Statement of the Loudoun County Democratic Committee

Commemorating the 2nd Anniversary of the Assault on the U.S. Capitol:

Two years on and the mere mention of “January 6th” is still enough to stir the vast majority of Americans to the same sense of outrage as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the Assassination of JFK and the 9/11 terrorist assaults: each one a day that shall live in infamy.

Thousands of armed insurrectionists staged an assault upon our democracy unseen since the Civil War, wounding hundreds of law enforcement officers in an attempt to stop the peaceful transition of Presidential power that is at the core of our American democracy.

As has been outlined in brilliant detail by the January 6th Committee, those who stormed the Capital were whipped into a frenzy through weeks and months of countless Republican elected officials attending “Stop the Steal” rallies touting the “Big Lie” that the presidential election was stolen.

On November 8, 2020, one of the nation’s earliest “Stop the Steal” rallies took place in Loudoun County, in Purcellville, with then-Del. Dave LaRock, a far right-wing, Republican extremist, being joined at the podium by Elmer “Stewart” Rhodes, head of the anti-government Oath Keepers militia. Rhodes has been convicted of seditious conspiracy for his role in organizing the January 6 insurrection. While LaRock attended Trump’s January 6th warmup rally, he apparently lacked the courage of his convictions and didn’t march into the Capitol.

Another headliner at the Nov. 8th rally: Geary Higgins, currently a Republican candidate for Virginia’s 31st State Senate District.

One week later, Loudoun County Sheriff Mike Chapman, a Republican, headlined another Stop the Steal rally in Purcellville.

Multiple prominent Loudoun County Republicans were at the forefront of promoting the “Big Lie” and advocating extreme efforts to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Many of these Republicans will be on the ballot in 2023, running for state and county offices. As the campaigns take shape, we will keep track and let you know who among them played a role when our democracy was in peril in 2020 -2021.

We Democrats must not forget January 6th. We must embrace our sense of revulsion at those who sought to destroy our precious and delicate constitutional democracy. And we must honor all of those – law enforcement officers, members of Congress and all the public servants who risked their life that day to defend our democracy – who are devoted to doing the right things.

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Amen and hallelujah. The 3rd Bloc ( and I will refer to them as Blocheads) are totally unimpressive and boring even after being given a moment in the spotlight by the sycophant media.

Salud, Lynell.


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You have just given me an idea for a Lego project. They market these these sets called "Brickheadz" that use Lego bricks to make figures with large heads and small bodies. There are certain physical attributes to some of the Sedition Caucus that may lend themselves nicely to caricature. I am thinking of the 6 RepubliQans that voted "Present" in a playpen...

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Oh yes, Ally. Wonderful idea. I am just up, so I haven't read an account of exactly what happened except that in keeping with South Carolina tradition, a Rep from that state attacked Hair Gaetz. And voting present is so chicken poop. I like the idea of Blocheads and Brickheadz. We were wondering this am what this group of Blocheads will actually do beside throw feces around.

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I’m not sure what the insurrectionist blocheads will actually do, but I’m pretty sure there first goals are to throw democracy under the bus, put our country in default, eliminate social/safety net programs and cut taxes on the wealthy. Along with their idiotic investigations they have ranted on about incessantly. I love the Lego idea Ally! And we certainly have our work cut out for us over the next 2 years!

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Sedition Caucus says it all. I like it.

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Oh, my goodness, LOL and yes, Ally! How can I help?

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I'm going to chat with my Lego friends today (when they are up). I am thinking either a playpen, or a zoo like setting. All ideas welcome!

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I'd prefer the playpen. Zoos are for animals, which to my mind have higher intelligence!

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The zoo setting gives me opportunities to fling 💩, however.

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Who would go to such a zoo ? (worse thought yet, if called a 'petting zoo'. Ick !) *edit to close parenthesis

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Alt, Thanks! Your idea made me smile, but you need a much larger/bigger game-plan. First, this works for the repugnant “present” six, but we really need to include the 100+ traitors who voted on January 6,2021, to overthrown our government.

