I now think Kamala has wrapped together the themes of Freedom, Justice, and Joy into a delicious, effective package. The Joy part is crucial to motivating folks. And it makes her laughter, which Trump and other right-wingers like to mock, into a cathartic release for all of us. Genius. She's already made Trump and Vance look like the small, petty people they are. The wanna-be Emperors have no clothes, and she's made that manifestly clear. Let's laugh together with Kamala all the way to the ballot box, and on to the White House!

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Let's hope the enthusiasm spreads to become a Blue Wave.

Let's hope it grows so we re-take control of the House and hold the Senate!

Up and down the enire ballot - VOTE BLUE !!

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A distinct possibility. President Biden was effective in cobbling together a coalition of herding cats with strongly willed segments. Bringing joy and laughter to the campaign may work to unify the Party and build on that coalition.

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Joy and laughter is something we haven't seen for a long time.

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Yeah, for sure. Her laugh is infectious. President Trump would like to laugh but the botox will not let him.

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I have read--I think in Mary Trump's book--that dear ol' Dad, Fred, Sr., told Donald that laughing makes a person vulnerable and he, Donald, should NEVER laugh. Ol' Dad was a grim mentor. Clearly, iddle Donnie--attempting to please his father, perhaps get some approval and possibly even affection, took that to heart.*

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*and now he has no heart; no love, no compassion, no empathy for anyone other than himself.

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You know what else tRump took to heart? Roy Cohn's lessons:

#1: All publicity is good regardless of how negative it is.

#2: When attacked attacked back harder.

When sued counter sue for more.

#3: NEVER apologize.

#4: Whatever happens claim victory.

#5: You do not have to believe what you say.

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Fred Sr's implicit message was that creating trusting relationships makes a person vulnerable, and it does. When you trust, you make yourself vulnerable to betrayal. But the person that does not trust is more vulnerable because they end up living in a reality that exists only in their own mind.

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I noticed that Barron never smiles. Neither does Melania. I thought that was because they are unhappy in their situation, but maybe they're just going by the trump rule. Sad. Sad. Sad.

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This always makes me think of this quotation from The Merchant of Venice—just substitute laughter for music: "“The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted."

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Not to laugh makes one vulnerable? Where does crap like that come from?

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CFDTs grin even scares Chuckie. Talk about creepy.😱

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And Kamala says "bring it on" with a knowing confident laugh... she's a gladiator...

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Dear old Dad was a right wing extremist John Bircher.. The John Birch Society was the most right wing pro guns extremist group of its time.. They opposed the Civil Rights Movement and the Equal Rights for Women Movement...so 'Dad' was more than a grim mentor. And Donald was infected

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Poor old man. (How do you laugh with a whine? I don't want to know.)

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I don't know Anne-Louise. I've laugher with a wine plenty of times. /S

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Anne-Louise....now that is an excellent question. It would be some creepy sound like that of classic villains.

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I’ll bet he has never laughed, except when he has caused misery for someone,,.

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JD, spot on.

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"Former" president, that is.

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The Botox didn't work

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His personality won't let him.

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Ned, he certainly didn’t get his money’s worth!

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Ooo that’s too bad….

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"I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land." MLK

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You are experiencing one of the best economies the nation ever had. When the pandemic took hold of us, our livelihoods, our families, the Biden administration provided the means to survive it with funding and programs. You were in a better place due to him though not the one Martin Luther King talked about. Biden worked for everyone and not just the one-percenters as trump did in 2017.

Basically, we trashed a good person till he finally gave up. I saw the weariness in him then and after he experienced the mean verbalization and critique centered on his age and foibles. Old and still a warrior who recognizes a leader when I see one.

I do not know what Kamala will bring to the economy. I can tell you one thing, "there can be no compromise on the 2017 tax break." It must be ended otherwise, otherwise the next generation will suffer the most. This was on Biden's list of "to be accomplished." It is a matter of will power and whether Kamala has the strength and the political know how to accomplish it without sacrificing other programs.

I do not mean to preach to you alone. The job was half done and we still have a long way to go to correct the damage done in the past by trump and Republicans.

