I now think Kamala has wrapped together the themes of Freedom, Justice, and Joy into a delicious, effective package. The Joy part is crucial to motivating folks. And it makes her laughter, which Trump and other right-wingers like to mock, into a cathartic release for all of us. Genius. She's already made Trump and Vance look like the small, petty people they are. The wanna-be Emperors have no clothes, and she's made that manifestly clear. Let's laugh together with Kamala all the way to the ballot box, and on to the White House!

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Let's hope the enthusiasm spreads to become a Blue Wave.

Let's hope it grows so we re-take control of the House and hold the Senate!

Up and down the enire ballot - VOTE BLUE !!

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A distinct possibility. President Biden was effective in cobbling together a coalition of herding cats with strongly willed segments. Bringing joy and laughter to the campaign may work to unify the Party and build on that coalition.

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Joy and laughter is something we haven't seen for a long time.

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Yeah, for sure. Her laugh is infectious. President Trump would like to laugh but the botox will not let him.

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I have read--I think in Mary Trump's book--that dear ol' Dad, Fred, Sr., told Donald that laughing makes a person vulnerable and he, Donald, should NEVER laugh. Ol' Dad was a grim mentor. Clearly, iddle Donnie--attempting to please his father, perhaps get some approval and possibly even affection, took that to heart.*

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*and now he has no heart; no love, no compassion, no empathy for anyone other than himself.

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You know what else tRump took to heart? Roy Cohn's lessons:

#1: All publicity is good regardless of how negative it is.

#2: When attacked attacked back harder.

When sued counter sue for more.

#3: NEVER apologize.

#4: Whatever happens claim victory.

#5: You do not have to believe what you say.

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Fred Sr's implicit message was that creating trusting relationships makes a person vulnerable, and it does. When you trust, you make yourself vulnerable to betrayal. But the person that does not trust is more vulnerable because they end up living in a reality that exists only in their own mind.

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I noticed that Barron never smiles. Neither does Melania. I thought that was because they are unhappy in their situation, but maybe they're just going by the trump rule. Sad. Sad. Sad.

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This always makes me think of this quotation from The Merchant of Venice—just substitute laughter for music: "“The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted."

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Not to laugh makes one vulnerable? Where does crap like that come from?

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CFDTs grin even scares Chuckie. Talk about creepy.😱

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And Kamala says "bring it on" with a knowing confident laugh... she's a gladiator...

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Dear old Dad was a right wing extremist John Bircher.. The John Birch Society was the most right wing pro guns extremist group of its time.. They opposed the Civil Rights Movement and the Equal Rights for Women Movement...so 'Dad' was more than a grim mentor. And Donald was infected

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Poor old man. (How do you laugh with a whine? I don't want to know.)

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I don't know Anne-Louise. I've laugher with a wine plenty of times. /S

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Anne-Louise....now that is an excellent question. It would be some creepy sound like that of classic villains.

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I’ll bet he has never laughed, except when he has caused misery for someone,,.

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JD, spot on.

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"Former" president, that is.

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The Botox didn't work

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His personality won't let him.

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Ned, he certainly didn’t get his money’s worth!

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Ooo that’s too bad….

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"I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land." MLK

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You are experiencing one of the best economies the nation ever had. When the pandemic took hold of us, our livelihoods, our families, the Biden administration provided the means to survive it with funding and programs. You were in a better place due to him though not the one Martin Luther King talked about. Biden worked for everyone and not just the one-percenters as trump did in 2017.

Basically, we trashed a good person till he finally gave up. I saw the weariness in him then and after he experienced the mean verbalization and critique centered on his age and foibles. Old and still a warrior who recognizes a leader when I see one.

I do not know what Kamala will bring to the economy. I can tell you one thing, "there can be no compromise on the 2017 tax break." It must be ended otherwise, otherwise the next generation will suffer the most. This was on Biden's list of "to be accomplished." It is a matter of will power and whether Kamala has the strength and the political know how to accomplish it without sacrificing other programs.

I do not mean to preach to you alone. The job was half done and we still have a long way to go to correct the damage done in the past by trump and Republicans.

"They still Shoot Horses, don't they?"

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Bill, have I given you the wrong impression? The Biden administration was nothing short of marvelous. Yes, he needs to be given more credit, and perhaps with time, he will. Bill, I am of the opinion that something happened to Biden, perhaps a small stroke or the onset of one of the types of dementia. The debate was shocking, and he never fully regained his 'center'. That's nothing to be ashamed of. As an elderly person who still thinks I have some fire in me, I also see inexorable changes. It happens. I feared that he could not finish another four years.

As for Kamala, I couldn't be more pleased. The MAGAS are racists and misogynists, and who to answer to them is better than a black woman? Therein lies my joy. I continue to respect Joe, and I hope that his successor will continue his Keynesian economics, his international accomplishments, and his domestic support. I would like to see some muscle put into the Gaza peace initiatives, though.

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Beautiful reminder of another era and a superb leader…

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How often have you ever seen tRump laugh?

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Neither seen nor heard. There's a collection of pictures of him with dentures bared for the cameras, but as his narrowed eyes are never lit by a kindly emotion, there's no suggestion of laughter as we know it.

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Did see a pic where he smiled with Epstein. I’d hate to know what they were smiling about.

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I have seen ONE picture in which he seemed genuinely just... happy. It was a picture of him with a young grandchild in the White House. Given his stated attitude towards young children, I presume the happiness was engendered by an announcement that it was time for the child to leave.

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Harvey, he laughed with delight when the church crowd he was speaking to echoed in unison, his "bull s__"

comment. He turned around to laugh whole at the podium, and you could see that he was so pleased with his "amazing" sense of humor."


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Not even smile. Trained out of him in early childhood or at one of the ‘military’ academies he was sent to …?

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Of course it will. This reminds me of when president Obama ran for president. Remember how jubilant people felt back then? I believe people feel the same way with Kamala.

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Let's hope the cats aren't hostages of lonely single women! I'd hate to see fur babies take the place of the human babies we girls ought to be producing. I'm just a dumb chick, but even I know I should be in the kitchen, barefoot and silent, belly out to here with quints on the way.

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With these initial inklings of joy and happiness, I’m thinking that this just might be able to bring into play something that I thought would likely not have been possible for a very long time to come … the possibilities of a Democratic supermajority in both the House and the Senate, if Harris’ coattails are - indeed - sufficiently long … Well, one can dream - can’t we?

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Not impossible! The first order of business is deep cleaning the Supreme Court.

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Hope, I like your optimism … let’s see what’s happening during and after the Democratic Convention in a few weeks … Hopefully, the enthusiasm and excitement can continue and propel the Party to landslide victories in the House, the Senate and trouncing idiot trump to elect our country’s first female (woman) into the role of POTUS, allowing her and her family to occupy White House! [Also see Peggy Noonan’s most recent Wall Street Journal opinion - https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-kamala-harris-surprise-i-thought-she-couldnt-beat-trump-but-now-think-she-could-fbdcaebc?st=bjg64znui358ae2&reflink=article_copyURL_share].

We have passed the time for the SILENT MAJORITY to speak!

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I'm dreaming that right along with you. Wouldn't it be marvelous! I believe if that happens the Republican party would be sunk. They would no longer be able to scare the mass of voters with "the Dems..." once those voters experienced their and their loved ones lives getting better and safer.

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Let’s help her build this coalition!

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Whether one is religious or not, I think we all - okay, almost all - can agree that an AMEN may just be an appropriate response sung by the chorus to that!!! OH, and I feel that the size of the chorus or choir is growing!

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Yes! Building on the “Up & Down the ballot” Election ~ Dream Out Loud! ~ Let’s ALL do this ! Engage people you already know, even on the perimeter of your busy life! Invite them to tell you what their experience is of the election to date !

Remind friends and relatives in mail-in ballot counties to follow through with voting as soon as possible when their ballot appears in their mailbox! And sign the Outside of the ballot envelope before mailing it back.

Let’s sing along with Kamala 🎶🩷

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The Democratic party is reforming itself. We are hearing the first cries of a rebirth - lusty but a new and tender entity. Let's not poison it with a Republican or No Labels veep pick - it would stop our momentum dead. It would damn the Democratic party. It would sow disunity. Not least by validating the specious 'duopoly' rhetoric used to split the opposition vote and suppress the Democratic vote.

The Democratic party is returning to its roots and leafing out in a new generation. Republicans can follow our example. The best thing responsible Republicans can do is vote Democratic to defeat MAGA and then they can have an 8 year time out to reform the GOP.

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I have a feeling that the GOP is no longer salvageable by the common voter. When moneyed interests took it in hand to mold it into a trump vehicle, mainly so they could push their own corporate-friendly, anti-democracy agenda, they stained the name of Republican for the political landscape. I don’t know how you come back from that when money made it and still owns it. I have a feeling that the party will have to crumble further by having more voters leaving it over time before it will be replaced with a more conservative vision again, maybe a new party or just a new name. My point being, the owners of the party are still making grift from it. They won’t let it go until it is an empty, used up shell on the ground. The smarter republicans have already left. They just need a more moderate party to join (might be democrats for now but we know that won’t last long,) I wish them luck. I happen to believe we need both sets of ideals working together in moderation for the best overall results for America. We’re way too off balance right now. And for the immediate future that means democrats HAVE to win.