Your game is a good start, but let’s come up with a grander scale play. I’m going with the ground game. I intend to continue making calls to both teams. Pushing team Blue to remain focused; team Red, to be held accountable to any/all insane actions—by ME! Also, I will be motivating others to register to vote and become more active. We CAN do this!

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Ally, this is such a creative and fabulous idea. You need to set up your phone to take videos or still pics when the 💩 literally hits the fan! Quite frankly, 20 of the Sedition Caucuss (did that on purpose) should be sharing a playpen or a pig pen, which ever you choose.

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ooo; I like that - "Sedition Caucus". Has a realistic thud to it to match actors.

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I like that too. So excited about your art project. I'm working on a series of squirrels dedicated to protecting us all from bullying autocrats.

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Sounds good to me. Do it!

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Join me! 💙

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I'd love to although I have been working on my own project which involves squirrels brining down autocrats. Maybe we could do some kind of collaboration going forward? Could be fun.

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Blocheads. I love it.

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Blocheads, yes! Morning, Christine!

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Listen to this Lynell. Just read this from Roy Blount Jr

Regarding the Blocheads making a whippin’ boy out of McCarthy…..

“What good is a gavel you have to grovel for?”

Isn’t that the sorry truth?

Their level of self awareness is so minimal. Everything is rationalized by them with mostly imaginary reality created by mis- and disinformation.

Salud, compatriot. I’m appointing Ally as Lego commander.


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It definitely is the sorry truth, Christine.

Good to have Ally at the helm. She will be very effective.

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There is a W VA attendee at the Jan 6 insurrection who spent 3 months in jail who is now running for state office and his supporterrs say to him "thank you" for entering the Capitol that day, a real patriot saving democracy! He was interviewed by Lisa DesJardins of PBS Newshour this week and he has no regrets.

Derrick Evans is his name, an x-State Delegate now announced his bid for US Congressional seat.

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J6 2023 was much like J6 2021 with democracy attacked at its most vulnerable spot: the lawful transfer of power. Like J6 2021, necessary procedural matters were not settled until the early hours of J7. How do you build any kind of speakership on 6 "present" votes on the rubble of 14 failed rounds that may have reduced the House to being ungovernable?

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May have reduced? ? Think with the new rules that is a forgone conclusion.

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I say 'reduced' because I believe there are parliamentarian-approved ways lor 212 united Dems to bring bills to the House Floor needing only 7 to 9 r's. But, I need to research the one (1) such path that has occurred in the last 10 years or consult with Nancy P unless someone in the Community knows the House approved pathway. Updated: My younger Brother says you only need six (6) r's IF one needed a TOTAL tally of 218: Assuming 212 + 6 = 218. Update: i added "House Floor Today" via the Libray of Congress to my email updates diet.

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Very good questions, Bryan.

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God help us. Seriously. This is getting so scary. So many brainless people in this country. They have no idea what a patriot is or what democracy is. Sickening.

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Thanks for sharing. That’s why Dems must engage with the constituency in places like WV. I believe they’ve been sold a bill of goods by both parties when you factor in Senator Manchin’s lack of support for programs that were bringing people up from poverty. WV is a beautiful place, I travel through often on my way to NC. Top to bottom most people are friendly and speak their minds. Poverty is heartbreaking there. It’s about time Republicans to stop using red states as vote markers and start treating people with decency and respect. Voting fixes these sorts of things. Know who and what you’re voting for.

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Agree wholeheartedly Karen. I've been preaching that for years now, to no one who would listen, including the D party. Not just WVa, but all rural and urban areas of Appalachia, then west - or all together, but you have to start somewhere. Appalachia regions encompass many states, including Ohio, Kentucky, etc. So far though, it's just you and me 'talking' and you may know what they say in Appalachia about 'talking' instead of action. *edit in - Among the things those in Appalachia and beyond need to recall or have proven to them via historical facts; The dreadful 'liberals' did not close coal mines; in the case of most of the WVa mines, it was G.W. Bush who approved legislation restricting certain forms of coal that produced acid rain, in response to not 'liberals' and environmentalists, but in response to pleas from several states and our Canada neighbors, who suffered greatly from our acid rain producers. That's just one fact - there's many more, but I'll leave that for our good Doctor.

