th AF), and he was a good senator, but there's a reason why very few presidents ever come from the Senate. It's a different set of job specs from the executive. From the convention on, if you looked up the word "hapless" in a dictionary, there was a photo of McGovern,.
I clearly remember driving to Atlanta from Macon to see McGovern speak. Shook his hand too in a rope line. Exciting but ultimately depressing times.
I stood on a concrete surface for four hours to see him in San Francisco and spent the next three weeks seeing a chiropractor twice a week to deal with the inflammation of my back injuries (courtesy of Mommie Dearest long before then).
Googled McGovern recently. He was a man with integrity the whole of his long life.
Integrity counts.i just started a book by Rushworth M. Kidder called How Good People Make Tough Choices. He was the founder and president of the Institute for Global Ethics. It’s thought provoking.
another good book right now is called " Kindness" by Rutger Bergman, argues that in crisis humans ARE intrinsically kind and rally together. Debunks the theory driven by media and capitalists that humans only fend for themselves. He gives lots of examples through history how we pull together. A book of hope IMO, that we need to flip the narrative!
Thank you for this. I will look for the book and I agree, we have to flip the narrative. There are a lot of folks around the world who'd like to help us do this.
That sounds like the perfect book for reading now!
Sometime the right book just happens at the right time.
“Global Ethics,” it’s an idea that stirs the mind
There are some amazing ideas and organizations out there, but we keep getting blasted with the MAGA crap and it is depressing and frustrating. Finding a book like this is refreshing. I'm just about to take my last Zoom class on Civilian Non-Violent Resistance with Rivera Sun. It's been six weeks well spent with yet another group that hardly anybody has heard of. Exciting to learn that there have been wars stopped by non-violent resistance and civil wars prevented by the same.
Speaking of good reads, I received Liz Chaney's "Oath and Honor" as a Father's Day gift. Though not finished yet, it appears to be a crisp, unadorned, and persuasive narrative of the January 6th events told from the vantage point of someone at the inner circle of GOP Congressional politics and the House Investigating Committee (and without too much self-congratulatory back slapping). You will learn, if you were not already aware, that at least one third of the current GOP members of the House and Senate are traitors to their oaths, to their country, and to their constituents willing to directly support or enable political mendacity, cheating, and violence in order to perpetuate their own power and that of the Orange Lump.
Knowing the possibility of the improbable is the model we desperately need. Especially since our MSM (article about WaPo hiring a Rupert-trained CEO about did me in) has been such a horror.
Would that we had more with integrity in Congress, in the Courts, commerce, at thre rallies, in the militias, well, everywhere, Jeri!
Extinct in Repub circles
Yes, he was.
George McGovern was the first person I ever voted for. I just looked him up on Wikipedia. Of course I knew about the Thomas Eagleton thing, which was a political disaster but I think that would be taken with a grain of salt today. I had never heard the Robert Novak story before. Very interesting.
Eagleton was a mental giant compared to our current degenerate
At that point, I said I would never vote for Gerald Ford, and I didn’t
And the ironic thing is that of all the Republican presidents since Eisenhower, Ford is the last Republican who could be considered decent and moral, which led him to underestimate the situation and the man he was dealing with. The pardon should have been challenged in court because there is no such thing as a "pre-emptive" pardon. Pardons are only supposed to be granted after conviction and are taken as the person pardoned admitting their guilt.
The American electorate didn't seem to have such high moral standards. Jimmy Carter got himself crucified mainly on the PR disaster in Iran, and Reagan, of all people, give a gullible America a whole new shiny Republican Party to play with. The Democrats had lost their long standing hold on national political power and Great Society message after Nixon. Some revival under the charisma of Obama. Now, Dems have to struggle against a widespread Trumpian Orwell. Twisted fate.
Reagan stabbed President Carter in the back by negotiating with Iran /Contra deal before he took office.Once in office Iran got what they wanted and the money went to the terrorists in Latin America!