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I think it is likely that after being soundly defeated on November 5th, the "never Trumpers" will come out of the woodwork with their post mortem autopsy of a political party gone mad and bad.

I agree that the name Republican may not be salvageable. Perhaps a new party called the New Conservatives will be formed. They could gain some traction IF they accepted human responsibility for the Climate Catastrophe, didn't question the integrity of our elections and respected women's reproductive freedom and rights. Add in eschewing primitive bible thumping nonsense that throws a woman back in the kitchen and stops demonizing all "others" - like hard working, law abiding immigrants. A new party could emerge, but...

The GOP has become so aligned with lying, maligning and hating - it really should be buried with communism and fascism.

There IS a need for political balance and dialog to arrive at compromises and helpful legislation. But realistically, this already exists within the Democratic Party.

And what would a new center right party stand for? A strong defense against Russia (like the old GOP) - Dems own that. Sound fiscal policy that reduces the growth of federal deficits - Dems are doing that now. American energy independence? Already done!

So your point about balance is well taken. I just think the GOP has given all their reasonable positions away to the Dems.

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You're correct,Bill. I personally am fiscally conservative but socially liberal. That means I'm right in the middle of the political spectrum. I've not changed much, but Republicans' tide has retreated from the shore along which I'm walking, and the Democratic tide has come in. The Democratic waves are a little rough, but I'm learning to surf.

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They had a post mortem in 2012. And became what they are today. The old guard is gone, gone, gone. Not even a syllable from any Bush, but guess that’s a plus.

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What about the people who populate The Lincoln Project? They seem like good Republicans!

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Well said, Bill. Thank you!

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I do wonder if the name will disappear as quickly as the Whig name disappeared after Lincoln switched from Whig to Republican.

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May they go the way of the Whig Party!

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The Democratic Party is already a large coalition.

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… and expanding with new [voters] party registrations and those who will be coming alone with us like the “never trumpers” from all parties and non-party affiliations!

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Couldn’t agree more, yet there are those who want more blather instead of unity.

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They don't want unity, they want to rule. They will have to break free of the P2025 screed and I don't see that happening.

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I was talking Dem or those who claim to be. The Dems need unity as much as they/we ever have. Not a time for more snipping with each other. You are right about P2025. They will have that hanging around Repub necks like an albatross. What better place.

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Your imagery is inspiring and replenishing. May our efforts bear fruit and nourish others.

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Can the Republican party grow up in 8 years? I was insufficiently mature when I was 10 and sufficiently mature when I was 18, so that sounds about right.

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@ Gary Mengel. To make a blue wave, register more Democrats.


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The fact that the Republicans in the House have postponed votes on appropriation bills until they return to Washington in September, with a budget that is supposed to go into effect October 1, speaks volumes.

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I think that Putin pays more, who doubts their allegiance

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Running scared! They know they've lost the narrative!

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A blue rinse! "Wash him out, dry him out, cancel him and let him go, yay sister!"

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Love it! I haven't thought of that song in decades, and it certainly fits right now!

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Some good news; check this out.


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Thanks for the link, Ned. It was a really interesting youtube. For those who don't have the time to watch, the narrator makes the excellent point that all the new voters registering in recent weeks/months are not included in any data base for polling purposes. Their opinions and voting preferences are not a part of any poll we are seeing. So, when we wonder (as I have) how the race between Trump and Harris could continue to be so close....this is one reason! One more reason to ignore polls!!

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The NYT polls have been outed as grossly over-sampling traditionally Republican demographics, so I'm assuming Harris now has a solid lead.

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Polls… a basis for mor blather from the talking heads!

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Yup! Fueled by the need to have someone talking for 24 hours/day!!

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I've taken to referring to that as "MOAR BLATHER" which is something I picked up from a weird meme where "moar" means even more than "more" does.

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The increase, according to Beau's statements, is still only 38,000 new voters. Many more are needed.

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Taylor and Beyonce can do that in an hour -- and they will.

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Beau's thoughts are my thoughts exactly. And, it gives me room to breathe.

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And, register more Independents. Thanks.

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@ Dale Ogg. Not when our data shows they trend MAGA.

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I went back to being Independent, simply because it makes it a lot easier to get others to at least register and lean left when they can't bring themselves to totally switch sides.

I believe it also gets them away from voting straight tickets and helps bring down ballot victories where possible.

Like Willie Velasquez, with SVREP that switched to non-partisan education after failing to get as many registered for partisan entities, I believe you get better results far more often, and results that keep on getting them to pay attention to their real and better informed interests.

P.S. See https://www.sos.ca.gov/administration/news-releases-and-advisories/2019-news-releases-and-advisories/new-report-california-voter-registration-highest-percentage-eligible-voters-registered-67-years

80.65% of eligible voters registered in 2019, highest percentage since 1952 and 10.45% more than 2016.

California lost 4.04% of Republicans as No Party Preference increased 2.74% between 2016 and 2019.

2019 (NPP goes ahead of GOP registered voters):

5,435,431 No Party Preference (Independents)

4,793,833 Republicans


4,767,259 Republicans

4,141,860 No Party Preference

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Amen, Brother Gary!

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James Carville warned the Democrats to not take our eye off the prize of winning in November. He said the time to celebrate Kamala needs to be over quickly and get back to work fighting off the Republicans lies.

Why is no one attacking Trump for the 143 criminals he pardoned on January 20, 2021.

Included in this list are murderers and fraudsters and even a rapist or two.

Of note, are the 10 convicted felons that defrauded Medicare/Medicaid of over $1.5 billion. And he let a few of them out of prison so that can screw us all over again.


There were actually 237 he granted clemency or a pardon to between 2017 and 2021.

And he's already promised pardons to several hundred more if he's elected.

The party of law and order? Not a chance.

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Good points, and you ask some interesting questions.

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That would be terrific, send all the MAGAts packing. Both houses could give the majority the power to get what we want for a change. Making sure we all do everything we can to win.

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With all those donations pouring in that should give the people a indication how determined they are to win this election.

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MALA: Make America Laugh Again.

Love it!!!

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Veronica, how about MAHA: Make America Happy Again?

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Mary, I saw someone on Threads yesterday offer up MANA: Make America Nice Again.

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Or MANNA ...

MANNA from Heaven ...

Food to eat in the Wilderness

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MAJA - Make America Joyful Again

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Sophie, great idea!

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How about Keep America Moving And Laugh Again or KAMALA

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Montana, I love it!

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Careful. Mala means “bad” in Spanish.

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In Sanskrit, it means "garland" and is the name for a string of beads used like a rosary to steady the mind.

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MALA is not mala, it is an KAMALA, Make America Laugh Again🤣😂

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Come Along ...

"We ain't going Back"

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Thank you Kathy!

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Smart point!

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Si Kathy, "MALA" no es bueno.

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But the magas don’t know any other language!

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Her name is Kamala! Despite the fact that many of us might be fluent in Spanish, to the best of my knowledge, the USA continues to be an English speaking country. Changing the letters changes the mean.

Considering that the scurge has called Ms. Harris's laughter " cackle" , which gets

under Trump's skin, I am sticking with "MAKE AMERICA Laugh Again!". My purpose is to turn sadness and depression into joyful laughter. Of course each reader may come uo with

their own word! There are many possibilities.

Kamala could be "bad" in a winning way. Bad for Project

2025 and trump's twisted ambitions..

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I simply thought it prudent to point out that if one wishes to create an effective acronym, one might wish to consider that it happens to carry a negative connotation (and it’s the feminine form, to boot!) to over half a billion Spanish speakers throughout the world. And POTUS surely plays on a world stage. Of course, you are free to create whatever acronym you like, but If you wonder what prompted my original comment, you might want to look into how GM’s sales of their Chevy Nova fared in Spanish-speaking markets. Just trying to be helpful.

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Isn't the Spanish word for bad mal? Not mala?

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Mal….before a noun….a bad year….un mal año…..mala is feminine form….bad person….una persona mala

Using MALA with KAMALA could work…….but memes can backfire…we have to be careful!

Sorry about Spanish lesson….😔

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For a bad woman: MALA, For a bad man: MALO. PLURAL: ADD AN "S

MAL means badly or poorly. Example: "El

"@#€% " se porta mal."

The (explitive) behaves poorly.

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Mala is the feminine form; mal, mala.

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Good point

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Rare are the days that I wake up, read the news, and start grinning from ear to ear. Today is one of those days. :) :)

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Bravo! I watch France 24 in Vietnam, in English. They are saying Kamala has energiized the party, as weii of some undecided voters. Her Presidential candidacy is being seen globally as a breath of fresh air. America is on fire!

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Laughter is the best medicine. ❤️

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That works perfectly with her name Ka-MALA! 🥰❤️👍

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We are putting the MALA in KAMALA!

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Love it. MALA

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MAJA - Make America Joyful Again

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Make America Just (as in Justice) Again?