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Poverty is associated with poor education. Those poorly educated are easier to govern, that's why Reps pander to the poor in places such as Appalachia. I'm not sure what Manchin's angle is, unless he just misleads his constituents to believe he is all for them.

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Joe is beholden to the fossil fuel industry.

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Here, here!

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I heard the Lisa DesJardins interview and was saddened and sickened by the thinking of the man from W VA. I do not understand at all why people (especially from southern states) want to destroy our country. It also shocks me that people like him are given the “bully pulpet.” Derrick Evans should be apologizing not bragging.

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So sad.

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This is pathetic.

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Dear Lord!

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Should be barred from serving in a public office, in my opinion, as a traitor.

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Oh Lord help us!

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How disturbing.

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I call them the Coup Caucus - the Insider Insurrectionists. We know them all by name. And we must work to support any Democrat who runs against them race after race - the next one being 2024.

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By secret ballot the majority of the party voted for the Coup Caucus to be their leaders. And not one of the entire party had the courage nor the will to vote against being ruled by law breaking fascists by voting for a law-abiding, decent man just because he is a Democrat. This cancer is larger and deeper than many are willing to recognize.

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sad to say, this is precisely how i see it. i am truly shocked by this reality.

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how do you know about the secret ballot?

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I researched it. It’s standard procedure for the GOP. Here’s a news article that talks about it for your reading pleasure. https://newjerseymonitor.com/2022/11/15/u-s-house-gop-picks-leadership-team-for-next-congress-mccarthy-scalise-and-emmer/

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Thanks for the link. I thought the 'secret' ballot was something nefarious but it's just 'private' like our votes. Oh, heavens, how could I even think the Republicans would do anything nefarious. Shame on me. :)

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Agree. The current bunch of Republicans in the House, and probably the Senate as well, are like a path of crumbs left by Trump and his fascist influencers. If we Americans, Democrats/Independents/Responsible Republicans - as strange as that sounds these days - thought we had tough fights in 2020 and 2022, it was nothing compared to what is ahead. Trump's MAGA crowd has gotten control of too many state legislatures who have passed anti-democratic voter suppression laws, gerrymandered voting districts, and taken control of too many media outlets to give fair and legal elections a chance. For the Republican Party to support a complete fraud (Santos) just to grab one more place at the table says there is no standard of integrity in that political party. And for the Democrat Party to have been so lax to have failed to vet an opposition candidate demonstrates an equal failure which our democracy cannot tolerate. I once thought state elections should never be subject to outside financial support for any candidate. I've changed my mind. All Americans need to get involved in every election in every state. This past week has shown us how even a corrupt core of 5, who were insider insurrectionists to begin with, can and will hold hostage the government and political will of all of us.

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Rusty-you're not the only person using the term "Coup Caucus"-I've heard it on MSNBC.

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We must vote! Gerrymander and suppress all you like. Math is the same as it ever was. We can out vote them. Vote! (I know, preaching to the choir).

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We must vote them out.

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Lynell, yes, we must support those sacrificial souls who demonstrate respect for our country, our form of self-governance and who work so hard everyday for freedom. May our actions be steady, strong and respectful regarding our laws and language .

It is obvious that power fueled by self-serving ignorance has taken over what once was the Republican Party......it's end is coming but how our great nation will suffer.....as well as those whom we support around the world. Our enemies are smiling.

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Don't forget the genuine nastiness of these people. Their hatred of all of us "others".

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Their definition of “others” is “not ourselves.” “Each other” doesn’t seem related to their definition. An “Us vs. Them” system requires a Them to oppose. Make one up if it doesn’t exist. Cannibalistic, pedophile Marxist Democrats? As for Us, it is a shrinking pool, a puddle soon to contain only Me, Myself, and I.

