“What will Republicans say?” Crickets. For they, like Collins, fear for both their political lives and personal safety. trump seems the never ending dystopian nightmare. That he is still a free man is quite remarkable, to me. How can we continue to have faith in a country that has allowed this narcissistic criminal so much leash for so l…
“What will Republicans say?” Crickets. For they, like Collins, fear for both their political lives and personal safety. trump seems the never ending dystopian nightmare. That he is still a free man is quite remarkable, to me. How can we continue to have faith in a country that has allowed this narcissistic criminal so much leash for so long? His legal exposure extends well before he ran for president, not to mention legal exposure during his presidency. Is this simply a case of our inherent difficulty in holding the wealthy accountable under the law?
Every morning I stab my Drump dog toy with thumbtacks hoping that it causes him harm. I'm hoping for a stroke or such, but I'll take anything. Goodness knows the places I stab him will debilitate him greatly. LOL One can hope...
You must be from New Orleans 😉Has me thinking back a few years past, when there was a global wide meditation day. The thinking was that if enough people meditated at the same time we could alter the trajectory of the universe. In keeping with that idea perhaps we could have a national pin sticking day? Whatever it takes, right?
Not from NO, but I'm all for a national sticking day. Just draw a picture of #45, pin it on a bulletin board, and stick away!! The more the merrier and hopefully success.
But, if it were a stroke that took him down, would the Democrats push the case that it was the wrath of God that struck him down for attempting to destroy the nation created for Him? Jesting on a cold Monday.
I wish Garland and the DOJ would do SOMETHING. I heard recently that Garland seems to be awaiting the Committee's resolution on the 1/6 debacle. There is absolutely NO reason for Garland to wait to act.
This is such a clear case of "hiding in plain sight" - only this time it was SPOKEN and recorded and reported. Basically, "Yeah, I did it and I'll do it again. So what?"
Can’t seem to “heart” your statement. Maybe, just maybe, a wide net will be cast to round up TFG and his evil cohorts altogether in one fell swoop from Georgia, New York, and the DOJ. Wishful thinking…
I am of the thinking that the first indictment will come hard, because of the huge blow back but it will happen and then all of the rest will jump in to see who can bring the second indictment. My guess is that the first will be Georgia.
I was ready to see him hung like a horse thief the minute he and his Russian pirates stole the election. I am impatient too. But we vigilente citizens must not use vigilant law because it’s irrational elements can also be applied to us willy-nilly. Much as I want the rape rob and pillage to stop, I want the respectability of USA law with its higher value to really put him and his whole gang out of business forever because then its legitimacy can’t be questioned.
I was ready to see him hung like a horse thief the minute he and his Russian pirates stole the election. I am impatient too. But we vigilente citizens must not use vigilantee law because it’s irrational elements can also be applied to us willy-nilly. Much as I want the rape rob and pillage to stop, I want the respectability of USA law with its higher value to really put him and his whole gang out of business forever because then its legitimacy can’t be questioned. I think they should all be stripped of their US citizenship and packed off to Russia.
From Glenn Kirschner's column, 31 January: "Ultimately, if the Justice Department doesn’t prosecute Trump and he runs for re-election in 2024, we can expect him to talk about his “confirmed innocence” at every rally. Trump will say the DOJ has had no problems with his actions since 2016. He will boast that the DOJ's considered decision not to bring a single criminal charge against him is proof positive that he did absolutely nothing wrong. And if the need ever arises, he may have no qualms about trying it all again."
I like the "Russian pirate" analogy. So apropos of this moment. But, I also believe punishment and penalty must "fit the crime", which in this case is the wholesale blood letting of our nation. The application and appropriation of law must be fair and balanced. But . . . it also must be decisive and harsh when such evil deeds are exercised against an entire nation of people. There was a time in history when such tyrannical thugs would have been hanged. We have become victims of our own efforts to litigate everything to the point of exhaustion and frustration.
"Is this simply a case of our inherent difficulty in holding the wealthy accountable under the law?" Yes, that and more. Senator Collins says she still may support trump in 2024, and he in turn calls her "wacky Susan Collins". The fact that so many congressmen/women are afraid of trump is a sign of the weakness of Congress. Color them Wimp. The longer trump avoids justice, the weaker our country becomes. The world must be wondering, "What ever happened to the leadership of the U.S.?" The answer has to be that most are bought and paid for.