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TikTok is going wild, with absolutely hilarious and rapid-speed responses to MAGA attacks on Kamala. These are the young voters we kept moaning about needing to activate, and lo and behold — they activated themselves. I'm committing time daily to amplifying them: lliking, reposting and thanking these new leaders.

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As the mud-slinging campaign against VP Kamala will be 24/7 until Nov 5, wanted to share with readers Jay Kuo’s post on how to counter attacks and blunt assaults.


😂 Make America Laugh Again😂

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Thanks for the link, Kathy.

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@ Alexandria. Channel Beyonce and Taylor Swift. Link them to register. https://voterizer.org/

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Alexandra, I supported Kamala's shift to the frontrunner on the ticket post-debate, bellieving that her energy enthusiasm would inspire all of us, but especially women and young voters. She has done that beyond my imagination! Heather started this Letter using the word "momentum"; I would call it "WO-MEN-tum".

I've said this elsewhere, and I'll say it again and again: the attacks are coming at her, and will increase in vitriol and anger, and danger. I hope the Secret Service is up to the task of protecting her. The MAGA cult is well-aware that she is on a path to victory, and their orange idol can't beat her fair and square.

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Love the “WO- MEN-tum” and all you had to do was turn the M upside down.

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The Independent makes a point about Taylor Swift and "cat ladies"


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Thank you Alexandra for that sharp focus. 🎯 Just annotating HCR's Paragraph 3, Vote.org added the fact that 83% of the newly registered 40,000 Voters are between the ages of 18 to 34!

Vote.org's Andrea Hailey posted that the new record of 40K newly registered voters exceeds the prior record when 34,000 young fans registered to vote upon the lead from you know 🎶who🎶.

101 Days to the November election. Time to play Taylor's 'Only the Young' music video again.

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Yes, and Trump and Vance are absolutely humorless. Kamala Harris' exuberant humor and social ease make her opponents seem to lack a human dimension. And with Kamala's ease, genuineness, honesty and especially her free spirit that's on display, she's bridged the generation gap with young voters. The contrast could not be clearer: with the daily, open display of her character and warmth she embodies her beliefs — as do Trump and Vance embody theirs with the warmth of a space rock.

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"Joy is a [wo]man's passage from a lesser to a greater perfection."


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I'm really curious as to what will happen now... I'm still convinced that if the Democrats win the vote, the Supreme Court will declare the election fraudulent (without any proof, but they don't care) and will simply rule that the presidency be handed to Trump. That's what they are planning to do, that's what they are paid to do.

But what if... What if the momentum of Kamala's campaign is so great, and so overwhelming that the corrupt judges won't _dare_ to dismiss the vote? With this kind of enthusiasm, and a fair election saying Kamala won, if they simply dismiss it, won't the American people explode in a collective "what the actual FLYING f*ck did you do there??" If this would be, they will have to choose between letting their wealthy donors down, or risking the wrath of the American people...

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President Biden is still in charge until the oath is given in January to the President Elect. He has the power to stop the court's intervention until then. He has the power to declare martial law if the court tried to illegally declare the orange traitor the winner. And now that the stupid decision has given the President immunity, (which should be struck down with a Constitutional amendment) he has more power than a President should, and can be used in this case to prevent the right wing SCJ from their own personal coup.

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Good to know Biden can overrule a SCOTUS coup, but did they give all presidents immunity, or wasn't it that they give themselves the ability to decide on immunity depending on whether they like the current POTUS?

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Who knows how this ridiculous ruling would be applied by a court that thinks it's duties are to twist the Constitution instead of interpreting the law.

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The latter, James.

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Yes, the latter, James. They hold themselves as the final arbiters as to what immunities a president may have. All the for the right favours and bribes, of course, which - as they themselves ruled, too - may now be limitless.

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Not entirely. The SCOTUS reserved the right for themselves to judge whether a president has immunity in a given case or not. Your can bet your left kidney, and your right, that they would give Trump all the leeway he would want, and they will of course stop anything that Biden wants to try.

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Dutch Mike, even I am not so cynical to believe this, as I'm sure election law lawyers such as Elias and Hasen are anticipating and preparing for all possibilities of malfeasance. There is plenty of other things to worry about -- my biggest fear is an attempt on Harris's life, or on that of her veep choice, or...

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Cynical? Me? As JD Chilcutt said below, the SCOTUS have proved that they have no scruples pushing the christian-nationalist agenda. They threw Roe vs Wade of the window without any repercussions, they have declared themselves the final arbiters of any would-be dictator, plus: they ruled that they can be bribed for infinite amounts of money without having to declare anything. That's BEYOND cynical: that's outright corruption, fascist-regime-style. They have been testing the waters, and found them just fine.

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Ned, I agree that the corruption of several SCOTUS justices knows no bounds. I'm only saying that, to believe your premise is to believe that voting won't matter, as it will be up to them. I still believe we have a functioning, though wobbly, system of justice in the U.S. and that the eventual vote count (damned Electoral College) will stand the stress of appeals (remember, CF45 lost over 60 lawsuits contesting the counts or slates of electors, and only won one small technicality which was benign.) But we shall see -- let's hope I'm right and you're wrong.

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"Ned"? ;)

Well, don't get me wrong, I really _do_ that _I_ am wrong and you are right. I'm just saying that now that Harris runs for president, these problems aren't solved all of a sudden.

And voting still matters, if only to show that it's NOT the majority of American people who stand behind Trump, as he is so fond of imagining. If only just to see him exploding with anger because he absolutely cannot stand losing, whichever game he's playing.

But don't be surprised when it plays out the way I laid it out: as you said, the corruption of several SCOTUS justices knows no bounds, and they are in the majority now. Just as Moscow Mitch McConnell intended... Who knows what prizes their rich donors promised them for doing this.

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Sorry, Dutch!!! Mea culpa.

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Real concern. They have proved that they have no scruples

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My sentiments exactly.

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I think my favorite story of the past several days is Joe Biden calling into a Kamala event to tell her,I’m watching you kid, I love you.” Kamala says right back. “ I love you Joe.” Can you imagine anything like this coming out of the mouth of the malignant narcissist? Watch here https://youtu.be/S167d5GuJ0I?si=hxqZ9ek3-yxRs0Rb

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We have to turn that laughter against Trump. Maybe the Lincoln Project could do a video of Trump's flubs and weird locutions interspersed with videos of Harris laughing as though at him? It would drive him up a wall.

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Can’t Dems do their own video. Love Lincoln Project, but where are our creative types

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I would love to see that!

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What interests me is the speculation for the V.P. candidate. Perhaps leaving that to an open convention would dispel all of the flying scheiße of the Democrats forcing President Biden to retire and rigging things.

My possibilities would include, in order of preference:

Governor Andy Beshear (D-KY)

Former Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ)

Former Representative Ken Buck (R-CO)

Governor Gretchen Witmer (D-MI)

Representative Jared Moskowitz (D-FL)

Former Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY)

Representative Deborah Ross (D-N.C.)

Former Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL)

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No, absolutely hell no to anyone with an r.

Even though I admire their push back against the donvict, their voting record says otherwise. Cheney 93% and Kinzinger 98%.

This needs to be straight Democratic ticket.

I like Beshear.

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Hell no to an R is right.

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And given their voting records, why help Rs gain more credibility for a run at the presidency? Why act as though their voting records aren't so bad that they could be second in line? That would embolden Rs to resist progressive legislation.

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The two "R" possibilities you mention have another task before them: They MUST be the foundation of a new focus in today's RepubliKan party, not to join our party. I had forgotten about Jeff Flake; that would be a good running mate. I don't want either Arizona or Florida to lose a democrat; I believe in both those states, the Governor appoints the successor. If I lived in Kentucky I'd be furious if Beshear were selected.

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Agreed, Beth. But I'm unsure of Bashear -- isn't it better to keep him in Kentucky?

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My point as well, Doug.

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Bipartisanship is always nice. And maybe someday we will have a more muted 2 party system in this Country. We need to be Democratic Party strong. The trump campaign would eat us alive if we had a Republican on the Democratic ticket.

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Josh Shapiro from PA

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THE best candidate is Roy Cooper, governor of NC! However, the lt Gov is a rabid maga who would be acting Governor if Roy left the state to campaign! Roy’s my choice but he won’t leave the state to the Lt Gov who ‘admonishes women who were raped to you ‘should keep your skirt down ‘, or his ‘some people need killing’ comment!

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Gotta think about the future, Louis. I like Cooper, but he's I think 67 years old. In 8 years he's 75, and we are right back to where we were with an older candidate.

Nope -- Mark Kelly is Kamala's age and makes a lot of sense. Shapiro is even younger (but may have trouble with pro-Palestine Arab-Americans. There are others as well. I trust Kamala and her advisors will name someone she can work with and help the ticket.

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I think Roy Cooper is in his late 60s. That means in 8 years he will be an elderly candidate for President. That’s going in the wrong direction.

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With due respect, Ned, let's settle this before the convention, especially given the Dems' previous statements that it will be done by or before August 7, due to Ohio Republicans' shenanigans with official ballots. Let's keep the momentum going and name a veep in the next week or so.

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I disagree. Many people I know outside of this forum believe the Democratic Party tips the scales. This open convention would answer that.