I wish the self-described evangelical Christians would read the gospels now and then. They seem fixated on the scriptures which celebrate the horrible punishment of people who are not themselves.

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Carol, I fear many of the faithful are listening to others fill them with their opinions and their interpretations of scripture.

Jesus loved everyone. He did not force Himself on anyone. When He spoke to people, or individuals, they experenced the inner knowledge that He knew them to the depth of their souls. Those who choose or chose to listen were free to receive Him or free to reject Him. He doesn't need our money or allegiance....He doesn't need us at all. For those who want to know Him and to receive Him....they are free to do so. One may discover more about Him through reading the Bible but we may also learn

of Him from others.

Actually He loves Republicans and Democrats, and even Independants. He loves people of all colors, shapes and sizes. He loves people from all over the world. He even loves people of other faiths or no faiths. If anyone wants to know Him better, just ask in your heart. You may or may not experience Him in your life immediately but He will come to you, you will see Him....maybe through another person's acts.

When we receive Him and experience His love and forgiveness and encouragement, we often want to emulate that love through some expression of service and sharing and acts of encouragement.

Also choosing to receive Him does not make us "little Jesuses". We still mess up but we can always ask for forgiveness. Look at President Joe Biden and his wife Jill. Look at the way they live, look at their priorities....what do you think? Do they know Jesus?

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You might want to check out the sunrise prayer service that Faithful America held in front of the Capitol yesterday morning. I think you would really find it of interest.

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Got a link Susan ? I'm interested.

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“Self-serving ignorance”...and greed.

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Especially the latter. Proven by their ongoing efforts to make money regardless of the impact on other HUMANS, the land, and the planet, where everyone lives.

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Good luck with your daunting task, I admire your courage and will power to protect our Democracy

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Isn’t it your task also, Fay? Sounds like you are handing it off to others? Who would that be besides We the People?


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Sorry Christine but at 90 with knees that refuse to support me and a lumbar that is as bad as the knees plus living in California, my campaigning days are over. I retired in 2021.

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Fay I’m only 89 with four compression fractures of my lower back. And I’ve just begun to fight! I’m thinking of putting a Battle Hymn of the Republic horn on my walker.

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Keith, I'm starting a Fund Me project to book you and Fay on a luxury cruise, but only if you promise to mount that bullhorn on your walker :-) Loved your comment!

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Keith, Oh! I would so do that! I can hear it now! My mom is 92 and in thank goodness in good health both physically and mentally, but the thought of her walking down the hall in her senior living apartment with so many old racist republicans blasting the Battle Hymn of the Republic from her walker has me laughing so hard! Do it for me! Do it for Mom! Do it for the good of our nation!

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Love this!!!

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Fay Reid and Keith Wheelock, bless both of you. You can be like me (70 this year and paralyzed from the waist down), all I can do is post online and make phone calls to legislators (which I do all day long). I desperately want to be out in the world interacting with others, but that is no longer a possibility. Again, we do what we can do, but it's time to let the younger generation take the lead...and they are doing an amazing job. Wish my own kids had the same fire their mother does.

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We all do what we can, Fay. Just showing up here and rendering support is significant. Good for you and keep it up!

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We all have our ways of fighting. And whatever our age and physical condition, we keep on. I am also retired.(with bad knees and spinal collapse)But all of us vote. One doesn´t have to canvess and walk in the protests to be part of the ongoing support of the good people and try to stop the crazies. Hopefully more and more young people will be angry at the country they have inherited and become involved in putting this poor country of ours back on the right track. I continue to have hope that this will happen. The alternative is despair. I refuse to do that.

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It does seem that many of those who comment here are older - I'm 71- and are part of the choir. One way we can all contribute is to try to engage younger people in dialogues about all of this with the goal of inspiring them to "join" our side, or to become more active in the struggle.

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A while back there was a comment from a much much younger (self-described) commenter…..I was OVERJOYED to see him here…LFAA needs to be shared far and wide to all the cohorts that comprise forward thinking, democracy supporting folks….this includes younger folks….we need torch bearers to carry on when we “oldsters” lag a bit [hmmm….Jackson Browne lyric “I’ll swing that chain ‘til I go down” maybe morphed to “I’ll swing that cane ‘til I go down”….has a nice ring to it.] Never, ever, give up the fight.

