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Trump's ongoing legal ordeal is giving him a political flat tire. You can still get down the road for a way as the air leaks out, and you can even ride the rim for a bit, but Trump is slowly transforming into a loser as a candidate.

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For once, I hope you're right John Schmeeckle.

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Schmeeckle! You've become an intelligent observer of the situation!! :-)

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тАЬ... [T]ransforming into a loser as a candidateтАЭ? ... when one begins as a loser, what makes someone think that they are now on the road to becoming a winner? Very few who start out as тАЬlosersтАЭ ... become winners - chump trump ainтАЩt one of them!

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It might be worth thinking through the various things that effective candidates must be seen to do. (This list is probably incomplete.)

1. Raise lots of money.

2. Hold well-attended rallies.

3. Perform well enough in televised debates.

4. TV advertising

5. Extensive nationwide organization with motivated grass-roots supporters.

6. Extend their appeal beyond their base and attract swing voters.

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John, your list is mostly right. But as a long-time political observer, a key to being elected is likeability/personality has had an outsize influence on voters who tend to be ignorant of key issues and policies other than single-issue voters. Ike over Stevenson, Ragean over Carter and Mondale, W over Gore, trump over Hillary. Clinton over Bush and Dole. Obama over McCain and Romney. Each is a good example of personality over their challenger.

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John, I think you may be showing your age by omitting how political advertising and support is targeted at Gen X-ers and millennials.

I'm guessing because I don't know either, but shouldn't advertising on social media be included?

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Absolutely, "TV and internet advertising," and also

"active social media presence"

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Effective candidates need to be seen to have a 50 state strategy and an Electoral College strategy.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton disdained DNC leader Howard Dean's 50 state strategy which had worked so well for Obama. And in her arrogance also tried building bridges in Texas while ignoring mending fences with Black voters in states like Wisconsin. (Although Jill Stein did her share of damage. Although in Wisconsin Stein had a nano second of chagrin and demanded a recount. Of course, vote splitter Stein is back for a 2024 reelect Trump replay.)

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I disagree - it is keeping him front and center, providing fodder to tell lies to his cult, and making them even more loony and devoted. I truly wish the stuff happening in court wee back page news, not front page news.

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I agree with you, Pamela. This is the real deal, not some idiotic episode of reality TV. Trump know hows how to play to the cameras and how to manufacture a cheap sound bite. We all know this. We also all know he's not the helpless victim, tied to railroad tracks all but waiting for the dastardly evil government train to run him over (Whaaa, ha, ha!).

Why the press keeps providing front-page oxygen to this never-ending pablum of theatrics I don't quite understand. Surely they can see they are responsible for keeping Trump top of mind with the public with the daily dose, play-by-play of his scam to avoid responsibility. Although, admittedly, it does feel like watching a slow motion train wreck that one just can't seem to look away from...

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Media: remember CBS CE)O? he might not be good for the country but good for our bottom line.

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Dreadful person that CEO!

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Hope springs eternal but this guy is like an eel.... or a greased pig... or something along those lines. We shall see.

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Indeed. And hopefully before the upcoming November election.

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MSM, main stream media, has made a fortune off insurrectionist Trump. Moreover, they are major corporations that welcome the deregulation and tax reductions. Look carefully at their programming choices and the slanted approach of their on-air people. "How bad will this recession be and does that mean the end of Bidenomics?" Leading their guests. Ever see any programs on how the new programs are going into effect and how it is helping the country?

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"Why the press: Answer: MONEY! Getting oney out of politics should e the Democrats primary objective.

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I can agree that the news media attention gives fodder to strengthen his base, but a viable candidate needs to reach beyond his base, and this legal stuff seems to be getting counter-productive.

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True but I have never worried about people who donтАЩt like him or who are even wishy washy voting for him. MSM press isnтАЩt what they read - itтАЩs what Fox and X etc respond to, mostly with lies. IтАЩm bone weary of how much attention this guy gets. ItтАЩs what got him elected the first time.

We like the coverage because it feeds our hope but it doesnтАЩt do anything to alter the course of events. Less would be better in so many ways.