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Ned, first off I'm no fan of the DNC --period. That said, do you think they'd have no say at an open convention? They run the show. What Kamala has done -- since Sunday -- is to raise over a quarter billion dollars for her campaign. That kind of money talks. An open convention will potentially open wounds, while we need to continue uniting. The short list of candidates floated here and elsewhere contains names that most folks would support. Now, who knows? Maybe she chooses a dark horse. But it should ultimately be her choice -- it's her campaign, and her money. Anyway, cheers!

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I stand corrected. The open convention, if it occurred, took place in 1956. As stated before, it was for selecting a vice presidential candidate. With Dixiecrats, urban East-West Coast Democrats, More liberal plains states Democrats, union Democrats in what is now the rust belt, my sense is the divisions were clearer then.

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Roy Cooper

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Laugh and dance.... and work to save America.

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Linda H

You put a big smile on my face this morning! Thank you and thanks to Heather.

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It was … interesting watching James Carville’s temperance warnings in his earliest comments (during Ari Melber’s program yesterday on MSNBC) about the excitement being generated by the Harris entrée into the presidential race - only to later have him offer an almost opposite feelings and optimistic comments after watching and hearing Harris’ statements immediately following her meeting with Netanyahu.

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Watching Kamala deal with Netanyahu is like watching a wise parent helping an immature child recognize that it's time to grow up. As hard as it is to teach an old dog new tricks, I'd be surprised if her message to him didn't hit the mark.

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"Freedom, Justice, and Joy" gives me chills. What a great phrase, Linda!! Perhaps the Dems should use that as a marketing slogan?!

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Is it just me, or do you feel like you can breathe again? Since trump came down the escalator, I have not felt this ability to get air deep into my lungs. That has changed in the past few days.

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I love this comment so much - bring on the joy! So happy to see Kamala's focus on freedom as well.

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As an unmarried childless cat lady, I’m curious why Vance thinks I have no stake in this country. I LIVE HERE!

As always Dr Richardson, thank you for the voice of reason. I still have tears in my cheeks from laughing about how you described JD Vance and the couch. Normally, I’d feel for him as slander is generally wrong. But the unmarried childless cat lady in me is pissed that he dismisses me as unimportant or not invested. I hope he has no plans to go furniture shopping for quite a while, although I’d love to be there to watch the reactions of everyone present in the store…

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Cheers for Kerstin Emhoff and Momala! For co-parents, step-parents, adoptive parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles, siblings, nannies, extended family, blended families, neighbors, teachers, librarians, coaches, pediatricians, policy makers . . . and every person and group that cares for the next generation. And not only a personal next generation. It doesn't just take a village, it takes a nation and a global community. Caring not just for a child but for the world children live in and the planet they live on.

That's what Republican 'pro-life' and 'family values' hypocrites, cynics, and anti science demagogues don't understand.

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Just think of how different you education and even your life would be without that one teacher that influenced you the most. And many of us were fortunate enough to have several that did.

My sister and my daughter both had neighbors that taught them many of life's lessons. Our neighbor passed away several years ago but she was still editing science papers and books until she was in her mid-nineties. She taught my daughter how to paint and how to knit and many other skills.

You're right lin -- it takes a village and the Republicans couldn't care less once the baby is delivered. Look at the overall quality of the schools in most of the red states.

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Saw this quote the other day, I think it’s kind of what you are describing.

The problem with the world is that we draw the circle of our family too small.

Mother Teresa

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I love that! Thanks Chere.

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My best friend is a "godmother" to more than 10 now grown children and is working with a 3rd generation of godchildren,even though she is childless. A woman doesn't have to birth children to have a positive influence on future generations!

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Auntie chiming in here. We've had 3 of our 5 nieces/nephews live with us at some point in their lives, either while going to school in town, or in a housing transition time before starting grad school. We support our sibs with their children as much as we can.

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Correction Pro-fetus not pro-life!

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Correction: pro-controlling other people's lives. Their concern about the fetus is just their phony rationalization for criminalizing healthcare.

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For those who aren’t familiar with the term “Mamala”, it’s an endearing Yiddish slag word for momma. Very sweet…❤️

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Momala is what Kamala Harris' children by marriage call her. Yes, very sweet ...

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Exactly! I never wanted to birth any children and always said if God wants me to have kids, he’ll send them to me. I’ll be damned if he didn’t send 4! I helped raise them and send them on their way into the world.

And, since I served in the military and currently work for this government, how dare he say I don’t have a stake! What an entitled ***hole!

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Diana, I’m an adoptee..My WWII vet mom adopted four children.I worked for state govt.

JD Vance is going down with Cheatolini. Doing all I can to make that happen. GOTV !!!

It surprises some that mom was also pro-choice. When “pro-lifers”tell me I should be grateful I wasn’t aborted….”Same soul,different body”.


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Same here, Dianna! Second marriage gave me 3 grandboys--a surprise and gift I thought I would never have! I absolutely love them and enjoy their personalities. We had quite a role in their early life when things were rocky in their own family. All much better now! I want to live long enough to see them happy and launched!!

JD Vance is projecting onto the country his need to remake a childhood he never had. What he should do is get down on his knees and thank God for his MeeMaw who raised him through the tough times. He also would do well to acknowledge rather than disparage all the women who step into the breach to care for children!! But he is much too young and inexperienced (and too ambitious) to be that aware, or to be in public life and service. He may have an Ivy League degree but he is woefully in need of some real life "seasoning". Hopefully all the "cat women" will rise to the moment and send him back home, pronto!

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I guess no one ever told JD - "Don't f**k with cats."

Also not wise to f**k with witches.

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Right … he never saw that video— how long before Trump starts yelling at him?

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I think along with everything else, Biden's decision and Harris' subsequent momentum has broken some of the grasp Trump had on his party and on the media. He is looking weaker and smaller by the day. I don't think he has the power he previously had. I say this because yelling at Vance other than providing more in fighting looks like a yap rather than a bark.

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Love your cat headdress. Stay strong, with blessings from a cat lady stepmom.


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That was pretty funny! 😄

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Sioux, Vance's "chiIdless cat lady quote" has me really pissed off, too.

I read JD Vance’s “Hillbilly Elegy” pretty soon after it came out, probably just after Trump managed to defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016, and thought it was a good read with some important insights into why anyone might vote for Trump. It also explained to me why Hillary’s “deplorables” comment was such a big political mistake, and why her failure to campaign enough in several crucial states helped make Trump’s 2016 victory possible. I thought at the time that Vance was a pretty smart guy and that I would be curious to read any subsequent books he might write.

Well, that was then, as he has clearly gone over to the dark side, and it remains to be revealed why he has chosen to assist Trump now rather than ambitiously carve out his own political space in what little remains of the old GOP. Perhaps he has understood there will be no political room there for anyone but loyal insiders if Trump is re-elected, so it was better to be brave and throw caution to the wind. It will likely be the biggest mistake he ever made, at least I hope so. That said...

I think Vance’s comment about “a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made” is really offensive and raises a number of issues in need of consideration as we prepare to vote in November. So, a few questions I would ask him if I could:

1. Why does he assume that childless people who have chosen not to bear children (yes, men can be childless, too) are miserable?

2. Does he believe there is an obligation for married couples to have children and that those of us who have decided not to are somehow immoral, selfish, misguided, unchristian or worse?

3. Does he know that some folks, while not wishing to have their own children, in fact dedicate a good part of their time and energy to helping other people’s children, even adopting them (and not necessarily to satisfy some innate parenting urge, but just to help someone in need as an act of simple generosity).

4. Does he know that there is no need to have any sort of religious beliefs in order to be kind to other people, make sacrifices on their behalf and expect nothing in return beyond the simple satisfaction of doing the right thing?

Of course, for people who strongly desire to have their own children, raise a family and make the sacrifices required to do it well so that children have a reasonable chance of developing into sane and happy adults, most societies offer encouragement and thanks, and certainly this is the mainstream through life for most people. But it’s not the only way to live a moral life, and there is much to be said for caring for unwanted children who are not one’s own as an alternative to expecting the state to resolve the problem of parentless children. This is something the first Trump presidency failed at spectacularly as it separated immigrant children from their parents for no good reason whatsoever, and I believe some of these families have still not been reunited 7-8 years later.

I could say more, but this should suffice:

I really have as little need for a lying, flip-flopping, bigoted, criminally ambitious Yale grad with hillbilly cred to be my vice-President as I have for a lying, addled, scamming, racist, misogynistic, hateful, raping, genital-grabbing piece of crap to be my President.

I’m expecting Kamala Harris to bring us a blue landslide in November.

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Let's not get sidetracked on a single issue. It was said now let's move on. Cat lady etc. is a ploy to distract form the real issues such as Project 2025 women's control over their bodies, gun control, climate and Ukraine.

We have the extremely valuable legacy of the Biden Administration to capitalize upon. Go to Simon Rosenberg Substack. He has superb facts on the issues Americans are interested in.