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I had knee a replacement last year. But, it didn’t keep me from writing letters and postcards to reluctant voters.

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I have had two knee replacements, and am having treatment for my back. What keeps me from writing postcards or calling voters is the fact that, although I vote (online) in NM., I live in Mexico and have for the last 50 years. Unfortunately, our mail service is horrible, and it would be extremely expensive to send postcards. And maybe have the opposite effect if someone received a postcard from Mexico ??

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It's more than enough to know you are on our side, Fay. Thank you!

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Fay, I enjoyed your post on your newsletter. I don’t know who you are exactly, but I’d love to know more! I’m at present a non-payee, but will in future subscribe if I figure out who you are, lol!

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Fay, I’m only 80 and have no health problems. I wanted to help but do not want to phone or go door to door. I joined Postcards to Voters and have found that to be a very satisfying and helpful way to “put my feet where my mouth is”.

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Kathleen, I did Vote Forward letters and postcards as well in this past election for similar reasons as other commenters (orthopedic etc). I also drove canvassers for door knocking.

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Fay, Thank you for standing up for us for so long. Rest up.

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Thank you Kay for all you have done!

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There are ways to get necessary matters to the House Floor with 212 united Dems & 7 to 9 r's willing to pass a bill for whatever reasons (plural). To Be Updated: My younger brother advises that you only need 218 votes as one way to get a bill to the House Floor assuming you need 218: 212 + 6 r,'s equals 218.

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Morning Lynell! Well, looks like we are "in it" for another term as the anger-filled, hate-mongering Republican big mouths in Congress take over. Let's see what happens. Too bad those that are moderate are having their voices overrun by these folks.

I am only a few miles away from Loudon, and I must say I appreciate what the Democratic Committee is doing there. I hope they continue to post the types of stats and info they put in this missive. It will be interesting to see if it has an effect on how people vote. It should at least make people stop and think. One would hope anyway...

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Hey, and morning, Alexander! Here in Loudoun County, I think you could say we're purple. My little town in particular, if yard signs are any indication! For the 2020 election, we had Biden signs right next door to tfg signs all up and down the roads I travel.

LaRock (the guy who attended the insurrection) is my delegate, and for some years ran unopposed. The last election he had an opponent but still won. So frustrating!

Anyway, I admit it's only recently that I've tried to weigh into our local government, so I welcome any info you can provide. All I know is Democrats hold the State Senate while Republicans hold the House:




Special elections:


Plus: "State Sen. Jennifer McClellan is on track to become the first Black woman to represent Virginia in Congress after she won the Democratic primary Thursday to fill the seat of Democratic Rep. Donald McEachin, who died last month from cancer." That election is February 21, 2023.


I want to focus on Democrats taking the House this year if at all possible!

(Links were provided only if you're interested!)

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Beware of purple Lynell (unless that's an improvement). I considered Ohio as purple for a time; that is until it was too late. The R's finished the job of gerrymandering and snatching the small town, city, and state gov't. BTW, I spent considerable time in your beautiful state, including some time in Loudoun Co., but most of my time was in Fairfax Co. I have relatives all around D.C. in both Va. and Md.

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Here you are, D4N! I could see that when J.D. Vance won in your state; and so sorry for that. Maybe I'm just being simple-minded but it'd be nice if gerrymandering were outlawed. Also, we should eliminate the Electoral College and give Ranked Choice voting a try.

As for Loudoun County, purple is an improvement. I think it gets that way partly due to its proximity to Fairfax County, and also where I am there is a Marc Train commuter line to D.C. that has made Loudoun County more accessible to folks who think left-leaning but want to live in a rural place while having access to their job in D.C. The train is a 50-minute or so ride. I used it when I was working and it was a perfect 50 minutes to not have to drive and get work done at the same time!