I wish Carter would have brought this out into the open. So Lyndon Johnson should have done the same to Nixon when he learned that Nixon told South Vietnam that if they waited until after the election, he would make them a better deal. Thom Hartmann played a tape of Johnson's talking with Everitt Dirksen about that. Johnson called it treason. Dirksen said "I know".
And the ironic thing is that after four more years of floundering through every country in SE Asia, creating the majority of American casualties for the war, Kissinger the war criminal didn't get as good a deal in December 1972 as LBJ had negotiated in November 1968.
Ah yes, Louis, awful from the beginning and we are still reaping what Reagan sowed.
Louis, and no one was ever held accountable for the Reagan cheat or Iran-Contra. So many Americans think Nixon's problem was just Watergate; well, that is not it by a long shot. There were the McCarthy HUAC hearings that Nixon was totally on board with, and Nixon actually sabotaged the Vietnam peace talks so he would get elected as the guy who would end the war, which he only sort of did after many thousands of Americans, Vietnamese, and others died. By the way, Reagan was sold to the American people as kindly grandpa who was going to bring "Morning in America." Few realized that in the late 1960s, he had released troops on unarmed college students at Berkely during Vietnam protests. A whole lot of people were OK with Governor Reagan's troops gasing kids, trapping them in enclosed areas, setting off gas bombs where there were no actual protesters, and beating protesters. The "riots" were blamed on the students when it was they who protested, but the CA National Guard and various police departments that were the rioters for the most part. Trump has been an appalling figure before ever running for president but people loved the idea of that guy from "The Apprentice" being president despite little to no truth in the program, the way he had treated his employees and that he employed the immigrant workers he claimed to hate so much. Hypocrisy is/was strong with all of these guys.
just as trump was negotiating with Putin before he took office
Perhaps some day investigators will find that McGovern and Dukakis actually won their elections but votes were suppressed by repub operatives in a massive dirty tricks operation. John Kerry too. If anyone is unfit for command, it’s Donald Ugly Crook. 💙🤡💩🎃💙lock. him. up!💙
Gigi, be careful of even thinking about going down the Stolen Election Trump et al push. The GOP push more paranoia than is already good for American politics.
Kerry was cheated. Rove pulled out all the evil stops for W
Kerry was definitely cheated in Ohio.
I wouldn’t be shocked. I have watched and learned and I’m not a conspiracy nut.
That’s right. I am of a certain age that I was a witness to the dirty tricks and maybe you were too. Lee Atwater, so proud of himself and chuckles Colson. It’s not just dirty tricks. It’s crime. They were criminals, liars and completely dishonest. But they were only a small minority. The Repub party at that time had more members who knew right from wrong and honesty from deception. The clapping clowns at the Club in DC are pathetic and spineless. They are politicians playing games with an conman and not public servants representing their districts. 💩
Question: Who is skeptical and open minded?
Answer: Someone who jumps to a conclusion, and then refuses to exclude relevant evidence when challenging the assumptions underlying their jumped-to conclusion.
Question: Who is cynical and gullible?
Answer: Someone who jumps to a conclusion, looks for confirming evidence, and ignores relevant disconfirming evidence.
Skeptical and open minded are the two sides of the same "wisdom" coin. Cynical and gullible are the two sides of the same "unconstrained ignorance" coin. Is it possible to be cynical about one thing without being gullible about something else, and vice versa? I don't think it is.
Re “cynical and gullible”voters, I wonder if those traits might also be partly attributed to laziness. When voters choose their news media to match their own biases and then fail to “vet” those news sources, it is lazy at best and dishonest at worst. I am beginning to feel that —in a country where we no longer have a shared reality — that it is now true patriotism to think critically and choose responsible news sources. …like Courtney Gore in Texas, who really put in a lot of work to learn that she had been duped by propaganda.
In my way of thinking, laziness and dishonesty are symptoms with a common cause, and that cause is immaturity. Everyone has a circle of influence and a circle of concern. An immature person's circle of influence extends beyond their circle of concern, like the child who has a temper tantrum because "it's all about me and I didn't get my way."