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Barbara, there are lots of important issues and lots of information that needs to be sorted into facts and falsehood by each of us. No one knows how this will end yet, though soon enough we'll all know or think we do. Separating one issue from the rest is not getting "sidetracked". Knowing what sort of jerk Vance is might convince some undecided voters to vote against Trump. And how many undecideds will take the trouble to read Project 2025 or even really read much about it?

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More importantly than Vance being a jerk are the realities of his extreme views on domestic violence, women's rights and his support of Project 2025. This is what we focus on. At the end of the day people didn't care about trump's grab 'em comment in 2016 and people aren't going to care if Vance is a jerk. Democrats get so pious sometimes and frankly it is a turn off.

Single issue campaigning is deadly.

We slam them with Biden's record, Project 2025 and women's rights.

We read Project 2025. We pick a chapter and know highlights. I have and it is terrifying:

Nuclear proliferation

Discontinue NOAA

Go after the media especially public media

Eliminate all federal government employees and install trump people

Move the budget and control of the DOD and DOJ under the President

Mandate secondary school students to take military readiness tests

It is a 920 page manifesto of the dismantling of our Democracy and a blueprint for an Authoritarian government in the United States.

Cat ladies and jerks are cultural stuff.

We need to tell the American people what we are going to do for them. And that is our job as a voter.

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Barbara, excuse me, but why are you wasting your ire on me? Our political views are likely quite similar or we wouldn't be reading HCR's letter. I agree with most of what you have to say, but your tone is angry, aggressive, self righteous and, frankly, obnoxious. And if Joe Biden's accomplishments were sufficient to get him reelected, that might have shown up by now in the polls. He has handed the task of defeating Trump to Kamala Harris for a good reason. I believe Trump's choice of Vance for VP will turn out to be a blunder. It's just an opinion, nothing more, nothing less. Please feel free to ignore it. And give me a break.

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Sir. This isn't ire. We were having a political discussion over the electronic back yard fence. Unfortunately, when the name calling begins the discussion ends.

Take Care


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Excellent points!

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Nation’s Cats Lash Out at J.D. Vance in Million Meow March😂


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I now know why my 🐈🐈‍⬛ were looking a plane tickets...

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I so agree!!

I am an American women . I have had a stake in this country for 78 years...I have been an educator for 48 of those years believing that education is one of our greatest resources.

I'm voting 💙🇺🇸📚💙🇺🇸!!

Let's go get 'um!!

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If you are female, the present republican party thinks you are nothing but a breeder, hoping to breed more little nazis. Anyone who doesn't get pissed off by that mindset is not paying attention!

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We ALL have a stake - you're so right. JD sadly is reaping what he sowed. I've seen so many couch memes that Instagram is showing me only furniture ads now LOL

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OK, that algorithm story is hilarious.

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I, too, am a childless cat lady; married until SCROTUS overturns Obergefell. I am hoping someone with more creativity than I is able to come up with a "safe sex for couches" parody (Randy Rainbow to the pink courtesy telephone, please).

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Vance is just another awful creature dredged up from tRump’s cesspool!

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Hmm I’ll take the plush velvet pink loveseat…

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An American that don't have a real stake in the country is an American who looks at the country the way a flee looks at a dog, and if there's a person in a leadership position in today's Republican party that doesn't fall into that category, they're keeping a really low profile.

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Fair dinkum!

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People like Vance want your tax revenue and productivity, they just don't want you to be able to vote. Never assume they are arguing in good faith or trying to be reasonable.

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Thank you for your comment. I look back in my life to all those unmarried and/or childless men and women who had a positive impact on me. My wife and I have no children. I discovered two years into our marriage that I am not able to have children. We have dogs. Too bad Mr. Trump never had a dog. Sharing your life with a companion animal gives the opportunity of finding your empathy and compassion for others . Especially when it is time to say your final goodbye to a devoted companion animal

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It’s a joyful release of dread right now, and I haven’t felt this kind of joyful momentum since Obama. Trump is looking foolish, like a supervillain caricature as he tosses out his mean, bullying remarks. But in the boxing ring of memes and buzz, our fighters are rising up for Harris. It’s like we’ve found our way off the ropes and are now attacking furiously, joyfully, righteously.

We are not going back. I truly believe that.

And PS - I hope Biden is taking a 10 day course of Paxlovid up front this time, and keeps making a full recovery. If you’re flying in a plane this summer, strongly consider bucking the trend and wearing a good mask.  Here’s photojournalistic proof (from a trip I took last week Philly -> Denver) that the ventilation on planes is terrible:


And PSS - I just signed up to canvas for Harris door to door here in Philly.

Can’t wait. Bringing my daughter.

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Good for you…and her!

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A joyful release from dread. That's exactly what it's like. Their convention looked disgusting, now it looks ridiculous.

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I flew last month, and wore a mask in the airport and on the plane. I'm driving this month (to Los Gatos, CA) to drive up to Oregon with my wife's aunt and uncle as they relocate to Oregon to be closer to her family. Apparently, the "big red truck" (my half ton pickup) is needed to move cat statuary and houseplants.

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We're on schedule for a long-planned genealogy-related trip to Newfoundland in under two weeks. With COVID on the rise, we're masking again more often than before, and we will probably avoid some crowded annual events we normally would attend before we leave. We'll mask on the plane and also in the TSA line (we've read that it can be a source of infection too), and just hope we don't catch the virus before we leave.

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Fingers crossed!

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Answering Mim in her thread, I suggested Representative Moskowitz because he would Senator Vance look silly for his opportunism. Another good V.P. possibility would be former Republican Ken Buck (R-CO) as a unity ticket. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5086100/user-clip-hooray-rep-buck Their respective politics would likely be too difficult for a unity ticket to stand for four years.

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No Republicans. It makes the Democrats look weak as if we can't get good candidates in the Democratic Party. A dangerous move that the Republicans would go crazy on and then VP Kamala's message would be drowned out.

They are Republican because they like Republican policies. We are Democrats because we like Democratic policies. It's nice to get along. But.

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Absolutely spot on.

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Again, no one with an r.

They could have stopped the donvict from being their nominee at the very beginning.

They all have the stench of the donvict.

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The convict is a new one.like it.

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Ken Buck kept his lip zipped the entire time Donald was in office and reliably voted the party line. He waited till he retired before speaking out. Far as I'm concerned that dsqulifies him entirely.

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Lincoln and the Republicans (back when they were the relatively good guys) thought putting Democrat Andrew Johnson on the ticket would bring unity and win the election. That grotesque miscalculation put a racist narcissist in power, ended Reconstruction, and began 100 years of Jim Crow and Black Codes after he pardoned the slaveowners and gave them back "their" land. We ignore history at our country's peril.

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I’ve often wondered what would have happened after the civil war if Lincoln had not been assassinated or if he had had a vp that shared his vision. Maybe we wouldn’t be fighting these same battles today.

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Well, Lincoln was counting on the "better angels of our nature" and intended forgiveness of Confederates after the war - when slaveholders were the opposite of angels. But also, Lincoln regularly evolved his views when he saw practical reality, so I have to believe that when he saw Confederates back in office passing Jim Crow policies and Black Codes, he wouldn't have stood for it. Johnson, on the other hand, was an absolute nightmare, the worst thing that could've happened to the country after the war.

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Cleo, I do the same, as a Great Society kid devoted to Washington and Lee University. Interestingly, that question is raised in the flic, 'Birth of a Nation', implying that many Southerners felt the assassination deprived the South of the best friend she would ever have.

Most Southern families did not own slaves. Most of the rest owned less than ten. Not right by any means. General Joseph Johnston, a pall-bearer for his nemesis (i.e., General Sherman) cried openly when said nemesis presented him with the telegram notifying General Sherman of the murder of our greatest President.


Southerners, the good and decent ones -- and, yes, they existed most assurèdly in the majority -- lived with a balance of dual allegiance: to their states and to the Union. The familial affiliation with the state often and substantially antedated the affiliation with the Union.

For example, General Robert Lee's dilemma was acute: side with a union of seventy years running or his home state (of which he was bred from a founding family) of two hundred, fifty years. General Lee chose wrongly, to be sure. The abolitionists may have placed non-slave-holding families on edge; what they might *have reasonably *viewed as an attack into their homeland may have evoked active allegiance to the Confederacy.

President Lincoln had the wisdom to see all of this. President Lincoln, I believe, had that highest wisdom, compassion, and that highest compassion without malice, charity, to understand that, with forgiveness and conciliation, he could bind up the nation's (NOT nations') wounds.

And, from what I have seen at the Normandy cemeteries and working with the military in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Lincoln was correct. One thing I have learned is how close, in an unintended way, the humbly born sons and daughters in uniform from the South and the MidWest so often are -- these days in parallel patriotism. President Jefferson's yeoman farmers and President Lincoln's free-soilers may differ mostly in their accents.

Unfortunately, President Andrew Johnson (sic or sick), the failed unity candidate, returned to the warped beliefs of the slaveocracy -- the "mudsill" idea evoked by Dr Cox Richardson -- and we know the subsequent history of lost lives, lost livelihoods, and lost possibilities. This puking pedantry on my part has taught me the following things.