You reminded me of a book written by Ariana Huffington: "Pigs at the tough", about the Corporate feeding of gluttonous politicians. "leader"-ship. Almost totally absent. Collins: She has been mentally vapid for years. Despite the best efforts of many right-minded folk, Trump may get off Scot-free. Sad, is it not!
If trump gets off Scot-free, I'll have absolutely no faith remaining in our government. Even now, I can't help but believe that dem. and repub. slugs are negotiating backroom deals about this and their insider trading deals and any other way to scam the American public.
Well, it took many years for me to become exceptionally cynical and skeptical. What the pols do in front of the camera is their public persona. It is what they do unseen and unheard that determines the fate of our country; and, as careerist politicians.
Holding the wealthy and the government accountable for law. For aren’t We the People the government? TFG has committed his crimes with assistance, often in broad daylight. Americans voted for him knowing the truth before the 2016 election. And in 2020. His accomplices have served time for his misdeeds, yet he continues to avoid prosecution himself. And hasn’t government set him free by vote after impeachments? How surprised can we be? Now, in 2022, will he meet his Waterloo?
Such a twisted and evil person to bring the threat of harm to anyone. I am not sure why the country, especially law enforcement and legal system has allowed this to go on. His rights as a citizen long sense expired. He does not fit in anywhere in the universe of normal, decent, law abiding behavior
That tirade in Conroe, TX amounted to many, many loud screams of "fire" in a crowded theater if one considers that all those cultists in attendance were there on tenterhooks, just waiting to be ignited and unleashed on anyone they choose.
I like that idea. One more demonstration of intent and purpose of the support of the 1/6 Committee. Move forward. I foolishly thought TFG would be arrested by NY right after his term ended. Wrong! Too much talk and time for more crimes. The Impeachment should have started that day, 1/6, the real domestic terrorism that attempted to steal the election. When even repubs were temporarily terrified.
WhiIe I have no doubt there are millions of Americans standing with you in the belief that the loser should be held to account in a court of law, the only hope of that is a rock solid case of evidence comprised of facts and documentation. The Jan. 6 Committee is doing that job now, along with the independent investigations of three jurisdictions, but it will take the A.G. and DOJ to fulfill the mission. We have already seen two separate opportunities presented to the U.S. Congress and a solid block of obstruction lead by McConnell and cowardly or corrupt Republican Congressmen and Senators who chose to turn a blind eye in exchange for campaign funds, the avoidance of threats, and the 'branding' of schoolyard labels. Yes, it seems clear to many of us that his legal exposure was evident before, during, and after his election to the office of potus but he always seemed to have rich and powerful friends who continue to cover for him and bail him out. It is obvious he never saw a rule of law or standard of ethics or morality he considered applicable to him if it got in the way of what he wanted. It will take a morally strong and determined justice system (from investigators, prosecutors, lower and upper courts and SCOTUS justices) to bring the corruption of the loser and his administration to accountability. I wish I could believe that this country has the fortitude and stomach to see it through.
Those "rich and powerful" friends includes a potent swath of the MEDIA. Trump's camp houses a huge population of disloyalists and fascists. Republicans care about our Republic only when it suits their quest for totalitarian power. "Fortitude and stomach" have become casualties among many who sold out country many elections ago.
Money talks and for those with a few, but not enough, scruples, look the other way, pretend it’s business as usual, FEAR. Whatever his MO, TFG has perfected it over a lifetime. But as I asked before, is this the time he meets his Waterloo?
I agree. Bob Woodward wrote in his book "Fear", Trump defined 'power' as fear. I guess with friends like Jeffrey Epstein he didn't need to go far to find "friends" and others who would provide whatever fear Trump couldn't. Too bad his father and monied friends bailed him out so many times. He never learned any of the lessons his previous failures should have taught him.
Jeff, thank you for your comment. By the age of 13 most of us had the emotional and social skills to see through and deal with punks like Trump and Gingrich. The Republicans will not address what Trump is doing as they are benefiting from it. They have nothin to offer so they rely on obstruction and playin off of rage . On the right we have enablers/emboldeners like Susan "oh he's learned his lesson" Collins. And on the left we have hand wringing and "have you no shame" verbal masturbation. And no they have no shame.
No wonder so many of us who see our democracy at risk are feeling scared and helpless.
I think of Sonny Corleone in "Godfather" and his expressing his concern that planting a gun in the restroom for his brother to use kill a crooked cop and other enemies of the family. I don't want my brother to come from that bathroom with nothing but his dick in his hand.