"They still Shoot Horses, don't they?"

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Bill, have I given you the wrong impression? The Biden administration was nothing short of marvelous. Yes, he needs to be given more credit, and perhaps with time, he will. Bill, I am of the opinion that something happened to Biden, perhaps a small stroke or the onset of one of the types of dementia. The debate was shocking, and he never fully regained his 'center'. That's nothing to be ashamed of. As an elderly person who still thinks I have some fire in me, I also see inexorable changes. It happens. I feared that he could not finish another four years.

As for Kamala, I couldn't be more pleased. The MAGAS are racists and misogynists, and who to answer to them is better than a black woman? Therein lies my joy. I continue to respect Joe, and I hope that his successor will continue his Keynesian economics, his international accomplishments, and his domestic support. I would like to see some muscle put into the Gaza peace initiatives, though.

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Beautiful reminder of another era and a superb leader…

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How often have you ever seen tRump laugh?

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Neither seen nor heard. There's a collection of pictures of him with dentures bared for the cameras, but as his narrowed eyes are never lit by a kindly emotion, there's no suggestion of laughter as we know it.

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Did see a pic where he smiled with Epstein. I’d hate to know what they were smiling about.

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I have seen ONE picture in which he seemed genuinely just... happy. It was a picture of him with a young grandchild in the White House. Given his stated attitude towards young children, I presume the happiness was engendered by an announcement that it was time for the child to leave.

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Harvey, he laughed with delight when the church crowd he was speaking to echoed in unison, his "bull s__"

comment. He turned around to laugh whole at the podium, and you could see that he was so pleased with his "amazing" sense of humor."


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Not even smile. Trained out of him in early childhood or at one of the ‘military’ academies he was sent to …?

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Of course it will. This reminds me of when president Obama ran for president. Remember how jubilant people felt back then? I believe people feel the same way with Kamala.

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Let's hope the cats aren't hostages of lonely single women! I'd hate to see fur babies take the place of the human babies we girls ought to be producing. I'm just a dumb chick, but even I know I should be in the kitchen, barefoot and silent, belly out to here with quints on the way.

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With these initial inklings of joy and happiness, I’m thinking that this just might be able to bring into play something that I thought would likely not have been possible for a very long time to come … the possibilities of a Democratic supermajority in both the House and the Senate, if Harris’ coattails are - indeed - sufficiently long … Well, one can dream - can’t we?

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Not impossible! The first order of business is deep cleaning the Supreme Court.

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Hope, I like your optimism … let’s see what’s happening during and after the Democratic Convention in a few weeks … Hopefully, the enthusiasm and excitement can continue and propel the Party to landslide victories in the House, the Senate and trouncing idiot trump to elect our country’s first female (woman) into the role of POTUS, allowing her and her family to occupy White House! [Also see Peggy Noonan’s most recent Wall Street Journal opinion - https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-kamala-harris-surprise-i-thought-she-couldnt-beat-trump-but-now-think-she-could-fbdcaebc?st=bjg64znui358ae2&reflink=article_copyURL_share].

We have passed the time for the SILENT MAJORITY to speak!

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I'm dreaming that right along with you. Wouldn't it be marvelous! I believe if that happens the Republican party would be sunk. They would no longer be able to scare the mass of voters with "the Dems..." once those voters experienced their and their loved ones lives getting better and safer.

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Let’s help her build this coalition!

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Whether one is religious or not, I think we all - okay, almost all - can agree that an AMEN may just be an appropriate response sung by the chorus to that!!! OH, and I feel that the size of the chorus or choir is growing!

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Yes! Building on the “Up & Down the ballot” Election ~ Dream Out Loud! ~ Let’s ALL do this ! Engage people you already know, even on the perimeter of your busy life! Invite them to tell you what their experience is of the election to date !

Remind friends and relatives in mail-in ballot counties to follow through with voting as soon as possible when their ballot appears in their mailbox! And sign the Outside of the ballot envelope before mailing it back.