To expand one's circle of concern is to trust. To trust is to become vulnerable to betrayal. To be a victim of betrayal is to regret the decision to expand one's circle of concern.
And yet, there is one thing we can all trust, and that is our humanity. For me, that means being open minded without being gullible, and being skeptical without being cynical. To a real scientist, I just described the scientific principle. To a real Christian, I just described "the narrow gate that leads to life, and only a few find it." To me, it's wisdom, and Homo sapiens is Latin for the wise hominid.
Why does it have to be so hard? Because it is, and because that's what makes it great. If you want easy, be a flat worm. ;o)
I have watched it with trepidation. Hard to grasp the extent of the evil. Ford had no clue. Bet his Chief of Staff did…
Yes, I must say that once again, democrats are more afraid of the republicans than vice versa. Democrats want to move on and have allowed the conservatives to continue to degrade the rule of law. Gingrich did a masterful job with the help of Frank Luntz in creating the narrative of how unethical the liberal democrats in Congress were while doing the very things he accused them of doing.
I must differ. Democrats rightly fear what would happen if Republicans win this year. But Republicans, the Felon-in-Chief in particular, are absolutely terrified of Democrats, and democracy,. They scream and plot and make stuff up because they know that defeat this year will mean the collapse of their authoritarian grift, and they know they are losing.
I like your counter here, Jon.
Me, too! Thanks, Jon.
I’m with Ally and MaryPat! R’s are fearful of what our society looks like: LGBTQ, Black and Brown co-mingling with White. They are trying desperately to bring up the past, like from the 1800’s. We aren’t tolerating that. We have the most corrupt Supreme Court we have ever had. Their way is to destroy our minds, our rights. Our way is to squash them like roaches.
The thing to remember, as Heather often reminds us, is that the bigots are carrying water (or is it gasoline?) for the reactionary plutocrats and others who want to destroy democracy for ideological reasons, often based in economics. The fight against enslavement has not ended; in many ways it has just been transmogrified.
Uh-oh, Jon and Tom are on the same page again. :-)
I guess that means I should re-think my position.
the GOP / MAGA are fearful of losing their white male PowerBar,hence why they're doubling down and it'll get worse as we get closer to the
election. I agree that Dems are responding but IMO it always takes them far too long too long to react. Far too cautious
Rickey, yep, hypocrites, all of them and they claim to be soooo "christian"; they're not. I have no idea what they really are except members of the Trump cult and Trump is their deity and they want him to be that for all of us. Well, we can stop that by pointing out the Republican fake religion they are making up as we speak. People who claim to read their bible are missing what Jesus said about hypocrites and that love is the greatest commandment. I am seeing love nowhere in their message except that the unthinking Trumpers and Trumpettes just love their Baby Donnie no matter what he says or does. They might love their family if those members believe in the Trump Myth, but otherwise no. That is not unconditional love, a "christian" concept.
they are Christo fascists
WOW…. Thank YOU!!! Had no idea…. And I too voted for McGovern…. And I will be voting for President Biden…. He does have the “Chops” and KNOWS to delegate. He also has SERIOUS experience!!!!!!!
Ford was merely completing the deal Republicans made with Nixon. You resign, Ford will preemptively pardon you.
Is there any actual evidence for that assertion?
That's one of those things that - if you know how the system really works (the lesson I didn't particularly like learning during my professional Democratic operative days, though it was necessary), it's obvious that such a deal was made. Never written down, the Code Omerta to the end. I saw deals like that (not as meaningful, but still illustrative).
Are you kidding?
Nope. Is there?
I think he had decent motives, but very few had a clue what was happening with the Repub powers
However, since it has not been challenged in court,,there is currently such a thing.
Thank you!! Pre-emptive what??
He had a nice wife.