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We all need to stand strong and stand together to fight for democracy. It seems the battle is beginning. January 6th was the warning. I pray our DOJ truly has the teeth needed to take some of these traitors in Congress out. We know they were involved and aided their fellow insurrectionists that day. It is unthinkable that Kevin McCarthy just handed them the “keys to the city”.

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Praying with you, Sharon, to give DOJ the strength they need.

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Duck & cover. They did not go away, they did not examine the facts and realize the extreme danger to our way of life in our Democracy. The radical right makes absolutely zero sense. Those with all the billion$ are only thinking of their billion$ and caring nothing for democracy. They have sold their souls to the devil and are trying to do the same with all of our freedoms and our way of life.

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Thank you for this excellent post, Lynell. It is amazing to me that these insurrectionists are actually running for public office. I do hope that you and other Ds in the area can make sure they are not elected. This D will never forget January 6th and as I have said before, I still have a hard time seeing the Capitol Building.

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Morning, Michele! I surely plan to do my part to keep them from being elected.

In the late seventies/early eighties, I would take a cab from my office to the Capitol two to three times a week to cover hearings, usually on the Senate side. I'd be staring out the window during the ride until the cabdriver made that left turn. Suddenly, the entirety of the Capitol came into full view. Sitting in the backseat, I became transfixed, never taking my eyes off of that grand building, giddy as a tourist seeing it for the first time, full of pride to be an American headed to the seat of democracy.

To be sure, there are many statues, buildings, and monuments that grace the city, places that I have admired as I passed them by on my way to my intended destination. But none (including the White House!) have captivated me as that stately building has, and always will, if even only in my memory.

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Morning, Lynell. Yes, it is a grand building, but now hard to look at, at least for me, because of the desecration that those insurrectionists did. I had had a massage that am and my LMT and I were celebrating the election of the two D Senators from Georgia and then I was home, glued to the TV and totally sickened by what I was seeing. I too am on the older side, but we make sure we vote (easy by mail here in Oregon) and donate to pols all over the country.

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There are times when I, too, have a hard time, knowing what these insurrectionists did once inside. But when they screamed "This is our house," as they defecated and waved their flag throughout the halls, I cannot help but want to push back. This is my (yours and mine) House, too.

Anyway, being a nonviolent activist, I can only applaud the plans for a bronze statue of the 16-year-old protester, Barbara Rose Johns, who in 1951 led a strike to protest the deplorable conditions that she and her classmates had to endure at their high school. As one of two contributions by Virginia, her statue will be placed in Statutory Hall at the U.S. Capitol, replacing the one of Robert E. Lee already removed in December 2020.


Sorry to be so lengthy!

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Please no apologies Lynell. Speak on. I identify very closely with your words and feelings as well I think anyway. *edit - As a young man I spent a lot of time in Fairfax Co. as I said another time. I also spent my some years after my birth in Arlington, Va., when Dad was in the USMC during the Korean war. We lived just off base (Henderson Hall).

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Thanks, D4N. It is an honor to be commended by one coming from a military family. When I lived right across the river, first in D.C. and then in Montgomery County, MD, I never spent much time in either Fairfax or Arlington counties; mostly because I always got lost whenever I tried to navigate my way around. These last several years have been in Loudoun County, VA; a further excuse to avoid getting lost!

Anyway, I'm very glad you found a close identity with this post. Thank you, once again.

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Wow! Thanks for the link. Good news!

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Lynell-have you ever seen the photo that I've seen on line?-a rainbow over the Capitol! Here's the WaPo post about it and the image. The article also includes that rainbow over the Washington Monument. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2021/04/12/supernumerary-rainbow-washington-dc/

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Thank you for this, Barbara. I do remember seeing the double rainbow above the Capitol, but it is well worth a rerun today; and, reading the article showing all the different views people captured of it was breathtakingly beautiful!

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“We Democrats must not forget January 6th.” An important communication you have shared, Lynell. But it’s so so disturbing that this is considered a party-line issue and not an American concern.

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To be sure, Irenie.

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