Poverty is associated with poor education. Those poorly educated are easier to govern, that's why Reps pander to the poor in places such as Appalachia. I'm not sure what Manchin's angle is, unless he just misleads his constituents to believe he is all for them.
Poverty is associated with poor education. Those poorly educated are easier to govern, that's why Reps pander to the poor in places such as Appalachia. I'm not sure what Manchin's angle is, unless he just misleads his constituents to believe he is all for them.
Poverty is associated with poor education. Those poorly educated are easier to govern, that's why Reps pander to the poor in places such as Appalachia. I'm not sure what Manchin's angle is, unless he just misleads his constituents to believe he is all for them.
Joe is beholden to the fossil fuel industry.