True, I knew that McGovern would carry Massachusetts in any case. If it had been a close call, as in 2000 with Nader and Gore, I definitely would not have thrown away the vote.
True, I knew that McGovern would carry Massachusetts in any case. If it had been a close call, as in 2000 with Nader and Gore, I definitely would not have thrown away the vote.
True, I knew that McGovern would carry Massachusetts in any case. If it had been a close call, as in 2000 with Nader and Gore, I definitely would not have thrown away the vote.
Nader…😡😡 threw us all under the bus!
I still resent his ego.
And dumbassery of the lefties who voted for him.
Indeed, at least he had a brain unlike RFKJ. Still no excuse. Our current thirdy turdy is a moron on steroids.
Just like Bernie.