The root of the problem: There are no REAL leaders. I listened to part of Biden's broadcast this morning. He bumbled and stumbled through, even while reading his text. This is shameful; absolutely shameful.
Isn't Biden allowed to have an off day? Compared to TFG, he's doing a MUCH better job. Maybe President Biden has a LOT on his mind. He's had to deal with SO MUCH in ONE year. I for one am incredibly GRATEFUL President Biden is the leader he is, in so many ways. So, while I too may cringe while Biden has the occasional stumble, I'll take him ANY day!
I support his efforts. He has an unimaginable amount of stuff on his plate. He is essentially the torch bearer of the free world for starters. He is one brave man to be willing to tackle all of what we face
Make no mistake, I like Biden and I voted for him. Still, he IS on the world stage as our country's #1 representative. The damage done by and being done by TrumpiNazi will take years to repair, understanding that 100% repair will not take place. His minions are still hard at work trying to dismantle our Republic.
OK - I get it. But, despite ALL of the good President Biden has done, he's getting so little recognition for ALL of the good he has done (pointing to the American press). So, I will defend him because he IS putting in the hours and the work since he started just over a year ago. Yes, there is a LOT of damage to repair and that does take time - and yes, there will be a few bad days.
The press/MEDIA has been wholly unfair to Biden. Much of the media thrives on the daily celebration of Trump. The Democrats should blown their own horn, and make certain that takes place. Trump got away with (thus far) treason. We hear about his assaults every day. Biden should be getting more frontline news.
Since TFG took office and before, with absolutely no credentials or experience, he has been accepted by his base. But staying connected to his party who cringed when he was a candidate? Even with his obvious lies, his performance has kept him connected to voters. But what’s the excuse of an official in Congress who took the oath of office and is better educated than the average Voter?
An excellent question to be put to Cruz and Graham, plus many others. Josh Hawley is a seditionist. Tom Cotton lacks all sense of integrity. The enemy is within. The "Oath" means nothing to them. It is all done for public posturing.
In the current 2 Party setup we do not have much choice, but to support the bumblers because behind Biden, there are a lot of talented, madder than wet hens folks who are in the fight. Looking for a leader is always a dangerous gambit. Look where it has taken the Republican Party. It will take all of us collectively to steer us out of this mess.
Please remember that he has a life long problem with stuttering. I expect that things like being short on sleep or emotional impact can affect that issue.
The particular perfidy of Susan Collins is that she has nothing to fear. Collins' reputation for bipartisanship, independence, and civility is running on fumes, but that is compensated for by the inertia of voters and even of the Bangor Daily News which endorsed Collins. It displays a profound inattention and lack of imagination.
Collins could call her own tune but choses to dance to Trump and McConnell whistling Dixie.
You hit the nail on the head! Both campaigns were awash in money, much from outside of the state and some dark money, which disgusted a lot of people. But Collins rolled in the pork barrels and that was good PR.
I don't have a great sense of humor. And I have trouble with violent fantasies.
Of course, my revenge fantasy is that these Republicans live to 150 - under the conditions they inflict and want to inflict on others. Less than minimum wage in a meat processing plant. Living on a toxic waste site, in barely affordable dumps, and with scum landlords. No Social Security, Medicare, or FoodStamps. No access to any healthcare or social safety net. No heat assistance. etc etc
Oh, and as oppressed minorities subject to police brutality.
Because I don't 'get' funny but I can be really mean.
“What will Republicans say?” Crickets. For they, like Collins, fear for both their political lives and personal safety. trump seems the never ending dystopian nightmare. That he is still a free man is quite remarkable, to me. How can we continue to have faith in a country that has allowed this narcissistic criminal so much leash for so long? His legal exposure extends well before he ran for president, not to mention legal exposure during his presidency. Is this simply a case of our inherent difficulty in holding the wealthy accountable under the law?
Every morning I stab my Drump dog toy with thumbtacks hoping that it causes him harm. I'm hoping for a stroke or such, but I'll take anything. Goodness knows the places I stab him will debilitate him greatly. LOL One can hope...
You must be from New Orleans 😉Has me thinking back a few years past, when there was a global wide meditation day. The thinking was that if enough people meditated at the same time we could alter the trajectory of the universe. In keeping with that idea perhaps we could have a national pin sticking day? Whatever it takes, right?
I'm in!!
Cracked me up!!! 🤣😂
Not from NO, but I'm all for a national sticking day. Just draw a picture of #45, pin it on a bulletin board, and stick away!! The more the merrier and hopefully success.