He should never ever have been a viable candidate. Not ever. The only reason he got the primary and then won is because he worked the press.

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I really don't think Trump planned to win in 2016 -- it was just one big infomercial. Then when elected it just became one big grift.

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true! I will never forget his look of utter shock and dismay after he won. But oh - THE POWER! He sure loves that.

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I remember when he won he had a look of sheer terror. I donтАЩt think he thought he had a chance. Neither did I. Sadly, we were both wrong!

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Pamela, тАЬlike a fiddleтАЭ

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I would like to agree but I will breathe a sigh of relief only if he loses-and then we will be dealing with the repercussions.

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HeтАЩll soon be regretting the day or days that he gave into his lack of better judgement and decided to add POTUS 45 to his resume!!

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A democracy is in critically bad shape if it cannot shape a solution to the problem of a citizen/candidate using base and ludicrous tactics to avoid trial/conviction/sentencing. It is obvious to the meanest intellect that the immunity question as applied to Trump is a farce of the highest order. Trump has tied the country in knots by the double game of avoiding impeachment because his criminality should be handled in the criminal justice system and then claiming that he is exempt from the justice system in its entirety.

The courts are made to look like silly putty to be twisted in any shape TFG desires. We had the small satisfaction of seeing Judge Pan using TrumpтАЩs lawyerтАЩs balls for bookends yesterday. But that is a mere bagatelle. The lawyer undoubtedly was paid a cool sum from TrumpтАЩs fundraising coffers to compensate him for the indignities he suffered. And if Trump тАЬlosesтАЭ as he assuredly will, he has 90 days to appeal to the Supreme Court. 90.

The DOJ can of course appeal for the case to be expedited, but IтАЩd bet on Clarence Thomas recusing himself before IтАЩd lay money down on the Supreme Court rushing to justice.

What a farce. What a clean and neat exposure of the fatal flaws in AmericaтАЩs far overwritten Constitution.

My hope now is for the duplicitous, spineless Nikki Haley to somehow defeat Trump. Even to say that makes me feel like a delusionist, but if she did the Trump Gordian knot would at least be cut. It feels like bargaining to keep a kidney over my liver, but I am so tired of watching TrumpтАЩs antics that any alternative seems palatable. Of course she has promised to pardon him. WhatтАЩs that line about the inmates and the asylum?

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Very well said.

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According to Peter Zeihan, a geopolitical analyst, Trump will lose in 2024 because none of the current polling (way too early anyway) includes the independent voters, who do not do polls, but will determine the outcome of the national election. If independents break 1:1 for both candidates, Biden gets 237 electoral votes to 95 for Trump, with 206 toss-ups. If independents break 2:1 for Biden, Biden gets 338 electoral votes to 64 for Trump, with 136 toss-ups. In the first case, Biden needs only 33 additional electoral votes to reach 270; in the second, he wins by one of the largest landslides in modern history. The Republicans are working feverishly to make this happen with their new talk of banning contraception after banning abortion.....


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That's definitely worth watching. Hamas handed themselves an Anti-US coup, full knowing that the true right Israeli government would hammer the Gazan population, that the government would NOT heed Biden's calls for moderation, reject anything resembling a two-state solution. Remember, behind Biden there is a working foreign affairs team, he didn't make this tight-rope effort himself. I'm hoping Peter Zaihan in this very recent podcast is wearing realistic goggles. Ill stick with Biden, "from afar" mind you, i hope a preponderance of American voters do too.

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Well, that would make it a horse race, but Biden us in much better physical and mental condition than Trump is, and only 3 years older.

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Did he give any reason? Biden has said the main reason he is running again is because Trump is the Republican nominee. If Trump is not the (R) nominee, Biden might drop out, but I tend to doubt it unless there are medical reasons that are not public yet.....

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Cemblast was continuing a tradition of New Year's predictions; he gave ten, without explaining. However, at that level of power, a "prediction" can sometimes be understood as a statement of intent.

It seems to me that Trump only has a chance of winning the election if Biden is his opponent, and Biden only has a chance of winning if Trump is his opponent.