Let’s sing along with Kamala 🎶🩷

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The Democratic party is reforming itself. We are hearing the first cries of a rebirth - lusty but a new and tender entity. Let's not poison it with a Republican or No Labels veep pick - it would stop our momentum dead. It would damn the Democratic party. It would sow disunity. Not least by validating the specious 'duopoly' rhetoric used to split the opposition vote and suppress the Democratic vote.

The Democratic party is returning to its roots and leafing out in a new generation. Republicans can follow our example. The best thing responsible Republicans can do is vote Democratic to defeat MAGA and then they can have an 8 year time out to reform the GOP.

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I have a feeling that the GOP is no longer salvageable by the common voter. When moneyed interests took it in hand to mold it into a trump vehicle, mainly so they could push their own corporate-friendly, anti-democracy agenda, they stained the name of Republican for the political landscape. I don’t know how you come back from that when money made it and still owns it. I have a feeling that the party will have to crumble further by having more voters leaving it over time before it will be replaced with a more conservative vision again, maybe a new party or just a new name. My point being, the owners of the party are still making grift from it. They won’t let it go until it is an empty, used up shell on the ground. The smarter republicans have already left. They just need a more moderate party to join (might be democrats for now but we know that won’t last long,) I wish them luck. I happen to believe we need both sets of ideals working together in moderation for the best overall results for America. We’re way too off balance right now. And for the immediate future that means democrats HAVE to win.

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I think it is likely that after being soundly defeated on November 5th, the "never Trumpers" will come out of the woodwork with their post mortem autopsy of a political party gone mad and bad.

I agree that the name Republican may not be salvageable. Perhaps a new party called the New Conservatives will be formed. They could gain some traction IF they accepted human responsibility for the Climate Catastrophe, didn't question the integrity of our elections and respected women's reproductive freedom and rights. Add in eschewing primitive bible thumping nonsense that throws a woman back in the kitchen and stops demonizing all "others" - like hard working, law abiding immigrants. A new party could emerge, but...

The GOP has become so aligned with lying, maligning and hating - it really should be buried with communism and fascism.

There IS a need for political balance and dialog to arrive at compromises and helpful legislation. But realistically, this already exists within the Democratic Party.

And what would a new center right party stand for? A strong defense against Russia (like the old GOP) - Dems own that. Sound fiscal policy that reduces the growth of federal deficits - Dems are doing that now. American energy independence? Already done!

So your point about balance is well taken. I just think the GOP has given all their reasonable positions away to the Dems.

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You're correct,Bill. I personally am fiscally conservative but socially liberal. That means I'm right in the middle of the political spectrum. I've not changed much, but Republicans' tide has retreated from the shore along which I'm walking, and the Democratic tide has come in. The Democratic waves are a little rough, but I'm learning to surf.

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They had a post mortem in 2012. And became what they are today. The old guard is gone, gone, gone. Not even a syllable from any Bush, but guess that’s a plus.

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What about the people who populate The Lincoln Project? They seem like good Republicans!

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Well said, Bill. Thank you!

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I do wonder if the name will disappear as quickly as the Whig name disappeared after Lincoln switched from Whig to Republican.

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May they go the way of the Whig Party!

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The Democratic Party is already a large coalition.

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… and expanding with new [voters] party registrations and those who will be coming alone with us like the “never trumpers” from all parties and non-party affiliations!

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Couldn’t agree more, yet there are those who want more blather instead of unity.

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They don't want unity, they want to rule. They will have to break free of the P2025 screed and I don't see that happening.

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I was talking Dem or those who claim to be. The Dems need unity as much as they/we ever have. Not a time for more snipping with each other. You are right about P2025. They will have that hanging around Repub necks like an albatross. What better place.

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Your imagery is inspiring and replenishing. May our efforts bear fruit and nourish others.

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Can the Republican party grow up in 8 years? I was insufficiently mature when I was 10 and sufficiently mature when I was 18, so that sounds about right.

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@ Gary Mengel. To make a blue wave, register more Democrats.


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The fact that the Republicans in the House have postponed votes on appropriation bills until they return to Washington in September, with a budget that is supposed to go into effect October 1, speaks volumes.