There are actual trump voodoo dolls. How does one begin to start a national sticking day?
Every day at the light of day.
Christi, try bigger pins....
Keep jabbing!
But, if it were a stroke that took him down, would the Democrats push the case that it was the wrath of God that struck him down for attempting to destroy the nation created for Him? Jesting on a cold Monday.
You have inspired me. I shall join you in your efforts!
I wish Garland and the DOJ would do SOMETHING. I heard recently that Garland seems to be awaiting the Committee's resolution on the 1/6 debacle. There is absolutely NO reason for Garland to wait to act.
Lawrence Tribe says Garland is on it. I trust Lawrence Tribe.
I like Tribe. But, in this instance will not hold my breath.
This is such a clear case of "hiding in plain sight" - only this time it was SPOKEN and recorded and reported. Basically, "Yeah, I did it and I'll do it again. So what?"
And, STILL, he has a massive following.
Yes there is. Perhaps we should trust the line of dominoes in place. You know, the ones not clumsily lined up by Republican democracy killers.
Can’t seem to “heart” your statement. Maybe, just maybe, a wide net will be cast to round up TFG and his evil cohorts altogether in one fell swoop from Georgia, New York, and the DOJ. Wishful thinking…
I am of the thinking that the first indictment will come hard, because of the huge blow back but it will happen and then all of the rest will jump in to see who can bring the second indictment. My guess is that the first will be Georgia.
Lawrence Tribe says Garland is on it. I trust Tribe.
But But ------WHEN??? Good grief! I don't need a law degree to follow this line of illegal bullshit from Trump! What is WITH Garland anyway???
I was ready to see him hung like a horse thief the minute he and his Russian pirates stole the election. I am impatient too. But we vigilente citizens must not use vigilant law because it’s irrational elements can also be applied to us willy-nilly. Much as I want the rape rob and pillage to stop, I want the respectability of USA law with its higher value to really put him and his whole gang out of business forever because then its legitimacy can’t be questioned.
refresh and you can "heart"
Especially if the 1/6 committee rolls into spring or beyond.
That is indeed worrisome. Could play right into the hands of the right wing domestic enemies.
I was ready to see him hung like a horse thief the minute he and his Russian pirates stole the election. I am impatient too. But we vigilente citizens must not use vigilantee law because it’s irrational elements can also be applied to us willy-nilly. Much as I want the rape rob and pillage to stop, I want the respectability of USA law with its higher value to really put him and his whole gang out of business forever because then its legitimacy can’t be questioned. I think they should all be stripped of their US citizenship and packed off to Russia.
From Glenn Kirschner's column, 31 January: "Ultimately, if the Justice Department doesn’t prosecute Trump and he runs for re-election in 2024, we can expect him to talk about his “confirmed innocence” at every rally. Trump will say the DOJ has had no problems with his actions since 2016. He will boast that the DOJ's considered decision not to bring a single criminal charge against him is proof positive that he did absolutely nothing wrong. And if the need ever arises, he may have no qualms about trying it all again."
I like the "Russian pirate" analogy. So apropos of this moment. But, I also believe punishment and penalty must "fit the crime", which in this case is the wholesale blood letting of our nation. The application and appropriation of law must be fair and balanced. But . . . it also must be decisive and harsh when such evil deeds are exercised against an entire nation of people. There was a time in history when such tyrannical thugs would have been hanged. We have become victims of our own efforts to litigate everything to the point of exhaustion and frustration.
"Is this simply a case of our inherent difficulty in holding the wealthy accountable under the law?" Yes, that and more. Senator Collins says she still may support trump in 2024, and he in turn calls her "wacky Susan Collins". The fact that so many congressmen/women are afraid of trump is a sign of the weakness of Congress. Color them Wimp. The longer trump avoids justice, the weaker our country becomes. The world must be wondering, "What ever happened to the leadership of the U.S.?" The answer has to be that most are bought and paid for.
You reminded me of a book written by Ariana Huffington: "Pigs at the tough", about the Corporate feeding of gluttonous politicians. "leader"-ship. Almost totally absent. Collins: She has been mentally vapid for years. Despite the best efforts of many right-minded folk, Trump may get off Scot-free. Sad, is it not!
If trump gets off Scot-free, I'll have absolutely no faith remaining in our government. Even now, I can't help but believe that dem. and repub. slugs are negotiating backroom deals about this and their insider trading deals and any other way to scam the American public.