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I agree with you about the candidates, but at present, barring medical emergencies or serious convictions, these two seem to be the ones. If they aren't then as Zeihan says, we'll have a real election on our hands.....

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"Why can't we vote the bastards out? Because we never voted them in in the first place":


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As is BidenтАЩs foreign тАШpolicyтАЩ ordeal. Riding the rim, with two loser candidates.

American Exceptionalism. Twenty-first century style.

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Wrong. Again.

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Tom H. Foreign policy ordeal? You mean тАЬIsraelтАЭ right? ThatтАЩs your hammer?

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It's an interesting contrast. Trump's endless legal challenges hurt him with swing voters but not with his base. Biden's handling of Israel/Gaza is costing him with his base:


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Yes Israel Bibi is a corrupted crimminal and wanna be dictator and Biden played right into his hand costing us taxpayers billions. I am going to have the worst time trying to vote for him. I don't think holding my hose will do the trick.

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Julie, play the hand a little longer. What happens when Biden shuts Israel down? Without Congressional concurrence? Israel no longer is an ally. They are on their own. They have nukes and thereтАЩs nothing to deter the Radical Government from using them, right? Who persuades them its a bad idea? Who?

Then Congress impeached Biden for failing to support Israel kinda like when Trump defunded Ukraine. Is this the appropriate path for The USA?

Then in spite and malice, GOP Congress refuses to fund Ukraines war against Putin. What happens when Ukraine falls? How does China now view the chessboard?

Please find a way to address these questions in a way that assures nothing bad comes from your responses

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Thanks and I forgot to mentioned all of the loss of life of the Palestine. But I always come thru for democrats and then their is the wishy washy climate strategy. But know we would get anything from GOP

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The attack on the Palestinians is on Israel alone. They want them gone completely. Genocide

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U.S. bombs being dropped, just like in Yemen.

Should the ICJ rule in favor of South Africa, our continued support of Israel puts us in the docket as well.


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I agree that what Israel is doing to the Palestinians in Gaza is genocide. And Biden is facing international condemnation for complicity in genocide:


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Israeli Government is directing Israeli actions. Biden is not Israeli government

WhatтАЩs your solution?

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1. Israel faces an existential crisis as soon as the U.S. "aid spigot" gets cut off for whatever reason (including possible American political or economic crisis).

2. Any viable solution must enable Israel to be secure without constant infusions of American aid.

3. This requires peace with IsraelтАЩs neighbors, including Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

4. This requires undoing the Nakba terrorist atrocity and withdrawing to the U.N.-mandated pre-1948 borders.

5. This can only be done in the context of peaceful economic integration throughout the region, for the benefit of all. A lasting peace must be guaranteed individually by each permanent member of the U.N. Security council, and endorsed by IsraelтАЩs neighbors.

6. The recent Hamas atrocities were sparked by provocations (yet again) at the Dome of the Rock. The dream of rebuilding the Temple of Herod must be given up and replaced by the will to rebuild the Temple of Solomon in its correct location.

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John, your solution implies that Israel exists only because America allows it to exist by both funding it to stave off its neighbors, or threatening the neighbors to pledge peace with them. It also presupposes by Israel and Palestine both favor and desire a two state solution. Neither do

How is that a solution?

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Tell Israel the American military aid spigot gets turned off the day following the phone call unless it institutes a ceasefire.

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What does Israel do on day 2?

What do IsraelтАЩs neighbors do to Israel on day 2?

Are you trying to start a larger conflict?

IsnтАЩt Biden working to prevent that?

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Israel. Ukraine. China. Iran. SyriaтАж

One hegemonic hammer. Many fallacious nails.

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I would really enjoy seeing him perp-walked.

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Yes, he is... but it seems his ride on the rim is picking up speed....and each day he┬┤s being revealed as the looser, the cheat.

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I'll share a suspicion:

This whole bogus immunity argument is a ploy to stretch things out (with the risk of souring his followers on him) because he has something unexpected up his sleeve.

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he┬┤s going down!

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Sorry, there is nothing тАЬ slowlyтАЭ about Tramp!

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