1st, I do not have enough to do. 🤭

2nd, I am way too verbose. 🤫

3rd, how a little core information can fill up a twenty-four / seven news cycle; call it the twinkie offense. 😉

4th, Vice President Johnson, President Trump (sic or sick), and Senator Vance (sic and sick) are cut from the same fabric: trying to 'out-élite' the élites from which they see themselves pointedly excluded be they the Knickerbockers, the Ivy League, or the planter scarey-tocrasy. 🤢

So, I remember that opening line from my grade school chapel hymn #557 with some substituted lyrics so people do not freak out:


"Onward Xian Soldiers, marching as to war, with the [banner] of [goodness] going on before. [Democracy] the [republican] Master, leads against [our] foe, forward into [the election], see our voters go! ['Stride toward Freedom' ye Americans], marching [to the polls], with the [Constitution] going on before."

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To 'A.A.' (Alex and Ally 😉),

I now regret putting up thoughts on a V.P. It really does not matter what I think. I was just having some fun. I was merely reporting what other over-employed wonks had said. For me, I am sure the candidate -- once nominated and that, hopefully, being Vice President Harris -- the Party, and the delegates will make what they believe to be the right choice. Whether the choice works, of course, will remain to be seen. Of course, the Party could nominate one *of the New Deal era politicoes featured in this vid., and my one vote would, in a little way, still aid in ushering in a President Harris.


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Excellent point, Alexandra. "We ignore history at our country's peril" indeed.

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Ned, Ken Buck is a monster. He got on the stage for refusing to go a long with the maggot crowd, but he is a pig.

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Honestly, I have seen Mr Buck in limited doses. he is well educated and, I believe, a fare better man than I. To your contention, Mr Buck may have gone along with things, keeping his head down, until a events crossed an invisible and moral necessity mandated him to stand tall.

Former Representative Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin was likely the same way. One can put up with depravity around him or her for so long and then must simply stand tall to preserve his or her soul. That spiritual threshold differs among those who have a spiritual reference, of course; that invisible trip-wire depends upon a multiplicity of factors beyond the scope of this comment and the apprehension of normal (i.e., moral) humankind.

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There has been some talk of a unity ticket. Senator Flake is an incredibly decent man. While a unity ticket is appealing, the political differences would likely create a rupture sometime. My preference leans toward an open convention for the V.P. nominee to dispel the image of the Democratic Party manipulating the process in 2016 and 2020. More importantly, an open nomination process would enable the disparate segments of the coalition skillfully cobbled together by President Biden to understand each other and cohere into a mandate.

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Ned, nope. Let Kamala decide who she can beat work with and who will help her win. And no brokered chaotic convention either -- for more than one reason (see my previous posts) the ticket needs to be filled within a week or so.

Also, a Republican who is a Never Trumper is still a Republican -- the they abhor the man but not his plan.

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No, no, no. Remember 1968. Unity all the way.

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The Democrats need to stay within the party to show their strength. I keep trying to get my voice out there as much as possible that I think VP Harris has to major needs for VP:

1) Someone she trusts and feels comfortable with, who does not see the position as a stepping stone to something higher, but one to support her.

2) Someone whom the country would view as capable to step into the Presidency - military experience (a plus - vs. Vance's correspondent experience), someone who knows people in Congress - who has worked across the aisle, someone with INTEGRITY!

No pick will ever satisfy everyone nationwide, but if you want to go "political", the Midwestern states are important, also. Being from the Midwest, a nominee doesn't need to be FROM the Midwest, but represent Midwest values .

All that said, would some be willing to help me with working to promote Mark Kelly?

I think he would add to the JOY!!

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To repeat ad infinitum: I wish I had not made these comments. Nevertheless you on-target insights earn the dignity of an answer, Ruth.

Violation of Condition #1 (i.e., inadequate vetting) has led to Vice Presidents (nominees) like Senator Andrew Johnson, Governor Palin, Senator Nixon, et too many al.

This first condition is more super-ordinates your second because experience in politics often differentiates the trustworthy from the morally dubious. and defines one's temperament. It is also a harder one to assess. Vice President Truman was widely feared not to be up to the job when he assumed the presidency; he worked out well, by most people's reckoning.

As to going political, sometimes condition-1 is violated out of necessity as in the case of Senator John Kennedy picking Senator Lyndon Johnson as his vice presidential candidate. ln that case, at least (by my thinking), President Johnson actually improved things (e.g., giving President Kennedy a civil rights legacy, advocating for putting a man on the moon when he was V.P., etc., despite the ghastly war in Viêt Nam . . . .).

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Please don't regret your comments. That's what democracy is about - respectful discourse. Thanks for your response.

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Thank you, Ruth, for taking the time to write out a gracious reply. 💖 My regret at my casual spit-balling lay in its being causal for contentious responses to what was intended as fun. 😱 Then, my ego engaged in its parade, I felt duty-bound to defend positions in which I was not too terribly invested. 😳

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No "unity ticket" this time. When Lincoln put Johnson on the ticket in 1864 for that reason, it turned out to be a disaster. We're still living with the negative consequences of Johnson's pardoning of the Confederate rebellion's leaders. No, Harris shouldn't do this.

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That is something that crosses my mind, too.

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Way to go, Doc!

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¡Hear, here! 🖖

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Thanks for that article/CO2 readings!!

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Great article. Thanks for the updated info!

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What if your Covid shots are up to date, do you still need the mask?

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Covid shots will provide a ~50% reduction in cases for the first month but then decline after that (but with more durable protection against severe disease). Very much depends on who is sitting close to you, as 5 hours in a plane next to someone with Covid will be a high risk situation, even if you are up to date you will probably get sick from such prolonged exposure... but a good mask would be your best bet in this sort of situation, reducing your risk of contracting Covid substantially in addition to staying up to date on vaccinations.

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A true civics lesson…

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Absolutely. Organizing should start like, yesterday.

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Being a candidate, Kamala is freed up to speak her mind in ways that Pres Biden was constrained from doing. Most notable was her frosty meeting with Netanyahu on Thursday. She made sure that "Bibi" knew that our national patience was worn thin and it was time for him to bring his battle to an end.

Beneath her joyous exterior is a truly serious candidate with very real goals to achieve.

To my mind, that's an unbeatable combination.

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She hasn't said anything frivolous - makes it easier to laugh with her.

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The hostages stopped being a “priority” long ago. Bibi NEEDS to get a handle on that…get them freed…whatever it takes.

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Thank you, Heather. I’m loving the positive vibes and the momentum so far and how many of the memes are turning attacks on Kamala Harris into humor.

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WOW!!....Did they say how many Former National Security Leaders are there?....I counted down the names: 11 A's and 32 B's...........

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This is wonderful, Mimi! Thanks for posting it!

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Thanks for posting this letter, Mim! Those of us who read HCR know of VP Harris' accomplishments more than others do. Having this letter is a wonderful way to spread the word about her effectiveness when it comes to national security.

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Morning, Lynell! Excellent assessment about using this letter going forward (scampers back to save the document...)

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LOL, morning, Ally! It's a bit long to post on FB, I grant you. Hope to figure it out soon...

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Just share the link, and when people click on it, the 27-page document pops right up.

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Done, Mim!

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I've never read a very long list of names with greater pleasure. (Including the two former Secretaries of State and former Ambassador to Ukraine).

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My mouth is still agape. Thanks Mim. That is an amazing list of endorsers.

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For vibes, Representative Jared Moskowitz (D-FLA) would be great since he is Senator Vance's age and would make him a laughing stock just he did with Representatives Jordan (R-OH) and Comer (R-KY) on the impeachment oversight vendetta against President Biden.


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We don't need to lose a senator. I like the mark Kelley idea but in arizona we might lose his seat. In Arizona the governor doesn't appoint, so no guarantee it would be a Dem. In Florida the governor does appoint so that a no go as well.

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Josh Shapiro, Tim Walz, or Secretary of Transportation Pete B…spot on, eloquent speakers who do not pull punches…those are my choices.

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I understood that the governor would make the appointment and it would be a Democrat.

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Great point. Thanks, Jen.

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We don't need anyone with an r.

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But Representative Moskowitz is a Democrat who would make Senator Vance look like a pretentious ass; he has done so with two of the biggest bullies of the M.A.G.A. movement Representatives Comer and Jordan. Watch the vid. You will see what I mean. In that vid., one can notice Representative Raskin (D-MD) grinning like the Cheshire cat.

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I was laughing at Raskin trying to keep a straight face. I love Moskowitz.

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One video does not make someone qualified as VP or to provide any kind of leadership should they have to step into the presidential role. And, anyone who suggests a person with an R beside their name is smokin' the wrong stuff. Every single one of those people voted in lock-step with trump.

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Frankly, I am not invested in the question; just enjoy spit-balling. My preference is that the convention be open for the nomination of Vice President as did Governor Stevenson in 1952. This gives the segments of the Party a chance to express themselves, cohering the coalition.

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Why not a smart Democrat from a red state?

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"smart Democrat". That's redundant, just like "dumb Republican."

Republicans win by relating to the resentful, fearful and greedy. And these ain't the rocket scientists. Except for maybe Elon Musk who has his own unique set of issues.

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Thank you, Ned. That is a gem of a clip.

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You are welcome, Ma'am. 💖

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Me too!