Well, it took many years for me to become exceptionally cynical and skeptical. What the pols do in front of the camera is their public persona. It is what they do unseen and unheard that determines the fate of our country; and, as careerist politicians.
Meant to write tRough . . . Ho hum. That secretary!! 😈
Substack has gifted us with 3 little dots that open an edit function …
WOW! Thank you! 😊👍👏
Good help is so hard to find... I thought "tough" might have been a very subtle wordplay.
Me, I have fumble fingers and don't always catch the error! LOL!
Holding the wealthy and the government accountable for law. For aren’t We the People the government? TFG has committed his crimes with assistance, often in broad daylight. Americans voted for him knowing the truth before the 2016 election. And in 2020. His accomplices have served time for his misdeeds, yet he continues to avoid prosecution himself. And hasn’t government set him free by vote after impeachments? How surprised can we be? Now, in 2022, will he meet his Waterloo?
My guess is that personal safety is the deciding factor why anyone would go against this mob style boss. Horrifying what money can buy!
Fani Willis has just today asked for security assistance from the FBI based upon that rally. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/georgia-prosecutor-asks-fbi-for-security-help-after-trump-rally-comments/ar-AATktgP?ocid=msedgntp
Such a twisted and evil person to bring the threat of harm to anyone. I am not sure why the country, especially law enforcement and legal system has allowed this to go on. His rights as a citizen long sense expired. He does not fit in anywhere in the universe of normal, decent, law abiding behavior
That tirade in Conroe, TX amounted to many, many loud screams of "fire" in a crowded theater if one considers that all those cultists in attendance were there on tenterhooks, just waiting to be ignited and unleashed on anyone they choose.
You are correct. He has gathered up the tinder, and is the spark. It is a fire that will be difficult to put out
As strange a suggestion as it may seem, what about an executive order to just go ahead and arrest him. Now.
I like that idea. One more demonstration of intent and purpose of the support of the 1/6 Committee. Move forward. I foolishly thought TFG would be arrested by NY right after his term ended. Wrong! Too much talk and time for more crimes. The Impeachment should have started that day, 1/6, the real domestic terrorism that attempted to steal the election. When even repubs were temporarily terrified.
Executive order? Why not? See Ellen's comments above.
Thanks for sharing the link
In this case it is what he is a able to do from a bully pulpit not just the money he is welding from donations.
WhiIe I have no doubt there are millions of Americans standing with you in the belief that the loser should be held to account in a court of law, the only hope of that is a rock solid case of evidence comprised of facts and documentation. The Jan. 6 Committee is doing that job now, along with the independent investigations of three jurisdictions, but it will take the A.G. and DOJ to fulfill the mission. We have already seen two separate opportunities presented to the U.S. Congress and a solid block of obstruction lead by McConnell and cowardly or corrupt Republican Congressmen and Senators who chose to turn a blind eye in exchange for campaign funds, the avoidance of threats, and the 'branding' of schoolyard labels. Yes, it seems clear to many of us that his legal exposure was evident before, during, and after his election to the office of potus but he always seemed to have rich and powerful friends who continue to cover for him and bail him out. It is obvious he never saw a rule of law or standard of ethics or morality he considered applicable to him if it got in the way of what he wanted. It will take a morally strong and determined justice system (from investigators, prosecutors, lower and upper courts and SCOTUS justices) to bring the corruption of the loser and his administration to accountability. I wish I could believe that this country has the fortitude and stomach to see it through.
Those "rich and powerful" friends includes a potent swath of the MEDIA. Trump's camp houses a huge population of disloyalists and fascists. Republicans care about our Republic only when it suits their quest for totalitarian power. "Fortitude and stomach" have become casualties among many who sold out country many elections ago.
Money talks and for those with a few, but not enough, scruples, look the other way, pretend it’s business as usual, FEAR. Whatever his MO, TFG has perfected it over a lifetime. But as I asked before, is this the time he meets his Waterloo?
I agree. Bob Woodward wrote in his book "Fear", Trump defined 'power' as fear. I guess with friends like Jeffrey Epstein he didn't need to go far to find "friends" and others who would provide whatever fear Trump couldn't. Too bad his father and monied friends bailed him out so many times. He never learned any of the lessons his previous failures should have taught him.