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I think that Putin pays more, who doubts their allegiance

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Running scared! They know they've lost the narrative!

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A blue rinse! "Wash him out, dry him out, cancel him and let him go, yay sister!"

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Love it! I haven't thought of that song in decades, and it certainly fits right now!

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Some good news; check this out.


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Thanks for the link, Ned. It was a really interesting youtube. For those who don't have the time to watch, the narrator makes the excellent point that all the new voters registering in recent weeks/months are not included in any data base for polling purposes. Their opinions and voting preferences are not a part of any poll we are seeing. So, when we wonder (as I have) how the race between Trump and Harris could continue to be so close....this is one reason! One more reason to ignore polls!!

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The NYT polls have been outed as grossly over-sampling traditionally Republican demographics, so I'm assuming Harris now has a solid lead.

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Polls… a basis for mor blather from the talking heads!

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Yup! Fueled by the need to have someone talking for 24 hours/day!!

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I've taken to referring to that as "MOAR BLATHER" which is something I picked up from a weird meme where "moar" means even more than "more" does.

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The increase, according to Beau's statements, is still only 38,000 new voters. Many more are needed.

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Taylor and Beyonce can do that in an hour -- and they will.

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Beau's thoughts are my thoughts exactly. And, it gives me room to breathe.

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And, register more Independents. Thanks.

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@ Dale Ogg. Not when our data shows they trend MAGA.

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I went back to being Independent, simply because it makes it a lot easier to get others to at least register and lean left when they can't bring themselves to totally switch sides.

I believe it also gets them away from voting straight tickets and helps bring down ballot victories where possible.

Like Willie Velasquez, with SVREP that switched to non-partisan education after failing to get as many registered for partisan entities, I believe you get better results far more often, and results that keep on getting them to pay attention to their real and better informed interests.

P.S. See https://www.sos.ca.gov/administration/news-releases-and-advisories/2019-news-releases-and-advisories/new-report-california-voter-registration-highest-percentage-eligible-voters-registered-67-years

80.65% of eligible voters registered in 2019, highest percentage since 1952 and 10.45% more than 2016.

California lost 4.04% of Republicans as No Party Preference increased 2.74% between 2016 and 2019.

2019 (NPP goes ahead of GOP registered voters):

5,435,431 No Party Preference (Independents)

4,793,833 Republicans


4,767,259 Republicans

4,141,860 No Party Preference

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Amen, Brother Gary!

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James Carville warned the Democrats to not take our eye off the prize of winning in November. He said the time to celebrate Kamala needs to be over quickly and get back to work fighting off the Republicans lies.

Why is no one attacking Trump for the 143 criminals he pardoned on January 20, 2021.

Included in this list are murderers and fraudsters and even a rapist or two.

Of note, are the 10 convicted felons that defrauded Medicare/Medicaid of over $1.5 billion. And he let a few of them out of prison so that can screw us all over again.


There were actually 237 he granted clemency or a pardon to between 2017 and 2021.

And he's already promised pardons to several hundred more if he's elected.

The party of law and order? Not a chance.

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Good points, and you ask some interesting questions.

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That would be terrific, send all the MAGAts packing. Both houses could give the majority the power to get what we want for a change. Making sure we all do everything we can to win.

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With all those donations pouring in that should give the people a indication how determined they are to win this election.

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MALA: Make America Laugh Again.

Love it!!!

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Veronica, how about MAHA: Make America Happy Again?

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Mary, I saw someone on Threads yesterday offer up MANA: Make America Nice Again.

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Or MANNA ...

MANNA from Heaven ...

Food to eat in the Wilderness

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MAJA - Make America Joyful Again

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Sophie, great idea!

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How about Keep America Moving And Laugh Again or KAMALA

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Montana, I love it!

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Careful. Mala means “bad” in Spanish.

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In Sanskrit, it means "garland" and is the name for a string of beads used like a rosary to steady the mind.

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MALA is not mala, it is an KAMALA, Make America Laugh Again🤣😂

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