Betty Ford was an outgoing lady who was forthright about her breast cancer and chemical dependency, and she encouraged others to deal with both.
Maybe, maybe not. She never swore on a Bible.
DITTO. Progressives need a big win. A no doubt rout of Dirty Don
When people tell you what they plan- LISTEN.
trump: we have all the votes we need. Read Project 2025 and ties these 2 things together. Democrats can win at every level and in every race. Everyone of them will be challenged. Will the courts hold? Some will, but with all the purges underway and the legal framework for challenges, I am not so sure. LISTEN, when a candidate claims BEFORE an election they have all the votes they need, the fix may be in.
It’s been a warning for years, but the majority weren’t educated , didn’t listen, were duped. Every time a Dem came in and straightened out a mess within 2 cycles ‘people wanted change’ in Obama’s term we saw the racist engagement doubled down and women’s rights quickly descend…I want to scream 🗣️HELLO? Is anyone home? The Republican Party continued getting smarter with every defeat . Emboldened by a con artist of epic failures who fit the ‘puppet needed bill’ ..they couldn’t have advertised for it better. Books have been written , films made, people lived through it and told their stories…it’s happened over and over.
Will we ever learn? 11/5/24 will tell…got to be a blue tsunami…
David Pepper writes about how the conservative /libertarians have been working the system to gain the system. Jane Mayer provides a lot of names that finance the slow moving coup that is now upon us.
Thanks, will read. All the more needed to inform who’s who?😉
Dark Money is the name of Jane Mayer's book.
it's a scary book. The Heritage Foundation, Leonard Leo, Koch have been patiently funding their Christo fascist movement since the Ro V Wade in '72. They knew they needed time and the right puppet. It's so ugly.
The Republicans are clearly working on a fix. It is well under way with voter suppression, gerrymandering, and filling election officials positions with Trumpist flunkies. And mire!
The public knows little aboftut Project 2025 (an initiatitxtve of the Heritage Foundation). It is6 absolutely essential to spread the word about this anti-democratic, anti-Constitutional, white christian nationalist evil atrocity. Trump is not the genius behind it because he lacks all brain power, he couldn't possibly read or understand its hundreds of pages and has no interest in it. He just craves the faux adoration of the masses that he, not so secretly, despises. Go to the Heritage Foundation website and familiarize yourself and your circle of friends, acquaintances, business associates with the Project 2025 initiative. Learn who is behind it - millionaires, billionaires, would be autocrats - and then help register voters, walk precincts, back Democratic candidates up and down the entire ticket. This is the challenge of our lifetime.
Rickey, your comment weighs heavy on my heart but also scares the sh__ out of me. I pray and hope to God that the 💙 steps up to the demand to save our country/freedom.
Sadly, given history, God will not step in. God really let's human suffer, good or bad, with our choices.
Listen critically at that. Thanks, Rickey.
To sweep we need to add the millions of unregistered folk who heavily trend Democratic. That "unlikely trifecta" can become more likely. FT6 uses data mining to identify them. Register Democrats to save the world.
My "sweep" definition is a Democratic President, a House majority, and a Senate supermajority. Then you've got the "all for one and one for all" three musketeers. The "God forbid" sweep is a MAGA Republican President, House, and Senate, aka the "all for one, which happens to be me, myself, and I" three stooges.
Doing it - 500 postcards for OHIO.
The rub - I do not like, at all, the recommended messages for the postcards. "Who you vote for is private, but whether you vote is public record" Creepy and Orwellian.
I want to write somethig short and direct without onus. Cheerfuland positive- any redommendations?
Rachel, I highly recommend what Daniel Solomon said above. If you TEXT with Field Team 6, you can reach about 110 unregistered voters per day in 15 min. You can choose the state and campaign you want to support. The messages are always positive and include a link for online voter registration. I have reached more than 12,000 people since December. There is also a paid option that allows you to reach an additional 220/day (at least 330 total). I receive very few return STOP messages. I can do this even if I'm holding a sleeping baby.