Jeff, thank you for your comment. By the age of 13 most of us had the emotional and social skills to see through and deal with punks like Trump and Gingrich. The Republicans will not address what Trump is doing as they are benefiting from it. They have nothin to offer so they rely on obstruction and playin off of rage . On the right we have enablers/emboldeners like Susan "oh he's learned his lesson" Collins. And on the left we have hand wringing and "have you no shame" verbal masturbation. And no they have no shame.
No wonder so many of us who see our democracy at risk are feeling scared and helpless.
I think of Sonny Corleone in "Godfather" and his expressing his concern that planting a gun in the restroom for his brother to use kill a crooked cop and other enemies of the family. I don't want my brother to come from that bathroom with nothing but his dick in his hand.
Yeah that's what it feels like.
The root of the problem: There are no REAL leaders. I listened to part of Biden's broadcast this morning. He bumbled and stumbled through, even while reading his text. This is shameful; absolutely shameful.
Isn't Biden allowed to have an off day? Compared to TFG, he's doing a MUCH better job. Maybe President Biden has a LOT on his mind. He's had to deal with SO MUCH in ONE year. I for one am incredibly GRATEFUL President Biden is the leader he is, in so many ways. So, while I too may cringe while Biden has the occasional stumble, I'll take him ANY day!
I support his efforts. He has an unimaginable amount of stuff on his plate. He is essentially the torch bearer of the free world for starters. He is one brave man to be willing to tackle all of what we face
Make no mistake, I like Biden and I voted for him. Still, he IS on the world stage as our country's #1 representative. The damage done by and being done by TrumpiNazi will take years to repair, understanding that 100% repair will not take place. His minions are still hard at work trying to dismantle our Republic.
OK - I get it. But, despite ALL of the good President Biden has done, he's getting so little recognition for ALL of the good he has done (pointing to the American press). So, I will defend him because he IS putting in the hours and the work since he started just over a year ago. Yes, there is a LOT of damage to repair and that does take time - and yes, there will be a few bad days.
The press/MEDIA has been wholly unfair to Biden. Much of the media thrives on the daily celebration of Trump. The Democrats should blown their own horn, and make certain that takes place. Trump got away with (thus far) treason. We hear about his assaults every day. Biden should be getting more frontline news.
Since TFG took office and before, with absolutely no credentials or experience, he has been accepted by his base. But staying connected to his party who cringed when he was a candidate? Even with his obvious lies, his performance has kept him connected to voters. But what’s the excuse of an official in Congress who took the oath of office and is better educated than the average Voter?
An excellent question to be put to Cruz and Graham, plus many others. Josh Hawley is a seditionist. Tom Cotton lacks all sense of integrity. The enemy is within. The "Oath" means nothing to them. It is all done for public posturing.
In the current 2 Party setup we do not have much choice, but to support the bumblers because behind Biden, there are a lot of talented, madder than wet hens folks who are in the fight. Looking for a leader is always a dangerous gambit. Look where it has taken the Republican Party. It will take all of us collectively to steer us out of this mess.
Please remember that he has a life long problem with stuttering. I expect that things like being short on sleep or emotional impact can affect that issue.
Agree, it is a complete mystery to me.
“Is this simply a case of our inherit difficulty in holding the wealthy accountable under the law?”
Tale as old as time. :’-(
The particular perfidy of Susan Collins is that she has nothing to fear. Collins' reputation for bipartisanship, independence, and civility is running on fumes, but that is compensated for by the inertia of voters and even of the Bangor Daily News which endorsed Collins. It displays a profound inattention and lack of imagination.
Collins could call her own tune but choses to dance to Trump and McConnell whistling Dixie.
I was very surprised at the vote when Collins was re-elected. Although, when you think about all the campaign money she got from McConnell...
You hit the nail on the head! Both campaigns were awash in money, much from outside of the state and some dark money, which disgusted a lot of people. But Collins rolled in the pork barrels and that was good PR.
Maybe Christi McG, down below, can come up with a Susan Collins dog toy she can stab with thumbtacks. 😃
I don't have a great sense of humor. And I have trouble with violent fantasies.
Of course, my revenge fantasy is that these Republicans live to 150 - under the conditions they inflict and want to inflict on others. Less than minimum wage in a meat processing plant. Living on a toxic waste site, in barely affordable dumps, and with scum landlords. No Social Security, Medicare, or FoodStamps. No access to any healthcare or social safety net. No heat assistance. etc etc
Oh, and as oppressed minorities subject to police brutality.
Because I don't 'get' funny but I can be really mean.
Well said.