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I am just having my morning coffee here in Europe and I am a little dazed with feeling less panic in facing the morning news about the US elections. Reading Heather’s piece gives me goosebumps of relief and hope instead of ulcers of dread. To hear of the grassroots reawakening from this distance …it is hard to describe…

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Also in Europe and I feel exactly the same. It’s a nail-biter for sure! But now it feels like the Democrats have regained the initiative against the most perverse and extremist sections of the Republican Party that were imposing their authoritarian, misogynistic views.

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There is hope in the air.

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It is fabulous to hear from people overseas. I think there are hundreds of millions around the world who feel the collective momentum of relief and positive energy. There is so much respect for Joe Biden, his 50 years of service, and the tremendous job he has been doing as president. His choice of Kamala Harris to be VP (and his timing to step aside) turned out to be brilliant! What a joy to see her come out of the gate with such enthusiasm, competence, and compassion. A lot of work to do, but the trajectory is in the correct direction and the darkness we have been experiencing is lifting!!

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Same here in Melbourne, only it's my evening meal, balanced on my knees as I read.

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I share your feelings. The fear has lifted and is replaced with positive energy and hope for the future here in the US.

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It’s been a “WOW” moment here. Read my substack from today. I describe it. I spent Wednesday with Marcel from the Netherlands. He’s here for a jam band camp and to follow I band I’be been documenting. We took him flying in a WWII triner yesterday

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I feel guilty about reveling in Trump’s fear of Kamala. For a second or two. Then I remember he’s a very bad person - and cowardly, too.

And speaking of cowardly, Trump chickening out of the debate will hurt him badly with Independents.

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I will never feel bad about Trump’s fear. After all, he instilled so much of that shit into all of us.

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"bleeding in or on the brain, damage to the inner ear or even psychological trauma." Wasn't that his problem before the shooting?

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LOL - my reaction too! trump has been batshit crazy and evil most of his life so nothing changed after the shooting.

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That is what evil people do. They take full advantage of good people having a moral conscience. Let trump and his cult reap the results of their actions. Don't hate. Just let them drown.

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The GOPutin party continues to be less than useless, it’s the party of distraction and slanderous rhetoric. I applaud the choice of Mr Vance as he clearly exemplifies the shabby nature of this party.

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Anything good is rooted out immediately.

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The firehose of news certainly seems to have shifted to a brighter, happier tone of hope for a better future. Volunteering to help Democrats feels fun instead of doomed!

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Yes, volunteering to help Democrats feels fun, and we also need to push ourselves outside our comfort zone. On today's white women Answer the Call 2024 zoom, Glennon Doyle noted that "our silence will not protect us," if Trump becomes president, we along with our rights and freedoms will be mass cancelled, we need to step up our grassroots work (door-knocking, phone banking, and talking to our friends, family, and neighbors) even if it feels uncomfortable, and keeping focus on our Why will help us persist through the coming 100 days.


The follow up organizing zoom by Women for Kamala Harris (formerly Women for Biden-Harris) is set for Monday at 7 pm ET (originally scheduled for Sunday but is now on Monday due to such high demand). Sign up for Monday here: https://events.democrats.org/event/653900/

How to volunteer, even from home, for Harris for President 2024:


P.S. Sparked by the epic Black Women's zoom for Kamala Harris on Sunday night (the same day as when Biden announced he was endorsing her!), Black men, white women, AAPI, Youths, LGBTQ, and others have followed suit in the 4 days since then. What's up, progressive white men for Kamala Harris?

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Thanks, Ellie! I joined last night's Zoom and watched/listened to the whole thing! Donated, too, twice! But didn't get the word that their Women for Kamala Harris zoom was moved to Monday. Initially, the event was titled White Women for Kamala Harris. It appears they're now dropping the "White" part to make it more inclusive. Good call, IMO.

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White women elected Donald Trump. I'm a white woman and will fight like hell to make sure Kamala wins!

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Wasn’t that the most incredible event you’ve ever been to?? I was so happy! I had already contributed before the event came on. Emily, I thought Glennon explained it beautifully as to white women had to step up to the plate for Black women. Shannon also gave a huge shout-out to the Black women who held a successful event prior to the one we went to. It’s all for sisterhood and solidarity! By the way, as of an hour ago, $8 million was raised for Kamala!! #YESWEKAM

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It was amazing, Marlene. I contributed beforehand, too. But got caught up in the moment, so gave a little more LOL

Absolutely, Marlene, solidarity!

I had already signed up for Red Wine & Blue's zoom meeting with Senator Warren; so I won't be attending their next meeting on Monday.

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Thank you to Kathleen for the info on change from Sunday to Monday!

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Yes, the white part though meant in solidarity I’m sure did not sit well with me.

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Agree, Emily. Interesting to note, the link to donate through the "White Women for Kamala Harris" site did not work very smoothly. So they started posting the Harris Victory Fund. You can do that anytime without joining the Zoom, though the idea of white women supporting Harris I believe has merit.


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Jonathan Capehart just aired a great episode on The Last Word that resolved my discomfort!

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Oh, indeed, I am working out my ideas, but they are certainly all for supporting Harris and for supporting women. What Black Women accomplished last weekend was so profound, I just want to keep elevating them.

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Like Marlene mentioned, one of the speakers, Glennon Doyle, did a great job of explaining how Black women started this phenomenon of Kamala fundraising zooms; live without taken-for-granted white privilege; while most Black women voted for Biden in 2020, majority of white women voted for Trump; and with democracy versus autocracy on the line, we need to step up and tolerate being uncomfortable, but know that we are not alone. Next phase will be the zoom on Monday, July 29, Women for Harris organizing zoom and for women who missed it on 7/25/24.

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What Black Women accomplished last weekend was so profound that I want to keep elevating them.

At the same time you know I’m all in for Women for Harris and the Harris Victory fund. 💙

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Jonathan Capehart on the Last Word just presented a great summary of the rollout Black women started that pulled all the pieces together for me.

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Yes, I have been volunteering for Dems: postcards, contributing money, LTEs, registering voters. In what seems like the blink of an eye, the energy has become electric. Such excitement. And this even before we know the VP pick. Candidates are top flight, so the excitement will get another boost. But we have to remain clear-eyed about what will also become grueling and vicious from the GQP. They will be like cornered beasts. Be ready, be hopeful, and work like hell!

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Oh, you dont have to worry about me!

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The White Dudes for Harris zoom is being organized by the founder of Run For Something, Ross Rocketto:


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I can hardly believe how amazing it's been, Ellie!

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I had received an invite to that zoom meeting from a good friend and ally from Lane County government (she just got selected to an advisory board at our state Police Academy). She is the first person who I received a county email from that listed her pronouns. I had a gig and was not able to join it; I am glad it went well!

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I do not think anyone, not even Biden, had ANY idea just how energized the country would immediately get......It was a veritable tsunami. BAM! Energized, opening up their wallets, and seeing those two as the useless fools they are.

Trump "reiterated that, “it was…a bullet that hit my ear, and hit it hard.” .....I had to laugh! It was "hard" ..but, not super hard, just hard enough so I have to wear a little white diaper as part of my "Son of God" outfit. But, not on the golf course....

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It is surely creepy getting shot at, but leave it to Trump to SO ham it up..

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What’s shocked me is his complete lack of compassion - even fake compassion- towards the family of the dead fireman who DID take a bullet. Neither Trump nor his team mention the poor man.

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They did try to make a hero of the woman killed on Jan 6, but they crapped on the others who died that horrible day

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Well, he did kiss the poor guy’s helmet.

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Big deal.

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For the camera

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My dad took a shot gun pellet in the ear due to a crazy duck hunter shooting towards him. He didn't tell my mom.

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I love that Matt. And I'll bet it hit him "hard" didn't it? /S

I'm surprised there haven't been any Dick Cheney stories about him shooting his "friend."

This from Wikipedia on the incident --

On February 14, 2006, Whittington suffered a non-fatal heart attack and atrial fibrillation due to at least one lead shot lodged in or near his heart.[5] He also had a collapsed lung. Cheney did not speak publicly about the incident until February 15 in an interview with Fox News. Early reports indicated that Cheney and Whittington were friends and that the injuries were minor. Whittington later clarified that he and Cheney were not close friends but acquaintances.[6]

A few years later Cheney jumped the heart transplant list and is still alive and kicking. Imagine if W. had died and Cheney had become President.

Would he have been as bad as Trump?

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Worse in some ways, better in others. Both bad. Very bad.

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He got shot at twice, the second time in the ear, and then got the hell out of there!

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Good point.. Joe, nor any of us had much of a clue how much release peeps would feel with the hand-off to Kamala. Thanks!

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Odd looking bandage, but my grandmother used cut up Depends too.

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I was considering calling it a piece of diaper. Depends!...of course, diapers are for babies...depends are for old folks...tffg is def. an old folk.

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The tidal wave of enthusiasm generated by Vice President Harris's campaign reflects the thinking electorate's desire to participate in a truly historic event comparable to Barack Obama's campaign in 2008. It is beyond satisfying to see her displace Trump from the headlines in the press, leaving him little alternative but to take cheap potshots from the sidelines, exposing his unfitness for the presidency.

Her opening salvo, "Believe me when I tell you that I know Donald Trump's type," has scared him into backing out of debating her for the flimsiest of reasons until after she is nominated (and probably thereafter) because, fittingly, he's a criminal and she's a seasoned prosecutor and he knows how that will end. Here are some thoughts on how she would demolish him:

• To goad Trump into incoherent rage, end her opening statement with an attack by paraphrasing his words back at him: (Speaking to the camera.) “You know when the Republicans send their people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems. They’re bringing crime. (Look Trump in the eye.) They’re rapists, they’re convicted felons, they’re cheats and liars. (Look at the camera.) And some, I assume, are good people. And to you good people, I want to say, You can do better. And, together, we can do better.” (The strategy should be to woo traditional Republicans and never-Trumpers with reasons to join up with Harris to avert the disaster of a second Trump presidency.)

• Blunt his firehose-full-of-lies (‘Gish Gallop’) attacks by refusing to rise to the bait, wasting precious time she can devote to delivering her message. Dismiss his word salad with a wave of the hand and a laugh, saying “No, no, no, no. I’m not going to waste my precious time debunking your latest additions to the 30,000 documented lies you told during your presidency and who knows how many more since you lost the 2020 election by 7 million votes. I’ll leave that to the fact-checkers. What the American people want to know is what a Harris/(insert vice president) Administration will do about...(address the issue raised by the question).“

• When he continues with his firehose approach say: Mimicking Reagan, “There you go again (laugh).” Continue with “What the American people deserve to know is . . .”

• “You say, ‘President Biden is the worst president in the history of the country.’ Tell that to the 15 million unemployed Americans in 2020 who got jobs during the Biden/Harris Administration, more than any other president in history over the same period, resulting in the lowest unemployment rates in 8 decades. Tell that to the X million Americans who obtained affordable health care insurance through the Affordable Care Act, reducing the number of uninsured to an all-time low of 7.2% in 2023. Tell that to the millions of Americans whose salary increases are outpacing inflation. Tell that to the American households who are wealthier and in better financial shape than ever before by almost any measure. Household net worth rose to a record $156.2 trillion at the end of the fourth quarter of 2023, from $131.4 trillion at the end of 2020. Tell that to Americans who witnessed homicides plunge from 6.8 per 100,000 population at the end of your administration to 5.6% during the first 3 years of the Biden/Harris Administration . Honestly, I don’t know what planet you’ve been living on for the past 3 years. You must have been praying to Our Lady of Alternative Facts. (Notice, this is a defense presented as an attack.)

• Hire comedy writers to supply one-liners ridiculing Trump’s lines of attack.

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David Spot on!

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Heavens, yes! Well said, all of it. "Our Lady of Alternative Facts" must be related, somehow, to the order of "The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence".

<bonus points for anyone who saw the Sisters pre-AIDS pandemic>

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Marvelous! I lived in San Francisco when the “Sisters” emerged onto the scene. Thanks.

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Brilliant, thank you!

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Thank you for this! I’m a subscriber to you now!

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Thanks for subscribing!

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Yes -- key support among others from the American Federation of Teachers.

Let's stay with the key role of our teachers. Don't they teach us, above all, human possibility?

By humanities especially, don't they teach that, as we walk in other people’s shoes, see through their eyes, we free ourselves? See beyond fears and abstractions?

Let’s, as the U.S., sponsor a program for older teens learning English in high school and college in Israel, Gaza, the West Bank. They can learn to see “others” in neighboring communities. Personally. As individuals.

The personal? We know standardized testing in the U.S. – across the world – never touches the personal. It builds the opposite: neutered conceits pushing a rationality of the linear, repeat causality, the unit-based categorical. All this serves commerce, moneyed interests, arms supply. Perpetuates nationalism group-think.

The bullying, angry arrogance of Trump, Putin, the Clarence court bid lock the world in “A Sorcerer’s Apprentice” madness. But we can have something more humanly decent. We can start with our schools – with youth who may learn to shed deadly cycles, instead see others as individuals.

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Great post. There has been an incremental slow removal of the embracing of shared human imagination, how it nurtures our souls and embeds empathy. In its place we prioritize number crunching straight A Gradgrinds who may make billions gaming the capitalist system but only at the expense of all that makes our and other species lives worth living.

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You are so right! The other day, I was listening to an audiobook chapter on the caves of Chauvet, where some of earliest known cave art was found (the earliest found is in Indonesia). Cave paintings suggest that art and human imaginative expression have been with us throughout our history and prehistory, and long before the Neolithic revolution. There is a place for quantitative thinking, and there is a place for imagination and artistic expression, and both complement each other (Sumerian tablets are as full of poetry and stories as they are of state, temple and domestic accounts). And that balance is how we thrive as a species.

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I'm a retired school librarian, and I've worked with SO many passionate, dedicated teachers and librarians over the years! I worked very hard to teach kids (and their young teachers!) how to find authoritative information, both in print and online. My greatest joy was working with every single child in my school(s) to help them find a book they loved, going by their interest, not their so-called "reading level" according to some standardized test (I call it "No Child Left Untested" or "No Teacher Left Standing.") As the late teacher astronaut Christa McAuliffe said, "I touch the future; I teach." And so what is happening now? School librarians are being let go all over the country, in every state, and teachers and librarians are vilified and criminalized in the red states----MAGA priorities! This must stop.....

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I am feeling the same kind of hope I felt when Barack Obama came on the scene in 2007.

And I’m actually more hopeful now because I believe Kamala Harris will be a president who dedicates her administration to fighting discrimination of both women and Black people in ways that Barack Obama when he became president chose not to do.

He attempted to govern as a president without focusing on his race. Kamala Harris will not be able to ignore the focus on the fact that she’s a woman and I believe emotionally would never attempt to ignore her gender or her race anyway.

I am also thrilled that her campaign issued a statement today which was titled “response to the 78 year-old criminal candidates appearance on Fox News” or words to that affect. Calling out the fact that Trump is a criminal is music to my ears.

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Did you see the second statement they sent? “Happy World IVF Day to Everyone But JD Vance” and then it called out his extreme abortion positions and vote against protecting IVF. It was tonally perfect- snarky but not preachy or angry. Her comms team is really firing on all cylinders, they clearly have a strategy.

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I did not see that. So, thanks for mentioning it. What I did see was someone highlighting what her team had done on TikTok… taking Donald Trump‘s statement at his rally about her using the “she’s a prosecutor. I’m a felon” line of attack and adding “I approve this message“ to the video. This is a brilliant use of TikTok to snarkily throw Trump’s words back in his face. I hope the Harris campaign continues to do that!

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I think some of the hesitancy you're talking about with President Obama was part of a larger reaction among Democrats, who were constantly in defense mode. They worried about alienating people in the center, or about being called extreme or difficult or bad-faith negotiatiors, so they gave up too much of what their voters actually wanted.

Hopefully we've learned the lesson that capitulation and appeasement does not work. We should be ourselves and have fun with it.

We should honor Biden’s legacy with some fearless results of our own, and be proud of it.

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I think Kamala knows that appeasement doesn’t work when it comes to criminals. Barack wasn’t dealing with an overtly criminal bunch like Trump & Co… although if you look for it you can find criminality and anti-American actions throughout the GOP. I am very happy we have a former prosecutor running for POTUS … a woman who asked Kavanaugh such tough questions during his Senate confirmation that someone wrote she made him cry. (I need to find that video!)

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I was listening to that when waiting in line to get my oil changed at a local drive through place. Saw it later on TV. Freaking masterful cross examination of a hostile witness.

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I didn't watch a video, but I heard it happen live on NPR. It was a beautiful thing.

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Remember that Obama was often prevented from doing what he would have chosen to do.

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I remember Obama being blocked… but I don’t like talking about those events in “victim mode”.

Barack Obama was capable of giving incredibly powerful speeches. I kept waiting for him to use his oratorical skill to take on the racist GOP… and racism overall. The fact that he chose not to do this is I believe one of the greatest failings of his administration. I

I am sick and tired of Democrats acting as if there’s nothing they can do to counter the GOP. As Joe and Kamala have just shown… by making the many millions Trump spent attacking Joe worthless… it’s possible to go on the offense against these people who want to destroy our country.

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I never forget Mitch’s edict.

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I’ll never forget what Mitch did either. And I’ll never forget that Barack never went on the offensive against the GOP’s lie and obstruction based attack strategy… something I write about at the time in The Huffington Post…


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I would like to point out to Mr. Vance that we child-less, and in my case cat-less, cat-persons subsidize parents because we have no little tax deductions scampering around our homes, though many of us are loving, supportive aunts and uncles, or friends, very much involved in the lives of the children we know.

All children are our children. It really does take a village.

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Not to mention voting for school levies for the benefit of EVERYONE'S children.

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Wow! Climb aboard the Harris Express and join the multitude of endorsees. Don't forget to make a donation to your favorite campaign as you swing aboard, or send for postcards to send to voters across the nation. We have an election to win and it's all hand on deck!

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“The US economy is pulling off something historic.”

Thank you, President Biden.

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